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基准地价评估及更新是目前土地管理的一项重要和经常性的工作。针对小城镇的土地利用特点,对小城镇土地定级估价更新中的地价样本祷点、土地级别调整、基准地价更新评估等方面进行了研究,选择级别界线修订法更新小城镇土地级别,并在此基础上探索出适合小城镇特点的基准地价更新方法。  相似文献   

不同尺度的区域城镇土地基准地价平衡研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
区域基准地价平衡是区域城镇基准地价评估的重要内容,对地价管理具有重要的现实意义。分析了不同尺度基准地价平衡的内涵、实质及不同尺度平衡的机理,运用多种方法从宏观尺度的城镇间基准地价平衡、中观尺度的土地级别之间基准地价平衡、微观尺度地块间的区片价平衡进行了研究。以广西县级市——桂平市为例,对桂平市所辖的28个城镇基准地价平衡进行了实例研究,为区域城镇基准地价平衡提供了实用的模式与方法,为培育、发展城镇土地市场奠定了基础。  相似文献   

如何科学评估国有土地使用权挂牌底价,是国有土地使用权以挂牌方式出让工作中极为重要的环节。通过分析挂牌出让底价评估特点、地价内涵,探讨挂牌出让底价的评估方法,指出挂牌出让底价评估宜重点选用市场比较法和假设开发法两种评估方法,明确了市场比较法和假设开发法评估国有土地使用权挂牌出让底价的实施步骤和参数选取标准。  相似文献   

地价与房价作为房地产市场的两个重要指标,其水平高低对房地产市场的正常、有序发展起者重要作用。房价与地价在一定范围内、一定条件下相互作用,相互影响。正确分析和处理房价与地价的关系,促进房地产业健康发展,可采取以下措施:土地交易信息公开、透明;土地及时开发,及时入市;加强对土地市场供需结构的宏观调控和经济适用房、廉租房体系的建设等。  相似文献   

土地价格评估体系的整合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在介绍宗地价格评估、基准地价评估、地价指数编制和地价动态监测体系建立等我国现行土地价格评估体系的基础上,分析了该评估体系存在的问题,提出了土地价格评估体系整合的概念及实施的建议.  相似文献   

2002年,陈江镇划归惠州市城区管辖,行政区划的改变给该镇的土地价格带来了明显变化.介绍了陈江镇土地定级与估价过程中资料的收集、评估参数的确定、估价技术方法的选择和土地定级的估价.在对比前后工业、商业、住宅用地的价格后,重点从级别范围的变动、地价体系的变化和地价水平三个方面详细分析了陈江镇的基准地价在行政区域变化前后土地价格变化的原因,并对基准地价与原惠州城区地价体系的衔接作了具体分析.  相似文献   

基于多元线性回归的宗地地价评估--以东营市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基准地价系数修正法作为大量评估宗地地价的一种方法,得到了广泛的应用,但是由于修正体系因素的权重确定多是通过特尔斐法来确定,主观性比较强。以东营市为例,探讨了用多元线性回归模型的方法进行修正因素影响的计算,并对宗地地价进行了评估。  相似文献   

以埇桥区农用地为研究对象,基于农用地分等定级成果,建立不同的地价模型并进行统计检验,得到农用地综合质量和农用地价格之间的最佳关系模型,揭示农用地的综合质量和农用地价格的统计规律。研究认为,在市场交易案例很少的情况下,建立地价模型进行基准地价的评估是科学的,在此基础上对农用地基准地价进行评估和实证分析。  相似文献   

环保大数据结合地理信息系统是实现城市环境总体规划空间化、促使环境管理转型的重要举措。城市环境总体规划是我国环境规划制度中的一项尝试,实现环境管理由末端治理转向前端控制的基础性、空间性、综合性、战略性规划。本文在分析GIS在环境规划领域的技术优势基础上,提出城市环境总体规划中生态保护红线划定、环境(生态)功能区划、要素空间管控、环境风险防控、产业布局调控五大技术需求。总结GIS在城市环境总体规划中的五大技术应用:空间基础数据处理与评价模型应用、标准化制图与空间信息表达、信息系统管理平台建设、专业软件数据转换、衔接"多规合一"平台等。最后,提出GIS支持下的环境功能区划和生态保护红线评估等功能模块开发、城环总规信息系统上的环境影响评价模块开发以及环境详细规划控制图则编制方法等探索方向。  相似文献   

以松嫩盆地水资源开发利用现状为基础 ,以GIS软件 (地理信息系统 )MapInfoProfessional作为开发平台 ,设计和建立了松嫩盆地水资源开发管理信息系统。该系统的建立对松嫩盆地水资源开发管理状况和相关信息的查询、检索提供了方便 ,同时对松嫩盆地水资源的合理开发利用及其管理决策提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

浅谈地价评估和管理中的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地价格是土地价值和权益的具体表现,是调节土地利用的重要手段。地价管理在推进土地有偿使用、优化配置土地资源、促进土地市场建设等方面发挥着重要作用。而现行地价体系比较成熟的只有作为国有土地使用权出让标准的一种基准地价,为适应其它土地权利流转的需要,应建立以土地权利为核心的新型地价体系。  相似文献   

Consideration of biological quality has long been an important component of rating areas for conservation. Often these same areas are highly valued by people for aesthetic reasons, creating demands for housing and recreation that may conflict with protection plans for these habitats. Most methods of selecting land for conservation purposes use biological factors alone. For some land areas, analysis of aesthetic qualities is also important in describing the scenic value of undisturbed land. A method for prioritizing small islands and shoals based on both biological and visual quality factors is presented here. The study included 169 undeveloped islands and shoals ⩽0.8 ha in the Thousand Islands Region of the St. Lawrence River, New York. Criteria such as critical habitat for uncommon plant and animal species were considered together with visual quality and incorporated into a rating system that ranked the islands and shoals according to their priority for conservation management and protection from development. Biological factors were determined based on previous research and a field survey. Visual quality was determined by visual diagnostic criteria developed from public responses to photographs of a sample of islands. Variables such as elevation, soil depth, and type of plant community can be used to classify islands into different categories of visual quality but are unsuccessful in classifying islands into categories of overall biological quality.  相似文献   

The primary role of remote sensing in land management and planning has been to provide information concerning the physical characteristics of the land which influence the management of individual land parcels or the allocation of lands to various uses These physical characteristics have typically been assessed through aerial photography, which is used to develop resource maps and to monitor changing environmental conditions These uses are well developed and currently well integrated into the planning infrastructure at local, state, and federal levels in the United States.Many newly emerging uses of remote sensing involve digital images which are collected, stored, and processed automatically by electromechanical scanning devices and electronic computers Some scanning devices operate from aircraft or spacecraft to scan ground scenes directly; others scan conventional aerial transparencies to yield digital images. Digital imagery offers the potential for computer-based automated map production, a process that can significantly increase the amount and timeliness of information available to land managers and planners.Future uses of remote sensing in land planning and management will involve geographic information systems, which store resource information in a geocoded format. Geographic information systems allow the automated integration of disparate types of resource data through various types of spatial models so that with accompanying sample ground data, information in the form of thematic maps and/ or aerially aggregated statistics can be produced Key issues confronting the development and integration of geographic information systems into planning pathways are restoration and rectification of digital images, automated techniques for combining both quantitative and qualitative types of data in information-extracting procedures, and the compatibility of alternative data storage modes  相似文献   

To address the limited application of analytical and modelling techniques in prioritizing revegetation sites for dryland salinity (saline land) management, a case study of the Hodgson Creek catchment in Queensland, Australia, was conducted. An analytical framework was developed, incorporating the use of spatial datasets (Landsat 7 image, DEM, soil map, and salinity map), which were processed using digital image processing techniques and a geographic information system (GIS). Revegetation sites were mapped and their priority determined based on recharge area, land use/cover and sub‐catchment salinity. The analytical framework presented here enhances the systematic use of land information, widens the scope for scenario testing, and improves the testing of alternative revegetation options. The spatial patterns of revegetation sites could provide an additional set of information relevant in the design of revegetation strategies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Prediction of future water demands depends on the degree to which conservation effects can be anticipated. A model developed for the Corps of Engineers shows that choosing a numerical conservation target to be achieved is more meaningful and yields more predictable results than price or price elasticity manipulations. The method developed and then applied to the Kaneohe Bay region of Oahu considers the following determinants of demand: geographic distribution of the users, indoor and outdoor requirements, time - by year and month of the year, precipitation, historical unit usage rates, gross and irrigable acreage of land uses, price for water, elasticity of demand with respect to price, source of the water supply (local private supplies vs. agency supplies), and the percentage conservation savings anticipated in each future period in indoor and outdoor uses of water in each of 40 possible land uses. While developed for use in Hawaii, the model is applicable generally.  相似文献   

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