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The emission factors of NOx, VOC and CO of a road tunnel study performed in September 1993 in the Gubrist tunnel, close to Zürich (Switzerland) are compared with results of emission calculations based on recent results of dynamometric test measurements. The emission calculations are carried out with a traffic emission model taking into account the detailed composition of the vehicle fleet in the tunnel, the average speed and the gradient of the road and the special aerodynamics in a tunnel. With the exception of NOx emission factors for heavy duty vehicles no evidence for a discrepancy between the results of the tunnel study and the emission modeling was found. The measured emission factors of individual hydrocarbons of light duty vehicles were in good agreement with the expectations for most components.  相似文献   

D. Thompson 《Chemosphere》1994,29(12):2583-2595
A database for chlorinated dioxins (DBDs), with heats of formation derived by analogy with chlorination of quinone and benzene, has already been shown to predict relative isomer distributions nearer to those observed, and those predicted using MOPAC, than an earlier database due to Shaub. The model has been extended to obtain a similar database for chlorinated dibenzofurans (DBF's), and comparisons with observed isomer concentration distributions are illustrated. Calculations are carried out using the NPL MTDATA suite of programs. Isomer group values for the properties of the original compounds and each degree of chlorination have been derived, and the use of these values leads to a reduction in the data obtained in computations to more manageable proportions. The reduced database obtained is combined with other databases to carry out computer predictions for simulated chlorine-containing combustion gases. Data for inorganics substances and the simplest organic substances (methane. ethane and related species) are obtained from the SGTE database. More extensive data for aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons from various standard sources have been incorporated in an additional computational database. In order to examine the relative concentrations of DBFs and DBDs a database for chlorinated hydrocarbons has been established. Predictions for simulated fuel rich combustion products for the C, H, O, Cl system are presented.  相似文献   

程璞  张慧  程滨 《环境工程学报》2014,8(3):1099-1105
人工湿地处理的生活污水含氮量或者有机物含量很高时,可能会造成人工湿地在处理污水的过程中排放大量温室气体。研究了垂直潜流式人工湿地在人工合成的生活污水不同污染物进水C/N负荷条件下污水处理效果和温室气体(CO2和CH4)的排放量,利用现场测量和碳平衡模型估算分析了可以达到最佳污水净化效果和最少温室气体排放量的污染物进水C/N负荷条件。结果显示,在进水C/N负荷为C/N=6∶1~9∶1时可以得到最佳的污染物去除率。温室气体CH4排放量较CO2排放量可以忽略不计,而在进水C/N负荷为C/N=3∶1~6∶1时可以实现最少的温室气体排放。综上所述,最优的进水C/N负荷确定为C/N=6∶1,此时人工湿地可以得到较高的污染物去除率而排放较少的温室气体。  相似文献   

The procedure for and results of a test study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission from a few types of solid fuels combustion in residential furnaces of various designs typical for Belarus are discussed. Greatest levels of PAH emission were detected from domestic wastes and wood waste combustion. Lowest levels of PAH emission are from peat briquette combustion. It was found that PAH concentration in off-gases from firewood combustion also varies significantly depending on the type of wood: the highest values of PAH are typical for waste gases from birch firewood combustion in comparison with pine firewood combustion. Draft PAH emission factors are proposed with intended application for emission inventory of such installations.  相似文献   

To investigate whether wind is a significant driving force in the diffusion of CO and CH4 from the atmosphere into soil, we measured the concentrations of these two gases at two heights above a temperate grass field in Japan and estimated their deposition velocities using micrometeorological techniques. The concentrations were inversely correlated with wind speed, indicating that the local concentrations were influenced by ground sources. The CO and CH4 concentrations at 0.33 m were usually lower than those at 1.3 m. Although nocturnal data are suspected to be non-stationary, by selecting several periods when the changes of the concentrations were small but larger than analytical precision, we obtained a CO velocity of 2.9 and 3.9×10−2 cms−1, agreeing with a CO deposition velocity, 3.4×10−2 cms−1, obtained by applying a method using CO2 as a tracer. The CH4 influx obtained by the method using CO2 as a tracer was 13 ngm−2 s−1. The ranges of the CO deposition velocity and CH4 influx were similar to those obtained in previous studies in grassfields and in a nearby arable field using a closed-chamber technique. This shows that light winds do not greatly accelerate CO and CH4 uptake by soil.  相似文献   

Microbial particles can readily be released into the air from different types of man-made sources such as waste operations. Microbiological emissions from different biological sources and their dispersion may be an issue of concern for area planning and for nearby residents. This study was designed to determine the concentrations and diversity of microbiological emissions from four different man-made source environments: waste center with composting windrows, sewage treatment plant, farming environment, and cattle manure spreading. Samples of airborne particles were collected onto polyvinyl chloride filters at three distances along the prevailing downwind direction, from each source environment during a period of approximately 1 week. These samples were analyzed for 13 species or assay groups of fungi, bacterial genus Streptomyces, and Gram-positive and -negative bacteria using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Samples for determining the concentrations of viable fungi and bacteria were collected from all environments using a six-stage impactor. The results show that there were variations in the microbial diversity between the source environments. Specifically, composting was a major source for the fungal genera Aspergillus and Penicillium, particularly for Aspergillus fumigatus, and for the bacterial genus Streptomyces. Although the microbial concentrations in the sewage treatment plant area were significantly higher than those at 50 or 200 m distance from the plant area, in the farming environment or cattle manure spreading area, no significant difference was observed between different distances from the source. In summary, elevated concentrations of microbes that differ from background can only be detected within a few hundred meters from the source. This finding, reported earlier for culturable bacteria and fungi, could thus be confirmed using molecular methods that cover both culturable and nonculturable microbial material.  相似文献   

A simulated burning experiment was conducted in a tubular furnace system to examine the emission of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the burning of rice and bean straw, and the influence of combustion parameters was investigated. Total emission amounts of 16 PAHs (∑PAHs) from the burning of rice and bean straw ranged from 9.29 to 23.6 μg g?1 and from 3.13 to 49.9 μg g?1, respectively, which increased with the increase of temperatures from 200 to 700 °C. The contribution of combustion to individual PAH yields was about 80.6–100%, which was generally increased with the increase of burning temperature. Moisture content in straw had a negative effect on PAH formation, especially on PAHs with low molecular weight. ∑PAHs emission amounts decreased by 78.2% for bean straw with a moisture content of 30% in comparison with that for dried straw. In addition, PAH emission amounts increased with the increase of O2 content in supplied air and then decreased, which showed a maximum emission at O2 content of 40%. The source fingerprint of PAHs in emission from straw burning was established, which showed that naphthalene accounted for 35.0 ± 7.4% of ∑PAHs. Based on the experimental data, emission amounts of ∑PAHs from the burning of rice and bean straw were estimated to be 320–357 and 32.5–76.0 tons to ambient air per year in China, respectively.  相似文献   

An empirical emission model based on experimental data was proposed. The total suspended particulates (TSP) emission model obtained by using stepwise multiple-regression analysis was significant (p<0.001); moreover, the relatively high value of R-squared (R2=0.85), which indicated that four parameters included in the model (air temperature, soil silt content, soil moisture content, and wind speed) accounted for the particulate emissions from a sandbank. The results of the multiple-regression analysis demonstrated that the TSP emission factors increased with increase in air temperature, soil silt content and wind speed, but were inversely affected by the soil moisture content. The model equation verified the experimental results and proved itself to be an important tool in predicting the dust emissions from a sandbank under strong wind conditions.  相似文献   

A series of twelve intensively monitored 1-hr CO dispersion studies were conducted near Davis, CA, in winter 1996. The experimental equipment included twelve CO sampling ports at elevations up to 50 m, three sonic anemometers, a tethersonde station, aircraft measurements of wind and temperature profile aloft, and a variety of conventional meteorological equipment. The study was designed to explore the role of vehicular exhaust buoyancy during worst-case meteorological conditions, such as low winds oriented in near-parallel alignment with the road during a surface-based nocturnal inversion. From the study, field estimates of the CO emission factor (EF) from a California vehicle fleet were computed using two different methods. The analysis suggests that the CT-EMFAC/EMFAC (EMission FACtor) models currently used to conduct federal conformity modeling significantly overpredict CO emissions for high-speed, free-flowing traffic on California highways.  相似文献   

Production of methane and carbon dioxide as well as methane concentrations in surface waters and emissions to the atmosphere were investigated in two flow-through lake complexes (Uzlina–Isac and Puiu–Rosu–Rosulet) in the Danube Delta during post-flood conditions in May and low water level in September 2006. Retained nutrients fuelled primary production and remineralisation of bioavailable organic matter. This led to an observable net release of methane, particularly in the lakes Uzlina, Puiu and Rosu in May. Input from the Danube River, from redbuds and benthic release contributed to CH4 concentrations in surface waters. In addition to significant river input of CO2, this trace gas was released via aerobic remineralisation within the water column and in top sediments. Emission patterns of CO2 widely overlapped with those of CH4. Generally, greenhouse gas emissions peaked in the lake complex adjacent to the Danube River in May due to strong winds and decreased with increasing hydrological distance from the Danube River. Intense remineralisation of organic matter in the Danube Delta lakes results in a net source of atmospheric greenhouse gases.  相似文献   

A multiple-year inventory of atmospheric antimony (Sb) emissions from coal combustion in China for the period of 1980-2007 has been calculated for the first time. Specifically, the emission inventories of Sb from 30 provinces and 4 economic sectors (thermal power, industry, residential use, and others) are evaluated and analyzed in detail. It shows that the total Sb emissions released from coal combustion in China have increased from 133.19 t in 1980 to 546.67 t in 2007, at an annually average growth rate of 5.4%. The antimony emissions are largely emitted by industrial sector and thermal power generation sector, contributing 53.6% and 26.9% of the totals, respectively. At provincial level, the distribution of Sb emissions shows significant variation. Between 2005 and 2007, provinces always rank at the top five largest Sb emissions are: Guizhou, Hunan, Hebei, Shandong, and Anhui.  相似文献   

The emissions of exhaust gases (NO x , SO2, VOCs, and CO2) and particles (e.g., PM) from ships traversing Busan Port in Korea were estimated over three different years (the years 2006, 2008, and 2009). This analysis was performed according to the ship operational modes (“at sea,” “maneuvering,” and “in port”) and ship types based on an activity-based method. The ship emissions for current (base year 2009) and future scenarios (years 2020 and 2050) were also compared. The annual emissions of SO2, VOCs, PM, and CO2 were highest (9.6?×?103, 374, 1.2?×?103, and 5.6?×?105 ton year?1, respectively) in 2008. In contrast, the annual NO x emissions were highest (11.7?×?103 ton year?1) in 2006 due mainly to the high NO x emission factor. The emissions of air pollutants for each ship operational mode differed considerably, with the largest emission observed in “in port” mode. In addition, the largest fraction (approximately 45–67 %) of the emissions of all air pollutants during the study period was emitted from container ships. The future ship emissions of most pollutants (except for SO2 and PM) in 2020 and 2050 are estimated to be 1.4–1.8 and 4.7–6.1 times higher than those in 2009 (base year), respectively.  相似文献   

Production of methane and carbon dioxide as well as methane concentrations in surface waters and emissions to the atmosphere were investigated in two flow-through lake complexes (Uzlina–Isac and Puiu–Rosu–Rosulet) in the Danube Delta during post-flood conditions in May and low water level in September 2006. Retained nutrients fuelled primary production and remineralisation of bioavailable organic matter. This led to an observable net release of methane, particularly in the lakes Uzlina, Puiu and Rosu in May. Input from the Danube River, from redbuds and benthic release contributed to CH4 concentrations in surface waters. In addition to significant river input of CO2, this trace gas was released via aerobic remineralisation within the water column and in top sediments. Emission patterns of CO2 widely overlapped with those of CH4. Generally, greenhouse gas emissions peaked in the lake complex adjacent to the Danube River in May due to strong winds and decreased with increasing hydrological distance from the Danube River. Intense remineralisation of organic matter in the Danube Delta lakes results in a net source of atmospheric greenhouse gases.  相似文献   

Near-surface wind-tunnel fugitive dust concentration profiles arising from soil surfaces beds were compared to a finite difference numerical dust transport model. Comparisons of the type shown in this study were previously non-existent in the literature due to the lack of experimental wind-tunnel data for near-surface concentrations over a soil bed. However, in a previous study by the authors, near-surface steady-state concentration profiles were measured in order to obtain fugitive dust emission rates, thus allowing the comparison to models shown in this paper. The novel aspects of the current study include: comparison of concentration profiles of dust obtained experimentally in the wind tunnel with those calculated numerically; comparison of the calculated numerical fetch effect on dust emissions with that obtained in the wind tunnel; and comparison of the emission rates calculated numerically with those obtained experimentally in the wind tunnel. Initial comparisons with the model indicate good agreement implying that the physical mechanism of advection–diffusion is reasonably modeled with the choice of equations for the simple “steady-state” process near the surface. Furthermore, the numerical solutions presented in this paper provide a means to systematically explore the relative impact of varied surface boundary conditions upon the emission process and provide a potential link between wind-tunnel simulations and field scale models.  相似文献   

The flow fields around moderately steep hills of triangular cross section and varying crosswind aspect ratio and around a bell-shaped hill were examined by using models immersed in a simulated neutral atmospheric boundary layer in a meteorological wind tunnel. The triangular hills ranged from an axisymmetric cone to a two-dimensional ridge. Concentration patterns resulting from sources of three heights placed upwind of each of these hills were examined to determine plume deformations and terrain amplification factors. The separated flow fields, increasing in size with increasing aspect ratio, appeared to have dominating influences on the entire flow structure; changes in several flow parameters were plausibly explained in terms of the notion that the effective hill shape was the hill-plus-recirculation region rather than the actual hill shape. The concentration measurements showed strong distortions of plume shapes effected by the hills, with convergence in vertical planes and divergence in horizontal planes. Plumes from elevated sources approached the hill surfaces much more closely the smaller the aspect ratio; streamline displacements were generally within the limits suggested by potential flow theory. The terrain amplification factor A, defined as the ratio of the maximum surface concentration in the presence of the hill to the maximum in flat terrain, was found to decrease with increasing aspect ratio. For the half-hill-height sources, values of A ranged from 4 for the bell-shaped hill down to 1.5 for the two-dimensional ridge; for the hill-height source, from 1.8 for the cone down to 0.6 for the two-dimensional ridge. The latter value is suspect, however, because larger concentrations are expected downwind of the reattachment point, a region not probed in the current study.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The international community has generally recognized the key role of developing countries’ cities in reducing carbon emissions, an elemental way...  相似文献   

The basic principle of odor sampling from surface sources is based primarily on the amount of air obtained from a specific area of the ground, which acts as a source of malodorous compounds. Wind tunnels and flux chambers are often the only available, direct method of evaluating the odor fluxes from small area sources. There are currently no widely accepted chamber-based methods; thus, there is still a need for standardization of these methods to ensure accuracy and comparability. Previous research has established that there is a significant difference between the odor concentration values obtained using the Lindvall chamber and those obtained by a dynamic flow chamber. Thus, the present study compares sampling methods using a streaming chamber modeled on the Lindvall cover (using different wind speeds), a static chamber, and a direct sampling method without any screens. The volumes of chambers in the current work were similar, ~0.08 m3. This study was conducted at the mechanical-biological treatment plant in Poland. Samples were taken from a pile covered by the membrane. Measured odor concentration values were between 2 and 150 ouE/m3. Results of the study demonstrated that both chambers can be used interchangeably in the following conditions: odor concentration is below 60 ouE/m3, wind speed inside the Lindvall chamber is below 0.2 m/sec, and a flow value is below 0.011 m3/sec. Increasing the wind speed above the aforementioned value results in significant differences in the results obtained between those methods. In all experiments, the results of the concentration of odor in the samples using the static chamber were consistently higher than those from the samples measured in the Lindvall chamber. Lastly, the results of experiments were employed to determine a model function of the relationship between wind speed and odor concentration values.

Implications: Several researchers wrote that there are no widely accepted chamber-based methods. Also, there is still a need for standardization to ensure full comparability of these methods. The present study compared the existing methods to improve the standardization of area source sampling. The practical usefulness of the results was proving that both examined chambers can be used interchangeably. Statistically similar results were achieved while odor concentration was below 60 ouE/m3 and wind speed inside the Lindvall chamber was below 0.2 m/sec. Increasing wind speed over these values results in differences between these methods. A model function of relationship between wind speed and odor concentration value was determined.  相似文献   

燃油锅炉燃烧过程SO2的生成与排放特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
燃料燃烧过程是大气污染物的重要来源之一,对人体健康、空气质量和气候变化产生非常重要的影响。以62台燃油锅炉(≤10.5 MW)的燃料特性分析数据和SO2排放实测数据为基础,通过统计分析方法,研究了燃油燃烧过程中燃油硫含量S和过量空气系数α对硫的转化率、SO2排放因子和排放浓度的影响,获得了基于燃料消耗量、燃料发热量的SO2排放因子EFCEFH以及SO2标态折算浓度CSO2与硫含量S间的关联式。结果表明,在过量空气系数α>1的燃油燃烧过程中,EFCEFHCSO2与燃油硫含量S呈现出显著的线性正相关性,而与过量空气系数α无关,其关系式分别为:EFC=18.86602×S,EFH=443.78751×S ,CSO2=1 509.28337×S;硫转化率η和基于燃料硫含量的SO2排放因子EFS则与燃油硫含量S和过量空气系数α无关,其平均值分别为96.3%和1.93 kg/kg。  相似文献   

Real-world vehicle emissions of carbonyls were determined in summer and winter of 2003 at the Shing Mun Tunnel, Hong Kong. Fifteen carbonyl species have been analyzed in this study. The total measured carbonyls emission factors ranged from 21.7 to 68.9 mg veh−1 km−1 among different measurement periods, with an average of 35.8±11.9 mg veh−1 km−1. Higher carbonyl emissions were found to be associated with a high proportion of diesel-fueled vehicles. Total measured carbonyl emissions from Diesel-fueled Vehicle (DV, 71.5 mg veh−1 km−1) were about 7 times higher than those from Non-Diesel-fueled Vehicle (NDV, 10 mg veh−1 km−1). The five carbonyls with the largest DV emission factor were, in decreasing order, formaldehyde (38.3 mg veh−1 km−1), acetaldehyde (11.4 mg veh−1 km−1), acetone (5.3 mg veh−1 km−1), crotonaldehyde (5.2 mg veh−1 km−1) and benzaldehyde (2.0 mg veh−1 km−1). These five carbonyl compounds together accounted for 87% of the sum of all DV carbonyl emission factors. For NDV, the five most abundant carbonyls in NDV emission at the tunnel were, in decreasing order, formaldehyde (3.5 mg veh−1 km−1), acetone (1.8 mg veh−1 km−1), methyl ethyl ketone (1.6 mg veh−1 km−1), m,p-tolualdehyde (1.0 mg veh−1 km−1) and acetaldehyde (mg veh−1 km−1). They accounted for 85% of the sum of all NDV carbonyl emission factors.  相似文献   

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