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灭草松在土壤中吸附的支配因素   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:16  
通过振荡平衡法测定了灭草松在6种土壤中的吸附等温线,计算了灭草松在吸附过程中平均偏摩尔自由能的变化值.结果表明灭草松在其中5种土壤上的吸附等温线为直线,分配常数Kd 0.14~0.31mL·g-;土壤吸附灭草松的强弱次序为:德清水稻土>安吉水稻土(pH4.79)>余杭水稻土>临安红壤>安吉水稻土(pH7.36)>德清黄壤.土壤性质与分配常数的相关分析,发现支配灭草松在土壤上吸附的主要因素是pH值和土壤有机质含量.灭草松在土壤上的吸附主要是中性灭草松及其阴离子在土壤有机质中的分配,与有机质性质关系不大.  相似文献   

灭草松在腐殖酸上的吸附及其机理   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
通过吸附动力学、吸附等温线和IR,ESR技术,研究了腐殖酸对灭草松的吸附及吸附机理,并且对pH、离子强度对吸附过程的影响进行了探讨。结果表明灭草松在腐殖酸上经过大约4h的初始快速阶段,此后进入慢速吸附过程。溶液pH可能会影响腐殖酸的构型。高pH时,吸附量随溶液离子强度增加稍有增加。灭草松在腐殖酸上的吸附过程中存在氢键、电荷转移作用,疏水分配也是可能存在的机理。  相似文献   

除草剂莠去津(atrazine)在土壤-水环境中的吸附及其机理   总被引:41,自引:2,他引:41  
为指导农药的使用 ,避免对后茬作物的影响 ,优化农药的施用量、减少环境污染 ,研究了土壤、腐殖酸、粘土矿对莠去津的吸附及其机理 .结果表明 :吸附强弱与土壤理化特性密切相关 ,Feundlich常数 Kaf与 OM%有较好的相关性 ( r=0 .975) .腐殖酸对其的吸附起决定作用而粘土矿对其吸附作用并不强 .莠去津在土壤中的吸附可能有氢键、范德华力等作用 .  相似文献   

混合有机污染物在土壤中的竞争吸附研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
采用3种不同的溶质加入法研究溶质的吸附平衡,即方案①:先加入萘,然后再加入菲;方案②:萘和菲同时加入;方案③:先加入菲,然后再加入萘.研究结果表明同一溶质在有其它溶质竞争的情况下,表现出与单一纯溶质吸附时不同的吸附行为.随着竞争溶质浓度的增加,萘的吸附等温线的线性程度不断升高,吸附量降低.而菲则只是在实验方案③时,线性程度明显升高.随着竞争溶质初始浓度的增加,KOC的值不断减小,当竞争浓度大约增加到0.5Sw后,KOC基本不变化,达到了最小值.同时发现分子体积较大、厌水性较强的菲比分子体积较小、厌水性较弱的萘具有更强的竞争吸附能力.  相似文献   

锌、镉在紫色土中的竞争吸附   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
研究了3种紫色土及2种黏土矿物对Zn、Cd的吸附特点.结果表明,中性紫色土中Zn、Cd的吸附特点相似,等温吸附符合Langmuir方程,最大吸附量分别为147.9,104.7 mg/kg其吸附动力学过程先快后慢,符合一级动力学方程与Elovich方程,快速吸附段的吸附量与易解吸量相近,且符合一级动力学方程,为交换吸附;慢速吸附段的吸附量与难解吸量相近,且满足Elovich方程,可能属于深层吸附或专性吸附,3种紫色土及2种黏土矿物对Zn、Cd的吸附量及其土壤理化性质的相关分析表明,CEC与最大吸附量显著相关,表明紫色土对Zn、Cd的吸附机理为交换吸附所控制.Zn、Cd共存时吸附速度与吸附量降低,表明二者对吸附位的竞争,竞争吸附服从质量作用定律,高浓度者占优,高浓度Zn对Cd的吸附有明显抑制,完善的土壤重金属阈限指标应包含复合污染的考虑.  相似文献   

以竞争吸附的一般模式为基础,修正了竞争吸附方程。研究了不同实验条件下修正竞争吸附方程的变化形式,为改进实验设计提供了理论依据。修正竞争吸附方程应用于描述pH对土壤吸附钴的影响,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   

POPs污染物莠去津在长期定位施肥土壤中的残留动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王军  朱鲁生  谢慧  宋艳  孙瑞莲  张夫道 《环境科学》2007,28(12):2821-2826
在建立土壤中莠去津残留分析方法的基础上,采用室内培养法研究了该药在长期定位施肥处理土壤中的降解动态.土壤中的莠去津残留物用丙酮提取,经液-液分配和柱层析净化后,气相色谱检测.莠去津的最低检出量为6.4×10-12 g,在土壤中的最低检出浓度为6.4×10-9 g·kg-1,土壤中0.11、1.1、11.0 mg·kg-1这3个浓度的添加回收率分别为91.41%±4.36%、93.58%±4.54%、 90.35%±3.59%,符合农药残留分析要求.运用该残留分析方法研究了莠去津在长期定位施肥处理土壤中的残留动态.结果表明,莠去津在土壤中的降解遵循一级动力学方程,其在CK、NPK、NPK+M、NPK+S施肥处理土壤中的降解半衰期分别为20.6、 23.0、 28.5、 33.2 d,由LSR分析可知,NPK肥和有机肥的施入明显加快了莠去津在土壤中的降解.单独回归及逐步回归分析均证实莠去津在土壤中的降解半衰期与土壤中的碱解氮、有机质和全氮含量之间存在良好的正相关,其相关系数分别为0.998?3、0.982?6和0.952?1,原因可能是这些土壤养分为土壤微生物的活动提供了足够的碳素和氮素,微生物活性较高,从而致使莠去津在土壤中降解加快.  相似文献   

极性有机污染物植物吸收行为的研究目前已有较多报道。文章将以小麦幼苗干样为研究对象,以2种氯酚(2,4-二氯酚,DCP;2,4,6-三氯酚,TCP)为吸附质,以菲(PHE)为非极性参照化合物,探讨竞争吸附条件下,可解离有机污染物的植物吸收行为。采用序批平衡实验分别研究了小麦幼苗干样干样对DCP、TCP、PHE单独吸附,及DCP或PHE共存影响下TCP的竞争吸附行为。结果表明,小麦幼苗干样对TCP、DCP和PHE各单组分的吸附呈显著线性相关,分配系数与类脂含量有关;TCP的解离作用使得TCP的类脂标化后植物-水分配系数对数值(logKlip)要小于其辛醇-水分配系数对数值(logKow);DCP或PHE的共存提升了小麦幼苗干样对TCP的吸附能力。TCP的存在不影响小麦幼苗干样对菲的吸附,却能影响其对DCP的吸附。  相似文献   

除草剂苄嘧磺隆在土壤中的吸附   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:29  
应用平衡法研究了除草剂苄嘧磺隆在8种土壤中的吸附特性.结果表明,土壤对苄嘧磺隆有很强的吸附性,且随供试土壤理化性质的差异其吸附性呈明显变化.苄嘧磺隆在土壤中的吸附符合Fruendlich方程,其在土壤中的吸附常数Kf与土壤有机质、粘粒含量呈显著正相关(r=0.7393*和0.7751*,p<0.05),与土壤pH呈显著负相关(r=0.7068*,p<0.05).苄嘧磺隆在土壤上的吸附自由能为11.45—13.38KJ/mol,表明苄嘧磺隆在土壤中的吸附以物理作用为主。  相似文献   

两种染料与阿特拉津在沉积物上的竞争吸附   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
通过批量吸附实验研究了两种染料对阿特拉津(AT)在天然水体沉积物上吸附的影响.结果表明,与对照相比,刚果红(CR)和亚甲基蓝(MB)在实验浓度范围内均与AT发生竞争吸附,分别使AT的吸附率降低了14.29%和30.16%.共存体系的溶液化学条件发生变化时,AT的吸附有所不同.当体系pH值和温度升高时,AT的吸附量减小;而离子强度的升高,促使AT在沉积物上的吸附量增大.  相似文献   

Heavy metals can be introduced into urban soils at the same time. Therefore, their selective retention and competitive adsorption by the soils become of major importance in determining their availability and movement throughout the soil. In this study, the availability and mobility of six heavy metals in eight urban soils collected from different cities of Zhejiang Province, southeastern China were assessed using distribution coefficients(Kd) and retardation factor(Rf). The results showed that there were great differences in the Kd and Rfamong the tested soils. The adsorption sequences were Cr〉Pb〉Cu〉Cd〉Zn〉Ni, and the Kd decreased with increasing levels of metal addition. Ni generally has the lowest Rf values followed closely by Cd, and Zn whereas Cr and Pb reached the highest values. The results suggest that Ni and Zn have the highest mobility associated to the lowest adsorption, Cr and Pb present the opposite behavior. Correlation analysis indicates that soil pH, CaCO3 content, and cation exchange capacity (CEC) are key factors controlling the solubility and mobility of the metals in the urban soils.  相似文献   

A novel adsorbent named lipoid adsorption material (LAM), with a hydrophobic nucleolus (triolein) and a hydrophilic membrane structure (polyamide), was synthesized to remove hydrophobic organic chemicals (HOCs) from solution. Triolein, a type of lipoid, was entrapped by the polyamide membrane through an interfacial polymerization reaction. The method of preparation and the structure of the LAM were investigated and subsequent experiments were conducted to determine the characteristics of atrazine (a type of HOC) removal from wastewater using LAM as the adsorbent. The results showed that LAM had a regular structure compared with the prepolymer, where compact particles were linked with each other and openings were present in the structure of the LAM in which the fat drops formed from triolein were entrapped. In contrast to the atrazine adsorption behavior of powdered activated carbon (PAC), LAM showed a persistent adsorption capacity for atrazine when initial concentrations of 0.57, 1.12, 8.31 and 19.01 mg/L were present, and the equilibrium time was 12 hr. Using an 8 mg/L initial concentration of atrazine as an indicator of HOCs in aqueous solution, experiments on the adsorption capacity of the LAM showed 69.3% removal within 6–12 hr contact time, which was close to the 75.5% removal of atrazine by PAC. Results indicated that LAM has two atrazine removal mechanisms, namely the bioaccumulation of atrazine by the nucleous material and physical adsorption to the LAM membrane. Bioaccumulation was the main removal mechanism.  相似文献   

The adsorption behaviors of phenol and aniline on nonpolar macroreticular adsorbents(NDA100 and Amberlite XAD4) were investigated in single or binary batch system at 293K and 313K respectively in this study. The results indicated that the adsorption isotherms of phenol and aniline on both adsorbents in both systems fitted well Langmuir equation, which indicated a favourable and exothermic process. At the lower equilibrium concentrations, the individual amount adsorbed of phenol or aniline on macroreticular adsorbents in single-component systems was higher than those in binary-component systems because of the competition between phenol and aniline towards the adsorption sites. It is noteworthy, on the contrast, that at higher concentrations, the total uptake amounts of phenol and aniline in binary-component systems were obviously larger than that in single-component systems, and a large excess was noted on the adsorbent surface at saturation, which is presumably due to the cooperative effect primarily arisen from the hydrogen bonding or weak acidbase interaction between phenol and aniline.  相似文献   

The aggregation and dispersion behaviors of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) can regulate the environmental spread and fate of CNTs, as well as the organic pollutants adsorbed onto them. In this study, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) were surface modified with humic acids from di erent sources and with surfactants of di erent ionic types. The dispersion stability of surface modified CNTs was observed by UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The e ect of humic acid and surfactant dispersion on the adsorption of atrazine by CNTs was investigated by batch equilibrium experiments. Both humic acid and surfactant could e ectively disperse MWNTs, but not SWNTs, into stable suspensions under the studied conditions. Surface modified CNTs had a greatly reduced capacity for adsorption of atrazine. The inhibitory e ect of peat humic acid was relatively stronger than that of soil humic acid, but the two surfactants had a similar inhibitory e ect on atrazine adsorption by the two CNT types. Increases in surfactant concentration resulted in rapid decreases in the adsorption of atrazine by CNTs when the surfactant concentration was less than 0.5 critical micelle concentration.  相似文献   

碳纳米管对阿特拉津的吸附/解吸特性   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
采用批量实验研究了不同溶液条件下阿特拉津(AT)在单壁碳纳米管(SWNT)和多壁碳纳米管(MWNT)上的吸附/解吸行为.实验结果显示,离子强度对AT在SWNT和MWNT上的吸附没有显著影响,但随着pH值的增大,AT在2种碳纳米材料上的吸附量显著增加;这表明,AT在溶液中的存在状态是吸附的主要影响因素.在本实验的研究条件下,AT从SWNT和MWNT上的解吸行为不存在明显的滞后效应.碳纳米管对AT较高的吸附容量和吸附的可逆性表明,碳纳米管的大规模应用将可能带来一定的环境和健康风险.  相似文献   

徐丽丽  张哲  赵鹏  张宏伟 《环境科学学报》2015,35(12):3855-3861
水体中的颗粒物作为载体,会吸附重金属、抗生素等污染物质,在饮用水传统处理工艺下难以有效去除,成为饮用水中的一大安全隐患.本文利用微波萃取(MAE)和高效液相色谱与质谱联用(HPLC-MS/MS)方法分别对颗粒物上吸附的抗生素进行了前处理和测定,分析了饮用水源水中的颗粒物对4种典型抗生素的竞争吸附特性.研究表明,水体颗粒物吸附单一抗生素达到吸附平衡时,小颗粒和大颗粒上的吸附位点均未达到饱和.抗生素的结构对其在颗粒物上的吸附有重要影响,4种抗生素的两两竞争吸附结果显示,罗红霉素(ROX)、青霉素G(PG)的竞争能力最强,甲氧苄啶(TMP)次之,萘啶酸(NAL)的竞争能力最弱.  相似文献   

模拟多种阴离子共存的水体环境,采用氨基改性处理后的橘子皮作为吸附剂,研究其在不同离子共存条件下对高氯酸盐的竞争吸附.分析在不同pH条件下,竞争性阴离子对高氯酸盐吸附的影响;探讨单、双组分体系下的热力学、动力学吸附机理;采用红外光谱分析(FTIR)表征不同竞争吸附条件下吸附剂材料的结构特征.结果表明,不同pH范围内,3种阴离子与Cl O-4发生竞争吸附,其影响顺序不同:pH3时,其影响顺序为SO2-4NO-3PO3-4;3pH10时,其影响顺序为SO2-4PO3-4NO-3;pH10时,3种阴离子对Cl O-4吸附的影响趋于相同.单组分吸附下,改性橘子皮对Cl O-4、NO-3、SO2-4、PO3-4的最大吸附量分别为217.72、134.97、89.9、65.79 mg·g-1;竞争条件下,共存阴离子对Cl O-4吸附的影响顺序为PO3-4SO2-4NO-3,并且改性橘子皮对Cl O-4的吸附符合Freundlich等温线模型及准二级动力学模型,表明化学吸附为吸附的主要速率控制步骤.红外光谱分析结果证明了NO-3、SO2-4、PO3-4均在改性橘子皮吸附Cl O-4的过程中发生了竞争吸附.  相似文献   

Glyphosate (GPS) is a non-selective, post-mergence herbicide that is widely used throughout the world. Due to the similar molecular structures of glyphosate and phosphate, adsorption of glyphosate on soil is easily affected by coexisting phosphate, especially when phosphate is applied at a significant rate in farmland. This paper studied the effects of phosphate on the adsorption of glyphosate on three different types of Chinese soils including two variable charge soils and one permanent charge soil. The results indicated that Freundlich equations used to simulate glyphosate adsorption isotherms gave high correlation coefficients(0.990-0.998) with K values of 2751, 2451 and 166 for the zhuanhong soil(ZH soil, Laterite), red soil( RS, Udic Ferrisol) and Wushan paddy soil(WS soil, Anthrosol), respectively. The more the soil iron and aluminum oxides and clay contained, the more glyphosate adsorbed. The presence of phosphate significantly decreased the adsorption of glyphosate to the soils by competing with glyphosate for adsorption sites of soils. Meanwhile, the effects of phosphate on adsorption of glyphosate on the two variable charge soils were more significant than that on the permanent charge soil. When phosphate and glyphosate were added in the soils in different orders, the adsorption quantities of glyphosate on the soils were different, which followed GPS-soil 〉 GPS-P-soil = GPS-Soil-P 〉 P-soil-GPS, meaning a complex interaction occurred among glyphosate, phosphate and the soils.  相似文献   

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