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We propose a new methodology for predicting areas with a strong potential for radon (222Rn) exhalation at the soil surface. This methodology is based on the Rn exhalation rate quantification, starting from a precise characterisation of the main local geological and pedological parameters that control the radon source and its transport to the soil/atmosphere interface. It combines a cross mapping analysis of these parameters into a geographic information system with a model of the Rn vertical transport by diffusion in the soil. The rock and soil chemical and physical properties define the entry parameters of this code (named TRACHGEO) which calculates the radon flux density at the surface. This methodology is validated from in situ measurements of radon levels at the soil/atmosphere interface and in dwellings. We apply this approach to an area located in western France and characterised by a basement displaying a heterogeneous radon source potential, as previously demonstrated by lelsch et al. (J. Environ. Radioactivity 53(1) (2001) 75). The new results obtained show that spatial heterogeneity of pedological characteristics in addition to basement geochemistry--must be taken into account to improve the mapping resolution. The TRACHGEO forecasts explain the Rn exhalation variability on a larger scale and in general correlate well with in situ observations. Moreover, the radon-prone sectors identified by this approach generally correspond to the location of the dwellings showing the highest radon concentrations.  相似文献   

The concentration activity of radon-222 has been monitored, with some interruptions, from 1997 to 2005 in the end section of a slightly rising, dead-end, 38-m long tunnel located in the Phulchoki hill, near Kathmandu, Nepal. While a high concentration varying from 6 x 10(3) Bq m(-3) to 10 x 10(3) Bq m(-3) is observed from May to September (rainy summer season), the concentration remains at a low level of about 200 Bq m(-3) from October to March (dry winter season). This reduction of radon concentration is associated with natural ventilation of the tunnel, which, contrary to expectations for a rising tunnel, takes place mainly from October to March when the outside air temperature drops below the average tunnel temperature. This interpretation is supported by temperature measurements in the atmosphere of the tunnel, a few meters away from the entrance. The temporal variations of the diurnal amplitude of this temperature indeed follow the ventilation rate deduced from the radon measurements. In the absence of significant ventilation (summer season), the radon exhalation flux at the rock surface into the tunnel atmosphere can be inferred; it exhibits a yearly variation with additional transient reductions associated with heavy rainfall, likely to be due to water infiltration. No effect of atmospheric pressure variations on the radon concentration is observed in this tunnel. This experiment illustrates how small differences in the location and geometry of a tunnel can lead to vastly different behaviours of the radon concentration versus time. This observation has consequences for the estimation of the dose rate and the practicability of radon monitoring for tectonic purposes in underground environments.  相似文献   

The concentration of radon-222 has been monitored since 1995 in the atmosphere of a 2 m transverse dimension, 128 m long, dead-end horizontal tunnel located in the French Alps, at an altitude of 1600 m. Most of the time, the radon concentration is stable, with an average value ranging from 200 Bq m(-3) near the entrance to about 1000 Bq m(-3) in the most confined section, with an equilibrium factor between radon and its short-lived decay products varying from 0.61 to 0.78. However, radon bursts are repeatedly observed, with amplitudes reaching up to 36 x 10(3) Bq m(-3) and durations varying from one to several weeks, with similar spatial variations along the tunnel as the background concentration. These spatial variations are qualitatively interpreted in terms of natural ventilation. Comparing the radon background concentration with the measured radon exhalation flux at the wall yields an estimate of 8+/-2 x 10(-6) s(-1) (0.03+/-0.007 h(-1)) for the ventilation rate. The hypothesis that the bursts could be due to transient changes in ventilation can be ruled out. Thus, the bursts are the results of transient increased radon exhalation at the walls, that could be due to meteorological effects or possibly combined hydrological and mechanical forcing associated with the water level variations of the nearby Roselend reservoir lake. Such studies are of interest for radiation protection in poorly ventilated underground settings, and, ultimately, for a better understanding of radon exhalation associated with tectonic or volcanic processes.  相似文献   

A case study of the regional transport ( approximately 3000 km) of radon-222 ((222)Rn) from continental North-East Asia to the Japanese islands was performed by numerical analysis using five separate source areas (South, Middle and North China, Russia and Korea), while a seasonal northwest wind blew over the Japan Sea. The results for three periods (Term I: 16-18, Term II: 22-25 and Term III: 27-28 in December 1990) were compared with concentrations measured at the Kanazawa site (near the coast of the Japan Sea facing the seasonal wind) and the Nagoya site (overland and downwind on the shores of the Pacific Ocean). Most of the (222)Rn at the Kanazawa site was calculated to come from North China and Korea in Term I, Middle China, North China, and Korea in Term II, and Russia and Korea in Term III. The considerable differences in the origins of (222)Rn emanated from the continent were estimated between Terms I, II and III, even though the similar northwest wind was dominant over the Japan Sea. A contour line analysis indicated movement of (222)Rn emanated from Middle China in a northerly direction first and then a southeasterly direction, resulting from low pressure. The results suggest that the low-pressure systems play an important role in the transport of (222)Rn in North-East Asia.  相似文献   

Radon concentration measurements in atmosphere were taken in years from 1997 to 1999 in Milan and at pre-alpine sites located north of Lombardy. In this paper the results of measuring campaigns and a comparison of radon levels observed in the hilly area north of the town and on the pre-Alps are reported. The general criteria of the measurements and the interpretative models of radon concentration are presented. The Lake Maggiore area shows evidence of a great nocturnal stability and frequent formation of Nocturnal Stable Layer. The peculiar findings in the high altitude stations confirm the use of radon as an indicator of atmospheric dispersion of pollutants in an area with complex orography. The afternoon minimum values are concordant for the different stations: this implies a remixing in afternoon hours over the whole area investigated.  相似文献   

High-resolution gamma spectrometry was used to determine the concentration of 40K, 238U and 232Th series in soil samples taken from areas surrounding the city of Aldama, in Chihuahua. Results of indoor air short-time sampling, with diffusion barrier charcoal detectors, revealed relatively high indoor radon levels, ranging from 29 to 422 Bq/m3; the radon concentrations detected exceeded 148 Bq/m3 in 76% of the homes tested. Additionally, liquid scintillation counting showed concentrations of radon in drinking water ranging from 4.3 to 42 kBq/m3. The high activity of 238U in soil found in some places may be a result of the uranium milling process performed 20 years ago in the area. High radon concentrations indoor and in water may be explained by assuming the presence of uranium-bearing rocks underneath of the city, similar to a felsic dike located near Aldama. The estimated annual effective dose of gamma radiation from the soil and radon inhalation was 3.83 mSv.  相似文献   

Carbon-14 ((14)C) is one of the most important radionuclides from the perspective of dose estimation due to the nuclear fuel cycle. Ten years of monitoring data on (14)C in airborne emissions, in atmospheric CO(2) and in rice grain collected around the Tokai reprocessing plant (TRP) showed an insignificant radiological effect of the TRP-derived (14)C on the public, but suggested a minor contribution of the TRP-derived (14)C to atmospheric (14)C concentrations, and an influence on (14)C concentrations in rice grain at harvest. This paper also summarizes a modelling exercise (the so-called rice scenario of the IAEA's EMRAS program) in which (14)C concentrations in air and rice predicted with various models using information on (14)C discharge rates, meteorological conditions and so on were compared with observed concentrations. The modelling results showed that simple Gaussian plume models with different assumptions predict monthly averaged (14)C concentrations in air well, even for near-field receptors, and also that specific activity and dynamic models were equally good for the prediction of inter-annual changes in (14)C concentrations in rice grain. The scenario, however, offered little opportunity for comparing the predictive capabilities of these two types of models because the scenario involved a near-chronic release to the atmosphere. A scenario based on an episodic release and short-term, time-dependent observations is needed to establish the overall confidence in the predictions of environmental (14)C models.  相似文献   

Atmospheric 85Kr concentration at Fukuoka, Japan was determined by an improved 85Kr analytical method using liquid scintillation counting (LSC). An average value of 1.54 ± 0.05 Bq m−3 was observed in 2008, which is about two times that measured in 1981 at Fukuoka, indicating a 29 mBq y−1 rate of increase as an average for these 27 years. The analytical method developed involves collecting Kr from air using activated charcoal at liquid N2 temperature and purifying it using He at dry ice temperature, followed by Kr separation by gas chromatography. An overall Kr recovery of 76.4 ± 8.1% was achieved when Kr was analyzed in 500-1000 l of air. The Kr isolated by gas chromatography was collected on silica gel in a quartz glass vial cooled to liquid N2 temperature and the activity of 85Kr was measured with a low-background LS counter. The detection limit of 85Kr activity by the present analytical method is 0.0015 Bq at a 95% confidence level, including all propagation errors, which is equivalent with 85Kr in 1.3 l of the present air under the analytical conditions of 72.1% counting efficiency, 0.1597 cps background count rate, and 76.4% Kr recovery.  相似文献   

The detection of illicit drugs in environmental matrices may be a cause for concern, both from the perspective of their potential environmental impacts and the fact that their presence in detectable concentrations would be an indicator of significant drug use. The primary goal behind recent studies on this subject has been to use measured influent concentrations of selected illicit drugs or their in vivo metabolites in the environment as a means of estimating the abuse level of these drugs and patterns of consumption. Thus-far, such calculations have hinged on the use of solitary excretion estimates from single studies of limited scope and/or studies of limited applicability. Therefore, the need exists to conduct a comprehensive meta-analysis of metabolic disposition studies to construct excretions profiles for the various illicit drugs and their in vivo metabolites. The constructed excretory profiles should not only provide mean excretion values but also indicate the expected variations in excreted fractions that arise due to differences not only in the metabolic capacity of users but also in the efficiencies of various routes of administration for a given illicit drug. Therefore, the primary goal of the research presented here was to refine sewer epidemiology extrapolation mass balances for various illicit drugs of interest by constructing their excretory profiles segregated by route-of-administration. After conducting such a study with a multi-national scope on illicit drugs including cocaine, heroin and ecstasy, the results obtained clearly indicate that extrapolation factors currently being used in literature for these drugs to enumerate prevalence of abuse required significant refinement to increase their reliability.  相似文献   

The concentrations and the concentration ratios of individual short-lived (222)Rn decay products ((214)Pb and (214)Bi) in rainwater were measured at Kumatori village (34.39 degrees N, 135.35 degrees E, approximately 70 m above sea level) in Osaka, Japan, by gamma-ray spectrometry using a low-background Ge detector. The dependence of the time variations of the concentrations and their ratios on rainfall rate was investigated. It was observed that the concentrations were negatively correlated with the rainfall rate in some rainfall events, and that there was no clear correlation in other rainfall events. The changes in the dependence of the concentration on the rainfall rate occurred after the passage of a cold front during a single rainfall event. The concentration ratios showed a weak negative correlation with the rainfall rate for most of the observed rainfall events. A scavenging model was designed in this study in order to explain the observation results. Based on the relationship between the concentrations of (214)Pb and (214)Bi in the rainwater and the rainfall rate for an individual rainfall event, the increase in the environmental gamma-ray dose rate from (214)Pb and (214)Bi deposited on the ground was calculated, and the calculated increase agreed well with that observed by the in situ measurement on flat ground.  相似文献   

Solid-state nuclear track detectors (SSNTDs) have been widely applied for measurements of environmental concentrations of 222Rn and its progeny. The V function for an SSNTD is important for understanding the track development in the SSNTD as well as for real life applications. The partial sensitivity rhoi of the LR 115 detector applied in the bare mode to 222Rn and its short-lived progeny is related to the equilibrium factor F through the proxy equilibrium factor Fp. On the other hand, rhoi is also dependent on the removed active layer thickness during chemical etching, which is related to the V function for the LR 115 detector. In the present paper, the experimentally obtained rhoi values of the LR 115 detector for different removed active layer thickness are used to derive the V function for the LR 115 SSNTD, which took the form of the Durrani--Green's function, i.e., [formula: see text] , with the best-fitted constants as a1=14.23; a2=0.48; a3=5.9 and a4=0.077 (a5=1).  相似文献   

Human society consumes resources that it is not able to reproduce. Human activities are still based on “open cycles,” starting from a condition of natural environmental balance and reaching an environmental imbalance. The challenging scope of scientific and technological research towards sustainability appears clear if it is based on this analysis: to find development systems based on “closed cycles” of resources. The challenging objective of realizing closed cycles leads to a definition of sustainability that indicates the path to sustainable development, as well as stating the general principle. It also provides a key to the qualitative measurement of sustainability. This means that the sustainability level of a system can be measured by measuring its capacity to avoid the consumption of resources. Zero consumption is a necessary condition for sustainability, and brings about as a side effect the highly desired “zero-waste” result. Materials entering the proposed endless scheme pass through the process of usefulness without losing their capacity to feed the system again after being used. Thus, the concept of “consumption” itself is replaced by one of “use” when resources are inserted into closed loops capable of feeding human development. The application of the closed cycle sustainability criterion particularly displays its feasibility, and a theoretical guiding role, in the energy sector. Energy vectors such as hydrogen and electricity enable the closure of the energy resources loop by effectively approaching the objective of “zero consumption” (and the side result of “zero waste”) through already demonstrated technological solutions.  相似文献   

This study investigates the contribution of radon (222Rn)-bearing water to indoor 222Rn in thermal baths. The 222Rn concentrations in air were monitored in the bathroom and the bedroom. Particulate matter (PM, both PM10 and PM2.5) and carbon dioxide (CO2) were also monitored with portable analyzers. The bathrooms were supplied with hot spring water containing 66-260 kBq m−3 of 222Rn. The results show that the spray of hot spring water from the bath spouts is the dominant mechanism by which 222Rn is released into the air of the bathroom, and then it diffuses into the bedroom. Average 222Rn level was 110-410% higher in the bedrooms and 510-1200% higher in the bathrooms compared to the corresponding average levels when there was no use of hot spring water. The indoor 222Rn levels were influenced by the 222Rn concentrations in the hot spring water and the bathing times. The average 222Rn transfer coefficients from water to air were 6.2 × 10−4-4.1 × 10−3. The 24-h average levels of CO2 and PM10 in the hotel rooms were 89% and 22% higher than the present Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) standard of China. The main particle pollutant in the hotel rooms was PM2.5. Radon and PM10 levels in some hotel rooms were at much higher concentrations than guideline levels, and thus the potential health risks to tourists and especially to the hotel workers should be of great concern, and measures should be taken to lower inhalation exposure to these air pollutants.  相似文献   

The results of studies on the biomorphological features of 22 plant species growing on the southern coast of the Russian Far East provide evidence for the diversity of pathways of their adaptation to stressful habitat conditions. An analysis of the anatomical and mesostructural characteristics of their leaves has revealed representatives of euhalophytes, crinohalophytes, and glycohalophytes among these plants. Adaptation is achieved by means of halomorphosis, haloxerophytism, and development of some heliophilic features accounted for by species-specific manifestations of succulence, the presence of salt excreting trichomes, and thick pubescence. The similarity of these adaptations to those of desert plants is discussed. Along with plants characterized by a high germination rate, species that counterbalance a low efficiency of seed reproduction by active vegetative propagation have also successfully established themselves on the coast. Adaptation to coastal habitats is also achieved due to the diversity of life forms characterized mainly by tap root systems with laterally extending branch roots, creeping shoots, and a high vegetative mobility.  相似文献   

Atmospheric particulate matter (APM) was collected at three sampling sites in Beijing, China, from February to June 1998. The concentrations of rare earth elements (REE) and cobalt (Co), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in the APM were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The results obtained in Beijing, China, were compared to that obtained in Delft, the Netherlands, in 1997. The influence of coal combustion was considered. The results demonstrated that the content of APM, the concentrations of REE and Co, Zn, Cd, Pb in the APM in Beijing, China, were higher than that in Delft, the Netherlands. From the ratios of La to Ce, and La to Sm, which may be used as tracers for the origin of the REE, it is concluded that the origins of REE in China differ from those in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

A sensitivity study was performed to investigate the responses of potential natural vegetation distribution in China to the separate and combined effects of temperature, precipitation and [CO2], using the process-based equilibrium terrestrial biosphere model BIOME4. The model shows a generally good agreement with a map of the potential natural vegetation distribution based on a numerical comparison using the ΔV statistic (ΔV = 0.25). Mean temperature of each month was increased uniformly by 0–5 K, in 0.5- or 1-K intervals. Mean precipitation of each month was increased and decreased uniformly by 0–30%, in 10% intervals. The analyses were run at fixed CO2 concentrations of 360 and 720 ppm. Temperature increases shifted most forest boundaries northward and westward, expanded the distribution of xeric biomes, and confined the tundra to progressively higher elevations. Precipitation increases led to a greater area occupied by mesic biomes at the expense of xeric biomes. Most vegetation types in the temperate regions, and on the Tibetan Plateau, expanded westward into the dry continental interior with increasing precipitation. Precipitation decreases had opposite effects. The modelled effect of CO2 doubling was to partially compensate for the negative effect of drought on the mesic biomes and to increase potential ecosystem carbon storage by about 40%. Warming tended to counteract this effect, by reducing soil carbon storage. Forest biomes showed substantial resilience to climate change, especially when the effects of increasing [CO2] were taken into account. Savannas, dry woodland and tundra biomes proved sensitive to temperature increases. The transition region of grassland and forest, and the Tibetan plateau, was the most vulnerable region.  相似文献   

A study designed to detect the health effects of short term exposures to high levels of nitrogen dioxide (ranging from 0.1 μL/L to over 1.5 μL/L) on pulmonary function and respiratory symptoms in asthmatic and non-asthmatic subjects residing in inner-city apartments in New York City is described. The continuous exposure of nitrogen dioxide on the study subjects before, during, and after cooking a dinner on a gas stove is determined using a continuous nitrogen dioxide monitoring instrument. Lung function tests are performed and symptom questionnaires are administered throughout the study period to assess both health effects and changes in pulmonary function associated with the above exposures.In addition, peak levels of NO2 at different heights above the floor, and at various distances from the stove, while the range and oven are in operation are reported for twenty four homes.  相似文献   

Although fruit is an important component of the diet, the extent to which it contributes to radiological exposure remains unclear, partially as a consequence of uncertainties in models and data used to assess transfer of radionuclides in the food chain. A Fruits Working Group operated as part of the IAEA BIOMASS (BIOsphere Modelling and ASSessment) programme from 1997 to 2000, with the aim of improving the robustness of the models that are used for radiological assessment. The Group completed a number of modelling and experimental activities including: (i) a review of experimental, field and modelling information on the transfer of radionuclides to fruit; (ii) discussion of recently completed or ongoing experimental studies; (iii) development of a database on the transfer of radionuclides to fruit; (iv) development of a conceptual model for fruit and (v) two model intercomparison studies and a model validation study. The Group achieved significant advances in understanding the processes involved in transfer of radionuclides to fruit. The work demonstrated that further experimental and modelling studies are required to ensure that the current generation of models can be applied to a wide range of scenarios.  相似文献   

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