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海河流域水环境危机和适度恢复对策的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪50年代以来,海河流域水资源短缺和水环境恶化问题越来越突出。河道断流,湿地萎缩,地下水大量超采,水污染和水土流失加剧,流域水环境已经恶化到十分危险的境地。回顾、总结流域水资源开发利用的历史可以清楚地看出,经济社会发展大大超过了水资源的承载能力,是海河流域水生态环境恶化的根本原因。本文认为,改善和恢复水环境,必须以供定需,以水定发展,根据流域水资源条件确定产业结构、经济规模和发展方向,努力实现人与自然的和谐相处,以水资源的可持续利用保障经济社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The initiative of" West China Development(WCD) " ,launched by the Central Government,is ofgreat importance:to realizing the enormous resource and market potentials of the region,topromoting balanced development of the national economy,to improving the living standards ofpeople in the western areas,to achieving the goal of" common richness" set up by former stateleader H.E.Mr.DENG Xiaoping,as well as to consolidating solidarity of the nation,socialsecurity and border safety in the west.It…  相似文献   

呼伦贝尔高原晚更新世以来的古气候演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据国土资源大调查项目取得的200套孢粉样品及大量的气候资料,对呼伦贝尔高原自晚更新世以来的气候环境变迁进行了详细的分析,并根据环境变化的特征,指出该地区在本世纪将明显变暖。  相似文献   

Current flood risk strategies in Malawi are characterized by community-based flood risk management (CB-FRM), even though studies explicitly documenting evidence of successful CB-FRM remain limited. This paper investigates the realities and challenges of CB-FRM as seen through a lens of different stakeholders. In order to capture the experiences of CB-FRM, a predominantly qualitative research framework was developed. In 2016, 11 focus group discussions with stakeholder groups (local communities, local government and non-governmental organisations) were held. Additionally, informal discussions, field visits, a short survey and an extensive desk study were undertaken. The findings were analysed according to the major themes that emerged related to the realities and challenges of specific stakeholder groups. Although response and relief still remain prominent components of CB-FRM in Malawi, a number of mitigation and preparedness activities is observed. However, a lack of in-country resources, relief-oriented aid approaches and an ‘aid dependency’ syndrome represent obstacles. Different stakeholder groups share similar challenges in terms of financing, participation, decentralised governance and project management. Lack of project sustainability and localised ownership also emerged as major challenges. The identified challenges shed light on the frontiers and directions in which improvements are needed, thus offering a valuable contribution to the existing knowledgebase.  相似文献   

长江流域地质—生态环境的演化机制及综合自然灾害区划   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
地质-生态环境是新一轮国土资源大调查的新概念, 同时也是现代地学研究的一个重要的范畴,在分析地质-生态环境系统及其演变的动力学机制的基础上,本文首先探索了长江流域地质-生态环境的演化机制,结合其自然环境状况,揭示了长江流域自然灾害形成的综合机制及其分布规律;并在此基础上,依托图文信息可视化系统技术手段,采取自上而下和自下而上两种进行综合自然灾害区划,其区划等级体系为3个自然灾害区和9个自然灾害亚区,为合理利用自然资源及防治自然灾害和环境退化提供了基本依据。  相似文献   

城市雨水资源的有效利用是建设节约型社会面临的问题之一。针对目前城市普遍重排水轻蓄水的现状,从提高水资源利用率和构建城市良性生态系统的角度,提出了城市绿地隐形蓄水系统的概念、结构、组成和蓄水原理,分析了隐形蓄水系统在抑制环境污染、利用和节约水资源、改善植物生长条件、促进生物多样性形成和保障水生态安全等方面的生态服务功能。  相似文献   

再论灾害研究的理论与实践   总被引:163,自引:50,他引:163  
本文在作者1991年发表的“研究的现状与实践”一文基础上,全面分析了当前国外灾害理论研究的进展,对灾害理论研究中的2灾因子论,孕灾环境论,承灾体论进行了评述,并系统地阐述了区域灾害系统论的主要内容,即在综合分析组成区域灾害系统的致灾因子,孕灾环境,承灾体的基础上,通过对致灾因子的风险性评估,孕灾环境稳定性的分析,承灾体易损性的评价,揭示区域致灾与成灾过程中灾 情纬傻亩ρЩ?  相似文献   

四川跨世纪经济发展中防灾与环保的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭炳炎 《灾害学》1995,10(1):22-27
本文试从防灾与环保的角度,结合三个跨世纪经济发展地区的实际,论述了三峡库区水环境恶化,库岸地质灾害的发展趋势,攀枝花能源和矿产资源开发区的自然灾害与人类不合理活动加剧可能带来的灾害性后果;川西经济开发区日益严重的环境污染问题,提出了加强防灾、环保的一些建议,作为四川跨世纪经济发展避免少走弯路的引玉之砖。  相似文献   

This paper outlines the implications of international approaches to humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan, focusing in particular on the period since the Taliban assumed power. It argues that international efforts to use conditionality on humanitarian assistance have proved ineffective in influencing the Taliban's policies, and have been implemented despite the negative impact on the welfare of the whole population. Efforts to adopt a principled approach to aid programming in this environment have also raised many ethical dilemmas which are likely to remain major challenges in that country and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Diasporas and diaspora non‐governmental organisations (NGOs) are increasingly important as resource lifelines to their home countries, yet the resources that they mobilise, the types of challenges that they face, and their coping mechanisms are not well explored or understood in the context of disaster recovery. To fill this knowledge gap, this study employed an inductive qualitative methodological approach, using interviews to comprehend the role played by Haitian diaspora NGOs after the catastrophic earthquake in 2010. It found that resources take four common forms: event fundraisers; financial and material donations from supporters; remittances; and volunteer labour. Challenges include an overreliance on diaspora donors, competition among NGOs, and what is perceived as inequitable funding practices towards diaspora NGOs. The findings provide insights centred on better coordination among diaspora NGOs, as well as between diaspora NGOs and other local and international NGOs and local governments and international institutions, to ensure more efficient delivery of services to survivors.  相似文献   

从微观农户角度分析了干旱、农业旱灾和农户旱灾脆弱性的成因。文章认为,自然降水不足或与作物需求匹配不均是造成农业干旱的动力,农户对干旱的应付能力不足是导致干旱成灾的原因。这种应付能力既受区域水资源可利用量的限制,也与农户的作物种植结构、灌溉支付能力、风险认识和对农业的依赖程度有关。农户旱灾脆弱性既与农业干旱有关,又受到人均资源和收入、种植和消费结构、生态环境质量、政策、市场价格等多重因素的作用。最脆  相似文献   

Two suicide bombings in and around Taba, Egypt, on 7 October 2004 created a complex medical and organisational situation. Since most victims were Israeli tourists, the National Emergency and Disaster Management Division handled their evacuation and treatment. This paper describes the event chronologically, as well as the organisational and management challenges confronted and applied solutions. Forty-nine emergency personnel and physicians were flown early to the disaster area to reinforce scarce local medical resources. Two hundred casualties were recorded: 32 dead and 168 injured. Eilat hospital was transformed into a triage facility. Thirty-two seriously injured patients were flown to two remote trauma centres in central Israel. Management of mass casualty incidents is difficult when local resources are inadequate. An effective response should include: rapid transportation of experienced trauma teams to the disaster zone; conversion of local medical amenities into a triage centre; and rapid evacuation of the seriously injured to higher level medical facilities.  相似文献   

在西部大开发过程中,许多重大工程建设涉及泥石流灾害的问题.讨论了工程活动、泥石流及山地环境之间的相互作用和影响.工程活动往往受到泥石流、山地环境的制约,同时它作为活的因素,又积极地影响着泥石流和山地环境,促使其产生次生演化,泥石流和山地环境的次生演化常会对工程活动产生次生制约.泥石流的发生会危及工程和人类的安全,破坏地表,破坏生态环境;人类工程活动若不遵守自然规律,过度向山地索取,必将导致山地环境退化和泥石流的广泛活动及频繁发生,甚至引起泥石流活动范围扩大和成灾规律改变.  相似文献   

The emerging emphasis on disaster risk reduction has broadened the range of experts whose knowledge must be garnered to resolve complex socio‐technical challenges. This paper examines the role and position of the construction sector for addressing these concerns. Specifically, it examines the recursive nature of practices within the built environment, which can be seen as deeply ingraining fragmented approaches to the development process. These, in turn, render the industry a difficult arena within which to enact structural and cultural change. Based on a wide body of literature on resiliency a set of overarching principles are proffered to help inform efforts to overcome some of the barriers to creating a more resilient built environment. It is argued that these principles offer a point of departure for embedding resilience considerations at both project and institutional levels, although real change would demand challenging some of the conventions that currently underpin construction development.  相似文献   

Despite sustained scholarly interest in post‐conflict states, there has not been a thorough review and analysis of associated methodology and the challenges of conducting research in these contexts. Addressing this gap, this paper directs attention to the particular effects of these settings on access and data quality and their ramifications for the resulting scholarship. It assesses the intrinsic challenges of performing fieldwork in these environments, drawing on both relevant social science literature and the authors’ experiences of carrying out research in Afghanistan and Timor‐Leste. The study demonstrates that the post‐conflict environment moulds research design and, consequently, influences how questions are answered as well as the questions asked. Moreover, it highlights ways to mitigate these issues. This work is of relevance to scholars planning to engage in field research and to researchers reflecting upon their work, as well as to policymakers who are considering undertaking programmes or commissioning research in post‐conflict areas.  相似文献   

许晓路  申秀英 《灾害学》1994,9(3):58-61
随着东阳市经济的迅速发展.由于人口数量增加,对自然资源的需求量越来越大,环境保护意识薄弱等原因,导致生态系统遭到破坏,林相单一、水土流失严重、洪旱灾害频繁、环境污染严重等灾害。据此,本文提出保护东阳市环境的对策。  相似文献   

FunctionalfeaturesoftheecosystemintheprimitivesubtropicalkarstmountainareaandtheirdegradationundertheinfluenceofhumanactivitiesInthepast 50years ,humanactivitieshavebroughtaboutthefollowinggreatchangesintheecosystemofthesubtropicalkarstmountainarea :(1 )FromtheinvestigationandanalysisofMaolanKarstNaturalConservationDistrictinGuizhouandNonggangKarstNaturalConservationDistrictinGuangxi,andtheresearchesonthechangesinthenaturalandgeographicalenvironmentinthekarstmountainareainRenhuaiCity ,Gu…  相似文献   

煤矿区地质环境灾害现状、发展趋势及对策研究…   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
崔树军  宋志敏 《灾害学》2000,15(3):67-71
随着煤炭资源的开发,占用土地,“三废”污染、地面变形与沉降、矿井突水等地质环境灾害问题日益突出,致使地质环境质量下降,影响着社会经济持续健康发展。本文用环境地质学的观点,论述了我国煤矿区地质环境灾害现状与发展趋势,并提出了防治地质环境灾害的对策与建议。  相似文献   

河流生态系统是人类社会得以生存与发展的基本条件,河流水生态健康对保障区域水安全,避免水灾害具有重要意义.随着城市化的不断推进,河流生态系统面临着巨大挑战,水生态风险及灾害呈现广发、频发和深发态势.通过汇总北京市五大流域河流水生态健康状况评估相关研究,识别区域水生态系统主要问题,诊断水生态健康问题产生的原因.结果表明,北...  相似文献   

西部生态环境与资源可持续利用的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭红丽  苏智先 《灾害学》2005,20(2):54-57
本文在介绍西部生态环境现状的基础上,分析了其恶化的症结所在,并指出西部应增强生态意识,重视保护和改善生态环境,以确保资源的可持续利用和促进西部经济的可持续发展.  相似文献   

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