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A methodology is presented to evaluate the explosion hazard of typical bag and cartridge dust collectors. The evaluation accounts for the expected development of suspended dust concentrations greater than the dust MEC during the normal pulsing of the bags or cartridges to remove part of the attached dust. Equations are presented to calculate these concentrations and also the associated partial volume explosion pressures resulting from the ignition of these dust clouds. Five quantitative examples are presented. The methodology also includes considerations of potential upset condition full volume explosions associated with the detachment of about half the dust on the bags or cartridges. A flow chart is offered to implement this hazard evaluation method for special situations in which the need for dust explosion protection may not be obvious.  相似文献   

The explosion behaviour of heterogeneous/homogeneous fuel-air (hybrid) mixtures is here analysed and compared to the explosion features of heterogeneous fuel-air and homogeneous fuel-air mixtures separately.Experiments are performed to measure the pressure history, deflagration index and flammability limits of nicotinic acid/acetone-air mixtures in a standard 20 L Siwek bomb adapted to vapour-air mixtures. Literature data are also used for comparison.The explosion tests performed on gas-air mixtures in the same conditions as explosion tests of dust-air mixtures, show that the increase in explosion severity of dust/gas-air mixtures has to be addressed to the role of initial level of turbulence prior to ignition.At a fixed value of the equivalence ratio, by substituting the dust to the flammable gas in a dust/gas-air mixture the explosion severity decreases. Furthermore, the most severe conditions of dust-gas/air mixtures is found during explosion of gas-air mixture at stoichiometric concentration.  相似文献   

对储存及转运粮食系统除尘粉尘回流问题进行了回顾和评述 ,对天津港散粮站日常处理主要粮食品种伴生粉尘进行了物性分析和粉尘爆炸性测试 ,并结合生产工艺过程进行了设备内部实际粉尘浓度的测试 ,在此基础上得出 :除尘粉尘具有爆炸的危险性 ;爆炸下限较高 ,有利于控制粉尘浓度在爆炸下限以下来预防粉尘爆炸 ;除尘粉尘回流工艺在无粉尘沉积的情况下是安全的。  相似文献   

The Pittsburgh Research Laboratory (PRL) of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) conducted joint research on dust explosions by studying post-explosion dust samples. The samples were collected after full-scale explosions at the PRL Lake Lynn Experimental Mine (LLEM), and after laboratory explosions in the PRL 20-L chamber and the Fike 1 m3 chamber. The dusts studied included both high- and low-volatile bituminous coals. Low temperature ashing for 24 h at 515 °C was used to measure the incombustible content of the dust before and after the explosions. The data showed that the post-explosion incombustible content was always as high as, or higher than the initial incombustible content. The MSHA alcohol coking test was used to determine the amount of coked dust in the post-explosion samples. The results showed that almost all coal dust that was suspended within the explosion flame produced significant amounts of coke. Measurements of floor dust concentrations after LLEM explosions were compared with the initial dust loadings to determine the transport distance of dust during an explosion. All these data will be useful in future forensic investigations of accidental dust explosions in coal mines, or elsewhere.  相似文献   

粉尘爆炸事故模式及其预防研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
随着粉体工业的发展,粉尘爆炸发生的危险性也随之增大。为了探讨粉尘爆炸发生的规律,笔者对粉尘爆炸发生的点火源类型、事故原因进行了统计、排序;在对已发生的典型的粉尘爆炸事故分析的基础上,总结、归纳了影响粉尘爆炸发生的,诸如粉尘自身的可燃性、粉尘所处的状态、粉尘所处的外部环境等因素;提炼出了7种粉尘爆炸事故模式,并对各种模式下粉尘爆炸发生的条件、机理进行了初步研究分析,然后提出了相应的事故预防措施。笔者所研究的成果,对粉体工业的安全生产具有实际的指导作用,对今后防灾决策的深入研究也具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Results from cornstarch explosion tests using a flameless venting device (mounted over a burst disc) on an 8 m3 vessel are presented and used to determine the overall efficiency of the device, which is defined as the ratio between its effective vent area and the nominal vent area. Because these devices are comprised of an arrestor element mounted over an impulsively-actuated venting device (such as a burst disc), the functional form of the overall efficiency is taken as the product of the area efficiency (i.e., the ratio between the effective vent area of the entire assembly to that of the venting device without the arrestor element) and the burst efficiency (i.e., the ratio of the effective vent area of the venting device without the arrestor element to the nominal vent area). The effective vent areas are calculated from measured overpressures using three different empirical correlations (FM Global 2001, NFPA 2007, and VDI 2002). Furthermore, due to significant variations in the effective reactivity from test to test, a correction factor proportional to the initial flame speed is applied when determining the area efficiency. In general, it was found that the FM Global and NFPA methodologies yield consistent results with less scatter than VDI 3673.  相似文献   

Thermo-kinetic modelling of dust explosions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The guidelines for protection and mitigation against hazard coming from dust explosion require the knowledge and then the evaluation either experimentally or theoretically of the thermo-kinetic parameters (i.e. KSt, Pmax). We developed a numerical tool for the evaluation of the thermo-kinetic parameters of dust explosion. This model is based on the simulations of the combustion reaction by means of a detailed reaction mechanism assuming that the pyrolysis/devolatilization step is very fast and then gas combustion is controlling dust explosion. The model allows then the determination of the most conservative values of KSt, Sl, Pmax. In the present paper we calculated the deflagration index and the laminar burning velocity for dusts utilized in various process industries (i.e. cornstarch, polyethylene, cellulose) as function of dust concentration. The obtained data were successfully compared with the available experimental results.  相似文献   

A new safety characteristic the “dustiness” according to VDI 2263 – part 9 (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, 2008) is investigated. Dustiness means the tendency of a dust to form clouds. The paper deals with the physical reasons for the different behavior of dusts, even if they have similar properties such as particle size and density and the influence of the dustiness on dust explosions. In order to study the effects of the dustiness on dust cloud formation for different dispersion methods experiments in a vertical dust dispersion glass tube apparatus were carried out. Furthermore vented dust explosion experiments were done for two different dispersion methods and two static activation pressures.Experiments show that particle size and density are not the only factors which influence dispersibility. Particle shape, specific surface area, flow and dispersion method have an influence which can outweigh size and density. Preliminary explosion experiments showed that the dustiness has an influence on the reduced explosion pressure and flame speed in a vented 75 L test apparatus. In order to verify the results for applications in the process industries further tests with industrial scale experiments are planned.  相似文献   

介绍了粮食筒仓粉尘爆炸的条件及爆炸的主要地点。提出了从设计、管理等方面采取的主要安全措施。  相似文献   

Explosions of gas-dust hybrid mixtures have long been considered as particular cases encountered in specific industrial contexts. However, it should be reminded that during the explosion of an organic powder, the presence of a hybrid mixture composed of the dust itself and its pyrolysis gases is compulsory. On these premises, an experimental study to determine the role of cellulose pyrolysis products (gaseous, condensable and solid) on the global phenomenon is presented. Hybrid mixture explosion tests were exploited to carry out the investigation. The G-G furnace and the 20 L sphere were employed. Several experimental strategies were chosen to demonstrate the impact of pyrolysis reaction on the explosion of organic powders: i) the fuel equivalence ratio of the reactive mixture (case 1), or ii) the mass of reactants (case 2) were respectively kept constant, iii) the effects of water vapor, char and tar were tested. They were next compared to identify the most suitable one. The two first experimental approaches lead to significantly different results: only case 2 keeps the maximum explosion pressure almost constant, but maximum rate of pressure rises and deflagration index greatly decrease when the pyrolysis gases concentration decreases, which highlights the importance of the pyrolysis reaction on the explosion kinetics. It should also be stressed that the maximum explosion severity is not obtained for the pure gases but when a small dust content is added. The same evolution is observed when a small amount of char is introduced to pyrolysis gases, which underlines the influence of the radiative transfer. Adding small amounts of tar to cellulose tends to increase its explosion severity. However, this impact is less than that generated by the addition of pyrolysis gases.  相似文献   

气体、粉尘爆炸灾害及其安全技术   总被引:9,自引:14,他引:9  
对可燃性气体、蒸汽、粉尘的爆炸特性及其抑爆、隔爆安全技术进行了系统的研究 ,并对常见的可燃性气体、蒸汽和粉尘的各种爆炸特性参数和气体抑爆安全技术参数进行了实验测定。根据实验测定结果得到的结论对这种可燃性物质的安全应用具有重要的参考价值  相似文献   

热爆炸理论在粉尘爆炸机理研究中的应用   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
笔者对粉尘爆炸的几种机理进行了简要分析 ,认为粉尘爆炸是由热爆炸引起的。在对粉尘燃烧过程作了较为合理的假设后 ,将热爆炸理论中均温系统的热爆炸判据 ,应用于粉尘爆炸中 ,得出了爆炸下限与粉尘粒径呈线性关系的结论 ,且与实验符合 ,并推导出粉尘的热爆炸判据。结果表明 :用热爆炸理论来解释粉尘爆炸机理是可行的。  相似文献   

In industrial conditions, there are different kinds of installations endangered by an explosion of dust–gas mixtures. In order to prevent them from any consequences of potential explosions, active protection systems which use extinguishing powders, as the suppressing material, are more and more widely applied. It often happens that the industrial installations are additionally endangered by an action of mechanical vibrations. In the above-mentioned conditions, the extinguishing powder tends to aggregate, making the process of dispersing it in the protected areas more difficult.

The results of research into optimization of the shape, number of igniters and miniaturization of the explosive charge mass are presented. In case of occurrence of the mechanical vibrations in the installations that cause aggregation of the suppressing powder, the best solution was modification of the perforated combustion chamber located inside the extinguisher. As a result of that, a certain amount of gases generated in the course of combustion of the main charge is directed over the membrane, where the gases crash a layer of aggregated powder. Thus, the process of pushing the powder out from a container towards the dispersing head improves considerably and consequently increases the efficiency of the explosion-suppressing process.  相似文献   

Dust explosion venting experiments were performed using a 20-L spherical chamber at elevated static activation overpressures larger than 1 bar. Lycopodium dust samples with mean diameter of 70 μm and electric igniters with 0.5 KJ ignition energy were used in the experiments. Explosion overpressures in the chamber and flame appearances near the vent were recorded simultaneously. The results indicated that the flame appeared as the under-expanded free jet with shock diamonds, when the overpressure in the chamber was larger than the critical pressure during the venting process. The flame appeared as the normal constant-pressure combustion when the pressure venting process finished. Three types of venting processes were concluded in the experiments: no secondary flame and no secondary explosion, secondary flame, secondary explosion. The occurrence of the secondary explosions near the vent was related to the vent diameter and the static activation overpressure. Larger diameters and lower static activation overpressures were beneficial to the occurrence of the secondary explosions. In current experiments, the secondary explosions only occurred at the following combinations of the vent diameter and the static activation overpressure: 40 mm and 1.2 bar, 60 mm and 1.2 bar, 60 mm and 1.8 bar.  相似文献   

Multidimensional time-dependent simulations were performed to study the interaction of a stoichiometric methane–air detonation with layers of coal dust. The simulations solved equations representing a Eulerian kinetic-theory-based granular multiphase model applicable to dense and dilute particle volume fractions. These equations were solved using a high-order Godunov-based method for compressible fluid dynamics. Two dust layer concentrations were considered: loose with an initial volume fraction of 1%, and dense with an initial volume fraction of 47%. Each layer was simulated with two types of dust: reactive coal and inert ash. Burning of the coal particles results in a coupled complex consisting of an accelerating shock leading a coal-dust flame. The overall structure of the shock–flame complex resembles that of a premixed fast flame with length scales on the order of several meters. The large length scales are direct results of time needed to lift, mix, heat, and autoignite the particle. The flame speeds are large and much larger than the gas-phase velocity. Large spikes of flame speed are characteristic of the 47% case. These spikes and high flame speed are caused by pockets of coal dust autoigniting ahead of the flame. The flame is choked in the 1% case due to the gas-phase products exceeding the sonic velocity with respect to the flame. The 47% case is choked due to attenuation of pressure waves as they propagate through particles. Inert layers of dust substantially reduce the overpressure, impulse, and speed produced by propagating blast wave. The results also show that loose layers of dust are far more dangerous than dense layers. The shock and flame are more strongly coupled for loose layers, propagate at higher velocity, and produce large overpressures and impulses.  相似文献   

对旋风除尘器在静态载荷下的强度进行了分析,发现头部顶板是较薄弱部件。通过动态载荷系数(DLF)方法,研究了旋风除尘器承受动态粉尘爆炸压力载荷时提高使用强度的可能性,结果表明,一般情况下,由于载荷的动态特性导致设备强度的变化可以忽略。  相似文献   

The dust explosion committee of the Association of Powder Process Industry and Engineering, Japan recently established two testing standards for dust explosions. In the investigations for the standardization, many experimental data have been obtained for the dusts currently used in Japanese industries. Data for zirconium, tantalum and silicone dusts are presented to discuss the use of test methods, which have been accepted internationally. The test methods for dust explosions have to consider a variety of kinds and forms of dusts to be tested.  相似文献   

Ducts are often recommended in the design of dust explosion venting in order to discharge materials to safe locations. However, the maximum reduced overpressure increases in a duct-vented vessel rather than in a simply vented vessel. This needs to be studied further for understanding the duct-venting mechanism. Numerous duct-vented dust explosion experiments were conducted, using a 20 L spherical chamber at elevated static activation overpressures, ranging from 1.8 bar to 6 bar. Duct diameters of 15 mm and 28 mm, and duct lengths of 0 m (simply venting), 1 m and 2 m, were selected. Explosion pressures both in the vessel and in the duct were recorded by pressure sensors, with a frequency of 5 kHz. Flame signals in the duct were also obtained by phototransistors. Results indicate that the secondary explosion occurring in the duct increases the maximum reduced overpressure in the vessel. The secondary explosion is greatly affected by the duct diameter and static activation overpressure, and hence influences the amplification of the maximum reduced overpressure. Larger static activation overpressure decreases the severity of the secondary explosion, and hence decreases the increment in the maximum reduced overpressure. The secondary pressure peak is more obvious as the pressure accumulation is easier in a duct with a smaller diameter. However, the increment of the maximum reduced overpressure is smaller because blockage effect, flame front distortion, and turbulent mixing due to secondary explosion are weaker in a narrow duct. The influence of duct length on the maximum reduced overpressure is small at elevated static activation overpressures, ranging from 1.8 bar to 6 bar at 15 mm and 28 mm duct diameters.  相似文献   

To reveal the effects of particle characteristics, including particle thermal characteristics and size distributions, on flame propagation mechanisms during dust explosions clearly, the flame structures of dust clouds formed by different materials and particle size distributions were recorded using an approach combining high-speed photography and a band-pass filter. Two obviously different flame propagation mechanisms were observed in the experiments: kinetics-controlled regime and devolatilization-controlled regime. Kinetics-controlled regime was characterized by a regular shape and spatially continuous combustion zone structure, which was similar to the premixed gas explosions. On the contrary, devolatilization-controlled regime was characterized by a complicated structure that exhibited heterogeneous combustion characteristics, discrete blue luminous spots appeared surrounding the yellow luminous zone. It was also demonstrated experimentally that the flame propagation mechanisms transited from kinetics-controlled to devolatilization-controlled while decreasing the volatility of the materials or increasing the size of the particles. Damköhler number was defined as the ratio of the heating and devolatilization characteristic time to the combustion reaction characteristic time, to reflect the transition of flame propagation mechanisms in dust explosions. It was found that the kinetics-controlled regime and devolatilization-controlled regime can be categorized by whether Damköhler number was less than 1 or larger than 1.  相似文献   

Flame propagation behaviors of nano- and micro-polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) dust explosions were experimentally studied in the open-space dust explosion apparatus. High-speed photography with normal and microscopic lenses were used to record the particle combustion behaviors and flame microstructures. Simple physical models were developed to explore the flame propagation mechanisms. High-speed photographs showed two distinct flame propagation behaviors of nano- and micro-PMMA dust explosions. For nano-particles, flame was characterized by a regular spherical shape and spatially continuous combustion structure combined with a number of luminous spot flames. The flame propagation mechanism was similar to that of a premixed gas flame coupled with solid surface combustion of the agglomerates. In comparison, for micro-particles, flame was characterized by clusters of flames and the irregular flame front, which was inferred to be composed of the diffusion flame accompanying the local premixed flame. It was indicated that smaller particles maintained the leading part of the propagating flame and governed the combustion process of PMMA dust clouds. Increasing the mass densities from 105 g/m3 to 217 g/m3 for 100 nm PMMA particles, and from 72 g/m3 to 170 g/m3 for 30 μm PMMA particles, the flame luminous intensity, scale and the average propagation velocity were enhanced. Besides, the flame front became more irregular for 30 μm PMMA dust clouds.  相似文献   

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