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In a nitrogen (N) saturated forest downwind from Los Angeles, California, the cumulative response to long-term background-N and N-amendment on black oak (Quercus kelloggii) was described in a below-average and average precipitation year. Monthly measurements of leaf and branch growth, gas exchange, and canopy health attributes were conducted. The effects of both pollutant exposure and drought stress were complex due to whole tree and leaf level responses, and shade versus full sun leaf responses. N-amended trees had lower late summer carbon (C) gain and greater foliar chlorosis in the drought year. Leaf water use efficiency was lower in N-amended trees in midsummer of the average precipitation year, and there was evidence of poor stomatal control in full sun. In shade, N-amendment enhanced stomatal control. Small differences in instantaneous C uptake in full sun, lower foliar respiration, and greater C gain in low light contributed to the greater aboveground growth observed.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Soil contamination by trace elements like copper (Cu) can affect soil functioning. Environmental policies with guidelines and soil survey measurements...  相似文献   

To improve our knowledge of atmospheric inputs to forests, experiments were performed in the field to measure the dry deposition of SO2 and HNO3 to oak, elm, and pine leaves. A tree branch was enclosed in a Teflon chamber, through which SO2 or HNO3 flowed. The dry deposition characteristics of SO2 and HNO3 were very different. The SO2 deposition occurred primarily through stomatal openings for the oak and pine leaves, and equal stomatal and cuticular deposition was observed for the elm leaves. The deposited SO2 could not be removed from the branch by extracting in water or by revolatilization. In contrast, over 90% of HNO3 dry deposition occurred to the cuticle. Most of the deposited HNO3 could be extracted from the leaves. Revolatilization of HNO3 was negligible from an active branch, but increased from a dormant or detached branch. A deposition velocity was derived from the ratio of the flux of the gas to the leaves and the gas concentration in the chamber. Deposition velocities ranged from 0.02 to 0.11 cm s(-1) for SO2 and from 0.2 to 1.2 cm s(-1) for HNO3 to individual leaf surfaces.  相似文献   

A biomonitoring survey using the moss species [Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. and Scelopodium touretii (Brid.) L. Kock] was performed in the whole territory of Portugal, in order to evaluate the atmospheric deposition of the following elements: Cd. Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn. The concentrations of the same elements were also obtained in two types of soil samples, collected under the moss and in nearby plots without any plant coverage, and relationships between moss and soil concentrations was investigated using the multivariate statistical method of Co-inertia Analysis. Also, relationships between concentrations in moss and several anthropogenic, geologic, pedologic and environmental parameters were screened using the same method of Co-inertia Analysis. Higher concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn were found in areas of higher population density, with higher gasoline consumption, while higher values of Fe and Cr occur in the driest region, with lower plant coverage, indicating strong contamination by resuspended soil particles. Results also show good agreement between moss and soil contents, even for elements with high contribution of anthropogenic sources. The spatial pattern in Portugal of element contents in mosses were also detected and discussed in relation to local contamination sources.  相似文献   

用洛阳铲采集某地区10座地下贮罐罐龄接近或超过10年的典型加油站场地不同深度土样,并分别用吹脱/捕集/热脱附/气相色谱法和快速溶剂萃取/硅酸镁净化/气相色谱法分析样品中的挥发性和萃取性石油烃,发现2座加油站疑似油品渗漏,其中1座为柴油渗漏,地下贮罐附近1.2 ~3.0 m深度土壤总石油烃含量16.1 ~24.6 g/kg,均超过荷兰土壤清除标准,另1座为汽油和柴油混合渗漏,其地下贮罐附近2.4m深度土壤总石油烃含量较高,但未超标.个别加油站场地较高的土壤天然有机物背景值可能计入EPH的分析结果,但其色谱指纹明显不同于石油烃.  相似文献   

To define a harmonized methodology for the use of moss and lichen bags as active monitoring devices of airborne trace elements in urban areas, we evaluated the element accumulation in bags exposed in Naples in different spring weather conditions for 6- and 12-weeks. Three different pre-exposure treatments were applied to moss and lichen materials: water-washing, acid-washing and oven-drying. During the different exposure periods in the Naples urban environment the moss accumulated always higher amounts of elements (except Hg) than lichens and the element accumulation increased during wetter weather and higher PM10 conditions. The oven pre-treatment did not substantially modify the morphology and element composition of moss and the exposure in bags of this material for 6-weeks was sufficient to detect the pattern of airborne trace elements.  相似文献   

Globally, thousands of kilometres of rivers are degraded due to the presence of elevated concentrations of potentially harmful elements (PHEs) sourced from historical metal mining activity. In many countries, the presence of contaminated water and river sediment creates a legal requirement to address such problems. Remediation of mining-associated point sources has often been focused upon improving river water quality; however, this study evaluates the contaminant legacy present within river sediments and attempts to assess the influence of the scale of mining activity and post-mining remediation upon the magnitude of PHE contamination found within contemporary river sediments. Data collected from four exemplar catchments indicates a strong relationship between the scale of historical mining, as measured by ore output, and maximum PHE enrichment factors, calculated versus environmental quality guidelines. The use of channel slope as a proxy measure for the degree of channel-floodplain coupling indicates that enrichment factors for PHEs in contemporary river sediments may also be the highest where channel-floodplain coupling is the greatest. Calculation of a metric score for mine remediation activity indicates no clear influence of the scale of remediation activity and PHE enrichment factors for river sediments. It is suggested that whilst exemplars of significant successes at improving post-remediation river water quality can be identified; river sediment quality is a much more long-lasting environmental problem. In addition, it is suggested that improvements to river sediment quality do not occur quickly or easily as a result of remediation actions focused a specific mining point sources. Data indicate that PHEs continue to be episodically dispersed through river catchments hundreds of years after the cessation of mining activity, especially during flood flows. The high PHE loads of flood sediments in mining-affected river catchments and the predicted changes to flood frequency, especially, in many river catchments, provides further evidence of the need to enact effective mine remediation strategies and to fully consider the role of river sediments in prolonging the environmental legacy of historical mine sites.  相似文献   

A forest tree growth-response to atmospheric deposition is expected to arise indirectly through soil chemical changes and would probably be observable only in the long term. We examined this hypothesis by evaluating the relationship between periodic height growth of mature northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) trees and soil, physiography and atmospheric sulfate deposition along a 170-km west-to-east gradient of decreasing sulfate deposition in north central Pennsylvania, USA. Height increments for three common 20-year periods beginning in 1929, 1949 and 1969 were estimated from exponential-monomolecular growth functions fitted to stem analysis data for each of 45 trees in 13 ecologically analogous stands along the deposition gradient. Canonical analysis was used to identify a statistically manageable subset of the original 48 independent soil, site and tree (age, crown width) variables strongly associated with height growth. Predictive models relating total (60-year) and the three 20-year height increments to the reduced variable set plus estimated average sulfate and nitrate deposition were derived by best subsets multiple regression. An inherent spatial gradient of decreasing height growth from western to eastern sites was apparent in even the earliest (1929-1948) increment. This inferred non-deposition-related spatial growth trend was accounted for in the 1949-1968 growth increment by introduction of the earliest (1929-1948) growth increment as a significant covariate in the regression model. The inherent growth largely disappeared by the 1969-1988 period as a probable consequence of converging growth rates reported to occur in oaks after age 60 years regardless of site quality. The 1969-1988 growth increment was not as strongly correlated with site factors as was growth in preceding periods, nor was early growth or sulfate deposition significantly related to this height increment. Growth effects from sulfate deposition, if any, would most likely occur within the recent (1969-1988) increment coincident with the period of naturally decreasing growth rate, when site differences and possibly environmental factors would have less influence on growth. Our results give no indication that wet sulfate inputs are affecting northern red oak height growth across the atmospheric deposition gradient.  相似文献   

Lee CC  Guo YL  Kuei CH  Chang HY  Hsu JF  Wang ST  Liao PC 《Chemosphere》2006,65(3):436-448
A pentachlorophenol (PCP) manufacturing plant in southern Taiwan discontinued production in 1989. The site of the abandoned plant was heavily contaminated by PCDD/PCDFs, impurities formed in the PCP production process. Serum samples collected from 27 residents living near the deserted plant were evaluated to determine whether this contamination had associated serum levels of PCDD/PCDFs in local residents. The average level of 17 tested congeners ranged from 556 to 5240 pg/g lipid (mean, 1670 pg/g lipid). The corresponding 2,3,7,8-TCDD toxicity equivalent quotient values calculated by international toxicity equivalent factors (I-TEFs) and those recommended by WHO (WHO-TEFs) were 47.2 pg I-TEQ/g lipid and 53.4 pg WHO-TEQ/g lipid, respectively. Levels in other parts of Taiwan typically range from 15 to 20 pg WHO-TEQ/g lipid; therefore, it is likely that the heavily contaminated plant site caused these unusually high serum levels. The average PCDD/PCDF levels of 29 fish-tissue and nine soil samples collected from the sea reservoir surrounding the abandoned PCP plant were also abnormally high: 8630 pg/g lipid (985 pg WHO-TEQ/g lipid) and 606000 pg/g-sample (922 pg WHO-TEQ/g-sample), respectively. Factor analysis indicated that the congener pattern of human serum samples collected from residents living near the abandoned PCP plant different from samples collected from other areas in Taiwan without known PCDD/PCDF pollution. Similar results were observed for the fish tissue and soil samples. The current study may have discovered a "hot spot" for elevated dioxin human exposure in Taiwan. The preliminary finding has raised a public health concern in the inspected area and requires further investigations to clarify the nature of the contamination and potential impact on the local environment and human health.  相似文献   

Liu XH  Wai KM  Wang Y  Zhou J  Li PH  Guo J  Xu PJ  Wang WX 《Chemosphere》2012,88(5):531-541
Totally 117 cloud/fog water samples were collected at the summit of Mt. Tai (1534 m a.s.l.)—the highest mountain in the Northern China Plain. The results were investigated by a combination of techniques including back trajectory model, regional air quality and dust storm models, satellite observations and Principal Component Analysis. Elemental concentrations were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, with stringent quality control measures. Higher elemental concentrations were found at Mt. Tai compared with those reported by other overseas studies. The larger proportions and higher concentrations of toxic elements such as Pb and As in cloud/fog water compared with those in rainwater at Mt. Tai suggests higher potential hazards of cloud/fog water as a source of contamination in polluted areas to the ecosystem. Peak concentrations of trace elements were frequently observed during the onset of cloud/fog events when liquid water contents of cloud/fog water were usually low and large amount of pollutants were accumulated in the ambient air. Inverse relationship between elemental concentrations and liquid water contents were only found in the samples with high electrical conductivities and liquid water contents lower than 0.3 g m−3. Affected mainly by the emissions of steel industries and mining activities, air masses transported from south/southwest of Mt. Tai were frequently associated with higher elemental concentrations. The element Mn is attributed to play an important role in the acidity of cloud/fog water. The composition of cloud/fog water influenced by an Asian dust storm event was reported, which was seldom found in the literature.  相似文献   

Samples of the lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf and the moss Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. were exposed for 6 weeks in nylon bags in two air pollution monitoring stations in Trieste and Naples (Italy) with different climates and pollution loads to evaluate influence of environmental conditions on sample vitality. This was assessed before and after exposure by transmission electron microscopy observations, K cellular location, and measurements of C, N, S and photosynthetic pigments content, CO2 gas exchange, and chlorophyll fluorescence. Almost all data sets indicate that exposures caused some damage to the species, considerably heavier in the moss, especially in Naples. The two cryptogams differed significantly in accumulation and retention of C, N, and S, the lichen clearly reflecting NO2 availability. The difference in vitality loss was related to the different ecophysiology of the species, because concentrations of phytotoxic pollutants were low during exposure. Critical notes on the analytical techniques are also given.  相似文献   

Active biomonitoring with wet and dry moss bags was used to examine trace element atmospheric deposition in the urban area of Belgrade. The element accumulation capability of Sphagnum girgensohnii Russow was tested in relation to atmospheric bulk deposition. Moss bags were mounted for five 3-month periods (July 2005-October 2006) at three representative urban sites. For the same period monthly bulk atmospheric deposition samples were collected. The concentrations of Al, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb were determined by instrumental neutron activation analyses and atomic absorption spectrometry. Significant accumulation of most elements occurred in the exposed moss bags compared with the initial moss content. High correlations between the elements in moss and bulk deposits were found for V, Cu, As, and Ni. The enrichment factors of the elements for both types of monitor followed the same pattern at the corresponding sites.  相似文献   

K F Chang  G C Fang  C S Lu  H L Bai 《Chemosphere》2001,45(6-7):791-799
Ambient air particle concentrations were sampled by two total suspended particle (TSP) samplers, PM10/PM2.5 specific sampler and micro-orifice uniform deposit impactor (MOUDI) during July-October 2000 at a traffic sampling site in central Taiwan. The average TSP concentration (194 microg/m3) was about a factor of two higher than that of the fraction <2.5 microm (93.2 microg/m3). The mean level of the fraction <10 microm collected by MOUDI (93.2 microg/m3) was about 1 1/2 times higher than that of the size class <2.5 microm (43.8 microg/m3). Furthermore, this fraction showed a certain correlation with the TSP concentration. The particle size distribution was bimodal in the ambient air at the traffic site. The major peaks appear at particle diameters between 0.56-1.0 and 3.2-5.6 microm. The percentages of anions contained in TSP were 0.24% F-, 13.7% Cl, 0.52% Br, 12.0% NO-, 18.9% NO2-, and 54.6% SO2-. The Cl-, NO2-, and NO3- size distributions were all unimodal and the major peaks appeared at 3.2-5.6 microm. The SO2 size distribution was bimodal, with major peaks at 0.32-0.56 and 3.2-5.6.  相似文献   

Lobes of the lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf and shoots of the moss Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. were subjected to different treatments (water washing, oven drying, HNO3 washing, NH4-oxalate extraction) to assess the influence of vitality on accumulation efficiency, during a 6-week exposure in bags in two Italian cities, Trieste and Naples. No trend emerged between treatments, in terms of accumulation ability, for major and trace elements. Only water-washed lichens showed an increased C and N content after exposure in both cities. Element concentrations generally reached higher values in mosses than in lichens, especially for Al, Fe, and Zn (both cities), and for Cu, Mg and Na (Naples). Surface development strongly influenced accumulation capacity of the biomonitors. Quartzose and cation exchange filters revealed, on a weight basis, a poor performance. In urban environments, surface interception of atmospheric particulate seems to play a major role in accumulation, irrespective of organism vitality.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the spatial and temporal distribution pattern of metals and sulfur present in Shanghai, moss bags with Haplocladium microphyllum (Hedw.) Broth. were suspended at 14 local monitoring stations from April through June 2006 in Shanghai, the largest city in China. The results showed that the concentrations of S, Cu, Pb, and Zn in the moss bags after exposure were higher at the sites in the industrial district and most urban districts and lower at the sites in suburban areas, and well correlated with SO2 API and PM10 API in the air both in terms of space and time. The present study provided evidence that the moss H. microphyllum is suitable for bio-monitoring air pollution with moss bags and further confirmed that the moss-bag method is a simple, inexpensive and useful technique.  相似文献   

马杰 《环境工程学报》2022,16(4):1063-1067
我国污染场地修复行业长期存在“重土轻水”的现象。然而,由于土壤与地下水共同构成了有机统一的地下环境,污染物在土壤和地下水之间存在密切的物质交换,因此,充分掌握目标场地的地下水污染状况对于场地环境管理及修复后地块的安全利用起着举足轻重的作用。对地下水监测在整个污染场地环境管理工作中的四方面作用进行了剖析,阐明了我国污染场地地下水监测中存在的问题,并针对性地提出了解决思路和政策建议,以期为我国的污染场地管理提供参考。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to validate lichens as biomonitors of PAH atmospheric deposition; for that, an inter-comparison between the PAH profile and concentrations intercepted in lichens with those of air, soil and pine needles was performed. The study was conducted in a petro-industrial area and the results showed that PAH profiles in lichens were similar to those of the air and pine needles, but completely different from those of soils. Lichens accumulated higher PAH concentrations when compared to the other environmental compartments and its concentrations were significantly and linearly correlated with concentrations of PAHs in soil; we showed that a translation of the lichen PAHs concentrations into regulatory standards is possible, fulfilling one of the most important requirements of using lichens as biomonitors. With lichens we were then able to characterize the air PAHs profile of urban, petro-industrial and background areas.  相似文献   

The frequency distribution of total suspended particulate matter for Indianapolis, Ind., was examined in order to determine the precision associated with any given sampling scheme. By assuming a basic loge-normal distribution, a theoretical set of confidence intervals about the geometric mean was derived for random sampling. Verification of the loge-normal distribution was made for particulate matter in Indianapolis. Application of the derived confidence intervals revealed that for a 30-day period 20 samples must be taken to ensure that the 90% confidence interval will be within 10% of the geometric mean. Analysis of the records for 19 sampling locations within Indianapolis revealed that only 2 sites possessed sufficient data to allow monthly climatological evaluation over the period 1968-1970.  相似文献   

To study the biological variation in the content of some persistent organic pollutants, viz hexachlorobenzene (HCB), alpha- and gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (alpha- and gamma-HCH), and 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-(4-chlorophenyl)-ethane (DDT) were analysed in needles from Scots pine trees growing at an isolated peninsula south of Stockholm, Sweden. The concentration variations of each compound was evaluated by a nested analysis of variance (ANOVA) with sampling site specific compass direction, individual tree, and sampling height as factors. Two pair-wise post hoc tests were used to test significant results from the ANOVA. The hexachlorocyclohexanes showed no significant differences between sampling site, trees or sampling height. DDT concentration was significantly lower at the sampling site with the densest vegetation compared to at least three of the other sampling sites. HCB was significantly lower at the lowest sampling height (0.5 m).  相似文献   

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