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防风网后方存在复杂的湍流结构,通过耗散能量、降低风速形成扬尘庇护区。数值风洞是研究防风网流场结构及预测堆场扬尘的重要方法,由于涉及复杂的大气边界层及多孔介质边界问题,建立高精度的数值风洞目前仍是计算流体的难题。通过一系列数值模拟并与物理实验对比分析,研究了影响防风网数值风洞模拟精度的3个边界条件,即紊流入流边界、地面粗糙边界和多孔介质边界。结果表明:计算域入流紊动强度对风场结构模拟结果具有较大影响,紊动不足能够造成高达50%以上的虚假庇护长度;数值风洞地面粗糙高度通过壁面函数影响流场结构,对防风网抑尘效应有较大影响;防风网阻风效果可利用多孔跳跃介质边界模型实现,模型中惯性阻力系数对模拟结果有较大影响,应根据风压损失系数、防风网厚度和雷诺数设定。  相似文献   

A theory is developed for calculating the entrapment of particles by a windbreak, with four results. (1) The fraction of particles in the oncoming flow which pass through the windbreak, or transmittance of the windbreak for particles (σ), is related to the optical porosity (τ). The very simple approximation σ=τ works well for most applications involving the interception of spray droplets by windbreaks. Results from a field experiment agree with the theoretical predictions. (2) A new equation for the bulk drag coefficient of a windbreak is tested against numerical, wind tunnel and field experiments. This enables the bleed velocity for the flow through the windbreak to be predicted in terms of the screen pressure coefficient (k) of the barrier. (3) The relationship between k and τ is different for a vegetative barrier than for a screen across a confined duct, implying a lower k for given τ. (4) The total deposition of particles to a windbreak is determined by a trade-off between particle absorption and throughflow, implying an optimum value of τ for maximum total deposition. For particles larger than 30 μm and vegetation elements smaller than 30 mm, this occurs near τ=0.2.  相似文献   

The aim of the work presented here is to study experimentally and numerically the dispersion characteristics of vehicular exhaust plume at an idle condition in an idealized and simplified environment. The gaseous and particulate concentrations in the exhaust plume of three idling motor vehicles were measured in an isolated environment under calm weather conditions. Despite the difference in the initial concentrations, the pollutants decayed exponentially in all directions.The CFD code PHOENICS 3.3, with the k–ε eddy dissipation sub-model, was used for the numerical simulation. The simulated results match very well with the experimental results close to the source of emission but decay to the ambient concentrations much slower. The effects of the initial emission concentration, exit velocity, exit direction and crosswind intensity have been investigated parametrically. The initial pollutant concentration will increase the local concentrations but the pattern of dispersion remains the same. The exit velocity will increase the momentum of the jet, resulting in a deeper penetration downstream. The exit angle has a stronger influence on pollutant dispersion than both initial pollutant concentration and exit velocity. When the exit angle is 15°, the pollutants tend to spread on the ground region. Crosswind shows a significant effect on the dispersion of the exhaust plume also. It will divert the plume to disperse in the same direction of the wind with limited penetration in the downstream direction.  相似文献   

Ozone measurements made from 5 sites in Hong Kong have been analyzed, including those from one upwind, one downwind, and three urban locales. The data are analyzed in terms of the seasonal and diurnal trends. A subset of data in autumn is further analyzed to study the relationship between the ozone spatial pattern and wind flow as well as other meteorological parameters. The results show that averaged ozone levels at most sites exhibit maxima in autumn, which appears to be a unique feature for eastern Asia. On average the daily maximum 1-h concentrations are found to be higher in the western (normally downwind) site than those on the eastern side and in urban areas. Examination of surface wind patterns and other meteorological parameters suggest that elevated ozone concentrations on the western side occur during the days with intense solar radiation, light winds, and in the presence of a unique wind circulation. The wind reversal in the western parts under the “convergence” flow is believed to be an important cause of the high-ozone events observed there. Such wind flow may re-circulate/transport nearby urban plumes (in this case the Hong Kong–Shenzhen urban complex). Examination of chemical data from the western site has shown that averaged afternoon SO2 to NOx ratios on days with wind reversal are larger than those of typical urban Hong Kong and that a significant SO2 enhancement was clearly indicated on several occasions. The SO2 enhancement may be interpreted as being the evidence to suggest the contribution of regional sources and/or Hong Kong’s power plants (both containing high SO2). A case study has shown that when moderately strong northwesterly wind prevails, elevated ozone and SO2 can be transported to western Hong Kong from the inner Pearl Delta region. This study has also indicated that under the impact of ENE winds the eastern side of Hong Kong is not frequently affected by the re-circulating ozone plumes present in the western side.  相似文献   

在研究旋风除尘器内气固两相的运动状况及分离机理方面,计算机模拟替代部分实验的方法能够优化设计旋风除尘器结构参数,提高其对微细颗粒的捕集效率,减少运行压力损失。本研究采用RSM模型和随机轨道模型对旋风除尘器内流场及浓度场进行模拟及实验。研究表明,旋风除尘器压力损失模拟结果与实验结果吻合较好,对于大于5μm的颗粒其捕集效率模拟结果与实验结果基本吻合;旋风除尘器外壁的颗粒浓度呈螺旋带状分布;如将排气管管径减少至原直径0.8倍,可使其对2μm颗粒捕集效率提高6.6%,但压力损失提高36.5%;颗粒的凝并作用有利于提高旋风除尘器微细颗粒的捕集效率。  相似文献   

The flow fields around moderately steep hills of triangular cross section and varying crosswind aspect ratio and around a bell-shaped hill were examined by using models immersed in a simulated neutral atmospheric boundary layer in a meteorological wind tunnel. The triangular hills ranged from an axisymmetric cone to a two-dimensional ridge. Concentration patterns resulting from sources of three heights placed upwind of each of these hills were examined to determine plume deformations and terrain amplification factors. The separated flow fields, increasing in size with increasing aspect ratio, appeared to have dominating influences on the entire flow structure; changes in several flow parameters were plausibly explained in terms of the notion that the effective hill shape was the hill-plus-recirculation region rather than the actual hill shape. The concentration measurements showed strong distortions of plume shapes effected by the hills, with convergence in vertical planes and divergence in horizontal planes. Plumes from elevated sources approached the hill surfaces much more closely the smaller the aspect ratio; streamline displacements were generally within the limits suggested by potential flow theory. The terrain amplification factor A, defined as the ratio of the maximum surface concentration in the presence of the hill to the maximum in flat terrain, was found to decrease with increasing aspect ratio. For the half-hill-height sources, values of A ranged from 4 for the bell-shaped hill down to 1.5 for the two-dimensional ridge; for the hill-height source, from 1.8 for the cone down to 0.6 for the two-dimensional ridge. The latter value is suspect, however, because larger concentrations are expected downwind of the reattachment point, a region not probed in the current study.  相似文献   

实验研究了不同操作条件、板片型式及板间距对除雾器除雾效率及压降的影响规律,并采用计算流体力学(CFD)方法对除雾器内流场进行了数值模拟与分析。研究结果表明,操作条件对压降和流场影响较小,而板片型式特别是迎风面的几何结构是影响流场与压降的关键因素;随着气速的增大,除雾效率增高,但当气速增到某一临界值(4~5 m/s)后,除雾效率随着气速的增大而迅速减小;除雾器压降的数值模拟结果与实验值吻合良好;除雾器内存在2个回流区,回流区是产生除雾器临界气速的重要原因之一。研究结果可为除雾器优化设计提供指导。  相似文献   

对自行设计的 Y 型内混双级雾化喷嘴进行了实验研究,分析了不同喷嘴尺寸对喷嘴流量特性的影响.对比了压缩空气与过热蒸气做雾化介质的不同.通过测量喷嘴内混室压力,拟合出了供气压力-内混室压力曲线,并通过实验测量和校核,得到工质流景系数的表达式,对喷嘴设计有指导作用.  相似文献   

Within the framework of searching for relatively simple, reliable and universal eddy viscosity /diffusivity models, a new three dimensional general non-isotropic model is proposed applicable to any domain complexity and any atmospheric stability conditions. The model utilizes the transport equation for turbulent kinetic energy but introduces a new approach in effective length scale estimation based on the flow global characteristics and local atmospheric stability. The model is discussed in detail and predictions are given for flow field and boundary layer thickness. The results are compared with experimental data with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

通过对圆形搅拌容器内部流场的数值模拟,从湍流速度场、湍动耗散率和湍动能3个角度来分析该容器内的二维空间流态变化,及其对混凝过程中颗粒碰撞和絮体成长的影响,针对其不足之处,提出改进模型:方形、圆形挡板、多边形、圆角和方形导流板模型,并分别比较各模型在不同转速下的内部流场的变化。结果表明,在相同截面积的条件下,圆角模型更有利于颗粒的碰撞粘结和絮体的成长。  相似文献   

防风抑尘网开孔形式对流场的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
应用CFD模拟软件Fluent 6.2提供的标准κ-ε模型,以流场数值模拟的方法对防风网结构及其网后流场进行流场模拟,研究了防风网开孔形式对物料堆表面速度、压力和湍动能变化的影响。模拟结果表明,物料堆表面风速由料堆底部沿迎风面表面向上逐渐增大,并在物料堆顶部附近出现边界层分离,使得背风面形成速度回流区;物料堆表面的压力由料堆底部沿迎风面表面向上逐渐降低,背风面则变化不大;在物料堆顶部湍动能较大,容易起尘。综合分析各个影响因素,圆形开孔防风网的挡风效果最佳。  相似文献   

New mathematical and laboratory methods have been developed for simulating groundwater flow and solute transport in karst aquifers having conduits imbedded in a porous medium, such as limestone. The Stokes equations are used to model the flow in the conduits and the Darcy equation is used for the flow in the matrix. The Beavers–Joseph interface boundary conditions are adopted to describe the flow exchange at the interface boundary between the two domains. A laboratory analog is used to simulate the conduit and matrix domains of a karst aquifer. The conduit domain is located at the bottom of the transparent plexiglas laboratory analog and glass beads occupy the remaining space to represent the matrix domain. Water flows into and out of the two domains separately and each has its own supply and outflow reservoirs. Water and solute are exchanged through an interface between the two domains. Pressure transducers located within the matrix and conduit domains of the analog provide data that is processed and stored in digital format. Dye tracing experiments are recorded using time-lapse imaging. The data and images produced are analyzed by a spatial analysis program. The experiments provide not only hydraulic head distribution but also capture solute front images and mass exchange measurements between the conduit and matrix domains. In the experiment, we measure and record pressures, and quantify flow rates and solute transport. The results present a plausible argument that laboratory analogs can characterize groundwater water flow, solute transport, and mass exchange between the conduit and matrix domains in a karst aquifer. The analog validates the predictions of a numerical model and demonstrates the need of laboratory analogs to provide verification of proposed theories and the calibration of mathematical models.  相似文献   

研制了一种喷射式线-筒放电反应器,在室温条件下进行了降解实际空气流中甲苯的实验研究。结果表明,该反应器能够有效降解甲苯,但不同的通气方式对甲苯降解率有显著影响,验证了该反应器设计的合理性。同时证明,通过流场控制可以提高甲苯降解率。电场方向与气流方向一致则强化降解,两者方向相反则弱化降解。当电压为34kV时,正脉冲和负脉冲的甲苯降解率相差高达42.5%。当电压小于火花放电电压时,甲苯降解率随着电压的增大而升高;当电压过大时,电极间发生火花放电,甲苯降解率不升反降。小电压时,小电容放电的甲苯降解率较高;但随着电压的增大,大电容的优势得以体现。甲苯降解率随气流中甲苯初始浓度的升高而降低;随气体流量的增大而降低;环境湿度过大时,甲苯降解率下降,并且甲苯氧化不完全,有CO生成。  相似文献   

Roadside air pollution due to heavy traffic is one of the unsettled issues in the atmospheric environment in urban areas. As a practical application of a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model, a coupled mesoscale-CFD model was applied to the Ikegamicho area of Kawasaki City, Japan. For this study, the effects of traffic-produced flow and turbulence (TPFT) on the dispersion of the pollutants near the heavy traffic road were mainly investigated in an actual urban area. First, a series of preliminary CFD calculations was conducted for a road tunnel field experiment to obtain a fitting parameter for the traffic-produced flow. The calculation was then performed for 24 h in December 2005 around Ikegamicho, and the results were compared with the data at a roadside monitoring post in the area, located 10 m from the boundary of the ground road. In general, the effect of traffic-produced flow and turbulence was limited at the downstream side of the roads. The maximum concentration of NOx was reduced and smoothed out along the traffic flow by the traffic-produced flow and turbulence on the road. The effects of traffic-produced turbulence on the dispersion of pollutants were greater than those of traffic-produced flow; however, the effects of traffic-produced flow were not negligible. The concentration of pollutants was not particularly dependent on the turbulent Schmidt number because most of the emission sources were introduced as volume sources in the present calculations, and the effect caused by differences in the material diffusion coefficient was not particularly significant at the outside of the road.  相似文献   

The present paper aims at presenting a kinetic model that is supposed to result in the decomposition of methylparaben in completely mixed batch reactor (CMBR) using the UV/H2O2 process. The proposed model incorporates photochemical, chemical reactions and their constant rates to formulate the overall kinetic rate expressions which are integrated into MATLAB. Thus, the changes in pH values during the process of oxidation are taken into consideration. In addition, the effects of hydrogen peroxide (HP) dosage, as well as the concentration of hydroxyl radicals, are examined. Accordingly, the pseudo-first-order rate constant, its variation as functions of HP concentration, incident UV-light intensity and the limitations of the adopted approach are discussed. In line with that, the authors provided evidence of the validity of the kinetic model through the exposure of previous experimental studies as reported in the literature review then through the evidence of the present experimental data.  相似文献   

射流曝气的气液两相流的数值模拟   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
射流曝气在活性污泥处理方法中起着重要的作用。采用数值模拟的方法研究自吸式单级单喷射流器中的气液两相流动状况,通过对不同长径比和喷嘴面积比的射流曝气器模型的气液两相流的计算,定量分析长径比和喷嘴面积比对射流曝气器流场和空气与工作介质流量比的影响,为进一步设计开发新型高效的射流曝气器提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper presents an experimental investigation concerned with methods of artificially thickening turbulent boundary layers on a plane surface by using a row of several bluff obstacles. The thickness of this shear layer, the velocity profile and the turbulence intensity of the shear flow behind a row of obstacles were measured and compared with those of a naturally developed turbulent boundary layer. Experiments showed that the shear layer is significantly thicker than the naturally developed turbulent boundary layer, and the velocity profile and the turbulence intensity profiles for the case of a row of cones and triangular plates with vertical angle 2α = 30° are nearly the same as those of a naturally developed turbulent boundary layer.  相似文献   

射流曝气在活性污泥处理方法中起着重要的作用.采用数值模拟的方法研究自吸式单级单喷射流器中的气液两相流动状况,通过对不同长径比和喷嘴面积比的射流曝气器模型的气液两相流的计算,定量分析长径比和喷嘴面积比对射流曝气器流场和空气与工作介质流量比的影响,为进一步设计开发新型高效的射流曝气器提供参考.  相似文献   

For microscale numerical modelling of street canyon air pollution, the traffic-related component of the total ambient pollutant concentration is often assumed to be inversely dependent on the wind-speed at rooftops for idealised conditions of neutral stratification, no solar radiation, and no traffic-induced turbulence. Detailed data analyses of two comprehensive datasets from Gottinger Strase (Hannover) and Jagtvej (Copenhagen), including concentration and wind-field measurements in the street and above the rooftops, are presented to test these idealised assumptions, and to improve numerical modelling for a wider range of conditions. The experimental results show systematic deviation from the idealised inverse wind-speed law, when rooftop wind-speeds were less than 10 m/s. It was found that turbulence associated with traffic is a parameter, which is increasingly important for lower wind-speeds.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Water level and wind speed have important influences on radon release in particle-packing emanation media. Based on radon migration theory in porous...  相似文献   

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