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The relationships are considered between monthly and quarterly means of the fine particle sulfur (S) concentrations and wind flow direction, period of day and season of the year. The measurements used are those obtained at selected urban and at rural monitoring stations in the St Louis area during the Regional Air Pollution Study in 1975, 1976 and 1977. Higher mean fine particle S concentrations are observed with wind flows from the E compared to the W and from the NE and SE quadrants compared to the NW quadrant. Substantially higher fine particle S concentrations are obtained with wind flows from the E compared to the W even when conditions are selected so that the values of temperature, solar radiation intensity and wind speed are within the same restricted ranges. A consistent increase in the fine particle S concentrations occurs through the late morning and afternoon with decrease in the evening and especially in the early morning during spring and summer months with wind flows from the E.The contributions are estimated for local scale and regional scale processes to the observed fine particle S concentrations. Local scale processes include those involving atmospheric formation and primary emissions each contribute 0.6−1.0 and 0.6 μg m−3 of the fine particle S. Regional scale processes account for the greater part of the observed concentrations especially when the wind flows are from the SE or SW. Regional scale episodes involving passage of warm high pressure systems to the E of St Louis with accumulation of precursors made especially significant contributions to formation of fine particle S.The atmospheric gas phase and liquid phase chemical reactions contributing to the formation of fine particle S are discussed. Emphasis is placed on the effects of chemistry on the seasonal variations in concentrations of fine particle S.  相似文献   

The measurements during episodic periods in the St. Louis area in 1975 and 1976 of fine particle sulfur, fine particle mass and ozone are related. Such episodes are concentrated into time periods in the late spring and summer months. During such episodes, particle sulfur is the major constituent of the fine particle mass. The sum of the non-sulfur species in the fine particle mass do not show similar episodic patterns as the fine particle sulfur.Elevated concentrations of fine particle sulfur and of ozone usually occur together within the same episodic time periods. However, the day to day variations in fine particle sulfur and of ozone do differ somewhat within these time periods.Both fine particle sulfur and ozone show the influence of regional scale and local scale atmospheric photochemical processes on their formation during episodic time periods. Regional scale boundary layer processes frequently appear to contribute more to fine particle sulfur concentrations than to ozone formation. Local scale primary emissions also contribute to the ambient fine particle sulfur concentrations at core urban locations.  相似文献   

Ozone concentrations in Alberta cities typically exhibit a maximum in May (up to 35 ppb) and a minimum in November (as low as 4 ppb). This behaviour is similar to that of rural Alberta O3 concentrations. Annual O3 concentrations at six urban monitoring stations vary from 11 ppb to 22 ppb and are about one-half the values at rural stations. In winter, urban O3 concentrations are always smaller than rural concentrations and the cities act as sinks for O3. Although urban stations do not exceed Canada's maximum acceptable levels of daily (25 ppb) and annual (15 ppb) O3 concentrations as often as rural stations, the frequency is still quite large. Canada's hourly maximum desirable level (50 ppb) is exceeded 11 times more often at the remote (rural) station than at the downtown (urban) stations.  相似文献   

Ozone concentration data measured in 1977–1979 and 1981–1983 at rural sites in north-west England have been analysed in relation to elevated concentrations. Overall, concentrations exceed 60 ppb on 11.2% of days, 80 ppb on 4.2% of days and reach levels in excess of 100 ppb on 1.5% of days monitored. It is concluded that photochemical pollution is the most frequent cause of elevated concentrations, and that both long-range (continental) and middle-distance (U.K. urban) sources contribute. On a smaller percentage of days, elevated ozone levels arise from enhanced intrusions of stratospheric air associated with vigorous frontal activity. The meteorological situations associated with tropospheric photochemical ozone formation are summer anticyclonic conditions, in common with other observations in the U.K. and other parts of the world.  相似文献   

A statistical investigation of the connection between wind direction and wind speed and concentrations of airborne particulate matter at different places in Denmark is briefly described. The results show that the mean concentration levels over the whole country are highest in case of southerly to southeasterly winds. In general, the mean concentrations are decreasing with increasing wind speed for most wind directions, but in southeasterly winds the mean concentrations are higher for high wind speeds than for low wind speeds.  相似文献   

A chemical model with anthropogenic sources of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons is applied to simulate the chemical behaviour of pollutants in the St. Louis urban plume. It is suggested that a substantial increase in peroxy radical concentrations (HO2,RO2) in the polluted air mass outside its source region leads to an effective formation of secondary pollutants like ozone and sulfate particles. The model indicates characteristic time for ozone generation in the plume of a few hours. Maximum ozone mixing ratio of 115 ppb is predicted after 4 h transport time outside the source region. Conversion rates of SO2 to H2SO4 through gas phase reactions with hydroxyl and peroxy radicals are estimated to be 1–5%h−1. This leads to an approx 25% conversion of SO2 to paniculate sulfur in the plume during the day. Agreement with measured ozone concentrations and flow rates of ozone and participate sulfur in the St. Louis plume on 18 July 1975 can be taken as strong indications that ozone and sulfate particle formation in the plume proceeds through the suggested mechanisms.  相似文献   

The feasibility of locating the urban plume of a moderately large urban area, as far as 120 km downwind, is shown. The method utilizes a single engine aircraft and aerosol instrumentation. A summary of the data obtained from 34 flights, during an 8-month period, is presented and the problems involved in interpreting the data are discussed. These difficulties include nonuniform background levels outside the plume, changing relative humidity, low wind speeds and stable atmospheric layers. The plume was characterized by concentrations of small particles (0.15 < r < 0.3 μm) ca. 1.5 times that in background air and concentrations of large particles (0.3 < r < 1.3 μm) usually greater than twice that in the background. The ratio of the concentrations of small particles to large particles in the plume was about one-half of that in the background.  相似文献   

Field data for coarse particulate matter ([PM] PM10) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) were collected at selected sites in Southeast Kansas from March 1999 to October 2000, using portable MiniVol particulate samplers. The purpose was to assess the influence on air quality of four industrial facilities that burn hazardous waste in the area located in the communities of Chanute, Independence, Fredonia, and Coffeyville. Both spatial and temporal variation were observed in the data. Variation because of sampling site was found to be statistically significant for PM10 but not for PM2.5. PM10 concentrations were typically slightly higher at sites located within the four study communities than at background sites. Sampling sites were located north and south of the four targeted sources to provide upwind and downwind monitoring pairs. No statistically significant differences were found between upwind and downwind samples for either PM10 or PM2.5, indicating that the targeted sources did not contribute significantly to PM concentrations. Wind direction can frequently contribute to temporal variation in air pollutant concentrations and was investigated in this study. Sampling days were divided into four classifications: predominantly south winds, predominantly north winds, calm/variable winds, and winds from other directions. The effect of wind direction was found to be statistically significant for both PM10 and PM2.5. For both size ranges, PM concentrations were typically highest on days with predominantly south winds; days with calm/variable winds generally produced higher concentrations than did those with predominantly north winds or those with winds from "other" directions. The significant effect of wind direction suggests that regional sources may exert a large influence on PM concentrations in the area.  相似文献   

Ozone was measured in six- and NOx in five sampling periods in 1996–97, mostly during summer, at a 1070 m altitude site in northern Peloponnese. Mean values in each sampling period ranged from 43–48 ppb exceeding the European Union 24 h plant protection standard. The background ozone concentration of 43 ppb derived from the correlation of ozone with NOx also exceeded the EU plant protection standard. Ozone exhibited maxima in the afternoon and minima during the night; in certain 24–48 h periods, however, the ozone concentrations remained practically constant; in these short periods air mass back trajectories indicated air masses which originated in north Africa. NOx concentrations had maximum of 24 h around noon. Their mean concentrations ranged from 0.5–0.7 ppb, smaller than respective concentrations in north-central Europe.  相似文献   

Research over the past ten years has created a more detailed and coherent view of the relation between O3 and its major anthropogenic precursors, volatile organic compounds (VOC) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). This article presents a review of insights derived from photochemical models and field measurements. The ozone–precursor relationship can be understood in terms of a fundamental split into a NOx-senstive and VOC-sensitive (or NOx-saturated) chemical regimes. These regimes are associated with the chemistry of odd hydrogen radicals and appear in different forms in studies of urbanized regions, power plant plumes and the remote troposphere. Factors that affect the split into NOx-sensitive and VOC-sensitive chemistry include: VOC/NOx ratios, VOC reactivity, biogenic hydrocarbons, photochemical aging, and rates of meteorological dispersion. Analyses of ozone–NOx–VOC sensitivity from 3D photochemical models show a consistent pattern, but predictions for the impact of reduced NOx and VOC in indivdual locations are often very uncertain. This uncertainty can be identified by comparing predictions from different model scenarios that reflect uncertainties in meteorology, anthropogenic and biogenic emissions. Several observation-based approaches have been proposed that seek to evaluate ozone–NOx–VOC sensitivity directly from ambient measurements (including ambient VOC, reactive nitrogen, and peroxides). Observation-based approaches have also been used to evaluate emission rates, ozone production efficiency, and removal rates of chemically active species. Use of these methods in combination with models can significantly reduce the uncertainty associated with model predictions.  相似文献   

Ozone and other air quality data from five rural sites in the industrialized Latrobe Valley, Victoria, have been subject to statistical analyses including linear regression modelling. The behaviour of O3 in the Latrobe Valley is explained largely in terms of natural background atmospheric processes as observed at Cape Grim, Tasmania.The maximum 1-h average concentration of naturally occurring O3 (obtained from a 6-year record at Cape Grim) is less than 40 ppb (v/v). In contrast the industrialized Latrobe Valley sites show O3 values exceeding 40 ppb between 1% and 3% of the time. These higher concentrations occur in conditions consistent with local photochemical production of O3 via ‘smog’ type processes and appear preferentially at low NOx concentrations (3–4 ppb) during the afternoon (13–18 h) and at high temperatures (above 25°C).A comparison of observations from an elevated station (750 m) with those from the valley floor shows systematic differences in seasonal and diurnal O3 variations and the time of day of occurrence of elevated O3 concentrations which can be explained in terms of the diurnal cycle of convective mixing and mountain/valley winds.A linear regression model incorporating this understanding has accounted for between 43% and 64% of the variance of O3 concentration at the elevated and rural stations. The statistical model incorporates temperature, time of day, month of year, wind speed, O3 concentration 24-h earlier and NOx concentration as variables in the regression equation, with temperature being the dominant variable. The standard deviation of the residual O3 values (observed minus fitted) is around 5 ppb. Auto and cross correlations are used to show that perhaps half of the unexplained variance is coherent from site to site and hence potentially could be modelled.  相似文献   

Ozone measurements made from 5 sites in Hong Kong have been analyzed, including those from one upwind, one downwind, and three urban locales. The data are analyzed in terms of the seasonal and diurnal trends. A subset of data in autumn is further analyzed to study the relationship between the ozone spatial pattern and wind flow as well as other meteorological parameters. The results show that averaged ozone levels at most sites exhibit maxima in autumn, which appears to be a unique feature for eastern Asia. On average the daily maximum 1-h concentrations are found to be higher in the western (normally downwind) site than those on the eastern side and in urban areas. Examination of surface wind patterns and other meteorological parameters suggest that elevated ozone concentrations on the western side occur during the days with intense solar radiation, light winds, and in the presence of a unique wind circulation. The wind reversal in the western parts under the “convergence” flow is believed to be an important cause of the high-ozone events observed there. Such wind flow may re-circulate/transport nearby urban plumes (in this case the Hong Kong–Shenzhen urban complex). Examination of chemical data from the western site has shown that averaged afternoon SO2 to NOx ratios on days with wind reversal are larger than those of typical urban Hong Kong and that a significant SO2 enhancement was clearly indicated on several occasions. The SO2 enhancement may be interpreted as being the evidence to suggest the contribution of regional sources and/or Hong Kong’s power plants (both containing high SO2). A case study has shown that when moderately strong northwesterly wind prevails, elevated ozone and SO2 can be transported to western Hong Kong from the inner Pearl Delta region. This study has also indicated that under the impact of ENE winds the eastern side of Hong Kong is not frequently affected by the re-circulating ozone plumes present in the western side.  相似文献   

At Venice, sited in the middle of a lagoon facing the Adriatic sea, the wind and the atmospheric stability are characterized by Alps-sea interactions and by cold outbreaks through particular gaps of the Alps chain. As a consequence, radiosonde launchings show thermal profiles different from those usually observed over the mainland and also the fluctuations of the wind direction vary with the origin and dynamics of the air masses. In this paper the relationships between thermal and dynamic stability in terms of standard deviation of the wind direction σθ are discussed, since they are of particular interest in managing industrial emissions. The σθ shows a poor diurnal trend, especially during winter; the seasonal trend is slightly more marked. However, it is possible to divide theσθ into stability classes, draw stability roses and relate the latter to the local dynamic climatology and in particular to the different origins of the air masses.  相似文献   

A multiple linear regression model was used to investigate seasonal and long-term trends in concentrations of ozone (O3) and acid-related substances at the Saturna Island monitoring station in southwestern British Columbia from 1991 to 2000. Statistically significant primary (dominant) cycles with a period of 1 yr were found for O3, sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitric acid (HNO3), and aerosol concentrations of sulfate (SO4(2-)), calcium (Ca2+) and chloride (Cl-). Of these, peak median concentrations occurred during the spring for O3 and Ca2+, during the warmer, drier months (April-September) for SO4(2-) and HNO3, and during the cooler, wetter months (October-March) for SO2 and Cl-. Statistically significant secondary cycles of 6 months duration were seen for concentrations of O3, SO4(2-), HNO3, Ca2+, and Cl-. Daily maximum O3 concentrations exhibited a statistically significant increase over the period of record of 0.33 +/- 0.26 ppb/yr. Statistically significant declines were found for concentrations of SO2, SO4(2-), HNO3, Ca2+, and potassium, ranging from 20 to 36% from levels at the start of the sampling period. Declines in ambient concentrations of SO2, SO4(2-), and HNO3 reflect local declines in anthropogenic emissions of the primary precursors SO2 and NOx over the past decade. Trends in Ca2+ and potassium ion concentrations are in line with a broader North American declining trend in acid-neutralizing cations.  相似文献   

Continuous specific measurements of sulphur dioxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide and ozone have been made for over 2y at Bottesford, a rural site in central England, 20 km away from town and industry sources and 1 km from traffic sources. Statistics of hourly, daily, monthly, seasonal and yearly values are given.On an annual basis, there was 50% more oxides of nitrogen (nitric oxide plus nitrogen dioxide) than sulphur dioxide, and more ozone than either. The nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide were approximately equal. No other published annual values of nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide and ozone at U.K. rural sites are known. The summer nitric oxide values were greater at this site than at three other rural sites in the British Isles for which summer nitric oxide values have been reported, but so was the sulphur dioxide, and the amounts of both these gases probably reflect the size and distance of combustion sources.Diurnal variations of the four gases during summer months at Bottesford were similar to those published for a site in southern England. The diurnal variations for winter months at Bottesford were somewhat different, especially for nitrogen dioxide. No other published winter patterns are known.Usually nitrogen dioxide and ozone concentrations were in opposition, both short and long term, but on rare occasions, for example in relatively clean winter air, the ozone concentration rose and fell directly with the nitrogen dioxide. Hourly ozone values exceeded 50 ppb (10−9, by volume) for several hours a month in 22 months out of 24. The World Health Organisation guideline for public health exposure limits is given as 50–100 ppb h−1, not to be exceeded more than once per month.  相似文献   

We collected female greater scaup (Aythya marila) on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska during two breeding seasons to determine if concentrations of 18 trace elements in livers and eggs were elevated and if hepatic concentrations correlated with body condition or affected reproductive status. Fifty-six percent, 5%, and 42% of females, respectively, had elevated hepatic cadmium (Cd: >3 μg g−1 dry weight [dw]), mercury (Hg: >3 μg g−1 dw), and selenium (Se: >10 μg g−1 dw). Somatic protein and lipid reserves were not correlated with hepatic Cd or Hg, but there was a weak negative correlation between protein and Se. Hepatic Cd, Hg, and Se were similar in females that had and had not initiated egg production. In a sample of six eggs, 33% and 100%, respectively, contained Se and Hg, but concentrations were below embryotoxicity thresholds. We conclude that trace element concentrations documented likely were not adversely impacting this study population.  相似文献   

The city of East St. Louis, IL, has a history of abundant industrial activities including smelters of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, a coal-fired power plant, companies that produced organic and inorganic chemicals, and petroleum refineries. Following a gross assessment of heavy metals in the community soils (see Part I of this two-part series), leaching tests were performed on specific soils to elucidate heavy metal-associated mineral fractions and general leachability. Leaching experiments, including the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TLCP) and column tests, and sequential extractions, illustrated the low leachability of metals in East St. Louis soils. The column leachate results were modeled using a formulation developed for fly ash leaching. The importance of instantaneous dissolution was evident from the model. By incorporating desorption/adsorption terms into the source term, the model was adapted very well to the time-dependent heavy metal leachate concentrations. The results demonstrate the utility of a simple model to describe heavy metal leaching from contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Under the auspices of Project METROMEX, studies of visibility de-teoration downwind of St. Louis were conducted during July-August 1974-1975. Estimates of horizontal visual range, standard meteorological data, and aerosol characteristics within the mixing layer were acquired upwind, over, and downwind of the metropolitan area by means of airborne transects. Aerosol number, surface, and volume distributions for particles between 0.025-2.5 µm were generated from the airborne measurement of Aitken nucleus concentrations, cloud condensation nuclei, and aerosols detected in situ with optical probes. Visibility reduction amounting to 50% of prevailing regional upwind visibilities consistently occurs at a distance corresponding to 2-3 hours travel time downwind for an air parcel moving with the mean transport wind. The regions of visibility minimum do not coincide with locations of maximum Aitken nucleus concentrations, but rather correspond in space and time to increased values of cloud condensation nuclei and increased numbers of particles in the 0.1-2.5 µm diameter range. Comparisons of observed aerosol evolution with similar laboratory studies suggest that most of the light scattering aerosols are of secondary origin.  相似文献   

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