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The vertical distribution, diel gut pigment content and oxygen consumption of Calanus euxinus were studied in April and September 1995 in the Black Sea. Gut pigment content of C. euxinus females was associated with diel vertical migration of the individuals, and it varied with depth and time. Highest gut pigment content was observed during the nighttime, when females were in the chlorophyll a (chl a) rich surface waters, but significant feeding also occurred in the deep layer. Gut pigment content throughout the water column varied from 0.8 to 22.0 ng pigment female–1 in April and from 0.2 to 21 ng pigment female–1 in September 1995. From the diel vertical migration pattern, it was estimated that female C. euxinus spend 7.5 h day–1 in April and 10.5 h day–1 in September in the chl a rich surface waters. Daily consumption by female C. euxinus in chl a rich surface waters was estimated by taking into account the feeding duration and gut pigment concentrations. Daily carbon rations of female C. euxinus, derived from herbivorous feeding in the euphotic zone, ranged from 6% to 11% of their body carbon weight in April and from 15% to 35% in September. Oxygen consumption rates of female and copepodite stage V (CV) C. euxinus were measured at different temperatures and at different oxygen concentrations. Oxygen consumption rates at oxygen-saturated concentration ranged from an average of 0.67 g O2 mg–1 dry weight (DW) h–1 at 5°C to 2.1 g O2 mg–1 DW h–1 at 23°C for females, and ranged from 0.48 g O2 mg–1 DW h–1 at 5°C to 1.5 g O2 mg–1 DW h–1 at 23°C for CVs. The rate of oxygen consumption at 16°C varied from 0.62 g O2 mg–1 DW h–1 at 0.65 mg O2 l–1 to 1.57 g O2 mg–1 DW h–1 at 4.35 mg O2 l–1 for CVs, and from 0.74 g O2 mg–1 DW h–1 at 0.57 mg O2 l–1 to 2.24 g O2 mg–1 DW h–1 at 4.37 mg O2 l–1 for females. From the oxygen consumption rates, daily requirements for the routine metabolism of females were estimated, and our results indicate that the herbivorous daily ration was sufficient to meet the routine metabolic requirements of female C. euxinus in April and September in the Black Sea.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

Growth and secondary production of pelagic copepods near Australia's North West Cape (21° 49 S, 114° 14 E) were measured during the austral summers of 1997/1998 and 1998/1999. Plankton communities were diverse, and dominated by copepods. To estimate copepod growth rates, we incubated artificial cohorts allocated to four morphotypes, comprising naupliar and copepodite stages of small calanoid and oithonid copepods. Growth rates ranging between 0.11 and 0.83 day–1 were low, considering the high ambient temperatures (23–28°C). Calanoid nauplii had a mean growth rate of 0.43±0.17 day-1 (SD) and calanoid copepodites of 0.38±0.13 day-1. Growth rates of oithonid nauplii and copepodites were marginally less (0.38±0.19 day–1 and 0.28±0.11 day–1 respectively). The observed growth rates were suggestive of severe food limitation. Although nauplii vastly outnumbered copepodite and adult copepods, copepodites comprised the most biomass. Copepodites also contributed most to secondary production, although adult egg production was sporadically important. The highest copepod production was recorded on the shelf break (60 mg C m-2 day-1). Mean secondary production over both shelf and shelf break stations was 12.6 mg C m-2 day-1. Annual copepod secondary production, assuming little seasonality, was estimated as ~ 3.4 g C m-2 year-1 (182 kJ m-2 year-1).Communicated by G.F. Humphrey, Sydney  相似文献   

Reproductive activity and production of the calanoid copepods Calanus helgolandicus and Calanoides carinatus were measured during a summer upwelling event off the coast of NW Spain. The upwelling pattern affected the distribution and fecundity of both species in the study area. The demographic composition of both populations and the stage of gonad maturation (e.g. the high abundance of fertilised females with mature ova) indicated active reproduction. C. carinatus, a highly fecund species associated with the African upwelling zones and considered as an upwelling specialist, showed low production rates (overall means of 15 eggs female–1 day–1 and 3% body C day–1), despite the fact that the food conditions (high phytoplankton biomass dominated by diatoms) seemed to be optimal for this species. By contrast, C. helgolandicus, a temperate species that shows a strong link between spring phytoplankton blooms and reproduction time, seems to be flexible enough to take full advantage of shorter-term, enhanced feeding conditions associated with the pulsed nature of the summer coastal upwelling. Both the egg and carbon-specific production rates attained by this species (overall means of 26 eggs female–1 day–1 and 12% body C day–1) were similar to values reported for a spring bloom situation. This high production would imply a long spring–summer recruitment event of C. helgolandicus in these waters. For both species the stage of gonad maturation was significantly correlated with their egg production rates and likely influenced by the food conditions; a species-specific nutritional requirement for final oogenesis is suggested. The carbon condition factor (carbon weight/prosome volume) of C. carinatus females was higher than that of C. helgolandicus, suggesting differential use of the carbon ingested; C. helgolandicus seems to use all ingested carbon to produce eggs at a high rates, whereas C. carinatus seems to store part of the ingested carbon as lipid reserves to ensure female survival and to support production during subsequent unfavourable food conditions.Communicated by S.A. Poulet, Roscoff  相似文献   

The pattern of growth (biomass accumulation) in Ecklonia radiata throughout the year and across a depth profile was investigated using the traditional hole-punch method, and the information presented in context with concurrently measured in situ net productivity rates. The rate of net daily productivity showed a lack of consistent seasonal variability, remaining constant throughout the year at two of the four depths measured (3 m and 12 m), and becoming higher during winter at another (5 m). Throughout the year, rates of net daily productivity differed significantly across the depth profile. Net daily productivity rates averaged 0.017 g C g–1 dwt day–1 and 0.005 g C g–1 dwt day–1 at a depth of 3 m (1,394 mol O2 g–1 dwt day–1) and 10 m (382 mol O2 g–1 dwt day–1) respectively. In contrast, the biomass accumulation rate of E. radiata was highly seasonal, with low rates of growth occurring in autumn (0.002 g dwt g–1 dwt day–1 at both 3 and 10 m) and summer (0.007 and 0.004 g dwt g–1 dwt day–1 at 3 and 10 m respectively) and higher rates in spring (0.016 and 0.007 g dwt g–1 dwt day–1 at 3 and 10 m respectively) and winter (0.015 and 0.008 g dwt g–1 dwt day–1 at 3 and 10 m respectively). The proportion of assimilated carbon used for biomass accumulation varied throughout the year, between 5% and 41% at 3 m and between 28% and 128% at 10 m. The rates of biomass accumulation at all depths represented only a small proportion of the amount of carbon assimilated annually.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

We conducted grazing experiments with the three marine cladoceran genera Penilia, Podon and Evadne, with Penilia avirostris feeding on plankton communities from Blanes Bay (NW Mediterranean, Spain), covering a wide range of food concentrations (0.02–8.8 mm3 l–1, plankton assemblages grown in mesocosms at different nutrient levels), and with Podon intermedius and Evadne nordmanni feeding on the plankton community found in summer in Hopavågen Fjord (NE Atlantic, Norway, 0.4 mm3 l–1). P. avirostris and P. intermedius showed bell-shaped grazing spectra. Both species reached highest grazing coefficients at similar food sizes, i.e. when the food organisms ranged between 15 and 70 µm and between 7.5 and 70 µm at their longest linear extensions, respectively. E. nordmanni preferred organisms of around 125 µm, but also showed high grazing coefficients for particles of around 10 µm, while grazing coefficients for intermediate food sizes were low. Lower size limits were >2.5 µm, for all cladocerans. P. avirostris showed upper food size limits of 100 µm length (longest linear extension) and of 37.5 µm particle width. Upper size limits for P. intermedius were 135 µm long and 60 µm wide; those for E. nordmanni were 210 µm long and 60 µm wide. Effective food concentration (EFC) followed a domed curve with increasing nutrient enrichment for P. avirostris; maximum values were at intermediate enrichment levels. The EFC was significantly higher for P. intermedius than for E. nordmanni. With increasing food concentrations, the clearance rates of P. avirostris showed a curvilinear response, with a narrow modal range; ingestion rates indicated a rectilinear functional response. Mean clearance rates of P. avirostris, P. intermedius and E. nordmanni were 25.5, 18.0 and 19.3 ml ind.–1 day–1, respectively. Ingestion rates at similar food concentrations (0.4 mm3 l–1) were 0.6, 0.8 and 0.9 g C ind.–1 day–1.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that suspension feeders play a significant role in plankton–benthos coupling. However, to date, active suspension feeders have been the main focus of research, while passive suspension feeders have received less attention. To increase our understanding of energy fluxes in temperate marine ecosystems, we have examined the temporal variability in zooplankton prey capture of the ubiquitous Mediterranean gorgonian Leptogorgia sarmentosa. Prey capture was assessed on the basis of gut content from colonies collected every 2 weeks over a year. The digestion time of zooplankton prey was examined over the temperature range of the species at the study site. The main prey items captured were small (80–200 µm), low-motile zooplankton (i.e. eggs and invertebrate larvae). The digestion time of zooplankton prey increased when temperature decreased (about 150% from 21°C to 13°C; 15 h at 13°C, 9 h at 17°C, and 6 h at 21°C), a pattern which has not previously been documented in anthozoans. Zooplankton capture rate (prey polyp–1 h–1) varied among seasons, with the greatest rates observed in spring (0.16±0.02 prey polyp–1 h–1). Ingestion rate in terms of biomass (g C polyp–1 h–1) showed a similar trend, but the differences among the seasons were attenuated by seasonal differences in prey size. Therefore, ingestion rate did not significantly vary over the annual cycle and averaged 0.019±0.002 g C polyp–1 h–1. At the estimated ingestion rates, the population of L. sarmentosa removed between 2.3 and 16.8 mg C m–2 day–1 from the adjacent water column. This observation indicates that predation by macroinvertebrates on seston should be considered in energy transfer processes in littoral areas, since even species with a low abundance may have a detectable impact.Communicated by S.A. Poulet, Roscoff  相似文献   

The study was carried out in the Skagerrak during late summer when population development in the pelagic cycle culminated in the yearly maximum in zooplankton biomass. The cyclonic circulation of surface water masses created the characteristic dome-shaped pycnocline across the Skagerrak. The large dinoflagellate Ceratium furca dominated the phytoplankton biomass. Ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates were the major grazers and, potentially, consumed 43–166% of daily primary production. The grazing impact of copepods was estimated from specific egg production rates and grazing experiments. The degree of herbivory differed between species (14–85%), but coprophagy (e.g. feeding on fecal pellets) and ingestion of microzooplankton were also important. The appendicularian Oikopleura dioica was present in lower numbers than copepods, but cleared a large volume of water. The grazing impact of copepods and O. dioica was estimated to 57±24% and 12±12% of daily primary production, respectively. Sedimentation of organic material (30 m) varied between 169 and 708 mg C m–2 day–1, and the contribution from the mesozooplankton (copepod fecal pellets and mucus houses with attached phytodetritus of O. dioica) was 5–33% of this sedimentation. Recycling of fecal pellets and mucus houses in the euphotic zone was 59% and 36%, respectively. However, there was a high respiration of organic material by microorganisms in the mid-water column, and 34% of the sedimenting material actually reached the benthic community in the deep, central part of the Skagerrak.  相似文献   

Sand shrimp, Crangon septemspinosa Say, are important to the trophic dynamics of coastal systems in the northwestern Atlantic. To evaluate predatory impacts of sand shrimp, daily energy requirements (J ind.–1 day–1) were calculated for this species from laboratory estimates of energy losses due to routine (RR), active (RA), and feeding (RSDA) oxygen consumption rates (J ind.–1 h–1), coupled with measurements of diel motile activity. Shrimp used in this study were collected biweekly from the Niantic River, Connecticut (41°33N; 72°19W) during late spring and summer of 2000 and 2001. The rates of shrimp energy loss due to RR and RA increased exponentially with increasing temperature, with the magnitude of increase greater between 6°C and 10°C (Q10=3.01) than between 10°C and 14°C (Q10=2.85). Rates of RR doubled with a twofold increase in shrimp mass, and RSDA was 0.130 J h–1+RR, irrespective of shrimp body size. Shrimp motile activity was significantly greater during dark periods relative to light periods, indicating nocturnal behavior. Nocturnal activity also increased significantly at higher temperatures, and at 20°C shifted from a unimodal to a bimodal pattern. Laboratory estimates of daily metabolic expenditures (1.7–307.4 J ind.–1 day–1 for 0.05 and 1.5 g wet weight shrimp, respectively, between 0°C and 20°C) were combined with results from previous investigations to construct a bioenergetic model and make inferences regarding the trophic positioning of C. septemspinosa. Bioenergetic model estimates indicated that juvenile and adult shrimp could meet daily energy demands via opportunistic omnivory, selectively preying upon items of high energy content (e.g. invertebrate and fish tissue) and compensating for limited prey availability by ingesting readily accessible lower energy food (e.g. detritus and plant material).Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

Photosynthetic performance in the kelp Laminaria solidungula J. Agardh was examined from photosynthesis irradiance (P-I) parameters calculated from in situ 14C uptake experiments, using whole plants in the Stefansson Sound Boulder Patch, Alaskan Beaufort Sea, in August 1986. Rates of carbon fixation were determined from meristematic, basal blade, and second blade tissue in young and adult sporophytes. Differences in saturating irradiance (I k, measured as photosynthetically active radiation, PAR), photosynthetic capacity (P max), and relative quantum efficiency () were observed both between young and adult plants and between different tissue types. I k was lowest in meristematic tissue (20 to 30 E m–2 s–1) for both young and adult plants, but consistently 8 to 10 E m–2 s–1 higher in young plants compared to adults in all three tissues. Average I k for non-meristematic tissue in adult plants was 38 E m–2 s–1. Under saturating irradiances, young and adult plants exhibited similar rates of carbon fixation on an area basis, but under light limitation, fixation rates were highest in adult plants for all tissues. P max was generally highest in the basal blade and lowest in meristematic tissue. Photosynthetic efficiency () ranged between 0.016 and 0.027 mol C cm–2 h–1/E m–2 s–1, and was highest in meristematic tissue. The relatively lower I k and higher exhibited by L. solidungula in comparison to other kelp species are distinct adaptations to the near absence of light during the eight-month ice-covered period and in summer when water turbidity is high. Continuous measurement of in situ quantum irradiance made in summer showed that maximum PAR can be less than 12 E m–2 s–1 for several days when high wind velocities increase water turbulence and decrease water transparency.The Univeristy of Texas Marine Science Institute Contribution No. 695  相似文献   

Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) has access to nutrient pools in both the water column and sediments. We investigated the potential for eelgrass to utilize nitrate nitrogen by measuring nitrate reductase (NR) activity with an in vivo tissue assay. Optimal incubation media contained 60 mM nitrate, 100 mM phosphate, and 0.5% 1-propanol at pH 7.0. Leaves had significantly higher NR activity than roots (350 vs 50 nmoles NO 2 produced g FW–1 h–1). The effects of growing depth (0.8 m MLW, 1.2 m, 3.0 m, 5.0 m) and location within the eelgrass meadow (patch edge vs middle) on NR activity were examined using plants collected from three locations in the Woods Hole area, Massachusetts, USA, in July 1987. Neither depth nor position within the meadow appear to affect NR activity. Nitrate enrichment experiments (200 M NO 3 for 6 d) were conducted in the laboratory to determine if NR activity could be induced. Certain plants from shallow depth (1.2 m) showed a significant response to enrichment, with NR activity increasing from >100 up to 950 nmoles NO 2 g FW–1 h–1 over 6 d. It appears that Z. marina growing in very shallow water (0.8 m) near a shoreline may be affected by ground water or surface run-off enrichments, since plants from this area exhibited rates up to 1 600 nmol NO 2 g FW–1 h–1. Water samples from this location consistently had slightly higher NO 3 concentrations (1.4 M) than all other collection sites (0.7 M). Thus, it is possible that chronic run-off or localized groundwater inputs can create sufficient NO 3 enrichment in the water column to induce nitrate reductase activity in Zostera leaves.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of the distribution of organo-chlorine pesticides (DDT and HCH) between rice plants and the soil system by spraying before the heading stage at four different dosage levels – control, normal dosage (15 kg ha–1 of 6% HCH and 7.5 kg ha–1 of 25% DDT), double dosage and four times dosage. Soil and plant samples were taken respectively at the 1st h, 3rd, 10th, 20th, and 40th day after spraying and at the harvest time. The results indicate that less than 5% of HCH and 15% of DDT were absorbed by the surface of rice leaves for normal dosage. Most of both pesticides moved into the soil in solution after spraying. Compared with DDT, HCH was degraded and run off more easily. HCH residues in the surface soil layer (1–3 cm) were already below 6.4 g kg–1 at the mature stage, lower than Chinese Environmental Quality Standard for Agricultural Soils: HCH <0.05 mg kg–1. However DDT residues in the surface soil layer remained 172 g kg–1, higher than the national standard: DDT <0.05 mg kg–1. According to the test f OCP residues in rice seeds, it can be concluded that the OCP sprayed onto the surface of rice leaves can move into rice plants and accumulate in the seeds at the mature stage. HCH residues in rice seeds of the double and four times dosage treatments, and DDT residues in all treatments, exceeded the Chinese National Food Standard (HCH <0.10 mg kg–1, DDT <0.20 mg kg–1).  相似文献   

Gas-liquid interface measurements were conducted in a strongly turbulent free-surface flow (i.e., stepped cascade). Local void fractions, bubble count rates, bubble size distributions and gas-liquid interface areas were measured simultaneously in the air-water flow region using resistivity probes. The results highlight the air-water mass transfer potential of a stepped cascade with measured specific interface area over 650 m–1 and depth-average specific area up to 310 m–1. A comparison between single-tip and double-tip resistivity probes suggests that simple robust single-tip probes may provide accurate, although conservative, gas-liquid interfacial properties. The latter device may be used in the field and in prototype plants. Notation a = specific interface area (m–1); a mean = depth-average specific interface area (m–1): a mean=frac1Y 90limits sup> Y 90 sup 0(1–C)dy; C = local void fraction; C gas = dissolved gas concentration (kg m–3); C mean = depth-average mean air concentration defined as: C mean=1–d/Y 90; C s = saturation concentration (kg m–3); D = dimensionless air bubble diffusivity (defined by [1]); d = equivalent clear-water flow depth (m): d=limits sup> Y 90 sup 0(1–C) dy; dab = air bubble diameter (m); dc = critical flow depth (m); for a rectangular channel: d c=sqrt[3]q w 2/g; F = air bubble count rate (Hz); F max = maximum bubble count rate (Hz), often observed for C=50%; g = gravity acceleration (m s–2); h = step height (m); K L = liquid film coefficient (m s–1); K = integration constant defined as: K=tanh –1 sqrt0.1)+(2D)–1 [1]; L = chute length (m); N = velocity distribution exponent; ———– *Corresponding author, E-mail: h.chanson@mailbox.uq.edu.au Q w = water discharge (m3 s–1); q w = water discharge per unit width m2 s–1); t = time (s); V = local velocity (m s–1); V c = critical flow velocity (m s–1); for a rectangular channel: V c=sqrt[3]q w g V max = maximum air-water velocity (m s–1); V 90 = characteristic air-water velocity (m s–1) where C = 90%; W = channel width (m); x = longitudinal distance (m) measured along the flow direction (i.e., parallel to the pseudo-bottom formed by the step edges); y = distance (m) normal to the pseudo-bottom formed by the step edges; Y90 = characteristic distance (m) where C=0.90; Y 98 = characteristic distance (m) where C=0.98; = slope of pseudo-bottom by the step edges; = diameter (m).  相似文献   

Ammonium excretion of a dense population (~1 500 individuals m–2) of the ophiuridOphiothrix fragilis (Abildgaard) was measured in the Dover Straits (French coast) between May 1989 and March 1990: the excretion rate varied from 4.8 µg N g–1 dry wt h–1 in November to 12.8 µg N g–1 dry wt h–1 in June. Mean individual ammonium excretion,E, wasE=0.019t +1.26 (whereE=µg N individual–1 andt=time in min;r=0.80;N=81). Variations in the ammonium excretion rate during a tidal cycle appeared to arise from variations in the duration of the suspension-feeding activity ofO. fragilis, which was governed by the strength of the tidal current. During short-term starvation, excretion was low (E=0.009t+1.47;r=0.91;N=17), increasing with increasing length of starvation [E=4.62lnt–2.5;r=0.95;N=17], as observed for other echinoderms; this could be due to catabolism of tissue. The daily ammonia flux from thisO. fragilis population to the water column was estimated at 41 mg N m–2 d–1.  相似文献   

Juveniles of the prawnPenaeus chinensis (3.96 ±0.18 cm, 0.36±0.06 g) reared in Taiwan in 1989 were exposed to different concentrations of ammonia and nitrite, by a static renewal method in 33 seawater at pH 7.94 and at 26 °C. The 24, 48, 96 and 120 h LC50 (median lethal concentration) of ammonia were 3.29, 2.10, 1.53 and 1.44 mg l–1 for NH3-N (un-ionized ammonia as nitrogen) and 79.97, 51.14, 37.00 and 35.09 mg l–1 for ammonia-N (un-ionized plus ionized ammonia as nitrogen). The 24, 96, 120, 144 and 192 h LC50 of nitrite-N were 339, 37.71, 29.18, 26.98 and 22.95 mg l–1. The LC50 decreased with increasing exposure time. During the first 96 h,P. chinesis juveniles were more susceptible to ammonia than nitrite. However, prawns were less tolerant to nitrite than ammonia when exposed for more than 96 h. The threshold was found at 120 and 192 h for ammonia and nitrite, respectively, on the toxicity curves. Incipient LC50 was 1.44 mg l–1 for NH3-N, 35.09 mg l–1 for ammonia-N and 22.95 mg l–1 for nitrite-N. The safe value forP. chinensis juveniles was 0.14, 3.51 and 2.30 mg l–1, respectively.  相似文献   

We examined the daily deposition of otolith increments of marbled sole (Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae) larvae and juveniles by rearing experiments, and estimated the growth pattern of wild larvae and juveniles in Hakodate Bay (Hokkaido Island, Japan). At 16°C, prominent checks (inner checks; ca. 19.8 µm in diameter) were observed on the centers of sagittae and lapilli extracted from 5-day-old larvae. On both otoliths, distinctive and regular increments were observed outside of the inner checks, and the slopes of regression lines between age and the number of increments (ni) (for sagittae: ni=0.98×Day–5.90; for lapillus: ni=0.96×Day–5.70) did not significantly differ from 1. Inner check formations were delayed at lower temperature, and the inner checks formed 13 days after hatching at 8°C. Over 80% of larvae, just after their yolk-sac has been absorbed completely (stage C), had inner checks on both their otoliths. On the lapilli, other checks (outer check) formed at the beginning of eye migration (stage G). To validate the daily deposition of increments during the juvenile stage, wild captured P. yokohamae juveniles were immersed in alizarin complexone (ALC)-seawater solutions and reared in cages set in their natural habitat. After 6 days, the mean number of rings deposited after the ALC mark was 5.7. The age–body length relationship of wild P. yokohamae larvae and juveniles caught in Hakodate Bay was divided into three phases. In the larval period, the relationship was represented by a quadratic equation (notochord length=–0.010×Age2+0.682×Age–2.480, r2=0.82, P<0.001), and the estimated instantaneous growth was 0.38 mm day–1 at 15 days, 0 mm day–1 at 34 days and –0.12 mm day–1 at 40 days. The age–body length relationship in the early juvenile stage (<50 days) and the late juvenile stage (>50 days) were represented by linear equations (standard length=0.055×Age+5.722 and standard length=0.345×Age–9.908, respectively). These results showed that the growth rates in the late larval periods and the early juvenile stage were lower than those in the early larval stage and late juvenile stage; during the slow growth period, energy appears to be directed towards metamorphosis rather than body growth. This study provided the information needed to use otolith microstructure analysis for wild marbled sole larvae and juveniles.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   

Intertidal endobenthic bivalves are often dislodged from sediments by hydrodynamic forces. As a result, they encounter the dangers of predation and desiccation, which are generally harsh near the sediment surface. To cope with such dangers, the bivalves possibly possess: (1) a strong body to endure predation and desiccation stress, (2) quick mobility to avoid the stresses, or (3) a high growth rate for attaining a size refuge. The present study examined which of these modes are adopted by the subtropical cobbled-shore Venus clams Gafrarium tumidum (Röding, 1798) and Ruditapes variegatus (Sowerby, 1852), revealing the following interspecific differences. (1) G. tumidum survived better than R. variegatus did in harsh experimental conditions, namely: the experimental cages exposed to predation and desiccation on a cobbled shore; a laboratory aquarium with a predatory crab Scylla serrata; and ovens with high temperatures (27°C and 34°C). (2) R. variegatus was more mobile than G. tumidum was, digging into the sediment on a cobbled shore more rapidly at both high and low tides. (3) The two species with shell lengths 20–30 mm showed similar growth rates (median: –0.2 to 44.5 m day–1) in seasonal mark–recapture surveys over 2 years. Overall, to cope with the dangers of predation and desiccation G. tumidum appears to have a strong body, while R. variegatus displays rapid mobility, and neither species seems to attain a size refuge through rapid growth. Such species-specific modes are discussed in relation to the interspecific differences found in shell morphology.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   

Juveniles of the dendrobranchiate decapod Penaeus indicus take up radiolabelled zinc from solution at all exposure concentrations studied from 5.6 to 100 g l–1, with an uptake rate constant of 0.045 l g–1 day–1 at 15 salinity and 25°C. Over the first 10 days of zinc exposure, the new zinc taken up is added to the existing zinc content of the prawn with no significant excretion; over this period the rate of accumulation of radiolabelled zinc is a measure of the absolute zinc uptake rate from solution. Over the next 10 days of zinc exposure to 10 g Zn l–1, however, zinc is excreted at about half the rate of uptake resulting in a raised body concentration of zinc. Moulting had no significant effect on the accumulation of zinc. Newly accumulated zinc is distributed to all organs with the highest proportions of body content being found in the exoskeleton, followed by the muscle, the hepatopancreas and the antennal organs. Radiolabelled zinc is subsequently lost from all organs. Unlike caridean shrimps or prawns (pleocyemate decapods), therefore, penaeids (dendrobranchiate decapods) do not show regulation of zinc body concentrations to a constant level over a range of dissolved zinc bioavailabilities by matching zinc excretion to zinc uptake. Nevertheless, unlike amphipod crustaceans, P. indicus does excrete some of the zinc newly accumulated from solution after a time delay. Unlike their caridean counterparts, penaeid prawns inhabiting anthropogenically contaminated coastal waters with raised zinc bioavailabilities can be expected to contain raised body concentrations of zinc.Communicated by J.P. Thorpe, Port Erin  相似文献   

Transbranchial potentials (TP) and sodium or chloride fluxes were measured in an apparatus designed for the simultaneous perfusion of eight isolated gills of Uca rapax. In anterior gills perfused with U. rapax–saline (US) the TP varied almost linearly from-7.5 to +10 mV inside, and in posterior gills from +2 to-8.5 mV (inside), on exposure to salinities ranging from 8.7 through 52, i.e. 25 to 150% seawater (100%=34.6 S). Sodium influx and efflux in anterior gills exposed to US, 8.7 or 43.3 S (0.7 to 4.0 mmol h–1 g–1 dry wt) were always greater than in posterior gills (0.5 mmol h–1). The chloride fluxes were slightly smaller than sodium fluxes in anterior gills, while in the posterior gills the chloride influx (2.8 to 4.6 mmol h–1) was always larger than chloride efflux (0.6 to 1.1 mmol h–1) or the sodium fluxes. At least three ion-transport mechanisms may be present in these gills: (1) an internal ( = basolateral), ouabain-sensitive Na+, K+ pump, restricted to anterior gills; (2) a furosemide-sensitive Na+, K+, 2Cl (plus water) transporter, apparently restricted to posterior gills, and (3) a Na+ exchanger (and possibly other as yet unidentified ion transporters, as suggested by large increases of the chloride influxes caused by amiloride), probably located on the apical membranes of the epithelial cells of both gill types. The differential selectivity of the gills of U. rapax for sodium or chloride may limit the transbranchial movements of either ion, without a reduction of the overall permeability of these crabs.Communicated by N.H. Marcus, Tallahassee  相似文献   

This paper reports the fluvial fluxes and estuarine transport of organic carbon and nutrients from a tropical river (Tsengwen River), southwestern Taiwan. Riverine fluxes of organic carbon and nutrients were highly variable temporally, due primarily to temporal variations in river discharge and suspended load. The sediment yield of the drainage basin during the study period (1995–1996, 616 tonne km–2 year–1) was ca. 15 times lower than that of the long-term (1960–1998) average (9379 tonne km2 year–1), resulting mainly from the damming effect and historically low record of river water discharge (5.02 m3 s–1) in 1995. The flushing time of river water in the estuary varied from 5 months in the dry season to >4.5 days in the wet season and about 1 day in the flood period. Consequently, distributions of nutrients, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) were of highly seasonal variability in the estuary. Nutrients and POC behaved nonconservatively but DOC behaved conservatively in the estuary. DOC fluxes were generally greater than POC fluxes with the exception that POC fluxes considerably exceeded DOC fluxes during the flood period. Degradation of DOC and POC within the span of flushing time was insignificant and may contribute little amount of CO2 to the estuary during the wet season and flood period. Net estuarine fluxes of nutrients were determined by riverine fluxes and estuarine removals (or additions) of nutrients. The magnitude of estuarine removal or addition for a nutrient was also seasonally variable, and these processes must be considered for net flux estimates from the river to the sea. As a result, nonconservative fluxes of dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) from the estuary are –0.002, –0.09 and –0.59 mmol m–2 day–1, respectively, for dry season, wet season and flood period, indicating internal sinks of DIP during all seasons. Due to high turbidity and short flushing time of estuarine water, DIP in the flood period may be derived largely from geochemical processes rather than biological removal, and this DIP should not be included in an annual estimate of carbon budget. The internal sink of phosphorus corresponds to a net organic carbon production (photosynthesis–respiration, p–r) during dry (0.21 mmol m–2 day–1) and wet (9.5 mmol m–2 day–1) seasons. The magnitude of net production (p–r) is 1.5 mol m–2 year–1, indicating that the estuary is autotrophic in 1995. However, there is a net nitrogen loss (nitrogen fixation–denitrification < 0) in 1995, but the magnitude is small (–0.17 mol m–2 year–1).  相似文献   

We report findings from the first laboratory experiments to assess toxicities of metals found in drilling muds to embryos and prezoeae of a brachyuran crab. Embryos of Cancer anthonyi are brooded externally on the abdomen of female crabs; thus, embryos may be continuously exposed to pollutants contained in sediments of contaminated benthic habitats. Lethal concentrations of metals to embryos after 7 d exposures were: iron and barium (sulfate), 1 000 mg l–1; barium (chloride), 100 mg l–1; aluminum and nickel, 10 mg l–1; copper and lead, l mg l–1; cadmium, chromium VI and manganese, 0.01 mg l–1; mercury, 0.001 mg l–1. All metals effectively retarded embryos from hatching at concentrations equal or lower to those causing mortality, except for cadmium. Particularly impressive was iron, which suppressed hatching at l to 10 mg l–1, concentrations previously found non-deleterious to marine organisms and 100 times more dilute than concentrations causing significant embryo mortality. The effects of metals on embryos increased as a function of exposure duration. Embryo mortality was delayed for at least 120 h at concentrations 1.0 mg l–1, with the exception of mercury. Lethal concentrations established at 96 h were meaningless for crab embryos, because acute toxic thresholds were not attained by that time. Larval survivorship to chromium VI, copper, and zinc increased following exposure of embryos to these metals at low concentrations (1.0 mg l–1), suggesting induction of biochemical pathways for products which bind or metabolize metals. Identical exposures of embryos to lead failed to enhance subsequent larval survivorship, showing that inductions may be metal-specific. We suggest that exposures of brachyuran embryos at field sites and the success of their subsequent hatching in the laboratory may be a means of assessing environmental contamination otherwise difficult to monitor.  相似文献   

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