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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were quantified in sediment, soil, and plant material from Hanoi, Vietnam, and an aquatic production system in peri-urban Hanoi. The sum of the concentration of 16 US-EPA priority PAHs ( summation PAH16) ranged between 0.44 and 6.21 mg kg(-1) dw in sediment and between 0.26 and 1.35 mg kg(-1) dw in soil, with decreasing concentrations from the urban area to the peri-urban area, indicating contributions from urban and industrial sources. Double plots of diagnostic source ratios indicate that PAHs originate from mixed petrogenic and pyrogenic sources, the latter being predominant. The predominance of low molecular weight (LMW) PAHs in the sediment samples suggests that petrogenic sources are more prevalent in the water environment than in the soil. In contrast, high molecular weight (HMW) PAHs dominated in water spinach which probably reflects the plant's uptake of particle-bound PAHs that originate from pyrogenic sources.  相似文献   

Large quantities of untreated industrial and domestic wastewater are discharged from the city of Hanoi into urban rivers. Sediment samples from three sites in the To Lich River in Hanoi were assessed with respect to the concentrations and potential mobility of cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni) and lead (Pb). Due to very high Cd concentrations up to 700 mg kg?1 at one site, the sediment was considered highly unsuitable for any types of land use if dredged and disposed of on land. Chemical sequential extractions of wet and anoxic sediment samples showed that Cd and Pb were largely associated with the redox-sensitive fractions and could thus be mobilised following measures such as resuspension or dredging. To assess the potential mobilisation of heavy metals from the anoxic sediment due to oxidation, the samples were exposed to different oxidants (i.e. atmospheric air and hydrogen peroxide) and afterwards submitted to a leaching test. These experiments showed that although oxidation may increase the equilibrium pore water concentrations of heavy metals in the sediments, other sediment mineral fractions seem to effectively immobilise heavy metals potentially released from the oxidisable fraction.  相似文献   

Methane fluxes from Beijing ricefields as affected by organic amendment, water regime, crop establishment method, and rice cultivar were measured with a closed chamber method in 1990, 1991, 1995, and 1996. Total fluxes from plots receiving high organic amendment always exceeded those from the low-input plots. Compared with continuous flooding, intermittent irrigation (there were a few days of no standing water between two irrigations) and constant moisture (the field had no standing water, but remained saturated) reduced methane emission rate by 25.4 and 58.4%, respectively. Methane flux from a dry-seeded rice field was 75.2% lower than from a transplanted ricefield although both dry-seeded rice plots and transplanted ricefields were initially flooded at the same time. Rice cultivars differed in methane emission rates by 9.0–55.7%. Emission rates were positively correlated with aboveground dry matter production and root weight, but not grain yield. Intermittent irrigation and rice cultivar seem to be the most promising methods for mitigating methane emission from ricefields; they do not affect rice yield and are easily implemented at the farm level.  相似文献   

Extensive aquatic or semi-aquatic production of water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica Forssk.) for human consumption takes place in Southeast Asia. The aim of this study was to assess the concentrations of 38 elements in soil and water spinach cultivated under different degrees of wastewater exposure in Hanoi, Vietnam. The results showed no effect of wastewater use on the overall element concentrations in soil and water spinach. Mean soil concentrations for selected potentially toxic elements at the studied field sites had the following ranges 9.11–18.7 As, 0.333–0.667 Cd, 10.8–14.5 Co, 68–122 Cr, 34.0–62.1 Cu, 29.9–52.8 Ni, 32.5–67.4 Pb, 0.578–0.765 Tl and 99–189 Zn mg kg−1 dry weight (d.w.). In all samples Cd, Pb and Zn soil concentrations were below the Vietnamese Guideline Values (TCVN 7209-2002) for agricultural soils whereas As and Cu exceeded the guideline values. Maximum site element concentrations in water spinach were 0.139 As, 0.032 Cd, 0.135 Cr, 2.01 Cu, 39.1 Fe, 57.3 Mn, 0.16 Ni, 0.189 Pb and 6.01 Zn mg kg−1 fresh weight (f.w.). The site and soil content of organic carbon were found to have high influence on the water spinach element concentrations whereas soil pH and the total soil element concentrations were of less importance. The estimated average daily intake of As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn for adult Vietnamese consumers amounts to <11% of the maximum tolerable intake proposed by FAO/WHO for each element. It is assessed that the occurrence of the investigated elements in water spinach will pose low health risk for the consumers.  相似文献   

Sustainable development is a widespread concept. Indicator selection and sustainability assessment are basic methods to analyse the sustainable development process. This study aims to develop a software application to select indicators and to allocate weightings to the indicators and the sub-indexes, so that they can be listed in a sustainability assessment. The Visual Basic software is used to develop a software package based on Delphi, analytic hierarchy, normalization and combination processes. Software for sustainability assessment was developed. Thirty-five indicators are selected as a first step of which eight health indicators and eight environmental ones and their sub-indexes are given weightings. The indicators are normalized. Sub-indexes are combined into a composite sustainable development index. The model is validated showing the ‘main features’ of the sustainability situation on health and environmental aspects in the Quang Tri province during the period 2000–2005. The results support the decision-making process of the competent authorities.  相似文献   

Pesticide residues in five freshwater areas that are directly affected by rice paddy effluents in southern Japan were measured to determine their maximum concentrations and temporal variations. Water samples were collected every week during the 2005 rice planting season in Kagoshima Prefecture and stations were established in Amori River, Sudo River, Nagaida River (that drains into the bigger Kotsuki River), rice paddy drainage canal, and wastewater reservoir (that collects effluents from rice paddy fields). Of the 14 target pesticides examined, a total of 11 were detected in all stations. Mefenacet, fenobucarb, and flutolanil were the three pesticides with the highest maximum concentrations and were also detected frequently. Analysis of temporal variations of pesticides showed that herbicides had relatively higher concentrations in the earlier stages of the rice planting season, while insecticides and fungicides had relatively higher concentrations at the later stages. There was no significant difference among stations with regards to the temporal patterns of the top three pesticides. The calculated toxic units were less than 1 in all stations, implying low or negligible environmental risk of pesticides detected to freshwater organisms.  相似文献   

We conducted a multicity time-series study using monitoring data to assess seasonal patterns of short-term ozone–mortality association among elderly aged 65 years and over in Japan. Daily exposure to ambient ozone was computed using hourly measurements of photochemical oxidants available at multiple monitoring stations in each city. Effects of ozone on daily all-cause non-accidental, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality were estimated using distributed lag linear models, controlling for confounding by temporal, day of the week, temperature, and flu epidemics. City-level effect estimates were combined using inverse variance meta-analysis. In spring and autumn, a 10-ppbv increase of daily maximum 8-h average ozone concentration in the previous 3 days was associated with 0.69 % (95 % confidence interval (CI): 0.27–1.10), 1.07 % (0.34–1.82), and 1.77 % (0.78–2.77) increases in daily all-cause, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality, respectively. Forward displacement of respiratory mortality was large during the cold season despite lower ozone concentration. Results were generally independent of fine particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide. Findings suggest significant mortality effects of short-term ozone exposure among the elderly during the moderate season. Those with underlying respiratory diseases were susceptible, even during winter.  相似文献   

Plastic solid waste has become a serious problem when considering the disposal alternatives following the sequential hierarchy of sound solid waste management. This study was undertaken to assess the quantity and composition of household solid waste, especially plastic waste to identify opportunities for waste recycling. A 1-month survey of 130 households was carried out in Can Tho City, the capital city of the Mekong Delta region in southern Vietnam. Household solid waste was collected from each household and classified into ten physical categories; especially plastic waste was sorted into 22 subcategories. The average household solid waste generation rate was 281.27 g/cap/day. The compostable and recyclable shares respectively accounted for high percentage as 80.74% and 11%. Regarding plastic waste, the average plastic waste generation rate was 17.24 g/cap/day; plastic packaging and plastic containers dominated with the high percentage, 95.64% of plastic waste. Plastic shopping bags were especially identified as the major component, accounting for 45.72% of total plastic waste. Relevant factors such as household income and household size were found to have an existing correlation to plastic waste generation in detailed composition. The household habits and behaviors of plastic waste discharge and the aspects of environmental impacts and resource consumption for plastic waste disposal alternatives were also evaluated.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess soil quality by chemical and ecotoxicological investigations and to check the correspondence between soil metal concentrations and ecotoxicity. For these purposes, surface soils collected at four adjacent roadside urban parks and at a former industrial area were characterized for C/N, organic matter content, texture, and pH. Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb, chosen among the most representative soil metal contaminants, were measured as total content and as available and water soluble fractions. In addition, the total concentrations of the investigated metals were used to calculate two chemical indices: the contamination and the potential ecological risk factors. The toxicity of the investigated soils was evaluated by an ecotoxicity test battery carried out on both soil samples (Vibrio fischeri, Heterocypris incongruens and Sinapis alba) and elutriates (Vibrio fischeri, Daphnia magna and Selenastrum capricornutum). The findings, both by the chemical and ecotoxicological approaches, would suggest that the soils with high metal contamination pose ecological risks. On the other hand, moderately metal contaminated soils did not exclude soil ecotoxicity. In fact, toxic effects were also highlighted in soils with low metal content, toxicity being affected by metal availability and soil characteristics. Moreover, the results suggest the importance of using a battery of tests to assess soil ecotoxicity.  相似文献   

Coastal shrimp farming may lead to the contamination of sediments of surrounding estuarine and marine ecosystems as shrimp farm effluent often contains high levels of pollutants including a range of organic compounds (from uneaten feed, shrimp feces, and living and dead organisms) which can accumulate in the sediments of receiving waterways. The assessment and monitoring of sediment quality in tidal creeks receiving shrimp farm effluent can support environmental protection and decision making for sustainable development in coastal areas since sediment quality often shows essential information on long-term aquatic ecosystem health. Within this context, this paper investigates nutrient loadings in the sediments of tidal creeks receiving shrimp farm effluent in Quang Ninh, Vietnam, which now have a high concentration of intensive and semi-intensive shrimp farms. Sediment samples taken from inside creek sections directly receiving effluent from concentrated shrimp farms (IEC), from main creeks adjacent to points of effluent discharge outside concentrated shrimp farms (OEC), and few kilometers away from shrimp farms (ASF) as reference sites were collected and analyzed before and after shrimp crops to investigate spatial and temporal variation. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences in the concentrations of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total organic carbon among IEC, OEC, and ASF sites while the seasonal variation being limited over study times. A sediment nutrient index (SNI) computed from coefficient scores of the factor analysis efficiently summarizes sediment nutrient loads, which are high, albeit quite variable, in canals directly receiving effluents from farms but then decline sharply with distance from shrimp farms. The visualization and monitoring of sediment quality data including SNI on maps can strongly support managers to manage eutrophication at concentrated shrimp farming areas, contributing to sustainable development and management at coastal zones.  相似文献   

In Vietnam, most of municipal solid waste (MSW) is disposed of at open dumping and landfill sites, and the methane gas from waste is the un-ignorable source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission. It is indispensable to explore the possibility for GHG mitigation in MSW management. The objective of this study was to estimate alternative waste treatment practices towards the GHG emission mitigation, energy consumption and generation, reduction of landfill volume, and various benefits for proposing the appropriate selection by scenario analyses for representative Vietnam’s cities. Impacts were calculated by utilizing life cycle assessment (LCA) method. A literature review survey on the current applicability of LCA database for assessing impacts from waste sector in developing countries, especially for Vietnam, was carried out. This study assessed the contribution of alternative solid waste treatment practices. The result showed that, except investment and operation costs, incineration with energy recovery seems the suitable alternative for treating waste from representative cities of Vietnam according to reduction of GHG emission and waste burden to landfill sites and energy recovery and generation. Besides, MSW composition was identified as an important factor directly influencing to impacts as well as other products and benefits of waste treatment alternatives. Reliable data on waste composition are indispensable for assessing to choose, improve, or plan the waste treatment practices towards sustainable development.  相似文献   

Six Indian cultivars of Vigna radiata L. (HUM-1, HUM-2, HUM-6, HUM-23, HUM-24 and HUM-26) were exposed with ambient and elevated (ambient + 10 ppb ozone (O3) for 6 h?day?1) level of O3 in open top chambers. Ozone sensitivity was assessed by recording the magnitude of foliar visible injury and changes in various physiological parameters. All the six cultivars showed visible foliar symptoms due to O3, ranging 7.4 to 55.7 % injured leaf area. O3 significantly depressed total chlorophyll, photosynthetic rate (Ps), quantum yield (F v/F m) and total biomass although the extent of variation was cultivar specific. Cultivar HUM-1 showed maximum reduction in Ps and stomatal conductance. The fluorescence parameters also indicated maximum damage to PSII reaction centres of HUM-1. Injury percentage, chlorophyll loss, Ps, F v/F m and total biomass reduced least in HUM-23 depicting highest O3 resistance (R%).  相似文献   

Substantial and widespread morbidity and mortality of red spruce have been observed in high elevation forests of the northeast under circumstances indicative of a stress-related disease. Whether red spruce at lower elevations are experiencing a more subtle loss of growth and vigor is uncertain. In addition, sugar maple has exhibited decline of varying extent and intensity for several decades. Forests in the northeast are exposed to two air pollutants, ozone (O3) and acidic precipitation, that are widespread in occurrence and have the potential, both individually and collectively, to produce impacts to forest trees. the roles, if any, of these two stress agents in the tree declines found in the northeast are not known.In 1986, a five-year study was initiated to evaluate the effects of O3 and acidic precipitation on red spruce and sugar maple. The trees will be exposed to controlled levels of O3 and acidic precipitation in the field using open-top chambers. The experiment is a 4×3 factorial conducted in split plots with O3 treatments as whole plots and simulated rain treatments comprising the split plots. Broadly stated, the research will evaluate the effects of the pollutants on the processes, fluxes, and pools associated with carbon, water, and nutrients in the soil/tree/atmosphere system. These evaluations will be conducted on a systems level and will be integrated through the development of mechanistic simulation models.Assessment of the effects of the treatments on carbon fixation by photosynthesis, the loss of carbon through respiration, and the allocation of carbon in growth will be a central focus of the study. Whole-tree cuvettes will be used to assess net photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, and stomatal conductance.Considerable emphasis will be placed on determining the influences of the treatments on the biogeochemistry of the system. These studies will focus on the leaching of nutrients from the tree canopy, the mobilization and loss of nutrients from the soil, soil solution chemistry, and the alteration of tree nutrition by the input of additional nitrogen in precipitation.Statistical and simulation modeling will be used to assess and describe the effects of the treatments. The modeling approaches are different in technique, but complementary. Statistical models will be used to describe the responses of growth and physiological variables to the ozone and acidic precipitation treatments. Simulation models will be built to describe the relationships between photosynthesis, respiration, nutrition, and water use, how these processes are affected by the treatments, and how these effects ultimately result in altered growth. The simulation models will initially provide a framework for the formulation of hypotheses regarding the interrelationships of plant components and processes and how they are affected by the treatments.Contribution from Fourth World Wilderness Congress—Acid Rain Symposium, Denver (Estes Park), Colorado, September 11–18, 1987.  相似文献   

Hourly concentrations of ozone (O(3)), 55 volatile organic compounds (VOCs, ozone precursors) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) were measured at an upwind urban site, a downwind suburban site, and a rural site in central Taiwan, from January 2003 to December 2006. VOC and NOx mean concentrations showed a gradient from high to low across the urban (56 ppb and 34 ppb), suburban (38 ppb and 27 ppb) and rural sites (25 ppb and 21 ppb) but a reverse gradient in ozone across these sites (24, 27, and 29 ppb, respectively). Although there was about twice the difference in VOC concentrations between the urban and rural sites, nearly 65% ozone formation potential was contributed to by the same 9 VOCs. Seasonal patterns showed peak ozone levels in autumn and minima in summer at the urban site, but minima in winter at the downwind suburban and rural sites. Ozone precursor levels, on the other hand, were lowest in summer and highest in winter. The diurnal pattern showed that ozone levels peaked one hour later at the rural site than at the urban site. The ethylbenzene to m,p-xylene ratio, an indicator of the age of the air mass, increased from 0.4 at the urban site to 0.6 at the suburban site and 0.8 at the rural site during daily peak ozone times. This finding suggests the transport of ozone and precursors from upwind to downwind producing elevated ozone levels in the suburban and rural areas. Ozone episodes occurred mostly in days with a mean midday UV index of 6.5 (1 UV index=100 J m(-2)) and wind speed at 1.3 m s(-1) at all three sites.  相似文献   

Prediction of extreme ozone levels in Barcelona, Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Barcelona is one of the most polluted cities in Western Europe, although our levels of air pollution are within the World Health Organisation air quality guidelines. However, high concentrations of air pollution have not been studied yet. Ground ozone levels is a topic of considerable environmental concern, since excessive level of ozone are taken as indicative of high pollution. In terms of the air quality guidelines ozone levels higher than 100 µg m–3 can start to be health-hazards for human health. Our objective is to report a detailed analysis of ozone data exceeding the thresholds established by the air quality guidelines. Data analysed were collected in two measurement stations in Barcelona, for the reference period 1991–1996. Applying statistical techniques commonly used in the analysis of extreme values, mainly the Peak Over Threshold method was used for in this study. The analysis reveal that the ozone threshold values for the protection of human health has exceeded many times in both stations. The estimated return values for 3, 10, and 40 yr exceed the threshold value for information to the public of almost once in both stations, also it seems to be unlikely that the threshold value for warning to the public will be exceeded in 40 yr.  相似文献   

Fecal pollution may adversely impact water quality in coastal ecosystems. The goal of this study was to determine whether cattle were a source of fecal pollution in a South Carolina watershed. Surface water samples were collected in June 2002 and February through March 2003 in closed shellfish harvesting waters of Toogoodoo Creek in Charleston County, SC. Fecal coliform concentrations in 70 % of the water samples taken for this study exceeded shellfish harvesting water standards. Ribotyping was performed in order to identify animal sources contributing to elevated fecal coliform levels. Escherichia coli isolates (n?=?253) from surface water samples were ribotyped and compared to a ribotype library developed from known sources of fecal material. Ribotypes from water samples that matched library ribotypes with 90 % maximum similarity or better were assigned to that source. Less than half of the unknown isolates (38 %) matched with library isolates. About half (53 %) of the matched ribotypes were assigned to cattle isolates and 43 % to raccoon. Ribotyping almost exclusively identified animal sources. While these results indicate that runoff from cattle farms was a likely source of fecal pollution in the watershed, wildlife also contributed. Given the small size of the library, ribotyping was moderately useful for determining the impact of adjacent cattle farms on Toogoodoo Creek. Increasing the number and diversity of the wildlife sources from the area would likely increase the usefulness of the method.  相似文献   

An ambient air study was conducted inthe city of Florence, Italy, in the summer 1996.Tropospheric ozone was continuously monitored withautomatic analyzers in three stations, two located inthe urban area and one in the hilly surroundings(Settignano). A biomonitoring campaign based on thetobacco cv. Bel-W3 plants was performed in the samearea. The highest values were constantly recorded inthe Settignano station. The highest 1-hour meanrecorded was 197 nl/l; the accumulated exposure overa threshold of 40 nl/l (AOT40) was well above thecritical levels standards for protection of thevegetation. A consistent temporal variation wasobserved and July proved to be the month with thehighest ozone levels. Cumulative frequencydistribution of ozone maximum daily concentrationsexhibited a good fitting to log-normality. No`week-end effect was observed. Biomonitoring datawere in good agreement with chemico-physical ones.  相似文献   

In order to help guide air pollution legislation at the European level, harmful air pollution effects on agriculture crops and the consequent economic implications for policy have been studied for more than a decade. Ozone has been labeled as the most serious of the damaging air pollutants to agriculture, where growth rates and consequently yields are dramatically reduced. Quantifying the effects has formed a key factor in policymaking. Based on the widely held view that AOT40 (Accumulated exposure Over Threshold of 40 ppb) is a good indicator of ozone-induced damage, the Danish Eulerian Model (DEM) was used to compute reduced agriculture yields on a 50 km×50 km grid over Europe. In one set of scenarios, a ten year meteorological time series was combined with realistic emission inventories. In another, various idealized emission reduction scenarios are applied to the same meteorological time series. The results show substantial inter-annual variability in economic losses, due in most part to meteorological conditions which varied much more substantially than the emissions during the same period. It is further shown that, taking all uncertainties into account, estimates of ozone-induced economic losses require that a long meteorological record is included in the analysis, for statistical significance to be improved to acceptable levels for use in policy analysis. In this study, calculations were made for Europe as a whole, though this paper presents results relevant for Denmark.  相似文献   

The ozone effect on Norway spruce (Picea abies (L) Karst.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) was studied on 48 monitoring plots in 2005-2008. These plots represent two major forest tree species stands of different ages in eight regions of the Czech Republic. The forest conditions were represented by defoliation and the annual radial increment of individual trees. The ozone exposure was assessed by using modeled values of mean annual O(3) concentration and the AOT40 index. The malondialdehyde (MDA) content of the foliage was analysed and used as an indicator of oxidative stress. The correlation analysis showed a significant relation of Norway spruce defoliation to the AOT40 exposure index, and European beech defoliation to the MDA level. The radial increment response to ozone was significant only for the European beech: (a) the correlation analysis showed its decrease with increasing AOT40; (b) the regression model showed its decrease with increasing mean annual ozone concentration only at lower altitudes (<700 m a.s.l.).  相似文献   

Amphibians, particularly frogs and toads, are increasingly used as bioindicators of contaminant accumulation in pollution studies. We developed an analytical technique to analyse their elemental contents based on a small amount of toe bone samples. This method is environment-friendly as, unlike traditional methods, it is not necessary to kill animals during sampling. Using this technique, we explored the effects of urbanization on the elemental contents of toe bones. Bufo bufo specimens were collected from an urban and two rural ponds. The ratios of Ca and P at the ponds were: 20.5% Ca and 14.6% P at the urban pond and 30.4% and 29.6% Ca, 22.4% and 21.7% P at the rural ponds, respectively. For the other elements, the following percentage ratios were found: 0.7% B, 0.3% Mg and 0.06% Zn at the urban pond and 1.1% and 0.4% B, 0.4% Mg and 0.05% Zn at the rural ponds, respectively. Canonical discriminant analysis indicated the separation of the urban and the rural ponds based on the elemental concentrations of toe bones. Significant differences were found between the concentrations of Ca, P, Mg, B and Zn at the urban and the rural ponds (p?相似文献   

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