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24-h simultaneous samplings of PM10 and PM2.5 particulate matter (PM) have been carried out during the period December 1997–September 1998 in the central urban area of Milan. The mass concentrations of the two fractions showed significant daily variations linked to different thermodynamic conditions of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) and characterised by higher values during wintertime. The elemental composition, determined by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence technique, was quite different in the two fractions: in the finer one the presence of elements with crustal origin is reduced while the anthropogenic elements, with a relevant environmental and health impact, appear to be enriched. The composition data allowed a quantification of two major components of the atmospheric particulate: sulphates (mainly of secondary origin) and particles with crustal origin. An important but unmeasured component is likely constituted by organic and elemental carbon compounds.The multivariate analysis of elements, gaseous pollutants and mass concentration data-sets leads to the identification of four main sources contributing to PM10 and PM2.5 composition: vehicles exhaust emissions, resuspended crustal dust, secondary sulphates and industrial emissions. The existence of a possible background component with non-local origin is also suggested.  相似文献   

The characterization of carbonaceous species in PM2.5 during a spring period in a suburb of Xi'an, China was investigated. PM2.5 samples were collected on quartz filters and analyzed for organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC). The thermal optical reflectance method was used. The minimum OC/EC ratio method was used to estimate the concentration of secondary organic carbon (SOC). The distribution of eight carbon fractions was investigated as well. The average mass concentrations of OC and EC were 15.90 and 8.38 μg/m3, respectively. The average OC/EC ratio ranged from 1.16 to 3.16 with an average value of 2.25. This implies the existence of SOC in PM2.5. The mean SOC concentration was 7.20 μg/m3, accounting for 45.28% of total OC. This result suggests that SOC is a significant component of OC in the suburb of Xi'an. Results from the distribution of eight carbon fractions revealed that emissions from motor vehicle, coal combustion, and road dust were the main source of carbonaceous particles in the sampling period.  相似文献   

One-week integrated fine particulate matter (i.e., particles <2.5 microm in diameter; PM2.5) samples were collected continuously with a low-flow rate sampler at a downtown site (Chegongzhuang) and a residential site (Tsinghua University) in Beijing between July 1999 and June 2000. The annual average concentrations of organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) at the urban site were 23.9 and 8.8 microg m(-3), much higher than those in some cities with serious air pollution. Similar weekly variations of OC and EC concentrations were found for the two sampling sites with higher concentrations in the winter and autumn. The highest weekly variations of OC and EC occurred in the winter, suggesting that combustion sources for space heating were important contributors to carbonaceous particles, along with a significant impact from variable meteorological conditions. High emissions coupled with unfavorable meteorological conditions led to the max weekly carbonaceous concentration the week of November 18-25, 1999. The weekly mass ratios of OC:EC ranged between 2 and 4 for most samples and averaged 2.9, probably suggesting that secondary OC (SOC) is present most weeks. The range of contemporary carbon fraction, based on the C14 analyses of eight samples collected in 2001, is 0.330-0.479. Estimated SOC accounted for approximately 38% of the total OC at the two sites. Average OC and EC concentrations at Tsinghua University were 25% and 18%, respectively, higher than those at Chegongzhuang, which could be attributed to different local emissions of primary carbonaceous particles and gaseous precursors of SOC, as well as different summer photochemical intensities between the two locations.  相似文献   

In August 2003 during the anticipated month of the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games, we simultaneously collected PM10 and PM2.5 samples at 8, 100, 200 and 325 m heights up a meteorological tower and in an urban and a suburban site in Beijing. The samples were analysed for organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) contents. Particulate matter (PM) and carbonaceous species pollution in the Beijing region were serious and widespread with 86% of PM2.5 samples exceeding the daily National Ambient Air Quality Standard of the USA (65 μg m−3) and the overall daily average PM10 concentrations of the three surface sites exceeding the Class II National Air Quality Standard of China (150 μg m−3). The maximum daily PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations reached 178.7 and 368.1 μg m−3, respectively, while those of OC and EC reached 22.2 and 9.1 μg m−3 in PM2.5 and 30.0 and 13.0 μg m−3 in PM10, respectively. PM, especially PM2.5, OC and EC showed complex vertical distributions and distinct layered structures up the meteorological tower with elevated levels extending to the 100, 200 and 300 m heights. Meteorological evidence suggested that there exist fine atmospheric layers over urban Beijing. These layers were featured by strong temperature inversions close to the surface (<50 m) and more stable conditions aloft. They enhanced the accumulation of pollutants and probably caused the complex vertical distributions of PM and carbonaceous species over urban Beijing. The built-up of PM was accompanied by transport of industrial emissions from the southwest direction of the city. Emissions from road traffic and construction activities as well as secondary organic carbon (SOC) are important sources of PM. High OC/EC ratios (range of 1.8–5.1 for PM2.5 and 2.0–4.3 for PM10) were found, especially in the higher levels of the meteorological tower suggesting there were substantial productions of SOC in summer Beijing. SOC is estimated to account for at least 33.8% and 28.1% of OC in PM2.5 and PM10, respectively, with higher percentages at the higher levels of the tower.  相似文献   

Continuous observation of PM2.5 was conducted in Taiyuan, a heavily polluted city in China, during high pollution season from December 2005 to February 2006. The results of this study showed that PM2.5 and carbonaceous species pollution were serious during winter in Taiyuan. The organic carbon (OC) and element carbon (EC) were accounted for 18.6±11.2% and 2.9±1.6% of PM2.5, respectively, which indicated that carbonaceous aerosols were key components for control fine particles pollution in Taiyuan. Coal combustion was a dominant source of OC and EC of PM2.5 in the urban area of Taiyuan during winter. The impact of local and remote particle sources on urban air quality was assessed using PM2.5 concentration rose and 3-day back trajectories of air masses arriving at Taiyuan. The meteorological conditions were found to affect the ambient concentrations of PM2.5, OC, EC and OC/EC ratio.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The study represents the seasonal characteristics (carbonaceous aerosols and elements) and the contribution of prominent sources of PM2.5 and PM10 in...  相似文献   

The particulate matter (PM) concentration and composition, the PM10, PM2.5, PM1 fractions, were studied in the urban area of Genoa, a coastal town in the northwest of Italy. Two instruments, the continuous monitor TEOM and the sequential sampler PARTISOL, were operated almost continuously on the same site from July 2001 to September 2004. Samples collected by PARTISOL were weighted to obtain PM concentration and then analysed by PIXE (particle induced X-ray emission) and by ED-XRF (energy dispersion X-ray fluorescence), obtaining concentrations for elements from Na to Pb. Some of the filters used in the TEOM microbalance were analysed by ED-XRF to calculate Pb concentration values averaged over 7-30 d periods.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the characteristics of atmospheric carbonaceous aerosol at a background site in Northeast Asia, semicontinuous organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC), and time-resolved water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) were measured by a Sunset OC/ EC and a PILS-TOC (particle-into-liquid sampler coupled with an online total organic carbon) analyzer, respectively, at the Gosan supersite on Jeju Island, Korea, in the summer (May 28-June 17) and fall (August 24-September 30) of 2009. Hourly average OC concentration varied in the range of approximately 0.87-28.38 microgC m-3, with a mean of 4.07+/- 2.60 microgC m-3, while the hourly average EC concentration ranged approximately from 0.04 to 8.19 .microgC m-3, with a mean of 1.35 +/- 0.71 microgC m-3, from May 28 to June 17, 2009. During the fall season, OC varied in the approximate range 0.9-9.6 microgC m-3, with a mean of 2.30 +/-0.80 microgC m-3, whereas EC ranged approximately from 0.01 to 5.40 microgC m-3, with a mean of 0.66 +/- 0.38 microgC m-3. Average contributions of EC to TC and WSOC to OC were 26.0% +/- 9.7% and 20.6% +/-7.4%, and 37.6% +/- 23.5% and 57.2% +/- 22.2% during summer and fall seasons, respectively. As expected, clear diurnal variation of WSOC/OC was found in summer, varying from 0.22 during the nighttime up to 0.72 during the daytime, mainly due to the photo-oxidation process. In order to investigate the effect of air mass pathway on the characteristics of carbonaceous aerosol, 5-day back-trajectory analysis was conducted using the HYSPLIT model. The air mass pathways were classified into four types: Continental (CC), Marine (M), East Sea (ES) and Korean Peninsula (KP). The highest OC/EC ratio of 3.63 was observed when air mass originated from the Continental area (CC). The lowest OC/EC ratio of 0.79 was measured when air mass originated from the Marine area (M). A high OC concentration was occasionally observed at Gosan due to local biomass burning activities. The contribution of secondary OC to total OC varied approximately between 8.4% and 32.2% and depended on air mass type.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the characteristics of carbonaceous fine aerosols, PM2.5 particulate samples were collected in the Sihwa industrial complex area between February 1998 and 1999 and in Seoul between 31 May and 9 June 1999, respectively. The carbonaceous species were analyzed by the selective thermal manganese dioxide oxidation (TMO) method. In Sihwa, average OC and EC concentrations for the entire data set were measured to be 9.8 and 1.8 μg m−3, respectively. The OC concentrations were higher than those measured in other urban environments. The EC concentrations were lower than those of other urban environments. The OC/EC ratio measured at the Sihwa area was higher than those at other urban and rural environments. Backward trajectories of sampled air masses were performed to find out the sources of those higher OC/EC levels. Enrichment in the organic compounds during winter periods can be explained by the combination of primary local emissions from the industrial complex area and long-range transport of organic species from outside the Sihwa area. High OC values in June resulted from primary anthropogenic emissions and secondary organic aerosol formation rather than the atmospheric transport of organic compounds from the outside. In urban area of Seoul, the OC and EC concentrations in PM2.5 during the summer were higher than those measured at other urban atmospheres. OC/EC ratios obtained in Seoul were lower than Sihwa. It can be concluded that carbonaceous species in Seoul were mainly emitted from primary anthropogenic sources.  相似文献   

Fine particles in urban atmospheres contain substantial quantities of semi-volatile material [e.g., NH4NO3 and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs)] that are lost from particles during collection on a filter. Several diffusion denuder samplers have been developed for the determination of both NO3- and organic semi-volatile fine particulate components. The combination of technology used in the BOSS diffusion denuder sampler and the Harvard particle concentrator has resulted in the Particle Concentrator-Brigham Young University Organic Sampling System (PC-BOSS) for the 24-hr (or less) integrated collection of PM2.5, including NH4NO3 and semi-volatile organic material. Modification of the BOSS sampler allows for the weekly determination of these same species. Combination of BOSS denuder and tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) monitor technology has resulted in the real-time ambient mass sampler (RAMS) for the continuous measurement of PM2.5, including the semi-volatile components. Comparison of the results obtained with the BOSS and with each of the newly developed modifications of the BOSS indicates that the modified versions can be used for the continuous, daily, or weekly monitoring of PM2.5, including semi-volatile species, as appropriate to the design of each sampler.  相似文献   

吕晓慧  张泠  刘忠兵  徐秀 《环境工程学报》2016,10(12):7141-7146
基于浓度守恒原理建立了一次回风空调系统室内PM2.5浓度模型,研究了过滤器分别安装在新风段、回风段和送风段时过滤效率和新风量的变化对室内PM2.5浓度的影响。模拟结果表明:在室外PM2.5浓度大于室内初始值的条件下,过滤器安装在送风段或回风段时,减少新风有利于室内PM2.5污染控制,过滤器安装在新风段时,根据过滤器效率调节新风,过滤效率小于临界效率,减小新风有利于室内污染控制;在室外PM2.5浓度小于室内初始值的条件下,过滤器安装在送风段或新风段时,增加新风有利于室内PM2.5污染控制,过滤器安装在回风段时,也存在临界效率,过滤效率小于临界值,增加新风有利于室内PM2.5污染控制。  相似文献   

Evaporative loss of particulate matter (with aerodynamic diameter < 2.5 microm, [PM2.5]) ammonium nitrate from quartz-fiber filters during aerosol sampling was evaluated from December 3, 1999, through February 3, 2001, at two urban (Fresno and Bakersfield) and three nonurban (Bethel Island, Sierra Nevada Foothills, and Angiola) sites in central California. Compared with total particulate nitrate, evaporative nitrate losses ranged from < 10% during cold months to > 80% during warm months. In agreement with theory, evaporative loss from quartz-fiber filters in nitric acid denuded samplers is controlled by the ambient nitric acid-to-particulate nitrate ratio, which is determined mainly by ambient temperature. Accurate estimation of nitrate volatilization requires a detailed thermodynamic model and comprehensive chemical measurements. For the 14-month average of PM2.5 acquired on Teflon-membrane filters, measured PM2.5 mass was 8-16% lower than actual PM2.5 mass owing to nitrate volatilization. For 24-hr samples, measured PM2.5 was as much as 32-44% lower than actual PM2.5 at three California Central Valley locations.  相似文献   

Aerosol samples for PM2.5 and PM10 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters less than 2.5 and 10 μm, respectively) were collected from 1993 to 1995 at five sites in Brisbane, a subtropical coastal city in Australia. This paper investigates the contributions of emission sources to PM2.5 and PM10 aerosol mass in Brisbane. Source apportionment results derived from the chemical mass balance (CMB), target transformation factor analysis (TTFA) and multiple linear regression (MLR) methods agree well with each other. The contributions from emission sources exhibit large variations in particle size with temporal and spatial differences. On average, the major contributors of PM10 aerosol mass in Brisbane include: soil/road side dusts (25% by mass), motor vehicle exhausts (13%, not including the secondary products), sea salt (12%), Ca-rich and Ti-rich compounds (11%, from cement works and mineral processing industries), biomass burning (7%), and elemental carbon and secondary products contribute to around 15% of the aerosol mass on average. The major sources of PM2.5 aerosols at the Griffith University (GU) site (a suburban site surrounded by forest area) are: elemental carbon (24% by mass), secondary organics (21%), biomass burning (15%) and secondary sulphate (14%). Most of the secondary products are related to motor vehicle exhausts, so, although motor vehicle exhausts contribute directly to only 6% of the PM2.5 aerosol mass, their total contribution (including their secondary products) could be substantial. This pattern of source contribution is similar to the results for Rozelle (Sydney) among the major Australian studies, and is less in contributions from industrial and motor vehicular exhausts than the other cities. An attempt was made to estimate the contribution of rural dust and road side dust. The results show that road side dusts could contribute more than half of the crustal matter. More than 80% of the contribution of vehicle exhausts arises from diesel-fuelled trucks/buses. Biomass burning, large contributions of crustal matter, and/or local contributing sources under calm weather conditions, are often the cause of the high PM10 episodes at the GU site in Brisbane.  相似文献   

In this paper, results on a PM10 daytime–nighttime measurement campaign carried out in Milan to study the evolution of PM10 concentration and composition in relation to atmospheric dispersion conditions are shown. To account for the evolution of atmospheric dispersion conditions, Radon hourly concentration measurements were performed. The significant correlation between PM10 and 222Rn daytime concentrations evidences the dominant role of atmospheric dispersion in determining the temporal variation of PM10 levels. Whenever 222Rn concentrations accumulate during the night (indicating the formation of nocturnal atmospheric stability conditions), PM10 concentrations are higher than those registered during the daytime before, despite a decrease in emissions from active sources. On the contrary, when 222Rn concentrations do not accumulate during night hours, PM10 levels are lower than those measured during the daytime before.As concerns the average elemental concentrations (in ng m−3), the nighttime–daytime variations are in the range −17% to +37%; during the night, soil-related elements (Al, Si, Ca, Ti) decrease while anthropogenic elements (Zn, Cu, Fe, Pb) increase.A case study concerning a ‘green’ Sunday (when traffic was forbidden from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.) is also discussed. The difference of PM10 concentration and elemental composition registered during the ‘green’ Sunday daytime and the following nighttime, together with the information on atmospheric dilution power obtained by Radon measurements, allowed the characterisation of the traffic source elemental profile and increased the comprehension of the low effectiveness of some PM10 reduction strategies.  相似文献   

The 24-h average coarse (PM10) and fine (PM2.5) fraction of airborne particulate matter (PM) samples were collected for winter, summer and monsoon seasons during November 2008-April 2009 at an busy roadside in Chennai city, India. Results showed that the 24-h average ambient PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were significantly higher in winter and monsoon seasons than in summer season. The 24-h average PM10 concentration of weekdays was significantly higher (12-30%) than weekends of winter and monsoon seasons. On weekends, the PM2.5 concentration was found to slightly higher (4-15%) in monsoon and summer seasons. The chemical composition of PM10 and PM2.5 masses showed a high concentration in winter followed by monsoon and summer seasons.The U.S.EPA-PMF (positive matrix factorization) version 3 was applied to identify the source contribution of ambient PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations at the study area. Results indicated that marine aerosol (40.4% in PM10 and 21.5% in PM2.5) and secondary PM (22.9% in PM10 and 42.1% in PM2.5) were found to be the major source contributors at the study site followed by the motor vehicles (16% in PM10 and 6% in PM2.5), biomass burning (0.7% in PM10 and 14% in PM2.5), tire and brake wear (4.1% in PM10 and 5.4% in PM2.5), soil (3.4% in PM10 and 4.3% in PM2.5) and other sources (12.7% in PM10 and 6.8% in PM2.5).  相似文献   

Fine particles were collected over four seasons from October 1995 to August 1996 to evaluate the chemical characteristics of principal PM2.5 components in Chongju, South Korea. The annual mean concentrations of PM2.5 (dp⩽2.5 μm), sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) were 44.2, 8.22, 3.63, 2.84, 4.44 and 4.99 μg m−3, respectively. The sum of the species measured from this study accounted for 50–62% of the PM2.5 mass. Sulfate was the most abundant species and constituted 13–23% of the PM2.5 mass. The EC and OC accounted for 17–28% of PM2.5. The correlation between OC and EC was strong, and the annual mean ratio of OC/EC was 1.12, suggesting that OC measured in the Chongju area may be emitted directly in particulate form as a primary aerosol.  相似文献   

Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) artificial neural network (ANN) models are compared with traditional multiple regression (MLR) models for daily maximum and average O3 and particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) forecasting. MLP particulate forecasting models show little if any improvement over MLR models and exhibit less skill than do O3 forecasting models. Meteorological variables (precipitation, wind, and temperature), persistence, and co-pollutant data are shown to be useful PM predictors. If MLP approaches are adopted for PM forecasting, training methods that improve extreme value prediction are recommended.  相似文献   

Collocated PM2.5 measurements using a conventional R&P TEOM (model 1400a) and a TEOM-FDMS were performed at a Paris urban background site during winter/summer field experiments. Results showed that conventional TEOM underestimates PM2.5 mass concentrations by about 50% in winter and 35% in summer. They also confirmed that this negative sampling artifact, due to the volatilization of semi-volatile material (SVM) inside the instrument, cannot be accurately accommodated by a single correction factor because of SVM routine fluctuations. A basic filter-based investigation of the SVM chemical composition also indicated that SVM, measured by the TEOM–FDMS, is mainly formed by ammonium nitrate in winter while significant contributions of semi-volatile organic matter were observed in summer. The latter species was found to possibly account for more than 50% of secondary organic aerosol formed during summer afternoons. These findings call for more investigation of the SVM chemical composition, particularly during the summer season, in Paris and in Europe.  相似文献   

A two-stage micro-analytical scheme for the determination of metals and ions in atmospheric particulate matter collected on only one Teflon filter was developed. In the first stage the collected particles are chemically fractionated for their solubility in a pH-buffered extracting solution; in the second stage the residue is mineralised. The major non-volatile inorganic ions (Cl, NO3, SO42−, Na+, NH4+, Ca2+, Mg2+) are determined in the first fraction by ion-chromatography (IC), while metals and metalloids (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, S, Sb, Se, Si, Ti, V, Zn) are determined in both the acetate extractable and the mineralised residual fractions by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES).The procedure was applied to ambient 24-h PM10 samples collected on Teflon filters during two field campaigns carried out at two sites in the area of Rome (Italy). The variations in the chemical composition of the collected particles during the two periods were interpreted in the light of the dilution properties of the lower atmosphere and of the back-trajectories of the air masses. The difference in the results between the two locations was interpreted in the light of their proximity to the emission sources. It was found that the acetate extractable and the mineralised residual fraction of some metals exhibit a different temporal pattern, suggesting the existence of different emission sources of the two fractions.  相似文献   

The concentrations of PM2.5−10, PM2.5 and associated water-soluble inorganic species (WSIS) were determined in a coastal site of the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil, from October 1998 to September 1999 (n=50). Samples were dissolved in water and analyzed for major inorganic ions. The mean (± standard deviation; median) concentrations of PM2.5−10 and PM2.5 were, respectively, 26 (± 16; 21) μg m−3 and 17 (± 13; 14) μg m−3. Their mean concentrations were 1.7–1.8 times higher in dry season (May–October) than in rainy season (November–April). The WSIS comprised, respectively, 34% and 28% of the PM2.5−10 and PM2.5 masses. Chloride, Na+ and Mg2+ were the predominant ions in PM2.5−10, indicating a significant influence of sea-salt aerosols. In PM2.5, SO42− (∼97% nss-SO42−) and NH4+ were the most abundant ions and their equivalent concentration ratio (SO42−/NH4+ ∼1.0) suggests that they were present as (NH4)2SO4 particles. The mean concentration of (NH4)2SO4 was 3.4 μg m−3. The mean equivalent PM2.5 NO3 concentration was eight times smaller than those of SO42− and NH4+. The PM2.5 NO3 concentration in dry season was three times higher than in rainy season, probably due to reaction of NaCl (sea salt) with HNO3 as a result of higher levels of NOy during the dry season and/or reduced volatilization of NH4NO3 due to lower wintertime temperature. Chloride depletion was observed in both size ranges, although more pronouncely in PM2.5.  相似文献   

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