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Defect and Innovation of Water Rights System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rare deposition of water resources conflicts with its limitless demand. This determined the existence of the water rights transaction system. The implementation of the water rights transaction system requires clarifying the definition of water resource right above all distinctly. At present, it is a kind of common right system arrangement which needs the Chinese government to dispose of water resources. Though a series of management systems guaranteed the government's supply of water resource, it hindered the development of the water market seriously and caused the utilization of water resources to stay in the inefficient or low efficient state for a long time. Thus, we should change the government's leading role in the resource distribution and really rely on the market to carry on the water rights trade and transaction. In this way, the water rights could become a kind of private property right relatively, and circulate freely in the market. As a result of this, we should overcome the defects of common right, make its external performance internalized maximally and achieve the optimized water resource disposition and use it more effectively.  相似文献   

In China, farmland property rights characterized by the household-responsibility system (HRS) have been improved since the reform and opening-up. The rights of use, transfer and gain become more stable, authorized and complete. This paper firstly analyzes the impact on farmland productivity, which comes from the improvement of farmland property rights. Then, an economet-ric model is built to test the above analysis. It concludes that changes of property rights will affect farmland performance in China. In the end, some policy implications are explored for fur-ther reforms.  相似文献   

There is an obvious departure from the regional equilibrium of developments between the upper and lower reaches of the Pearl River in Guangdong, which resulted in "the effects of contra-geography-grads development". It is mainly because the upriver mountainous areas have been deeply stuck in industrialization delay and marginalization plights, so that nearly 40 million local people have conceived a dream to get rid of "the vicious circle of poverty" by speeding up industrial development. But the problem is that such industrialization efforts on a large scale in mountainous areas are encountering the bottleneck of environmental capacity that strictly limits industrial emissions along the upper reaches of any water system. As a solution, an institutional arrangement called "the Local Area Quotas for Industrial Emissions along the Pearl River" is put forward supposed to give corresponding compensation to the rights of industrial development yielded by some areas with lower environmental capacity through the distribution and trading of IDQs.  相似文献   

In the context of global climate change,the internalization of negative externality,which is brought about by the traditional mode of economic growth,has become an inevitable choice.In order to achieve the internalization,it is necessary to make innovations on the market mechanism and system,find the value of environmental capital,establish a new mode of economic growth based on environmental capital,and then transform the environmental capital,an exogenous factor of economic growth,into an endogenous factor.Of this,the key of market mechanism and system innovation is the financial innovation that is based on environmental capital and negative externality;the government defines the initial property right of environmental resources and establishes environment energy trading market,so as to guide enterprises to trade environmental resources(represented by carbon emission permit trading) based on the Clean Development Mechanism,and to vigorously develop environmental finance and carbon finance.  相似文献   

Eco-efficiency is a valuable tool for managing and solving issues involving resource consumption and pollution emission in current production processes. Despite the popularity of the term “eeo-efficiency“ in business, limited attention has been paid to measuring and reporting regional eco-efficiency for local government policy makers. Based on the concept and method of eco-efficiency, an indicator system of regional eco-efficiency is established in this study. The indicator system comprises 22 indicators, which are divided in to three categories including socio-economic development, resources consumption,environmental pressure. As a promising statistical technique,principle component analysis is used to set the weight of indicators which attempts to calculate the eco-efficiency indices of Qingdao‘s Chengyang District. The results show that the eco-efficiency of Chengyang District has clearly improved 35.1% with small fluctuation from 1995 to 2003. Socio-economic development index and resources consumption index also represent obvious increasing trends. The correlation coefficient between soci-economic development index and resources consumption index is 0.979, which means the social progress and economic growth of Chengyang District depend on an extravagant consumption of resources. The environmental pressure index increased slowly before 1997 and declined gradually after 1997, due to more attention being paid to environmental protection by local government in recent years. Chengyang District still keeps the traditional economic development mode with a high consumption and high production, so the emphases of future development should put on improving the improving the efficient use of natural resources and promoting environmental management sustainability. The results show that the indicators system of regional eco-efficiency is a promising method to quantitatively evaluate resources and environmental efficiency and provide an effective decision-making support for local governments.  相似文献   

Equity Concerns over Climate Change Mitigation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As a complicated concept with ethical implications, equity or fairness in the field of climate change mitigation concerns the relations not only between individual human beings but also between human beings and the nature. In this paper, after the review of equity between individuals, market and non-market attributes of emissions rights are distinguished and discussed. Based on the argument of equal per capita emissions rights, three types of emissions rights and the concept of minimum emissions rights as social security are proposed.  相似文献   

China achieved major progress in low-carbon development during the period of the 11th Five Year Plan (2006-2010). The increasing trend of energy intensity and carbon intensity of the economy as seen prior to 2005 was reversed to a sharp decreasing trend, leading to a 19% decrease in energy intensity and 21% decrease in carbon intensity in five years. The enhanced energy efficiency, mostly due to efficiency improvement in power and manufacturing sector, is the major driver of the decrease in carbon intensity of the economy. The development of renewable energy, despite its impressive growth rate, played a minor role because of its small share in the energy mix of the country. Energy con-sumption and energy-related carbon emissions per unit of area in building continued to grow at a lesser rate, which, combined with the fast growth of total building volume, led to fast growth in total energy consumption and carbon emissions in the sector. Similar trend is observed in the transportation sector whose total energy use and carbon emissions continued to grow fast despite slight improvement in energy efficiency. Agricultural energy use experienced a slight change and forestry made a major contribution to carbon sinks. Policy and institutional innovations helped build a solid system of rules for low-carbon development. Improving cost effectiveness of the system remains a major challenge for the next five year plan period.  相似文献   

In recent years, the frequent occurrences of marine oil spills have already become one of the major reasons threatening the marine ecological safety of China. In the event of oil spill, other than taking the necessary emergent measures aiming specifically at the damage to the marine ecology and environment, using legal means to assure that the damage liabilities are borne by the responsible persons to protect the national interests are also very necessary. This paper advances five recommendations regarding the development of a system for ecological legal compensations from the standpoint of the current status of legislation and execution of the laws on compensation of oil spill polluting marine ecosystem. These five recommendations include: determination of the status of juristic action in marine ecological and environmental compensations in accordance with the laws, determination of plaintiff of marine ecological and environmental compensations in accordance with the laws, determination of the four basic principles in the legal actions of marine ecological and environmental compensations in accordance with the laws, determination of assessment technical standard of marine ecological and environmental damages in accordance with the laws, and determination of the scope of marine ecological and environmental compensations in accordance with the laws.  相似文献   

Most environmental issues and policy designing are uncertain and irreversible;therefore,the timing of environmental policy implementation becomes especially important.This paper establishes a random dynamic programming model and analyzes the optimal timing problems in environmental policy under uncertain variables.This model results indicate that two variables have a significant impact on the timing of environmental policy implementation and they work in opposite directions:on one hand,the more uncertain the economy is,the higher the cost of policies implementation will be,and consequently the incentive to immediately adopt the policy will be stronger.On the other hand,the higher the uncertainty of the environment is,the stronger the irreversibility of ecological harm caused by pollutants per unit will be.Therefore,the government should implement new environmental policies as early as possible in order to gain more ecological benefits.  相似文献   

The study tries to set up a system to extract strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in exploitation of regional development based on the present situation of environmental assessment in China. First, the article summarizes the emphasis and deficiency of international academic community’s SEA research in the past 10 years. Based on this, the article puts forward the concept and evaluation principles of regional strategic environmental assessment (RSEA). Then the article expounds the necessity of carrying ...  相似文献   

环境产权的泛效率源于其自身的模糊性。环境单元化旨在探讨环境产权特征的基础上。分析环境产权效率与责任之间的内在关系。并建立两者相对称的产权安排。本文通过环境产权单元化可能性与可行性的理论分析。从制度供给和实施的有效性上.探讨了这种制度安排对解决环境产权泛效率的意义。  相似文献   

基于产权约束的中国矿产资源管理体制分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在以消耗资源为代价的粗放型经济增长模式下,加强以产权为核心的矿产资源管理体制改革,是关系到矿产资源利用效率高低和我国经济社会可持续发展的重要命题.从制度变迁来看,产权安排的不完善是我国矿产资源管理低效的主要制度根源.因此,我国矿产资源管理体制开始了适应性的制度变迁.本文针对我国矿产资源管理的现状,以产权约束为基础,认为一种有效率的矿产资源管理模式应当是在市场机制的基础上寻求资产化管理与资源性管理、行政和市场配置方式的最优组合,而模式构建的核心是市场化的矿产资源配置制度安排,其主要表现为把矿业权作为一种产权按市场经济规律进行评估、拍卖和交易等商业活动.所以,矿产资源产权改革市场化的实质是在坚持矿产资源国家所有制的基础上,对矿产资源使用制度和价值流转体系进行的改革与创新.  相似文献   

中国环境管理制度变革之道:从部门管理向公共管理转变   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
从中国社会经济制度转型对环境管理提出的需求出发.论述了环境管理制度从部门管理向公共管理转变的必要性.分析了现行环境管理制度的内在矛盾.进而依据环境资源本身所具有的稀缺性和竞争性特征.提出环境管理制度向公共管理转型具有内在驱动力和必然性.认为产权缺失是环境资源配置低效率的根本原因、有效环境权益结构的构建是实现环境资源公共管理的基础。  相似文献   

根据技术效率、经济效率、自然效率、社会效率之间的关系,探讨了四个效率背离所导致的资源配置效率丧失以及由此引发的社会福利损失问题。在分析价格信号在资源配置过程中的作用的基础上,探讨了市场失效和价格背离现象。进一步指出了中国经济转型时期存在着自然资本富聚现象,并进一步分析其根源。包括:政府有效干预不足、现行经济增长方式和经济效率实现以对自然资本的低成本占用、机会导向型的资源配置方式、资本的价值取向、对经济财富以及单一行为人的效率追逐、产权缺位等。强调需要强化环境管理的公共管理属性,并对环境资源的权益主体的权利、责任和利益进行有效的界定和实施,通过制度和政策变革,干预和规范市场运作,促进资源的高效和公平配置。  相似文献   

水权交易制度绩效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水资源的稀缺性赋予水资源可交易的商品属性。水资源时空分布的差异性、供求的不均衡性和水权主体边际资源回报率的差异。是水权交易制度存在的前提和基础。由于政府信息的不完全和不对称,传统的行政计划配水制度不能实现资源配置的高效率目标,因此借助市场机制实现水资源配置效率的帕累托最优是可行的选择。本文基于水资源的初始分配不能实现资源有效配置的假设。从理论上揭示了水权的可交易程度是限制水资源配置效率的主要因素之一,并结合优先权制度向可交易水权制度的转换,阐述了水权交易制度能够实现水资源配置高效率的目的。运用收益一成本分析法,说明了东阳-义乌水权交易实践的绩效所在。在此基础上。指明了水权交易制度能够实现交易双方利益最大化目标和政府水资源管理的目的,达到水资源配置“三赢”的结果。  相似文献   

水权是现代水治理体系中的关键环节;合理的水权制度有助于水资源的优化配置。我国旧有的水资源管理模式中水权不明晰、水权制度尚未建立健全,因而无法适应市场经济发展和水资源高效可持续利用的需要。美国的水权制度与其发达的市场经济相适应,其经验可资借鉴。美国的水资源治理实践表明,建立在市场经济基础之上、以法律和制度为保障的水权制度,对于水资源的高效配置和可持续利用具有积极的促进作用。对水资源财产权的明晰界定是美国水权制度的基石;水权的取得及其权责范围均有明确的法律规定并受法律保护。在保护私有水权的同时,美国水权制度兼顾联邦和地方利益,同时避免外部性产生。各州对水权的确权和管理因各自人文和自然状况的差异而异,但对水资源"合理有益的使用"是各州共有的理念。美国的水治理理念正从偏重水资源的经济价值转向日渐重视水的环境及人文价值。社会公平、效率的增进、交易成本的降低是美国水权制度演进的内在动力。经历了漫长的历史演化,美国的水权管理体系已日臻成熟,但依旧存在不同层面的水权冲突,因此仍然在实践中不断修正调适。我国应学习借鉴美国水治理的有益经验,并积极探索美国经验的中国转化。本文对美国现行水权体系中水权的取得、水权的范围以及水权的变更与中止进行了系统总结,并在此基础上对中国的水权制度建设提出构想,包括:以立法确立和保障水权、建立市场导向的水价形成机制、运用水价杠杆实施有效的水资源需求管理、培育水权交易市场、构建区域性水权管理规范等。  相似文献   

水权水市场改革是我国水资源管理改革的重要内容,也是当前我国资源环境研究领域的热点之一。我国水权市场尚未发育完成,水权交易还未成体系,更缺乏水权交易的制度体系和技术支撑。国内外的研究表明,有效运作的水权市场,需要具备产权明晰、计量监测技术支撑、监管制度完善等多方面的条件,同时也会受到交易成本、第三方效应、社会文化等多方面的影响;从已有的水权交易模型来看,国内学者基本上是沿用了西方发展起来的水权交易模型,很少考虑中国国情因素。总体来看,国内水权水市场研究目前存在三个方面的主要缺陷。第一,在水权市场发展的规律研究方面,过于强调市场的作用和市场制度本身,对水权市场运作的内在机制认识不足;第二,在水权市场的国际经验借鉴方面,过于强调个别国家的"先进经验",对水权市场发展的教训和伴随的问题认识不足;第三,在水权交易和市场制度建设过程中,过于强调理想意义上的自由市场模式,对国情条件的制约和中国特色的因素认识不足。当前亟需开展更为深入的研究,系统探索中国国情因素对水权市场构建的影响,重点揭示中国特色的水权市场制度体系特征,提出中国情境下的水权交易模式、交易规则、水权监管制度以及与国情条件相适应的水价政策。通过理论集成和知识创新,增进对中国特色水权市场制度的理解,为水资源管理体制改革和水资源的可持续利用提供研究支撑。  相似文献   

环境政策边缘化现实与改革方向辨析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
本文认为由于中国现行环境政策的设计、执行和实施不能有效纳入到社会经济发展和决策过程的主流。不能从根源上解决环境与发展的矛盾.因而呈规出边缘化特征,表现在环境政策的末端管理特征、尚未建立一体化的政策体系、公平与效率准则未纳入政策设计过程、缺乏综合绩效评估、环境投资总量不足与低效率等。从政策的设计、作用环境、作用对象、作用范围的变化分析了边缘化的产生原因以及所导致的中国环境保护的误区和问题.包括技术、经济.生态、社会效率的分离.环境资源的区域配置低效率、近动式管理以及政策实施效果与政策目标的偏离等。本文提出改变现存问题的突破点在于构建基于环境权益以及全成本的政策体系和管理制度,并分析了需要解决和突破的关键性理论和实践问题。  相似文献   

水库农村移民安置区的确定及土地产权问题研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
水库农村移民安置区的土地产权问题是开发型移民政策中的一个重要问题。本文首先探讨了水库农村移民环境窬一的理论计算公式和常规计算方法,并讨论了据此确定安置区后可能存在的问题。  相似文献   

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