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Emission factors (EFs) of pollutants from post-harvest agricultural burning are required for predicting downwind impacts of smoke and inventorying emissions. EFs of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), methoxyphenols (MP), levoglucosan (LG), elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) from wheat and Kentucky bluegrass (KBG) stubble burning were quantified in a US EPA test burn facility. The PAH and MP EFs for combined solid+gas phases are 17±8.2 mg kg−1 and 79±36 mg kg−1, respectively, for wheat and 21±15 mg kg−1 and 35±24 mg kg−1, respectively, for KBG. LG, particulate EC and artifact-corrected OC EFs are 150±130 mg kg−1, 0.35±0.16 g kg−1 and 1.9±1.1 g kg−1, respectively, for wheat and 350±510 mg kg−1, 0.63±0.056 g kg−1 and 6.9±0.85 g kg−1, respectively, for KBG. Positive artifacts associated with OC sampling were evaluated and remedied with a two-filter system. EC and OC accounted for almost two-thirds of PM2.5 mass, while LG accounted for just under 3% of the PM2.5 mass. Since EFs of these pollutants generally decreased with increasing combustion efficiency (CE), identifying and implementing methods of increasing the CEs of burns would help reduce their emissions from agricultural field burning. PAH, OC and EC EFs are comparable to other similar studies reported in literature. MP EFs appear dependent on the stubble type and are lower than the EFs for hard and softwoods reported in literature, possibly due to the lower lignin content in wheat and KBG.  相似文献   

Open crop stubble burning events were observed in and around Patiala city, India. A ground level study was deliberated to analyze the contribution of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and rice (Oriza sativa) crop stubble burning practices on concentration levels of aerosol, SO2 and NO2 in ambient air at five different sites in and around Patiala city covering agricultural, commercial and residential areas. Aerosols were collected on GMF/A and QMF/A (Whatman) sheets for a 24 h period throughout the year in 2007. Simultaneously, sampling of SO2 and NO2 was conducted and results obtained during stubble burning periods were compared to the non-stubble burning periods. Results clearly pointed out a distinct increase in aerosol, SO2 and NO2 levels during the crop stubble burning periods.  相似文献   

Biomass burning is a common agricultural practice, because it allows elimination of postharvesting residues; nevertheless, it involves an inefficient combustion process that generates atmospheric pollutants emission, which has implications on health and climate change. This work focuses on the estimation of emission factors (EFs) of PM2.5, PM10, organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4) of residues from burning alfalfa, barley, beans, cotton, maize, rice, sorghum, and wheat in Mexico. Chemical characteristics of the residues were determined to establish their relationship with EFs, as well as with the modified combustion efficiency (MCE). Essays were carried out in an open combustion chamber with isokinetic sampling, following modified EPA 201-A method. EFs did not present statistical differences among different varieties of the same crop, but were statistically different among different crops, showing that generic values of EFs for all the agricultural residues can introduce significant uncertainties when used for climatic and atmospheric pollutant inventories. EFs of PM2.5 ranged from 1.19 to 11.30 g kg?1, and of PM10 from 1.77 to 21.56 g kg?1. EFs of EC correlated with lignin content, whereas EFs of OC correlated inversely with carbon content. EFs of EC and OC in PM2.5 ranged from 0.15 to 0.41 g kg?1 and from 0.33 to 5.29 g kg?1, respectively, and in PM10, from 0.17 to 0.43 g kg?1 and from 0.54 to 11.06 g kg?1. CO2 represented the largest gaseous emissions volume with 1053.35–1850.82 g kg?1, whereas the lowest was CH4 with 1.61–5.59 g kg?1. CO ranged from 28.85 to 155.71 g kg?1, correlating inversely with carbon content and MCE. EFs were used to calculate emissions from eight agricultural residues burning in the country during 2016, to know the potential mitigation of climatic and atmospheric pollutants, provided this practice was banned.

Implications: The emission factors of particles, short-lived climatic pollutants, and atmospheric pollutants from the crop residues burning of eight agricultural wastes crops, determined in this study using a standardized method, provides better knowledge of the emissions of those species in Latin America and other developing countries, and can be used as inputs in air quality models and climatic studies. The EFs will allow the development of more accurate inventories of aerosols and gaseous pollutants, which will lead to the design of effective mitigation strategies and planning processes for sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   


Open-air burning of agricultural wastes from crops like corn, rice, sorghum, sugar cane, and wheat is common practice in Mexico, which in spite limiting regulations, is the method to eliminate such wastes, to clear the land for further harvesting, to control grasses, weeds, insects, and pests, and to facilitate nutrient absorption. However, this practice generates air pollution and contributes to the greenhouse effect. Burning of straws derived from the said crops was emulated in a controlled combustion chamber, hence determining emission factors for particles, black carbon, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitric oxide throughout the process, which comprised three apparent stages: pre-ignition, flaming, and smoldering. In all cases, maximum particle concentrations were observed during the flaming stage, although the maximum final contributions to the particle emission factors corresponded to the smoldering stage. The comparison between particle size distributions (from laser spectrometer) and black carbon (from an aethalometer) confirmed that finest particles were emitted mainly during the flaming stage. Carbon dioxide emissions were also highest during the flaming stage whereas those of carbon monoxide were highest during the smoldering stage. Comparing the emission factors for each straw type with their chemical analyses (elemental, proximate, and biochemical), some correlations were found between lignin content and particle emissions and either particle emissions or duration of the pre-ignition stage. High ash or lignin containing-straw slowed down the pre-ignition and flaming stages, thus favoring CO oxidation to CO2.


针对农村地区燃煤炉灶设计了污染物排放因子测定系统,通过碳平衡法测定了不同炉灶不同燃料的污染物排放因子,从北京市延庆、怀柔、平谷和房山4个地区农户家中选取12种煤样,选取了北京地区应用广泛的10种土暖气炉和3种蜂窝煤炉分别测定了污染物排放因子数据。测定结果表明:土暖气炉燃烧劣质散煤的PM2.5和SO2的排放因子最高,分别为3.73 g·kg-1(干燃料)和1.78 g·kg-1(干燃料),燃烧优质散煤和煤球时的PM2.5排放因子依次减小,分别为3.33 g·kg-1(干燃料)和2.20 g·kg-1(干燃料)。优质散煤的SO2排放因子最低(0.16 g·kg-1(干燃料)),NOx的排放因子最高(2.99 g·kg-1(干燃料))。当考虑单位有效热量输出时,相对于劣质散煤,燃烧优质散煤和煤球PM2.5、SO2的排放因子有所下降,PM2.5分别减少了12.9%和8.4%,SO2分别减少了91.2%和73.8%,但优质散煤NOx排放因子增加了42.3%。结合调研数据,核算了北京农村地区燃煤污染物排放数据,结果表明,北京农村地区燃煤PM2.5排放总量为1.84万t,占本地污染排放的贡献率为11.2%~16.3%。  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and particles emitted by incense sticks and candles combustion in an experimental room have been monitored on-line and continuously with a high time resolution using a state-of-the-art high sensitivity-proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometer (HS-PTR-MS) and a condensation particle counter (CPC), respectively. The VOC concentration–time profiles, i.e., an increase up to a maximum concentration immediately after the burning period followed by a decrease which returns to the initial concentration levels, were strongly influenced by the ventilation and surface interactions. The obtained kinetic data set allows establishing a qualitative correlation between the elimination rate constants of VOCs and their physicochemical properties such as vapor pressure and molecular weight. The emission of particles increased dramatically during the combustion, up to 9.1(±0.2)?×?104 and 22.0(±0.2)?×?104 part cm?3 for incenses and candles, respectively. The performed kinetic measurements highlight the temporal evolution of the exposure level and reveal the importance of ventilation and deposition to remove the particles in a few hours in indoor environments.  相似文献   

Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) plastic is used to keep piled debris from silvicultural activities—activities associated with development and care of forests—dry to enable efficient disposal by burning. The effects of inclusion of LDPE in this manner on smoke emissions are not well known. In a combustion laboratory experiment, 2-kg mixtures of LDPE and manzanita (Arctostaphylos sp.) wood containing 0, 0.25, and 2.5% LDPE by mass were burned. Gaseous and particulate emissions were sampled in real time during the entire flaming, mixed combustion phase—when the flaming and smoldering phases are present at the same time—and during a portion of the smoldering phase. Analysis of variance was used to test significance of modified combustion efficiency (MCE)—the ratio of concentrations of fire-integrated excess CO2 to CO2 plus CO—and LDPE content on measured individual compounds. MCE ranged between 0.983 and 0.993, indicating that combustion was primarily flaming; MCE was seldom significant as a covariate. Of the 195 compounds identified in the smoke emissions, only the emission factor (EF) of 3M-octane showed an increase with increasing LDPE content. Inclusion of LDPE had an effect on EFs of pyrene and fluoranthene, but no statistical evidence of a linear trend was found. Particulate emission factors showed a marginally significant linear relationship with MCE (0.05 < P-value < 0.10). Based on the results of the current and previous studies and literature reviews, the inclusion of small mass proportions of LDPE in piled silvicultural debris does not appear to change the emissions produced when low-moisture-content wood is burned. In general, combustion of wet piles results in lower MCEs and consequently higher levels of emissions.
Implications:Current air quality regulations permit the use of burning to dispose of silvicultural piles; however, inclusion of low-density polyethyelene (LDPE) plastic in silvicultural piles can result in a designation of the pile as waste. Waste burning is not permitted in many areas, and there is also concern that inclusion of LDPE leads to toxic air emissions.  相似文献   

Potential exposures from ground-level pyrotechnics were assessed by air monitoring and developing emission factors. Total particulate matter, copper and SO2 exposures exceeded occupational health guidelines at two outdoor performances using consumer pyrotechnics. Al, Ba, B, Bi, Mg, Sr, Zn, and aldehyde levels were elevated, but did not pose a health hazard based on occupational standards. Emission factors for total particulate matter, metals, inorganic ions, aldehydes, and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined for seven ground-supported pyrotechnics through air sampling in an airtight room after combustion. Particle generation ranged from 5 to 13% of the combusted mass. Emission factors (g Kg?1) for metals common to pyrotechnics were also high: K, 23–45; Mg, 1–7; Cu, 0.05–7; and Ba, 0.03–6. Pb emission rates of 1.6 and 2.7% of the combusted mass for two devices were noteworthy. A high correlation (r2 ≥ 0.89) between metal concentrations in pyrotechnic compositions and emission factors were noted for Pb, Cr, Mg, Sb, and Bi, whereas low correlations (r2 ≤ 0.1) were observed for Ba, Sr, Fe, and Zn. This may be due to the inherent heterogeneity of multi-effect pyrotechnics. The generation of inorganic nitrogen in both the particulate (NO2?, NO3?) and gaseous (NO, NO2) forms varied widely (<0.1–1000 mg Kg?1). Aldehyde emission factors varied by two orders of magnitude even though the carbon source was carbohydrates and charcoal for all devices: formaldehyde (<7.0–82 mg Kg?1), acetaldehyde (43–210 mg Kg?1), and acrolein (1.9–12 mg Kg?1). Formation of lower molecular weight PAHs such as naphthalene and acenaphthylene were favored, with their emission factors being comparable to that from the combustion of household refuse and agricultural debris. Ba, Sr, Cu, and Pb had emission factors that could produce exposures exceeding occupational exposure guidelines. Sb and unalloyed Mg, which are banned from consumer fireworks in the US, were present in significant amounts.  相似文献   

Typical burnt smell often results from fire accidents or in general from incomplete combustion. Recently, eleven compounds were identified, which are basically responsible for this odour. When analyzing residual materials from different fire accidents, the pattern that means the relative ratios of these compounds among each other varies strongly, although always causing a burnt smelling. Consequently, lab-scale combustion experiments were performed in order to investigate the influence of defined materials from domestic environment on the burnt-smell fingerprints. Furthermore, the occurrence of other polar and higher molecular combustion products was studied. It was found that under good combustion conditions, the burnt smell patterns resulting from the single materials were astonishingly consistent, mostly dominated by methylphenols or naphthalene. No correlation could be found between these ‘fingerprints’ and combustion product groups identified by GC/MS-screenings. LC/MS/MS-measurements especially pointed at the existence of higher molecular weight phenolic and acidic functionalized compounds in the combustion residues.  相似文献   

Candle composition is expected to influence the air pollutants emissions, possibly leading to important differences in the emissions of volatile organic compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. In this regard, the purity of the raw materials and additives used can play a key role. Consequently, in this work emission factors for some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic species, short-chain aldehydes and particulate matter have been determined for container candles constituted by different paraffin waxes burning in a test chamber. It has been found that wax quality strongly influences the air pollutant emissions. These results could be used, at least at a first glance, to foresee the expected pollutant concentration in a given indoor environment with respect to health safety standards, while the test chamber used for performing the reported results could be useful to estimate the emission factors of any other candle in an easy-to-build standardised environment.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation on waste combustion characteristics of a mass burn incinerator is conducted in this study. Three different charging modes, including operator manipulation, periodic feeding, and temperature control, are taken into consideration. The results indicate that the burning characteristics in the combustion chambers are closely related to the operating modes. For the operator manipulation where the wastes are sent into the incinerator in two short periods, the entire temperature distribution of the primary combustion chamber can be partitioned into two parts, thereby yielding waste group combustion. Temperature oscillations in both the primary and secondary combustion chambers are characterized for the periodic feeding. However, because of the shorter charging period and smaller amount of waste, the burning interaction between the two chambers is initially weak and becomes notable in the final stage. When temperature control is performed, the burning oscillation of the primary combustion chamber is further amplified so the combustion interaction is drastic. These exhibitions are mainly caused by the competition between endothermic and exothermic reactions. The instantaneous heat exchange efficiency of the cyclone heat recovery system (CHRS) installed in the incineration system is also evaluated to obtain details of energy recovery behaviors. As a result, the efficiency tends to decrease linearly with increasing temperature of hot flue gas. This arises from the fact that heat loss from the gas to the environment is increased when the temperature of the former is higher, even though the temperature gradient across the cyclone is enlarged.  相似文献   

采用密闭实验箱开展香烟、电子烟的自由燃烧实验,利用Tenax吸附管采集箱内烟气中挥发性有机物(VOCs)样品,采用热解吸—气相色谱/质谱方法测定108种VOCs化合物,定量研究香烟、电子烟自由燃烧烟雾中VOCs的浓度、种类、特征物及排放率,结果表明:(1)香烟自由燃烧烟雾108种VOCs中臭氧前体物(PAMs)、空气毒...  相似文献   

Burning of agricultural waste residue is a common method of disposal when preparing land following crop harvest. This practice introduces volatile organic compounds, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), into the atmosphere. This study examines the particle size distribution in the smoke emissions of two common agricultural waste residues (biofuels) in California, almond prunings and rice straw. The residues were burned in a combustion chamber designed specifically for this purpose, and the smoke emissions were collected on 10-stage MOUDI impactors for analysis of PAH and total particle mass. The results, in units of emission factors, show that combustion temperature is an important factor in determining the smoke particle PAH composition. Total PAH emissions from rice straw burns were 18.6 mg kg−1 of fuel, while the emissions from almond prunings were lower at 8.03 mg kg−1. The less volatile five- and six-ring PAH was predominately on smaller particles where it condensed in the early stages of combustion while the more volatile three- and four-ring PAH formed on larger particles as the smoke cooled.  相似文献   

This report includes atomic absorption data from water column, elutriates and zooplankton that demonstrate that lead biomagnifies at El Niágara reservoir, Mexico. Results include field data (bioaccumulation factors) (BAFs) and laboratory data (bioconcentration factors) (BCFs). Two findings: high BAFs for invertebrate predator like Acanthocyclops robustus, Asplanchna brightwellii, Culex sp. larvae, and Hyalella azteca, compared to grazer species Moina micrura and Simocephalus vetulus; low BCF’s found for some predators, suggested that lead biomagnifications were taking place. The presence of Moina micrura in the gut of Asplanchna allowed us to design experiments where A. brightwellii was fed lead-exposed M. micrura neonates. The BAF of Asplanchna was 123,684, BCF was 490. Asplanchna individuals fed exposed Moina had 13.31 times more lead than Asplanchna individuals just exposed 48-h to lead, confirming that lead biomagnification occurs. Results of two fish species showed no lead biomagnification, suggesting that lead biomagnification might be restricted to invertebrate predators.  相似文献   


The exhaust emissions of 17 polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) were investigated in two spark-ignition light-duty vehicles, one gasohol-fueled and a flexible-fuel one fueled with hydrated ethanol. Gasohol is a mixture of gasoline and 22% ethanol. The influence of fuel type and quality, lubricant oil type, and use of fuel additives on the formation of these compounds was tested using standardized U.S. Federal Test Procedure (FTP)-75 cycle tests. The sampling of the PCDD/Fs followed the recommendations of a modified U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 23 (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/emc/promgate/m-23.pdf) and the analysis basically followed the U.S. EPA Method 8290 (http://www.epa.gov/osw/hazard/testmethods/sw846/pdfs/8290a.pdf). Results showed that emission factors of PCDD/Fs for the gasohol vehicle varied from undetected to 0.068 pg international toxic equivalency (I-TEQ) km?1 (average of 0.0294 pg I-TEQ km?1), whereas in the ethanol vehicle they varied from 0.004 to 0.157 pg (I-TEQ) km?1 (average of 0.031 pg I-TEQ km?1). In the gasohol-powered vehicle, the use of fuel additive diminished the emission of Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) significantly, whereas in the ethanol vehicle no significant associations were observed between the investigated variables and the emissions.

IMPLICATIONS The objective of this work was to analyze differences in emissions from a traditional fossil fuel (gasoline) and an alternative renewable fuel (ethanol from sugarcane), and the influence of fuel additives and lubricant oils on the formation of chlorinated dioxins and furans in spark-ignition light-duty gasohol and ethanol vehicles. Renewable fuels are very important in terms of climate change but the risk to the population's health must not increase. Thus the results of this work could help in the development of environmental impact studies as well as orienting policy-makers in formulating strategies for air pollution control.  相似文献   

The development of local, accurate emission factors is very important for the estimation of reliable national emissions and air quality management. For that, this study is performed for pollutants released to the atmosphere with source-specific emission tests from the semiconductor manufacturing industry. The semiconductor manufacturing industry is one of the major sources of air toxics or hazardous air pollutants (HAPs); thus, understanding the emission characteristics of the emission source is a very important factor in the development of a control strategy. However, in Korea, there is a general lack of information available on air emissions from the semiconductor industry. The major emission sources of air toxics examined from the semiconductor manufacturing industry were wet chemical stations, coating applications, gaseous operations, photolithography, and miscellaneous devices in the wafer fabrication and semiconductor packaging processes. In this study, analyses of emission characteristics, and the estimations of emission data and factors for air toxics, such as acids, bases, heavy metals, and volatile organic compounds from the semiconductor manufacturing process have been performed. The concentration of hydrogen chloride from the packaging process was the highest among all of the processes. In addition, the emission factor of total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) for the packaging process was higher than that of the wafer fabrication process. Emission factors estimated in this study were compared with those of Taiwan for evaluation, and they were found to be of similar level in the case of TVOCs and fluorine compounds.  相似文献   

Rice is a widely grown crop in Asia. China (30%) and India (21%) contribute to about half of the world's total rice production. In this study, three major rice-producing countries in Asia are considered, India, Thailand and the Philippines (the later two contributing 4% and 2% of the world's rice production). Rice straw is one of the main field based residues produced along with this commodity and its applications vary widely in the region. Although rice production practises vary from one country to another, open burning of straw is a common practice in these countries.In this study, an approach was followed aiming at (a) determining the quantity of rice straw being subject to open field burning in those countries, (b) congregating pollutant specific emissions factors for rice straw burning, and (c) quantifying the resulting air pollutant emissions. Uncertainties in the results obtained as compared to a global approach are also discussed.  相似文献   

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