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Chile is a fast-growing country with important industrial activities near urban areas. In this study, the mass and elemental concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 were measured in five major Chilean urban areas. Samples of particles with diameter less than 10 microm (PM10) and 2.5 microm (PM2.5) were collected in 1998 in Iquique (northern Chile), Valparaiso, Vi?a del Mar, Rancagua (central Chile), and Temuco (southern Chile). Both PM10 and PM2.5 annual mean concentrations (PM10: 56.9-77.6 microg/m3; PM2.5: 22.4-42.6 microg/m3) were significantly higher than the corresponding European Union (EU) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) air quality standards. Moreover, the 24-hr PM10 and PM2.5 U.S. standards were exceeded infrequently for some of the cities (Rancagua and Valparaiso). Elements ranging from Mg to Pb were detected in the aerosol samples using X-ray fluorescence (XRF). For each of the five cities, factor analysis (FA) was applied to identify and quantify the sources of PM10 and PM2.5. The agreement between calculated and measured mass and elemental concentrations was excellent in most of the cities. Both natural and anthropogenic sources were resolved for all five cities. Soil and sea were the most important contributors to coarse particles (PM10-PM2.5), whereas their contributions to PM2.5 were negligible. Emissions from Cu smelters and oil refineries (and/or diesel combustion) were identified as important sources of PM2.5, particularly in the industrial cities of Rancagua, Valparaiso, and Vi?a del Mar. Finally, motor vehicles and wood burning were significant sources of both PM2.5 and PM10 in most of the cities (wood burning was not identified in Iquique).  相似文献   


Positive Matrix Factorization analysis of PM2.5 chemical speciation data collected from 2015–2017 at Washington State Department of Ecology’s urban NCore (Beacon Hill) and near-road (10th and Weller) sites found similar PM2.5 sources at both sites. Identified factors were associated with gasoline exhaust, diesel exhaust, aged and fresh sea salt, crustal, nitrate-rich, sulfur-rich, unidentified urban, zinc-rich, residual fuel oil, and wood smoke. Factors associated with vehicle emissions were the highest contributing sources at both sites. Gasoline exhaust emissions comprised 26% and 21% of identified sources at Beacon Hill and 10th and Weller, respectively. Diesel exhaust emissions comprised 29% of identified sources at 10th and Weller but only 3% of identified sources at Beacon Hill. Correlation of the diesel exhaust factor with measured concentrations of black carbon and nitrogen oxides at 10th and Weller suggests a method to predict PM2.5 from diesel exhaust without a full chemical speciation analysis. While most PM2.5 sources exhibit minimal change over time, primary PM2.5 from gasoline emissions is increasing on average 0.18 µg m?3 per year in Seattle.  相似文献   

Twenty four-hour averaged concentrations of fine particulate matter were collected at Athens, OH between March 2004 and November 2005 in an effort to characterize the nature of PM2.5 and apportion its sources. PM2.5 samples were chemically analyzed and positive matrix factorization was applied to this speciation data to identify the probable sources. PMF arrived at a 7-factor model to most accurately apportion sources of the PM2.5 observed at Athens. Conditional probability function (CPF) and potential source contribution function (PSCF) were applied to the identified sources to investigate the geographical location of these sources. Secondary sulfate source dominated the contributions with a total contribution of 62.6% with the primary and secondary organic source following second with 19.9%. Secondary nitrate contributed a total of 6.5% with the steel production source and Pb- and Zn-source coming in at 3.1% and 2.9%, respectively. Crustal and mobile sources were small contributors (2.5% each) of PM2.5 to the Athens region. The secondary sulfate, secondary organic and nitrate portrayed a clear seasonal nature with the sulfate and secondary organic peaking in the warm months and the nitrate reaching a high in the cold months. The high percentage of secondary sulfate observed at a rural site like Athens suggests the involvement of regional transport mechanisms.  相似文献   

Aerosol samples for PM2.5 and PM10 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters less than 2.5 and 10 μm, respectively) were collected from 1993 to 1995 at five sites in Brisbane, a subtropical coastal city in Australia. This paper investigates the contributions of emission sources to PM2.5 and PM10 aerosol mass in Brisbane. Source apportionment results derived from the chemical mass balance (CMB), target transformation factor analysis (TTFA) and multiple linear regression (MLR) methods agree well with each other. The contributions from emission sources exhibit large variations in particle size with temporal and spatial differences. On average, the major contributors of PM10 aerosol mass in Brisbane include: soil/road side dusts (25% by mass), motor vehicle exhausts (13%, not including the secondary products), sea salt (12%), Ca-rich and Ti-rich compounds (11%, from cement works and mineral processing industries), biomass burning (7%), and elemental carbon and secondary products contribute to around 15% of the aerosol mass on average. The major sources of PM2.5 aerosols at the Griffith University (GU) site (a suburban site surrounded by forest area) are: elemental carbon (24% by mass), secondary organics (21%), biomass burning (15%) and secondary sulphate (14%). Most of the secondary products are related to motor vehicle exhausts, so, although motor vehicle exhausts contribute directly to only 6% of the PM2.5 aerosol mass, their total contribution (including their secondary products) could be substantial. This pattern of source contribution is similar to the results for Rozelle (Sydney) among the major Australian studies, and is less in contributions from industrial and motor vehicular exhausts than the other cities. An attempt was made to estimate the contribution of rural dust and road side dust. The results show that road side dusts could contribute more than half of the crustal matter. More than 80% of the contribution of vehicle exhausts arises from diesel-fuelled trucks/buses. Biomass burning, large contributions of crustal matter, and/or local contributing sources under calm weather conditions, are often the cause of the high PM10 episodes at the GU site in Brisbane.  相似文献   

南昌市大气PM2.5中多环芳烃的来源解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在南昌市布设5个采样点,分别代表工业区、居住区、交通干线区、商业区以及郊区,于2007年7~8月进行大气PM2.5的采样.根据5个采样点测得的数据,通过因子分析法判断南昌市大气PM2.5中多环芳烃的主要来源,再利用多元线性回归法确定各主要来源对多环芳烃的贡献率.结果表明,南昌市多环芳烃的主要来源为车辆排放源、高温加热源、燃煤污染源,对多环芳烃的贡献率分别为37.9%、28.2%、22.0%.  相似文献   

The multivariate receptor model Unmix has been used to analyze a 3-yr PM2.5 ambient aerosol data set collected in Phoenix, AZ, beginning in 1995. The analysis generated source profiles and overall average percentage source contribution estimates (SCEs) for five source categories:gasoline engines (33 +/- 4%), diesel engines (16 +/- 2%), secondary SO4(2-) (19 +/- 2%), crustal/soil (22 +/- 2%), and vegetative burning (10 +/- 2%). The Unmix analysis was supplemented with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of a limited number of filter samples for information on possible additional low-strength sources. Except for the diesel engine source category, the Unmix SCEs were generally consistent with an earlier multivariate receptor analysis of essentially the same data using the Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) model. This article provides the first demonstration for an urban area of the capability of the Unmix receptor model.  相似文献   

Gases and particulate matter predictions from the UCD/CIT air quality model were used in a visibility model to predict source contributions to visual impairment in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV), the southern portion of California's Central Valley, during December 2000 and January 2001. Within the SJV, daytime (0800–1700 PST) light extinction was dominated by scattering associated with airborne particles. Measured daytime particle scattering coefficients were compared to predicted values at approximately 40 locations across the SJV after correction for the increased temperature and decreased relative humidity produced by “smart heaters” placed upstream of nephelometers. Mean fractional bias and mean fractional error were ?0.22 and 0.65, respectively, indicating reasonable agreement between model predictions and measurements. Particulate water, nitrate, organic matter, and ammonium were the major particulate species contributing to light scattering in the SJV. Daytime light extinction in the SJV averaged between December 25, 2000 and January 7, 2001 was mainly associated with animal ammonia sources (28%), diesel engines (18%), catalyst gasoline engines (9%), other anthropogenic sources (9%), and wood smoke (7%) with initial and boundary conditions accounting for 13%. The source apportionment results from this study apply to wintertime conditions when airborne particulate matter concentrations are typically at their annual maximum. Further study would be required to quantify source contributions to light extinction in other seasons.  相似文献   

Air pollution emission inventories are the basis for air quality assessment and management strategies. The quality of the inventories is of great importance since these data are essential for air pollution impact assessments using dispersion models. In this study, the quality of the emission inventory for fine particulates (PM2.5) is assessed: first, using the calculated source contributions from a receptor model; second, using source apportionment from a dispersion model; and third, by applying a simple inverse modelling technique which utilises multiple linear regression of the dispersion model source contributions together with the observed PM2.5 concentrations. For the receptor modelling the chemical composition of PM2.5 filter samples from a measurement campaign performed between January 2004 and April 2005 are analysed. Positive matrix factorisation is applied as the receptor model to detect and quantify the various source contributions. For the same observational period and site, dispersion model calculations using the Air Quality Management system, AirQUIS, are performed. The results identify significant differences between the dispersion and receptor model source apportionment, particularly for wood burning and traffic induced suspension. For wood burning the receptor model calculations are lower, by a factor of 0.54, but for the traffic induced suspension they are higher, by a factor of 7.1. Inverse modelling, based on regression of the dispersion model source contributions and the PM2.5 concentrations, indicates similar discrepancies in the emissions inventory. In order to assess if the differences found at the one site are generally applicable throughout Oslo, the individual source category emissions are rescaled according to the receptor modelling results. These adjusted PM2.5 concentrations are compared with measurements at four independent stations to evaluate the updated inventory. Statistical analysis shows improvement in the estimated concentrations for PM2.5 at all sites. Similarly, inverse modelling is applied at these independent sites and this confirms the validity of the receptor model results.  相似文献   

The UCD/CIT air quality model with the Caltech Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism (CACM) was used to predict source contributions to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV) from December 15, 2000 to January 7, 2001. The predicted 24-day average SOA concentration had a maximum value of 4.26 μg m?3 50 km southwest of Fresno. Predicted SOA concentrations at Fresno, Angiola, and Bakersfield were 2.46 μg m?3, 1.68 μg m?3, and 2.28 μg m?3, respectively, accounting for 6%, 37%, and 4% of the total predicted organic aerosol. The average SOA concentration across the entire SJV was 1.35 μg m?3, which accounts for approximately 20% of the total predicted organic aerosol. Averaged over the entire SJV, the major SOA sources were solvent use (28% of SOA), catalyst gasoline engines (25% of SOA), wood smoke (16% of SOA), non-catalyst gasoline engines (13% of SOA), and other anthropogenic sources (11% of SOA). Diesel engines were predicted to only account for approximately 2% of the total SOA formation in the SJV because they emit a small amount of volatile organic compounds relative to other sources. In terms of SOA precursors within the SJV, long-chain alkanes were predicted to be the largest SOA contributor, followed by aromatic compounds. The current study identifies the major known contributors to the SOA burden during a winter pollution episode in the SJV, with further enhancements possible as additional formation pathways are discovered.  相似文献   

The Monterrey Metropolitan Area (MMA) in Northeast Mexico has shown high PM2.5 concentrations since 2003. The data shows that the annual average concentration exceeds from 2 to 3 times the Mexican PM2.5 annual air quality standard of 12 µg/m3. In a previous work we studied the chemical characterization of PM2.5 in two sites of the MMA during the winter season. Among the most important components we found ammonium sulfate and nitrate, elemental and organic carbon, and crustal matter. In this work we present the results of a second chemical characterization study performed during the summer time and the application of the chemical mass balance (CMB) model to determine the source apportionment of air pollutants in the region. The chemical analysis results show that the chemical composition of PM2.5 is similar in both sites and periods of the year. The results of the chemical analysis and the CMB model show that industrial, traffic, and combustion activities in the area are the major sources of primary PM2.5 and precursor gases of secondary inorganic and organic aerosol (SO2, NOx, NH3, and volatile organic compounds [VOCs]). We also found that black carbon and organic carbon are important components of PM2.5 in the MMA. These results are consistent with the MMA emission inventory that reports as major sources of particles and SO2 a refinery and fuel combustion, as well as nitrogen oxides and ammonium from transportation and industrial activities in the MMA and ammonium form agricultural activities in the state. The results of this work are important to identify and support effective actions to reduce direct emissions of PM2.5 and its precursor gases to improve air quality in the MMA. Implications: The Monterrey Metropolitan Area (MMA) has been classified as the most air-polluted area in Mexico by the World Health Organization (WHO). Effective actions need to be taken to control primary sources of PM2.5 and its precursors, reducing health risks on the population exposed and their associated costs. The results of this study identify the main sources and their estimated contribution to PM2.5 mass concentration, providing valuable information to the local environmental authorities to take decisions on PM2.5 control strategies in the MMA.  相似文献   

24-h simultaneous samplings of PM10 and PM2.5 particulate matter (PM) have been carried out during the period December 1997–September 1998 in the central urban area of Milan. The mass concentrations of the two fractions showed significant daily variations linked to different thermodynamic conditions of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) and characterised by higher values during wintertime. The elemental composition, determined by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence technique, was quite different in the two fractions: in the finer one the presence of elements with crustal origin is reduced while the anthropogenic elements, with a relevant environmental and health impact, appear to be enriched. The composition data allowed a quantification of two major components of the atmospheric particulate: sulphates (mainly of secondary origin) and particles with crustal origin. An important but unmeasured component is likely constituted by organic and elemental carbon compounds.The multivariate analysis of elements, gaseous pollutants and mass concentration data-sets leads to the identification of four main sources contributing to PM10 and PM2.5 composition: vehicles exhaust emissions, resuspended crustal dust, secondary sulphates and industrial emissions. The existence of a possible background component with non-local origin is also suggested.  相似文献   

宁波市大气可吸入颗粒物PM1o和PM2.5的源解析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在宁波市布设4个代表性点位,于2010年春季、夏季和冬季进行大气PM10和PM2.s的采样,同时采集了多种颗粒物源样品,建立了PM10、PM2.5和源样品的化学成分谱.采用化学质量平衡模型(CMB)对宁波市PM10、PM2.5进行源解析.结果表明,城市扬尘、煤烟尘、机动车尾气尘是宁波市PM10、PM2.5的3大污染源,...  相似文献   

Positive matrix factorization (PMF) and effective variance (EV) solutions to the chemical mass balance (CMB) were applied to PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter <2.5 μm) mass and chemically speciated measurements for samples taken from 2008 to 2010 at the Atlanta, Georgia, and Birmingham, Alabama, sites. Commonly measured PM2.5 mass, elemental, ionic, and thermal carbon fraction concentrations were supplemented with detailed nonpolar organic speciation by thermal desorption-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (TD-GC/MS). Source contribution estimates were calculated for motor vehicle exhaust, biomass burning, cooking, coal-fired power plants, road dust, vegetative detritus, and secondary sulfates and nitrates for Atlanta. Similar sources were found for Birmingham, with the addition of an industrial source and the separation of biomass burning into open burning and residential wood combustion. EV-CMB results based on conventional species were qualitatively similar to those estimated by PMF-CMB. Secondary ammonium sulfate was the largest contributor, accounting for 27–38% of PM2.5, followed by biomass burning (21–24%) and motor vehicle exhaust (9–24%) at both sites, with 4–6% of PM2.5 attributed to coal-fired power plants by EV-CMB. Including organic compounds in the EV-CMB reduced the motor vehicle exhaust and biomass burning contributions at both sites, with a 13–23% deficit for PM2.5 mass. The PMF-CMB solution showed mixing of sources within the derived factors, both with and without the addition of speciated organics, as is often the case with complex source mixtures such as those at these urban-scale sites. The nonpolar TD-GC/MS compounds can be obtained from existing filter samples and are a useful complement to the elements, ions, and carbon fractions. However, they should be supplemented with other methods, such as TD-GC/MS on derivitized samples, to obtain a wider range of polar compounds such as sterols, sugars, and organic acids. The PMF and EV solutions to the CMB equations are complementary to, rather than replacements for, each other, as comparisons of their results reveal uncertainties that are not otherwise evident.

Implications:?Organic markers can be measured on currently acquired PM2.5 filter samples by thermal methods. These markers can complement element, ion, and carbon fraction measurements from long-term speciation networks. Applying the positive matrix factorization and effective variance solutions for the chemical mass balance equations provides useful information on the accuracy of the source contribution estimates. Nonpolar compounds need to be complemented with polar compounds to better apportion cooking and secondary organic aerosol contributors.  相似文献   

The elemental compositions of the water-soluble and acid-digestible fractions of 24-hr integrated fine particulate matter (PM(2.5)) samples collected in Steubenville, OH, from 2000 to 2002 were determined using dynamic reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The water-soluble elemental compositions of PM(2.5) samples collected at four satellite monitoring sites in the surrounding region were also determined. Fe was the most abundant but least water soluble of the elements determined at the Steubenville site, having a mean ambient concentration of 272 ng/m3 and a median fractional solubility of 6%. Fe solubility and its correlations with SO4(2-) and temperature varied significantly by season, consistent with the hypothesis that secondary sulfates may help to mobilize soluble Fe under suitable summertime photochemical conditions. Significantly higher ambient concentrations were observed at Steubenville than at each of the four satellite sites for 10 of the 18 elements (Al, As, Ca, Cd, Fe, Mg, Mn, Na, Pb, and Zn) determined in the water-soluble PM(2.5) fraction. Concentrations of Fe, Mn, and Zn at Steubenville were substantially higher than concentrations reported recently for larger U.S. cities. Receptor modeling identified seven sources affecting the Steubenville site. An (NH4)2SO4-dominated source, likely representing secondary PM(2.5) from coal-fired plants to the west and southwest of Steubenville, accounted for 42% of the PM(2.5) mass, and two sources likely dominated by emissions from motor vehicles and from iron and steel facilities in the immediate Steubenville vicinity accounted for 20% and 10%, respectively. Other sources included an NH4NO3 source (15%), a crustal source (6%), a mixed nonferrous metals and industrial source (3%), and a primary coal combustion source (3%). Results suggest the importance of very different regional and local source mechanisms in contributing to PM(2.5) mass at Steubenville and reinforce the need for further research to elucidate whether metals such as Fe, Mn, and Zn play a role in the PM(2.5) health effects observed previously there.  相似文献   

The "Cincinnati Childhood Allergy and Air Pollution Study (CCAAPS)" is underway to determine if infants who are exposed to diesel engine exhaust particles are at an increased risk for atopy and atopic respiratory disorders, and to determine if this effect is magnified in a genetically at risk population. In support of this study, a methodology has been developed to allocate local traffic source contributions to ambient PM(2.5) in the Cincinnati airshed. As a first step towards this allocation, UNMIX was used to generate factors for ambient PM(2.5) at two sites near at interstate highway. Procedures adopted to collect, analyze and prepare the data sets to run UNMIX are described. The factors attributed to traffic sources were similar for the two sites. These factors were also similar to locally measured truck engine-exhaust enriched ambient profiles. The temporal variation of the factors was analyzed with clear differences observed between factors attributed to traffic sources and combustion-related regional secondary sources.  相似文献   

The 24-h average coarse (PM10) and fine (PM2.5) fraction of airborne particulate matter (PM) samples were collected for winter, summer and monsoon seasons during November 2008-April 2009 at an busy roadside in Chennai city, India. Results showed that the 24-h average ambient PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were significantly higher in winter and monsoon seasons than in summer season. The 24-h average PM10 concentration of weekdays was significantly higher (12-30%) than weekends of winter and monsoon seasons. On weekends, the PM2.5 concentration was found to slightly higher (4-15%) in monsoon and summer seasons. The chemical composition of PM10 and PM2.5 masses showed a high concentration in winter followed by monsoon and summer seasons.The U.S.EPA-PMF (positive matrix factorization) version 3 was applied to identify the source contribution of ambient PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations at the study area. Results indicated that marine aerosol (40.4% in PM10 and 21.5% in PM2.5) and secondary PM (22.9% in PM10 and 42.1% in PM2.5) were found to be the major source contributors at the study site followed by the motor vehicles (16% in PM10 and 6% in PM2.5), biomass burning (0.7% in PM10 and 14% in PM2.5), tire and brake wear (4.1% in PM10 and 5.4% in PM2.5), soil (3.4% in PM10 and 4.3% in PM2.5) and other sources (12.7% in PM10 and 6.8% in PM2.5).  相似文献   

In order to perform a study of the carcinogenic potential of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), benzo(a)pyrene equivalent (BaP-eq) concentration was calculated and modelled by a receptor model based on positive matrix factorization (PMF). Nineteen PAH associated to airborne PM10 of Zaragoza, Spain, were quantified during the sampling period 2001–2009 and used as potential variables by the PMF model. Afterwards, multiple linear regression analysis was used to quantify the potential sources of BaP-eq. Five sources were obtained as the optimal solution and vehicular emission was identified as the main carcinogenic source (35 %) followed by heavy-duty vehicles (28 %), light-oil combustion (18 %), natural gas (10 %) and coal combustion (9 %). Two of the most prevailing directions contributing to this carcinogenic character were the NE and N directions associated with a highway, industrial parks and a paper factory. The lifetime lung cancer risk exceeded the unit risk of 8.7?×?10?5 per ng/m3 BaP in both winter and autumn seasons and the most contributing source was the vehicular emission factor becoming an important issue in control strategies.  相似文献   

Particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter (PM(2.5)) has been linked with a wide range of adverse health effects. Determination of the sources of PM(2.5) most responsible for these health effects could lead to improved understanding of the mechanisms of such effects and more targeted regulation. This has provided the impetus for the Denver Aerosol Sources and Health (DASH) study, a multi-year source apportionment and health effects study relying on detailed inorganic and organic PM(2.5) speciation measurements.In this study, PM(2.5) source apportionment is performed by coupling positive matrix factorization (PMF) with daily speciated PM(2.5) measurements including inorganic ions, elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC), and organic molecular markers. A qualitative comparison is made between two models, PMF2 and ME2, commonly used for solving the PMF problem. Many previous studies have incorporated chemical mass balance (CMB) for organic molecular marker source apportionment on limited data sets, but the DASH data set is large enough to use multivariate factor analysis techniques such as PMF.Sensitivity of the PMF2 and ME2 models to the selection of speciated PM(2.5) components and model input parameters was investigated in depth. A combination of diagnostics was used to select an optimum, 7-factor model using one complete year of daily data with pointwise measurement uncertainties. The factors included 1) a wintertime/methoxyphenol factor, 2) an EC/sterane factor, 3) a nitrate/polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) factor, 4) a summertime/selective aliphatic factor, 5) an n-alkane factor, 6) a middle oxygenated PAH/alkanoic acid factor and 7) an inorganic ion factor. These seven factors were qualitatively linked with known PM(2.5) emission sources with varying degrees of confidence. Mass apportionment using the 7-factor model revealed the contribution of each factor to the mass of OC, EC, nitrate and sulfate. On an annual basis, the majority of OC and EC mass was associated with the summertime/selective aliphatic factor and the EC/sterane factor, respectively, while nitrate and sulfate mass were both dominated by the inorganic ion factor. This apportionment was found to vary substantially by season. Several of the factors identified in this study agree well with similar assessments conducted in St. Louis, MO and Pittsburgh, PA using PMF and organic molecular markers.  相似文献   

The particulate matter (PM) concentration and composition, the PM10, PM2.5, PM1 fractions, were studied in the urban area of Genoa, a coastal town in the northwest of Italy. Two instruments, the continuous monitor TEOM and the sequential sampler PARTISOL, were operated almost continuously on the same site from July 2001 to September 2004. Samples collected by PARTISOL were weighted to obtain PM concentration and then analysed by PIXE (particle induced X-ray emission) and by ED-XRF (energy dispersion X-ray fluorescence), obtaining concentrations for elements from Na to Pb. Some of the filters used in the TEOM microbalance were analysed by ED-XRF to calculate Pb concentration values averaged over 7-30 d periods.  相似文献   

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