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Atmospheric diffusion models for particulate and gaseous pollutants emitted from an elevated continuous point source have been developed. The models are analytical and obtained from the solutions of steady state three-dimensional atmospheric transport-diffusion equations associated with the primary pollutant and with the secondary pollutant converted chemically from the primary pollutant. The surface dry deposition and the gravitational settling are taken into account in the models. The conversion of gaseous species to paniculate pollutant, the role of settling velocity and the effects of dry deposition velocity of gaseous species on the paniculate pollutant are analyzed.  相似文献   

The magnitude of contaminant mass-flux reduction associated with a specific amount of contaminant mass removed is a key consideration for evaluating the effectiveness of a source-zone remediation effort. Thus, there is great interest in characterizing, estimating, and predicting relationships between mass-flux reduction and mass removal. Published data collected for several field studies were examined to evaluate relationships between mass-flux reduction and source-zone mass removal. The studies analyzed herein represent a variety of source-zone architectures, immiscible-liquid compositions, and implemented remediation technologies. There are two general approaches to characterizing the mass-flux-reduction/mass-removal relationship, end-point analysis and time-continuous analysis. End-point analysis, based on comparing masses and mass fluxes measured before and after a source-zone remediation effort, was conducted for 21 remediation projects. Mass removals were greater than 60% for all but three of the studies. Mass-flux reductions ranging from slightly less than to slightly greater than one-to-one were observed for the majority of the sites. However, these single-snapshot characterizations are limited in that the antecedent behavior is indeterminate. Time-continuous analysis, based on continuous monitoring of mass removal and mass flux, was performed for two sites, both for which data were obtained under water-flushing conditions. The reductions in mass flux were significantly different for the two sites (90% vs. approximately 8%) for similar mass removals ( approximately 40%). These results illustrate the dependence of the mass-flux-reduction/mass-removal relationship on source-zone architecture and associated mass-transfer processes. Minimal mass-flux reduction was observed for a system wherein mass removal was relatively efficient (ideal mass-transfer and displacement). Conversely, a significant degree of mass-flux reduction was observed for a site wherein mass removal was inefficient (non-ideal mass-transfer and displacement). The mass-flux-reduction/mass-removal relationship for the latter site exhibited a multi-step behavior, which cannot be predicted using some of the available simple estimation functions.  相似文献   

人工湿地植物泌氧与污染物降解耗氧关系研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实验采用静态水培方法研究了香蒲(Typha orientalis)、芦苇(Phragmites australis)和水葱(Scirpus validus)3种常见湿地水生植物潜在泌氧能力、去污效果,并对水生植物泌氧量与污染物降解耗氧量进行了计算分析,从而阐明湿地植物泌氧与污染物降解耗氧之间的关系。结果表明,3种植物泌氧能力由大到小依次为:芦苇香蒲水葱,其中,芦苇比放氧速率、面积泌氧率均最高,分别为3.36 mg O2/(g.d)和4.35 g O2/(m2.d)。植物对湿地系统中污染物的去除有重要影响,各植物系统COD去除速率在3.46~3.77 g/(m2.d)之间;NH4+-N去除速率在0.07~0.13 g/(m2.d);TN去除速率在0.25~0.27 g/(m2.d);TP去除速率均为0.09 g/(m2.d);均好于无植物空白系统。计算表明,各植物体系泌氧量在0.48~0.55 g O2/d之间;各植物体系COD、NH4+-N耗氧量在0.41~0.46 g O2/d之间;植物净泌氧量在0.02~0.12 g O2/d之间。植物泌氧量与COD、NH4+-N耗氧量呈显著正相关关系。若应用人工湿地处理城镇生活污水,各植物体系COD最大去除负荷在3.81~4.35 g/(m2.d)之间,NH4+-N最大去除负荷在0.83~0.95 g/(m2.d)之间,最大水力负荷在1.65~1.89 cm/d之间。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The microbial fuel cell (MFC) system is a promising environmental remediation technology due to its simple compact design, low cost, and renewable...  相似文献   

倒置A2/O与常规A2/O工艺除磷效果对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对西安市某污水处理厂倒置A2/O工艺的沿程监测和工艺解析,分析明确了该工艺生物除磷效果差的影响因素。研究表明,缺氧池反硝化不完全,厌氧池高浓度硝酸盐是抑制聚磷菌释磷的重要因素。当厌氧池内硝酸盐浓度大于4 mg/L时会明显抑制生物除磷效果。硝酸盐的浓度在1~4 mg/L时,随着硝酸盐浓度的升高,释磷效果显著降低。为避免硝酸盐对聚磷菌的影响,需将厌氧池硝酸盐浓度控制在1 mg/L以下。硝酸盐对聚磷菌释磷的影响原因是生物脱氮除磷对碳源的竞争,以乙酸钠和原污水为碳源分析硝氮盐对释磷效果的影响。结果表明,易于生物降解的优质碳源更有利于聚磷菌在厌氧环境下释磷,倒置A2/O的前置式缺氧池首先将大量优质碳源用于反硝化,而造成后续厌氧池聚磷菌释磷效果差。针对这一研究结果,对该污水厂提出将倒置A2/O调整为常规A2/O的改造方案,改造后厌氧池硝酸盐浓度由3.57 mg/L降低至0.89 mg/L,聚磷菌释磷量提高1.8倍,系统除磷效果增强,出水总磷降低至0.66 mg/L,与倒置A2/O相比降低0.21 mg/L。  相似文献   

针对北京等严重缺水地区提高污水综合排放标准,用于地表水和地下水补充水的需求,以强化COD、N和P去除为目的,研发了N和P不同单元处理的缺氧立体循环氧化沟单元/好氧立体循环氧化沟单元/除磷过滤器单元组合工艺,通过中试实验研究了该工艺的去除效果,并优化了该工艺水力停留时间(HRT)和溶解氧(DO)参数。结果表明,当缺氧和好氧立体循环氧化沟单元的HRT 和DO分别为12 h、DO 0.5 mg/L和6 h、2.0 mg/L,除磷过滤器滤速6~8 m/h时,该工艺的平均出水浓度COD 25 mg/L,TN 11 mg/L,NH4+-N 1.2 mg/L,TP 0.15 mg/L,平均去除率分别为88%、57%、94%和96%。其中缺氧立体循环氧化沟单元COD、NH4+-N和TN平均去除率为70%、80%和57%,好氧立体循环氧化沟单元进一步去除COD和NH4+-N(去除率为18%和14%);经缺氧、好氧氧化沟处理去除50%左右的TP,除磷单元吸附作用去除46%的TP。经过该组合工艺处理,COD、N和P都能达到北京市2013年出台的地方污水排放新标准一级B排放要求。  相似文献   

The removal of trace organic compounds through membrane bioreactors (MBR) compared with a conventional wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in a long-term study was investigated. Two MBR pilot plants were operated in parallel to a full-scale WWTP fed with the same municipal raw wastewater. Polar compounds (phenazone-type pharmaceuticals, their metabolites, and carbamazepine) and less polar estrogenic steroids (estradiol, estrone, and ethinylestradiol) were quantified. The removal rate of phenazone, propyphenazone, and formylaminoantipyrine by the conventional WWTP was less than 15%. Significantly higher removal rates (60 to 70%) started to be clearly monitored in the pilot plants after approximately 5 months. Higher removal rates coincided with higher temperatures in the summer. The conventional WWTP removed, on average, more than 90% of the natural steroids estrone and estradiol and approximately 80% of the synthetic ethinylestradiol. Approximately 99% of estradiol and estrone and approximately 95% of ethinylestradiol was eliminated by the MBR processes.  相似文献   

构建具有不同蚯蚓和植物配置的4个单级蚯蚓生态滤池,依次编号为A(无蚯蚓无植物)、B(有蚯蚓无植物)、C(有蚯蚓栽种芦苇)和D(有蚯蚓栽种水生鸢尾)。通过比较4个滤池在6个月实验期间对化学需氧量(COD)和总氮(TN)的去除效率,系统分析蚯蚓和植物对滤池去除污染物的影响。实验分2个阶段进行:5月上旬至9月上旬,滤池进水碳氮比恒定为6;9月中旬至11月中旬,滤池每周进水碳氮比交替为3、6、9。研究结果表明,蚯蚓对滤池去除COD有一定的促进作用,且作用强度显著受到进水碳氮比的影响。植物的存在与种类对滤池去除COD效率没有显著影响。蚯蚓和植物对滤池的TN去除效率都没有显著影响。滤池进水的碳氮比是显著影响滤池去除TN效率的主要因素。  相似文献   

The air pollution index (API) sequences in 10 cities in northern China and the synoptic pressure patterns during autumn and winter from 2002 to 2006 were analyzed with diagnostic and statistical methods. The results showed that the air qualities in northern China had a prominent correlation with the pressure systems. It revealed that (a) the increasing phase of API was associated with high pressure and the successive low pressure, (b) the preceding part of front (i.e. the retral part of low pressure) was associated with the maximum of API values during a cycle of air pollution process, (c) the pressure systems with high gradient led to the decrease of API, and (d) the synoptic pressure patterns and their evolvements were the main causes of regional air pollution processes. These relations can be used to analyze the variation characteristics and mechanism of regional atmosphere pollution process, and provide important basis for the qualitative prediction, control, and management of regional air pollution problems.  相似文献   

A number of empirical (statistical, regression oriented) and mechanistic (process oriented) models are presently available to examine the relationship between air pollution stress and plant response. These models have their strengths and weaknesses. In all these models, a major concern is the numerical definition of the pollutant exposure kinetics (dose). At present there are no numerical definitions of dose which make satisfactory biological sense. A key issue is the existence of a biological time clock where plants respond differently to the pollutant stress at different stages of their growth. On the other hand, policy makers and regulatory personnel prefer a simple approach which would facilitate implementation and administration of ambient air quality standards. Long-term air pollutant averaging techniques create artifacts due to the non-normal distribution of ambient concentrations. A more appropriate approach may be the use of 'median' and 'percentiles' computed from short duration pollutant concentrations. Such an approach would be free of the influence of the non-normal distribution, but would require the development of appropriate exposure-response models. Any transfer of results from unit level models to regional level leads to 'scaling error'. There is no general agreement among researchers on how to deal with the scale problem. While this situation persists, any policy formulated on regional impact assessment must acknowledge the uncertainty.  相似文献   

大气污染物扩散模式的应用研究综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用大气污染物扩散模式可以模拟不同尺度、气象、地形条件下工业污染物在大气中的输送与扩散特征,为大气监测、城市环境规划和空气质量预报等工作提供科学依据.归纳了目前广泛应用于模拟工业污染物扩散的模式,着重介绍了近年来国内外对这些模式的主要应用研究进展,比较了各模式在应用上的优缺点,并对大气污染物扩散模式的应用研究前景进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Two rainwater harvesting systems, which included first-flush diversion devices, connected to the roofs of two adjacent buildings, were monitored for...  相似文献   

This work is first intended to optimize the experimental conditions for the maximum degradation of guaiacol (2-methoxyphenol) by Fenton’s reagent, and second, to improve the process efficiency through the use of solar radiation. Guaiacol is considered as a model compound of pulp and paper mill effluent. The experiments were carried out in a laboratory-scale reactor subjected or not to solar radiation. Hydrogen peroxide solution was continuously introduced into the reactor at a constant flow rate. The kinetics of organic matter decay was evaluated by means of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) and the absorbance measurements. The experimental results showed that the Fenton and solar photo-Fenton systems lead successfully to 90% elimination of COD and absorbance at 604 nm from a guaiacol solution under particular experimental conditions. The COD removal always obeyed a pseudo-first-order kinetics. The effect of pH, temperature, H2O2 dosing rate, initial concentration of Fe2+, and initial COD was investigated using the Fenton process. The solar photo-Fenton system needed less time and consequently less quantity of H2O2. Under the optimum experimental conditions, the solar photo-Fenton process needs a dose of H2O2 40% lower than that used in the Fenton process to remove 90% of COD.  相似文献   

基于人工快渗(CRIS)和水平潜流人工湿地(HSSFCWs)构建了水平流人工渗滤系统(HFCIS),研究了该系统对耗氧有机物(以COD计)、氨氮(NH4+-N)的沿程去除情况和污染物在系统内的垂向分布情况,并进行了动力学分析。结果表明,在水力负荷为0.083 m·d−1、进水耗氧有机物(以COD计)浓度为220~630 mg·L−1、NH4+-N质量浓度为13~47 mg·L−1时,COD、NH4+-N的去除率分别为88.6%和91.9%以上。在水力负荷为0.25 m·d−1的条件下,进水耗氧有机物(以COD计)和NH4+-N质量浓度分别为613~690 mg·L−1和36~48 mg·L−1时,总去除率分别为95.5%和78.2%以上。水平方向沿程污染物质量浓度呈现逐渐衰减的趋势,污染物降解符合一阶动力学模型,去除速率常数在CRIS和HSSFCWs的速率常数范围内并处于较高水平。该HFCI系统填料简单,复氧效果好,污染物去除性能优异,提高了土地利用率,建造位置选择较为灵活,在分散式污水处理中有独特的优势。  相似文献   

Unintentionally produced persistent organic pollutants (UP-POPs) including polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) were characterized and quantified in stack gas and fly ash from the second ventilation systems in five typical converters in five different steelmaking plants. The 2378-substituted PCDD/Fs (2378-PCDD/Fs) and dioxin-like PCB (dl-PCBs) toxic equivalents (TEQs) were 1.84–10.3 pg WHO-TEQ Nm?3 in the stack gas and 5.59–87.6 pg WHO-TEQ g?1 in the fly ash, and the PCN TEQs were 0.06–0.56 pg TEQ Nm?3 in the stack gas and 0.03–0.08 pg TEQ g?1 in the fly ash. The concentrations of UP-POPs in the present study were generally lower than those in other metallurgical processes, such as electric arc furnaces, iron ore sintering, and secondary metallurgical processes. Adding scrap metal might increase UP-POP emissions, indicating that raw material composition was a key influence on emissions. HxCDF, HpCDF, OCDF, HpCDD, and OCDD were the dominant PCDD/Fs in the stack gas and fly ash. TeCB and PeCB were dominant in the stack gas, but HxCB provided more to the total PCB concentrations in the fly ash. The lower chlorinated PCNs were dominant in all of the samples. The 2378-PCDD/F, dl-PCB, and PCN emission factors in stack gases from the steelmaking converter processes (per ton of steel produced) were 1.88–2.89, 0.14–0.76, and 229–759 μg t?1, respectively.  相似文献   

微生物燃料电池(MFC)的电极材料是决定MFC性能的关键。本研究利用核桃壳生物炭制成MFC电极材料,对核桃壳生物炭基电极的制备条件、MFC的产电性能进行了探讨,利用比表面积分析、扫描电镜、拉曼光谱及电极电化学等方法对生物炭电极进行表征。结果表明: 最佳电极制备条件为活化时生物炭:氯化锌质量比5:3,真空煅烧温度600 ℃,生物炭:聚苯胺:热熔胶质量比5:1:4,在进水COD平均值为685 mg·L−1、氨氮平均值为38 mg·L−1、外电阻为1 000 Ω条件下,MFC的稳定输出电压为0.136 V,最大功率密度达到51 mW·m−3,内阻为762 Ω,运行7 d后,COD和氨氮的去除率分别可达到85%和88%,以上研究结果为制备有前景的MFC的电极材料提供了参考。  相似文献   

研究证明,将催化铁添加至传统生物除磷工艺的厌氧段,可使得生物除磷和化学除磷两者作用耦合。为了研究工艺中生物除磷与化学除磷的关系,采用不同催化铁投配率分别为0、1和2 g Fe/(mg P·d)的3组反应器进行实验。结果表明,催化铁投配率为1 g Fe/(mg P·d)时,系统的除磷效率最佳,去除率在90%以上,生物除磷与化学除磷耦合作用好;负荷为2 g Fe/(mg P·d)时,系统在未达到稳定之前即发生恶化,生物除磷作用受到抑制。铁化合物的积累量过多是系统出现恶化的主要原因:在污泥中铁含量小于30 mg Fe/g MLSS时,生物除磷作用与化学除磷作用两者协同,除磷效率提高;当污泥中铁含量超过52.8 mg Fe/g MLSS时,出现竞争,生物除磷作用受到抑制;通过排泥,降低污泥中铁含量,则除磷功能可以得到恢复。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - With the rapid socio-economic and industrial development, the problem of water shortage is becoming increasingly serious. Seeking alternative water...  相似文献   

采用自主研发的中试反硝化生物滤池处理传统活性污泥法的二沉池出水,研究了稳定运行下生物膜量与脱氮效果和脱氢酶活性之间的关系。结果表明:根据VSS/SS=0.78、VSS/SS>0.78、VSS/SS<0.78,将SS分为3个区域,分别为区域1(232.5~1 246.6 mg·L−1)、区域2(1 246.6~2 542.7 mg·L−1)、区域3(2 542.7~3 523.9 mg·L−1)。在区域2内能获得最大的${\rm{NO}}_3^ - $-N和TN去除能力,去除率分别为95.0%和85.7%及最大的总脱氢酶活性(TDHA),为112.5 g;单位质量生物膜脱氢酶活性(DHA)与SS和VSS之间显著负相关,R2分别为0.822和0.876;TDHA随SS的增加而增加,直至VSS/SS开始减小时随之减小。DHA能较好地从微观层面反应微生物的活性,TDHA可从宏观层面反映整个反应器的生物活性,为反硝化生物滤池运行提供参考。  相似文献   

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