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The road accident of a tanker transporting liquefied natural gas (LNG) originated a fire and, finally, the BLEVE of the tank. This accident has been analyzed, both from the point of view of the emergency management and the explosion and fireball effects. The accidental sequence is described: fire, LNG release, further safety valves release, flames impingement on vessel unprotected wall, vessel failure mode, explosion and fireball. According to the effects and consequences observed, the thermal radiation and overpressure are estimated; a mathematical model is applied to calculate the probable mass contained in the vessel at the moment of the explosion. The peak overpressure predicted from two models is compared with the values inferred from the accident observed data. The emergency management is commented.  相似文献   

The oxygen-enhanced combustor has the advantages of high burning efficiency and low emissions. However, it should not be promoted for industrial use until its reliability and safety have been fully recognized. A new methodology is proposed to assess the risk of an oxygen-enhanced combustor using a structural model based on the FMEA and fuzzy fault tree. In addition, it is applied to a selected pilot semi-industrial combustor. To identify the hazard source comprehensively, the pilot is divided into four subsystems: the combustor subsystem, feed subsystem, ignition subsystem and exhaust subsystem. According to the operational parameters of flow (flow rate, temperature and pressure) and the component functions in different subsystems, the cause and effect matrix can be built using the structural model, and the relationship between the operational parameters and the effects of the change for the operational parameters on the system can be presented. Based on the results of cause and effect matrix, the FMEA can be built to describe the failed models and accident scenarios of the pilot. The main accident forms include leakage, injury, fire and explosion. Accordingly, with the severity and probability analysis of different accident forms, the fire and explosion accidents should be further accessed quantitatively using the fuzzy fault tree analysis. The fault trees can be obtained in accordance with the FMEA, and the qualitative assessments of the basic events can be collected by using expert scoring. A hybrid approach for the fuzzy set theory and weight analysis is investigated to quantify the occurrence probability of basic events. Then, the importance analysis of the fault trees, including the hazard importance of basic events and the cut set importance, is performed to help determine the weak links of the fire and explosion trees. Finally, some of the most effective measures are presented to improve the reliability and safety of the combustion system.  相似文献   

Most risk assessment methods have problems such as uncertainty, static structure, and lack of validation. Also, in most of these studies, less attention has been paid to human, managerial, and organizational issues. Therefore, this study proposes a risk assessment method based on the Fuzzy Bayesian Network (FBN) to prevent failure of firefighting systems (FFSs) in the atmospheric Storage Tanks of a Petrochemical Industry. The first stage of the study is the development of a fault tree (FT) and investigation of basic events (BEs). In this study, content validity indices and brainstorming technique were used to validate the FT structure and reduce the uncertainties of Completeness, Modeling, and Parameter. After determining the probability of basic events (BEs) by the expert team opinions and fuzzy logic, events were transmitted to the Bayesian Network (BN) and then analyzed with deductive and inductive reasoning, followed by sensitivity analysis in the GeNIe software. Finally, results of a case study in the Atmospheric Storage Tanks of the Methanol Floating Roof of a Petrochemical Industry showed that FBN simulation and FT validation could provide a practical way to determine FFSs probabilities, identify impactful events, and reduce the above uncertainties. Also, taking account of hidden factors of events, such as organizational and managerial factors, can help managers to prevent FFSs in tanks.  相似文献   

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