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Understanding the role of negative affectivity (NA) in relations between job stressors and resultant strains has been a major source of research interest in the organizational literature for almost two decades. In this study, we propose a contingency approach, whereby the role of NA depends on the nature of the strain construct under investigation. Specifically, we predicted that perceived job stressors would fully mediate the relationship between NA and turnover intentions, while job stressors would only partially mediate the relationship between NA and job and life satisfaction, and job stressors would be unrelated to depression once NA was taken into account. The relative fit of these four models is tested utilizing data from two divergent samples (sales representatives and managers) employing both self‐ and informant reports of strain measures where feasible. Hypotheses regarding the specified nature of the NA → stressor → strain relationship generally were supported and replicated across samples. In addition, an alternate model specifying that NA moderates the relationship between stressors and strains was not supported for any strain variable. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The prominence of the personality trait of Negative Affectivity (NA) in the stress literature has increased over the last decade. Negative affectivity has been widely reported both to have direct effects on measures of strain, and to act as a potential confounding variable of stressor–strain relations in self-report research (Watson and Clark, 1984). However, more recent work has demonstrated that NA can also moderate environment–outcome relationships, acting as a vulnerability factor in the stress model, or alternatively that its influence may be mediated through perceptions of the work environment. In the present study, these four possible pathways through which NA may be implicated in job satisfaction and symptom report were examined. In terms of symptom report, NA was found to have direct effects, to act as a partial confound, and to play a significant moderating (vulnerability) role. In contrast, for the prediction of job satisfaction, the influence of NA was found to be mediated through perceptions of the work environment. It is concluded that all these potential roles of NA should be more thoroughly considered in future stress research.  相似文献   

The current study was designed to replicate findings from previous research regarding the relationships between job stressors, negative affectivity, and counterproductive work behavior (CWB) using peer‐reported data and to assess the effects of workplace incivility on employee satisfaction and CWB. Results indicate that incivility, organizational constraints, and interpersonal conflict were negatively related to job satisfaction and positively related to CWB. Support was also found for the role of negative affectivity as a moderator of the relationship between job stressors and CWB, although only one significant moderator was found using peer‐reported CWB. In general, the relationships between job stressors and CWB were stronger for individuals high in negative affectivity than for individuals low in negative affectivity. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated a strong positive relationship between job and life satisfaction. Traditionally, this relationship has been explained in terms of a spillover model, wherein job experiences spill over onto life, and vice versa. This study directly tests a different explanation for this relationship: personality traits that influence both job and life satisfaction. In a longitudinal test with multisource data, three typologies, which were shown by past research to be linked to both job and life satisfaction, were examined: Big Five, positive and negative affectivity, and core self‐evaluations. One hundred and fifty‐three university employees working in a diverse set of occupations were surveyed twice, with a six month time interval; the first survey also included a second questionnaire to be completed by a ‘significant other.’ Analyses of concurrent and prospective zero‐order and partial correlations, as well as structural equation modeling, supported the hypothesized confounding role of all three typologies, especially core self‐evaluations. Though controlling for personality reduced the magnitude of the job–life satisfaction relationship, it did not entirely eliminate it. Overall, the results suggest the presence of both dispositional and environmental factors in job and life satisfaction. Finally, implications for organizational practice and theory development are discussed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that dispositional negative affect (NA) is associated with lower levels of job satisfaction. Little research has been conducted, however, on other organizational implications of negative affect or on the potential effects of dispositional positive affect (PA). The present studies examined the relationship of both positive and negative affectivity to organizational commitment, turnover intentions, global job satisfaction and performance. In the first study both NA and PA were associated with organizational commitment and turnover intentions. Additionally, commitment mediated the relationship between dispositional affectivity and turnover. Finally, PA and tenure interacted to predict job performance, such that PA and job performance were positively related, but only for high tenure employees. In Study 2 the findings were generally similar, but not identical. Both NA and PA were related to global job satisfaction and turnover intentions. However, only PA was related to affective organizational commitment. Moreover, both job satisfaction and affective commitment mediated the relationship between dispositional affectivity and turnover intentions. Finally, unlike Study 1, PA was not related to job performance. Rather, NA and tenure interacted such that when individuals were lower in tenure, NA was negatively related to performance.  相似文献   

This study tests a model that uses organizational justice variables and the personality trait of negative affectivity to explain two forms of deviant employee behavior. Prior research suggests that deviance can be directed interpersonally or against organizations. We propose a model that links unfavorable perceptions of distributive, procedural, and interactional justice, as well as the dispositional trait of negative affectivity, to both types of deviant acts. To test the model, a survey was distributed to employees from a government agency and an international manufacturer of paper products. Responses to the survey were analysed using structural equation modeling to evaluate the fit of the theoretical model to the data. Results showed that the model fits the data well and that nearly all of the hypothesized relations among constructs were supported. Implications of the results for the prediction and control of deviant behavior are discussed and future research directions are offered. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examined the mental health outcomes of job stress among Chinese teachers in Hong Kong. A total of 269 Chinese teachers participated in Study 1 which provided cross‐sectional data regarding the associations among stress resource factors, burnout, and negative mental health. Study 2 was a six‐month longitudinal study which aimed to establish the direction of the associations among the hypothesized variables across two time points with a separate sample of 61 Chinese secondary school teachers. Results of the structural equation modelling analyses on the cross‐sectional data at T1 showed that stress resource factors of self‐efficacy and proactive attitude were negatively related to burnout, which in turn had a direct effect on negative mental health. Stress resource factors were also directly linked to mental health status of teachers. Results of similar analyses on the longitudinal data at T2 further indicated that burnout at T1 had a direct impact on burnout at T2, which in turn had a direct effect on negative mental health at T2. Findings and limitations of the study were discussed. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present research examined the influence of negative affectivity (NA) on the form of the felt accountability–job tension relationship. It was hypothesized that the nonlinear relationship between felt accountability and job tension would surface only for individuals low in NA, whereas the association between these constructs would be positive and linear for individuals high in NA. Data from two studies (N = 198; N = 118) provided support for the hypothesis. These results have important implications for science and practice. Conceptually, this study contributes to the stress, accountability, and personality literatures by demonstrating that accountability can positively or negatively predict tension, and that this association is dependent upon affective disposition. Practically, managers need to be cognizant of the fact that increases in accountability are not always associated with favorable attitudes when managing employees. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Organizational efforts to improve team effectiveness in crisis situations primarily have focused on team training initiatives and, to a lesser degree, on staffing teams with respect to members' ability, experience, and functional backgrounds. Largely neglected in these efforts is the emotional component of crises and, correspondingly, the notion of staffing teams with consideration for their affective makeup. To address this void, we examined the impact of team member dispositional positive affect (PA) on team crisis effectiveness and the role of felt negative emotion in transmitting that influence. A study of 21 nuclear power plant crews engaged in crisis training simulations revealed that homogeneity in PA, but not mean‐level PA, was associated with greater team effectiveness. Mediation analysis suggested that homogeneity in PA leads to greater team effectiveness by reducing the amount of negative emotions that team members experience during crises. Furthermore, homogeneity in PA compensated for lower mean‐level PA in predicting effectiveness. Discussion focuses on the implications of these findings for understanding and further exploring the importance of affective factors and especially team affective composition in team crisis performance. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study addresses theoretical issues involving different interaction effects between job demands and job resources, accompanied by a thorough empirical test of interaction terms in the demand–control (DC) model and the effort–reward imbalance (ERI) model in relation to employee health and well‐being (i.e., exhaustion, psychosomatic health complaints, company‐registered sickness absence). Neither the DC model nor the ERI model gives a clear theoretical rationale or preference for a particular interaction term. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted among 405 nursing home employees and cross‐validated in a comparable sample (N = 471). Results including cross‐validation showed that only a multiplicative interaction term yielded consistent results for both the DC model and the ERI model. Theoretical as well as empirical results argue for a multiplicative interaction term to test the DC model and the ERI model. Future job stress research may benefit from the idea that there should be a theoretical preference for any interaction form, either in the DC model or in the ERI model. However, more research on interactions is needed to address this topic adequately. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High levels of job control and social support are often related to effective job performance and coping with work stressors. However, support may have more positive effects on role behavior when job control is low. In addition, despite theoretical expectations, simple demands–control and demands–support interactions are infrequently found to predict health and psychological strain outcomes. The ‘demands–control–support’ model (Johnson and Hall, 1988) of stress coping integrates these ‘stress buffering’ and ‘decision latitude’ models and observes more consistent findings. This model posits that social support buffers the adverse effects of high demand, low control jobs. However, explicit tests of the interaction of these variables suggest that control can have positive or negative effects on strain, depending on the level of social support. In this study, supervisor consideration was positively related to subordinate job performance, extra-role behavior, and in-role prosocial behavior (conscientiousness) among subordinates perceiving low job control. The relationship between consideration and performance and extra-role behavior was negative among high control subordinates. The demands×control×support interaction predicted health symptoms, organizational commitment, supervisor satisfaction, and absence due to illness, but the interaction plots do not support the prevailing perspective that support buffers the effects of ‘high strain’ (i.e. low control, high demand) jobs. Patterns were similar for different demands and different social support loci (i.e. supervisor, co-workers). An alternative theoretical process of the demands–control–support interaction is proffered, and implications for organizational intervention are discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, this study contrasted employees' job stress perceptions and their relationships to strains in China and the United States. Significant job stressor–strain correlations were found in both countries. However, hierarchical regression analyses revealed significant interactions of country by job stressors in predicting job strains, indicating the unique patterns of stressor–strain relationships in China and the United States. In the qualitative analyses, American employees reported significantly more incidents of lack of job control, direct interpersonal conflict, lack of team coordination, anger, frustration, feeling overwhelmed, and stomach problems than the Chinese. Chinese employees reported significantly more incidents of job evaluations, work mistakes, indirect conflict, employment conditions, lack of training, anxiety, helplessness, sleep problems, and feeling hot than the Americans. The qualitative approach contributed above and beyond the quantitative results in that it revealed culture‐specific job stressors of job evaluations, work mistakes, and indirect conflict that had been overlooked in western‐based stress research. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

According to Snyder's hope theory, high hope individuals possess more goal‐related strategies and are more motivated to achieve their goals than their low hope counterparts. Therefore, we examined the relationship between hope and job performance using three different samples of employees of different job levels and industries. We found that more hopeful sales employees, mortgage brokers, and management executives had higher job performance, as measured a year later, even after controlling for their self‐efficacy and cognitive ability. In a fourth study, we examined if more hopeful employees attempt to solve problems differently than do those with less hope. Higher hope management executives produced more and better quality solutions to a work‐related problem, suggesting that hopefulness may help employees when they are confronted with problems and encounter obstacles at work. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine the mediating role played by five key job characteristics in the relationship between employee participation in a job redesign intervention and employee well‐being. In studies of job redesign interventions, it has been assumed that any effects of employee participation in job redesign on well‐being are a result of changes in job characteristics rather than participation in change per se. It is therefore important to statistically test for mediation in job redesign intervention studies to help establish that the change in job characteristics is the mechanism through which job redesign interventions work. However, this has rarely been tested directly, either because data to allow tests of mediation have not been collected (e.g. assessments of job characteristics) or because data have been collected but mediation has not been tested using accepted procedures. This makes it unclear whether changes in job characteristics explain the effects. Results from multilevel analyses of a longitudinal 9‐month long serendipitous quasi‐experimental participative job redesign intervention showed that changes in job control, participation, skill utilization and feedback, but not task obstacles, were sufficient to account for the relationship between the intervention and employee well‐being. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two dominant perspectives of job crafting—the original theory from Wrzesniewski and Dutton ( 2001 ) and the job demands resources perspective from Tims, Bakker, and Derks ( 2012 )—remain separate in research. To synthesize these perspectives, we propose a three‐level hierarchical structure of job crafting, and we identify the aggregate/superordinate nature of each major job crafting construct. The first level of the structure is job crafting orientation, or approach versus avoidance crafting, which we argue is an essential yet often neglected distinction in the literature. We address the debate surrounding cognitive crafting and identify crafting form (behavioral versus cognitive crafting) as the next hierarchical level of constructs. Finally, we concur that job resources and job demands, or crafting content, capture different ways that individuals craft their jobs. Using this integrated hierarchical structure, we were able to review antecedents and outcomes from both perspectives. We show, for example, that approach crafting in its behavioral form is very similar to other proactive behaviors in the way it functions, suggesting a need for closer synthesis with the broader proactive literature, whereas avoidance crafting appears to be less proactive and often dysfunctional. On the basis of our review, we develop a road map for future research.  相似文献   

Two studies were designed to test hypotheses derived from Locke's (1969, 1976, 1984) model of job satisfaction. Consistent with the model, both studies found that perceived have-want discrepancy scores were powerful predictors of facet job satisfaction. In addition, facet importance tended to moderate this relationship in the manner predicted by Locke. Workers who viewed a job facet as having high importance were more satisfied with a small perceived have-want discrepancy and more dissatisfied with a large discrepancy than workers who viewed the facet as having low importance. Finally, as expected, facet importance failed to moderate the relationship between facet satisfaction and overall job satisfaction. This finding supports Locke's proposition that facet satisfaction scores are ‘implicitly weighted’ by facet importance. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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