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Nitrates are the most common chemical pollutant of groundwater in agricultural and suburban areas. Croatia must comply with the Nitrate Directive (91/676/EEC) whose aim is to reduce water pollution by nitrates originating from agriculture and to prevent further pollution. Podravina and Prigorje are the areas with a relatively high degree of agricultural activity. Therefore, the aim of this study was, by monitoring nitrates, to determine the distribution of nitrates in two different areas, Podravina and Prigorje (Croatia), to determine sources of contamination as well as annual and seasonal trends. The nitrate concentrations were measured in 30 wells (N?=?382 samples) in Prigorje and in 19 wells (N?=?174 samples) in Podravina from 2002 to 2007. In Podravina, the nitrate content was 24.9 mg/l and 6 % of the samples were above the maximum available value (MAV), and in Prigorje the content was 53.9 mg/l and 38 % of the samples above MAV. The wells were classified as correct, occasionally incorrect and incorrect. In the group of occasionally incorrect and incorrect wells, the point sources were within 10 m of the well. There is no statistically significant difference over the years or seasons within the year, but the interaction between locations and years was significant. Nitrate concentrations’ trend was not significant during the monitoring. These results are a prerequisite for the adjustment of Croatian standards to those of the EU and will contribute to the implementation of the Nitrate Directive and the Directives on Environmental Protection in Croatia and the EU.  相似文献   

Natural spring water has unique properties, as it is rich in minerals that are considered to be beneficial to human health. A survey of the microbiological quality of natural spring water was conducted to assess possible risks from the consumption of the water by visitors in recreational mountain areas located in Seoul, South Korea. The densities of total coliforms and Escherichia coli were measured during the spring and the summer of 2002 to investigate the presence of coliform bacteria in the drinking spring waters. Total coliforms were detected in all samples and the mean density of total coliforms was up to a maximum of 228 CFU/mL. Detectable E. coli was found in 78% of all samples and the mean densities of E. coli varied from a minimum of 0 CFU/mL to a maximum of 15 CFU/mL in all samples. Malfunctioning septic systems and wildlife population appear to be the main source of E. coli contamination. Presence of E. coli in natural spring water indicates potential adverse health effects for individuals or populations exposed to this water. The fecal contaminated spring water may present an unacceptable risk to humans if it is used as raw drinking water.  相似文献   

伊犁河(中国段)水质模糊综合分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据伊犁河 (中国段 )多年水质监测资料 ,运用模糊数学方法分析伊犁河水质模糊综合指数的时空分布特征及其相关关系 ,掌握了伊犁河 (中国段 )水质现状和污染状况。  相似文献   

陆地表面温度(Land Surface Temperature,LST)是地表能量平衡组分中的一个重要参数。随着卫星遥感技术的快速发展,遥感反演成为获取区域LST的一个重要手段。目前已有学者提出多种基于遥感数据反演LST的算法,其中劈窗算法被证明是一种精度较高的算法。基于Landsat-8卫星30 m空间分辨率的陆地成像仪(OLI)数据和100 m分辨率的热红外传感器(TIRS)数据,采用劈窗算法计算了无锡地区的LST,并采用地面实测水温数据和同步的MODIS温度产品对Landsat-8的计算结果进行了验证和对比分析。结果表明:基于Landsat-8数据和劈窗算法获取的LST精度较高,误差1K。在计算的LST结果基础上,进一步提取了热场变异指数来分析城市热岛空间分布特征,给出了城市热岛效应的定量化描述,并就不同地表覆盖类型对热岛效应的影响进行了分析。  相似文献   

本文介绍了用甲醛-硼氢化钠系统衍生水小二乙烯三肢的衍生化气相色谱测定方法。测定条件:TSD检测器,260℃;色谱柱:PT28%AT223+4%KOH涂在GasChromR80~100目。1.4m×3mm。线性范围:2.5~20mg/L。回收率:92~107%。相对标准偏差;9%。  相似文献   

The presence of 226Ra in drinking water may sometimes make important contribution to natural background radiation exposures. The paper describes the study of 226Ra content in drinking water of Croatia: tap water from the public supply system of several major towns and bottled mineral water from two selected mineral water springs. 226Ra was determined by alpha-spectrometric measurement after radiochemical separation. The radiation doses originating from drinking tap water and bottled mineral water were estimated. The annual dose from consumption of bottled mineral water was compared to that received from ingestion of public system tap water. The study showed that 226Ra content for investigated categories of waters is below the levels at which any unacceptable dose due to ingestion would arise.  相似文献   

The lack of information and the need for knowledge on the organic pollutants within the area of KwaZulu-Natal together with the global problem of water supply have prompted our investigation into the analyses of eight polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners in the Msunduzi River of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Soil, sediment, and water samples were collected at ten different sites along the river during winter and spring seasons. Soil and sediment samples were extracted using ultra sonication with dichloromethane while water samples were liquid-liquid extracted using dichloromethane. All sample extracts were cleaned-up using a multi-layer silica gel column and analyzed with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Quality assurance measures were also determined. The percentage recoveries for water were 53–128 for all the PCBs analyzed, while sediment recoveries ranged between 69 and 105%. The highest total concentrations of the PCBs in sediment were 214.21–610.45 ng/g dw at the Du Toit sampling site and 30.86–444.43 ng/g dw basis at the wastewater treatment inlet for winter and spring, respectively. Soil PCB concentrations were 76.53–397.75 ng/g dw at the Msunduzi Town sampling site and 20.84–443.49 ng/g (dry weight) at the Du Toit sampling site for winter and spring, respectively. In addition, high PCB concentrations were found in effluent of the wastewater treatment inlet compared to other sampling sites, which ranged between 0.68–22.37 and 2.53–35.69 ng/mL for winter and spring seasons, respectively. In all the sampling sites selected for this study, Du Toit afforded the highest PCB concentration levels and the lowest was after chlorination at the Darvill wastewater treatment plant. The results presented are new and it is the first study of organic pollutants such as PCBs that has been carried out on this river.  相似文献   

Wastewater pollution in industrial areas is one of the most important environmental problems. Heavy metal pollution, especially chromium pollution in wastewater sources from dyeing and tannery has affected the life on earth. This pollution can affect all ecosystems and human health directly or by food chain. Therefore, the determination of chromium in this study is of great importance. Dil Creek is located in the eastern Marmara region and discharges into the Izmit Gulf. This water source is used for irrigation in agriculture and as drinking water for animals. In this study, a rapid, sensitive and selective method for the speciative direct determination of Cr (III) and Cr (VI) in dyeing waste water samples collected from the nearest station to Izmit Gulf of Dil Creek in May 2006 by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) has been developed. An analysis of a given sample is completed in about 15 min for ICP-AES the method. As the result of the chromium analysis, the limit of quantification (LOQ) for the Cr (III), Cr (VI) and total Cr were founded as 0.0111 ± 0.0002 mg/l (RSD, 1.80%), 0.0592 ± 0.0010 mg/l (RSD, 1.70%) and 0.0703 ± 0.0020 mg/l (RSD, 2.84%) respectively. In addition, the general mathematical formula has been developed to calculate the concentration of Cr(III), which can be applied to any other metal species. The result of Cr (VI) analysis indicated that water quality of Creek was IV. class quality according to the inland water classification. In order to validate the applied method, recovery studies were performed.  相似文献   

Selected toxic and essential metals (mercury, Hg; cadmium, Cd; and zinc, Zn) were determined in the liver and in the kidney collected from 13 dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba and Tursiops truncatus) stranded along the southern coasts of Italy from 1991 to 1999. Liver samples were also analysed for their methyl mercury (MeHg) and selenium (Se) contents. For subcellular fractionation, liver and kidney samples were homogenized in Tris-HCl buffer; after centrifugation, the supernatant (cytosol) was separated from pellets (insoluble fraction), heated at 80 degrees C for 10 min and centrifuged in order to separate the precipitate containing the thermolabile high molecular weight proteins. The cytosol heat-stable fraction, including metallothionein-like proteins (MTLPs), was then purified by gel filtration chromatography on Sephadex G-75 column. The three subcellular fractions collected (insoluble fraction, thermolabile fraction and purified heat-stable fraction) were analysed for their Hg, Cd and Zn contents. The analytical results confirm previous similar studies on toothed whales in showing that: (1) in the liver, as well as in the kidney, Hg was mainly found in the insoluble fraction, therefore, metallothioneins seem to have no role in the Hg detoxification; (2) in the liver, the molar ratio between Se and inorganic Hg was very close to 1; this suggests that the final compound of MeHg detoxification could be HgSe (tiemannite); (3) in almost all the samples, Cd and Zn were detected in the purified heat-stable fraction (including MTLPs). The mechanism of Cd detoxification and Zn homeostasis is also discussed.  相似文献   

分析1998—2017年间水质手工监测结果可知,温榆河水质变化大致分为4个阶段:水质恶化-水质改善-水质稳定-水质进一步改善,最后一个阶段,污染凸显以氨氮为主。通过空间分析,温榆河上段化学需氧量主要受南沙河影响,氨氮受北沙河及南沙河影响均较大;下段氨氮主要受清河下段及坝河下段影响,而化学需氧量则受温榆河上段、清河下段、坝河下段3条河段影响。污水处理厂的建成运行、污水处理率的提高,使温榆河整体水质第一次改善,部分直排污水及污水处理厂排水标准宽松,阻碍水质进一步改善。河道清淤,加强污水收集及管网建设,以及污水处理厂提高出水标准后,温榆河水质出现第二次改善,但仍然为劣Ⅴ类。自动站雨季监测发现,非点源污染的影响不可忽略。  相似文献   

目前中国地表水十大流域水质差异较大,以2013年国家监测网监测数据为例,重度污染水质断面多分布于海河、淮河和黄河中下游地区。究其原因,黄河、海河、淮河单位面积水资源量较少、水资源利用率较高、水体自净能力下降;同时长年居高不下的污染物排放累积效应严重影响水质改善;重污染行业集聚、排放强度大、城市化进程较快、第二产业比重较高等因素加剧了水资源的供需矛盾,最终影响水质改善。  相似文献   

Effective water resources management programs have always incorporated detailed analyses of hydrological and water quality processes in the upland watershed and downstream waterbody. We have integrated two powerful hydrological and water quality models (SWAT and CE-QUAL-W2) to simulate the combined processes of water quantity and quality both in the upland watershed and downstream waterbody. Whereas the SWAT model outputs water quality variables in its entirety, the CE-QUAL-W2 model requires inputs in various pools of organic matter contents. An intermediate program was developed to extract outputs from SWAT at required subbasin and reach outlets and converts them into acceptable CE-QUAL-W2 inputs. The CE-QUAL-W2 model was later calibrated for various hydrodynamic and water quality simulations in the Cedar Creek Reservoir, TX, USA. The results indicate that the two models are compatible and can be used to assess and manage water resources in complex watersheds comprised of upland watershed and downstream waterbodies.  相似文献   

水中硫化物不稳定,最好是现场即时测定。本文旨在研究现场快速测定水中的硫化物。本研究运用比色分析的朗伯-比尔定律和真空工艺设计,将复杂繁琐的实验室测试方法和操作程序有机的融合在测试管中。该测试管具有快速、简便和价格低廉等特点,测定范围0.1~10mg/L。  相似文献   

The concentrations of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and total suspended matter (TSM) are major water quality parameters that can be retrieved using remotely sensed data. Water sampling works were conducted on 15 July 2007 and 13 September 2008 concurrent with the Indian Remote-Sensing Satellite (IRS-P6) overpass of the Shitoukoumen Reservoir. Both empirical regression and back-propagation artificial neural network (ANN) models were established to estimate Chl-a and TSM concentration with both in situ and satellite-received radiances signals. It was found that empirical models performed well on the TSM concentration estimation with better accuracy (R 2 = 0.94, 0.91) than their performance on Chl-a concentration (R 2 = 0.62, 0.75) with IRS-P6 imagery data, and the models accuracy marginally improved with in situ spectra data. Our results indicated that the ANN model performed better for both Chl-a (R 2 = 0.91, 0.82) and TSM (R 2 = 0.98, 0.94) concentration estimation through in situ collected spectra; the same trend followed for IRS-P6 imagery data (R 2 = 0.75 and 0.90 for Chl-a; R 2 = 0.97 and 0.95 for TSM). The relative root mean square errors (RMSEs) from the empirical model for TSM (Chl-a) were less than 15% (respectively 27.2%) with both in situ and IRS-P6 imagery data, while the RMSEs were less than 7.5% (respectively 18.4%) from the ANN model. Future work still needs to be undertaken to derive the dynamic characteristic of Shitoukoumen Reservoir water quality with remotely sensed IRS-P6 or Landsat-TM data. The algorithms developed in this study will also need to be tested and refined with more imagery data acquisitions combined with in situ spectra data.  相似文献   

The elemental contaminants in water and fish samples from Aba river were studied. The elements studied were Zn, Ni, As, Hg, Co and Mn. Three water samples and three samples of different fish species were collected from different locations in the river. The water and fish samples were analysed for elemental contaminants using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The elemental toxicants Zn and Mn were identified in appreciable amounts in fresh fish species namely, Lates niloticus and Oriochronis niloticus, of mean values 8.012 ppm and 0.861 ppm, respectively. The analysis also shows arsenic concentration of mean value 0.01 ppm in Lates niloticus. The analysis of frozen fish samples purchased from the Waterside market located near the river shows Ni and Hg levels of mean values 0.83 ppm and 0.02 ppm, respectively. The levels of elemental contaminants As, Zn, Hg and Mn from the water samples have mean values 0.082 ppm, 11.284 ppm, 0.201 ppm and 1.024 ppm, respectively. There are five industries that discharge waste products into Aba river. In view of this, there is a need to determine the level of pollution of the river, since the inhabitants depend on the river for their drinking water, fishing and other domestic uses. This study is aimed at determining the level of heavy metal toxicants in fish and water samples from the river. The effect of these elemental contaminants and the associated health hazards were examined.  相似文献   

Concentrations of heavy metals (Ag, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb ve Zn) were measured in running water and in tissues (muscle, liver, gill, skin and gonads) of one commercially valuable fish species (Carasobarbus luteus) from the Orontes (Asi) River (Güzelburç region) in Hatay (Southeastern Turkey). Results for levels in water compared with national and international water quality guidelines were found at the highest concentrations in international criteria’s WHO, EC and EPA, but Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb were found to exceed permissible level of drinking water in national criteria TSE-266 whereas Fe, Zn and Cr concentrations were within the permissible levels for drinking. The present study showed a significant seasonal variation (p?p?>?0.05), which showed seasonal variation of only Zn (p?C. luteus were below the permissible limit for human consumption, level of Cu being very close to the permissible limit. Consequently, continuous monitoring of heavy metal concentration in edible freshwater fish will be needed in Orontes River.  相似文献   

根据南水北调东平湖水质要求,通过调查,摸清了东平湖上游的排污现状,选用多点容量计算法得出各河段和东平湖的COD环境容量,并提出了控制措施。  相似文献   

We present the first insight to the oceanography of the southeastern Adriatic Sea, where coastal water influenced by Albanian rivers comes into contact with the inflowing oligotrophic Eastern Adriatic Current (Ionian Surface Water and Levantine Intermediate Water). A distinct plankton distribution was observed on each side of the shelf break hydrographic boundary in May 2009, during gradual warming of the surface waters. The prochlorophytes accumulated along the nutricline above the shelf and continental slope. The phosphorus limited inshore waters were dominated by a small diatom Chaetoceros circinalis, dinoflagellates, cryptophytes, autotrophic picoplankton, and heterotrophic nanoplankton. The offshore surface layer was characterized by bigger nanoplankton (coccolithophorids, green flagellates). Low nutrient concentrations influence relatively low productivity not only above the Albanian shelf but also further to the north along the Montenegrine and Croatian coastal Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   

The main objectives of article were monitor the metal concentrations of cadmium, lead, copper, zinc, cobalt, and iron, in the feather of shorebirds species, Western Reef Heron (Egretta gularis) and Siberian Gull (Larus heuglini) from Hara Biosphere Reserve of Southern Iran; and identify any relationships between species. Assaying heavy metals by using Shimadzu AA 680 flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer, the results were given as micrograms per gram dry weight. The concentrations of heavy metal were found to follow the order of iron>zinc>copper>lead>cadmium>cobalt for E. gularis and of iron>zinc>lead>copper>cadmium>cobalt for L. heuglini. Also, they showed that the cadmium, copper, and cobalt concentrations were higher in females than in the males, while the lead concentration for E. gularis and L. heuglini was higher in males. The cadmium concentration means they were measured as1.16 and 1.37 μg/g for E. gularis and L. heuglini, respectively, whereas the lead concentration means 7.04 and 5.48 μg/g for E. gularis and L. heuglini, respectively. The concentrations of nonessential trace elements in E. gularis and L. heuglini were generally comparable to values reported in other studies. The average levels of lead we observed in these birds were greater than 5 μg/g dry weight in the feather that is known to be associated with adverse behavioral or reproductive effects. Data analysis showed that there was a positive correlation between copper and zinc (P?相似文献   

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