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PM10 aerosol samples were simultaneously collected at two urban and one urban background sites in Fuzhou city during two sampling campaigns in summer and winter. PM10 mass concentrations and chemical compositions were determined.


Water-soluble inorganic ions (Cl?, NO 3 ? , SO 4 2? , NH 4 + , K+, Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+), carbonaceous species (elemental carbon and organic carbon), and elements (Al, Si, Mg, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Br, and Pb) were detected using ion chromatography, thermal/optical reflectance, and proton-induced X-ray emission methods, respectively.


PM10 mass concentrations, as well as most of the chemical components, were significantly increased from urban background to urban sites, which were due to enhanced anthropogenic activities in urban areas. Elements, carbonaceous species, and most of the ions were more uniformly distributed at different types of sites in winter, whereas secondary ion SO 4 2? , NO 3 ? , and NH 4 + showed more evident urban-background contrast in this season. The chemical mass closure indicated that mineral dust, organic matters, and sulfate were the most abundant components in PM10. The sum of individually measured components accounted for 86.9?C97.7% of the total measured PM10 concentration, and the discrepancy was larger in urban area than in urban background area.


According to the principal component analysis?Cmultivariate linear regression model, mineral dust, secondary inorganic ions, sea salt, and motor vehicle were mainly responsible for the PM10 particles in Fuzhou atmosphere, and contributed 19.9%, 53.3%, 21.3%, and 5.5% of PM10, respectively.  相似文献   

Fine particles (PM2.5) were collected during all four seasons, from April 2001 to February 2002, in Seoul, South Korea, using an annular denuder system. Elemental compositions of ambient PM2.5 were analyzed using the proton-induced X-ray emission method. The greatest contributors (> or = 2%) to the PM2.5 mass were sulfur (S), silicon (Si), chlorine (Cl), aluminum (Al), and iron (Fe) in the spring; S in the summer; and S and Cl in the fall. S, Cl, and Si were the major elements in the winter. S was the most abundant species among the elements, ranging from 5.3 to 7.9%, followed by Si and Cl. From analysis of variance, PM2.5 mass, Al, Si, potassium, calcium, and Fe showed significant seasonal differences during the four seasons (p < 0.001). Enrichment factor (EF) analysis was carried out to identify the sources affecting the aerosol in the Seoul area. On the basis of the mean EF values, elemental S, copper, zinc, and lead may be emitted from anthropogenic sources (EF > 50). Elemental Al, Si, titanium, and Fe may be emitted from crustal sources (EF < 3). Additionally, a correlation analysis was carried out for source identification. The results of the correlation analysis were confirmed by the results of the EF analysis.  相似文献   

The origin of the daily exceedances of 50 μg PM10 m−3 (daily limit value or DLV of the EU air quality directive) and of an arbitrary daily value (DV) 35 μg PM2.5 m−3 recorded in 2001–2003 in 13 regional background stations of the Iberian Peninsula were interpreted. This was carried out by means of back-trajectory analysis, available PM model outputs, satellite data and meteorological maps. This allows the detection of high PM episodes on a regional scale and the study of their seasonal and geographical variability.The number of exceedances of the PM10 DLV ranged in 2001–2003 from 6 to 41 depending on the monitoring site. For the selected PM2.5 DV, the range of daily exceedances was 0–10 in the study period.The majority of the PM10 (>70% in most stations) and PM2.5 (17–55% in most stations) exceedances in regional background monitoring stations are caused by African dust outbreaks. These exceedances were less frequent in winter than in summer due to: (a) the frequent long range transport of dust in the warm seasons over Iberia, (b) the re-suspension associated with convective atmospheric dynamics, and (c) the relative low rainfall favouring re-suspension and high residence time of PM. Moreover, a regional contribution of secondary aerosols derived from the efficient photochemical transformation of gaseous precursors may coincide with African transport in summer.Episodes with lack of advective conditions caused 2–29% and 20–50% of the PM10 and PM2.5 exceedances. These occurred mainly in summer due to poor renovation of air masses, increased convective re-suspension, dispersion of pollutants towards rural areas and regional re-circulation and aging of air masses which result in the proliferation of secondary inorganic species.Long-range transport of PM from continental Europe caused exceedances (9–40% and 18–38% of the PM10 and PM2.5 exceedances, respectively), only in northern Iberia because, as the European air masses evolve towards the south, the pollutants suffer dispersion/dilution. Local exceedances are associated with the advection of the clean Atlantic air masses, which cannot increase PM levels to a great extent without the influence of a local source of PM. The proportion of local exceedances of PM10 and PM2.5 ranged 6–33% and 17–40%, respectively.  相似文献   

Airborne fine particulate matter (PM2.5) has been collected at two sites in the West Midlands conurbation, UK, representing urban background and rural locations. Chemical analyses have been carried out for major anions, trace metals, total OC and EC, and for individual organic marker species including n-alkanes, hopanes, PAHs, organic acids and sterols. Source apportionment has been conducted using both a pragmatic mass closure model and the US EPA chemical mass balance (CMB) model. The pragmatic mass closure model is well able to account for the measured PM2.5 mass in terms of chemical/source components, and the chemical mass balance model has been used to apportion the carbonaceous component of the aerosol. The dominant components of PM2.5 at both sites are secondary inorganic (sulphate and nitrate) and carbonaceous particles. The CMB model shows the latter to arise mainly from road traffic sources, with smaller contributions from vegetative detritus, wood smoke, natural gas, coal, and dust/soil. The CMB model also identifies an important component of the organic aerosol not associated with these primary sources, which correlates very strongly with secondary organic aerosol estimated from the OC/EC ratio. The split between different automotive source types does not relate well to UK emission inventories, and may indicate that CMB source profiles from North American studies and different carbon analysis protocols may lead to erroneous conclusions.  相似文献   

Results concerning the levels and elemental compositions of daily PM10 samples collected at four air quality monitoring sites in Palermo (Italy) are presented. The highest mean value of PM10 concentrations (46 μg m−3, with a peak value of 158 μg m−3) was recorded at the Di Blasi urban station, and the lowest at Boccadifalco station (25 μg m−3), considered as a sub-urban background station. Seventeen elements (Al, As, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sr, U, V, Zn) were measured by ICP-MS. Al and Fe showed the highest concentrations, indicating the significant contribution of soil and resuspended mineral particles to atmospheric PM10. Ba, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, V and Zn had higher concentrations at the three urban sampling sites than at the sub-urban background station. Besides soil-derived particles, an R-mode cluster analysis revealed a group of elements, Mo, Cu, Cr, Sb and Zn, probably related to non-exhaust vehicle emission, and another group, consisting of Ba, As and Ni, which seemed to be associated both with exhaust emissions from road traffic, and other combustion processes such as incinerators or domestic heating plants. The results also suggest that Sb, or the association Sb–Cu–Mo, offers a way of tracing road traffic emissions.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The monthly and spatial variations of atmospheric dustfall (DF) and their elemental components were determined. The DF sampling was performed using...  相似文献   

Emission measurement programmes were carried out at industrial plants in several regions of Germany to determine the fine dust in the waste gases; the PM10, PM2.5 and PM1.0 fractions were sampled using a cascade impactor technique. The installations tested included plants used for: combustion (brown coal, heavy fuel oil, wood), cement production, glass production, asphalt mixing, and processing plants for natural stones and sand, ceramics, metallurgy, chemical production, spray painting, wood processing/chip drying, poultry farming and waste treatment. In addition waste gas samples were taken from small-scale combustion units, like domestic stoves, firing lignite briquettes or wood.In total 303 individual measurement results were obtained during 106 different measurement campaigns. In the study it was found that in more than 70% of the individual emission measurement results from industrial plants and domestic stoves the PM10 portion amounted to more than 90% and the PM2.5 portion between 50% and 90% of the total PM (particulate matter) emission. For thermal industrial processes the PM1.0 portion constituted between 20% and 60% of the total PM emission.Typical particle size distributions for different processes were presented as cumulative frequency distributions and as frequency distributions. The particle size distributions determined for the different plant types show interesting similarities and differences depending on whether the processes are thermal, mechanical, chemical or mixed. Consequently, for the groups of plant investigated, a major finding of this study has been that the particle size distribution is a characteristic of the industrial process. Attempts to correlate particle size distributions of different plants to different gas cleaning technologies did not lead to usable results.  相似文献   

Hong Kong's persistent unhealthy level of fine particulate matter is a current public health challenge, complicated by the city being located in the rapidly industrializing Pearl River Delta Region of China. While the sources of the region's fine particulate matter (PM2.5) are still not well understood, this study provides new source information through ground measurements and statistical analysis of 24 elements associated with particulate matter collected on filters. Field measurements took place over 4 months (October 2002, December 2002, March 2003, and June 2003) at seven sites throughout the Pearl River Delta, with three sites located in Hong Kong and four sites in the neighboring province, Guangdong. The 4-month average element concentrations show significant variation throughout the region, with higher levels of nearly every species seen among the northern Guangdong sites in comparison to Hong Kong. The high correlation (Pearson r>0.8) and similar magnitudes of 11 species (Al, Si, S, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Zn, Br, Rb, and Pb) at three contrasting sites in Hong Kong indicate that sources external to Hong Kong dominate the regional levels of these elements. Further correlative analysis compared Hong Kong against potential source areas in Guangdong Province (Shenzhen, Zhongshan, and Guangzhou). Moderate correlation of sulfur for all pairings of Hong Kong sites with three Guangdong sites in developed areas (average Pearson r of 0.52–0.94) supports the importance of long-distance transport impacting the region as a whole, although local sources also clearly impact observed concentrations. Varying correlative characteristics for zinc when Hong Kong sites are paired with Shenzhen (average r=0.86), Guangzhou (average r=−0.65) and Zhongshan (average r=0.45) points to a source area located south of Guangzhou and locally impacting Zhongshan. The concentration distribution and correlative characteristics of bromide point to sources located within the Pearl River Delta, but the specific location is yet inconclusive. Uniquely poor correlation of eight species (Al, Si, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Rb, and Pb) for the pairing of Hong Kong sites with Guangzhou, in addition to the relatively higher concentrations measured at Guangzhou, indicates a significant regional impact due to land development and industrial activities in the Guangzhou vicinity.  相似文献   

Manganese and other trace elements in urban snow near an expressway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Mn contamination arising from the combustion of MMT (methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl) in unleaded gasoline was assessed using snow collected at different distances 15, 25, 125 and 150 m from an expressway (Montreal, Canada) in February 1993. The snow samples were analyzed by atomic absorption and by neutron activation for total Mn, Mg, Cu, V, Al, Zn, Fe, Na, and Ca concentrations in the soluble (<0.4 microm) and particulate fractions. ANOVA with ranked values was performed to compare element concentrations and soluble/particulate ratios among receptor sites and depths. Principal component analysis was used to describe the spatiotemporal variations of the deposition rates and the influence of meteorological factors. The average concentration of all trace elements, except Mg, Cu, and V, decreased significantly (p<0.05) from receptor sites near the road (15-25 m) to those farther away (125-150 m). The deposition rates of all metals and ions, except Cu, were highly positively correlated (tau = 0.5-0.9) with each other and inversely correlated with snowfalls. Wind frequency showed no correlation with deposition rate. The spatial trend was similar for all these elements making it difficult to distinguish Mn arising from the combustion of MMT from that due to other sources, such as road dust. Only the soluble/particulate ratio calculated for Mn seemed higher than that for the other metals, which might be explained by the particle size of Mn from MMT (0.2-0.4 microm). The present study only indicates a direct contamination of the snow by road activities and substantial deposition of trace elements near the roadway; no clear link can be established between motor vehicle emissions and the concentration of Mn in snow.  相似文献   

Organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) concentrations, associated to PM10 and PM2.5 particle fractions, were concurrently determined during the warm and the cold months of the year (July–September 2011 and February–April 2012, respectively) at two urban sites in the city of Thessaloniki, northern Greece, an urban-traffic site (UT) and an urban-background site (UB). Concentrations at the UT site (11.3?±?5.0 and 8.44?±?4.08 14 μg m?3 for OC10 and OC2.5 vs. 6.56?±?2.14 and 5.29?±?1.54 μg m?3 for EC10 and EC2.5) were among the highest values reported for urban sites in European cities. Significantly lower concentrations were found at the UB site for both carbonaceous species, particularly for EC (6.62?±?4.59 and 5.72?±?4.36 μg m?3 for OC10 and OC2.5 vs. 0.93?±?0.61 and 0.69?±?0.39 μg m?3 for EC10 and EC2.5). Despite that, a negative UT-UB increment was frequently evidenced for OC2.5 and PM2.5 in the cold months possibly indicative of emissions from residential wood burning at the urban-background site. At both sites, cconcentrations of OC fractions were significantly higher in the cold months; on the contrary, EC fractions at the UT site were prominent in the warm season suggesting some influence from maritime emissions in the nearby harbor area. Secondary organic carbon, being estimated using the EC tracer method and seasonally minimum OC/EC ratios, was found to be an appreciable component of particle mass particularly in the cold season. The calculated secondary contributions to OC ranged between 35 and 59 % in the PM10 fraction, with relatively higher values in the PM2.5 fraction (39–61 %). The source origin of carbonaceous species was investigated by means of air parcel back trajectories, satellite fire maps, and concentration roses. A local origin was mainly concluded for OC and EC with limited possibility for long range transport of biomass (agricultural waste) burning aerosol.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of PM10 was studied during summer and winter sampling campaigns conducted at two different urban sites in the city of Thessaloniki, Greece (urban-traffic, UT and urban-industrial, UI). PM10 samples were chemically analysed for minerals (Si, Al, Ca, Mg, Fe, Ti, K), trace elements (Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb, V, Zn, Te, Co, Ni, Se, Sr, As, and Sb), water-soluble ions (Cl?, NO3?, SO42?, Na+, K+, NH4+, Ca2+, Mg2+) and carbonaceous compounds (OC, EC). Spatial variations of atmospheric concentrations showed significantly higher levels of minerals, some trace metals and TC at the UI site, while at the UT site significantly higher levels of elements like Cd, Ba, Sn, Sb and Te were observed. Crustal elements, excepting Ca at the UI site, did not exhibit significant seasonal variations at any site pointing to constant emissions throughout the year. In order to reconstruct the particle mass, the determined components were classified into six classes as follows: mineral matter (MIN), trace elements (TE), organic matter (OM), elemental carbon (EC), sea salt (SS) and secondary inorganic aerosol (SIA). Good correlations with slopes close to 1 were found between chemically determined and gravimetrically measured PM10 masses for both sites. According to the chemical mass closure obtained, the major components of PM10 at both sites were MIN (soil-derived compounds), followed by OM and SIA. The fraction unaccounted for by chemical analysis comprised on average 8% during winter and 15% during summer at the urban-industrial site, while at the urban-traffic site the percentages were 21.5% in winter and 4.8% in summer.  相似文献   


Positive Matrix Factorization analysis of PM2.5 chemical speciation data collected from 2015–2017 at Washington State Department of Ecology’s urban NCore (Beacon Hill) and near-road (10th and Weller) sites found similar PM2.5 sources at both sites. Identified factors were associated with gasoline exhaust, diesel exhaust, aged and fresh sea salt, crustal, nitrate-rich, sulfur-rich, unidentified urban, zinc-rich, residual fuel oil, and wood smoke. Factors associated with vehicle emissions were the highest contributing sources at both sites. Gasoline exhaust emissions comprised 26% and 21% of identified sources at Beacon Hill and 10th and Weller, respectively. Diesel exhaust emissions comprised 29% of identified sources at 10th and Weller but only 3% of identified sources at Beacon Hill. Correlation of the diesel exhaust factor with measured concentrations of black carbon and nitrogen oxides at 10th and Weller suggests a method to predict PM2.5 from diesel exhaust without a full chemical speciation analysis. While most PM2.5 sources exhibit minimal change over time, primary PM2.5 from gasoline emissions is increasing on average 0.18 µg m?3 per year in Seattle.  相似文献   


Covid-19 lockdowns have improved the ambient air quality across the world via reduced air pollutant levels. This article aims to investigate the effect of the partial lockdown on the main ambient air pollutants and their elemental concentrations bound to PM2.5 in Hanoi. In addition to the PM2.5 samples collected at three urban sites in Hanoi, the daily PM2.5, NO2, O3, and SO2 levels were collected from the automatic ambient air quality monitoring station at Nguyen Van Cu street to analyze the pollution level before (March 10th–March 31st) and during the partial lockdown (April 1st–April 22nd) with “current” data obtained in 2020 and “historical” data obtained in 2014, 2016, and 2017. The results showed that NO2, PM2.5, O3, and SO2 concentrations obtained from the automatic ambient air quality monitoring station were reduced by 75.8, 55.9, 21.4, and 60.7%, respectively, compared with historical data. Besides, the concentration of PM2.5 at sampling sites declined by 41.8% during the partial lockdown. Furthermore, there was a drastic negative relationship between the boundary layer height (BLH) and the daily mean PM2.5 in Hanoi. The concentrations of Cd, Se, As, Sr, Ba, Cu, Mn, Pb, K, Zn, Ca, Al, and Mg during the partial lockdown were lower than those before the partial lockdown. The results of enrichment factor (EF) values and principal component analysis (PCA) concluded that trace elements in PM2.5 before the partial lockdown were more affected by industrial activities than those during the partial lockdown.


The dissolution of trace metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ca and Mg) from pulverized fuel ash and steel dust particles in aqueous suspensions was studied as a function of solution pH and aerosol mass loading. The rate of dissolution, the final concentration and the fraction of the metal leached increased with decreasing pH over the range of pH 2.5→ 5. The leaching of aerosol particles is an important source of trace metals in rainwater, and the results of the leaching experiments were found to be consistent with the observations of these metals in urban rainwater. Alkaline materials such as Ca and Mg leached from particles may be important in the electroneutrality balance of rainwater and they could affect the solution pH. The dissolution of metals such as Fe and Mn may provide catalysts which could be important in the aqueous oxidation of SO2, and the leaching of Ca and Mg may have a ‘buffering’ effect in reacting cloud and aerosol droplets.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a study using lichens as biomonitors to investigate the environmental distribution of uranium and other trace elements at selected Kosovo sites. The results suggested that the use of depleted uranium (DU) ammunitions in Kosovo did not cause a diffuse environmental contamination in such a way to have caused a detectable U enrichment in lichens. Also isotopic (235)U/(238)U measurements did not indicate the presence of DU particles in lichens. The present results also provided no indication of intense environmental contamination by the other trace elements analyzed, with the exception of Kosovska Mitrovica, where a diffuse environmental contamination by several heavy elements such as Pb, Zn, As and Cd was found.  相似文献   

Gases and particulate matter predictions from the UCD/CIT air quality model were used in a visibility model to predict source contributions to visual impairment in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV), the southern portion of California's Central Valley, during December 2000 and January 2001. Within the SJV, daytime (0800–1700 PST) light extinction was dominated by scattering associated with airborne particles. Measured daytime particle scattering coefficients were compared to predicted values at approximately 40 locations across the SJV after correction for the increased temperature and decreased relative humidity produced by “smart heaters” placed upstream of nephelometers. Mean fractional bias and mean fractional error were ?0.22 and 0.65, respectively, indicating reasonable agreement between model predictions and measurements. Particulate water, nitrate, organic matter, and ammonium were the major particulate species contributing to light scattering in the SJV. Daytime light extinction in the SJV averaged between December 25, 2000 and January 7, 2001 was mainly associated with animal ammonia sources (28%), diesel engines (18%), catalyst gasoline engines (9%), other anthropogenic sources (9%), and wood smoke (7%) with initial and boundary conditions accounting for 13%. The source apportionment results from this study apply to wintertime conditions when airborne particulate matter concentrations are typically at their annual maximum. Further study would be required to quantify source contributions to light extinction in other seasons.  相似文献   

Cetin B  Yatkin S  Bayram A  Odabasi M 《Chemosphere》2007,69(8):1267-1277
Atmospheric concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and trace elements were measured at two sites (Industrial and Urban) located around the Aliaga industrial region, Izmir, Turkey. Average sigma 36PCB concentrations were 3136+/-824 and 1371+/-642 pg m(-3) for summer and winter periods, respectively in the Industrial site and they were 314+/-129 and 847+/-610 pg m(-3) in the Urban site. The elemental content showed that the PM(10) measured at the Industrial site was dominated by terrestrial elements and trace elements emitted by the iron-steel plants (Fe, Zn and Pb). The elemental profile at the Urban site was typical for Aegean Region that was dominated by terrestrial elements (Ca, Al, Mg) and sea salt (Na). Sources of particle-phase PCBs and trace elements were identified using factor analysis (FA) and were apportioned by chemical mass balance (CMB) model. FA suggested that the steel industry, fuel oil combustion, or the nearby vinyl chloride process in the petrochemical plant, and soil were significant PCB sources. CMB results showed that at the Industrial site, the contribution of steel industry and soil to particle-phase PCBs were 71% and 22%, respectively, while at the Urban site, the contributions were 33% and 49%, respectively. Steel industry was also the dominant contributor for trace elements around the site. Fugacity calculations in air and soil showed that the soil acts as a secondary source to the atmosphere for low molecular weight PCBs especially in summer and as a sink for the higher molecular weight ones.  相似文献   

Levels of total suspended particles, PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 were continuously monitored at an urban kerbside in the Metropolitan area of Barcelona from June 1999 to June 2000. The results show that hourly levels of PM2.5 and PM1 are consistent with the daily cycle of gaseous pollutants emitted by traffic, whereas TSP and PM10 do not follow the same trend, at least in the diurnal period. The PM2.5/PM10 ratio is dependent on the traffic emissions, whereas additional contribution sources for the >10 μm fraction must be taken into account in the diurnal period. Different PM10 and PM2.5 source apportionment techniques were compared. A methodology based on the chemical determination of 83% of both PM10 and PM2.5 masses allowed us to quantify the marine (4% in PM10 and <1% in PM2.5), crustal (26% in PM10 and 8% in PM2.5) and anthropogenic (54% in PM10 and 73% in PM2.5) loads. Peaks of crustal contribution to PM10 (up to 44% of the PM10 mass) were recorded under Saharan air mass intrusions. A different seasonal trend was observed for levels of sulphate and nitrate, probably as a consequence of the different thermodynamic behaviour of these PM species and the higher summer oxidation rate of SO2.  相似文献   

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