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In 1998 the American Conference for Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) proposed size selective sampling for wood dust based on the inhalable fraction. Thus the proposed threshold limit values (TLVs) require the use of a sampler whose performance matches the inhalable convention. The Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) sampler has shown good agreement with the inhalable convention under controlled conditions, and the Button sampler, developed by the University of Cincinnati, has shown reasonable agreement in at least one laboratory study. The Button sampler has not been previously evaluated under wood working conditions, and the IOM has been shown to sample more mass than expected when compared to the standard closed-face cassette, which may be due to the collection of very large particles in wood working environments. Some projectile particles may be > 100 microm aerodynamic diameter and thus outside the range of the convention. Such particles, if present, can bias the estimates of concentration considerably. This study is part of an on-going research focus into selecting the most appropriate inhalable sampler for use in these industries, and to examine the impact of TLV changes. This study compared gravimetric analyses (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Method 0500) of side-by-side personal samples using the Button, IOM, and 37 mm closed-face cassette (CFC) under field-use conditions. A total of 51 good sample pairs were collected from three wood products industries involved in the manufacturing of cabinets, furniture, and shutters. Paired t-tests were run on each sample pair using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 10. The IOM and the CFC measured statistically different concentrations (p < 0.0005, n = 16). The IOM and Button measured statistically different concentrations (p = 0.020, n = 12). The Button and CFC did not measure statistically different concentrations of wood dust (p = 0.098, n = 23). Sampler ratios for IOM/CFC pairs ranged from 1.19-19 (median 3.35). Sampler ratios for IOM/Button pairs ranged from 0.49-163 (median 3.15). Sampler ratios for CFC/Button pairs ranged from 0.36-27 (median 1.2). In all cases, higher ratios were associated with higher concentrations. The median relative difference between the IOM's and CFC's is in accord with prior field studies in woodworking environments, and, taken together, the data imply a conversion factor greater than the 2.5 normally applied to CFC results to approximate inhalable values, as measured by the IOM. Raising the limit values by approximately 50% appears warranted for this particular situation of inhalable wood dust measured by the IOM. The IOM/Button and CFC/Button ratios were unexpectedly low, which may be due to the exclusion of very large particles, collected by the IOM and CFC samplers. Further work is required to explain these results.  相似文献   

A method has been described previously for determining particle size distributions in the inhalable size range collected by personal samplers for wood dust. In this method, the particles collected by a sampler are removed, suspended, and re-deposited on a mixed cellulose-ester filter, and examined by optical microscopy to determine particle aerodynamic diameters. This method is particularly appropriate to wood-dust particles which are generally large and close to rectangular prisms in shape. The method was used to investigate the differences in total mass found previously in studies of side-by-side sample collection with different sampler types. Over 200 wood-dust samples were collected in three different wood-products industries, using the traditional 37 mm closed-face polystyrene/acrylonitrile cassette (CFC), the Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) inhalable sampler, and the Button sampler developed by the University of Cincinnati. Total mass concentration results from the samplers were found to be in approximately the same ratio as those from traditional long-term gravimetric samples, but about an order of magnitude higher. Investigation of the size distributions revealed several differences between the samplers. The wood dust particulate mass appears to be concentrated in the range 10-70 aerodynamic equivalent diameter (AED), but with a substantial mass contribution from particles larger than 100 microm AED in a significant number of samples. These ultra-large particles were found in 65% of the IOM samples, 42% of the CFC samples and 32% of the Button samples. Where present, particles of this size range dominated the total mass collected, contributing an average 53% (range 10-95%). However, significant differences were still found after removal of the ultra-large particles. In general, the IOM and CFC samplers appeared to operate in accordance with previous laboratory studies, such that they both collected similar quantities of particles at the smaller diameters, up to about 30-40 [micro sign]m AED, after which the CFC collection efficiency was reduced dramatically compared to the IOM. The Button sampler collected significantly less than the IOM at particle sizes between 10.1 and 50 microm AED. The collection efficiency of the Button sampler was significantly different from that of the CFC for particle sizes between 10.1 and 40 microm AED, and the total mass concentration given by the Button sampler was significantly less than that given by the CFC, even in the absence of ultra-large particles. The results are consistent with some relevant laboratory studies.  相似文献   

Automatic samplers are a common method of data collection for numerous monitoring projects in the South Florida region and elsewhere. Although total phosphorus (TP) is the primary parameter of interest within this region, nitrogen species such as ammonia nitrogen (NH4-N), nitrate+nitrite nitrogen (NOx-N), and total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) are also collected and analyzed. Federal and state quality assurance guidelines require nutrient samples to be preserved by acidification with H2SO4 to a pH < 2 and stored immediately at 4 °C. However, the remoteness of manysampling locations in South Florida makes it difficult to supplyelectricity for the refrigeration of samples collected by autosamplers. In addition, the use of propane-powered refrigerated autosamplers is a costly and ineffective solution in the South Florida climate. Consequently, while samples collected at these remote locations are routinely pre-preservedwith acid, they are not cooled to 4 °C for a period fromone to seven days. This study evaluated if a statistically significant difference ( = 0.05) existed between concentrations of nitrogen species from a common source samplethat was either: processed immediately; refrigerated to 4 °C for seven days; or not refrigerated for seven days.In all cases, the collected sample was pre-preserved by adding 1 mL of 50% H2SO4 to each 1 L discrete sample container before each 7 day testing period. Differences in concentrations of the calculated parameter total nitrogen (TN)were also investigated.Analyses using the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test showed no significant differences among the three treatment groups for NOx-N, TKN, TN and TP. Significant differences were observedwhen the NH4-N samples that were processed immediately werepaired with NH4-N samples that were left unrefrigerated or refrigerated for seven days. Information from this study can be used by researchers and managers in evaluating the usefulness of nutrient water quality data that is collected when sample refrigeration is not available.  相似文献   

This research evaluated the UNC passive aerosol sampler as a tool to measure particle mass concentrations and size distributions. The exposure scenario represented high concentrations and exposure periods of a few hours. Mass concentrations measured with the passive sampler were compared to concentrations measured using both a dichotomous sampler and an aerodynamic particle sizer (APS). In addition, the size distributions measured with the passive sampler were compared to those measured using the APS. Mass concentrations measured using the dichotomous sampler and the APS agreed well. The passive sampler tracked, but tended to overestimate, mass concentrations measured by the other two instruments. Size distributions measured with the passive sampler followed the general pattern of those measured using the APS. Overall, the passive sampler demonstrated both its utility and its limitations in these tests. The concentration measurements and size distributions found using passive samplers were more variable than those of the other instruments, but generally followed the data taken using the other methods. The advantages of low cost and ease of use offset the limitations in data quality with the passive sampler; these advantages are particularly welcome for sampling situations where aerosol properties vary over space or time.  相似文献   

The majority of particles that adhere to hands are <63 μm in diameter yet risk assessments for soil remediation are typically based on soil samples sieved to <250 μm. The objective of our study was to determine if there is a significant difference in metal concentration by particle size in both house dust and soil. We obtained indoor dust and yard soil samples from 10 houses in Tucson, Arizona. All samples were sieved to <63 μm and 63 to <150 μm and analyzed for 30 elements via ICP-MS following nitric acid digestion. We conducted t-tests of the log-transformed data to assess for significant differences that were adjusted with a Bonferroni correction to account for multiple comparisons. In house dust, significant differences in concentration were observed for Be, Al, and Mo between particles sizes, with a higher concentration observed in the smaller particle sizes. Significant differences were also determined for Mg, Ca, Cr, Co, Cu, Ge, Zr, Ag, Ba, and Pb concentration in yard soil samples, with the higher concentration observed in the smaller particles size for each element. The results of this exploratory study indicate that current risk assessment practices for soil remediation may under estimate non-dietary ingestion exposure. This is of particular concern for young children who are more vulnerable to this exposure route due to their high hand mouthing frequencies. Additional studies with a greater number of samples and wider geographic distribution with different climates and soil types should be completed to determine the most relevant sampling practices for risk assessment.  相似文献   

A new analytical technique based on DRIFTS spectroscopy has been developed for the specific and sensitive determination of size-fractionated wood dust from 37 mm glass fiber filter samples collected with the Respicon sampler. A translational diffuse reflectance apparatus was modified to accept filter samples by incorporating a special filter holder in the sample stage and a clockwork motor to drive the translational stage during infrared scanning, thus providing an average analysis across the filter face. Filter samples were pre-treated with ethyl acetate to uniformly redeposit dust onto the filter and extract potential chemical interferences. Two absorbance maxima (1251 and 1291 cm(-1)), corresponding to the cellulose content of the wood, were suitable for quantitation of wood dust. Analysis of seven species of wood at 1291 cm(-1) showed an equivalent quantitative response for all species except maple. The response at 1251 cm(-1) was more variable across species but more sensitive for the softwoods. There was a statistically significant effect of particle size on the analytical response, so that analytical standards should be matched to the samples in terms of particle size distribution. Analytical limit of detection was approximately 0.08 mg of wood dust per sample with overall precision of about 6%. Comparison of DRIFTS and gravimetric analyses of 51 pure wood dust samples ranging from about 0.2 to 2 mg yielded a slope of 1.08 and r2 equal to 0.9. Other particulate contaminants common in the industrial wood processing industry showed little or no interference with the determination of wood dust by this method.  相似文献   

Ambient aerosol number concentrations and size distributions were measured in both indoor and outdoor environments using two identical co-located and concurrently operated optical particle counters (OPCs). Indoor measurements were performed in a research laboratory, whereas two different locations were used for outdoor measurements; the sampling duration exceeded 12 hours and one hour respectively. Results from the two OPCs have been presented for eight size classes between 0.5 and 20 [micro sign]m, represented by central value diameters 0.875, 1.5, 2.75, 4.25, 6.25, 8.75, 12.5 and 15 microm. Overall, for the six indoor and outdoor experiments conducted at different times of day, the mean particle count ratios from the two OPCs for the individual samples showed +/-20% variation for indoor experiments and +/-50% variations for outdoor experiments. Significant random departures of the mean ratios from unity at all size classes were noticed even for indoor sample periods exceeding 20 hours. However, the coefficient of determination (R(2)) for the plots of readings from the two OPCs indicated higher consistency for "fine" particles (0.5-3.5 microm) than for "coarse" particles (10-20 microm), with average R(2) > 0.8 and R(2) < 0.5 respectively. Poisson counting statistics help to explain the divergence in the latter case where number concentrations were very low for the outdoor experiments. However, it cannot explain the divergence for indoor measurements where the concentrations were much higher. Increasing the averaging period reduced the scatter, especially in size classes with low number concentration. However, this procedure may lead to over-smoothing of data for environments with rapidly changing number concentration. These results indicate that, when two such analysers are used for comparative studies, the divergence between their responses may generate significant values of source contribution or deposition flux, even for nominally similar aerosol populations.  相似文献   

Phthalates are found in numerous consumer products, including interior materials like polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Several studies have identified phthalates in indoor air. A recent case-control study demonstrated associations between allergic symptoms in children and the concentration of phthalates in dust collected from their homes. Here we have analyzed the content of selected phthalates in particulate matter (PM): PM(10) and PM(2.5) filter samples collected in 14 different indoor environments. The results showed the presence of the phthalates di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP), butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP), dicyclohexyl phthalate (DCHP) and diethyl hexyl phthalate (DEHP) in the samples. The dominating phthalate in both PM(10) and PM(2.5) samples from all locations was DBP. More than a 10-fold variation in the mean concentration of total phthalates between sampling sites was observed. The highest levels of total phthalates were detected in one children's room, one kindergarten, in two primary schools, and in a computer room. The relative contribution of total phthalates in PM(10) and PM(2.5) was 1.1 +/- 0.3% for both size fractions. The contribution of total phthalates in PM(2.5) to total phthalates in PM(10) ranged from 23-81%, suggesting different sources. Of the phthalates that were analyzed in the PM material, DBP was found to be the major phthalate in rubber from car tyres. However, our analyses indicate that tyre wear was of minor importance for indoor levels of both DBP as well as total phthalates. Overall, these results support the notion that inhalation of indoor PM contributes to the total phthalate exposure.  相似文献   

乙酰丙酮荧光分光光度法测定环境空气中的微量甲醛   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
建立了乙酰丙酮荧光分光光度法测定空气中微量甲醛的方法,选择了最佳实验条件,考察了多种共存物的影响及最大允许量.该方法最低检出限为0.0034μg/ml,相对标准偏差为5.6%,测定空气中甲醛的最低浓度为0.0057mg/m3,可满足室内外环境空气中甲醛本底及受甲醛污染环境的监测.  相似文献   

Two types of passive sampler were developed for the long-term monitoring of semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs) in air. They consist of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS)-coated stir bars (type A) or silicone tubing (type B), acting as a solid receiving medium, enclosed in a heat-sealed low-density polyethylene (LDPE) membrane. These samplers combine the advantages of integrative passive sampling with those of analysing accumulated analytes by thermodesorption-GC-MS, whilst avoiding the use of solvents and expensive sample preparation and cleanup steps. The performance of these samplers was investigated for the integrative sampling of SOCs, including alpha- and gamma-hexachlorocyclohexanes, hexachlorobenzene, 2,4,4'-trichlorobiphenyl, 2,2',5,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl and fluoranthene, in laboratory exposure experiments under controlled conditions. For both types of sampler, the uptake of all the analytes investigated was linear over an exposure period of 15 days. The sampling rates calculated ranged from 70 to 320 ml h(-1) (sampler A) and 630 to 4300 ml h(-1) (sampler B). The passive samplers are able to detect low time-weighted average air concentrations in the pg m(-3) range. The small, robust and inexpensive sampling devices were tested successfully for the long-term air monitoring of semivolatile organic pollutants in a polluted area over an exposure period of up to 28 days.  相似文献   

Street dust has been sampled from six different types of land use of the city of Murcia (Spain). The samples were fractionated into eleven particle size fractions (<2, 2-10, 10-20, 20-50, 50-75, 75-106, 106-150, 150-180, 180-425, 425-850 μm and 850-2000 μm) and analyzed for Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd. The concentrations of these four potentially toxic metals were assessed, as well as the effect of particle size on their distribution. A severe enrichment of all metals was observed for all land-uses (industrial, suburban, urban and highways), with the concentration of all metals affected by the type of land-use. Coarse and fine particles in all cases showed concentrations of metals higher than those found in undisturbed areas. However, the results indicated a preferential partitioning of metals in fine particle size fractions in all cases, following a logarithmic distribution. The accumulation in the fine fractions was higher when the metals had an anthropogenic origin. The strong overrepresentation of metals in particles <10 μm indicates that if the finest fractions are removed by a vacuum-assisted dry sweeper or a regenerative-air sweeper the risk of metal dispersion and its consequent risk for humans will be highly reduced. Therefore, we recommend that risk assessment programs include monitoring of metal concentrations in dust where each land-use is separately evaluated. The finest particle fractions should be examined explicitly in order to apply the most efficient measures for reducing the risk of inhalation and ingestion of dust for humans and risk for the environment.  相似文献   

In the frame of assessing exposure to nanostructured particles, the aim of this work is to study the performance of a new device devoted to the real-time measurement of nanostructured aerosol: the meDiSC (Diffusion Size Classifier, Matter Engineering, Switzerland). This instrument is based on unipolar diffusion charging of particles which are then collected successively in diffusion and filtration stages. From currents measured in these stages, the instrument is capable of determining aerosol mean size and number concentration. These data were compared to reference measurements regarding monodisperse aerosols in a range from 20 to 700 nm; the relative biases were found unsatisfying. This led us to investigate the principle of the instrument. Consequently, the charging law of the diffusion charger was experimentally established, as well as the calibration curve allowing the determination of the mean size of the particles. The latter analysis was completed by a model based on diffusion theory. Our results indicate the possibility to improve the range of size measurement up to 350 nm. Measured particle size and number concentration were also used to calculate geometric surface-area concentration; the experimental data were compared to a reference calculated surface-area concentration. The results demonstrate the possibility to evaluate this parameter within acceptable uncertainty. In a second step, the meDiSC was challenged with polydisperse aerosols. It was observed that meDiSC overestimates particle size by a factor 1.7, while particle number concentrations are found within ±40% of the reference. The model applied to polydisperse aerosols indicates that polydispersity little influences particle size up to 300 nm while geometric standard deviation remains below 1.7.  相似文献   

The need to determine occupational exposure to bioaerosols has notably increased in the past decade, especially for microbiology-related workplaces and laboratories. Recently, two new cyclone-based personal bioaerosol samplers were developed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) in the USA and the Research Center for Toxicology and Hygienic Regulation of Biopreparations (RCT & HRB) in Russia to monitor bioaerosol exposure in the workplace. Here, a series of wind tunnel experiments were carried out to evaluate the physical sampling performance of these two samplers in moving air conditions, which could provide information for personal biological monitoring in a moving air environment. The experiments were conducted in a small wind tunnel facility using three wind speeds (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 m s(-1)) and three sampling orientations (0°, 90°, and 180°) with respect to the wind direction. Monodispersed particles ranging from 0.5 to 10 μm were employed as the test aerosols. The evaluation of the physical sampling performance was focused on the aspiration efficiency and capture efficiency of the two samplers. The test results showed that the orientation-averaged aspiration efficiencies of the two samplers closely agreed with the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) inhalable convention within the particle sizes used in the evaluation tests, and the effect of the wind speed on the aspiration efficiency was found negligible. The capture efficiencies of these two samplers ranged from 70% to 80%. These data offer important information on the insight into the physical sampling characteristics of the two test samplers.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for biomonitoring of occupational wood dust exposure based on nasal lavage as a biomonitoring matrix was developed. Gallic acid (GA) was chosen as the indicator compound for oak dust exposure. From the chromatographic profile of ash dust, four peaks were chosen as indicator compounds. Phenolic indicator compounds were analysed by HPLC. Personal dust samples and corresponding nasal lavage samples were collected from 16 workers exposed to oak dust and six to ash dust. The dust concentrations in the workers' breathing zone varied between 0.7 and 13.8 mg m(-3). The indicators revealed the nature of the wood dust inhaled. For the workers who did not use respirators, the correlation between the dust and corresponding indicator compound in their nasal lavage was significant; r2 = 0.59 (n = 12) for oak dust and r2 = 0.58 (n = 6) for ash dust, respectively. Further, the correlation for oak dust workers who used respirators was r = 0.67 (n = 4). Nasal lavage sampling and HPLC analysis of polyphenol indicator compounds are promising tools for measuring wood dust exposure. Although further validation is necessary, determination of the individual dose may prove invaluable in prospective epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

建立了扩散吸附管采样,热脱附仪和气相色谱联用测定室内空气中BTEX的监测分析方法,方法的最低检出限为0.0002mg/m3。该方法使用方便、便于携带、无需电源,且与传统的泵采样方法具有较好的可比性,适合于室内空气中BTEX的监测。  相似文献   

This study presents an evaluation of the extent of differences between measurements performed by O(3) and NO(2) diffusive samplers and by the reference methods for diffusive samplers commercially available. The tests were performed in an exposure chamber under extreme conditions of controlling factors and under field conditions. For NO(2), the results of the laboratory experiments showed that most of the diffusive samplers were affected by extreme exposure conditions. The agreement between the samplers and the reference method was better for the field tests than for the laboratory ones. The estimate of the uptake rate for the exposure conditions using a model equation improved the agreement between the diffusive samplers and the reference methods. The agreement between O(3) measured by the diffusive samplers and by the reference method was satisfactory for 1-week exposure. For 8-hour exposures, the diffusive samplers with high uptake rates quantified better the O(3) concentration than the samplers with low uptake rates. As for NO(2), the results of the O(3) field tests were in better agreement with the reference method than the ones of the laboratory tests. The field tests showed that the majority of diffusive samplers fulfils the 25% uncertainty requirement of the NO(2) European Directive and the 30% uncertainty requirement of the O(3) European Directive for 1-week exposure.  相似文献   

通过对大气二氧化硫采样平行双样相对偏差变化规律的分析,证明了用平行双样控制大气二氧化硫采样样品的质量是可行的,并确定了平行双样相对偏差的控制指标,为大气二氧化硫采样的质量控制提供了可靠的依据  相似文献   

A summertime study of the number concentration and the size distribution of combustion derived nanometre sized particles (termed nanoparticles) from diesel and spark-ignition (SI) engine emissions were made under rush-hour and free-flow traffic conditions at an urban roadside location in Leeds, UK in July 2003. The measured total particle number concentrations (N(TOTAL)) were of the order 1.8 x 10(4) to 3.4 x 10(4) cm(-3), and tended to follow the diurnal traffic flow patterns. The N(TOTAL) was dominated by particles < or =100 nm in diameter which accounted for between 89-93% of the measured particle number. By use of a log-normal fitting procedure, the modal parameters of the number based particle size distribution of urban airborne particulates were derived from the roadside measurements. Four component modes were identified. Two nucleation modes were found, with a smaller, more minor, mode composed principally of sub-11 nm particles, believed to be derived from particles formed from the nucleation of gaseous species in the atmosphere. A second mode, much larger in terms of number, was composed of particles within the size range of 10-20 nm. This second mode was believed to be principally derived from the condensation of the unburned fuel and lube oil (the solvent organic fraction or SOF) as it cooled on leaving the engine exhaust. Third and fourth modes were noted within the size ranges of 28-65 nm and 100-160 nm, respectively. The third mode was believed to be representative of internally mixed Aitken mode particles composed of a soot/ash core with an adsorbed layer of readily volatilisable material. The fourth mode was believed to be composed of chemically aged, secondary particles. The larger nucleation and Aitken modes accounted for between 80-90% of the measured N(TOTAL), and the particles in these modes were believed to be derived from SI and diesel engine emissions. The overall size distribution, particularly in modes II-IV, was observed to be strongly related to the number of primary particle emissions, with larger count median diameters observed under conditions where low numbers of primary soot based particles were present.  相似文献   

A study of the equivalence to the reference methods of the Radiello samplers for ozone (O(3)) and benzene as well as the membrane-closed Palmes tube (MCPT) for nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)) is presented. These samplers benefit from new model equations capable of estimating their uptake rate. For O(3), the aim here was to demonstrate the equivalence for the reference period of 8 h and 120 microg m(-3), the target value of the 3rd European Daughter Directive. For benzene, the demonstration of equivalence to the annual limit value of 5 microg m(-3) of the 2nd European Daughter Directive was examined. In the case of NO(2), the equivalence to the annual limit value of the 1st European Daughter Directive (40 microg m(-3)) was considered. Results show that the radial sampler for O(3) fails to meet the Data Quality Objective (DQO) for continuous monitoring. However, with an expanded uncertainty of less than 30%, the O(3) diffusive sampler fulfils the DQO for indicative measurements. For benzene, the Radiello sampler exposed for 7 days gave satisfying results showing the ability of the sampler to meet the DQO of the reference method. Nevertheless, the field tests should be complemented by measurements for a wider range of benzene concentrations. In the case of NO(2), all the results of the laboratory and field experiments respected the requirements necessary for the demonstration of equivalence. Overall, these findings thus show that the Radiello sampler and the MCPT are equivalent to the reference methods only for assessment of benzene and NO(2), respectively.  相似文献   

The effect of various types of cement dust on the behaviour of sulphur dioxide in the air was investigated on model systems in different experimental conditions.Experiments were carried out with PC-15z-45s (Portland-blast furnace cement containing 15% blast furnace slag), PC-25p-35s (Portland-pozzolan cement containing 25% pozzolan) and EFD (electrofilter dust).EFD most effectively removed SO2 from the air stream. The next efficacious was PC-15z-45s, whereas PC-25p-35s was the least efficient. The efficacy of cement dusts for SO2 removal from the air stream depended on their chemical and granulometric composition and in particular on the size of specific surface.The rate of reaction was also influenced by experimental conditions—relative humidity, the length of contact, that is, the flow rate of gaseous mixture through the reactor, and the amount of cement dust.The experimental data show that in the contact between SO2 and cement dust catalytic oxidation of SO2 to sulphates takes place. Sulphates remain bound to the surface, from which they cannot be thermally desorbed, but can be released by extraction in the Soxhlet apparatus.  相似文献   

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