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Contaminants deposited on impermeable surfaces migrate to stormwater following rainfall events, but accurately quantifying their spatial and temporal yields useful for mitigation purposes is challenging. To overcome limitations in current sampling methods, a system was developed for rapid quantification of contaminant build-up and wash-off dynamics from different impervious surfaces. Thin boards constructed of concrete and two types of asphalt were deployed at different locations of a large carpark to capture spatially distributed contaminants from dry atmospheric deposition over specified periods of time. Following experimental exposure time, the boards were then placed under a rainfall simulator in the laboratory to generate contaminant runoff under controlled conditions. Single parameter effects including surface roughness and material composition, number of antecedent dry days, rain intensity, and water quality on contaminant build-up and wash-off yields could be investigated. The method was applied to quantify spatial differences in deposition rates of contaminants (TSS, zinc, copper and lead) at two locations varying in their distance to vehicle traffic. Results showed that boards exposed at an unused part of the carpark >50 m from vehicular traffic captured similar amounts of contaminants compared with boards that were exposed directly adjacent to the access route, indicating substantial atmospheric contaminant transport. Furthermore, differences in contaminant accumulation as a function of surface composition were observed. Runoff from asphalt boards yielded higher zinc loads compared with concrete surfaces, whereas runoff from concrete surfaces resulted in higher TSS concentrations attributed to its smoother surfaces. The application of this method enables relationships between individual contaminant behaviour and specific catchment characteristics to be investigated and provides a technique to derive site-specific build-up and wash-off functions required for modelling contaminant loads from impermeable surfaces.  相似文献   

Rapid growth in urbanization and industrialization in developing countries may significantly contribute in heavy metal contamination of vegetables through atmospheric depositions. In the present study, an assessment was made to investigate the spatial and seasonal variations in deposition rates of heavy metals and its contribution to contamination of palak (Beta vulgaris). Samples of bulk atmospheric deposits and Beta vulgaris for analysis of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were collected from different sampling locations differing in traffic density and land use patterns. The results showed that the sampling locations situated in industrial or commercial areas with heavy traffic load showed significantly elevated levels of Cu, Zn and Cd deposition rate as compared to those situated in residential areas with low traffic load. The deposition rates of Cu, Zn and Cd were significantly higher in summer and winter as compared to rainy season, however, Pb deposition rate was significantly higher in rainy and summer seasons as compared to winter season. Atmospheric depositions have significantly elevated the levels of heavy metals in B. vulgaris collected during evening as compared to those collected in morning hours. The study further showed that local population has maximum exposure to Cd contamination through consumption of B. vulgaris. The present study clearly points out the urban and industrial activities of a city have potential to elevate the levels of heavy metals in the atmospheric deposits, which may consequently contaminate the food chain and thus posing health risk to the local population.  相似文献   

Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, NH4+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Na+, K+, Cl-, NO3- and SO4(2-), along with pH were determined in wet and dry deposition samples collected at Al-Hashimya, Jordan. Mean trace metal concentrations were similar or less than those reported for other urban regions worldwide, while concentrations of Ca2+ and SO4(2-) were the highest. The high Ca2+ concentrations were attributed to the calcareous nature of the local soil and to the influence of the Saharan dust, while the high concentrations of SO4(2-) were attributed to the influence of anthropogenic sources and Saharan dust soil. Except for SO4(2-), NO3-, and Ca2+, dry deposition fluxes of measured metals and ions were higher than their corresponding wet deposition fluxes. The high annual average pH values recorded for wet and dry deposition samples were attributed to the neutralization of acidity by alkaline species. Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, NO3- and SO4(2-) were enriched in wet and dry deposition samples relative to crustal material, and a significant anthropogenic contribution to these elements and ions is tentatively suggested. Finally, the possible sources and the main factors affecting the concentrations of the measured species are discussed.  相似文献   

Atmospheric Change and Biodiversity in the Arctic   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Canadian Arctic is characterized by a high variation in landform types and there are complex interactions between land, water and the atmosphere which dramatically affect the distribution of biota. Biodiversity depends upon the intensity, predictability and scale of these interactions. Observations, as well as predictions of large-scale climate models which include ocean circulation, reveal an anomalous cooling of northeastern Canada in recent decades, in contrast to the overall significant increase in average annual temperature in the Northern Hemisphere. Predictions from models are necessary to forecast the change in the treeline in the 21st century which may lead to a major loss of tundra. The rate of change in vegetation in response to climate change is poorly understood. The treeline in central Canada, for example, is showing infilling with trees, and in some locations, northerly movement of the boundary. The presence of sea ice in Hudson Bay and other coastal areas is a major factor affecting interactions between the marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Loss of ice and therefore hunting of seals by polar bears will reduce bear and arctic fox populations within the region. In turn, this is likely to have significant effects on their herbivorous prey populations and forage plants. Further, the undersurface of sea ice is a major site for the growth of algae and marine invertebrates which in turn act as food for the marine food web. A rise in sea-level may flood coastal saltmarsh communities leading to changes in plant assemblages and a decline in foraging by geese and other consumers. The anomalous cooling in the eastern Arctic, primarily in late winter and early spring, has interrupted northern migration of breeding populations of geese and ducks and led to increased damage to vegetation in southern arctic saltmarshes as a result of foraging. It is likely that there has been a significant loss of invertebrates in those areas where the vegetation has been destroyed. Warming will have major effects on permafrost distribution and on ground-ice resulting in a major destabilization of slopes and slumping of soil, and disruption of tundra plant communities. Disruption of peat and moss surfaces lead to loss of insulation, an increase in active-layer depth and changes in drainage and plant assemblages. Increases of UV-B radiation will strongly affect vulnerable populations of both plants and animals. The indigenous peoples will face major changes in life style, edibility of food and health standards, if there is a significant warming trend. The great need is for information which is sensitive to the changes and will assist in developing an understanding of the complex interactions of the arctic biota, human populations and the physical environment.  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis of heavy metals concentrations in river estuary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multivariate statistical techniques such as multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and discriminant analysis (DA) were applied for analyzing the data obtained from two rivers in the Penang State of Malaysia for the concentration of heavy metal ions (As, Cr, Cd, Zn, Cu, Pb, and Hg) using a flame atomic absorption spectrometry (F-AAS) for Cr, Cd, Zn, Cu, Pb, As and cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry (CV-AAS) for Hg. The two locations of interest with 20 sampling points of each location were Kuala Juru (Juru River) and Bukit Tambun (Jejawi River). MANOVA showed a strong significant difference between the two rivers in terms of heavy metal concentrations in water samples. DA gave the best result to identify the relative contribution for all parameters in discriminating (distinguishing) the two rivers. It provided an important data reduction as it used four parameters (Zn, Pb, Cd and Cr) affording 100% correct assignations. Results indicated that the two rivers were different in terms of heavy metals concentrations in water, and the major difference was due to the contribution of Zn. A negative correlation was found between discriminate functions (DF) and Cr and As, whereas positive correlation was exhibited with other heavy metals. Therefore, DA allowed a reduction in the dimensionality of the data set, delineating a few indicator parameters responsible for large variations in heavy metal concentrations. Correlation matrix between the parameters exhibited a strong evidence of mutual dependence of these metals.  相似文献   

Abstract Industrial development and consumption of petroleum products leads to increase air pollution levels especially in urban and industrial areas. Heavy metal components associated with air pollutants have far reaching effects with respect to economic and ecological importance of pollens. The pollens are male reproductive organs of the plant and travel through air from flower to flower for pollination purpose. During this period they are exposed to air pollutants. Present investigation thus pertains to study of effect of air pollutants on pollens especially biosorption and bioaccumulation of heavy metals. The pollens of three commonly occurring plants namely Cassia siamea, Cyperus rotundus, Kigelia pinnata have been studied from the NH-6 of Nagpur city, India. The pollens exposed to polluted air showed the presence of higher concentrations of Ca, Al and Fe as compared to unexposed pollens. Higher concentration of these metals was observed in Cyperus rotundus followed by Cassia siamea and Kigelia pinnata. These results indicate that pollens act as good indicator of air pollution giving results in short time of exposure of 5–10 h. Apart from this, it is also reported that some of these metals play crucial role in the metabolic activity in pollens for example Calcium is necessary for growth of pollen tube and other metabolic activities in pollens. The presence of these metals in pollens may also enhance the allergenicity of the pollens. Similarly accumulation of heavy metals may also deteriorate the quality of pollen for their economical use. The viability of pollen is also affected by these pollutants in sensitive species leading to impairment of their fertility.  相似文献   

以石河子4个燃煤电厂为研究对象,采用《EPA-29法》对九种典型的重金属元素Co、Cr、Cu、Ni、Zn、Pb、Cd、As、Hg的去向及平衡进行分析。结果表明,九种元素在飞灰中占的比例最大,脱硫剂次之;除Hg外,其他元素渣中量大于气中,Hg以元素态存在的可能较大;4个电厂各元素的平衡率在65%~120%之间。  相似文献   

The use of different moss species – Hylocomium splendens,Pleurozium schreberi, Eurhynchium angustirete, Sphagnum and Rhytidiadelphus – was tested for the investigation of atmosphericheavy metal deposition. Maps representing heavy metal depositionpattern in Lithuania are presented for Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and V.The most suitable species for heavy metal deposition studies was Hylocomium splendens in which the concentrations of metalswere found to be up to 25% higher than in other species. Interspeciesand interelemental comparison was also performed. Several well definedlocal pollution sources were identified.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize soils contaminated by different levels of heavy metals and hydrocarbons (Madonna Dell'Acqua, Pisa, Italy). The soils were chemically and biochemically analysed by measuring the standard chemical properties and some enzyme activities related to microbial activity (dehydrogenase activity) and the soil carbon cycle (total and extracellular beta-glucosidase activities). The metabolic capacities of soil microorganisms to degrade hydrocarbons through catechol 2,3-dioxygenase were also described. The microbial diversity of contaminated and uncontaminated soils was estimated by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of amplified 16S rDNA sequences. The PCR/single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR/SSCP) method was used to estimate the genetic diversity of PAH-degrading genes in both contaminated and uncontaminated soils. A greater bacterial diversity and lower catechol 2,3-dioxygenase activity was detected in unpolluted soils. The complexity of the microbial community (Shannon and Simpson indices) as well as the dehydrogenase soil activity negatively correlated with contamination levels. The greatest PAH-degrading gene diversity and the most intense catechol 2,3-dioxygenase activity were found in the soils with the highest levels of hydrocarbons. Heavy metals and hydrocarbon pollution has caused a genetic and metabolic alteration in microbial communities, corresponding to a reduction in microbial activity. A multi-technique approach combining traditional biochemical methods with molecular-based techniques, along with some methodological improvements, may represent an important tool to expand our knowledge of the role of microbial diversity in contaminated soil.  相似文献   

The concentration of heavy metals in the bottom sediment and interstitial water collected from two reservoirs in Singapore was found to be enriched. A distribution coefficient,K d , was used to assess the chemical stability of heavy metals in the sediments. Numerical models were used to assess (1) the redistribution of heavy metals in a changing environment, and (2) long-term self clean-up capabilities of a reservoir.  相似文献   

重庆市菜地土壤和蔬菜中Hg、Pb的污染特征及相关性分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对重庆市菜地土壤和蔬菜 Hg、Pb的含量分析 ,发现土壤 Hg含量远远大于背景值 ,并且土壤 Hg的含量与菜地周围的环境密切相关 ;土壤 Pb的含量同背景值相差不大。Hg、Pb在土壤和蔬菜中的污染特征表现为主城区 >近郊区 >远郊区 ;并且不同蔬菜品种中 Hg、Pb的含量差异较大 ,在不同蔬菜种类表现为叶菜类 >果菜类 >根菜类。相关性分析表明同一菜地土壤和蔬菜中 Hg、Pb含量无相关性 ;不同菜地土壤和蔬菜 Hg、Pb含量不具有相关性。  相似文献   

The observation from previous surveys, that Urtica dioica plants that had grown in metal contaminated soil in the floodplains of the former Rhine estuary in different habitats, but at comparable total soil metal concentrations, showed significant differences in tissue metal concentrations, led to the hypothesis that variation in other environmental characteristics than soil composition and chemical speciation of metals between habitats is also important in determining uptake and translocation of metals in plants. A field survey indicated that differences in root Cd, Cu and Zn concentrations might partly be explained by variation in speciation of metals in different habitats. However, shoot concentrations showed a different pattern that did not relate to variation in soil metal concentrations. In a habitat experiment Urtica dioica plants were grown in artificially contaminated soil in pots that were placed in the four habitats (grassland, pure reed, mixed reed, osier bed) that were also included in the field survey. After seven weeks the plants showed significant differences in Cu and Zn concentrations in roots and aboveground plant parts and in distribution of the metals in the plants between habitats. It was concluded that variation between habitats in environmental characteristics other than soil composition can explain as much variation in plants as can variation in soil metal concentrations and/or speciation. The implications for assessment of soil metal contamination and uptake by plants are discussed.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition of major and trace elements in Amman, Jordan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wet and dry deposition samples were collected in the capital of Jordan, Amman. Concentrations of Al, Ba, Bi, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, V, Zn, Fe, Sr, Mg2+, Ca2+, Na+, K+, Cl, NO3 and SO4 2−, along with pH were determined in collected samples. Mean trace metal concentrations were similar or less than those reported for other urban regions worldwide, while concentrations of Ca2+ and SO4 2− were among the highest. High Ca2+ concentrations were attributed to the calcareous nature of the local soil and to the influence of the Saharan dust. However, high SO4 2− concentrations were attributed to the influence of both anthropogenic and natural sources. Except for Cl, NO3 , SO4 2− and Cu, monthly dry deposition fluxes of all measured species were higher than wet deposition fluxes. The annual wet deposition fluxes of trace metals were much lower than those reported for other urban areas worldwide.  相似文献   

Lakes, ponds, and streams are the sources of surface water, which anchorage the survival of aquatic life flora and fauna and maintain ecological balance. Due to urbanization, population explosion, and industrialization, these natural sources are getting polluted. Present paper is an attempt to evaluate the uptake rate of heavy metals namely lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), and chromium (Cr) by the macrophytes. The two macrophytes taken for the study are Eichhornia crassipes and Hydrilla verticillata. Both macrophytes have the capacity to absorb heavy metals from contaminated water. The present experimental study was conducted to compare and identify their potential to improve the water quality by removing the heavy metals. The paper critically evaluates the water-purifying capacity of submerged macrophyte (H. verticillata) and free-floating macrophyte (E. crassipes). It also evaluates the extent up to which heavy metal can be removed by macrophyte in a given period of time.  相似文献   

Heavy metal mobility was studied in overbank sediments of the Grote Beek river in Central Belgium. The geochemical signature of heavy metals in fine-scale sampled overbank sediments was compared with data on heavy metal emission into the river. The influence of acidification, organic and inorganic complexation on heavy metal mobility in overbank sediments was studied by single and sequential extractions and leaching tests. As confirmed by these tests, the elevated CaCl(2) content of the river water significantly enhanced the mobilisation of especially Cd, while Zn was mobilised to a lesser extent. The mobilisation of As on the other hand decreased in the presence of elevated CaCl(2) concentrations. Based on the results of single extractions, two highly contaminated zones with a different Cd mobility were observed in one of the overbank profiles. A detailed investigation of Cd leaching behaviour in the zone of Fe-accumulation during pH(stat) leaching tests, suggested that it was related to the association of Cd with Fe-oxides, while adsorption was the dominant binding form of Cd in the clay-rich part of the overbank sediment profile.  相似文献   

Sediments affect the water quality substantially. The metal concentrations in sediments often reflect the degree of pollution of the aquatic environment. The sediments of Thane Creek near Bombay were analyzed for nine metals Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn on twenty stations. The average metal concentrations in the sediments were 2.29, 37.25, 39.89, 103.38, 69825.0, 860.15, 105.08, 54.08, and 169.60 g g-1 dwt respectively. The metal concentrations at certain stations were relatively higher than those of uncontaminated sediments, possibly due to industrial activity in the former area.  相似文献   

Fuels like coal and rubber are frequently used for brick burning. However, both coal and rubber contain heavy metals. These heavy metals may elutriate in the wake of fly ash or may adsorb or absorb in the product. The present work deals with the analysis of heavy metals in some samples collected from brick burning industries located in the vicinity of a metropolitan city, Peshawar, Pakistan. Samples from raw clay, product, chimney scale and fossil fuel & rubber were collected and leached with acid mixture. The leachates were concentrated and analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer for the determination of chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and antimony (Sb). It was observed that heavy metals are present in clay, brick and chimney scale. However, significant amount of these metals was observed in chimney scale. It is inferred that such emanations laden with heavy metals are accompanying the stack gases which are being dumped in to the environment. In order to avoid environmental problems, strict environmental regulations shall be enforced and a constant check on these emanations to the environment must be made to ensure clean air act.  相似文献   

A research program was established to identify the governing factors for the partition coefficient (K D ) of heavy metals between suspended particulate and dissolved phases in the Day River system a tropical, highly alluvial aquatic system, in Vietnam. The targeted river system, draining an urbanized–industrialized catchment where discharged wastewater is mostly untreated, could be separated into the least impacted, pristine area, and the most impacted, polluted area. Organic matter degradation was shown to govern the variation of parameters like total organic carbon, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, nutrients, conductivity, or redox potential. Heavy metals in both dissolved and particulate phases were enriched in severely polluted area because of wastewater inflow that contains concentrated metals and intensification of metal influx from sediment. Results show log K D in the order Mn?<?As?<?Zn?<?Hg?<?Ni?<?Cu?<?Cd?<?Co?<?Pb?<?Cr?<?Fe and As?<?Zn?<?Ni?<?Mn?<?Cr?<?Cu?<?Co?<?Fe in the polluted zone and the pristine zone, respectively. A decreasing tendency of partition coefficients of 11 heavy metals considered from the pristine to the impacted zones was observed. Three explanations for the difference are: (1) increase of solubility of most heavy metals in low redox potential, (2) competition for the binding sites with major and minor cations, and (3) complexation with dissolved organic matter concentrated in municipal waste impacted water. Apart from domestic waste impact, statistical analysis has contributed to identify the influence of climate condition and hydrological regime to the partition of heavy metals in the area.  相似文献   

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