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We have estimated the mixing height (MH) and investigated the relationship between vertical mixing and ground-level ozone concentrations in Seoul, Korea, by using three ground-based active remote sensing instruments operating side by side: micro-pulse lidar (MPL), differential absorption lidar (DIAL), and differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS). The MH is estimated from MPL measurements of aerosol extinction profiles by the gradient method under convective conditions. Comparisons of the MHs estimated from MPL and radiosonde measurements show a good agreement (r2=0.99). Continuous MPL measurements with high temporal and vertical resolution reveal the diurnal variations of the MH under convective conditions and the presence of a residual layer during the nighttime. Comprehensive measurements of ozone and aerosol by MPL, DIAL and DOAS during an high ozone episode (24–26 May 2000) in Seoul, Korea, reveal that (1) photochemical ozone production and advection from upwind regions (the western part of Seoul) contribute two peaks of ozone concentrations at the ground around 14:00 and 18:00 local time on 25 May 2000, respectively, and (2) the entrainment and the fumigation processes of ozone aloft in the nighttime residual layer into the ground is a major contributor of high concentrations of ground-level ozone observed on the following day (26 May 2000).  相似文献   

Prediction of ambient ozone concentrations in urban areas would allow evaluation of such factors as compliance and noncompliance with EPA requirements. Though ozone prediction models exist, there is still a need for more accurate models. Development of these models is difficult because the meteorological variables and photochemical reactions involved in ozone formation are complex. In this study, we developed a neural network model for forecasting daily maximum ozone levels. We then compared the neural network's performance with those of two traditional statistical models, regression, and Box-Jenkins ARIMA. The neural network model for forecasting daily maximum ozone levels is different from the two statistical models because it employs a pattern recognition approach. Such an approach does not require specification of the structural form of the model. The results show that the neural network model is superior to the regression and Box-Jenkins ARIMA models we tested.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is used to describe the diurnal variations of primary and secondary pollutants, with emphasis on ozone. This is done for an urban basin with anthropogenic sources of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons. We propose a scheme for the decomposition of aromatic compounds. According to this scheme, each aromatic molecule gives rise to six transfers of NO to NO2 without consumption of odd oxygen. It is concluded that it is not a good approximation to represent urban hydrocarbon emissions by one single species, neither in short term (a few hours) nor multiday simulations. Species with both high and low reactivity ought to be included. We show that the nocturnal minimum in ozone often observed in urban areas, is mainly induced by gas chemistry. It is not a good approximation to omit the chemical development during the night-time in a theoretical analysis of urban photochemical pollution. Such an omission introduces errors also in the day-time chemistry. Application of constant dissociation rate coefficients over the day gives rise to false morning and evening ozone maxima.  相似文献   

Elevated ozone concentration is one of the current major environmental concerns in Taiwan. The spatial distribution and seasonal variations of ground level ozone over Taiwan are investigated by using air quality network stations of Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA). Data shows that high ozone episodes frequently occur over southwest Taiwan during autumn. In this season, shallow northeasterly winds prevail after frontal passage and are diverted by the Central Mountain Range (CMR) because of its mean altitude of about 2.5 km. The windward side in northern Taiwan is usually associated with cloudy days, whereas sunny days with weak wind speeds usually occur on the lee side of the CMR over southwest Taiwan due to topographical blocking. Numerical results indicate that anthropogenic emissions from the north of Kaohsiung could contribute as much as 41% of ozone for the Kaohsiung metropolitan area and 24% for the inland rural Pingtung area during the northerly flow. It is concluded that the contribution of the emissions from the north of Kaohsiung is significant and cannot be ignored. The northerly air masses, which flows over the western plain during daytime, picks up ozone and its precursors which are transported to southwestern Taiwan. After a sea breeze develops, strong onshore flow transports significant amounts of ozone and precursors to the inland rural areas resulting in the high ozone episodes that frequently occur over southwestern Taiwan during the autumn season.  相似文献   

Weekly and seasonal variations of surface ozone and their precursors – nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide-associated with meteorological parameters (wind direction, temperature, solar radiation) – are reported. Measurements were performed continuously during 2006 at two sampling stations located in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, Brazil. Results have shown that O3 concentrations remained almost constant between weekdays. Levels of NOx precursors decreased especially on Sundays, due to lighter traffic. The seasonal variation has shown a maximum O3 concentration during summer and spring while NOx and NO2 have maxima at the colder months. The daily cycle of highest ozone concentrations reveals a lower nightly level and an inverse relation between O3 and NOx, evidencing the photochemical formation of O3. There are seasonal variation and source heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Events of high concentration of ground-level ozone constitute a matter of major concern in large urban areas in terms of air quality, and public health. In the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area (SPMA), air quality data generated by a network of air quality measuring stations have been used in a number of studies correlating ozone formation with different variables. A study was carried out on the application of neural network models in the identification of typical sceneries leading to high ground-level ozone concentrations in the SPMA. The results were then applied in the selection of variables, and in the definition of neural network-based models for estimating ozone levels from meteorological variables. When combined with existing weather prediction tools, the models can be applied in the prediction of ozone levels in the SPMA  相似文献   

Two measurement campaigns of volatile organic compounds (VOC) were carried out in the industrial city of Dunkerque, using Radiello passive samplers during winter (16–23 January) and summer (6–13 June) 2007. 174 compounds were identified belonging to six chemical families. Classifying sampling sites with similar chemical profiles by hierarchical ascending classification resulted in 4 groups that reflected the influence of the main industrial and urban sources of pollution. Also, the BTEX (Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes) quantification allowed us to map their levels of concentration. Benzene and toluene (BT) showed high concentrations in Northern Dunkerque reflecting the influence of two industrial plants. Differences among spatial distributions of the BT concentrations over contrasted meteorological conditions were also observed. An atypical ratio of T/B in the summer samples led us to investigate the BTEX origins shedding light on the contribution of pollutants transported across various zones of VOC emissions situated in Europe.  相似文献   

Emission trading is a market-based approach designed to improve the efficiency and economic viability of emission control programs; emission trading has typically been confined to trades among single pollutants. Interpollutant trading (IPT), as described in this work, allows for trades among emissions of different compounds that affect the same air quality end point, in this work, ambient ozone (O3) concentrations. Because emissions of different compounds impact air quality end points differently, weighting factors or trading ratios (tons of emissions of nitrogen oxides (NO(x)) equivalent to a ton of emissions of volatile organic compounds [VOCs]) must be developed to allow for IPT. In this work, IPT indices based on reductions in O3 concentrations and based on reductions in population exposures to O3 were developed and evaluated using a three-dimensional gridded photochemical model for Austin, TX, a city currently on the cusp of nonattainment with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for O3 concentrations averaged over 8 hr. Emissions of VOC and NO(x) from area and mobile sources in Austin are larger than emissions from point sources. The analysis indicated that mobile and area sources exhibited similar impacts. Trading ratios based on maximum O3 concentration or population exposure were similar. In contrast, the trading ratios did exhibit significant (more than a factor of two) day-to-day variability. Analysis of the air quality modeling indicated that the daily variability in trading ratios could be attributed to daily variations in both emissions and meteorology.  相似文献   

Hourly measurement of 56 ozone precursors was conducted by a monitoring station located in a metropolitan area in central Taiwan. After nearly a year of continuous operation at this urban site, both diurnal and seasonal cycles of nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) were clearly observed, which was caused by the interplay between source, chemical loss, and meteorology. Selected species representing three different types of major sources namely the household fuel leakage, vehicular exhaust and gasoline evaporation, as well as biogenic emissions exhibit dramatic diurnal or seasonal cycles with each displaying its own unique characteristics.Ethane and propane, largely originated from leakage of natural gas or liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), showed concentrations elevating throughout the night and early morning, but began to decrease towards noon as the nocturnal temperature inversion elevated. Because of the lower chemical reactivity and somewhat more constant emissions than other measured target compounds, their diurnal cycles were presumably the direct reflection of the mixing height over the metropolitan area.For compounds originating from vehicular plus evaporative emissions such as benzene, which accounts for most of the monitored compounds, their diurnal cycles were also largely controlled by the variation in the height of temperature inversion.Of all the 56 species monitored, isoprene, an abundant biogenic species largely released by plants, showed distinct diurnal and seasonal cycles different from the other measured NMHCs. Its concentration usually peaked at noon in summer and fall when temperature and solar radiation reached their maximum level, demonstrating the close relationship of isoprene with photosynthesis.Seasonal variation was also clearly observed for the other NMHCs quantified. With the exception of isoprene, most species show higher average concentration in winter and lower in summer with the fall values being the intermediate, which presumably is caused by both the seasonal variation in HO abundance and the height of the temperature inversion.  相似文献   

After reductions of fugitive and diffuse emissions by an industrial complex, a follow-up study was performed to determine the time variability of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and the lifetime cancer risk (LCR). Passive samplers (3 M monitors) were placed outdoors (n?=?179) and indoors (n?=?75) in industrial, urban, and control areas for 4 weeks. Twenty-five compounds including n-alkanes, cycloalkanes, aromatics, chlorinated hydrocarbons, and terpenes were determined by GC/MS. The results show a significant decrease of all VOCs, especially in the industrial area and to a lesser extent in the urban area. The median outdoor concentration of benzene in the industrial area declined compared to the former study, around 85 % and about 50 % in the urban area, which in the past was strongly influenced by industrial emissions. Other carcinogenic compounds like styrene and tetrachloroethylene were reduced to approximately 60 %. VOC concentrations in control areas remained nearly unchanged. According to the determined BTEX ratios and interspecies correlations, in contrast to the previous study, traffic was identified as the main emission source in the urban and control areas and showed an increased influence in the industrial area. The LCR, calculated for benzene, styrene, and tetrachloroethylene, shows a decrease of one order of magnitude in accordance to the decreased total VOC concentrations and is now acceptable according to values proposed by the World Health Organization.  相似文献   

利用东部沿海城市天津大气边界层观测站(以下简称天津站)和西部兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站(SACOL)一年的臭氧和NOx体积浓度观测资料,对比分析了两观测站点近地层臭氧浓度的逐月变化、频率分布、日变化特征以及与NOx之间的相关关系.结果表明,两观测站点臭氧浓度月均值变化呈现出很好的一致性,均在4-7月出现高值,12月至次年2月出现低值,SACOL臭氧浓度月均值的最大值和最小值出现时间要比天津站推迟一个月.天津站臭氧体积浓度主要分布在10~50μL/m3,SACOL则集中在10~70 μL/m3,春、夏季两观测站点臭氧体积浓度低于10 μL/m3的频率均很小,秋、冬季两观测站点臭氧浓度频率分布特征类似.两观测站点臭氧浓度日变化在4个季节均呈现典型的单峰型分布,SACOL臭氧浓度日最大值出现时刻要比天津站晚2h.两观测站点臭氧浓度与NOx、NO2、NO的浓度之间均呈显著的负相关关系.天津站与臭氧浓度的相关性最强的为NO,而SACOL则是NOx.  相似文献   

Shanghai Meteorological Administration has established a volatile organic compounds (VOCs) laboratory and an observational network for VOCs and ozone (O3) measurements in the city of Shanghai. In this study, the measured VOCs and O3 concentrations from 15 November (15-Nov) to 26 November (26-Nov) of 2005 in Shanghai show that there are strong day-to-day and diurnal variations. The measured O3 and VOCs concentrations have very different characterizations between the two periods. During 15-Nov to 21-Nov (defined as the first period), VOCs and O3 concentrations are lower than the values during 22-Nov to 28-Nov (defined as the second period). There is a strong diurnal variation of O3 during the second period with maximum concentrations of 40–80 ppbv at noontime, and minimum concentrations at nighttime. By contrast, during the first period, the diurnal variation of O3 is in an irregular pattern with maximum concentrations of only 20–30 ppbv. The VOC concentrations change rapidly from 30–50 ppbv during the first period to 80–100 ppbv during the second period. Two chemical models are applied to interpret the measurements. One model is a regional chemical/dynamical model (WRF-Chem) and another is a detailed chemical mechanism model (NCAR MM). Model analysis shows that the meteorological conditions are very different between the two periods, and are mainly responsible for the different chemical characterizations of O3 and VOCs between the two periods. During the first period, meteorological conditions are characterized by cloudy sky and high-surface winds in Shanghai, resulting in a higher nighttime planetary boundary layer (PBL) and faster transport of air pollutants. By contrast, during the second period, the meteorological conditions are characterized by clear sky and weak surface winds, resulting in a lower nighttime PBL and slower transport of air pollutants. The chemical mechanism model calculation shows that different VOC species has very different contributions to the high-ozone concentrations during the second period. Alkane (40 ppbv) and aromatic (30 ppbv) are among the highest VOC concentrations observed in Shanghai. The analysis suggests that the aromatic is a main contributor for the O3 chemical production in Shanghai, with approximately 79% of the O3 being produced by aromatic. This analysis implies that future increase in VOC (especially aromatic) emissions could lead to significant increase in O3 concentrations in Shanghai.  相似文献   

Diurnal variations of wind field and pollutant dispersion in a complex terrain with a shoreline were investigated under the insolation conditions of summer and winter. The area is located in the south of the Korean Peninsula and includes a large petrochemical industrial complex. The Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) was used in the simulation study. Initially, horizontally homogeneous wind fields were assumed on the basis of sounding data at the nearby upper-air station for days with morning wind speeds below 2 m s−1. On these days, the sea breeze prevailed in summer while the land breeze lasted for a few hours in the morning; the effect of synoptic winds was strong in winter with some inclusion of wind variations owing to the interaction between sea and land. The predicted wind direction at the location of the weather station captured an important change of the sea/land breeze of the observed one. In the morning, both in summer and winter, complicated wind fields with low wind speeds resulted in high pollutant concentrations almost all over the area. On the other hand, in the afternoon, the wind field was rather uniform and the terrain effects were not significant even in the mountainous area with the development of a mixing layer.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study provides an analysis of the spatial distribution and trends of NO, NO2 and O3 concentrations in Portugal between 1995 and 2010....  相似文献   

This work analyzes the variations in daily maximum 1-hr ozone (O3) concentrations and the long-term trends in annual means of hourly ambient concentrations of O3, nitrogen oxides (nitrous oxide + nitrogen dioxide), and nonmethane hydrocarbons in the three administrative regions of Kao-Ping airshed in southern Taiwan over a recent 8-yr period. The annual or monthly means of all maxima, most 95th percentiles, and some 90th percentiles of the daily maximum 1-hr O3 concentrations exceed the daily limit of 120 parts per billion by volume in all three regions, namely, Kao-hsiung City, Kso-hsiung County, and P'ing-tung County. The monthly means of daily maximum 1-hr O3 concentrations exhibit distinct seasonal variations, with a bimodal form with the maxima in autumn and late winter to the middle of spring and a minimum in summer. The long-term variations in the annual means of hourly O3 concentrations in the three regions exhibit increasing trends. These increases in O3 are associated with the decline in ambient concentrations of nitrogen oxides and nonmethane hydrocarbons. High O3 episodes occur most often in autumn and most rarely in summer. The seasonal mean mixing heights in descending order follow the order of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Meteorological parameters in autumn and winter indicate that the ground-level O3 tends to accumulate and trigger a high O3 episode on a warm day with sufficient sunlight and low wind in a high-pressure system, consistent with the low mixing heights in these two seasons.  相似文献   

To quantify the possible sources of the high ambient ozone concentration in the low troposphere over Taiwan, ozone sounding data from a two-year intensive field measurement program conducted in April and early May of 2004 and 2005 in northern Taiwan has been examined. We found that the vertical ozone distributions and occurrence of enhanced ozone in the lower troposphere (below 6 km) mainly resulted from (1)Type NE: the long-range transport of ozone controlled by the prevailing northeasterly winds below 2 km, (2)Type LO: the local photochemical ozone production process, and (3)Type SW: the strong southwest/westerly winds aloft (2–6 km). In the boundary layer (BL), where Asian continental outflow prevails, the average profile for type NE is characterized by a peak ozone concentration of nearly 65 ppb at about 1500 m altitude. For type LO, high ozone concentration with an average ozone concentration greater than 80 ppb was also found in the BL in the case of stagnant atmospheric and sunny weather conditions dominated. For type SW, significant ozone enhancement with average ozone concentration of 70–85 ppb was found at around 4 km altitude. It is about 10 ppb greater than that of the types NE and LO at the same troposphere layer owing to the contribution of the biomass burning over Indochina. Due to Taiwan's unique geographic location, the complex interaction of these ozone features in the BL and aloft, especially features associated with northeasterly and south/southwesterly winds, have resulted in complex characteristics of ozone distributions in the lower troposphere over northern Taiwan.  相似文献   

Maps of the annual average of the NO2 concentration in an urban area are generally built from temporary seasonal measurements, as in 2001 at Mulhouse (France). To improve the precision of the estimation, auxiliary information about the environment can be used. Instead of kriging the average of the two seasonal measurements (in “winter” and in “summer”), cokriging these seasonal values guarantees the consistency of seasonal and annual estimations. Even more, cokriging allows the use of “incomplete series” at the sites measured during only one season. Based on cokriging, an optimization of the sampling is studied, while alternating the seasonal measurements on a part of the sites.Using the linear model of coregionalization, the fitting of simple and cross-variograms reveals a remarkable spatial decomposition of the seasonal concentrations. The different spatial components are interpreted in terms of physico-chemical processes of production, transformation or destruction of the NO2 in urban atmosphere.  相似文献   

Components of the near-ground urban aerosol in Beijing, China, which are derived from natural and pollution sources, have been identified by means of PIXE analysis of particle size fractionated samples and relationships among the concentrations of 18 elements. Samples were collected in city center and outlying suburban and rural locations on five days in July and December 1980. The panicle size distributions of most elements were bimodal, with a gradual progression from mainly coarse mode Ca, Ti and Al to mainly fine mode S, As, and Br. Pb, Zn and Cu occurred mainly in fine particles and were apparently pollutants derived from the combustion of coal and other fuels, but not gasoline. Fine particle Cr, Mn and Fe concentrations were especially high on one July day and may have derived from a pulse of industrial air pollution. Si concentrations were singularly high in ultra-fine particles as if from the condensation of high temperature vapors from coal combustion. Coarse particles in the city center were apparently from local surface dust raised by vehicle traffic, and they were enriched in Pb, Zn and Cu compared to a rural location, suggesting a significant degree of city soil contamination by fine pollution aerosol fallout over time.  相似文献   

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