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文化的终极目标是服务社会,把本身潜在的生产力转化成现实的生产力.生态道德的第一要义应当而且必须是从长远的角度维护良好的社会经济秩序,促进地方经济的和谐发展.生态旅游经济是一种“可持续”的经济模式,它将经济效益、生态效益和生态保护三者结合起来,对于避免急功近利的经济模式具要重要意义.生态旅游经济必然是道德理性的经济,是人与自然的和谐发展,应促进人与自然、人与人、人的自身和谐,将旅游经济提升到一个“天人合一”的最高境界.  相似文献   

试论高校行政管理的改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学发展观、相关法律法规、历史经验教训以及国外成功经验,为高校档案管理科学化提供了依据;高校档案管理科学化包含"管理人员专业化"、"业务基础建设标准化"、"技术应用现代化"、"管理服务社会化"等方面的内容;领导重视档案管理工作,按照专业化相关标准配置档案管理人员、组织实施对档案管理人员的继续教育和培训,切实解决好档案馆(室)硬件设施资金投入问题,是保障高校档案管理科学化的关键.  相似文献   

农户经济行为方式对农村环境的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
赫晓霞  栾胜基 《生态环境》2006,15(2):377-380
农户经济行为方式的不同,必然导致不同的环境后果。文章在调查研究的基础上,认为微观上农户的职业选择对于我国广大农户的生产方式和生活方式具有重要影响,从而间接影响到我国的农村环境状况。我国目前的农村环境状况之所以呈现出种种不同的现状和发展方向,最直接的原因,是由于不同的农户经济行为方式选择所造成的。因此,进行农村环境保护,离不开对农户生存状态的认识和研究,只有从根本上提高和改善农户的生存状态,才能达到持续利用与保护农村环境的最终目标。  相似文献   

本文对我国经济动物养殖业具有的高投入高产出,市场行情变化大,风险大,需要较特殊的养殖技术,以及易被炒种形成“养殖热”等特点进行了精辟的论述,并从此出发分析了经济野生动物的养殖必须具备足够的资金,懂法守法,懂得养殖技术,有较好的环境条件,种原优质和掌握市场行情等条件,对于我国经济动物养殖业大起大落以及产品价廉质差滞销的原因进行了深入分析,并就如何健康发展经济动物养殖业提出了针对性措施。  相似文献   

社会经济活动对太湖流域的生态影响分析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
采用系统分析的方法,围绕社会经济压力、水体污染负荷以及水体环境状态3个方面,建立社会经济活动对太湖流域生态影响的评价指标体系,利用层次分析法计算各指标因子的权重.根据太湖流域2005和2006年的相关数据,以MATLAB为工具,运用模糊模式识别方法进行流域生态综合评价,分析社会经济活动对太湖流域的生态影响.研究结果表明,太湖流域的社会经济活动对湖泊生态的影响较大,除了点源污染以外,面源污染也是太湖流域生态环境问题的重要根源.  相似文献   

新时代的环境保护,秉持人与自然和谐相处的治理理念,更应从司法层面入手,从制度和政策的构建中做到控制人类活动对环境的污染。证明责任是环境行政公益诉讼体系构建中的一个重要环节,合理分配证明责任对于主要查明案件事实和保护环境公共利益有重要影响。环境行政公益诉讼作为行政诉讼的重要组成部分,其举证责任分配方式不便重构,而应在现有框架下进行解构与补充。应从收集证据的强制力、科学地分配举证责任以及设置生态保护案件中行政机关履职及举证标准3个方面入手,最终达到保护环境公益的目的。  相似文献   

自2000年,中国开展了举世瞩目的退耕还林工程.文章的目的是进行退耕还林工程的成本.效果分析及经济影响评价.通过成本-效果分析,研究了敦化市退耕还林工程对环境的影响;通过农户调查研究退耕还林前后经济收入的变化及经济结构的调整.结果表明,敦化市的退耕还林总的来说并没有带来充分的环境效益,环境和经济的异质性考虑较少.在农户调查的8个乡镇中,只有1个乡镇的退耕还林地(6.69%)坡度大于25°;有5个乡镇,甚至一半以上的退耕还林地是平地(<5°).在退耕还林选点的问题上,非环境因素和非经济因素影响着退耕还林县的选择,在政策执行的过程中出现了跟风现象.有60%的农户热烈地欢迎这个工程,42%的农民认为参与退耕还林后生活质量有所下降.退耕后,绝大多数退耕户的农业收入比例有不同幅度的降低,非农就业收入均在增加,证明存在着就业结构灵活调整的潜力.建议不要把退耕还林工程扩大化,要做好区划工作.在项目开展过程要积极开展公众宣传教育工作,提高公众参与程度,提高项目的可持续性.  相似文献   

发展循环经济集中体现着科学发展观的内涵和精神实质.环境与资源的刚性约束决定深圳必须走发展循环经济的道路,而自主创新无疑是发展循环经济的持续动力.深圳市多年的发展证明坚持自主创新、发展循环经济已经成为深圳精神的核心内容.参2.  相似文献   

Abstract: Frustration with the lack of action on conservation issues by governments has sparked debate around the policy role of conservation biologists. We analyzed the political economy of conservation biology, that is, of the dynamics of the political and economic structures within which conservation biology operates, and we suggest more productive means for conservation biologists to achieve conservation goals. Within the modern state, conservation goals are marginalized because the growth needs of industrial capital have the highest priority. Environmental advocacy within this system largely addresses only proximate concerns and has limited success. Science is a product of modern society, but scientists now need to foster novel institutional arrangements in which humans can function within the limits of natural systems. This entails a larger recognition of the inherent contradictions residing within current institutions that themselves depend on unsustainably high resource flows. As one critical counterbalance to these institutions, we discuss community-based management and research as primary institutions through which sustainable use of natural resources might be achieved.  相似文献   

Unsightly and environmentally damaging debris is an ever present problem for waterways and beaches around the world. This debris has numerous sources, and is comprised of materials ranging from metal and wood to plastics and paper. the aesthetic, economic, and environmental impacts of debris have been well documented over the past several years. in an effort to control the release of trash and debris into our waters, there are many activities ongoing in the US. One such activity is a coordinated effort between the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), other federal Agencies (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), United States Coast Guard (USCG), United States Navy (USN), National Park Service (NPS), Department of Interior (DOI)), industry (the Society of the Plastics Industry, INC. (SPI)), environmental, and local groups. This paper describes the results of field assessments, and the other activities undertaken by EPA as part of this coordinated effort to control the release of debris to our nation's waterways.  相似文献   

Unsightly and environmentally damaging debris is an ever present problem for waterways and beaches around the world. This debris has numerous sources, and is comprised of materials ranging from metal and wood to plastics and paper. the aesthetic, economic, and environmental impacts of debris have been well documented over the past several years. in an effort to control the release of trash and debris into our waters, there are many activities ongoing in the US. One such activity is a coordinated effort between the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), other federal Agencies (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), United States Coast Guard (USCG), United States Navy (USN), National Park Service (NPS), Department of Interior (DOI)), industry (the Society of the Plastics Industry, INC. (SPI)), environmental, and local groups. This paper describes the results of field assessments, and the other activities undertaken by EPA as part of this coordinated effort to control the release of debris to our nation's waterways.  相似文献   

本文阐述了知识经济的内涵与特点,提出了知识经济对人才的要求及对成人教育的影响和对策.  相似文献   

中国发展循环经济的研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
通过分析我国实施可持续发展战略面临的问题以及发展循环经济的基础和优势,指出发展循环经济是中国走可持续发展道路的必然选择。同时,提出了在我国发展循环经济的对策。  相似文献   

潮间带湿地碳循环及其环境控制机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有高等植被覆盖的潮间带湿地(红树林沼泽、盐沼)植被生产力高,有机碳分解速率低,CH4排放较弱,碳沉积速度快,是单位面积碳封存速率最高的生态系统之一。作为全球“蓝色碳汇”的主要贡献者,潮间带湿地在减缓含碳温室气体排放,降低全球温室效应方面具有重要潜力。潮间带湿地大多地处经济发达和人口密集的河口海岸地区,近年来其碳汇功能受到了越来越多人为干扰的威胁,正在发生着的气候变化则更增加了这种碳汇功能的不确定性。在全球变化背景下,对潮间带湿地碳循环及其环境控制机制的深入了解可以帮助更好地管理这种具有重要碳减排潜力的生态系统。文章综述国内外的相关研究,分析了潮间带湿地碳循环的基本过程和环境影响因素,探讨了多种人为干扰和气候变化要素对潮间带湿地碳循环的影响。潮间带湿地碳循环的基本过程主要包括垂直方向土壤(水)-大气界面和植被-大气界面CO2、CH4交换和沉积过程驱动的碳封存,以及水平方向与近海的碳交换。潮间带湿地的碳循环主要受潮汐/流、光合有效辐射、温度、盐度、水位、植物群落特征等非生物和生物因素的影响。围垦、富营养化、放牧很可能削弱潮间带湿地的碳汇功能,而外来植物入侵却可能在一定程度上增加其碳汇潜能。海平面上升、气温升高会增加潮间带湿地碳汇功能的脆弱性,CO2浓度升高的作用依赖于优势植物群落的光合作用途径,而多种并存气候变化要素的作用则更为复杂。全球范围内大量潮间带湿地已经遭受破坏甚至丧失,水文调控是对受损潮间带湿地碳汇功能进行修复和重建的有效措施。未来的研究需要更好的理解多种并存气候变化要素,及人为干扰和气候变化同时存在对潮间带湿地碳循环的交互效应,利用过程模型预测不同人为干扰和气候变化情境下潮间带湿地碳收支变化规律,并完善受损潮间带湿地碳汇功能修复的基础理论和实施方法。  相似文献   

N2O的环境效应及其防逸技术的发展趋势   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
论述了N2O的环境效应,重点阐述了N2O的温室效应及其对人类活动的影响。列举了各国政府为控制包括N2O在内的温室气体的排放所采取的政策。概括了N2O防逸技术的研究进展,认为固定化细胞技术有望在该领域取得突破性进展。  相似文献   

The increasing use of sea water for industrial cooling presents a real threat to the ecological environment in the ocean. in Taiwan where many electric power plants along the coast take sea water for cooling, people are concerned seriously about nuclear power plants. There are three nuclear power plants in Taiwan. Each plant has two units for generating power. the first two are located along the northern coast of Taiwan. the third is located in Kenting National Park along the coast of southernmost Taiwan. the plants take sea water for cooling, and discharge their heated effluents to the ocean surface from the coast. the thermal effluents have variable effects on the ecological environment near the plants. Fishermen living near the power plants complain that the heated water affects the inshore fishery catch. in addition, the thermal water from the second plant is easily accumulated near the coastal zone to influence the nearby swimming area in the summer-time. the thermal water from the third plant bleaches or kills some corals in shallow water near the outlet, and this conflicts with the interests of Kenting National Park.  相似文献   

The increasing use of sea water for industrial cooling presents a real threat to the ecological environment in the ocean. in Taiwan where many electric power plants along the coast take sea water for cooling, people are concerned seriously about nuclear power plants. There are three nuclear power plants in Taiwan. Each plant has two units for generating power. the first two are located along the northern coast of Taiwan. the third is located in Kenting National Park along the coast of southernmost Taiwan. the plants take sea water for cooling, and discharge their heated effluents to the ocean surface from the coast. the thermal effluents have variable effects on the ecological environment near the plants. Fishermen living near the power plants complain that the heated water affects the inshore fishery catch. in addition, the thermal water from the second plant is easily accumulated near the coastal zone to influence the nearby swimming area in the summer-time. the thermal water from the third plant bleaches or kills some corals in shallow water near the outlet, and this conflicts with the interests of Kenting National Park.  相似文献   

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