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Acidic aerosol concentrations measured by an annular denuder system (ADS) and a honeycomb denuder system (HDS) in Hsinchu, Taiwan, were compared. Aerosols were also sampled by a MOUDI (micro-orifice uniform deposit impactor) and analyzed by an ion chromatograph to determine the size distributions of different species. Using the measured aerosol size distribution, theoretical analysis showed that positive HNO3 artifact due to volatilization of NH4NO3 is generally negligible for both samplers. Comparing two different denuder samplers, the average concentration of HNO3 measured by the ADS was found to be lower than that measured by the HDS, while the difference between the two samplers for the average concentration of other species was found to be within +/- 15%. A possible cause of the difference in HNO3 concentrations is due to a greater loss of HNO3 in the cyclone used by the ADS than in the impactor used by the HDS. The study also showed incomplete absorption of the evaporated HCl and HNO3 from the particles on the Teflon filter by the first nylon filter in the filter pack of the ADS. Collection efficiency and capacity of HCl and HNO3 by the nylon filters need further investigation.  相似文献   

Collocated PM2.5 measurements using a conventional R&P TEOM (model 1400a) and a TEOM-FDMS were performed at a Paris urban background site during winter/summer field experiments. Results showed that conventional TEOM underestimates PM2.5 mass concentrations by about 50% in winter and 35% in summer. They also confirmed that this negative sampling artifact, due to the volatilization of semi-volatile material (SVM) inside the instrument, cannot be accurately accommodated by a single correction factor because of SVM routine fluctuations. A basic filter-based investigation of the SVM chemical composition also indicated that SVM, measured by the TEOM–FDMS, is mainly formed by ammonium nitrate in winter while significant contributions of semi-volatile organic matter were observed in summer. The latter species was found to possibly account for more than 50% of secondary organic aerosol formed during summer afternoons. These findings call for more investigation of the SVM chemical composition, particularly during the summer season, in Paris and in Europe.  相似文献   

Although particulate emissions from residential wood burning have become a subject of great scientific concern for a few years, data related to their impact on the air quality of large European urban centres are still missing. In the present study, we investigated the chemical and optical properties of fine (PM2.5) carbonaceous aerosols in Paris during the 2005 winter season in order to track the presence of wood burning emissions in such a large city. The use of a seven wavelength Aethalometer allowed us to document shortwave light absorption by brown-carbon-containing organic aerosols of biomass burning origin. In particular, a well-marked diurnal pattern of the spectral dependence of light absorption, with maxima during the night, could be observed every day of the campaign and attributed to wood burning emissions. Relatively high absorption Ångstrom exponents and WSOC/OC ratios (respectively 1.25 and 0.35 on average for the period of study) also indicated the importance of biomass burning aerosols in the Paris atmosphere in winter. Finally, a rough estimate of the contribution of wood burning carbonaceous aerosols to PM2.5 could be achieved. This contribution was found to be as high as 20 ± 10% on average at the Paris background site investigated here.  相似文献   

This study investigates the products, kinetics, and reactor design of atrazine photolysis under 254-nm ultraviolet-C (UVC) irradiation. With an initial atrazine concentration of 60 microg/L (60 ppbm), only two products remain in detectable levels. Up to 77% of decomposed atrazine becomes hydroxyatrazine, the major product. Both atrazine and hydroxyatrazine photodecompose following the first-order rate equation, but the hydroxyatrazine photodecomposition rate is significantly slower than that of atrazine. For atrazine photodecomposition, the rate constant is proportional to the square of UVC output, but inversely proportional to the reactor volume. For a photochemical reactor design, a series of equations are proposed to calculate the needed UVC output power, water treatment capacity, and atrazine outlet concentration.  相似文献   

The aqueous photodegradation of fluopyram was investigated under UV light (λ?≥?200 nm) and simulated sunlight irradiation (λ?≥?290 nm). The effect of solution pH, fulvic acids (FA), nitrate (NO3 ?), Fe (III) ions, and titanium dioxide (TiO2) on direct photolysis of fluopyram was explored. The results showed that fluopyram photodegradation was faster in neutral solution than that in acidic and alkaline solutions. The presence of FA, NO3 ?, Fe (III), and TiO2 slightly affected the photodegradation of fluopyram under UV irradiation, whereas the photodegradation rates of fluopyram with 5 mg L?1 Fe (III) and 500 mg L?1 TiO2 were about 7-fold and 13-fold faster than that without Fe (III) and TiO2 under simulated sunlight irradiation, respectively. Three typical products for direct photolysis of fluopyram have been isolated and characterized by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. These products resulted from the intramolecular elimination of HCl, hydroxyl-substitution, and hydrogen extraction. Based on the identified transformation products and evolution profile, a plausible degradation pathway for the direct photolysis of fluopyram in aqueous solution was proposed. In addition, acute toxicity assays using the Vibrio fischeri bacteria test indicated that the transformation products were more toxic than the parent compound.  相似文献   

Aqueous OH radical oxidation of methylglyoxal in clouds and wet aerosols is a potentially important global and regional source of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). We quantify organic acid products of the aqueous reaction of methylglyoxal (30–3000 μM) and OH radical (approx. 4 × 10?12 M), model their formation in the reaction vessel and investigate how the starting concentrations of precursors and the presence of acidic sulfate (0–840 μM) affect product formation. Predicted products were observed. The predicted temporal evolution of oxalic acid, pyruvic acid and total organic carbon matched observations at cloud relevant concentrations (30 μM), validating this methylglyoxal cloud chemistry, which is currently being implemented in some atmospheric models of SOA formation. The addition of sulfuric acid at cloud relevant concentrations had little effect on oxalic acid yields. At higher concentrations (3000 μM), predictions deviate from observations. Larger carboxylic acids (≥C4) and other high molecular weight products become increasingly important as concentration increases, suggesting that small carboxylic acids are the major products in clouds while larger carboxylic acids and oligomers are important products in wet aerosols.  相似文献   

Chen L  Zhou HY  Deng QY 《Chemosphere》2007,68(2):354-359
The photolysis of nonylphenol ethoxylates with an average oligomers length of ten ethoxylate units (NPEO(10)) in aqueous solution under UV, as well as the influence of humic acid (HA) on the photolysis was studied. A 125W high-pressure mercury lamp was employed as the light source. The intermediate products from the photolysis were determined by LC-MS. The results indicated that NPEO(10) underwent direct photolysis upon exposed to UV. The degradation pathway was complex. Besides the generally proposed degradation pathway of ethylene oxide (EO) side chains shortening, the oxidation of alkyl chain and EO chain led to intermediates having both a carboxylated (as well as carbonylated) ethoxylate and alkyl chain of varying lengths. The hydrogenation of benzene ring was also detected. The kinetics data showed that the first order reaction kinetics could be well used to describe the kinetics of NPEO(10) degradation. In the presence of dissolved organic matter by HA addition, the performance of NPEO(10) photodegradation was reduced. The photolysis rate decreased with increased HA concentration.  相似文献   

Brown carbon aerosols were recently found to be ubiquitous and effectively absorb solar radiation. We use a 3-D global chemical transport model (GEOS-Chem) together with aircraft and ground based observations from the TRACE-P and the ACE-Asia campaigns to examine the contribution of brown carbon aerosol to the aerosol light absorption and its climatic implication over East Asia in spring 2001. We estimated brown carbon aerosol concentrations in the model using the mass ratio of brown carbon to black carbon (BC) aerosols based on measurements in China and Europe. The comparison of simulated versus observed aerosol light absorption showed that the model accounting for brown carbon aerosol resulted in a better agreement with the observations in East Asian-Pacific outflow. We then used the model results to compute the radiative forcing of brown carbon, which amounts up to ?2.4 W m?2 and 0.24 W m?2 at the surface and at the top of the atmosphere (TOA), respectively, over East Asia. Mean radiative forcing of brown carbon aerosol is ?0.43 W m?2 and 0.05 W m?2 at the surface and at the TOA, accounting for about 15% of total radiative forcing (?2.2 W m?2 and 0.33 W m?2) by absorbing aerosols (BC + brown carbon aerosol), having a significant climatic implication in East Asia.  相似文献   

Photochemical degradation of fluoroquinolone ciprofloxacin (CIP) in water by UV and UV/H2O2 were investigated. The degradation rate of CIP was affected by pH, H2O2 dosage, as well as the presence of other inorganic components. The optimized pH value and H2O2 concentration were 7.0 and 5 mM. Carbonate and nitrate both impeded CIP degradation. According to liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry analysis, four and 16 products were identified in UV and UV/H2O2 system, respectively. Proposed degradation pathways suggest that reactions including the piperazinyl substituent, quinolone moiety, and cyclopropyl group lead to the photochemical degradation of CIP. Toxicity of products assessed by Vibrio qinghaiensis demonstrated that UV/H2O2 process was more capable on controlling the toxicity of intermediates in CIP degradation than UV process.  相似文献   

During four intensive measurement campaigns (two on Mt. Sonnblick, European background aerosol, and two in Vienna, urban aerosol), cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) were measured at supersaturations of 0.5%. Impactor measurements of the mass size distribution in the size range 0.1–10 μm were performed and later analyzed for Cl-, NO-3, SO2-4, Na+, NH+4, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ by ion chromatography, for total carbon (TC) using a combustion method, and for black carbon (BC) by an optical method (integrating sphere). Organic carbon (OC) was defined as the difference between TC (minus carbonate carbon) and BC. At all sites, the mass fraction of BC in the submicron aerosol was comparable (4–5%). CCN concentrations on Mt. Sonnblick were found to be 10–30% of those measured in Vienna, although high Mt. Sonnblick concentrations were comparable to low Vienna concentrations (around 800 cm-3). The contribution of organic material was estimated from the mass concentrations of the chemical species sampled on the impactor stage with the lowest cut point (0.1–0.215 μm aerodynamic equivalent diameter). On Mt. Sonnblick, TC material contributed 11% to the total mass in fall 1995, and 67% in summer 1996, while the OC fraction was 6 and 61%. The combined electrolytes and mineral material contributed 18 and 16% in fall and summer. During the Vienna spring campaign, the contributions of OC and electrolytes to the total mass concentration in this size range were 48 and 36%, respectively.  相似文献   

Atmospheric aerosols have been collected at four sites around Japan during 2000. From systematically monitoring the major (Na, Mg, Al, K, Ca, and Fe) and trace (Rb and Sr) elements, along with the Sr isotope composition, we have tried to estimate the contribution of long-range-transported Asian dust (“Kosa”) to the atmospheric aerosols.The results are summarized as follows:(1) The concentration of each element in the aerosols increased during the “Kosa” period. The increase was particularly obvious in samples collected on 8 April 2000, when the “Kosa Phenomenon” was observed at all the sampling sites in Japan, 2 days after a very heavy dust storm had occurred in China.(2) The Rb–Sr isotopic diagram shows a two-component mixing relationship: one with a high 87Sr/86Sr ratio and a high 87Rb/86Sr ratio, and the other with a low 87Sr/86Sr ratio and a low 87Rb/86Sr ratio. There is a significant difference between that of the expected end member of the Asian dust and that of the reported Asian loess, which is thought to be the possible source of the components of the “Kosa”, although the lower component is consistent with the local component at Wako.(3) Plots of the 87Sr/86Sr ratio vs the Ca/Al and Sr/Al ratios support a two-component mixing suggested by the Rb–Sr systematics, and they indicate that the contributing continental soil components to the “Kosa” aerosols should be composed of the silicate fraction of Asian loess.(4) The discrepancy in the Rb–Sr systematics between the expected end member and the possible sources may be caused by the dissolution of the Ca-bearing minerals via long-range dust transport, or by a combination of source characteristics and grain size separation.  相似文献   

In an effort to reduce uncertainties in the quantification of aerosol direct radiative forcing (ADRF) in the southeastern United States (US), a field column experiment was conducted to measure aerosol radiative properties and effects at Mt. Mitchell, North Carolina, and at an adjacent valley site. The experimental period was from June 1995 to mid-December 1995. The aerosol optical properties (single scattering albedo and asymmetry factor) needed to compute ADRF were obtained on the basis of a procedure involving a Mie code and a radiative transfer code in conjunction with the retrieved aerosol size distribution, aerosol optical depth, and diffuse-to-direct solar irradiance ratio. The regional values of ADRF at the surface and top of atmosphere (TOA), and atmospheric aerosol absorption are derived using the obtained aerosol optical properties as inputs to the column radiation model (CRM) of the community climate model (CCM3). The cloud-free instantaneous TOA ADRFs for highly polluted (HP), marine (M) and continental (C) air masses range from 20.3 to −24.8, 1.3 to −10.4, and 1.9 to −13.4 W m−2, respectively. The mean cloud-free 24-h ADRFs at the TOA (at the surface) for HP, M, and C air masses are estimated to be −8±4 (−33±16), −7±4 (−13±8), and −0.14±0.05 (−8±3) W m−2, respectively. On the assumption that the fractional coverage of clouds is 0.61, the annual mean ADRFs at the TOA and the surface are −2±1, and −7±2 W m−2, respectively. This also implies that aerosols currently heat the atmosphere over the southeastern US by 5±3 W m−2 on annual timescales due to the aerosol absorption in the troposphere.  相似文献   

Quantifying combustion aerosols transported to Summit, Greenland has typically involved the measurement of water-soluble inorganic and organic ions in air, snow, and ice. However, the ubiquitous nature of atmospheric soluble ions makes it difficult to separate the combustion component from the natural component. More specific combustion indicators are therefore needed to accurately quantify inputs from biomass and fossil-fuel burning. This work reports on radiocarbon (14C) analysis of elemental carbon (EC) and quantification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) of water-insoluble particles from a snowpit excavated at Summit, Greenland in 1996. The 14C measurements allowed us to quantify the relative contribution of EC from biomass burning and fossil-fuel combustion transported to and deposited at Summit during periods of 1994 and 1995. Specific PAHs associated with conifer combustion helped to identify snowpit layers impacted by forest fires. Our results show that fossil EC was the major component during spring and fall 1994, while biomass EC and fossil EC were present in roughly equal amounts during summer 1994. PAH ratios in spring layers of the snowpit indicate substantial inputs from anthropogenic sources and the ΣPAH depth profile displays springtime maxima that coincided with non-sea-salt sulfate ion maximum concentrations. In other layers, ammonium ion concentrations were independent of the isotopic and molecular carbon measurements. This work demonstrates the utility of radiocarbon techniques to quantify the two different sources of combustion-generated particles at Summit; however, portions of the 14C results were indeterminate due to large uncertainties that were the result of chemical impurities introduced in the EC isolation technique. Additionally, PAH measurements were successfully performed on as little as 100 ml of snowmelt water, demonstrating the potential for future finer sample resolution.  相似文献   

The present paper demonstrates the applicability of EPR spectrometry for separate estimation of soot (EC) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in aerosols. The content of EC is obtained directly because of their paramagnetic properties whereas diamagnetic PAH, adsorbed on the soot, are converted to paramagnetic forms by oxidation over silica/alumina catalyst. In order to fulfill the goal of our study at this stage only few samples of aerosols are investigated after being collected at four different locations: near and distant to motorway, office and cafeteria. The obtained results show that the quantities of soot and PAH in all cases are μg m−3. However, their content varies depending on the place of sample collection. The following order of decreasing soot quantity is found: motorway>urban air>cafeteria>office whereas for PAH the order is cafeteria≅motorway>urban air>office. The obtained results are discussed in the light of the pollution sources at the sampling places.  相似文献   

It has been shown that manganese dioxide (MnO2) can mediate transformation of phenolic contaminants to form phenoxyl radical intermediates, and subsequently, these intermediates intercouple to form oligomers via covalent binding. However, the reaction kinetics and transformation mechanisms of phenolic contaminants with humic molecules present in nano-MnO2-mediated systems were still unclear. In this study, it was proven that nano-MnO2 were effective in transforming triclosan under acidic conditions (pH 3.5–5.0) during manganese reduction, and the apparent pseudo first-order kinetics rate constants (k?=?0.0599–1.5314 h?1) increased as the pH decreased. In particular, the transformation of triclosan by nano-MnO2 was enhanced in the presence of low-concentration humic acid (1–10 mg L?1). The variation in the absorption of humic molecules at 275 nm supported possible covalent binding between humic molecules and triclosan in the nano-MnO2-mediated systems. A total of four main intermediate products were identified by high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), regardless of humic molecules present in the systems or not. These products correspond to a suite of radical intercoupling reactions (dimers and trimers), ether cleavage (2,4-dichlorophenol), and oxidation to quinone-like products, triggered by electron transfer from triclosan molecules to nano-MnO2. A possible reaction pathway in humic acid solutions, including homo-coupling, decomposition, oxidation, and cross-coupling, was proposed. Our findings provide valuable information regarding the environmental fate and transformation mechanism of triclosan by nano-MnO2 in complex water matrices.  相似文献   

In this work, the electrochemical degradation of the dye azure B in aqueous solutions was studied by electrochemical advanced oxidation processes (EAOPs), electro-Fenton, and anodic oxidation processes, using Pt/carbon-felt and boron-doped diamond (BDD)/carbon-felt cells with H2O2 electrogeneration. The higher oxidation power of the electro-Fenton (EF) process using BDD anode was demonstrated. The oxidative degradation of azure B by the electrochemically generated hydroxyl radicals (?OH) follows a pseudo-first-order kinetics. The apparent rate constants of the oxidation of azure B by ?OH were measured according to pseudo-first-order kinetic model. The absolute rate constant of azure B hydroxylation reaction was determined by competition kinetics method and found to be 1.19?×?109 M?1 s?1. It was found that the electrochemical degradation of the dye leads to the formation of aromatic by-products which are then oxidized to aliphatic carboxylic acids before their almost mineralization to CO2 and inorganic ions (sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium). The evolution of the TOC removal and time course of short-chain carboxylic acids during treatment were also investigated.  相似文献   

A model of downward aerosol panicle flux characterized by dry deposition velocity, Vd, due to Slinn and Slinn (1980) is generalized to the case of nonzero surface concentration (absorbing surface with a surface source). A more general expression for the flux at some reference height is developed which includes Vd and an effective surface source strength, Si, which is a function of the true surface source strength, Si, and the particle transport properties below the reference height. The general expression for the surface flux is incorporated into a dynamic mixed layer model of the type developed by Davidson et al. (1983). This three layer model (diffusion sublayer, turbulent surface layer and mixed layer) is applied to an open ocean marine regime where boundary layer advection is ignored. The aerosol concentration in the boundary layer is considered to consist of sea salt particles produced as droplets at the surface and ‘continental’ background aerosols brought into the boundary layer at the top by entrainment and gravitational settling. Estimates of Si are provided.  相似文献   

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