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Multi-component gas mixture explosion accidents occur and recur frequently, while the safety issues of multi-component gas mixture explosion for hydrogen–methane mixtures have rarely been addressed.Numerical simulation study on the confined and vented explosion characteristics of methane-hydrogen mixture in stoichiometric air was conducted both in the 5 L vessel and the 64 m3 chamber, involving different mixture compositions and initial pressures. Based on the results and analysis, it is shown that the addition of hydrogen has a negative effect on the explosion pressure of methane-hydrogen mixture at adiabatic condition. While in the vented explosion, the addition of the hydrogen has a significant positive effect on the explosion hazard degree. Additionally, the addition of hydrogen can induce a faster reactivity and enhance the sensitivity of the mixture by reducing the explosion time and increasing the rate of pressure rise both in confined and vented explosion. Both the maximum pressure and the maximum rate of pressure rise increase with initial pressure as a linear function, and also rise with the increase of hydrogen content in fuel. The increase in the maximum rate of pressure rise is slight when hydrogen ratio is lower than 0.5, however, it become significant when hydrogen ratio is higher than 0.5. The maximum rate of pressure rise for stoichiometric hydrogen-air is about 10 times the one of stoichiometric methane-air.Furthermore, the vent plays an important role to relief pressure, causing the decrease in explosion pressure and rate of pressure rise, while it can greatly enhance the flame speed, which will extend the hazard range and induce secondary fire damages. Additionally it appears that the addition of hydrogen has a significant increasing effect on the flame speed. The propagation of flame speed in confined explosion can be divided into two stages, increase stage and decrease stage, higher hydrogen content, higher slope. But in the vented explosion, the flame speed keeps increasing with the distance from the ignition point.  相似文献   

甲烷-煤尘爆炸波与障碍物相互作用的数值研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
为了探讨煤矿瓦斯和煤尘爆炸的物理机制 ,基于对甲烷和煤尘爆炸传播的理论分析 ,采用数值模拟方法研究障碍物对甲烷和煤尘爆炸传播的影响 ;为了更系统地考虑颗粒相各种输运特性、相间滑移和耦合 ,采用双流体模型建立了数学模型 ,该模型的出发点是把颗粒群和气体都作为连续介质 ,两者相互渗透充满整个空间形成没有间隙的“流体”———拟流体 ,在欧拉坐标系下考虑气 -固两相流动 ,气相和颗粒相的计算网格统一 ,易于处理。数值方法采用LU分解和迎风TVD格式分别处理对流项的隐式和显式部分 ,扩散项采用中心差分 ;同时研究了不同形状的障碍物对流场的影响 ,计算结果与实验吻合较好  相似文献   

In underground coal mining, methane explosions often can cause tremendous disasters. In the meantime, carbon monoxide (CO), generated during the process of coal oxidation, may appear in the air. Therefore, the explosion characteristics of the mixture of CH4 and CO must be investigated to prevent gas explosion accidents in coal mines. We conducted experiments by using a 20-L nearly spherical gas explosion testing device. The software FLACS was used to simulate the explosion of the mixture of CH4 and CO at various mixing concentrations, and the simulation results corresponded to experimental results. With the increase of CO concentration, both upper and lower explosive limits of CH4 decreased. On the whole, the explosion characteristic parameters of CH4 and the mixture are similar. When CH4 concentration was below the stoichiometric concentration, the addition of CO could promote the intensity of gas explosion; oppositely, excessive CO would inhibit the gas explosion reaction. The inhibitory effects become more significant as the concentration of CH4 increases.  相似文献   

随着机械、电子器件可靠性的不断提高,系统的安全性越来越取决于人的行为。当人处于不良的精神状态,就可能做出本人意愿之外的失误,从而导致事故的发生。因此,针对人的无意识失误进行分析并提出改进措施,可以提高系统的安全水平,降低事故风险。本文提出的精神熵分析方法,以安全学原理、心理学、安全人机工程学为基础提出六个评价指标,结合熵权法的计算原理。通过班组人员岗前自评的形式,员工给出六项指标的分数,并计算自己的最终得分,以此来评估员工在岗时的精神状态。管理者依据一定原则对低分项进行询问,发现问题并提出解决办法,最终降低并控制无意识失误导致的事故风险。  相似文献   

隧道塌方风险分析是隧道设计和安全施工的重要环节。首先选取隧道塌方风险评价指标并建立评价指标风险分级标准,在深入分析新奥法隧道施工风险影响因素的基础上,根据隧道塌方风险影响因素具有模糊不确定性和层次性的特点建立隧道塌方风险的模糊综合评判模型。其次,通过研究各因素评价指标取值方法及隶属度函数选取原则,建立评价指标隶属度确定方法。然后针对不同专家工程经验及认知的不同,引入群组决策的思想,基于信息熵理论建立评价指标的权重计算方法。考虑到影响因素对隧道塌方风险影响具有非线性特征,引入非线性模糊运算方法,从而最终建立基于熵权的隧道塌方风险非线性模糊评判方法。最后通过工程实例分析表明了方法的可行性与合理性。  相似文献   

To study the influence of the charge-to-mass ratio of a charged water mist on a methane explosion, the induction charging method was used to induce charge on a normal water mist; a mesh target method was employed to test the charge-to-mass ratio of its droplets. The propagation images, propagation average velocities, and overpressures of a methane explosion suppressed by charged water mist were analysed. The influence of the charge-to-mass ratio of the suppressant water mist on a methane explosion was studied. Results show that the explosion temperature, propagation average velocity, and peak overpressure deceased more obviously with charged water mist than ordinary water mist. With increasing charge-to-mass ratio, the suppression effect of the charged water mist underwent a significant increase. Under experimental conditions, compared with ordinary water mist, when the charge-to-mass ratio was 0.445 mC/kg and the mist flux was 4 L, the minimum flame propagation average velocity was 3.456 m/s, with a drop of 2.37 m/s (40.68%), and the peak overpressure of the methane explosion was 10.892 kPa, with a drop of 10.798 kPa (49.78%). The suppression effect is considered from the changes of the physico-chemical properties of the water mist as affected by the applied charge-to-mass ratio.  相似文献   

基于改进熵权的灰色关联模型在湿地水质综合评价中的应用   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
湿地是自然界生物多样性较为丰富的生态系统,具有很大的生态功能及生态学价值,湿地水质评价需要综合考虑各指标的属性.介绍了基于改进熵权的灰色关联模型在湿地水质综合评价中的应用.以黑龙江省扎龙国家级自然保护区湿地调查采样数据为例,通过构建灰色关联决策矩阵,同时采用改进熵值法确定权重,再由计算各样本的灰色关联度来确定其所属级别,进而对保护区水质采样点的水质进行综合评价.基于改进熵权的灰色关联度模型,为湿地生态系统水质综合评价提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

为了客观科学地评价机场安全管理能力,研究了机场系统构成和安全管理概况,参考民航规章和专家咨询意见,确定安全管理能力的影响因素,建立了由4个准则层和23个具体指标组成的机场安全管理能力评价指标体系,结合实地调研结果及专家意见确定了各指标的测评方法和评分标准。根据序关系分析法和熵值法的特点,参考其他文献,提出了序关系分析法和熵值法相结合的、一种基于方差最大化的主客观赋权法来确定指标权重,构建了机场安全管理能力线性评价模型。结果表明,不同安全管理能力二级指标的变化对安全管理能力的影响程度不同,其综合权重大小降序排列为组织管理能力、人员安全能力、设备运行能力、环境保障能力。以长沙黄花国际机场为例进行评价,评价结果显示该模型具有可行性,能为机场安全管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

矿井瓦斯爆炸传播的尺寸效应研究   总被引:17,自引:7,他引:17  
基于瓦斯爆炸传播过程的理论分析 ,确定了表征瓦斯爆炸传播过程的主要物理参数 ;通过在两条巷道中进行了瓦斯爆炸传播的对比实验 ,指出了瓦斯爆炸传播过程的尺寸效应存在的原因。笔者认为 :因为巷道支护设备使巷道有效面积的减少和壁面粗糙度的变化 ,尺寸效应使大断面巷道在可比条件下 ,发生瓦斯爆炸时 ,爆炸波的火焰、压力、冲量等在更大范围内形成破坏和伤害  相似文献   

Deflagration explosions of coal dust clouds and flammable gases are a major safety concern in coal mining industry. Accidental fire and explosion caused by coal dust cloud can impose substantial losses and damages to people and properties in underground coal mines. Hybrid mixtures of methane and coal dust have the potential to reduce the minimum activation energy of a combustion reaction. In this study the Minimum Explosion Concentration (MEC), Over Pressure Rise (OPR), deflagration index for gas and dust hybrid mixtures (Kst) and explosive region of hybrid fuel mixtures present in Ventilation Air Methane (VAM) were investigated. Experiments were carried out according to the ASTM E1226-12 guideline utilising a 20 L spherical shape apparatus specifically designed for this purpose.Resultsobtained from this study have shown that the presence of methane significantly affects explosion characteristics of coal dust clouds. Dilute concentrations of methane, 0.75–1.25%, resulted in coal dust clouds OPR increasing from 0.3 bar to 2.2 bar and boosting the Kst value from 10 bar m s−1 to 25 bar m s−1. The explosion characteristics were also affected by the ignitors’ energy; for instance, for a coal dust cloud concentration of 50 g m−3 the OPR recorded was 0.09 bar when a 1 kJ chemical ignitor was used, while, 0.75 bar (OPR) was recorded when a 10 kJ chemical ignitor was used.For the first time, new explosion regions were identified for diluted methane-coal dust cloud mixtures when using 1, 5 and 10 kJ ignitors. Finally, the Le-Chatelier mixing rule was modified to predict the lower explosion limit of methane-coal dust cloud hybrid mixtures considering the energy of the ignitors.  相似文献   

A novel composite inhibitor based on porous mineral materials and conventional flame retardant of ammonium polyphosphate (APP) is prepared to suppress the premixed methane/air explosion. Taking advantages of gas and powder inhibitor, N2 and the prepared composite inhibitor are combined to use. The suppression performance of N2-composite inhibitor on methane explosion is investigated on a 20-L spherical experimental explosion apparatus and the characteristic pressure data are obtained. The combined inhibition effects of N2 and the prepared composite inhibitor are greater than either acting alone. Thermal decomposition behavior and gaseous products of composite inhibitor are analyzed with thermogravimetric analysis and thermogravimetric-mass spectrometry, respectively. Based on physical and chemical actions, the inhibition mechanisms of N2-composite inhibitor system are proposed. This work provides a reference to prepare high-performance gas explosion inhibitor based on the synergism of binary or multiple components.  相似文献   

为了评价埋地管道的土壤腐蚀性,提出了应用改进灰关联分析和熵权法相结合的土壤腐蚀性评价方法。首先,在统计分析土壤腐蚀性诱因的基础上,构建土壤腐蚀评价指标体系和评价标准;其次,应用改进灰关联分析法计算土壤腐蚀性等级的关联度,利用熵权法计算各指标权重。然后,根据最大关联度原则判定土壤腐蚀性等级。最后,选取我国某油田长输油管线周围两个土壤测试点作为工程实例,评价结果与实际情况吻合。研究结果表明:该方法能够准确反映埋地管道的土壤腐蚀性状况,计算简单,科学合理,具有较好地适用性。  相似文献   

本文首先研究提出了国内外CNG加气站的一般组成结构,即调压计量系统、净化干燥系统、气体压缩系统、压缩天然气储存系统、控制系统和售气系统6个子系统;接着对近几年发生的加气站事故进行统计与分析,指出了加气站易发生事故的关键部位一售气系统、高压储气系统和CNG压缩系统;然后对CNG加气站的常见危险有害因素进行了辨识与分析,即高压、易燃易爆、易泄漏、点火源众多等;最后根据辨识结果,研究提出了建设安全监控预警与事故应急综合管理系统等具体事故预防措施。  相似文献   

现役装备改进是在原有产品基础上,通过采用各种改进措施,对产品的战术技术性能和结构进行局部改善,以达到提高或改进装备性能,延长装备使用寿命的目的.现役装备改进是一个复杂的系统工程过程,制约因素多、技术难度大,风险在所难免.为确保改进任务顺利进行,必须及时开展风险分析和评价研究,从而预先采取针对性措施加以防范.研究分析了现役装备改进的风险因子,构建了风险评价指标体系,并运用结构熵理论对指标体系的结构有序度进行了评价,提出了相对优化方案.最后,运用因子分析方法(FA)对构建的指标体系进行了因子分析,验证了指标体系的合理性.  相似文献   

Explosion experiments using premixed gas in a duct have become a significant method of investigating methane-air explosions in underground coal mines. The duct sizes are far less than that of an actual mine gallery. Whether the experimental results in a duct are applicable to analyze a methane-air explosion in a practical mine gallery needed to be investigated. This issue involves the effects of scale on a gas explosion and its shockwave in a constrained space. The commercial software package AutoReaGas, a finite element computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code suitable for gas explosions and blast problems, was used to carry out the numerical simulation for the explosion processes of a methane-air mixture in the gallery (or duct) at various scales. Based on the numerical simulation and its analysis, the effect of scale on the degree of correlation with the real situation was studied for a methane-air explosion and its shockwave in a square section gallery (or duct). This study shows that the explosion process of the methane-air mixture relates to the scales of the gallery or duct. The effect of scale decreases gradually with the distance from the space containing the methane-air mixture and the air shock wave propagation conforms approximately to the geometric similarity law in the far field where the scaled distance (ratio of the propagation distance and the height (or width) of the gallery section) is over 80.  相似文献   

我国核电事业发展迅速,核电安全是核电产业发展的重要基础.针对我国核电的发展和安全运行现状,建立了安全运行状况指标体系,通过构建物元可拓模型获得各指标在各评价等级上的关联度,将关联度与熵值法求得的指标权重合成得到加权综合关联度,继而确定核电站安全运行状况评价等级.在对核电站整体运行状况进行综合评价的同时,也能实现对安全运行状况各指标的分类评价.  相似文献   

In this study, in order to research the synergistic inhibition effect of nitrogen and ultrafine water mist on gas explosion in a vented duct, a semi-confined transparent chamber was designed with the size of 120 × 120 × 840 mm, and the experiments were carried out with stoichiometric methane/air premixed mixture (fraction of methane: 9.5%), adding different fractions of nitrogen and ultrafine water mist. The experimental results showed the following: The combination of nitrogen and ultrafine water mist had a synergistic inhibiting effect on methane/air explosion, which was preferable to the single use of any kind. With the increase of spraying time of water mist and fraction of nitrogen, the initial shape of the explosion flame became snakelike, and at the same time the peak flame propagation speed and peak overpressure decreased significantly. When the nitrogen fraction was increased to 10% and the mist spraying time was increased to 2min, synergistic inhibiting effect on overpressure was high efficient. However, with the increase of spraying time of water mist and fraction of nitrogen going on, the amount of increase of explosion inhibition efficiency was gradually reduced.  相似文献   

通过收集整理1991 - 2010年广东省重特大火灾事故数据,从广东省重特大火灾事故概况人手,归纳重特大火灾事故发生发展趋势、伤亡情况以及与经济增长的关系,并主要从直接原因、空间分布和时间分布等为分类依据对广东省重特大火灾事故进行深入分析.研究表明:广东省重特大火灾事故主要发生在凌晨和午后时段及夏季和季节转换期,主要分布于生产场所和普通仓库;广东省重特大火灾是管理疏忽、意识淡薄、设备陈旧、可燃物管理不善、自救能力弱等多因素综合的结果.本文从安全管理、安全技术以及安全法律法规等方面,提出火灾预防和控制对策,如针对性的安全检查、提高监控能力、合理制定应急预案及定期演练计划、强化初期火灾处理能力等,综合各方之力,保障消防安全.  相似文献   

针对预抽煤层瓦斯这一区域性防治煤与瓦斯突出措施的消突效果评价,应用事故树分析法(FTA),可根据导致预抽煤层瓦斯后发生煤与瓦斯突出事故的各种可能途径,以及各个诱导因素对事故发生的影响程度,找到可用于消突效果评价的关键因子,进一步分析出评价指标和评价方案.本文构造出了预抽煤层瓦斯后发生煤与瓦斯突出的事故树模型,通过FTA定性分析,得出了预抽煤层瓦斯消突效果评价因子的客观排序,为区域防突措施消突效果评价提供了一种新的理论方法.  相似文献   

为增强煤矿应急救援能力,提高评价的精度,弥补单一评价方法的缺陷,构建了基于熵值法和支持向量机的煤矿应急救援能力评价模型。根据各评价指标数据所提供的信息量,运用熵值法设定指标权重,进一步将指标权重定量化、客观化;同时鉴于煤矿应急救援能力评价数据难收集、影响因素复杂多变的状况,结合具有处理非线性、小样本数据问题的支持向量机进行评价,保证了评价结果的准确性。实证分析表明,该模型的评价结果与煤矿实际应急救援能力非常接近,可用于实际的煤矿应急救援能力评价。  相似文献   

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