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Numerous investigators have documented increases in the concentrations of airborne particles as a consequence of ozone/terpene reactions in indoor environments. This study examines the effect of building recirculation rates on the concentrations of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) resulting from reactions between indoor limonene and ozone. The experiments were conducted in a large environmental chamber using four recirculation rates (11, 14, 19 and 24 air change per hour (ACH)) and a constant outdoor air exchange rate (1 ACH) as well as constant emission rates for limonene and ozone. As the recirculation rates increased, the deposition velocities of ozone and SOA increased. As a consequence of reduced production rates (due to less ozone) and larger surface removal rates, number and mass concentrations of SOA in different size ranges decreased significantly at higher recirculation rates. Enhanced coagulation at higher recirculation rates also reduced particle number concentrations, while shifting size-distributions towards larger particles. The results have health implications beyond changes in exposures, since particle size is a factor that determines where a particle deposits in the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of recirculation rates (7 and 14 h?1), ventilation rates (1 and 2 h?1), and filtration on secondary organic aerosols (SOAs) generated by ozone of outdoor origin reacting with limonene of indoor origin. Experiments were conducted within a recirculating air handling system that serviced an unoccupied, 236 m3 environmental chamber configured to simulate an office; either no filter, a new filter or a used filter was located downstream of where outdoor air mixed with return air. For otherwise comparable conditions, the SOA number and mass concentrations at a recirculation rate of 14 h?1 were significantly smaller than at a recirculation rate of 7 h?1. This was due primarily to lower ozone concentrations, resulting from increased surface removal, at the higher recirculation rate. Increased ventilation increased outdoor-to-indoor transport of ozone, but this was more than offset by the increased dilution of SOA derived from ozone-initiated chemistry. The presence of a particle filter (new or used) strikingly lowered SOA number and mass concentrations compared with conditions when no filter was present. Even though the particle filter in this study had only 35% single-pass removal efficiency for 100 nm particles, filtration efficiency was greatly amplified by recirculation. SOA particle levels were reduced to an even greater extent when an activated carbon filter was in the system, due to ozone removal by the carbon filter. These findings improve our understanding of the influence of commonly employed energy saving procedures on occupant exposures to ozone and ozone-derived SOA.  相似文献   

Monoterpenes are biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) which play an important role in plant adaptation to stresses, atmospheric chemistry, plant–plant and plant–insect interactions. In this study, we determined whether ozonolysis can influence the monoterpenes in the headspace of cabbage. The monoterpenes were mixed with an air-flow enriched with 100, 200 or 400 ppbv of ozone (O3) in a Teflon chamber. The changes in the monoterpene and O3 concentrations, and the formation of secondary organic aerosols (SOA) were determined during ozonolysis. Furthermore, the monoterpene reactions with O3 and OH were modelled using reaction kinetics equations. The results showed that all of the monoterpenes were unequally affected: α-thujene, sabinene and d-limonene were affected to the greatest extend, whereas the 1,8-cineole concentration did not change. In addition, plant monoterpene emissions reduced the O3 concentration by 12–24%. The SOA formation was dependent on O3 concentration. At 100 ppbv of O3, virtually no new particles were formed but clear SOA formation was observed at the higher ozone concentrations. The modelled results showed rather good agreements for α-pinene and 1,8-cineole, whereas the measured concentrations were clearly lower compared to modelled values for sabinene and limonene. In summary, O3-quenching by monoterpenes occurs beyond the boundary layer of leaves and results in a decreased O3 concentration, altered monoterpene profiles and SOA formation.  相似文献   

Reactions between ozone and terpenes have been shown to increase the concentrations of submicron particles in indoor settings. The present study was designed to examine the influence of air exchange rates on the concentrations of these secondary organic aerosols as well as on the evolution of their particle size distributions. The experiments were performed in a manipulated office setting containing a constant source of d-limonene and an ozone generator that was remotely turned “on” or “off” at 6 h intervals. The particle number concentrations were monitored using an optical particle counter with eight-channels ranging from 0.1–0.2 to>2.0 μm diameter. The air exchange rates during the experiments were either high (working hours) or low (non-working hours) and ranged from 1.6 to>12 h−1, with intermediate exchange rates. Given the emission rates of ozone and d-limonene used in these studies, at an air exchange rate of 1.6 h−1 particle number concentration in the 0.1–0.2 μm size-range peaked 1.2 h after the ozone generator was switched on. In the ensuing 4.8 h particle counts increased in successive size-ranges up to the 0.5–0.7 μm diameter range. At higher air exchange rates, the resulting concentrations of total particles and particle mass (calculated from particle counts) were smaller, and at exchange rates exceeding 12 h−1, no excess particle formation was detectable with the instrument used in this study. Particle size evolved through accretion and, in some cases, coagulation. There was evidence for coagulation among particles in the smallest size-range at low air exchange rates (high particle concentrations) but no evidence of coagulation was apparent at higher air exchange rates (lower particle concentrations). At higher air exchange rates the particle count or size distributions were shifted towards smaller particle diameters and less time was required to achieve the maximum concentration in each of the size-ranges where discernable particle growth occurred. These results illustrate still another way in which ventilation affects human exposures in indoor settings. However, the ultimate effects of these exposures on health and well being remain to be determined.  相似文献   

This paper reports effects of reactions between ozone and selected terpenes on the concentrations and size distributions of airborne particles in a typical indoor setting. The studies were conducted in adjacent, identical offices. In the first set of experiments, known concentrations of ozone and a selected terpene (either d-limonene, α-terpinene, or a terpene-based cleaner whose major constituent is α-pinene) were deliberately introduced into one of the offices while the other office served as a control. Subsequent particle formation and redistribution were monitored with an eight-channel optical particle counter. Particle formation was observed in each terpene system, but was greatest in the case of d-limonene. The number of particles in the 0.1–0.2 μm diameter size range was as much as 20 times larger in the office with deliberately supplemented ozone and d-limonene than in the office serving as the control. The concentration differences in the larger size ranges developed with time, indicating the importance of coagulation and condensation processes in this indoor environment. In the second set of experiments, d-limonene was deliberately introduced into one of the offices, but ozone was not supplemented in either office; instead, the indoor ozone concentrations were those that happened to be present (primarily as a consequence of outdoor-to-indoor transport). In the office that contained supplemental d-limonene, the concentrations of the 0.1–0.2 μm particles tracked those of indoor ozone (the limiting reagent) and were as much as 10 times greater than levels measured in the comparable office that did not contain supplemental d-limonene. The results demonstrate that ozone/terpene reactions can be a significant source of sub-micron particles in indoor settings, and further illustrate the potential for reactions among commonly occurring indoor pollutants to markedly influence indoor environments.  相似文献   

Dry deposition of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOC) is not currently treated in most chemical transport models of air quality and this omission has been identified as a possible major source of uncertainty. The effect of dry deposition of SVOC on the concentration of secondary organic aerosols (SOA) is investigated in summertime with the chemical transport model CHIMERE that simulates SOA concentrations by means of molecular SOA surrogate species. Omitting dry deposition could overestimate SOA concentrations by as much as 50%. This overestimation is larger during nighttime due to higher relative humidity.  相似文献   

High concentrations (>15 μm3 cm?3) of CaSO4, Ca(NO3)2 and (NH4)2SO4 were selected as surrogates of dry neutral, aqueous neutral and dry acidic inorganic seed aerosols, respectively, to study the effects of inorganic seeds on secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation in irradiated m-xylene/NOx photooxidation systems. The results indicate that neither ozone formation nor SOA formation is significantly affected by the presence of neutral aerosols (both dry CaSO4 and aqueous Ca(NO3)2), even at elevated concentrations. The presence of high concentrations of (NH4)2SO4 aerosols (dry acidic) has no obvious effect on ozone formation, but it does enhance SOA generation and increase SOA yields. In addition, the effect of dry (NH4)2SO4 on SOA yield is found to be positively correlated with the (NH4)2SO4 surface concentration, and the effect is pronounced only when the surface concentration reaches a threshold value. Further, it is proposed that the SOA generation enhancement is achieved by particle-phase heterogeneous reactions induced and catalyzed by the acidity of dry (NH4)2SO4 seed aerosols.  相似文献   

Recent studies associate particulate air pollution with adverse health effects; however, the exposure to indoor particles of outdoor origin is not well characterized, particularly for individual chemical species. We conducted a field study in an unoccupied, single-story residence in Clovis, California to provide data and analyses to address issues important for assessing exposure. We used real-time particle monitors both outdoors and indoors to quantify nitrate, sulfate, and carbon particulate matter of particle size 2.5 μm or less in diameter (PM-2.5). The results show that measured indoor ammonium nitrate concentrations were significantly lower than would be expected based solely on penetration and deposition losses. The additional reduction can be attributed to the transformation indoors of ammonium nitrate into ammonia and nitric acid gases, which are subsequently lost by deposition and sorption to indoor surfaces. A mass balance model that accounts for the kinetics of ammonium nitrate evaporation was able to reproduce measured indoor ammonium nitrate and nitric acid concentrations, resulting in a fitted value of the deposition velocity for nitric acid of 0.56 cm s−1. The results indicate that indoor exposure to outdoor ammonium nitrate in Central Valley of California are small, and suggest that exposure assessments based on total particle mass measured outdoors may obscure the actual causal relationships for indoor exposure to particles of outdoor origin.  相似文献   

A radiative transfer model and photochemical box model are used to examine the effects of clouds and aerosols on actinic flux and photolysis rates, and the impacts of changes in photolysis rates on ozone production and destruction rates in a polluted urban environment like Houston, Texas. During the TexAQS-II Radical and Aerosol Measurement Project the combined cloud and aerosol effects reduced j(NO2) photolysis frequencies by nominally 17%, while aerosols reduced j(NO2) by 3% on six clear sky days. Reductions in actinic flux due to attenuation by clouds and aerosols correspond to reduced net ozone formation rates with a nearly one-to-one relationship. The overall reduction in the net ozone production rate due to reductions in photolysis rates by clouds and aerosols was approximately 8 ppbv h?1.  相似文献   

In the last years, a continuous increase of the O3 concentration has been recorded in the lower atmospheric layers. Photochemical reactions with NO(x), CO and organic compounds are the main sources of O3 in the troposphere. In this work, an attempt was made to determine the impact of alkenes on the O3 concentration in the troposphere. A study on the gas-phase reactions of 03 with 1-hexene, 1-heptene and 1-nonene was made. The reactions were carried out at room temperature under atmospheric pressure. Ozone was formed by the ultraviolet radiation emitted by a mercury lamp, in order to simulate the atmospheric conditions. The changes with time in the concentration of O3, 1-alkenes and formed aldehydes were investigated. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were done by means of the gas chromatography and colorimetry. The following products were identified: pentanal from 1-hexene; hexanal from 1-heptene; oktanal from 1-nonene. For each of the reactions, HCHO was also determined as a product. The reaction rate constants were calculated and obtained in units of 10(-17) cm(-3) molecule(-1) s(-1): 1.94-0.99 for 1-hexene, 5.54-4.51 for 1-heptene and 1.54-0.76 for 1-nonene. Based on the results obtained, an explanation of O3 concentration variations in the planetary boundary layer can be given. Last year a considerable increase of O3 concentration on the roads of Western Europe was recorded. This increase could have resulted from the decrease of alkene concentration in the air due to common use of the catalytic converters in cars. The unsaturated hydrocarbons rapidly oxidize on the catalyst. In Eastern Europe, where the amount of cars equipped with catalytic converters is smaller than in Western Europe, the alkene content in the exhaust fumes results in a decrease of the O3 concentration in the troposphere.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) data can provide important information regarding the sources and the processing of atmospheric organic carbon species. Formic, acetic and oxalic acid were collected from Zurich city in August–September 2002 and March 2003 in the gas and aerosol phase, and the corresponding δ13C analysis was performed using a wet oxidation method followed by isotope ratio mass spectrometry. In August, the δ13C values of gas phase formic acid showed a significant correlation with ozone (coefficient of determination (r2) = 0.63) due to the kinetic isotope effect (KIE). This indicates the presence of secondary sources (i.e. production of organic acids in the atmosphere) in addition to direct emission. In March, both gaseous formic and acetic acid exhibited similar δ13C values and did not show any correlation with ozone, indicating a predominantly primary origin. Even though oxalic acid is mainly produced by secondary processes, the δ13C value of particulate oxalic acid was not depleted and did not show any correlation with ozone, which may be due to the enrichment of 13C during the gas - aerosol partitioning.The concentrations and δ13C values of the different aerosol fractions (water soluble organic carbon, water insoluble organic carbon, carbonate and black carbon) collected during the same period were also determined. Water soluble organic carbon (WSOC) contributed about 60% to the total carbon and was enriched in 13C compared to other fractions indicating a possible effect of gas - aerosol partitioning on δ13C of carbonaceous aerosols. The carbonate fraction in general was very low (3% of the total carbon).  相似文献   

Kinetics of heterogeneous ozone reactions   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Earlier results on ozone destruction on solid surfaces gave apparent first order kinetics. Estimating the reaction kinetics from our data on ozone destruction on various powders (silica-gel, alumina, wood ash, coal ash, Saharan sand, calcite), we found that only calcite and wood ash exhibited such a behaviour. Removal of ozone by other powders used showed two straight lines in ln c-t plot with two different half-lives, t'(1/2) < t'(1/2). Comparing the kinetic constants for ozone removal on silica-gel and that of ozone reactions with polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) adsorbed in submonolayer coverage on the same powder, the first reaction seems to be more likely in the case of pyrene and particularly fluoranthene. Enhanced ozone destruction on airborne aerosols could be an additional reason for fluoranthene stability in the real atmosphere.  相似文献   

To better understand the contribution of biogenic volatile organic compounds to the formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) in high mountain regions, ambient aerosols were collected at the summit of Mt. Tai (1534 m, a.s.l.), Central East China (CEC) during the Mount Tai Experiment 2006 campaign (MTX2006) in early summer. Biogenic SOA tracers for the oxidation of isoprene, α/β-pinene, and β-caryophyllene were measured using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Most of the biogenic SOA tracers did not show clear diurnal variations, suggesting that they are formed during long-range atmospheric transport or over relatively long time scales. Although isoprene- and α/β-pinene-derived SOA tracers did not correlate with levoglucosan (a biomass burning tracer), β-caryophyllinic acid showed a good correlation with levoglucosan, indicating that crop residue burning may be a source for this acid. Total concentrations of isoprene oxidation products are much higher than those of α/β-pinene and β-caryophyllene oxidation products. The averaged ratio of isoprene to α/β-pinene oxidation products (Riso/pine) was 4.9 and 6.7 for the daytime and nighttime samples, respectively. These values are among the highest in the aerosols reported in different geographical regions, which may be due to the large isoprene fluxes and relatively high levels of oxidants such as OH in CEC. Using a tracer-based method, we estimated the concentrations of secondary organic carbon (SOC) derived from isoprene, α/β-pinene, and β-caryophyllene to be 0.42–3.1 μgC m?3 (average 1.6 μgC m?3) during the daytime and 0.11–4.2 μgC m?3 (1.7 μgC m?3) during the nighttime. These values correspond to 2.9–23% (10%) and 3.2–28% (9.8%) of the total OC concentrations, in which isoprene-derived SOC accounts for 58% and 63% of total SOC during the daytime and nighttime, respectively. This study suggests that isoprene is a more significant precursor for biogenic SOA than α/β-pinene and β-caryophyllene at high altitudes in CEC.  相似文献   

High concentration of fine airborne particulates is considered one of the major environmental pollutants in Santiago, the Chilean Capital city, which in 1997 was declared a PM10 saturated zone. To date there is no control of the amounts of fine and coarse aerosols concentrations and the source and chemical characterizations of the PM2.5 particulates in the carbonaceous fractions are not well known even though this fraction could be represented almost the 50% in mass of the PM2.5.In this work, we present for the first time determinations of primary organic aerosol (POA) and secondary organic aerosol composition (SOA) fractions of the total mass of PM2.5 particulates collected in the urban atmosphere of Santiago City. Our purpose is to know the anthropogenic contributions to the formation of SOA. To accomplish this we used the elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) determinations developed by automatic monitoring stations installed in the city during the period 2002–2005, with a particular analysis of the summer time occurred in February 2004. Based on the EC tracer method, we have estimated the POA and SOA fraction and our data permit us to estimate the SOA reaching up to 20% of total organic aerosol matter, in good agreement to other measurements observed in large cities of Europe and U.S.A.  相似文献   

Observations are presented which substantiate the hypothesis that significant vertical exchange of ozone (O3) and aerosol pollutants occurs between the mixed layer and the free troposphere during cumulus cloud convective activity. Flight experiments conducted in July 1981 utilized the airborne UV-DIAL (Ultra-Violet Differential Absorption Lidar) system developed by NASA. This system provides simultaneous range resolved O3 concentration and aerosol backscatter profiles with high spatial resolution. Data were obtained during the afternoon along east-west and south-north intersecting transects over North Carolina in the presence of active, non-precipitating cumulus clouds. Evening transects were obtained in the area indicated by trajectory calculations to be the current position of the air mass sampled earlier in the day. Space-height cross-section analyses for the evening flight show the cloud ‘debris’ as patterns of aerosol and O3 in excess of the ambient free tropospheric background. The O3 excess was approximately the value of the concentration difference between the afternoon mixed layer and free troposphere measured in the afternoon from independent in-situ vertical soundings made by another aircraft.  相似文献   

In this study, we will present evidence that aerosol particles have strong effects on the surface ozone concentration in a highly polluted city in China. The measured aerosol (PM10), UV flux, and O3 concentrations were analyzed from 1 November (1 Nov) to 7 November (7 Nov) 2005 in Tianjin, China. During this period, the aerosol concentration had a strong day-by-day variation, ranging from 0.2 to 0.6 mg m−3. The ozone concentration also shows a strong variability in correlation with the aerosol concentration. During 1 Nov, 2 Nov, 6 Nov, and 7 Nov, the ozone concentration was relatively high (about 30–35 ppbv; defined as a high-ozone period), and during 3 Nov to 5 Nov, the ozone concentration was relatively low (about 5–20 ppbv; defined as a low-ozone period). The analysis of the measurement shows that the ozone concentration is strongly correlated to the measured UV flux. Because there were near cloud-free conditions between 1 Nov and 7 Nov, the variation of the UV flux mainly resulted from the variation of aerosol concentration. The result shows that higher aerosol concentrations produce a lower UV flux and lower ozone concentrations. By contrast, the lower aerosol concentration leads to a higher UV flux and higher ozone concentrations. A chemical mechanism model (NCAR MM) is applied to interpret the measurement. The model result shows that the extremely high aerosol concentration in this polluted city has a very strong impact on photochemical activities and ozone formation. The correlation between aerosol and ozone concentrations appears in a non-linear feature. The O3 concentration is very sensitive to aerosol loading when aerosol loading is high, and this sensitivity is reduced when aerosol loading is low. For example, the ratio of Δ[O3]/Δ[AOD] is about −16 ppbv AOD−1 when AOD is less than 2, and is only −4 ppbv AOD−1 when AOD is between 2 and 5. This result implies that a future decrease in aerosol loading could lead to a rapid increase in the O3 concentration in this region.  相似文献   

Unique daily measurements of water-soluble organics in fine (<2 μm) and coarse (>2 μm) aerosols were conducted at Alert in the Canadian Arctic in winter to spring of 1992. They yield insight into photochemical production and loss of organics during long-range transport and ozone depletion events following polar sunrise. Comprehensive analyses of α, ω-dicarboxylic acids (C2–C12), ω-oxocarboxylic acids (C2–C9) and α-dicarbonyls (C2, C3) as well as pyruvic acid and aromatic (phthalic) diacid were conducted using GC and GC/MS techniques. Oxalic (C2) acid was generally the dominant diacid species in both fine and coarse fractions, followed by malonic (C3) and succinic (C4) acids. Concentrations of total diacids in the fine aerosol fraction (0.2–64 ng m−3) were 5–60 times higher than those in the coarse fraction (0.01–3 ng m−3). After polar sunrise in early-March, the total concentration of fine aerosol diacids increased by a factor of 3–5 while the coarse mode did not change significantly. From dark winter to sunlit spring, temporal changes in correlations and ratios of these water-soluble organics to vanadium and sulfate measured simultaneously suggest that atmospheric diacids and related organic compounds are largely controlled by long-range atmospheric transport of polluted air during winter, but they are significantly affected by photochemical production. The latter can occur in sunlight either during transport to the Arctic or during photochemical events associated with surface ozone depletion and bromine chemistry near Alert in spring. Conversion of gaseous precursors to particulate matter via photochemical oxidation was intensified at polar sunrise, resulting in a peak in the ratio of total diacids to V. During ozone depletion events, complex patterns are indicated in photochemical production and loss depending on the diacid compound. Unsaturated (maleic and phthalic) diacids were inversely correlated with particulate Br whereas saturated diacids (C2–C4) positively correlated with particulate Br. These results suggest that Br chemistry associated with ozone depletion leads to degradation of unsaturated diacids and to the production of smaller saturated diacids.  相似文献   

Monthly average ambient concentrations of more than eighty particle-phase organic compounds, as well as total organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC), were measured from March 2004 through February 2005 in five cities in the Midwestern United States. A multi-variant source apportionment receptor model, positive matrix factorization (PMF), was applied to explore the average source contributions to the five sampling sites using molecular markers for primary and secondary organic aerosols (POA, SOA). Using the molecular makers in the model, POA and SOA were estimated for each month at each site. Three POA factors were derived, which were dominated by primary molecular markers such as EC, hopanes, steranes, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and which represented the following POA sources: urban primary sources, mobile sources, and other combustion sources. The three POA sources accounted for 57% of total average ambient OC. Three factors, characterized by the presence of reaction products of isoprene, α-pinene and β-caryophyllene, and displaying distinct seasonal trends, were consistent with the characteristics of SOA. The SOA factors made up 43% of the total average measured OC. The PMF-derived results are in good agreement with estimated SOA concentrations obtained from SOA to tracer yield estimates obtained from smog chamber experiments. A linear regression comparing the smog chamber yield estimates and the PMF SOA contributions had a regression slope of 1.01 ± 0.07 and an intercept of 0.19 ± 0.10 μg OC m?3 (adjusted R2 of 0.763, n = 58).  相似文献   

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