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Abstract: The authors develop a model framework that includes a set of hydrologic modules as a water resources management and planning tool for the upper Santa Cruz River near the Mexican border, Southern Arizona. The modules consist of: (1) stochastic generation of hourly precipitation scenarios that maintain the characteristics and variability of a 45‐year hourly precipitation record from a nearby rain gauge; (2) conceptual transformation of generated precipitation into daily streamflow using varied infiltration rates and estimates of the basin antecedent moisture conditions; and (3) surface‐water to ground‐water interaction for four downstream microbasins that accounts for alluvial ground‐water recharge, and ET and pumping losses. To maintain the large inter‐annual variability of streamflow as prevails in Southern Arizona, the model framework is constructed to produce three types of seasonal winter and summer categories of streamflow (i.e., wet, medium, or dry). Long‐term (i.e., 100 years) realizations (ensembles) are generated by the above described model framework that reflects two different regimes of inter annual variability. The first regime is that of the historic streamflow gauge record. The second regime is that of the tree ring reconstructed precipitation, which was derived for the study location. Generated flow ensembles for these two regimes are used to evaluate the risk that the regional four ground‐water microbasins decline below a preset storage threshold under different operational water utilization scenarios.  相似文献   

针对东江流域的地区特点,以目前社会和经济发展水平为基础,确立水资源安全分级标准,采用层次分析法确定各指标的权重,用多级模糊综合评判法对东江流域水资源安全进行评价,最后得出从2000年到2007年东江流域各行政区的水资源安全度呈下降的趋势。  相似文献   

本文分析了黄河三角洲海洋资源的开发优势及开发利用现状,提出了该区域发展海洋经济的建设性意见  相似文献   

产品贸易及水权交易使得水资源问题"跨流域化",不再单纯是流域内部管理问题。本文从流域比较视角出发,在区分蓝、绿、灰三种水足迹的基础上,应用水足迹模型,测算了两流域典型地区的水足迹,进行流域水资源问题对比分析,并分析了经济发展模式对流域水资源可持续性的影响。结果发现,杭州市经济用水中灰色水足迹占总量的90%,而张掖市经济用水中绿色水足迹占总量的60.8%,说明钱塘江流域水资源问题在于质,而黑河流域水资源问题在于量;经济发展模式中的产业结构、水资源开发效率、工业化路径等影响流域水资源可持续利用,同时基于GDP导向的流域间的水资源逆向配置,更加剧了流域水资源矛盾。最后根据流域对比结果提出治理措施,从而形成流域间协作的良性循环。  相似文献   

叙述了黄河故道地区的基本情况及实施农业资源综合开发的必要性。从总体技术方向、技术应用原则、技术进步目标、适用模式诸方面提出了黄河故道地区资源开发利用的7种技术模式。  相似文献   

本文引入几种统计模型探讨“气候变暖”对水资源的影响。这些模型经实测资料验证,模拟和预测效果了。在一定环境条件下,利用它们预估“气候变暖”对雅砻江未来水资源的影响,获得令人满意的成果。  相似文献   

以张掖市建成区为研究对象,从水资源、环境、社会、经济四个方面构建水资源承载力评价指标体系,运用层次分析法、模糊综合评价法评价现状年(2012年)、近期规划年(2015年)和远期规划年(2020年)的水资源承载力状况.结果表明,影响张掖市建成区水资源承载力最主要的因素是水资源利用率,水资源承载力现状年(2012年)为不可承载,近期规划年(2015年)为差,远期规划年(2020年)为可承载,表明张掖城市水资源规划是可行的.  相似文献   

Ten Key Questions About the Management of Water in the Yellow River Basin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Water is scarce in many regions of the world, clean water is difficult to find in most developing countries, there are conflicts between irrigation needs and urban demands, and there is wide debate over appropriate means of resolving these problems. Similarly, in China, there is limited understanding of the ways in which people, groups, and institutions contribute to, are affected by, and respond to changes in water quantity and quality. We use the example of the Yellow River basin to argue that these social, managerial, and policy dimensions of the present water problems are significant and overshadow the physical ones. Despite this, they receive relatively little attention in the research agenda, particularly of the lead agencies in the management of the Yellow River basin. To this end, we ask ten research questions needed to address the policy needs of water management in the basin, split into two groups of five. The first five relate to the importance of water in this basin and the changes that have affected water problems and will continue to do so. The second five questions represent an attempt to explore possible solutions to these problems.  相似文献   

长江中游地区对丰富的水资源进行产业化开发可实现振兴经济的目的,其中售水、水电、水运、水域农业和水上旅游业是主要开发领域。水资源产业化开发的利益关系由合理的收费与价格体系进行协调。  相似文献   

Some Aspects of Water Resources Planning and Management in Smaller Islands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews some of the issues and problems peculiar to water resources development and management in island countries. It indicates difficulties encountered and prospective solutions; reference is made to the technical support being provided in this respect by the United Nations Department of Technical Co-operation for Development.
Cet article passe en revue certains des problèmes concernant la mise en valeur et la gestion des ressources en eau dans les pays insulaires. Il fait état des difficultés rencontrées ainsi que des solutions envisagées. Il mentionne également l'aide technique fournie dans ce domaine par le Département de la coopération technique pour le développement des Nations Unies.
Este artículo examina algunos temas y problemas que son peculiares al desarrollo de recursos de agua y su administración en los países islas. Se señalan las dificultades encontradas y soluciones potenciales; a este respecto se mencionan la asistencia técnica que provee el Departamento de Cooperación Técnica para el Desarrollo de las Naciones Unidas.  相似文献   

通过对南水北调东线一期工程的黄河以北地区输水干线底泥污染现状的调查和污染物浸出性实验,分析了输水干线底泥可能对调水水质产生的潜在风险,并根据水质目标要求进行了风险预测分析,最后提出了相应的保障措施和建议。  相似文献   

汉江是长江最大支流,其流域是秦巴文化、楚文化、中原文化的交汇地,具有深厚的水文化底蕴,汉江还是举世瞩目的南水北调中线工程水源地,这为汉江水文化的传播提供了难得的发展机遇。通过汉江水文化旅游资源开发的SWOT分析和汉江水文化旅游资源的项目设计,提出了合理的开发方案,以塑造水文化旅游品牌,提升汉江旅游知名度。  相似文献   

Li, Y.P. and G.H. Huang, 2011. Planning Agricultural Water Resources System Associated With Fuzzy and Random Features. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(4):841‐860. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00558.x Abstract: More and more regions where demand outstrips water resources availability have suffered from chronic severe shortages. It is particularly aggravated for agricultural irrigation systems where more water is necessary to support the rapidly increasing population and speedily developing economy. In this study, a two‐stage fuzzy‐stochastic programming (TFSP) method is developed for planning agricultural water resources management system in more efficient and sustainable ways. The developed method can address uncertain parameters described as probability distributions and fuzzy sets. It can also be used for analyzing various policy scenarios that are associated with different levels of economic consequences since penalties are exercised with recourse actions against any infeasibility. The developed method is applied to agricultural water‐resources management planning of the Zhangweinan River Basin, China. Solutions under various α‐cut levels and fuzzy dominance indices can be generated by solving a series of deterministic submodels, which can help determine optimized crop‐target values that could hedge appropriately against future available water levels. The results are helpful for water resources managers in not only making decisions of crop irrigation but also gaining insight into the tradeoffs between economic objective and system‐failure risk.  相似文献   

Arnell, Nigel W., 2011. Incorporating Climate Change Into Water Resources Planning in England and Wales. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(3):541‐549. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00548.x Abstract: Public water supplies in England and Wales are provided by around 25 private‐sector companies, regulated by an economic regulator (Ofwat) and environmental regulator (Environment Agency). As part of the regulatory process, companies are required periodically to review their investment needs to maintain safe and secure supplies, and this involves an assessment of the future balance between water supply and demand. The water industry and regulators have developed an agreed set of procedures for this assessment. Climate change has been incorporated into these procedures since the late 1990s, although has been included increasingly seriously over time and it has been an effective legal requirement to consider climate change since the 2003 Water Act. In the most recent assessment in 2009, companies were required explicitly to plan for a defined amount of climate change, taking into account climate change uncertainty. A “medium” climate change scenario was defined, together with “wet” and “dry” extremes, based on scenarios developed from a number of climate models. The water industry and its regulators are now gearing up to exploit the new UKCP09 probabilistic climate change projections – but these pose significant practical and conceptual challenges. This paper outlines how the procedures for incorporating climate change information into water resources planning have evolved, and explores the issues currently facing the industry in adapting to climate change.  相似文献   

塔里木河流域水资源利用与生态农业发展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从生态学角度分析塔里木河流域丰富的自然资源条件与恶劣的气候条件之间的突出矛盾,得出水资源的占有和利用是流域生态改善和农业发展之储多要素中最大限制因子的结论,从而决定了农业发展的根本出路是发展生态农业。必须根据生态脆弱指数采取有力措施保证生态用水;只有因地制宜地建立高效输水、灌溉节水、结构科学、布局合理、资源配置优化、整体功能强的高产优质高效的良性循环的农业生产模式,才能切实有地促进自然生态与生态农业的持续、协调发展。  相似文献   

Kim, Ungtae and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi, 2009. Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in the Upper Blue Nile River Basin, Ethiopia. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 45(6):1361‐1378. Abstract: Climate change affects water resources availability of international river basins that are vulnerable to runoff variability of upstream countries especially with increasing water demands. The upper Blue Nile River Basin is a good example because its downstream countries, Sudan and Egypt, depend solely on Nile waters for their economic development. In this study, the impacts of climate change on both hydrology and water resources operations were analyzed using the outcomes of six different general circulation models (GCMs) for the 2050s. The outcomes of these six GCMs were weighted to provide average future changes. Hydrologic sensitivity, flow statistics, a drought index, and water resources assessment indices (reliability, resiliency, and vulnerability) were used as quantitative indicators. The changes in outflows from the two proposed dams (Karadobi and Border) to downstream countries were also assessed. Given the uncertainty of different GCMs, the simulation results of the weighted scenario suggested mild increases in hydrologic variables (precipitation, temperature, potential evapotranspiration, and runoff) across the study area. The weighted scenario also showed that low‐flow statistics and the reliability of streamflows are increased and severe drought events are decreased mainly due to increased precipitation. Joint dam operation performed better than single dam operation in terms of both hydropower generation and mean annual storage without affecting the runoff volume to downstream countries, but enhancing flow characteristics and the robustness of streamflows. This study provides useful information to decision makers for the planning and management of future water resources of the study area and downstream countries.  相似文献   

基于SD模型的博尔塔拉河流域水资源承载力研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从水资源承载力的研究方法入手,采用系统动力学方法进行水资源承载力定量化计算,在对博尔塔拉河流域地理环境现状和该方法建模思路分析的基础上,建立适合该地区特色的系统动力学模型(简称SD模型)。应用Yenism软件,把各参数代入方程,对博尔塔拉河流域水资源利用和需求进行动态计算。通过对模型计算结果的分析,验证了模型的合理性和可操作性,从而为博尔塔拉河流域水资源承载力的进一步研究提供了必要的手段,也为其他区域的水资源可持续利用研究提供了一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

在对黄河上游水体及沿岸表层土壤、底泥中的砷进行监测分析的基础上,对水体中砷的来源、迁移过程进行了初步探索。结果表明:黄河上游沿岸土壤中砷的含量偏高,水体中的砷来源于沿岸的土壤。  相似文献   

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