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Malholland K 《Disasters》1985,9(4):247-258
In 1985 cholera has been a serious problem in the horn of Africa, particularly affecting the many famine victims and refugees in that region. In this paper the history of cholera in Africa is briefly summarized, as is the background to the current refugee situation in eastern Sudan. A cholera epidemic involving 1,175 cases in two adjacent refugee camps in eastern Sudan is described. In this epidemic there were thirteen inpatient deaths and thirty-eight known home deaths from cholera. The management of the epidemic is described in detail. Overall an average of 8 1. of intravenous fluid was used per case, a higher figure than was anticipated, probably because of the unexpected degree of vomiting and the shortage of trained nursing staff.
The relationship between cholera and malnutrition is explored and hypochlorhydria is suggested as the main reason for the increased susceptibility to cholera among malnourished populations. It was observed that severely malnourished adults and children appeared to nave less severe diarrhoea with their cholera, presumably because of reduced mucosal surface area and poor enterocyte function. Finally possible means of aborting cholera epidemics are discussed.  相似文献   

针对湖南省特殊的地理条件、致灾的天气系统、脆弱的生态环境、较低的防洪能力,研究了湖南省城市洪水灾害的主要成因,分析归纳出湖南省城市洪涝灾害的基本特点.在此基础上,根据湖南省城市社会经济可持续发展的需求,提出了洪灾的防治对策.  相似文献   

洪水风险与国内外城市防洪规划实例   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5  
基于洪水风险和脆弱性的概念,介绍了有关国家城市防洪规划的实例,强调了洪水灾害中风险和脆弱性对城市规划的影响。文章最后指出了我国防洪规划应注意的问题。  相似文献   

2003年淮河洪水调度及灾后思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纪冰 《灾害学》2004,19(1):54-57
2003年梅汛期,淮河流域发生了仅次于1954年的大洪水,本文概括了这次淮河汛情特点,总结了安徽各类防洪工程联合调度和科学防控的做法,就洪灾之后的治淮和防洪除涝问题提出了建议与对策.  相似文献   

Flood control and drainage projects in Bangladesh are intended to give protection from main river floods, flash floods in the east and northeast of the country, and saline intrusion in the lower delta and to improve drainage in order to avoid crop damage. While in some cases such projects have had positive results, in many others their benefits have fallen well below expectations. One of the major reasons for the poor performance of projects is embankment failure, brought about by poor planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance. Recommended measures to improve the efficiency of projects include the involvement of local people in the planning and operation of projects, better training of management staff and the allocation of adequate funds for maintenance.  相似文献   

The "Systèmes d'Alerte Précoce" - the SAPs - of Chad and Mali have been in operation since April 1986. Their purpose is to forecast (or more realistically, detect as early as possible) food shortages in the drought-prone areas of each country. They are based on a multidisciplinary strategy, taking into account all relevant phenomena, from meteorology to nutritional status, and are implemented through the governmental networks. The present experience shows that, compared with the devastations due to famine and the cost of emergency food aid, they are not that expensive and they seem sustainable over the long term.
"Faultless" prediction is not yet the rule, but several procedures permit progressive improvement in the ability of the systems to analyse and interpret.
This paper explains the functioning process of the SAPs and presents several operational results. Additionally, it covers innovative concepts that have proved to be successful, such as the "participative information network".  相似文献   

Food security problems should be seen as "normal" in and endemic to subsistence agricultural groups in semi-arid zones of developing countries. Natural, popular response mechanisms exist that address these problems when they are at "normal" levels. All response mechanisms in developing countries can be expected to be swamped in times of a major food emergency. During major crises international relief assistance will continue to play a crucial role. Attempts at imposing centralized, institutional social security systems that address the normal "pockets of need" syndrome will be extremely expensive, not self-sustaining, and prone to failure. In that these efforts may undermine natural response mechanisms and draw scarce resources away from more logical, decentralized relief agencies these efforts may prove dangerously counter-productive.  相似文献   

Humanitarian food assistance aims to meet short‐term emergency needs, yet often it is sustained over many years and develops its own systems and infrastructure that interact with local governance and local communities. This paper explores the links between participation and local governance, as well as the implications for exclusion of certain groups, the dignity of those involved, and protection issues. The paper proposes a framework for reviewing the governance functions and capacities of local Food Relief Committees, based on the following criteria: accountability; gender equity; legitimacy and authority; representativeness; responsiveness; and transparency. A case study of the Darfur region reviews how local governance evolves as a result of both the wider conflict and of adapting to the international humanitarian system, itself a form of governance. The paper concludes by proposing three strategies for enhancing participation and applying lessons learned: improved analysis of participation; linking programming strategies and protection; and taking account of governance functions and capacities.  相似文献   

济南城市防洪现状及对策分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2007年7月18日突然袭击的特大暴雨洪水,给济南市带来特大灾害.分析了造成济南"7.18"洪水的一些原因,论述了目前济南城市防洪的现状,提出了可能采取的应对济南城市防洪问题的一些对策,包括工程及非工程方面的措施.  相似文献   

Helen Young  Musa Adam Ismail 《Disasters》2019,43(Z3):S318-S344
Darfur farming and pastoralist livelihoods are both adaptations to the environmental variability that characterises the region. This article describes this adaptation and the longer‐term transformation of these specialised livelihoods from the perspective of local communities. Over several decades farmers and herders have experienced a continuous stream of climate, conflict and other shocks, which, combined with wider processes of change, have transformed livelihoods and undermined livelihood institutions. Their well‐rehearsed specialist strategies are now combined with new strategies to cope. These responses help people get by in the short term but risk antagonising not only their specialist strategies but also those of others. A combination of factors has undermined the former integration between farming and pastoralism and their livelihood institutions. Efforts to build resilience in similar contexts must take a long‐term view of livelihood adaptation as a specialisation, and consider the implications of new strategies for the continuity and integration of livelihood specialisations.  相似文献   

我国城市防洪排涝安全研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了我国城市防洪排涝的现状以及存在防洪标准偏低、调蓄雨洪能力衰减、防洪排涝技术落后、防洪排涝应急管理体系不完备、城市居民防灾减灾意识淡薄等方面的主要问题,研究提出我国城市防洪排涝管理的总体对策,并分别从工程保障、行政管理、公众参与监督、法规制度、经济调控和科学技术等6个方面提出包括城市防洪排涝工程建设应与城市建设相结合,考虑泄、排和滞蓄并重,强化防洪排涝应急管理,加强科学研究以及通过宣传教育鼓励公众参与监督管理等具体措施.  相似文献   

Walden VM  Lamond EA  Field SA 《Disasters》2005,29(3):213-221
Diarrhoea is one of the five major causes of death in an emergency setting and one of the three main causes of death in children (Curtis and Cairncross, 2003). In June 2004, an outbreak of shigellosis was confirmed in Abou Shouk camp in the Northern Darfur province of Sudan. As water testing showed no contamination, it was assumed that post-collection contamination was happening. The decision was taken to launch a programme of mass disinfection of all water containers in order to break the contamination cycle. Diarrhoea figures from the clinics showed a fall in cases following the cleaning campaign. It is extremely difficult to obtain good and statistically rigorous data in an emergency setting, the priority being to intervene rapidly to prevent further cases of diarrhoea. However, the results do appear to indicate that the disinfection programme has had an impact on the prevalence of bloody and watery diarrhoea.  相似文献   

洪涝灾害后区域水环境中污染物迁移转化控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任丙南  卢海强 《灾害学》2021,(1):28-31,36
洪涝灾害发生后,大量洪水会携带污水与各类垃圾,以及形成的径流冲刷,将导致水体中的污染物明显增加,严重破坏生态环境.以多环芳烃为例进行了洪涝灾害后区域水环境中污染物迁移转化控制研究,分析污染物吸附机理,分别建立吸附动力学方程与等温线模型,确定污染物在挥发去除作用中的速度,计算挥发损失程度;并结合对流作用、分子扩散、放射性...  相似文献   

This paper2 provides a snapshot of the mental health situation in South Sudan between 2013 and 2016, taking account of the personal reflections of both authors who were engaged in mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS)3 programming in the country at this time.4 It begins by presenting an overview of MHPSS activities from this period, including governmental and non‐governmental organisation (NGO) services, and relevant research and coordination mechanisms. It goes on to illustrate the challenges to the provision of support, as well as the overarching structural, governance, and human resource constraints faced by the sector. Finally, recommendations are put forward for improving services and care for people suffering from psychosocial and mental health issues, as well as suggestions for areas of focus in the future. The importance of an integrated, community‐based model is emphasised, and opportunities for organisations engaged in reconciliation efforts and mental health service provision to collaborate are proposed.  相似文献   

李娜  卢培歌  袁雯 《灾害学》2011,26(3):46-51
采用SOBEK软件平台构建平原河网模型,模拟不同情景下河网结构变化对河网削减洪峰能力的影响,尝试找到能够有效调控洪峰的河面率范围和河网结构参数。研究表明,在不改变河面率的情境下,支流的交汇角度小,交汇点在干流上游时河网削减洪峰能力相对较大;在提高河面率的情境下:随河流弯曲度增大调蓄能力增大,当弯曲度为2.8时河流单位面积削减洪峰的能力达到峰值;随河面率增大河网削减洪峰能力增强,但单位河面积削峰效率存在峰值,模拟得出河面率为3%~5%时,单位河面积增量的削峰效率最强;增加支流面积比增大干流面积能更有效地改善河网的调蓄功能。  相似文献   

兰江流域水文动力参数变化与兰江防洪   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文根据钱塘江重要干流兰江的地面蓄水累计曲线SPER、流域入渗曲线Holton公式参数(入渗率f、稳定入渗率fc、入渗比例系数k)、Maskingum指数(流水河段传播时间k、楔蓄系数x)、水位与水量等近30年的抽样数据,分析了兰江流域河槽导流环境、植被条件、土地性质、气象因素的变化,指出了该河段近年来洪水频发的原因,提出了治理建议.  相似文献   

Sørensen E  Dissler K 《Disasters》1988,12(3):274-281
From May to November 1985 most refugee camps in Eastern Sudan were affected by cholera. This article summarizes the experience from the refugee camp Wad Sherife with the emphasis on the practical aspects of management of cholera in a refugee context. Paramedical personnel from the refugee community were used to a great extent both in curative and preventive measures. The home visitors played an important role in the early detection of the cases and in trying to prevent the spread of cholera in the camp. A total of 1793 cases were admitted during a three month period. The results show a case fatality rate of 1.8%. A significantly higher number of women were affected in the age group 15–44. As seen in other refugee camps in Eastern Sudan, there was a relatively high intravenous fluid consumption with an average of about 6 litres in adults.  相似文献   

Rob Kevlihan PhD 《Disasters》2013,37(4):579-603
The impact of conflict, particularly conflict arising during civil wars, on the provision of healthcare is a subject that has not been widely considered in conflict‐related research. Combatants often target health services to weaken or to defeat the enemy, while attempts to maintain or improve health systems also can comprise part of counter‐insurgency ‘hearts‐and‐minds’ strategies. This paper describes the dynamics associated with the provision of health services in Malakal, an important garrison town in South Sudan, during the second Sudanese civil war (1983–2005). Drawing on the concepts of opportunity hoarding and exploitation, it explores the social and political dynamics of service provision in and around the town during the war. These concepts provide a useful lens with which to understand better how health services are affected by conflict, while the empirical case study presented in the paper illustrates dynamics that may be repeated in other contexts. The concepts and case study set out in this paper should prove useful to healthcare providers working in conflict zones, including humanitarian aid agencies and their employees, increasing their understanding of the social and political dynamics that they are likely to face during future conflict‐related complex emergencies.  相似文献   

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