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2020年9月22日,习近平主席在第七十五届联合国大会上郑重承诺,中国将提高自主贡献力度,采取更加有力的政策和措施,努力争取2060年前实现碳中和。电力部门是我国能源系统实现碳中和的关键,而生物质能源技术在电力部门的部署对于推动实现碳中和具有不可替代的重要意义。本文针对三类生物质能源的发电技术,包括生物质直燃/气化发电、生物质耦合发电、生物质与碳捕获封存技术联合发电,分析了技术的国内外发展现状,并从技术可行性、资源可行性、经济可行性和环境影响等方面评析了其在推动电力部门低碳转型过程中的可行性。同时,结合碳中和愿景下电力部门的减排要求及对相关技术潜力的最新研判,对生物质能源技术在我国电力部门的部署提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

为促进我国生物质能源的发展,国家财政部正在研究建立成本分摊机制与风险分摊机制的财税政策,以推动中国生物质能源生产的快速健康发展。  相似文献   

生物质能源是未来人类社会最重要的能源之一.利用已有统计资料和数据,定量估算了临沂市生物质能源资源潜力.研究表明,临沂市每年可利用生物质能源资源总量折合标准煤263.1万t,其中秸秆约占2/3,临沂市生物质能源密度比周边地区低.在摸清资源家底的基础上,探讨了临沂市生物质能源开发战略,即临沂市应大力发展小型、分布式生物质能源项目,谨慎发展大型生物质能源项目,不宜进行车用生物液体燃料开发,生物质能源的开发应同环境保护与社会主义新农村建设紧密结合.  相似文献   

我国政府高度重视生物质能的开发,第二代生物液体燃料是一种清洁可再生的生物质能源,较第一代生物质能源更容易获得,因此大力发展第二代生物液体燃料对改善我国能源结构,实现节能减排具有重要意义.本文从年净生物量大、耐干旱、耐盐碱等角度出发,选择出适合新疆发展的棉花、甜高粱及红柳三种第二代生物液体燃料原料植物,并在了解新疆自然条件及国家和新疆政策法规、规划的基础上,预测到2030年三种生物质能源作物生物量,为相关部门制定生物质能源政策提供参考.  相似文献   

生物质固体能源作为一种可再生能源,具有合理利用农林废弃物、保障国家能源安全、减少温室气体排放等优点。产业政策在产业发展中发挥着引导和调控作用,通过政策要素的扶植,能克服单纯依靠市场所产生的困境,调动投资者和生产者的积极性。通过列举比较国内外生物质固体能源产业发展的政策规划,对生物质固体能源产业发展战略的方向定位进行了分析,从企业规模、市场刚需、原料供应等方面确定产业发展中的障碍,给出了政策建议,以期为我国生物质固体能源产业政策的制定提供决策参考。  相似文献   

贵州生物质能源树种资源的开发利用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
根据贵州省生物质能源树种主要分布区线路调查和典型样地调查的结果,介绍了贵州省生物质能源树种的研究现状和存在问题,对贵州的生物质能源树种进行了分类并报道了资源的分布特点。提出了贵州应重点利用现有生物乙醇树种资源,积极稳妥发展生物柴油树种资源,并对开发利用技术和途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

秦皇岛市具有丰富的生物质能源资源和种植能源作物等发展能源产业的有利条件,应根据各县区的自然条件和生物质资源状况,科学制定生物质能源产业发展规划,并通过推动技术创新与科技进步、加强宣传引导和政策扶持等措施,促进能源产业的快速、健康发展.  相似文献   

盐城是江苏第一农业大市,生物质能源发展的基础较好,随着能源的不断紧缺,生物质能源越来越受到重视。文章在总结了盐城农业发展现状的基础上,对在盐城发展燃料乙醇的可行性进行了思考,并提出了建议。  相似文献   

陈倩 《中国环境管理》2022,14(1):123-129
我国2020年《能源法(征求意见稿)》的立法目的在结构层次、推演逻辑等方面均有不足,无法统摄整个能源立法实践,极大影响了能源法的立法质量。不同的立法目的产生不同的法律实效,我国能源法的立法目的不仅取决于能源法的位阶,而且必须以实现“双碳”目标为价值指引。能源法需要遵循从“理念”到“价值”再到“目的”的推导逻辑,从形式诉求和实质要义出发,设置逻辑严密、层次清晰的立法目的条款。  相似文献   

通过对阿瓦提县国能生物发电项目的发电现状及实际运行效果进行统计,并结合污染源监测数据分析了生物质能源的开发利用现状,进而说明了生物质能源的开发利用方案及推广应用价值。  相似文献   

The sustainability implications of bioenergy development strategies are large and complex. Unlike conventional agriculture, bioenergy production provides an opportunity to design systems for improving eco-environmental services. Different places have different goals and solutions for bioenergy development, but they all should adhere to the sustainability requirements of the environment, economy, and society. This article serves as a brief overview of China’s bioenergy development and as an introduction to this special issue on the impacts of bioenergy development in China. The eleven articles in this special issue present a range of perspectives and scenario analyses on bioenergy production and its impacts as well as potential barriers to its development. Five general themes are covered: status and goals, biomass resources, energy plants, environmental impacts, and economic and social impacts. The potential for bioenergy production in China is huge, particularly in the central north and northwest. China plans to develop a bioenergy capacity of 30GW by 2020. However, realization of this goal will require breakthroughs in bioenergy landscape design, energy plant biotechnology, legislation, incentive policy, and conversion facilities. Our analyses suggest that (1) the linkage between bioenergy, environment, and economy are often circular rather than linear in nature; (2) sustainability is a core concept in bioenergy design and the ultimate goal of bioenergy development; and (3) each bioenergy development scheme must be region-specific and designed to solve local environmental and agricultural problems.  相似文献   

Development Potentials and Policy Options of Biomass in China   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Biomass, one of the most important renewable energies, is playing and will continue to play an important role in the future energy structure of the world. This article aims to analyze the position and role, assess the resource availability, discuss the geographic distribution, market scale and industry development, and present the policy options of biomass in China. The resource availability and geographical distribution of biomass byproducts are assessed in terms of crop residues, manure, forest and wood biomass byproducts, municipal waste and wastewater. The position of biomass use for power generation is just next to hydropower among types of renewable energy in China. The potential quantity of all biomass byproducts energy in 2004 is 3511 Mtce (Mtce is the abbreviation of million tons of coal equivalents and 1 Mtce is equal to106 tce.), while the acquirable quantity is 460 Mtce. Biomass energy plays a critical role in rural regions of China. The geographical distribution and quantity of biomass byproducts resources depends mainly on the relationship between ecological zones and climate conditions. Our estimation shows that the total quantity of crop residues, manure, forest and wood biomass byproducts, municipal waste and wastewater resources are 728, 3926, 2175, 155 and 48240 Mt (million tons), respectively. Crop residues come mainly from the provinces of Henan, Shandong, Heilongjiang, Jilin and Sichuan. All manure is mainly located in the provinces of Henan, Shandong, Sichuan, Hebei and Hunan. Forest and wood biomass byproducts are mainly produced in the provinces or autonomous regions of Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia, while most of municipal waste mainly comes from Guangdong, Shandong, Heilongjiang, Hubei and Jiangsu. Most of wastewater is largely discharged from advanced provinces like Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong and Henan. Biomass byproducts’ energy distribution also varies from province to province in China. Based on the analysis of the market scale and industry development, the article argues that China’s biomass energy industry is still at a very early stage of development and that Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) might be the best policy option for China to promote its development of biomass energy. A successful enforcement of FIT in China needs some policy combination of special capital subsidies, R&D funding, tax incentives and pricing.  相似文献   

污泥厌氧消化预处理技术综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全球环境问题已成为国际社会关注的焦点,围绕全球气候变化,降低温室气体排放,寻求再生能源,节能减排已成为目前国际科技发展的方向。通过"十一五"污水处理厂的建设,每年污泥产量已接近3000万吨(含水率80%脱水污泥计)以上,且以每年10%的速度递增。其处理与处置是制约社会经济发展的重要问题。但是,城市污泥蕴含有大量生物质能,通过借鉴国外先进技术与经验,开发城市污泥生物质能提取和利用技术,对我国节能减排具有重要战略意义。由于细胞壁的存在,使得污泥水解成为限制厌氧消化效率的重要瓶颈,而污泥强化预处理可有效提高污泥细胞壁的破坏,溶出胞内有机物,最大化回收剩余污泥中的有机能源。目前,预处理技术较多,如超声波预处理、热处理、微波预处理、碱解处理、臭氧预处理等,本文从物理、化学等角度分析了不同预处理对厌氧消化技术的影响。  相似文献   

70年的中国环境立法,总体上分为三个阶段,即起步阶段、发展阶段和进入生态文明新阶段。起步阶段是从1949年10月新中国成立到1978年底党的十一届三中全会召开之前,发展阶段是从1979年到2012年党的十八大召开之前,进入生态文明新阶段是从2012年11月党的十八大召开至今。历史表明,在毛泽东主席和周恩来总理等老一辈党和国家领导人的关心和有关部门的共同努力下,我国的环境立法在新中国成立后已经提到工作日程,并取得一定成绩。党的十八大以来我国的环境法制建设取得历史性进步。在充分肯定成就的基础上,通过反思,发现我国环境立法依然存在立法质量不高、立法体制机制不够合理、实施效果不理想等问题。为此,应当根据习近平生态文明思想和党的十九大、十九届四中全会精神,明确新时代环境立法的指导思想和原则,加快环境法律的立改废释工作,切实提高环境立法质量,补齐生态保护立法的短板,积极推进相关法律的生态化,加强配套环境法规和规章的制定,加快健全完善生态环境保护法律体系,实现环境治理体系与治理能力的现代化。  相似文献   

This study takes the perspective of emerging economies as an independent group to answer the question of how to reconcile food supply and bioenergy feedstock provision, a critical topic in bioenergy research. While much of the literature has covered this issue, the role of emerging economies has rarely been explored. Due to their transitional status in the world economy, solutions from this group can facilitate the diffusion of modern bioenergy from industrialized countries to least developed ones. This paper uses Jiangsu Province in China as a case study to analyze its local practice on the reconciliation between food and bioenergy. Local experience reveals that the key is the use of cellulosic biomass, whose sources are straws of food crops on arable lands and energy crops on reclaimed mudflats. To ensure a sustainable provision of cellulosic biomass, it is necessary to involve the entire bioenergy supply chain consisting of smallholder farmers, haulers and bioenergy plant operators. For the management of the supply chain, we compare two options, “Multiple to Multiple” and “Multiple to One”, where the second option is more adequate to shape a long-term stable relationship between biomass suppliers and consumers and thus facilitate the introduction of energy crops.  相似文献   

Past and current economic growths of Malaysia have been primarily energized by fossil fuels. Malaysia has very substantial potential for biomass energy utilization given its equatorial climate that is ideal for dense tropical forest growth and agricultural vegetation. There are five major sectors contributing wastes to biomass energy in Malaysia: forestry (wood products), rubber cultivation, cocoa cultivation, sugar cane cultivation and oil palm cultivation. Biomass in Malaysia contributes about 14% of the approximately 340 million barrel of oil equivalent (boe) of energy used every year. This paper provides an overview on the types of biomass being used, the research works on biomass conversion into energy and the present biomass energy projects in Malaysia.  相似文献   

China is rich in energy plant resources. In this article, 64 plant species are identified as potential energy plants in China. The energy plant species include 38 oilseed crops, 5 starch-producing crops, 3 sugar-producing crops and 18 species for lignocellulosic biomass. The species were evaluated on the basis of their production capacity and their resistance to salt, drought, and/or low temperature stress. Ten plant species have high production and/or stress resistance and can be potentially developed as the candidate energy plants. Of these, four species could be the primary energy plants in China: Barbados nut (Jatropha curcas L.), Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.), sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) and Chinese silvergrass (Miscanthus sinensis Anderss.). We discuss the use of biotechnological techniques such as genome sequencing, molecular markers, and genetic transformation to improve energy plants. These techniques are being used to develop new cultivars and to analyze and manipulate genetic variation to improve attributes of energy plants in China.  相似文献   

为调研设区的市立法权放开后各地立法进展,通过全国各省市政府网站(除港澳台外)等公开渠道收集整理的各设区的市"首次立法"(第一部实体法,简称"首法")立法情况,发现截至2017年7月,全国89%新获立法权设区的市已完成"首法"立项,超一半新获立法权设区的市已顺利出台"首法"。从"首法"立项类型来看,约40%设区的市"首法"关注环境保护,仅次于城乡建设与管理类立法,表明环境保护是各地"首法"立法关注的重点领域之一。从地方环境"首法"立项类型来看,水环境保护领域条例立项数最多,其次是生态保护领域和大气污染防治领域;从地方环境"首法"立项分布来看,水环境保护类条例多分布于位于水系末端的沿海各省,大气污染防治条例则主要集中于京津冀及其周边空气质量较差的区域。当前国家高度重视生态文明建设,各地有必要抓住地方立法这一机遇,研究出台地方环境条例,助力地方环境管理水平的提升。  相似文献   

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