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为定量研究相邻储罐间爆炸碎片冲击的多米诺效应,基于蒙特卡洛方法建立爆炸碎片冲击失效模型。该模型共包括爆炸能量与碎片初始速度、考虑风速及碎片初始位置的碎片三维抛射轨迹、空气阻力、碎片冲击穿透等4个分步模型。基于上述模型,研究储罐爆炸后碎片的初始状态、抛射轨迹以及对相邻储罐的冲击效应。在数值模拟结果的基础上,用储罐最高允许工作压力代替泄放装置的泄压压力来计算爆炸压力,绘制碎片质量及初始速度的直方图,定量分析储罐间距对击中概率的影响。结果表明,热辐射、超压和碎片冲击3种能量作用方式均可能导致储罐间火灾爆炸事故多米诺现象发生,但爆炸碎片冲击导致相邻罐失效的概率较低。  相似文献   

工厂三维建模及其事故模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用Microstation软件对某化工厂区进行三维建模,在考虑实际外界风向、风速,不同点火源位置等重要影响因素的条件下,运用计算流体动力学(CFD)软件FLACS,研究了有毒、易燃易爆的氯乙烯液化气体储罐安全阀气体泄漏和储罐底部物料管线液态氯乙烯的泄漏、蒸发、扩散和爆炸作用等过程,计算结果可以给出氯乙烯火灾、爆炸或扩散中毒等事故后果的影响范围和相关精确物理量。模拟结果表明,对于常温下的氯乙烯液化气体球罐,球罐安全阀泄漏后罐区及周边不会有燃烧或爆炸危险;而物料管线在特定的液相泄漏情景下,蒸发扩散的氯乙烯气云则有可能发生气云爆炸;但在弱约束条件下,爆炸冲击波作用比较微弱。该研究方法及其结果可以为石油化工企业选址、设计布局、安全规划、风险分析、应急救援及事故调查等提供更加准确的依据。  相似文献   

为了研究大型储罐事故后果的严重性,针对大型储罐火灾爆炸试验难以实施的情况,以虚拟现实技术为研究手段,重现大型储罐火灾和爆炸事故过程;通过对储罐火灾和爆炸事故进行理论分析,优选出大型储罐火灾爆炸事故后果数学模型;基于某商业原油储备库布置,利用3Ds Max软件对库区进行建模,结合Qt界面编写技术和OSG粒子效果技术进行交互式设计,划分火灾和爆炸2大仿真模块,设计各模块下属基本功能,形成1套基于真实场景的大型储罐火灾爆炸事故后果三维仿真模拟软件。研究结果表明:基于VR技术的大型储罐火灾爆炸仿真软件具有较强的沉浸感和交互性等特点,能够实时仿真大型储罐火灾爆炸事故动态演变过程,降低大型储罐火灾爆炸试验成本,同时为制定事故应急预案和应急处置措施提供科学参考。  相似文献   

浮顶油罐一二次密封空间内的油气在雷击作用下可导致起火事故。为研究浮顶油罐一二次密封空间内的油气浓度影响因素,利用CFD方法进行了数值模拟,并建立了浮顶油罐实验模型,检测一二次密封空间内不同位置处的油气体积分数,两者表征的油气浓度情况较吻合;借助该模拟方法进一步分析温度、风速和二次密封泄漏面积对浮顶油罐一二次密封空间内的油气浓度的影响,研究结果表明:①二次密封泄漏面积增加,密封空间内的油气浓度降低。②温度上升,一二次密封空间的油气浓度升高;当风速较高时,温度对油气浓度变化趋势的影响也更大。③风速增加时,空间内的油气分布差异变大,油气浓度最大值变大。  相似文献   

This paper presents a simulation analysis of the explosions following an LPG leak and visualizes the consequences of the accident to reduce the consequences of the LPG leak explosion. Firstly, this paper proposes a CFD numerical simulation-based method for visualizing the consequences of LPG tanker failure. The method combines satellite maps and CFD numerical simulation data to visualize the consequences of LPG leaks and explosions, taking into account the influence of obstacles on the danger range of leaks and explosions; Secondly, this paper applies the method to a liquefied petroleum gas accident that occurred in the Wenling section of the Shenhai Expressway and performs CFD numerical simulation on the accident process and visualizes the consequences of the accident. Therefore, this method can provide a theoretical reference for the prior prevention of LPG accidents and the analysis of the consequences of accidents, as well as certain practical guidance instructive.  相似文献   

利用FARO-Phonton三维激光扫描设备结合Microstation软件对某煤气化装置进行精确建模,根据厂区的实际情况设定可能的爆炸事故场景,运用计算流体力学软件FLACS研究不同爆炸事故对周边环境的作用过程及伤害区域,并与传统蒸气云爆炸伤害作用区域计算方法进行了比较分析.对比研究结果显示,基于FLACS的技术方法能综合考虑复杂装置设备对爆炸后果的影响,预测爆炸后空间各个部位超压的变化趋势及规律,能够弥补传统经验公式法的不足,更加适用于煤气化装置爆炸事故状态下应急救援区域的划分与确定.  相似文献   

The rapidly growing capacity and scale of the world's petrochemical industries have forced many plants to have an even larger amount of hazardous substances. Once a serious leak occurs, the outcome of the effect zone could be very large or even uncontrollable just like the Bhopal disaster. In order to assess the risk of a cross-regional damage, this study aims to develop a model that can combine the benefits of both CFD model of the microscale simulation and the Gaussian dispersion model of the mesoscale simulation.The developed integrated model is employed on a toxic chemical tank leak accident of a process plant within an industrial park in order to explore the consequences and the risk of the toxic gas dispersion on three different scopes; one is the accident site, the second is the long-distance transmission route of the mesoscale area and the third is a target city. According to the simulation's results, it is obvious that the complexity of the structure surrounding the leaking tank will eventually affect the maximum ground concentration, the cloud shapes and cloud dilution rate, while the released gas is under dispersion. On the other hand, since the simple Gaussian dispersion model doesn't consider the above impacts, its calculation results will have many differences as compared to the realistic situation. This integrated model can be used as a tool for estimating the risk on a microscale or mesoscale areas and it can produce better results when an environmental impact analysis is required for a larger hazardous chemical process.  相似文献   

事故树分析法在LPG储罐火灾爆炸事故中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LPG(液化石油气)属于危险化学品之一,LPG储罐发生火灾爆炸的机率大,造成的损失比较严重,故对其火灾爆炸事故进行研究具有重要意义。LPG储罐爆炸根据其发生机理分为化学爆炸(燃爆)和物理爆炸两种模式。本文通过对LPG储罐燃爆﹑物理爆炸两类事故进行系统分析,建立了以LPG储罐燃爆、物理爆炸为顶事件的事故树。通过对其事故树的定性分析,得到了影响顶事件的各个最小割(径)集。通过计算底事件的结构重要度,确定了影响LPG储罐火灾爆炸事故的主要因素,并提出了相应的改进措施,进而提高LPG储罐的安全性和运行可靠性。  相似文献   

介绍了某天然气站的基本情况,利用道化学指数评价法,对该站储罐区的1个3000m3球罐进行风险评价,评价结果表明:该罐火灾爆炸指数为149.1,危险等级是较大。一旦罐内天然气在储存过程中发生火灾、爆炸,将使半径38.17m内,面积4574.82m2内的设备、设施受到损害,最大可能财产损失为0.66A万元。由于罐区采取了一些安全措施对储罐安全进行补偿,有效地降低了事故损失。为操作管理者更加全面地了解整个罐区的风险状况提供参考,有利于天然气储罐区的规划、管理及事故预防等。  相似文献   

为了进一步推广液化天然气(LNG)燃料动力船舶的应用,利用计算流体动力学(CFD)软件FLACS进行LNG燃料动力船进行三维建模,综合考虑环境方面的因素,对LNG的泄漏扩散进行模拟,在此基础上进行爆炸事故后果模拟。对爆炸事故进行分析,得到特定事故情景下的LNG扩散半径、燃烧区域半径、爆炸对人以及建筑物的危害半径,模拟结果对船舶上的管线以及消防设施的布局有一定的指导作用,并且为进一步研究LNG燃料动力船舶的安全性提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

以某金属处理企业氨分解装置中液氨储罐罐区为例,对液氨泄漏后火灾爆炸事故及其伤害范围进行了研究,用池火、蒸气云爆炸和沸腾液体扩展蒸气爆炸模型进行计算分析,给出火灾、爆炸事故的人员伤害和财产损失范围。结果表明:围堤堤内池火或罐内池火时,罐区建构筑物内的汽化器、管道等设备会因直接过火或热辐射导致损坏,建筑内人员死亡,但难以波及罐区之外;蒸气云爆炸产生相当于1192.72kgTNT爆炸的当量,爆炸的后果严重,应重点防范,防范的重点为液氨泄漏、点火源;沸腾液体扩展蒸气爆炸的火球半径56.1m,持续时间8.7s,死亡半径27.2m,其源于储罐受热或系统突然失效,液体瞬时泄漏汽化并遇点火源而发生,具有突发性且后果严重,企业应高度重视并严格储罐及系统的定期检验与校验、密切关注系统的有效运行。  相似文献   

由于汽油特殊的物化性质,在储输运过程中一旦发生泄漏极易造成火灾、爆炸事故, 从而导致重大人员伤亡及财产损失.针对汽油池火灾、流淌火灾及受限空间蒸气爆炸3种事 故形式,深入分析研究了它们的特点、特性参数及危险程度,为汽油储输运事故应急抢险方案的制定和具体实施提供参考.  相似文献   

选择具体的液化石油气储配站,分析了该站的危险特性、危险产生的途径及可能造成的后果。在没有任何防护措施的情况下,采用蒸气云爆炸和沸腾液体扩展蒸气云爆炸模型,对该站一个50m3储罐发生泄漏造成的火灾爆炸事故后果进行预测,得出火灾爆炸后的安全距离为大于211.0m。在储配站不能满足此安全距离的基础之上,从防止产生爆炸性气体环境、消除点火源和抑制事故扩大三方面来提出有效的安全措施,降低事故发生的概率及事故造成的损失。其中,站址选在全年最小频率风向的上风侧且周围空旷的地区,罐上设置液位计、压力表、温度计及可燃气体报警器可防止产生爆炸性气体环境;罐及管道设静电接地,法兰用铜线跨接,站内设警示标志可消除点火源;生产区与辅助区间设置隔离墙,罐区周围设置砖混围堤,罐上设安全阀可抑制火灾爆炸事故扩大。  相似文献   

When two or more pool fires happen to burn so close to each other that they interact, they are termed ‘multiple pool fires’ (MPF). Past accident analysis reveals that MPFs occur quite frequently in chemical process industries. Controlled experiments done so far to study MPFs have indicated that MPFs lead to increase in the fuel burning rate, flame height and heat release rate (HRR) but the nature and the extent of the impacts of different factors on these manifestations is as yet poorly understood. In this context computational fluid dynamics (CFD) appears to be a tool which can enable more detailed and realistic simulation of MPFs than other possible approaches, especially due to its ability to closely approximate the underlying physical phenomena. In tank farms there are situations where different storage tanks are placed at different elevations yet close to each other. If such tanks happen to catch fire, the resulting fires may influence each other in a manner that may be a function of the difference in the tanks’ elevation. However no CFD study has been carried out which addresses this type of situation. Hence an attempt has been made to employ CFD to study MPFs involving two pools with fuel surfaces are at different elevations. Results reveal that good correlation is possible between the experimental findings and the CFD simulations.  相似文献   

目前,绝大多数危险性评价所研究的对象是单一的危险源或危险过程.但是,在日常工业生产中,常常会出现由于初次事故能量的释放而导致的二次甚至多次事故的发生.随着工业生产的大型化,储存量的递增使得多米诺事故发生的可能性也在增加.LPG储罐区正是发生此类事故的危险区域.通过相关模型的运用评价了在LPG储罐区发生火灾爆炸后,相邻危险源发生多米诺事故的可能性,并对安全间距作了着重的分析.  相似文献   

介绍了山东省某化工有限公司苯胺厂的工人在废硫酸罐顶部焊接管线时发生的一起废硫酸罐爆炸事故。通过对事故发生经过及现场情况的调查分析,找出了导致事故发生的原因,由于废硫酸罐耐酸瓷瓦破损,废硫酸渗漏与罐体接触反应产生的氢气,与由苯-稀硫酸萃取分离器串入废硫酸罐的苯或硝基苯蒸气及罐内空气混合形成爆炸性混合物,遇到因违章操作产生的明火、高温发生爆炸。通过对这次事故的详细描述、分析,在吸取事故教训的基础上,提出了相应的预防措施,为预防类似事故的发生提供参考。  相似文献   

为了输氢管道的安全建设与运营,基于计算流体力学FLACS软件,模拟了埋地输氢管道在半受限空间内的泄漏爆炸事故后果,探讨了泄漏孔径、泄漏时长、输氢压力和环境风速对爆炸事故后果的影响规律,并得出相应的危险区域。结果表明:泄漏孔径、输氢压力和最大爆炸超压均与危险区域呈正相关关系,泄漏时长对事故后果几乎无影响;随着输氢压力的增大,危险区域受建筑物和风速的影响更为明显,在建筑物附近形成了狭长的危险区域带;最大爆炸超压和危险区域随环境风速的增大均呈现出先增大后减小的趋势。  相似文献   

Conveyor belt fires in an underground mine pose a serious life threat to the miners. This paper presents numerical and experimental results characterizing a conveyor belt fire in a large-scale tunnel. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was developed to simulate the flame spread over the conveyor belt in a mine entry. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) tests were conducted for the conveyor belt and results were used to estimate the kinetic properties for modeling the pyrolysis process of the conveyor belt burning. The CFD model was calibrated using results from the large-scale conveyor belt fire experiments. The comparison between simulation and test results shows that the CFD model is able to capture the major features of the flame spread over the conveyor belt. The predicted maximum heat release rate, and maximum smoke temperature are in good agreement with the large-scale tunnel fire test results. The calibrated CFD model can be used to predict the flame spread over a conveyor belt in a mine entry under different physical conditions and ventilation parameters to aid in the design of improved fire detection and suppression systems, mine rescue, and mine emergency planning.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3D) model of toxic gas diffusion was advanced based on Monte Carlo method with the presupposition that toxic gas diffusion process can be considered as random walk process of a large number of toxic gas particles. Compared to other existing models, this model includes analysis of both movement and non-movement attributes of toxic gas particles, and can well meet the need of dynamic simulation. Then, a 3D gas diffusion visualization scene management subsystem, including leak hazard source (tank), leak background (ground and sky) and surroundings near the leak area, was developed based on virtual reality (VR) technology. In this system, diffusion scene can be designed in accordance with the reality, which embodies the reunification between VR technology and engineering application. Finally, according to OpenGL particle system theory, by using Delphi and OpenGL as main programming tools, the diffusion simulation subsystem of toxic gas diffusion process and real-time concentration prediction and consequence simulation subsystem was completed. Application shows that by using VR technology in the accident consequence simulation, the whole system is of real-time, lifelike and visual characteristics, which not only embodies the great engineering value of virtual reality technology in the field of safety engineering, but also provides references for accident impact prediction, assessment and emergency plan.  相似文献   

So far, the prediction of blast wave generated from the Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion (BLEVE) has been already broadly investigated. However, only a few validations of these blast wave prediction models have been made, and some well-established methods are available to predict BLEVE overpressure in the open space only. This paper presents numerical study on the estimation of the near-field and far-field blast waves from BLEVEs. The scale effect is taken into account by conducting two different scale BLEVE simulations. The expansion of pressurized vapour and evaporation of liquid in BLEVE are both modelled by using CFD method. Two approaches are proposed to determine the initial pressure of BLEVE source. The vapour evaporation and liquid flashing are simulated separately in these two approaches. Satisfactory agreement between the CFD simulation results and experimental data is achieved. With the validated CFD model, the results predicted by the proposed approaches can be used to predict explosion loads for better assessment of explosion effects on structures.  相似文献   

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