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牡蛎和贻贝中二噁英及多氯联苯同类物的分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用同位素稀释、高分辨气相色谱-高分辨质谱联用仪,首次测定了大连湾牡蛎和贻贝等海洋生物体内痕量的二噁英和多氯联苯,并比较了二噁英及多氯联苯的同类物在牡蛎和贻贝中的含量分布。结果表明,所采集的牡蛎和贻贝样品中均含有二噁英和多氯联苯,且多氯联苯的含量明显高于二噁英,反映出环境中多氯联苯背景值大于二噁英的背景值。其中,牡蛎和贻贝中二噁英总质量分数平均值分别为47.8pg/g和216pg/g(以干物质计),毒性当量平均值分别为O.89pg/g和0.87pg/g;12种有毒性的共平面多氯联苯的总质量分数平均值分别为585.5pg/g和818.6pg/g,总毒性当量平均值分别为0.47pg/g和1.18pg/g。牡蛎和贻贝样品中的二噁英及多氯联苯的同类物含量分布基本类似,表明二者摄取的二噁英及多氯联苯可能有相似的来源。可以把牡蛎和贻贝作为生物标志物,以监测海洋环境中二噁英和多氯联苯的污染状况。  相似文献   

Using a pressurized temperature gradient, which rapidly equilibrates bacteria to a wide range of temperature and pressures, temperature ranges for growth and survival of Vibrio harveyi (strain B 392) were found to narrow with increasing pressures. Both temperature and pressure ranges were greater in an enriched seawater medium than in unenriched seawater. Using a kinetics apparatus, V. harveyi was also exposed to gradual changes in temperature and pressure, simulating a particle sinking at approximately 200 m d-1 from surface waters (17 °C; 1 bar pressure) to 3 400 m (4°C; 340 bars pressure). With gradual temperature changes, cells were able to grow and survive at lower temperatures than they had in rapid equilibration experiments. Gradual pressurization, however, did not increase pressure tolerance. Under all experimental conditions, the combined effects of low temperatures and high pressures were lethal for V. harveyi. It is hypothesized that temperature and pressure stratify the ocean into regions of growth, survival, and death for V. harveyi, and perhaps other bacteria.  相似文献   

Mussels have been widely used as bioindicators of coastal contamination, and recent reports have demonstrated that metals are accumulated from both the dissolved phase and from ingested food. In the winter and spring of 1995, we examined the influence of the chemical composition of food (protein content, trace element concentrations and ratios in the diatom Thalassiosira pseudomana) on the assimilation of six trace elements (Ag, Am, Cd, Co, Se and Zn) in the mussel Mytilus edulis (L.). Differences of up to 38% in diatom protein content had no major influence on the assimilation of any trace element or carbon. Protein assimilation in M. edulis examined with a 35S radiotracer was also independent of protein content in the diatoms. Similarly, Se assimilation in mussels was not affected by the different Se concentrations in the diatoms. Cd assimilation increased with increasing Cd concentration, presumably due to higher desorption of Cd under acidic conditions typical of the mussel gut. Zn assimilation was inversely related to Zn concentration in the food particles, implying a partial regulation of this metal in the mussels. There was no evidence of any interaction of Cd and Zn in their assimilation by the mussels. These results suggest that mussels are highly responsive, in an element-specific way, to some components of ingested food (e.g., metal concentration), but other food components (such as the biochemical composition of the algae) have little effect on assimilation.  相似文献   

A flume system and protocol for measuring the filtration rate of infaunal bivalves is described. Assemblages of multi-sized clams, at natural densities and in normal filter-feeding positions, removed phytoplankton suspended in a unidirectional flow of water. The free-stream velocity and friction velocity of the flow, and bottom roughness height were similar to those in natural estuarine waters. Continuous variations in phytoplankton (Chroomonas salinay) cell density were used to measure the filtration rate of the suspension-feeding clam Potamocorbula amurensis for periods of 2 to 28 h. Filtration rates of P. amurensis varied from 100 to 580 liters (gd)-1 over a free-stream velocity range of 9 to 25 cm s-1. Phytoplankton loss rates were usually constant throughout the experiments. Our results suggest that suspension-feeding by infaunal bivalves is sensitive to flow velocity.  相似文献   

Voluminous stockpiles of phosphogypsum (PG) generated during the wet process production of phosphoric acid are stored at many sites around the world and pose problems for their safe storage, disposal, or utilization. A major concern is the elevated concentration of long-lived 226Ra (half-life = 1,600 years) inherited from the processed phosphate rock. Knowledge of the abundance and mode-of-occurrence of radium (Ra) in PG is critical for accurate prediction of Ra leachability and radon (Rn) emanation, and for prediction of radiation-exposure pathways to workers and to the public. The mean (±SD) of 226Ra concentrations in ten samples of Jordan PG is 601 ± 98 Bq/kg, which falls near the midrange of values reported for PG samples collected worldwide. Jordan PG generally shows no analytically significant enrichment (<10%) of 226Ra in the finer (<53 μm) grain size fraction. Phosphogypsum samples collected from two industrial sites with different sources of phosphate rock feedstock show consistent differences in concentration of 226Ra and rare earth elements, and also consistent trends of enrichment in these elements with increasing age of PG. Water-insoluble residues from Jordan PG constitute <10% of PG mass but contain 30–65% of the 226Ra. 226Ra correlates closely with Ba in the water-insoluble residues. Uniformly tiny (<10 μm) grains of barite (barium sulfate) observed with scanning electron microscopy have crystal morphologies that indicate their formation during the wet process. Barite is a well-documented and efficient scavenger of Ra from solution and is also very insoluble in water and mineral acids. Radium-bearing barite in PG influences the environmental mobility of radium and the radiation-exposure pathways near PG stockpiles.  相似文献   

Baseline concentrations together with biological variations of 29 trace elements (Ag, As, Au, Ba, Br, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, I, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sm, Sr, Tb, Th, Yb, Zn and Zr) were investigated in the brown alga, Sargassum filipendula collected from the western coast of Sri Lanka. Several elements (Co, Cr, Fe, Hf, Ni, Sc, Se, Th, Zr and the rare earth elements) were found to be enriched in S. filipendula compared to NIES No. 9 Sargasso reference material. Concentration of strontium in S. filipendula was highest at all sites. Chemical abundance of the rare earth elements decreased approximately linearly with increasing atomic numbers. The pattern of elemental distribution appears to be due to the fact that S. filipendula seems capable of concentrating high levels of trace elements under conditions of their very low availability in sea water. Concentration factors for elements in S. filipendula lie in a higher range compared with those reported in the literaure for brown algae.  相似文献   

Contemporary research on bivalve suspension-feeding has revealed a diversity of particle processing mechanisms depending on the anatomy and functioning of the pallial organs involved. On the biochemical level, however, some evidence of homogeneity has emerged concerning the types of mucopolysaccharide associated with particle processing. The present study uses both previous data and original research combining video endoscopy and mucocyte mapping to further explore the relationships between pallial organ topography, functional correlates, direction of current flow, and mucocyte secretion type. Five species representing five different families and all four major gill types are represented: Mytilus edulis, Placopecten magellanicus, Crassostrea virginica, Mya arenaria, and Spisula solidissima. Viscous acid or acid-dominant mucopolysaccharides are used when particle transport occurs on an exposed surface, or on a structure leading directly to such a surface, counter to the prevailing current flow. Associated functions are indiscriminate transport in gill ventral particle grooves and rejection of pseudofeces. Lower-viscosity mixed mucopolysaccharides are used when particle transport is on an enclosed or semi-enclosed surface, leading to other such surfaces, and with the current flow. Associated functions are transport of particles destined for ingestion, and ingestion itself. Low-viscosity neutral mucopolysaccharides are found in regions where reduction of mucus viscosity is important, such as the areas of the labial palps responsible for fluidization of the high-viscosity mucus-particle cord of the gill ventral particle groove prior to particle extraction. There thus appears to be a specialization of mucus type corresponding to functional specialization of the various pallial organs in suspension-feeding marine bivalves. Received: 10 October 1996 / Accepted: 7 May 1997  相似文献   

Patterns of nine intracellular free amino acids (FAA), which are utilized as organic osmolytes for salinity-induced cell volume regulation in marine osmoconformers, were compared in five Macoma balthica populations and seven Mytilus spp. populations along their European distribution. Three types of FAA patterns were classified within both taxa: a northern Baltic type, a southern Baltic type and an Atlantic/Mediterranean type which mainly differ regarding the share of alanine and taurine. Differences are discussed in relation to habitat salinity and population genetics. Along a salinity gradient, the total size of the intracellular FAA pool did not differ between sympatric M. balthica and Mytilus spp., and was significantly correlated with habitat osmolality in a range from 70 to 600 mmol kg−1 H2O (oligohaline to mesohaline) in both bivalves. In M. balthica, this correlation was mainly based on significant correlations of alanine (15–100 mmol kg−1 DW), glycine (30–100 mmol kg−1 DW) and taurine (0–70 mmol kg−1 DW) with habitat osmolality. In Mytilus spp., only glycine (25–100 mmol kg−1 DW) and taurine (4–180 mmol kg−1 DW) were significantly correlated with habitat osmolality. The concentration of alanine was three times lower in Mytilus spp. than in M. balthica and did not correlate with habitat osmolality. Within a habitat osmolality range from 600 to 1,100 mmol kg−1 H2O (mesohaline to marine) the concentration of FAA remained constant in both taxa. It is suggested that under marine conditions additional organic osmolytes must become more important for cell volume regulation in Macoma and Mytilus.  相似文献   

Mussels of the genus Mytilus are widespread in both northern and southern hemispheres. Mytilus taxa are very important components of marine coastal ecosystems, but are difficult to differentiate morphologically. Sequencing and Sequenom MassARRAY iPLEX genotyping technology was used to identify and verify novel SNP markers in three European taxa of Mytilus: M. edulis, M. galloprovincialis, and M. trossulus. SNPs were localized in coding and non-coding sequences of some functionally important genes. Eight SNPs located in genes of the histone family, hsp70 and p53, were discovered and applied as novel markers for Mytilus taxa on a large European scale. Five of these differentiated the M. trossulus genome, two M. galloprovincialis, and one M. edulis. Other SNPs differentiated populations within taxa. The new SNPs will be a valuable tool for population studies of European Mytilus mussels. The percentage of polymorphic SNPs ranged from 19 to 100 % in 24 samples of mussels studied. Populations from Scotland, Mecklenburg Bight, and Norway had over 90 % polymorphic loci. Most loci were in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in all samples except for the one from Scotland. The highest percentages of heterozygotes were observed in the Atlantic (Banyuls and Vigo) and North Sea (Tjarno and Westerschelde) populations. An excess of homozygotes was observed in samples from Scotland, Norway, and the Barents Sea. Correspondence and Structure analysis also demonstrated the great heterogeneity of these three samples.  相似文献   

Much is still to be learned about the spatial ecology of foraging marine turtles, especially for juveniles and adult males which have received comparatively little attention. Additionally, there is a paucity of ecological information on growth rates, size and age at maturity, and sex ratios at different life stages; data vital for successful population modelling. Here, we present results of a long-term (2002–2011) study on the movements, residency, growth and sex ratio of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in Amvrakikos Gulf (39°0′N 21°0′E), Greece, using satellite telemetry (N = 8) and ongoing capture–mark–recapture (CMR; N = 300 individuals). Individuals encountered at sea ranged from large juvenile to adult (46.2–91.5 cm straight carapace length) and demonstrated growth rates within published norms (<2.7 cm yr?1) that slowed with increasing body size. We revealed that an unexpectedly high proportion of animals were male (>44 % of captures above 65 cm straight carapace length), compared to region-wide female-biased hatchling production, indicating sex-biased survival or possible behavioural drivers for likelihood of capture in the region. Satellite tracking confirmed that some turtles establish discrete, protracted periods of residency spanning more than 1 year, whilst others migrated away from the site. These findings are underlined by CMR results with individual capture histories spanning up to 7 years, and only 18 % of individuals being recaptured.  相似文献   

The depuration of 12 trace metals in the mantle, gill, digestive gland, and kidney of Crassostrea gigas and C. virginica was investigated under natural field conditions; oysters from a relatively contaminated environment (Redwood Creek in south San Francisco Bay) were transplanted to a relatively clean environment (Tomales Bay). In the transplanted oysters, the digestive gland and kidney depurated Cd, Cu, Hg, Ag, and Zn more readily than the mantle and gill. Other trace metals As, Fe, Mn, Ni and Se showed varying depuration patterns. The results for Cr and Pb were inconclusive, since initial concentrations were too low to follow any losses. Interspecific differences in trace metal depuration were observed. Biological half-lives for most trace metals were on the order of 23 to 60 d for C. gigas and on the order of 70 to 180 d for C. virginica.  相似文献   

The shell composition of 5 species of barnacles [Balanus balanoides (L.), B. crenatus Bruguière, B. hameri Ascanius, Elminius modestus Darwin and Chthamalus stellatus (Poli)] collected from four different sites on the coast of North Wales and one site in the Irish Sea were studied using chemical, X-ray diffraction and electron-microprobe analyses. All the shells consisted of calcite. The trace substances studied were Mg, Sr, Na, Mn, PO4, and SO4. Other trace elements detected included Si, Li, Ba, Zn, Cl, and Al. For each species, Mn was the only element in the shell which varied significantly from one locality to another. Variation of concentration of Mn in the shells may be related to the variations of the concentration of Mn in the water, since concentrations in the shells were highest in (estuarine) waters containing high concentrations of Mn. In Balanus balanoides L. and Elminius modestus Darwin, the Mn:Ca and Mg:Ca ratios decreased with decreasing shore level and Sr:Ca varied in the opposite direction. When B. crenatus Bruguière, a subtidal and lower littoral species, and B. hameri Ascanius, a Continental-Shelf species, were compared with the intertidal, species B. balanoides and E. modestus, the Mn:Ca and Mg:Ca ratios followed the same decreasing trend, and the Sr:Ca ratios the same increasing trend with increasing depth. These variations may be related either to increased growth rate of the shells of each species or maxium temperature to which the species is exposed, or both. The differences between species are more consistently reflected, in the concentration of Mn. However, since the concentration, of Mn is correlated with the amount of organic matter in the shell, the specific variations may reflect only the variations in the amount of organic material in the shell of each species.  相似文献   

Cu, Cr, Mn, Ni and Zn contents were quantified for three wild-growing edible species of macrofungi (Boletus edulis, Macrolepiota procera and Cantharellus cibarius) and underlying soil samples collected at forest sites in Lubuskie voivodeship, Poland. The total concentration of the analysed elements was determined using an ASA iCE 3000 series atomic absorption spectrometer. The analysis found significant differences in bioaccumulation between species and differing distributions of trace elements in the caps and stalks of fruiting bodies. Bioaccumulation factors revealed that Zn and Cu are the most bioaccumulated elements, whereas Cr and Mn are excluded from bioaccumulation. Macrolepiota procera showed the highest bioaccumulation of Cu, and Zn is accumulated to the greatest extent by Boletus edulis. A few significant differences (p≤0.05) between the examined species were observed.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton production, standing crop, and loss processes (respiration, sedimentation, grazing by zooplankton, and excretion) were measured on a daily basis during the growth, dormancy and decline of a winter-spring diatom bloom in a large-scale (13 m3) marine mesocosm in 1987. Carbonspecific rates of production and biomass change were highly correlated whereas production and loss rates were unrelated over the experimental period when the significant changes in algal biomass characteristic of phytoplankton blooms were occurring. The observed decline in diatom growth rates was caused by nutrient limitation. Daily phytoplankton production rates calculated from the phytoplankton continuity equation were in excellent agreement with rates independently determined using standard 14C techniques. A carbon budget for the winter bloom indicated that 82.4% of the net daytime primary production was accounted for by measured loss processes, 1.3% was present as standing crop at the end of the experiment, and 16.3% was unexplained. Losses via sedimentation (44.8%) and nighttime phytoplankton respiration (24.1%) predominated, while losses due to zooplankton grazing (10.7%) and nighttime phytoplankton excretion (2.8%) were of lesser importance. A model simulating daily phytoplankton biomass was developed to demonstrate the relative importance of the individual loss processes.  相似文献   

Fernando de Noronha is a small volcanic archipelago in the Southern Atlantic, some 350 km NE of the city of Natal in NE Brazil. These remote volcanic islands represent a largely pristine environment, distant from sources of anthropogenic contamination. This study was carried out to determine the natural concentrations of Ag, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, V and Zn in the A and B horizons of soils of Fernando de Noronha. The aims of the study were twofold: determine whether there is a relationship between the bedrock geology and soils and to establish quality reference values for soils from Fernando de Noronha. Soil samples were subjected to acid digestion by the USEPA method 3051A, and metals were determined by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrophotometry. The results showed that the trace element distribution largely reflects the geochemistry of the underlying volcanic rocks of the Remedios and Quixaba Formations. The results demonstrate that the concentrations of Ba, Cr, Zn, Ni and Cu from the soils of the volcanic Fernando de Noronha archipelago are higher than those found in soils from continental Brazil. However, concentrations of Ni, Cu and Co are lower in soils of the archipelago as compared to other volcanic islands throughout the world. The elevated trace element concentrations of the volcanic parent material of Fernando de Noronha soils seem to be the main factor governing the relatively high natural concentrations of trace elements.  相似文献   

Studying the effects of urbanization on the dynamics of communities has become a priority for biodiversity conservation. The consequences of urbanization are mainly an increased fragmentation of the original landscapes associated with a decrease in the amount of favorable habitats and an increased pressure of human activities on the remaining patches suitable for wildlife. Patterns of bird species richness have been studied at different levels of urbanization, but little is known about the temporal dynamics of animal communities in urban landscapes. In particular, urbanization is expected to have stronger negative effects on migratory breeding bird communities than on sedentary ones, which should lead to different patterns of change in composition. Using an estimation method accounting for heterogeneity in species detection probability and data collected between 2001 and 2003 within a suburban area near the city of Paris, France, we tested whether these communities differ in their local extinction and turnover rates. We considered the potential effects of patch size and distance to Paris' center as a measure of the degree of urbanization around the patches. As expected, local rates of extinction and turnover were higher for migratory than for sedentary species, and they were negatively related to patch size for migratory species. Mean species richness of the sedentary species increased during the study period and their local turnover rate was negatively related to the distance to the urban core, showing a trend to colonize the most urban patches. These results highlight the very dynamic nature of the composition of some local bird communities in fragmented habitats and help to identify factors affecting colonization and extinction.  相似文献   

Growth rates were determined for copepodites of the genera: Acartia, Centropages, Corycaeus, Oithona, Paracalanus, Parvocalanus and Temora in nearshore waters of Jamaica from in situ microcosm incubations. At these high local temperatures (∼28 °C), total copepodite development time was as short as 4 to 5 d. Mean instantaneous growth rates (g) ranged from as high as 1.2 d−1 to as low as 0.1 d−1. In general, cyclopoid copepods appeared to grow more slowly than calanoids of the same size. Enhancement of resources by nutrient addition caused a 32% increase in growth rates in experiments from a mesotrophic site, but only a 17% increase at a more eutrophic site. Additionally, copepodites at both sites showed faster development and generally larger size at stage in response to nutrient addition. Growth rates were positively related to chlorophyll concentration in the >2 μm size-fraction. A significant relationship of growth rate to body size (r 2 = 0.45) emerged across a wide range of trophic status, but it was confounded with resource availability. It appears that growth in tropical copepod copepodites may be frequently limited by resources in a size-dependent manner. Received: 30 May 1997 / Accepted: 13 May 1998  相似文献   

Li J  Richter DD  Mendoza A  Heine P 《Ecology》2008,89(10):2911-2923
In the ancient and acidic Ultisol soils of the Southern Piedmont, USA, we studied changes in trace element biogeochemistry over four decades, a period during which formerly cultivated cotton fields were planted with pine seedlings that grew into mature forest stands. In 16 permanent plots, we estimated 40-year accumulations of trace elements in forest biomass and O horizons (between 1957 and 1997), and changes in bioavailable soil fractions indexed by extractions of 0.05 mol/L HCl and 0.2 mol/L acid ammonium oxalate (AAO). Element accumulations in 40-year tree biomass plus O horizons totaled 0.9, 2.9, 4.8, 49.6, and 501.3 kg/ha for Cu, B, Zn, Mn, and Fe, respectively. In response to this forest development, samples of the upper 0.6-m of mineral soil archived in 1962 and 1997 followed one of three patterns. (1) Extractable B and Mn were significantly depleted, by -4.1 and -57.7 kg/ha with AAO, depletions comparable to accumulations in biomass plus O horizons, 2.9 and 49.6 kg/ha, respectively. Tree uptake of B and Mn from mineral soil greatly outpaced resupplies from atmospheric deposition, mineral weathering, and deep-root uptake. (2) Extractable Zn and Cu changed little during forest growth, indicating that nutrient resupplies kept pace with accumulations by the aggrading forest. (3) Oxalate-extractable Fe increased substantially during forest growth, by 275.8 kg/ha, about 10-fold more than accumulations in tree biomass (28.7 kg/ha). The large increases in AAO-extractable Fe in surficial 0.35-m mineral soils were accompanied by substantial accretions of Fe in the forest's O horizon, by 473 kg/ha, amounts that dwarfed inputs via litterfall and canopy throughfall, indicating that forest Fe cycling is qualitatively different from that of other macro- and micronutrients. Bioturbation of surficial forest soil layers cannot account for these fractions and transformations of Fe, and we hypothesize that the secondary forest's large inputs of organic additions over four decades has fundamentally altered soil Fe oxides, potentially altering the bioavailability and retention of macro- and micronutrients, contaminants, and organic matter itself. The wide range of responses among the ecosystem's trace elements illustrates the great dynamics of the soil system over time scales of decades.  相似文献   

Many marine species, including mussels in the Mytilus edulis species group (i.e. M. edulis L., M. galloprovincialis Lamarck, and M. trossulus Gould), have an antitropical distribution pattern, with closely related taxa occurring in high latitudes of the northern and southern hemispheres but being absent from the tropics. We tested four hypotheses to explain the timing and route of transequatorial migration by species with antitropical distributions. These hypotheses yield different predictions for the phylogenetic relationship of southern hemisphere taxa relative to their northern counter-parts. The three Mytilus species were used to test these hypotheses since they exhibit a typical antitropical distribution and representative taxa occur in both the Pacific and Atlantic. Two types of mtDNA lineages were found among populations of mussels collected from the southern hemisphere between 1988 and 1996; over 90% of the mtDNA lineages formed a distinct subclade which, on average, had 1.4% divergence from haplotypes found exclusively in northern Atlantic populations of M. galloprovincialis. These data indicate that southern hemisphere mussels arose from a migration event from the northern hemisphere during the Pleistocene via an Atlantic route. The remainder of the southern hemisphere lineages (<10%) were very closely related to mtDNA haplotypes found in both M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis in the northern hemisphere, suggesting a second, more recent migration to the southern hemisphere. There was no evidence that southern hemisphere mussels arose from Pacific populations of mussels. Received: 8 December 1998 / Accepted: 8 November 1999  相似文献   

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