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In much of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the lack of organic soil amendments constitutes one of the principal causes for declining soil fertility in intensifying farming systems. The challenge, therefore, remains to increase the availability of organic inputs and to develop recommendations for their combination with inorganic fertilizers. An on-farm experiment was conducted in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria to evaluate the fertilizer effect of rice (Oryza sativa L.) mill waste (RMW) on a degraded Alfisol. The decomposition and nutrient (N and P) release patterns of RMW were studied using the litterbag technique, and the effect on maize yield and soil properties was determined. The RMW was applied at rates of 0, 5, 10, and 15 Mg DM ha−1 and was applied either unburnt or burnt (farmers’ practice). In both years, compound fertilizer was broadcast during land preparation on all plots at rates of 40 kg N ha−1, 17 kg P ha−1, and 33 kg K ha−1.Results obtained in the litterbag study showed that, at maize harvest, more than 90% of the P had been released from the decomposing RMW. However, around 60% of the organic C and 45% of the N still remained. Compared to the control treatment (0 Mg ha−1 RMW), which yielded 0.55 Mg ha−1, maize (Zea mays L.) grain yields were increased by 95% when 10 Mg ha−1 of unburnt RMW was applied, and by 147% with 15 Mg ha−1 (mean of 2 years). In contrast, burnt RMW did not result in significant yield increases. The cumulative application of 30 Mg ha−1 of unburnt RMW significantly increased the soil organic carbon in the surface soil from 0.7% (0 Mg ha−1 RMW) to 1.3%.The results of this investigation indicate that RMW constitutes a valuable organic input in the Guinea savanna if applied unburnt at rates of 10–15 Mg ha−1 in combination with inorganic fertilizer. The repeated application of unburnt RMW may contribute to the rehabilitation of degraded soils through the buildup of soil organic matter.  相似文献   

Four on-farm experiments examined whether modest applications of fertilizers in combination with prunings from native agroforestry trees would be an alternative to maintain the fertility of ferralitic soils in Benin. An application of about 1.9 t ha−1 dry matter of mulch of Senna siamea combined with 30 kg N ha−1, 22 kg P ha−1 and 25 kg K ha−1 as compound fertilizer was compared with (1) 60 kg N ha−1, 43 kg P ha−1 and 50 kg K ha−1 as compound fertilizer alone, (2) mulch of S. siamea alone (about 3.2 t ha−1 dry matter), and (3) a control treatment. Criteria were soil properties, yields, nutrient uptakes, and nutrient budgets. Application of sole mulch had no significant effects (P>0.05) on maize yields, while combined application of prunings and NPK fertilizers or sole NPK increased yields significantly (P<0.05). The most limiting nutrient was P. The local maize cultivar was efficient in P uptake, but not in internal nutrient utilization efficiency; mulch increased significantly the internal P utilization efficiency (P<0.05). Soil properties were interpreted with the QUEFTS (quantitative evaluation of the fertility of tropical soils) computer program. The predicted and measured yields were almost the same for maize without NPK. The measured responses to NPK were much lower than the responses calculated by QUEFTS. The calculated nutrient budgets were split into balances for available nutrients and for those not immediately available (NIA). Nutrient budgets were negative for the control and sole mulch treatments, and positive for the NPK treatments. Mulch improved the balances of NIA nutrients. The present experiment could not prove that combining NPK with mulch is the best option for sustainable agriculture. It may be more economical to apply lower rates of fertilizer to local maize than those applied in the two NPK treatments in the present study.  相似文献   

The harvest of crops such as sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.), potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), leek (Allium porrum L.) and carrot (Daucus carota L.) causes soil loss from arable land because soil adhering to the crop and soil clods that failed to be separated by the harvesting machine, are exported from the field together with these harvested crops. These soil losses can be of the same order of magnitude as soil losses caused by water erosion processes, but are often neglected in soil erosion research. In this article we developed a methodology to investigate the spatial and long-term (1846–2004) variability of soil loss due to crop harvesting (SLCH) in Belgium and the spatial distribution of the importance of SLCH relative to soil losses caused by water erosion processes in Flanders. The study is based on long-term time series of soil tare data of crop processing factories and area and crop yield statistics. Until the middle of the 20th century, potato and roots and tubers grown as second crop, had the largest share in the SLCH-crop growing area in Belgium. Sugar beet gained importance from the end of the 19th century onwards and has now, of all SLCH crops, the largest growing area. We could estimate that, partly due to increasing crop yields and the mechanisation of the harvesting process, SLCH per hectare of cropland increased from 0.4 Mg ha−1 year−1 in 1846 to 2.4 Mg ha−1 year−1 in the 1970s and early 1980s. Since then mean annual soil losses decreased again to 1.8 Mg ha−1 year−1 in 2004. It was assessed that total yearly SLCH in Belgium rose from more than 575,000 Mg in the middle of the 19th century to more than 1.7 × 106 Mg in the 1970s and early 1980s, while current SLCH values are 1.4 × 106 Mg. We estimated that since 1846, more than 163 × 106 Mg soil was exported from cropland in Belgium through this erosion process, which corresponds to 109 hm3 or an average soil profile truncation of 1.15 cm. Average sediment export from cropland in Flanders was 3.7 Mg ha−1 year−1 in 2002, of which 46% was due to SLCH and 54% was due to water erosion processes. The relative importance of SLCH varied, depending on the agricultural region, between 38% and 94%.  相似文献   

Productivity of maize–pigeonpea cropping systems is dependent on facilitative and competitive interactive effects on resource availability. Controlling these interactions may benefit farmers through increased productivity associated with optimized crop yields. Previous research on maize–pigeonpea culture in Sub-Saharan Africa has focused on yield and soil fertility, but provided inadequate information on the mechanisms of possible interspecific competition. We employed a factorial field experiment to examine yield and nutritional responses of maize and pigeonpea to cropping systems (sole maize, intercropping, and improved fallow), N and P fertilizer additions, and cattle manure additions in Dodoma, Tanzania. The study objectives were to assess competition between crops and to determine how manure or fertilizer inputs may mitigate such interactions to improve yields. Intercropping enhanced maize yield over sole maize only when fertilized, reflecting probable nutrient competition. Improved fallows alone or with fertilizers (1.2–1.6 Mg ha−1) increased maize yields over sole maize (0.6 Mg ha−1). These increases were attributed to pigeonpea facilitation through soil nutrient replenishment, reduced competition associated with sequential cropping arrangements, and added nutrients from fertilization. Combined fertilizer and manure applications also improved maize and pigeonpea yields. Plant nutrient diagnosis indicated primary and secondary P and Ca deficiencies, respectively associated with P-fixation and leaching of cations due to high soil acidity and exchangeable Al. Maize competed strongly in mixture suppressing biomass and grain yields of the unfertilized pigeonpea by 60% and 33%, respectively due to limited soil nutrients and/or moisture. These yield reductions suggest that the intercropped pigeonpea did not recover from competition after maize harvesting that reduced competition. Optimizing yields of both maize and pigeonpea would require the addition of prescribed fertilizer when intercropped, but applications can be reduced by half under the improved fallow system due to alleviating interspecific competition.  相似文献   

The processes of nutrient depletion and soil degradation that limit productivity of smallholder African farms are spatially heterogeneous. Causes of variability in soil fertility management at different scales of analysis are both biophysical and socio-economic. Such heterogeneity is categorised in this study, which quantifies its impact on nutrient flows and soil fertility status at region and farm scales, as a first step in identifying spatial and temporal niches for targeting of soil fertility management strategies and technologies. Transects for soil profile observation, participatory rural appraisal techniques and classical soil sampling and chemical analysis were sampled across 60 farms in three sub-locations (Emuhaia, Shinyalu, Aludeka), which together represent much of the variability found in the highlands of western Kenya. Five representative farm types were identified using socio-economic information and considering production activities, household objectives and the main constraints faced by farmers. Soil fertility management and nutrient resource flows were studied for each farm type and related to differences in soil fertility status at farm scale. Farm types 1 and 2 were the wealthiest; the former relied on off-farm income and farmed small pieces of land (0.6–1.1 ha) while the latter farmed relatively large land areas (1.6–3.8 ha) mainly with cash crops. The poorest farm type 5 also farmed small pieces of land (0.4–1.0 ha) but relied on low wages derived from working for wealthier farmers. Both farm types 1 and 5 relied on off-farm earnings and sold the least amounts of farm produce to the market, though the magnitude of their cash, labour and nutrient flows was contrasting. Farms of types 3 and 4 were intermediate in size and wealth, and represented different crop production strategies for self-consumption and the market. Average grain yields fluctuated around 1 t ha−1 year−1 for all farm types and sub-locations. Grain production by farms of types 4 and 5 was much below annual family requirements, estimated at 170 kg person−1 year−1. Household wealth and production orientation affected the pattern of resource flow at farm scale. In the land-constrained farms of type 1, mineral fertilisers were often used more intensively (ca. 50 kg ha−1), though with varying application rates (14–92 kg ha−1). The use of animal manure in such small farms (e.g. 2.2 t year−1) represented intensities of use of up to 8 t ha−1, and a net accumulation of C and macronutrients brought into the farm by livestock. In farms of type 5, intensities of use of mineral and organic fertilisers ranged between 0–12 kg ha−1 and 0–0.5 t ha−1, respectively. A consistent trend of decreasing input use from farm types 1–5 was generally observed, but nutrient resources and land management practices (e.g. fallow) differed enormously between sub-locations. Inputs of nutrients were almost nil in Aludeka farms. Both inherent soil properties and management explained the variability found in soil fertility status. Texture explained the variation observed in soil C and related total N between sub-locations, whereas P availability varied mainly between farm types as affected by input use.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the influence that residue and fertilizer management have on nutrient balances, soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics, and crop yields of a flooded rice system in northeast Thailand (1992–1997) and a wheat–forage legume rotation in eastern Australia (1992–1998). Both soils had been subject to at least 18 years of cultivation and had lost up to 90% of the original labile (CL) and 85% of the total carbon (CT).For the rainfed rice cropping systems of northeast Thailand, a system is described in which small applications of leaf litter from locally grown trees are applied annually to rice paddy soils prior to transplanting. Annual applications of 1500 kg ha−1 of leaf litter from different locally grown shrubs for five seasons resulted in increases in rice grain yield in 1997 of between 20 and 26% above the no-leaf litter control. Nutrient balances, determined by the difference between the inputs (fertilizer and added leaf litters) and outputs (grain and straw), indicated net positive balances of up to 457 kg N ha−1, and 60 kg P ha−1, after five seasons of leaf litter applications. Sulfur and potassium balances resulted in net deficits of up to −13 kg S ha−1 and −52 kg P ha−1, where no leaf litter was applied and rice straw was removed following harvest. Soil carbon (C) concentrations increased significantly only where higher fertilizer rate and rice stubble retention were combined.The poor management of fertilizers and crop residues, and excessive cultivation has also resulted in large soil fertility losses in the grain growing areas of Eastern Australia. After five wheat and two legume/fallow crops, negative N balances of up to −303 kg ha−1 were calculated for the treatments where wheat stubble was not retained and bare fallow leys were used. The balance of nutrients such as K, which are contained in larger proportions in stubble, were found to be up to −362 kg ha−1 on the straw-removed treatments and up to +29 kg ha−1 on the straw-retained treatments. Forage legume leys resulted in short term increases in CL and the carbon management index (CMI).Sustainable farming systems require that crop yields are stable through the maintenance of soil fertility and the balance of nutrients in the system. Increases in soil C levels require sustained periods of balanced fertilization and residue retention.  相似文献   

Gaseous emissions from weaned pigs raised on different floor systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gaseous emissions from agriculture contribute to a number of environmental effects. Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are greenhouse gases taking part to the global problem of climate change. Ammonia (NH3) emissions are responsible of soil acidification and eutrophication and contribute also to indirect emissions of N2O. This work evaluated the influence of the type of floor on the emissions of these gases in the raising of weaned pigs. Two trials were carried out. In the first trial, the animals were kept either on fully slatted floor or on straw-based deep litter and, in the second one, either on fully slatted floor or on sawdust-based deep litter. For each trial and on each type of floor, 2 successive batches of weaned pigs were raised without changing the litter or emptying the slurry pit between the 2 batches. The rooms were automatically ventilated to maintain a constant ambient temperature.The performance of the animals was not significantly different according to the floor type. In trial 1, the nitrogen contents of the straw deep litter (including the substrate) and slurry were respectively 276 and 389 g pig−1. In trial 2, the sawdust deep litter and slurry nitrogen contents were respectively 122 and 318 g pig−1.Raising pigs on straw deep litter produced proportionately around 100% more NH3 than raising pigs on slatted floor (0.61 g NH3-N d−1 pig−1 vs. 0.31 g NH3-N d−1 pig−1; P < 0.05). Differences in CO2, H2O and CH4 emissions were not significant between systems. Raising pigs on sawdust deep litter produced also proportionately more NH3 (+52%; 0.55 g NH3-N d−1 pig−1 vs. 0.36 g NH3-N d−1 pig−1; P < 0.01) but also more CO2 (+25%; 427 g d−1 pig−1 vs. 341 g d−1 pig−1; P < 0.001) and H2O (+65%; 981 g d−1 pig−1 vs. 593 g d−1 pig−1; P < 0.001) and less CH4 (−40%; 0.52 g d−1 pig−1 vs. 0.86 g d−1 pig−1; P < 0.001) than raising pigs on slatted floor. Practically no N2O emission was observed from rooms with slatted floor while the N2O emissions were 0.03 and 0.32 g N2O-N d−1 pig−1 for the straw and sawdust deep litter respectively. The warming potential of the greenhouse gases (N2O + CH4), were about 22, 34 and 168 g CO2 equivalents per day and per pig on fully slatted floor, straw or sawdust deep litter respectively.In conclusion, pollutant gas emissions from rearing of weaned pig seem lower with fully slatted plastic floor system than with deep litter systems.  相似文献   

A large proportion of total P in the soils of the area is unavailable to plants and consequently P is the second most limiting nutrient. The labile and moderately labile phosphorus fractions and adsorption characteristics of surface and subsurface horizons of eleven soil profiles in the derived savanna (DS) and the northern Guinea savanna (NGS) of West Africa were assessed. The labile P fractions are the resin and HCO3-extractable inorganic (Pi) and organic (Po) P. The moderately labile fractions are the NaOH-extractable portion of soil P in the Hedley sequential procedure. In the DS soils, the resin P, considered the most readily available fraction, varied from 1 to 14 mg kg−1, HCO3-Pi ranged from 3.3 to 11, and HCO3-PO was between 4 and 12 mg kg−1 in the surface horizon. In the NGS, the topsoil contained 1.5–3 mg kg−1 of resin P, 5–8 mg kg−1 of HCO3-Pi, and 7.5–9.7 mg kg−1 of HCO3-Po. Sodium hydroxide-Po was the largest of the fractions in all the soils studied. It ranged from 23 to 55 mg kg−1 in the topsoil. In general, the labile P levels were higher in soils of the DS than of the NGS and were related to the oxalate-extractable Fe (Feox), and Al (Alox) as well as to soil texture. The subsoil of Kasuwan Magani (profile KS 9–21 cm) required 153 mg P kg−1 to maintain 0.2 mg P l−1 in solution (standard P requirement), and Danayamaka (profile DD 7–32 cm) required 145 mg P kg−1. These could translate to 214 and 200 kg P ha−1 if a plow layer of 10 cm is assumed. Because these are within the plow layer, more P fertilizer would be needed for crop production than in the other soils. The standard P requirement and the adsorption maxima were related to Feox and Alox, dithionite-Fe (Fed), and texture. The increase in labile P content with decreasing Feox and Alox could imply that management practices capable of reducing the activities of Fe and Al in solution might improve P availability.  相似文献   

The seasonal pattern of extractable soil P and soil solution P was determined for topsoil samples taken from a Cirsio-Molinietum fen-meadow community, and also for an adjacent agriculturally improved pasture in Devon, UK. Phosphorus concentration was investigated using three methods during 1993; Olsen's reagent (sodium bicarbonate) for soil P, centrifuging and polymeric suction cups for soil solution P. Solutions were extracted at two-weekly intervals during the spring and at monthly intervals during the summer. Phosphorus removed from both sites by centrifuging was in the range 5–30 μg dm−3 soil, in comparison with 1–6 mg kg−1 for Olsen P. Olsen P on the Cirsio-Molinietum was significantly lower than on the improved pasture in mid-March and mid-June. The concentration of P in soil solution removed by suction cups was below the level of detection (<2 μg dm−3) on the Cirsio-Molinietum. Suction cup P on the improved pasture peaked in April and May at 16–19 μg dm−3 soil. Herbage yield and P concentration were measured throughout the growing season. Above-ground standing crop was greater on the Cirsio-Molinietum than the improved pasture at the beginning of the grazing season, because of the large litter component on the former. Total P content of this material was only 1.81 kg P ha−1 on the Cirsio-Molinietum, in comparison with 5.58 kg P ha−1 on the improved pasture. Phosphorus concentration of plant material obtained by repeated defoliation was approximately 1.0 mg P g−1 DM on the Cirsio-Molinietum, whereas a clear seasonal trend, peaking at 3.5 mg P g−1 DM, was observed on the improved pasture. Phosphorus concentration of litter, grass and sedge from ungrazed plots on the Cirsio-Molinietum indicated distinct seasonal variations for the grass, with no seasonal pattern for the sedge component.  相似文献   

郝卓  高扬  张进忠  于贵瑞 《环境科学》2015,36(12):4403-4413
通过对亚热带千烟洲流域的冬季湿沉降化学特征及森林穿透雨进行研究,揭示亚热带流域森林冠层对大气湿沉降中的营养元素(C、N、P、S)及金属元素(K、Ca、Na、Mg、Al、Fe、Mn、Zn)的截留与作用机制.结果表明:1亚热带丘陵区冬季大气湿沉降以酸沉降为主,p H变化范围在3.49~7.0之间,冬季酸沉降离子中以SO_4~(2-)和NO_3~-为主,其月平均沉降通量分别为4.68 kg·hm~(-2)和0.36 kg·hm~(-2),痕量金属元素中以Zn、K、Ca沉降为主,其沉降通量分别为1.72、0.56、0.36 kg·hm~(-2);2森林林冠对溶解性有机碳(DOC)、溶解性总氮(DTN)、总磷(TP)以及痕量元素Ca、Mg、Mn有明显的截留与离释作用,离释百分比达到64.69%、206.75%、301.38%、137.94%、405.25%、1 226.60%;而对Zn、SO2-4具有很好的吸收作用,吸收百分比为73.50%和12.51%,显著降低了亚热带流域冬季酸沉降对土壤生态系统的危害.  相似文献   

Urea is an important source of ammonia (NH3) emissions to the atmosphere from agricultural soils. Abatement strategies are necessary in order to achieve NH3 emission targets by reducing those emissions. In this context, a field experiment was carried out on a sunflower crop in spring 2006 with the aim of evaluating the effect of the N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) in the mitigation of volatilized NH3 from a urea-fertilised soil. Ammonia emission was quantified, using the integrated horizontal flux (IHF) method, following application of urea with and without the urease inhibitor NBPT. Urea and a mixture of urea and NBPT (0.14%, w/w) were surface-applied at a rate of 170 kg N ha−1 to circular plots (diameter 40 m). The soil was irrigated with 10 mm of water just after the application of urea to dissolve and incorporate it into the upper layer of soil. Over the duration of the measurement period (36 days) three peaks of NH3 were observed. The first peak was associated with hydrolysis of urea after irrigation and the others with the increase of ammonia in soil solution after changes in atmospheric variables such as wind speed and rainfall. The total NH3 emission during the whole experiment was 17.3 ± 0.5 kg NH3–N ha−1 in the case of urea treated soils and 10.0 ± 2.2 kg NH3–N ha−1 where NBPT was included with the urea (10.1 and 5.9%, respectively, of the applied urea–N). The lower NH3 emissions from plots fertilised with urea + NBPT, compared with urea alone, were associated with a reduction in urease activity during the first 9 days after inhibitor application. This reduction in enzymatic activity promoted a decrease in the exchangeable NH4+ pool.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is one of the main limiting plant nutrients in most tropical soils. Acquiring quantitative information on soil P status is essential for evaluating its sustainable management in agroecosystems. The objective of this study was to evaluate how land-use shifts from semi-permanent food crop systems (CF) to plantations of tea (Camellia sinensis) (TP) and Eucalyptus grandis (EP) impact on both organic and inorganic P species. Determination of phosphorus status combined a P sequential fractionation procedure and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Sequentially extracted pools included available P by 0.5 M NaHCO3, Al/Fe-P by 0.1 M NaOH, Ca-P by 0.5 M HCl and residual P by 0.5 M H2SO4 after ignition at 550 °C. Soil total P (STP) varied significantly across land uses (P<0.05) with the lowest mean value (1025.6±23.1 mg kg−1) occurring under CF and the highest (1698.0±86.1 mg kg−1) under TP. The largest P-pools were NaOH-P (47–51% of total soil P) and H2SO4-P (25–32%). NaHCO3-Pi under fertilized land uses (CF and TP) was greater than 12 mg kg−1 indicating that these systems were sustainable. Unfertilized EP was P-deficient, probably as the result of organic-matter accretion and subsequent P immobilization in organic forms. 31P NMR revealed that 88–89% of P compounds in NaOH extract were organic with monoester-P accounting for 59.1–60.8%. This was followed by diester-P (9.8–12.4%), teochoic acid (8.4–10.1%), orthophosphate (8.8–9.7%), unknown compounds (7.4–8.4%), pyrophosphate (1.1–4.6%) and phosphonate (0–1.3%). EP had higher diester-P and no phosphonate compound whereas CF had substantial amount of pyrophosphate (4.6%) and less orthophosphate and teochoic acid. These results indicate that these last P compounds are easily mineralizable P forms participating actively in plant P nutrition.  相似文献   

Lowland rice fields constitute a semi aquatic environment, which is potentially suitable for fish production. Little is known about the effect of fish on greenhouse gas emissions from integrated rice–fish systems. An experiment was carried out at the Bangladesh Agricultural University to assess the effect of the stocking of fish on methane emissions from rice fields. Common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., and Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.) were stocked in a mixed culture and subjected to three different input regimes: (1) urea fertilization according to the recommendation of the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), (2) supplementary feeding at 2 × maintenance level and (3) an elevated feeding schedule where 4 × maintenance level was fed initially and 2 × maintenance level towards the end of the growth period. Rice only with urea fertilization according to BRRI-recommendation was included as the control. The presence of fish increased methane emissions in all three rice–fish treatments. Average emission over the cropping season was 34, 37, and 32 mg m−2 h−1 in the rice–fish treatments, respectively, and 20 mg m−2 h−1 in rice only. Apart from an increase in methane emission, a significant drop (p < 0.05) in floodwater pH and dissolved oxygen concentration was observed in the rice–fish plots. Both parameters were the lowest in the treatment where a higher feeding rate was provided. Due to the fish activity, floodwater in the rice–fish treatments was more turbid, as reflected in higher particulate inorganic matter (PIOM). An elevated level of dissolved methane was observed in the floodwater of the feed supplemented rice–fish plots. Methane emissions showed negative correlation with morning and afternoon pH of the floodwater (r = −0.46; r = −0.56, p < 0.001) and morning and afternoon dissolved oxygen level (r = −0.53; r = −0.46, p < 0.001). Positive correlations were recorded between morning and afternoon floodwater temperature (r = 0.49; r = 0.44, p < 0.001) and with air temperature (r = 0.54, p < 0.001). The results suggest that the stocking of fish has an increasing effect on methane emissions from rice fields.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is becoming increasingly important in the cereal-based cropping system of the Nigerian Guinea savanna zone and this justifies research on its effects on soil N. Although soybean can obtain 50% or more of its N requirement from the atmosphere, the N contribution of the crop to the system depends on the amount of N contained in roots, haulms, and fallen leaves after grain harvest. At four sites in the northern Guinea savanna, the effects on N balance of P fertilizer and soybean varieties of different duration were tested. The varieties received P fertilizer at the rates of 0, 30, and 60 kg P ha−1. The total N accumulated aboveground at harvest averaged 104 kg N ha−1 in the early and medium varieties, and 135 kg N ha−1 in the late varieties. Across all varieties and sites, total N content was increased by 40–47% when P was applied. Apparent N harvest index averaged 85% but was not significantly affected by variety or P rate. When only grain was exported, the calculated N balance of the early and the medium varieties was −2.6 to −12.2 kg N ha−1 while the longer duration varieties had positive N balances ranging from 2 to 10.9 kg N ha−1. The N accrual was negative when P was not applied and ranged from 2.4 to 5.2 kg N ha−1 with P application. The interaction of variety and site on the N balance was significant at P<0.05. N balance at the southernmost site was −14.2 kg N ha−1 compared with 2.6–10 kg N ha−1 at the northern sites where N2 fixation was higher. The estimate of N balance is reduced when soybean haulms are exported. A positive N contribution by soybean is, therefore, possible in a soybean–cereal rotation when: (i) P is applied, (ii) the soybean variety is late maturing, and (iii) only grain is exported.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition of nutrients within agricultural watersheds has received scant attention and is poorly understood compared to nutrient transport in surface and subsurface water flow pathways. Thus, we determined the deposition of phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), and sediment in a mixed land use watershed in south-central Pennsylvania (39.5 ha; 50% corn–wheat–soybean rotation, 20% pasture, and 30% woodland), in comparison with stream loads at several locations along its reach between 2004 and 2006. There was a significant difference in deposition rates among land uses (P < 0.05) with more P and N deposited on cropland (1.93 kg P and 10.71 kg N ha−1 yr−1) than pasture (1.10 kg P and 8.06 kg N ha−1 yr−1) and woodland (0.36 and 2.33 kg N ha−1 yr−1). Although not significant, sediment showed the same trends among land uses. A significant relationship was found between P in deposition and P in soil <10-m away from the samplers suggesting much of the deposited sample was derived from local soil. Samplers adjacent to the stream channel showed deposition rates (1.64 kg P and 8.83 kg N ha−1 yr−1) similar to those on cropland. However, accounting for the surface area of the stream, direct deposition of P, N, and sediment probably accounted for <3% of P and <1% of N and sediment load in stream flow from the watershed (1.41 kg P, 27.09 kg N, and 1343 kg sediment ha−1 yr−1 at the outlet). This suggests that strategies to mitigate nutrient and sediment loss in this mixed-land use watershed should focus on runoff pathways.  相似文献   

Agricultural sources of atmospheric methane include flooded rice (Oryza sativa L.) paddies. However, certain soil nutrient management and cultural practices offer opportunities to reduce methane emissions. The effect of application of ammonium thiosulphate, a potential source of nitrogen and sulphur and also an inhibitor of nitrification and urease on methane production and emission from flooded alluvial (Typic Haplaquept) rice soil in India, was examined. Methane production and emission from control and urea-amended soil samples were almost identical. Application of ammonium thiosulphate to laboratory-incubated flooded soil (30 and 60 μg N g−1 soil) and flooded rice fields (45.6 and 60 kg N ha−1) effected a distinct inhibition of methane production and emission. Ammonium thiosulphate stimulated the population of sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) to a greater extent at 60 μg N g−1 soil than at 30 μg N g−1 soil. In ammonium thiosulphate-applied rice field plots, mean methane efflux decreased by about 38 and 60% at 45.6 and 60 kg N ha−1, respectively, over that of control. Inhibition of methane production by ammonium thiosulphate is, at least in part, due to the stimulation of SRB. Results suggest the mitigation potential of ammonium thiosulphate on methane emission from flooded rice paddies.  相似文献   

Chlorella salina was successfully cultivated in secondarily treated domestic sewage effluent of salinity (14%) in an outdoor cultivation tank. Removal efficiencies of NH4+ -N, NO3 -N, and PO43− -P by this alga from secondarily treated sewage effluent were 89–100%, 35–66% and 100%, respectively. The high removal efficiencies of inorganic N and P means that this process can be used as a tertiary sewage treatment. The yield of the sewage-grown algae was 5.1 g m−2 day−1 for a retention time of 6 days. The high protein content (46.8%), relatively good amino-acid profile and low metal content enabled the use of algal biomass as feed supplement for the silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). The food conversion ratios (FCR) of 5% and 10% sewage-grown algae supplemented fish food were better than on the control diet (i.e. artificial fish food alone), while the FCR of 20% sewage-grown algae supplemented fish food and live sewage-grown algae alone were inferior to that on the control diet. These results indicate that cultivation of C. salina in secondarily treated sewage effluent of high salinity can be used as a tertiary sewage treatment to remove inorganic N and P from secondarily treated sewage effluent to reduce pollution problems, and to produce algal protein suitable as a supplement for fish feed in aquaculture.  相似文献   

Nitrates leaching from agricultural land in Hamadan, western Iran   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nitrogen (N) is vital for plant and microbial growth and rather large amounts are required by most arable and horticulture plants. High nitrate (NO3) levels of water supplies have been attributed to leaching from the soil and into water systems. In the arid and semi-arid regions, irrigation water carries NO3 into groundwater. This study was conducted to investigate NO3 pollution of groundwater in Hamadan, western Iran. The water samples were mostly taken from domestic and community wells. In this area, the drinking water supply comes mainly from groundwater sources. Nitrate concentrations in the well samples varied from 3 to 252 with the average of 49 mg l−1. Results showed that of 311 wells, 196 (63%) had levels less than 50 mg l−1 and 115 (37%) had levels in excess of the 50 mg l−1 NO3. Agriculture is the dominant land use in the area and application of N fertilizers clearly has an impact on groundwater. If agricultural losses remain stable, it could be expected that the concentration of NO3 in groundwater will reach or exceed the international recommendations for drinking water (50 mg l−1) in the future. Irrigation with high NO3 groundwater can minimise the requirement for N fertilizers. To maintain yield increase and minimise NO3 pollution of the groundwater, best management practices, for N fertilizer use should be applied and excessive fertilizer application prevented.  相似文献   

采集长江中下游8个样点沉积物和悬浮物样品,用连续提取方法提取金属元素的5种化学形态(可交换态、碳酸盐结合态、铁锰氧化物结合态、有机质-硫化物结合态和残渣态),用等离子体发射光谱(ICP-AES)分析所有样品中锂、钠、钾、镁、钙、锶、钛、钒、铬、锰、钴、镍、铝、钇和锆共15种元素各化学形态的含量,并用聚类分析方法研究这些元素在形态上的分类特点。结果表明:在沉积物和县浮物中,碱金属元素(锂、钠、钾)主要以残渣态和可交换态存在;碱土金属元素(镁、钙、锶)各形态含量较为均匀,但钙的碳酸盐态含量很高;锰和钴的铁锰氧化物态含量较高;铁族元素除锰和钴以外(钛、钒、铬、镍)、铝和锆残渣态含量高、其它形态含量低。所研究元素中,钙和锰的残渣态含量最低。  相似文献   

The paper describes a model designed for analysing interrelated nitrogen (N) fluxes in farming systems. It combines the partial N balance, farm gate balance, barn balance and soil surface balance, in order to analyse all relevant N fluxes between the subsystems soil–plant–animal–environment and to reflect conclusive and consistent management systems. Such a system approach allows identifying the causes of varying N surplus and N utilisation.The REPRO model has been applied in the experimental farm Scheyern in southern Germany, which had been subdivided into an organic (org) and a conventional (con) farming system in 1992. Detailed series of long-term measuring data are available for the experimental farm, which have been used for evaluating the software for its efficiency and applicability under very different management, yet nearly equal site conditions.The organic farm is multi-structured with a legume-based crop rotation (N2 fixation: 83 kg ha−1 yr−1). The livestock density is 1.4 LSU ha−1. The farm is oriented on closed mass cycles.The conventional farm is a simple-structured cash crop system based on mineral N (N input 145 kg ha−1 yr−1). Averaging the years 1999–2002, the organic crop rotation reached, with regard to the harvested products, about 81% (6.9 Mg ha−1 yr−1) of the DM yield and about 93% (140 kg ha−1 yr−1) of the N removal of the conventional rotation. Related to the cropped area, the N surplus calculated for the organic rotation was 38 kg ha−1 yr−1 versus 44 kg ha−1 yr−1 for the conventional rotation. The N utilisation reached 0.77 (org) and 0.79 (con), respectively. The different structure of the farms favoured an enhancement of the soil organic nitrogen stock (35 kg ha−1 yr−1) in the organic crop rotation and caused a decline in the conventional system (−24 kg ha−1 yr−1). Taking account of these changes, which were substantiated by measurements, N surplus in the organic rotation decreased to 3 kg ha−1 yr−1, while it increased to 68 kg ha−1 yr−1 in the conventional system. The adjusted N utilisation value amounted to 0.98 (org) and 0.69 (con), respectively.  相似文献   

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