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ARC/INFO软件系统在农业土地资源评价中的应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
具有几个土地要素层的综合土地单元制图在土地研究中正在获得日益广泛的应用,它是计算机制图的基础。腾冲农业土地资源评价是在 ARC/INFO 软件系统支持下,在综合土地单元图的基础上进行的。 本研究通过对比,应用了评价模式 TT=V1*(V2+V3+V4)/3*0.01,根据土地对农业利用的适宜程度,将腾冲地区的土地分为四个适宜性等级。 相似文献
采用G IS软件A rcV iew处理数据的优势,把属性数据和空间数据有机地结合,从而得到盘县污染源属性数据、空间数据的相互查询,点污染源的缓冲分析,专题图件的输出等成果。 相似文献
该文以宝鸡市为例,采用GIS技术、数据库访问技术及多媒体技术,通过建立城市环境空间属性数据库,将环境监测信息在地图上形象生动的表现出来,实现了环境信息的可视化和地理信息查询等功能。本系统采用Arcview作为开发平台,以宝鸡市1:50000电子底图为基础,通过空间信息系统的开发,生成直观形象的监测点位电子地图。 相似文献
北京密云水库石匣小流域空间数据库的初步建立 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
将地理信息系统引入本区非点源污染研究。利用Arcview地理信息系统进行重点小流域的地形地貌三维分析。运用卫星遥感影象,经解译处理得到研究区土地利用现状及其空间分布数据,对石匣小流域的非点源污染现状进行研究,建立一个包含非点源污染信息的数据库。利用GIS空间分析能力,综合分析数字高程模型(DEM)、坡度、土地利用、各种分级专题图,研究它们之间的相互关系,确定流域非点源污染的分布规律及重点控制区。 相似文献
基于GIS的凤嘴江水污染控制规划数据库研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
地理信息系统(GIS)是20世纪60年代兴起的新技术,将它应用于水污染控制规划(WPCP)是一个新的研究领域,其中数据库是整个系统的基础和信息源,也是系统发展的瓶颈技术之一,有必要进行深入和全面的研究,由于水污染控制规划系统本身的复杂性,决定了其所涉及的数据比一般的管理信息系统得杂得多,本研究以GeoMediaProfessional3.0为基础平台,对系统数据库建库过程中涉及的数据特点,数据结果与数据模型,数据组织与管理,数据库功能分析等问题进行了研究,开发了GIS技术的凤嘴江水污染控制规划数据库,较好地满足了GIS应用的要求,为相关数据库的建设提供了经验。 相似文献
本文讨论了在PAMAPGIS(V4 .2 )支持下 ,贵州省土壤信息系统 (GSIS)空间数据库的设计、构建、功能以及应用。该数据库主要由三部分组成 :1 )基础地理信息。如数字高程模型 (DEM)、行政区划、交通网络等 ;2 )GSIS专题信息。包括土壤类型、理化性质、土地利用、农业气象等 ;3 )统计数据。主要有社会经济概况及历史灾害等。GSIS空间数据库可以提供空间及属性数据查询、不同数据格式间的相互转换、土地资源的快速准确分析、土地资源管理和评价以及土壤侵蚀调查。GSIS空间数据库的建立有望在贵州省国土规划与整治、农业的持续发展和生态环境监测等方面发挥较为积极的作用。 相似文献
基于GIS的长沙市洪涝灾害风险动态评估 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
运用GIS技术的空间分析与建模功能构建洪涝灾害风险评估模型,以长沙市地理基础数据、遥感数据、气象水文、社会统计数据为基础,从洪涝灾害的危险性、暴露性、敏感性三个角度出发,对长沙市洪灾风险进行动态评价.结果表明:与1994年相比,2010年长沙市洪灾敏感性有所增加,暴露性上升,洪灾风险增大;从空间分布上看,长沙市区及望城区由于地势平坦,湘江干流贯穿其中,加之经济发达,因而洪灾风险较高;而西部的宁乡县和东部的浏阳市洪灾风险较低;提出了有针对性的防洪措施.该评价结果与实际情况相符,可为洪灾风险管理与决策提供科学依据. 相似文献
浅谈环境信息中的GIS技术和中介数据 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
介绍了在环境信息系统中GIS技术所具有的功能和中介数据的作用及其规范化问题;并结合中国省级环境决策支持系统的开发,介绍了它们在环境信息中的使用。 相似文献
A research method was presented for spatially quantifying and allocating the potential activity of a fine particle matter emission ( PM2.5 ), which originated from residential wood burning (RWB) in this study. Demographic, hypsographic, climatic and topographic data were compiled and processed within a geographic information system(GIS), and as independent variables put into a linear regression model for describing spatial distribution of the potential activity of residential wood burning as primary heating source. In order to improve the estimation, the classifications of urban, suburban and rural were redefined to meet the specifications of this application. Also, several definitions of forest accessibility were tested for estimation. The results suggested that the potential activity of RWB was mostly determined by elevation of a location, forest accessibility, urban/non-urban position, climatic conditions and several demographic variables. The linear regression model could explain approximately 86% of the variation of surveyed potential activity of RWB. The analysis results were validated by employing survey data collected mainly from a WebGIS based phone interview over the study area in central California. Based on lots free public GIS data, the model provided an easy and ideal tool for geographic researchers, environmental planners and administrators to understand where and how much PM2.5 emission from RWB was contributed to air quality. With this knowledge they could identify regions of concern, and better plan mitigation strategies to improve air quality. Furthermore, it allows for future adjustment on some parameters as the spatial analysis method is implemented in the different regions or various eco-social models. 相似文献
准确合理的土壤污染评价方法是进行区域性土壤污染评价的前提.将三角模糊数引入地质累积指数法,结合α-截集技术以及Latin Hypercube抽样(LHS)随机模拟方法对研究区重金属含量差异较大的5种不同土壤类型(潮土、风沙土、黄绵土、褐土和新积土)分别进行土壤重金属(Cd、Hg、As、Pb和Cr)累积性评价,能够避免因... 相似文献
GIS技术在环境影响评价中的应用 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
在对GIS系统的组成及主要功能进行介绍的基础上,综合性地阐述了GIS技术在环境影响评价中的应用。GIS技术可对环境影响进行模拟和预测,在环境影响评价中可对环境因素的确立、环境质量的描述和预测进行分析,并为环境政策的制定提供科学依据。 相似文献
基于RS和GIS的西部干旱区生态环境调控研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
实现生态环境优化调控与科学管理,是保护生态环境、促进社会经济与环境协调发展、建立人与自然和谐关系的重要举措。尤其是对生态环境十分脆弱的西部干旱地区,各级政府和学术界给予高度的重视。在定量研究生态环境调控的理论方法和具体操作过程中,需要借助遥感(RS)、地理信息系统(GIS)以及它们的结合等技术手段,来实现时空变化信息的实时、动态监测以及信息的提取、分析和处理。本文针对西部干旱区生态环境调控问题。提出一种RS和GIS支持下的生态环境调控量化研究方法,包括基于RS和GIS的西部干旱区生态环境量化指标体系、生态环境调控管理模型、调控方案优选与实施。并介绍一个应用例子。 相似文献
Vulnerability assessment and adaptation to the impacts of sea level rise on the Kingdom of Bahrain 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
S. Al-Jeneid M. Bahnassy S. Nasr M. El Raey 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2008,13(1):87-104
This paper assesses quantitatively the impact of sea level rise (SLR) at the global and regional scale as a result of climate
change (CC) on the coastal areas of the Kingdom of Bahrain’s islands (36 Islands). The standard Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines was modified as appropriate for the situation of the study area. Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) coupled with Remote Sensing (RS) were used as the main techniques of collecting, analyzing, modeling simulating and
disseminating information to build SLR scenarios in a geographically referenced context. Also, these tools were used to assess
vulnerability and risk of the coastal area of the islands with the expectation that coastal planner and government authorities
will profit from integrating these knowledge into a broad based environmental decision making. Three SLR scenarios: low, moderate
and high were developed to examine the impacts from SLR on all islands. The low SLR scenario (Optimistic) assumes a 0.5-m
rise above current sea level, the moderate scenario (Intermediate) assumes a one meter rise, and the high scenario (Pessimistic)
assumes a 1.5 m rise in sea level. Two more SLR scenarios were assumed to perform risk analysis, a 2 and 5 meter rise above
current sea level. The simulation of SLR are quite straightforward, emphasizing on the uses of both of the data that are incorporated
from the satellite images and the created Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to estimate SLR scenarios that are adapted in the
study. These data were used to predict consequences of the possibility of the rise in sea level at different scenarios which
may alter the landuse and patterns of human communities. Results indicate that low-lying coastal areas of Bahrain islands
are at risk from the effects of any SLR resulting from CC. These islands are vulnerable under different SLR Scenarios. More
than 17% of the country total area may be inundated under 1.5 m SLR in 2100. The total area that might be lost under different
sea level scenarios will vary from more than 77 km2 if SLR reaches 0.5 m, to about 100 km2 under 1.0 m SLR and may reach 124 km2 under 1.5 m SLR scenario. The total inundated areas due to risk scenarios will reach 133 km2, if the SLR rises to 2.0 m, and it is estimated to be more than (22%) of the main island total area. Under the second scenario,
if the SLR reaches 5.0 m, the main islands will lose approximately half of its area (47%) equal to 280 km2. Hawar islands group will lose about (30%) of its total area under 2.0 m SLR, which is about 15.5 km2.A SLR adaptation policy framework (APF) and adaptation policy initiatives (APIs) are suggested for planners to build upon
for reducing the likely effects of SLR in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The framework is composed of four steps namely, acquisition
of information, planning and design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation. A general policy framework for a national
response to SLR is suggested. Additionally, a range of policy adaptation options/initiatives to sustain coastal developments
under the likely effects of SLR are recommended. 相似文献
安阳市典型工业源PM2.5排放特征及减排潜力估算 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为探究安阳市PM_(2. 5)排放特征,通过现场调查对安阳市工业源活动水平和控制技术信息进行收集,采用合理的估算方法、排放因子,建立了安阳市2016年工业源PM_(2. 5)排放清单,并利用地理信息系统(GIS)技术进行空间分配.基于典型行业超低排放改造和煤炭压减要求设置3种情景,估算了2020年安阳市工业源PM_(2. 5)减排潜力.结果表明,安阳市2016年工业源PM_(2. 5)排放总量为81 071. 13 t;有色冶金、钢铁和建材行业是安阳市PM_(2. 5)主要贡献源,分别占总排放量的45. 43%、25. 74%和18. 00%;安阳市各乡镇排放差异突出,PM_(2. 5)排放主要集中在市区及林州市和安阳县,且以安阳市区排放量最为突出,而安阳市区的4个辖区的排放强度差异更为巨大;通过设定不同控制情景,估算2020年安阳市PM_(2. 5)减排潜力分别为398. 72、11 623. 87和14 072. 27 t,分别占2016年工业源排放总量的0. 49%、14. 34%和17. 22%.可见,安阳市PM_(2. 5)具有较大减排潜力,超低排放改造和煤炭压减对安阳市PM_(2. 5)减排具有重要意义. 相似文献