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Temporarily open/closed estuaries (TOCEs) are major ecosystems of the Indian Ocean coastal zones. Their functioning is tightly linked to climatic events such as monsoons and storms, and their mouth can close up for prolonged and variable periods of time, thus limiting their connectivity with the marine environment. Two types of genetic markers (i.e., mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene and microsatellites) were used to assess the genetic structure of 288 individuals of Terapon jarbua, a widely distributed fish species in the wider Gulf of Aden. Firstly, the hypothesis of panmixia was tested. Then, alternative hypotheses were investigated to explain the population genetic structure of T. jarbua: could it be shaped by (1) regional biogeographic barriers (i.e., Socotra Island vs. mainland Yemen) and/or (2) the particular functioning of TOCEs in relation to the species life cycle and particular physical ocean parameters? On one hand, the polymorphism of the COI inferred (1) a high haplotype diversity and a reduced nucleotide diversity over the whole data set and (2) a “star-like” shape of the haplotype network, thus suggesting a population expansion after local extinctions during the Pleistocene glaciations. On a second hand, the genotyping of eight microsatellites showed a significant genetic differentiation between T. jarbua populations in the wider Gulf of Aden (F ST = 0.035, p < 0.01), and thus, the panmixia hypothesis was rejected. Analyses of molecular variance results did not show any significant structure between Socotra Island and mainland Yemen and thus did not support the role of biogeographic barriers in structuring T. jarbua populations. Significant multi-locus deficits in heterozygotes at particular locations displaying high levels of F IS were recorded. It was suggested that a possible Wahlund effect took place in those TOCEs which could gather several cohorts of larvae stemming from different marine subpopulations over the sampled area. The present study emphasized the uniqueness of each TOCE as a potential reservoir of biodiversity and the urgent need for a better conservation program of those estuaries in the region, in order to avoid habitat fragmentation and permanent closure of those nursery areas by human activities.  相似文献   

A pronounced north–south multitaxon genetic discontinuity occurs in central New Zealand (NZ). Polymorphic microsatellite markers have been used to test the location and structure of this discontinuity in the endemic greenshell mussel, Perna canaliculus. Nine neutral loci revealed limited evidence of genetic structure, but one outlier locus (Pcan1-27) which may be under selection provided evidence of the discontinuity in central NZ. Whilst the limited multilocus evidence of structure is assumed to result from high levels of gene flow among populations of this continuously distributed species, assignment tests indicated high to very high mean levels of self-recruitment within the 14 populations and the north and south regions. The nine neutral loci were unable to provide further clarification as to the geographic location of the discontinuity, whereas the Pcan1-27 locus was particularly informative. These results highlight a tension between limited evidence of genetic structure and presumptive high gene flow among populations versus high levels of self-recruitment and pronounced structure depending on microsatellite loci and analyses in question. Evidence from all 10 loci indicates that the genetic discontinuity is maintained by high levels of self-recruitment, and evidence from Pcan1-27 suggests that selection may also be important in explaining the existence of the discontinuity.  相似文献   

The northern Gulf of California (NGC) is one of the most dynamic and productive marine ecosystems in the world, yet knowledge about population connectivity and dispersal patterns is lacking for many of its resident species. Using nuclear and mitochondrial markers, we investigated the effects of open water, geographical distance and suitable habitat on patterns of genetic structure of Solenosteira macrospira, a benthic buccinid whelk with direct development. We collected samples in April 2004, 2005 and May 2007 from the upper NGC (31°34.39″N, 114°44.45″W). Phylogenetic analyses, hierarchical analyses of variance and Bayesian assignment tests substantiated a break between the east and west coasts. Genetic distance between population pairs increased with geographical distance, but only when assuming a U-shaped dispersal pathway over the open water of the NGC. Given S. macrospira’s association with rocky intertidal habitats, and its limited dispersal potential, we assumed that the geographical distribution of rocky habitat would play a significant role in genetic differentiation of S. macrospira. Nevertheless, populations separated by sand were more similar than populations separated by rocks. The influence of open water, geographical distance and suitable habitat (rocks vs. sand) also varied significantly across different genetic markers that presumably evolve at different rates. Specifically, the more rapidly evolving nuclear microsatellites suggested that physical transport processes strongly influence genetic differentiation on contemporary time scales, even in a species with direct benthic development. This underscores the strong, and potentially homogenizing, effect of present-day ocean circulation patterns in the NGC.  相似文献   

Marine species tend to exhibit relatively less population structuring than terrestrial species owing to fewer barriers to gene flow and increased connectivity resulting from greater dispersal abilities. Thus, in many cases, life history plays a more important role in phylogeography of marine taxa than do oceanographic features. Littoral species are of particular phylogeographic interest because they possess life histories that have both marine and terrestrial characteristics. This study evaluates the synergistic impact of divergent ocean currents and a high larval dispersal potential on the phylogeography of the fiddler crab, Uca maracoani, distributed along the coast of Brazil. Patterns of genetic variation were assessed with sequence data for a portion of the mitochondrial COI gene and AFLPs. Geometric morphometric techniques were used to evaluate morphological variation. Results revealed a lack of discernible genetic subdivision. However, geometric morphometrics showed statistically significant morphological differentiation. The absence of a clear phylogeographic pattern appears to be determined primarily by life history characteristics permitting a high level of connectivity. One, or a combination of several factors, may explain the incongruity between genetic and morphologic signatures, including phenotypic plasticity, incomplete lineage sorting, or recent and ongoing genetic divergence.  相似文献   

The polychaete Pectinaria koreni exhibits a complex life cycle characterized by non-overlapping generations and widespread larval dispersal. To explore how “local” metapopulation genetic structure varies spatially and temporally during population turnover, we combined observations on demography, larval dispersal through hydrodynamic modelling and population genetics of successive age cohorts in the Baie de Seine (eastern English Channel, France). Mature adults (March), newly settled (July) and later-stage juveniles (September) were sampled in 2003 on the edge and in the main demes of the metapopulation. Demes displayed an asynchronous dynamics due to variations in habitat quality affecting reproductive timing (e.g. three distinct spawning events observed) and in local larval supply linked to temporal fluctuations of hydrodynamism. Two-source populations were identified among dense areas with the greatest larval retention and self-recruitment rates: one with a single recruitment event, stable temporal genetic variation and a strong spatial genetic re-homogenization during turnover, and the other with two recruitment events and significant allele frequency changes over time. Sink habitats displayed single recruitment event and experienced strong inter-generational (juveniles vs adults) genetic changes due to genetic drift associated with strong winter mortalities. Altogether, results suggested that adult spawning asynchrony and sweepstakes reproductive success, together with genetic drift, played a greater role than hydrodynamics itself in determining effective recruitment rates at some sites and generating genetic patchiness.  相似文献   

Abstract: Understanding the way in which habitat fragmentation disrupts animal dispersal is key to identifying effective and efficient conservation strategies. To differentiate the potential effectiveness of 2 frequently used strategies for increasing the connectivity of populations in fragmented landscapes—corridors and stepping stones—we combined 3 complimentary methods: behavioral studies at habitat edges, mark‐recapture, and genetic analyses. Each of these methods addresses different steps in the dispersal process that a single intensive study could not address. We applied the 3 methods to the case study of Atrytonopsis new species 1, a rare butterfly endemic to a partially urbanized stretch of barrier islands in North Carolina (U.S.A.). Results of behavioral analyses showed the butterfly flew into urban and forested areas, but not over open beach; mark‐recapture showed that the butterfly dispersed successfully through short stretches of urban areas (<500 m); and genetic studies showed that longer stretches of forest (>5 km) were a dispersal barrier, but shorter stretches of urban areas (≤5 km) were not. Although results from all 3 methods indicated natural features in the landscape, not urbanization, were barriers to dispersal, when we combined the results we could determine where barriers might arise: forests restricted dispersal for the butterfly only when there were long stretches with no habitat. Therefore, urban areas have the potential to become a dispersal barrier if their extent increases, a finding that may have gone unnoticed if we had used a single approach. Protection of stepping stones should be sufficient to maintain connectivity for Atrytonopsis new species 1 at current levels of urbanization. Our research highlights how the use of complementary approaches for studying animal dispersal in fragmented landscapes can help identify conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Islands present a unique scenario in conservation biology, offering refuge yet imposing limitations on insular populations. The Kimberley region of northwestern Australia has more than 2500 islands that have recently come into focus as substantial conservation resources. It is therefore of great interest for managers to understand the driving forces of genetic structure of species within these island archipelagos. We used the ubiquitous bar‐shouldered skink (Ctenotus inornatus) as a model species to represent the influence of landscape factors on genetic structure across the Kimberley islands. On 41 islands and 4 mainland locations in a remote area of Australia, we genotyped individuals across 18 nuclear (microsatellite) markers. Measures of genetic differentiation and diversity were used in two complementary analyses. We used circuit theory and Mantel tests to examine the influence of the landscape matrix on population connectivity and linear regression and model selection based on Akaike's information criterion to investigate landscape controls on genetic diversity. Genetic differentiation between islands was best predicted with circuit‐theory models that accounted for the large difference in resistance to dispersal between land and ocean. In contrast, straight‐line distances were unrelated to either resistance distances or genetic differentiation. Instead, connectivity was determined by island‐hopping routes that allow organisms to minimize the distance of difficult ocean passages. Island populations of C. inornatus retained varying degrees of genetic diversity (NA = 1.83 – 7.39), but it was greatest on islands closer to the mainland, in terms of resistance‐distance units. In contrast, genetic diversity was unrelated to island size. Our results highlight the potential for islands to contribute to both theoretical and applied conservation, provide strong evidence of the driving forces of population structure within undisturbed landscapes, and identify the islands most valuable for conservation based on their contributions to gene flow and genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Planktonic developing organisms are generally assumed to be good dispersers showing little genetic structuring in neutral markers. At first glance, this also applies to the planktonic developing periwinkle Tectarius striatus, an endemic gastropod from Macaronesia (i.e. Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands and Cape Verde Islands), where the only sign of genetic structuring hitherto is provided by a non-significant allozyme/RAPD heterogeneity between the Cape Verde Islands and the other archipelagos. However, partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b and cytochrome oxidase I genes now show that the Cape Verde Islands and the three other archipelagos have no haplotypes in common, whereas the latter three do share several haplotypes. Nevertheless, this highly disjunct haplotype distribution does not entail a phylogeographic break separating the haplotypes of both areas in two reciprocally monophyletic groups. This remarkable geographic and phylogenetic structuring may be explained by assuming that T. striatus colonized the Macaronesian archipelagos in periods when sea levels were lower (and/or volcanic activity was higher), so that seamounts peaked above sea level and could act as stepping-stones. Yet, after the last glacial period seamounts submerged, thus preventing further stepping-stones mediated dispersal of T. striatus between the Cape Verde Islands and the other archipelagos, while not affecting dispersal among the latter because of their closer proximity and connectivity. Hence, these contrasting patterns of neutral genetic variation in T. striatus show that genetic structuring in planktonic developing species may be far more complex than is usually assumed.  相似文献   

The mechanisms driving genetic structure in marine systems are elusive due to the difficulty of identifying temporal and spatial barriers to dispersal. By studying marine invertebrate species with limited dispersal potential, genetic structure can be directly related to physical and biological factors restricting connectivity. In the northwest Atlantic, the benthic brood-rearing amphipod Corophium volutator is distributed across basins with distinct circulation patterns and has the potential to disperse passively during its adult stage. We analyzed spatial genetic variation and migration rates across C. volutator’s North American range with sequence data for mitochondrial DNA and three novel nuclear markers using frequency and coalescent-based methods. We found low genetic differentiation within basins, but strong subdivision within the Bay of Fundy and a striking biogeographic break between the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine, suggesting that genetic drift may act on populations in which connectivity is restricted due to the limitation of passive dispersal by hydrological patterns.  相似文献   

‘No-take’ marine protected areas (MPAs) are successful in protecting populations of many exploited fish species, but it is often unclear whether networks of MPAs are adequately spaced to ensure connectivity among reserves, and whether there is spillover into adjacent exploited areas. Such issues are particularly important in species with low dispersal potential, many of which exist as genetically distinct regional stocks. The roman, Chrysoblephus laticeps, is an overexploited, commercially important sparid endemic to South Africa. Post-recruits display resident behavior and occupy small home ranges, making C. laticeps a suitable model species to study genetic structure in marine teleosts with potentially low dispersal ability. We used multilocus data from two types of highly variable genetic markers (mitochondrial DNA control region and seven microsatellite markers) to clarify patterns of genetic connectivity and population structure in C. laticeps using samples from two MPAs and several moderately or severely exploited regions. Despite using analytical tools that are sensitive to detect even subtle genetic structure, we found that this species exists as a single, well-mixed stock throughout its core distribution. The high levels of connectivity identified among sites support the findings of previous studies that have indicated that inshore MPAs are an adequate tool for managing overexploited temperate reef fishes. Even though dispersal of adult C. laticeps out of MPAs is limited, the fact that the large adults in these reserves produce exponentially more offspring than their smaller counterparts in exploited areas makes MPAs a rich source of recruits. We nonetheless caution against concluding that the lack of structure identified in C. laticeps and several other southern African teleosts can be considered to be representative of marine teleosts in this region in general. Many such species are represented in more than one marine biogeographic province and may be comprised of regionally adapted stocks that require individual management.  相似文献   

Habitat destruction leading to increased fragmentation is detrimental to species by reducing population size and genetic diversity and by restraining population connectivity. However, little is known about the effects of naturally fragmented habitats on wild populations, especially when it comes to marine benthic invertebrates with long pelagic larval duration. In this framework, we investigated the connectivity and genetic diversity variation among nine wild populations of the black-lipped pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera, throughout French Polynesia using ten microsatellite DNA markers. Despite the naturally fragmented habitat (South Pacific oceanic islands), we found high values of genetic diversity and population admixture, indicating connectivity at small and large spatial scales within sampled sites of the Tuamotu, and between the Society and Tuamotu Archipelagos. In the meantime, habitat geomorphology increased genetic drift in populations occurring in small, closed lagoons. Significant genetic structure not correlated to geographic distance was detected mainly between closed and open lagoons. The Marquesas Islands hosted the most divergent populations, likely a result of vicariance. Our results also highlight that migration patterns among lagoons are not symmetrical. Altogether, the general pattern of gene flow, nonsymmetrical migration rates among populations, absence of isolation by distance and absence of recent extinction events found in our study strongly suggest that P. margaritifera populations of French Polynesia follow an asymmetrical island model of dispersal.  相似文献   

Due to the sparse and unstable nature of insular freshwater habitats, marine larval dispersal of amphidromous species is considered a critical element of population persistence. We assessed population genetic structure of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium lar across its range that encompasses two biogeographic barriers: the vast open ocean separating Western and Central Pacific regions and the Indo-Malay archipelago separating Indian and Pacific oceans. A total of 173 samples collected from 21 islands throughout the Indo-Pacific were sequenced at 16S and 28S rDNA. We observed distinct genetic isolation of populations located at the eastern and southwestern edge of the species range but no evidence of an effect of the Indo-Pacific barrier. Differentiation patterns are consistent with a stepping-stone model of dispersal. Genetic differences of Central Pacific populations may reflect founder events associated with colonization of isolated islands, or be a signature of a past bottleneck after population depletion caused by drastic climatic events.  相似文献   

Genetic surveys of reef fishes have revealed high population connectivity within ocean basins, consistent with the assumption that pelagic larvae disperse long distances by oceanic currents. However, several recent studies have demonstrated that larval retention and self-recruitment may be higher than previously expected. To assess connectivity in tropical reef fishes, we contribute range-wide mtDNA surveys of two Atlantic squirrelfishes (family Holocentridae). The blackbar soldierfish, Myripristis jacobus, has a pelagic juvenile phase of about 58 days, compared to about 71 days (~22% longer) in the longjaw squirrelfish, Holocentrus ascensionis. If the pelagic duration is guiding dispersal ability, M. jacobus should have greater population genetic structure than H. ascensionis. In comparisons of mtDNA cytochrome b sequences from 69 M. jacobus (744 bp) and 101 H. ascensionis (769 bp), both species exhibited a large number of closely related haplotypes (h=0.781 and 0.974, π=0.003 and 0.006, respectively), indicating late Pleistocene coalescence of mtDNA lineages. Contrary to the prediction based on pelagic duration, M. jacobus has much less population structure (φST=0.008, P=0.228) than H. ascensionisST=0.091, P<0.001). Significant population partitions in H. ascensionis were observed between eastern, central and western Atlantic, and between Brazil and the Caribbean in the western Atlantic. These results, in combination with the findings from 13 codistributed species, indicate that pelagic larval duration is a poor predictor of population genetic structure in Atlantic reef fishes. A key to understanding this disparity may be the evolutionary depth among corresponding taxonomic groups of “reef fishes”, which extends back to the mid-Cretaceous and encompasses enormous diversity in ecology and life history. We should not expect a simple relationship between pelagic larval duration and genetic connectivity, among lineages that diverged 50–100 million years ago.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation in the intertidal limpet Siphonaria kurracheensis was examined in 11 populations from the Houtman Abrolhos Islands, Western Australia, and four from the adjacent mainland, to test if the effects of these islands on genetic subdivision should include species with high dispersal. Consistent with extensive planktonic dispersal, genetic subdivision was low, with an average standardized variance in allelic frequencies (FST) of 0.010 over 400 km along the mainland, and 0.009 over 70 km in the Abrolhos Islands. Nevertheless, subdivision was statistically significant at the smallest scale examined (about 10 km), showing a pattern of local heterogeneity and large-scale homogeneity, which is common in planktonic dispersers. Among the island populations, heterozygosity was positively correlated with a multivariate index of exposure. The level of heterozygosity at the most exposed island sites is equivalent to that at the (also exposed) mainland sites, whereas it is lower in the most sheltered island sites. Although this indicates that some island populations are less well connected to the major pool of larvae, the overall effect of the archipelago on genetic subdivision is no greater than occurs on the mainland coast. This is contrary to findings in previously studied species with less potential for dispersal, suggesting that the local impediments to dispersal are selective in their effects, and are unlikely to be broadly important for genetic divergence in widely dispersing species.  相似文献   

In this study, the pattern of movement of young male and female rabbits and the genetic structures present in adult male and female populations in four habitats was examined. The level of philopatry in young animals was found to vary between 18-90% for males and 32-95% for females in different populations. It was skewed, with more males dispersing than females in some but not all populations. Analysis of allozyme data using spatial autocorrelation showed that adult females from the same social group, unlike males, were significantly related in four of the five populations studied. Changes in genetic structure and rate of dispersal were measured before and during the recovery of a population that was artificially reduced in size. There were changes in the rate and distance of dispersal with density and sex. Subadults of both sexes moved further in the first year post crash (low density) than in the following years. While the level of dispersal for females was lower than that of the males for the first 3 years, thereafter (high density) both sexes showed similar, low levels of dispersal (20%). The density at which young animals switch behaviour between dispersal and philopatry differed for males and females. The level of genetic structuring in adult females was high in the precrash population, reduced in the first year post crash and undetectable in the second year. Dispersal behaviour of rabbits both affects the genetic structure of the population and changes with conditions. Over a wide range of levels of philopatry, genetic structuring is present in the adult female , but not the male population. Consequently, though genetic structuring is present, it does not lead to inbreeding. More long-distance movements are found in low-density populations, even though vacant warrens are available near birth warrens. The distances moved decreased as density increased. Calculation of the effective population size (Ne) shows that changes in dispersal distance offset changes in density, so that Ne remains constant.  相似文献   

Floating macroalgae are common dispersal vehicles for associated benthic invertebrates. In order to investigate the importance of kelp rafts for species dispersal in the Patagonian Fjord Region (PFR), the abundance and distribution pattern of floating kelps (Macrocystis pyrifera, Durvillaea antarctica) and of the invertebrate fauna associated with M. pyrifera were evaluated during austral spring of 2002–2005, 2008 and 2010. In the southernmost Magellan Region (MR), benthic M. pyrifera were additionally sampled to compare the community structures in both conditions. Floating kelps were abundant throughout the entire PFR, harbouring a diverse and abundant invertebrate fauna. The density of floating kelps increased towards the south. In the MR, a loss of species was observed between benthic and floating condition (e.g. decapods, echinoderms, several peracarid species), but a high diversity of organisms from all major phyla were observed on rafts. Throughout the PFR, the predominant rafting species belonged to the peracarids, molluscs and annelids, but the community composition differed between floating samples from the northern and southern zones of the PFR. Relative abundances of peracarids were higher in northern zones, whereas molluscs and annelids dominated in the southern areas. Species of the peracarid genera Peramphithoe, Gondogeneia, Bircenna and Limnoria were shared between all areas. The results suggest that kelp rafts not only contribute to local population connectivity in the PFR, but could also be an important dispersal vehicle for rafting species along the PFR in north–south direction, crossing the biogeographic boundary around Taitao Peninsula. Furthermore, the MR appears to be an important stepping stone for species dispersal via kelp rafting in the subantarctic region.  相似文献   

Coupled bio-physical models of larval dispersal predict that the Costa Rica–Panama (CR–PAN) reefs should constitute a demographically isolated region in the western Caribbean. We tested the hypothesis that CR–PAN coral reef fish populations would be isolated from Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS) populations. To test that, we assessed population genetic structure in bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus) from both regions. Adult fish were genotyped from five reefs in CR–PAN and from four reefs along the MBRS at 12 microsatellite loci. Between-region F ST (F ST = 0.0030, P < 0.005) and exact test (x 2 = 74.34, df = 18, P < 0.0001) results indicated that there is weak but significant genetic differentiation between regions, suggesting some restriction in connectivity along the Central American coastline, as predicted by bio-oceanographic models. Additionally, there is among-site genetic structure in the CR–PAN region, relative to the MBRS and between regions, suggesting higher self-recruitment within CR–PAN. This finding may be explained by differences in habitat characteristics.  相似文献   

 The swordfish Xiphias gladius is a migratory oceanic species distributed in sub-tropical and temperate waters worldwide. Studies utilizing mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have demonstrated genetic subdivision between ocean basins, as well as within the Atlantic basin. However, there has been no support of population subdivision within the Pacific. We sequenced 629 base pairs of the control region for 281 swordfish collected in the Pacific. A rate heterogeneity parameter, alpha, was found to be 0.201, indicating substantial variation in mutation rate within the control region of swordfish. Hierarchical analysis of molecular variance supported significant genetic structuring among Pacific populations. Northern and southern populations in the western Pacific were significantly divergent, while populations in the east appeared to be genetically continuous. Regression analysis supported a correlation of genetic differentiation with geographic distance along a U-shaped corridor of gene flow. These results reveal a pelagic biogeographic pattern heretofore unrecognized in the Pacific, and reject the null hypothesis that Pacific populations of swordfish are unstructured and comprise only a single homogeneous stock. Received: 10 November 1998 / Accepted: 4 February 2000  相似文献   

Despite considerable interest in physiology, evolution and life history of Antarctic marine invertebrates, only a limited number of studies have examined the genetic variability and diversity patterns of these organisms. Moreover, understanding and characterizing patterns of Antarctic biodiversity has taken on a degree of urgency because of potential impacts of global warming. To expand an understanding of the evolutionary history of Antarctic marine invertebrates, the genetic diversity of the crinoid Promachocrinuskerguelensis Carpenter, 1888 was investigated, which is documented to have a circumpolar distribution extending to subantarctic islands. Specimens of P. kerguelensis were collected from the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, and the subantarctic islands South Georgia, South Sandwich and Bouvetøya Island from 2001 to 2004. P. kerguelensis was previously subject to morphological review that confirmed the taxonomic recognition of only one species. The wide distribution and reported high dispersal capability for P. kerguelensis predicts one large panmictic population. In contrast, nucleotide sequence data from mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I and cytochrome b genes, collected herein, reveal distinct genetic structure and cryptic speciation within P.kerguelensis. In the Antarctic Atlantic sector alone, there were at least five “species-level” clades. Some of these clades are geographically limited, and most exist in sympatry. The largest and most widespread of these clades was examined to help elucidate connectivity along the subantarctic islands of the Scotia Arc and the Antarctic Peninsula. Within this clade, most genetic diversity was contained within populations, but significant differences were present between regions (Antarctic Peninsula, South Sandwich Is., South Georgia, Bouvetøya Is.), suggesting a corresponding lack of gene flow. Given that P.kerguelensis” is a well-studied taxon, the finding of considerable genetic diversity within the Atlantic sector alone suggests that the recognized diversity of Antarctica’s benthic marine life may be underestimated, and will rise dramatically with phylogeographic analyses of putative widespread species.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of benthic marine invertebrates is often described as “chaotic” when genetic structure cannot be explained and barriers to dispersal and gene flow cannot be identified. Here, chaotic patterns of genetic structure for the polychaete Pygospio elegans (Claparède) sampled at 16 locations from the heterogeneous Isefjord–Roskilde Fjord estuary complex in Denmark were found. There was no isolation by distance, and the geography of the estuary complex did not seem to pose a barrier to dispersal and gene flow in this species. We investigated whether characteristics of the environment could be related to the genetic structure and possibly restrict gene flow in this species. Additionally, since P. elegans is poecilogonous, producing larvae with different pelagic developmental periods, we investigated whether observed developmental modes in the samples might clarify the genetic patterns. None of the tested factors explained the population genetic structure. However, a high degree of relatedness among individuals in almost all samples was found. Samples with a larger percentage of young individuals had more related individuals, suggesting that different cohorts could be comprised of individuals with different degrees of relatedness. Relatedness within a site could be increased by limited larval dispersal, collective dispersal of related larvae, sweepstakes reproductive success, or asexual reproduction, but distinguishing between these requires further study. Using a “seascape genetics” approach allowed us to investigate some of the numerous potential factors that could influence population genetic structure in a poecilogonous species.  相似文献   

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