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Wood products are easy to produce dust in the production and processing process, and have a serious explosion risk. In order to improve the safety of wood products production, the inhibiting effects of magnesium hydroxide (MTH), SiO2, melamine polyphosphate (MPP) on the minimum ignition energy (MIE) and minimum ignition temperature (MIT) of wood dust were experimentally studied. The results showed that the inhibiting effects of inhibitors on the MIE of wood dust show the order of MPP > SiO2>MTH. The order of the inhibiting effects on the MIT of wood dust was MPP > MTH > SiO2. When 10% MPP was added to wood dust, the time when the flame appears (Tappear) and the time when the flame reaches the top of the glass tube (Ttop) obviously rose to 80, 140 ms. Therefore, MPP had the best inhibiting effect on the ignition sensitivity of wood dust.According to thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) tests, the introduction of MPP leaded to lower maximum mass loss rate (MMLR), higher temperature corresponding to mass loss of 90% (T0.1), residual mass and heat absorption. In addition, thermogravimetric analysis/infrared spectrometry (TG-IR) results showed that MPP produced H2O (g) and NH3 (g) during the thermal decomposition process, which diluted the oxygen.  相似文献   

Powdered materials are widely used in industrial processes, chemical processing, and nanoscience. Because most flammable powders and chemicals are not pure substances, their flammability and self-heating characteristics cannot be accurately identified using safety data sheets. Therefore, site staff can easily underestimate the risks they pose. Flammable dust accidents are frequent and force industrial process managers to pay attention to the characteristics of flammable powders and create inherently safer designs.This study verified that although the flammable powders used by petrochemical plants have been tested, some powders have different minimum ignition energies (MIEs) before and after drying, whereas some of the powders are released of flammable gases. These hazard characteristics are usually neglected, leading to the neglect of preventive parameters for fires and explosions, such as dust particle size specified by NFPA-654, MIE, the minimum ignition temperature of the dust cloud, the minimum ignition temperature of the dust layer, and limiting oxygen concentration. Unless these parameters are fully integrated into process hazard analysis and process safety management, the risks cannot be fully identified, and the reliability of process hazard analysis cannot be improved to facilitate the development of appropriate countermeasures. Preventing the underestimation of process risk severity due to the fire and explosion parameters of unknown flammable dusts and overestimation of existing safety measures is crucial for effective accident prevention.  相似文献   

To forestall, control, and mitigate the detrimental effects of aluminium dust, a 20-L near-spherical dust explosion experimental system and an HY16429 type dust-cloud ignition temperature test device were employed to explore the explosion characteristics of micron-sized aluminium powder under different ignition energies, dust particle sizes, and dust cloud concentration (Cdust) values; the minimum ignition temperature (MIT) values of aluminium powder under different dust particle sizes and Cdust were also examined. Flame images at different times were photographed by a high-speed camera. Results revealed that under similar dust-cloud concentrations and with dust particle size increasing from 42.89 to 141.70 μm, the MIT of aluminium powder increased. Under various Cdust values, the MIT of aluminium dust clouds attained peak value when concentrations enhanced. Furthermore, the increase of ignition energy contributed to the increase of the explosion pressure (Pex) and the rate of explosion pressure rise [(dP/dt)ex]. When dust particle size was augmented gradually, the Pex and (dP/dt)ex attenuated. Decreasing particle size lowered both the most violent explosion concentration and explosive limits.  相似文献   

为了研究初始温度变化对湿法成型硫磺粉尘燃烧爆炸特性的影响,通过对初始温度分别为35℃、 45℃、 55℃、 65℃、 75℃的硫磺粉尘试样进行测试,发现随着初始温度的上升硫磺粉尘的粉尘云最低着火温度,粉尘云最小点火能逐渐降低;随着初始温度的上升硫磺粉尘的爆炸下限和粉尘层最低着火温度不发生变化。随着温度的升高,硫磺粉尘的燃烧爆炸危险性增加,因此在气温较高的夏秋季节要提高硫磺粉尘燃爆的防护等级。  相似文献   

为准确评价高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)粉尘爆炸敏感性和开展有效的粉尘防爆工作,采用Godbert-Greenwald恒温炉标准实验装置研究了典型HDPE粉尘云最低着火温度的分布特性,着重探讨了粉尘云浓度对不同喷尘压力条件下HDPE粉尘云最低着火温度的影响规律。研究表明:测试条件下HDPE粉尘云最低着火温度的变化处于360~445 ℃范围,随粉尘云浓度的增加呈现先降低后升高的总体趋势,粉尘云浓度为1.111 kg/m3时出现拐点,且粉尘云最低着火温度随喷尘压力的增加而降低。  相似文献   

The minimum ignition temperature of dust suspension (MIT) and the hot surface ignition temperature of the dust layer (LIT) are essential safety parameters for the process industry. However, the knowledge of the ignition behavior when solid mixtures of flammable fuels and phosphorous-free inhibitors are considered is still scarce and further experimental and theoretical analyses are requested. In this work, the ignition temperature of phosphorous-free inhibitors (coal fly ash and calcium carbonate) mixed with lycopodium dust have been studied in terms of LIT analysis (hot plate thickness: 5 mm, 12.5 mm and 15 mm), and by the Godbert-Greenwald test for the MIT. Both coal fly ash and calcium carbonate have been tested at different concentrations and particle sizes.Results show that the effects of the inhibitor can be counter-productive when layer ignition temperature is considered even if the minimum ignition temperature of the dust suspension shows a positive effect from the safety point of view. This behavior has been analyzed in the terms of thermal conductivity and diffusivity of the mixture, by using Maxwell's equation for two-phase solid mixtures. Standard empirical correlations for the ignition temperature of solid mixtures have been also tested, showing their weakness in reproducing mixture behavior.  相似文献   

Bisphenol A is one of the basic compounds used in a synthesis of polycarbonates and epoxy resins. Its dust can create an explosive mixture with air under specific circumstances. Therefore, the main goal of this research was to determine explosion characteristics and flammability behaviour of this compound. The complete flammability characteristic requires the determination of the basic parameters of Bisphenol A under fire conditions including Heat Release Rate, speed of combustion, ability to ignite and the temperature of the decomposition range. To establish those parameters, a cone calorimeter was used. The explosion characteristics were tested in a 20-L spherical vessel. Minimum Ignition Energy was tested on MINOR II Apparatus which is a modified Hartman's Tube. In order to identify hazardous substances generated during a fire involving Bisphenol A, a simultaneous thermal analysis that combines thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry was used. The substances obtained from the thermal degradation were analyzed by infrared spectroscope with Fourier transformation. Furthermore, the application of a Purser furnace and gas chromatography with mass spectrometry facilitated the identification of gaseous substances formed during the thermal degradation of Bisphenol A samples.  相似文献   

Combustible dust explosions continue to present a significant threat toward industries processing, storing, or pneumatically conveying metal dust hazards. Through recent years, investigations have observed the influence of particle size, polydispersity, and chemical composition on dust explosion sensitivity and severity. However, studies characterizing the effect of particle shape (or morphology) on metal dust explosibility are limited and merit further consideration. In this work, high-purity aluminum dust samples of three unique particle morphologies were examined (spherical granular, irregular granular, and dry flake). To maintain consistency in results obtained, all samples were procured with similar particle size distribution and polydispersity, as verified by laser diffraction particle size analysis. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) experiments were executed to confirm supplier claims on morphology and to quantify the effective surface area associated with each sample, respectively. Investigations performed in a Kühner MIKE3 minimum ignition energy apparatus and a Siwek 20 L sphere combustion chamber resulted in the direct characterization of explosion sensitivity and severity, respectively, as a function of suspended fuel concentration and variable particle morphology. Recommendations to standard risk/hazard analysis procedures and to existing design guidance for the mitigation of deflagrations that originate from ignition of distinctively processed metal dust fuels have been provided.  相似文献   

为了研究R290制冷剂惰化燃爆特性,采用带搅拌功能和氧浓度在线测定的20L球试验装置,对R290制冷剂进行了极限氧浓度测定。实验测定了丙烷在CO2和N2惰化气氛中的爆炸极限及极限空气浓度LAC,确定丙烷的极限氧浓度LOC;采用三元图爆炸区、丙烷-O2二维图爆炸区和ASTM标准分布图分析了混合气体爆炸区边界的燃爆特征,给出了极限氧浓度的确定方法和边界爆炸压力分布规律。实验结果表明:常温常压下R290的爆炸极限为2.1%~9.6%,CO2惰化气氛中的极限氧浓度为13.3%,对应的丙烷浓度为3.3%;N2惰化气氛中的极限氧浓度为10.8%,对应的丙烷浓度为2.7%。通过对比分析不同CO2和N2浓度下的爆炸区分布特征,表明CO2对丙烷的惰化效果要优于N2,以氮气和二氧化氮体积分数比为1∶2测试惰化气氛保护能力,惰化效果介于同浓度单种惰性气体之间。  相似文献   

Explosibility of micron- and nano-titanium was determined and compared according to explosion severity and likelihood using standard dust explosion equipment. ASTM methods were followed using a Siwek 20-L explosion chamber, MIKE 3 apparatus and BAM oven. The explosibility parameters investigated for both size ranges of titanium include explosion severity (maximum explosion pressure (Pmax) and size-normalized maximum rate of pressure rise (KSt)) and explosion likelihood (minimum explosible concentration (MEC), minimum ignition energy (MIE) and minimum ignition temperature (MIT)). Titanium particle sizes were ?100 mesh (<150 μm), ?325 mesh (<45 μm), ≤20 μm, 150 nm, 60–80 nm, and 40–60 nm. The results show a significant increase in explosion severity as the particle size decreases from ?100 mesh with an apparent plateau being reached at ?325 mesh and ≤20 μm. Micron-size explosion severity could not be compared with that for nano-titanium due to pre-ignition of the nano-powder in the 20-L chamber. The likelihood of an explosion increases significantly as the particle size decreases into the nano range. Nano-titanium is very sensitive and can self-ignite under the appropriate conditions. The explosive properties of the nano-titanium can be suppressed by adding nano-titanium dioxide to the dust mixture. Safety precautions and procedures for the nano-titanium are also discussed.  相似文献   

为研究半煤岩巷道中岩粉质量分数和煤的挥发分与煤岩混合型粉尘云最低着火温度的关系,选取挥发分差异较大的5种煤样以相同比例配制煤岩混合型粉尘,利用粉尘云最小点火温度测定仪进行煤岩混合型粉尘试验。结果表明,当煤岩混合型粉尘中岩粉质量分数低于40%时,岩粉的混合会导致混合型粉尘云最低着火温度发生小幅度波动;当岩粉质量分数高于40%时,煤岩混合型粉尘最低着火温度会随岩粉质量分数的增加而大幅度升高;挥发分质量分数越小的煤粉,其混合型粉尘云最低着火温度越容易受岩粉质量分数的影响。  相似文献   

The effect of pyrolysis and oxidation characteristics on the explosion sensitivity and severity parameters, including the minimum ignition energy MIE, minimum ignition temperature MIT, minimum explosion concentration MEC, maximum explosion pressure Pmax, maximum rate of pressure rise (dP/dt)max and deflagration index Kst, of lauric acid and stearic acid dust clouds was experimentally investigated. A synchronous thermal analyser was used to test the particle thermal characteristics. The functional test apparatuses including the 1.2 L Hartmann-tube apparatus, modified Godbert-Greenwald furnace, and 20 L explosion apparatus were used to test the explosion parameters. The results indicated that the rapid and slow weight loss processes of lauric acid dust followed a one-dimensional diffusion model (D1 model) and a 1.5 order chemical reaction model (F1.5 model), respectively. In addition, the rapid and slow weight loss processes of stearic acid followed a 1.5 order chemical reaction model (F1.5 model) and a three-dimensional diffusion model (D3 model), respectively, and the corresponding average apparent activation energy E and pre-exponential factor A were larger than those of lauric acid. The stearic acid dust explosion had higher values of MIE and MIT, which were mainly dependent on the higher pyrolysis and oxidation temperatures and the larger apparent activation energy E determining the slower rate of chemical bond breakage during pyrolysis and oxidation. In contrast, the lauric acid dust explosion had a higher MEC related to a smaller pre-exponential factor A with a lower amount of released reaction heat and a lower heat release rate during pyrolysis and oxidation. Additionally, due to the competition regime of the higher oxidation reaction heat release and greater consumption of oxygen during explosion, the explosion pressure Pm of the stearic acid dust was larger in low concentration ranges and decayed to an even smaller pressure than with lauric acid when the concentration exceeded 500 g/m3. The rate of explosion pressure rise (dP/dt)m of the stearic acid dust was always larger in the experimental concentration range. The stearic acid dust explosion possessed a higher Pmax, (dP/dt)max and Kst mainly because of a larger pre-exponential factor A related to more active sites participating in the pyrolysis and oxidation reaction. Consequently, the active chemical reaction occurred more violently, and the temperature and overpressure rose faster, indicating a higher explosion hazard class for stearic acid dust.  相似文献   

为了研究典型易燃烟煤的着火特性,预防和控制煤尘爆炸,采用粉尘云最低着火温度实验装置和同步热分析仪,分别研究崔木长焰煤、东荣二矿气煤、察哈素不粘煤和丁集焦煤4种烟煤在不同条件下的煤尘云最低着火温度和煤尘热解过程。研究结果表明:当煤尘云浓度从0.90 kg/m3上升到5.99 kg/m3时,4种煤尘的最低着火温度先降后升,在1.50 kg/m3煤尘云浓度时,4种煤尘的最低着火温度均达到最小,分别为450,580,610,620 ℃。随着升温速率的升高,煤的着火温度、峰值温度、燃尽温度和煤样最大放热量整体呈上升趋势,失重率整体呈下降趋势,在5~20 ℃/min的升温速率范围内,崔木长焰煤、东荣二矿气煤、察哈素不粘煤和丁集焦煤热解过程中的最小着火温度分别为354.17,404.37,443.18,484.13 ℃。4种烟煤的最低着火温度和热解过程中的最小着火温度有相对应关系,研究结论可为以上4个煤矿的具体煤样研究和数据分析提供参考依据。  相似文献   

在烟草加工的加香工序,挥发的酒精和搅拌混料产生的烟草粉尘形成气粉混合体系,其燃爆特性相较于单相烟草粉尘有较大变化。对20 L爆炸球进行了部分改造,可完成20℃~80℃环境温度、100%LEL以下酒精蒸气浓度、最大2 J电火花能量组合的气粉混合物的最小点火能测试。选用烘丝和加香烟草粉尘做对比,探究了环境温度和酒精蒸气浓度对酒精蒸气/烟草粉尘两相混合体系点火能的影响规律。结果表明:相同环境温度下,加香烟草粉尘的最小点火能比烘丝烟草粉尘低;加香粉尘、烘丝粉尘及混合体系的最小点火能随环境温度变化的趋势一致,均随温度的升高而降低;加入10%LEL的酒精蒸气后,相同温度下气粉混合体系的最小点火能低于单相烟草粉尘。随着环境温度的升高,二者的差值逐渐减小,酒精蒸气诱导烟草粉尘最小点火能降低的能力逐步减小甚至消失;在电点火条件下,当酒精蒸气浓度低于50%LEL时,气粉混合体系较难被点燃,当酒精蒸气浓度高于75%LEL时,混合体系较易被点燃。  相似文献   

Deflagration explosions of coal dust clouds and flammable gases are a major safety concern in coal mining industry. Accidental fire and explosion caused by coal dust cloud can impose substantial losses and damages to people and properties in underground coal mines. Hybrid mixtures of methane and coal dust have the potential to reduce the minimum activation energy of a combustion reaction. In this study the Minimum Explosion Concentration (MEC), Over Pressure Rise (OPR), deflagration index for gas and dust hybrid mixtures (Kst) and explosive region of hybrid fuel mixtures present in Ventilation Air Methane (VAM) were investigated. Experiments were carried out according to the ASTM E1226-12 guideline utilising a 20 L spherical shape apparatus specifically designed for this purpose.Resultsobtained from this study have shown that the presence of methane significantly affects explosion characteristics of coal dust clouds. Dilute concentrations of methane, 0.75–1.25%, resulted in coal dust clouds OPR increasing from 0.3 bar to 2.2 bar and boosting the Kst value from 10 bar m s−1 to 25 bar m s−1. The explosion characteristics were also affected by the ignitors’ energy; for instance, for a coal dust cloud concentration of 50 g m−3 the OPR recorded was 0.09 bar when a 1 kJ chemical ignitor was used, while, 0.75 bar (OPR) was recorded when a 10 kJ chemical ignitor was used.For the first time, new explosion regions were identified for diluted methane-coal dust cloud mixtures when using 1, 5 and 10 kJ ignitors. Finally, the Le-Chatelier mixing rule was modified to predict the lower explosion limit of methane-coal dust cloud hybrid mixtures considering the energy of the ignitors.  相似文献   

在煤矿安全事故中,破坏程度最严重的事故之一就是瓦斯爆炸,而瓦斯爆炸冲击波及火焰锋面可能会二次点爆其他位置积聚瓦斯,加速火焰锋面及冲击波传播,并能产生更高的超压,造成更大的人员伤亡及财产损失。借助详细反应机理GRI Mech 3.0,基于开源化学动力学软件Cantera,研究冲击波强度、瓦斯体积分数和冲击波及高温耦合条件下对瓦斯爆炸特性的影响。结果显示,冲击波诱导瓦斯爆炸中,点火延迟时间随着瓦斯体积分数的增大而出现增大现象,随冲击波强度的增大而降低;同时分析了二氧化碳、一氧化碳和一氧化氮致害物质的浓度随瓦斯体积分数、冲击波强度和冲击波及高温耦合条件下的变化情况。  相似文献   

为了解CO2-超细水雾对瓦斯/煤尘爆炸抑制特性,用自行搭建的实验系统,从超压、火焰传播速度和火焰结构3个方面研究了CO2-超细水雾形成的气液两相介质对9.5%瓦斯/煤尘复合体系爆炸的抑爆效果、影响因素与原因。研究结果表明:随着CO2体积分数和超细水雾质量浓度的增加,爆炸火焰最大传播速度、爆炸超压峰值均出现明显下降,火焰到达泄爆口时间显著延迟;尤其当CO2体积分数达到14%与超细水雾的共同抑爆效果凸显,瓦斯/煤尘复合体系爆炸超压的“震荡平台”消失,同时火焰结构呈现“整体孔隙化”。所得结论为煤矿井下高效防爆抑爆技术进行了完善和增强。  相似文献   

为全面了解定量结构-性质关系(QSPR)方法在混合物燃爆特性预测中的研究现状,展望其发展趋势,综述其在混合物闪点、爆炸极限与自燃温度预测中的国内外研究进展,分析预测目标参数的选择、数据收集、描述符计算和筛选以及模型建立和验证等方面的不足与研究方向。结果表明:QSPR在混合物燃爆特性预测中尚处于起步阶段,当前研究的首要限制是混合物燃爆特性参数实验数据样本不足,关键点及难点是混合物结构的准确表征,未来研究应关注的重点是大量数据源统一的数据样本的获取方法、非加和性混合物分子描述符的计算方法以及机器学习等非线性建模方法。  相似文献   

为研究惰性气体抑制瓦斯爆燃火焰传播特性,在自行搭建的中尺度爆炸激波管道上,采用数据采集系统、压电式传感器、火焰传感器、同步控制系统和激光纹影测试系统,通过对比4种不同喷射压力(0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5 MPa)的实验工况,选用N2做为惰性介质时抑制火焰的传播特性与喷射压力密切相关,火焰传播速度随着喷射压力增加呈现先增加后减弱的趋势。研究结果表明:少量N2在管道中扩散,加剧了未反应预混气体的扰动状态,造成火焰阵面褶皱的卷吸能力增强,进而加速化学反应进程,促进预混气体燃烧;喷射压力为1.5 MPa时,火焰阵面拉升、变形最强,火焰传播速度提高,最高可达到250 m/s;喷射压力为3.5 MPa时,火焰阵面出现明显三维凹陷结构,运动发生明显滞后现象,火焰传播速度大幅度降低至5.4 m/s,惰性气体抑制火焰传播效果明显。  相似文献   

以我国210起典型危险化学品火灾爆炸事故为样本,对造成事故的不安全动作进行归类统计,应用云模型云发生器算法计算大类不安全动作的云模型参数值并绘制隶属云图,得出了危险化学品火灾爆炸事故中不安全动作类型和发出者分布规律及特点。结果表明:造成火源型火灾爆炸事故的违规型不安全动作平均发生次数最多,分布不均匀且不稳定,其中现场工作缺乏指导或监护发生次数最多,发出对象为监理;蓄热型火灾爆炸事故中技术型不安全动作分布表现出较大的随机性,其中物料添加不当和隐患排查不彻底发生次数最多,发出对象分别为基层人员和监理。  相似文献   

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