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中国东部地区农业环境-经济系统耦合度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东部地区农业污染已成为我国最为严重的环境问题之一,该研究对于推进与环境相协调的区域可持续发展实践、"建设美丽乡村"具有战略指导意义。首先建构了农业环境-经济系统耦合模型及耦合度评价类型;然后基于环境压力水平、强度等方面农业污染风险评价指标,以及农业经济水平、强度等方面农业经济系统评价指标,运用因子分析法实证研究东部地区农业环境-经济系统耦合及其空间格局。东部地区农业环境-经济耦合空间发展不平衡,大致可划分为5大类型区,农业污染风险高且环境-经济耦合度较差的地区主要在冀北、冀南地区,鲁西北、鲁南地区,苏北地区、闽南地区及粤西地区等,这可为具有地域特色的农业环境-经济协调发展提供决策依据。  相似文献   

资源-环境-经济系统协调发展策略研究 --以山东省为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
缓解资源与环境问题对经济社会发展的瓶颈制约是关系全局的战略课题。本文从现代化建设的实际出发。分析了山东省经济、资源、环境协调发展的主要问题。提出了21世纪山东省经济、资源、环境协调发展的目标任务和政策措施。  相似文献   

环境经济系统整合模型的研究将环境的、经济的、社会的因素整合在可持续发展框架中.模拟、分析经济系统与环境系统之闻的相互作用和反馈关系。本文在分析环境经济系统整合模型构建的背景、理论与方法的基础上.设计了环境经济系统整合模型开发的技术路线.提出了环境经济系统整合模型的主要内容。  相似文献   

运用系统工程方法和大系统理论,分析区域性森林资源-环境-经济复合大系统(FREES)的结构与原理。在可持续发展的总体要求下,将森林资源、森林环境和林业经济三个子系统作为一个有机整体,构建基于ε-约束法的多目标优化模型,以及包含各子系统的目标函数模型、约束条件模型和关联模型在内的FREES大系统分解-协调优化模型。然后,将该模型用于江苏省FREES可持续发展优化问题,得出了具有实际指导意义的最优方案。  相似文献   

本文分析了关于企业发展的两种观点:企业环境决定论和企业资源决定论;提出了实现企业发展的“环境-资源”平衡战略的理念;为了达到企业环境与资源两者的整合和平衡,保持持续竞争优势,企业应以创新为核心,确立核心业务,重视组织的学习,作为一种特殊的企业资源,企业家精神和能力对企业的生存和发展起着重要作用。  相似文献   

深圳市经济与环境协调发展的演进分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
经济与环境的协调发展是实现可持续发展的重要途径。以深圳地区为例。通过指标体系和评价基础构建、评价方法论证及实证研究等环节。对深圳市过去15年社会经济子系绫和资源环境子系统的发展水平及其协调发展程度的演进特征进行了研究。结果表明,协调性评价可以有效的揭示各种关键性发展问题。为相关政策制定提供科学依据;深圳市目前的社会经济发展和资源环境利用与保护工作均相对走在了全国的前列。基本满足了生态市建设的要求;今后,激活高端服务业发展步伐。采取更为严格的资源环境标准约束社会经济发展和城市建设。将成为实现地区可持续发展的主要任务。  相似文献   

资源环境生态经济价值综论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在回顾经济学资源环境观的基础上 ,系统分析了资源环境生态经济价值的内涵 ;并进一步对生态学、环境经济学与可持续发展等相关研究进行分析和总结。  相似文献   

生态经济观是实现资源与环境良性循环的理论依据   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文根据资源与环境的对立统一规律,探讨了生态经济生产观、需求观和价值观的内容,从而揭示出生态经济观是实现资源与环境良性循环的理论依据。  相似文献   

分析了当代中国环境资源法学研究的发展概况。介绍了当代中国环境资源法学研究的主要领域,总结了当代中国环境资源法学研究的经验和特点,提出了今后中国环境资源法学研究的主要问题。  相似文献   

在经济和城市快速发展过程中,资源环境对经济增长和城市化进程的约束越来越凸显.本文正是基于这种背景,研究了有限资源环境对城市化进程的阻碍大小,即城市化进程中资源环境"尾效".首先通过内生增长理论构建资源环境对经济增长的"尾效"模型,再利用经济增长与城市化水平之间的半对数关系推导出城市化进程中资源环境"尾效"模型,然后以江西省为例对其城市化进程中的资源环境"尾效"进行实证分析.计量发现土地、能源、水资源和环境污染对江西省城市化进程的"尾效"大小分别为0.017 678 315,0.114 909 279,0.005 050 95和0.0214 665 3.可见,能源对城市化进程的阻尼作用是最为显著的,其次分别是环境污染、土地和水资源.显然,只有大力提高能源等资源的利用率,将生产方式转移到依靠技术进步上来,并且着力提高人们的节约和保护资源环境意识,江西省城市化才能走上可持续发展的道路.  相似文献   

运用主成分与聚类分析相结合的方法,根据《甘肃省城镇体系规划和城镇基础设施报告(2003)》,《中国优秀旅游城市检查标准》。甘肃省旅游局2004年对国内游客的抽样调查数据(2004),以及对甘肃省主要城市基础设施、社会经济发展等方面28项指标进行的主成分——因子聚类分析综合评价结果,得出主要城市的体系与功能评价,初步探讨甘肃省旅游城市体系,根据结果初步得出,甘肃省旅游城市体系分为,国际旅游城市——敦煌,省内一级旅游中心城市——兰州,省内二级旅游中心城市以及省内三级旅游中心城市和地方旅游中心城镇,并为各个城市的城市旅游形象和城市旅游标识体系,旅游城市的发展方向等进行了概念性规划。  相似文献   

Chinese and American scientists are co-operating to develop concepts, strategies, agreements, and proposals in support of an economic development and sustainable ecosystems project in Yunnan Province, People's Republic of China. Yunnan's Provincial Government has initiated a major programme to develop and further utilise its biological resources to help improve economic conditions for its citizens. They are co-operating with the US Geological Survey (USGS) on evaluation and management of biological resources so economic development will be compatible with sustainable ecological systems. Scientists from the USGS and co-operating universities will provide expertise on synthesising biological data, conducting a Gap Analysis for the Province, evaluating innovative economic opportunities, and designing an effective education, training, and outreach programme.  相似文献   

基于生态足迹模型中国可持续发展动态分析   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
在介绍生态足迹模型的基本概念、计算方法和研究进展的基础上。对中国历年的生态足迹进行了实证研究。结果表明:从1981-2001年,中国人均生态承载力比较稳定。人均生态足迹从1981年到1996年逐步上升,1997年开始小幅度下降。本文对中国生态足迹时间序列的研究分析表明若要改变长期的不可持续发展状态,就要降低人口数量。改变资源消费模式和消费结构。  相似文献   

基于IPAT等式的甘肃省用水影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将经典的IPAT等式扩展为包含人口、富裕程度、用水强度和产业结构4种影响因素的用水分析等式;并利用结构分解模型,将4种影响因素对总用水量变化的贡献分解开,得到不同因素对用水变化的影响.利用模型对1999-2008年甘肃省用水状况进行了实证分析,结果表明:富裕程度对用水量的增加效应最大,最高为2003-2004年(21.07×108m3);而人口变化对用水量的增加效应相对较小,均小于1×108m3;尽管用水效率的提高和产业结构的变化都减少用水量,但产业结构变化对用水量变化的贡献比用水效率的贡献小;此外,单纯地提高用水效率或调整产业结构,并不能保证在环境约束下实现社会经济的发展.因此,随着人口和经济规模的不断扩大,为了满足人民群众不断增长的需求,不仅要从提高用水效率、调整产业结构出发,实现水资源的高效优化配置;更重要的是调整发展思路,摆正人和自然的位置,才能真正实现人和自然的和谐发展.  相似文献   

陕北地区土地利用与生态承载力动态变化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了陕北地区2003-2007年土地利用类型结构、动态度、程度以及生态承载力的时空动态变化,并采用回归分析方法研究了陕北地区延安市、榆林市土地利用程度与人均生态承载力的关系。结果表明,陕北地区耕地、牧草地、未利用土地面积总量及其比例减小,园地、林地、居民点及工矿用地、交通用地、水域面积增加;土地利用程度不断降低,总生态承载力和人均生态承载力逐年递减。论文还分析讨论了土地利用动态变化对生态承载力的影响以及相应的对策建议等问题。  相似文献   

湖北省洪湖市生态足迹与水足迹动态分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了分析洪湖市的可持续发展情况,本文运用生态足迹法计算了洪湖市2000~2007年的生态足迹和生态承载力,同时基于生态足迹理论,运用水足迹模型,计算了洪湖市的水足迹.结果表明,洪湖市的人均生态足迹呈整体上升趋势,由1.450 8hm2攀升到2.022 3 hm2,8年间增长近40%,其中能源用地和耕地生态足迹的贡献率最大;人均生态承载力变化不大,稍有下降趋势.2000-2007年洪湖市均表现为生态赤字,且随着生态足迹的不断增大,生态赤字逐渐加大,2007年人均生态赤字达1.373 hm2,表明生产、生活强度已超过生态系统的承载能力,区域生态系统处于人类的过度开发利用和压力之下,洪湖市处于不可持续发展状态.8年间洪湖市水足迹变化不大,2007年为1 399 m3/a,高于全国平均水平,在国内属于水资源丰富型城市.  相似文献   


Land degradation and desertification have become severe environmental problems in arid areas due to excessive use of water resources. It is urgent to reduce agricultural water use for ecological rehabilitation, which may result in a decrease in agricultural production and farmer’s welfare. This paper focused on the impacts of some main measures including extensions of water-saving irrigation, expanding solar green house and increasing off-farm employment, which are generally recognized to be important to alleviate water shortage and poverty. A bio-economic model is applied taking Minqin Oasis in Gansu Province as a case study site. Simulation results showed that the effect of expanding solar greenhouse was more positive than other ones so it drew more attention. On the view of the different effects between each irrigation zone, mixed policy patterns suitable for them are suggested. In Baqu, expanding solar greenhouse should be the most important, auxiliary with encouraging pipe irrigation. Inversely, with regard to Quanshan, the major attention should be paid to subsidy for pipe irrigation and it would be better to supply the off-farm employment opportunities to the households in Huqu, where the expanding of solar greenhouse should also be summoned. Finally, it should be noted that farmer’s income would only resume to 90% of the current level in the short run by putting more effort into local policies. Thus, the ecological compensation is needed to ensure farmer’s welfare.  相似文献   

Land degradation and desertification have become severe environmental problems in arid areas due to excessive use of water resources. It is urgent to reduce agricultural water use for ecological rehabilitation, which may result in a decrease in agricultural production and farmer's welfare. This paper focused on the impacts of some main measures including extensions of watersaving irrigation, expanding solar green house and increasing off-farm employment, which are generally recognized to be important to alleviate water shortage and poverty. A bioconomic model is applied taking Minqin Oasis in Gansu Province as a case study site. Simulation results showed that the effect of expanding solar greenhouse was more positive than other ones so it drew more attention. On the view of the different effects between each irrigation zone, mixed policy patterns suitable for them are suggested. In Baqu, expanding solar greenhouse should be the most important, auxiliary with encouraging pipe irrigation. Inversely, with regard to Quanshan, the major attention should be paid to subsidy for pipe irrigation and it would be better to supply the off-farm employment opportunities to the households in Huqu, where the expanding of solar greenhouse should also be summoned. Finally, it should be noted that farmer's income would only resume to 90% of the current level in the short run by putting more effort into local policies. Thus, the ecological compensation is needed to ensure farmer's welfare.  相似文献   


Due to the increasingly serious environmental pollution and destruction, especially humans’ unreasonable activities, the ecological and economic system (EES) issues of Northwest region in China have attracted more and more attention of the researchers. Aiming at evaluating its ecological and economic system health, a multi-objective evaluation framework called Pressure- State-Response (PSR) was established to describe the ecological and economic health situations. Meanwhile, an integrative set pair model combining set pair analysis (SPA) and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) was proposed to assess the ecological and economic system. Then the EES status of five northwest provinces (Shanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia and Xinjiang) of Northwest region in China was evaluated during 1985 to 2009. The EES development trends of five provinces are obtained. In general, the health values of five provinces showed a rising trend. The health values of five provinces grew rapidly during 1985 to 2000. After 2000, the health values of five provinces still followed the present growth trend, but the growth is relatively smooth. The results show that the method proposed is effective for assessing the health of ecological and economic system.  相似文献   

Due to the increasingly serious environmental pollution and destruction,especially humans’ unreasonable activities,the ecological and economic system(EES) issues of Northwest region in China have attracted more and more attention of the researchers.Aiming at evaluating its ecological and economic system health,a multi-objective evaluation framework called PressureState-Response(PSR) was established to describe the ecological and economic health situations.Meanwhile,an integrative set pair model combining set pair analysis(SPA) and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process(FAHP) was proposed to assess the ecological and economic system.Then the EES status of five northwest provinces(Shanxi,Gansu,Qinghai,Ningxia and Xinjiang) of Northwest region in China was evaluated during 1985 to 2009.The EES development trends of five provinces are obtained.In general,the health values of five provinces showed a rising trend.The health values of five provinces grew rapidly during 1985 to 2000.After 2000,the health values of five provinces still followed the present growth trend,but the growth is relatively smooth.The results show that the method proposed is effective for assessing the health of ecological and economic system.  相似文献   

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