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The high-frequency measurements of valve activity in bivalves (e.g., valvometry) over a long period of time and in various environmental conditions allow a very accurate study of their behaviors as well as a global analysis of possible perturbations due to the environment. Valvometry uses the bivalve's ability to close its shell when exposed to a contaminant or other abnormal environmental conditions as an alarm to indicate possible perturbations in the environment. The modeling of such high-frequency serial valvometry data is statistically challenging, and here, a nonparametric approach based on kernel estimation is proposed. This method has the advantage of summarizing complex data into a simple density profile obtained from each animal at every 24-h period to ultimately make inference about time effect and external conditions on this profile. The statistical properties of the estimator are presented. Through an application to a sample of 16 oysters living in the Bay of Arcachon (France), we demonstrate that this method can be used to first estimate the normal biological rhythms of permanently immersed oysters and second to detect perturbations of these rhythms due to changes in their environment. We anticipate that this approach could have an important contribution to the survey of aquatic systems.  相似文献   

The development of a monitoring network for chemical speciation of elements of aerosol and sediment samples collected at Lake Balaton has been carried out. Sequential leaching procedures for the determination of the distribution of elements in aerosols (3 steps) and sediments (4 steps) were used. These methods were recently successfully applied to describe environmentally mobile and stable fractions of toxic metals. In aerosol matrices the partition of elements was accomplished by particle size and chemical bonding. In sediments the distribution was performed by chemical bonding. The processes are called fractionation of elements. Particular attention was paid to distinguishing between environmentally mobile and environmentally immobile fractions because these represent the two extreme modes by which the metals are bound to solid matrices. The monitoring objectives were to assess pollution effects on man and his environment and to identify any possible cause and effect relationship between pollutant concentrations and health effects. The results of dry and wet deposition rates showed that most of the toxic metals were dissolved in an aqueous phase and the wet deposition played an important role. It has been found that, while the concentration of Cd and Pb in aerosols is low (0.7 and 29 ng m(-3), respectively), environmentally mobile fractions are considerable. Based upon the data it can be concluded that the effect of the anthropogenic sources on the quality of the lake is minor. This has been the first attempt to correlate speciation results between aerosols and sediments.  相似文献   

The need for quick identification of priority areas for biodiversity protection makes rapid assessment methods important management tools for defining conservation strategies. An increasingly used rapid assessment method is rapid ecological assessment (REA), a fast and flexible survey directed toward selected indicator species and vegetation forms. The purpose of this study was to propose and test REA based on plant community features of the semideciduous Atlantic forest (SAF). Correlation tests were performed between data collected by REA and plant species diversity, richness, and abundance collected by conventional woody plant inventory methods. The study was conducted in 21 SAF patches in Northern Paraná State, Brazil. The phytosociological inventory was conducted along a single transect and required 2 days to complete (excluding time spent for herbarium identification), whereas REA was conducted along three to four transects per working day. REA results correlated positively with woody plant diversity, proving REA to be an efficient method for defining the conservation status of SAF fragments, but accuracy of evaluations of threats to biological integrity are relatively low. Both the selection of appropriate variables and the skill level of field staff are critical and can strongly influence REA results.  相似文献   

Synoptic data on concentrations of sediment-associated chemical contaminants and benthic macroinfaunal community structure were collected from 1,389 stations in estuaries along the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts as part of the nationwide Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP). These data were used to develop an empirical framework for evaluating risks of benthic community-level effects within different ranges of sediment contamination from mixtures of multiple chemicals present at varying concentrations. Sediment contamination was expressed as the mean ratio of individual chemical concentrations relative to corresponding sediment quality guidelines (SQGs), including Effects Range-Median (ERM) and Probable Effects Level (PEL) values. Benthic condition was assessed using diagnostic, multi-metric indices developed for each of three EMAP provinces (Virginian, Carolinian, and Louisianian). Cumulative percentages of stations with a degraded benthic community were plotted against ascending values of the mean ERM and PEL quotients. Based on the observed relationships, mean SQG quotients were divided into four ranges corresponding to either a low, moderate, high, or very high incidence of degraded benthic condition. Results showed that condition of the ambient benthic community provides a reliable and sensitive indicator for evaluating the biological significance of sediment-associated stressors. Mean SQG quotients marking the beginning of the contaminant range associated with the highest incidence of benthic impacts (73–100% of samples, depending on the province and type of SQG) were well below those linked to high risks of sediment toxicity as determined by short-term toxicity tests with single species. Measures of the ambient benthic community reflect the sensitivities of multiple species and life stages to persistent exposures under actual field conditions. Similar results were obtained with preliminary data from the west coast (Puget Sound).  相似文献   

Metal pollution assessment of sediment and water in the Shur River   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Intensified industrialization and human activities have resulted in the release of various contaminants into the environment. Among them, heavy metals are often present as a result of mining, milling and industrial manufacturing. In the present investigation, bulk concentrations Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Fe, Ca and Al in Shur River (Iran) bed sediments and water around the Sarcheshmeh copper mine were measured from several sample locations. In addition, partitioning was assessed to determine the proportions of metals in different forms. The degree of sediment contamination was evaluated using an Enrichment Factor (EF) and geo-accumulation index (I (geo)) and a newly developed pollution index (I (POLL)). Elevated metals in sediment and water were found to be correlated with areas of the river that were proximal to direct and indirect mining activities. Cadmium and Zn showed the highest pollution index. Cluster analysis was performed in order to assess heavy metal interactions between water and sediment. Chemical partitioning studies revealed that organic metallic bonds were not significantly present in the sediment of the Shur River.  相似文献   

The WWF water risk assessment tool is a universal methodology, as the establishment of its indicators fully consider various types of natural and social environments. When this tool is applied to China, a large country with a complex water situation in a period of rapid development, appropriate localization adjustment is necessary to ensure that indicators are generally stable and assessment results are internationally comparable. Based on the localization of WWF water risk assessment tools, this is the first application assessing water risk in China in terms of physical risks, regulatory risks and reputation risks. It explores the sources of China's water risk from industrial sectors and constructs a classification index system according to the degree of water dependence and the level of water pollution. Using the classification index system and relevant data, we find the key industrial sectors, enterprises and production processes to reduce water risk in China's ten major water valleys and offer some effective and practical management suggestions. Due to the large regional differences of water risk-bearing capacity in China, the assessment results should be interpreted in combination with specific national conditions of China and emphasis should be laid on key areas and industries.  相似文献   

Biological elements, including phytoplankton, phytobenthos, macrophytes, benthic invertebrates and fish, are employed by the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) 2000/60/EC as ecological indicators for the assessment of surface waters. The use of primary producers (phytoplankton, phytobenthos and macrophytes) for water quality assessment has a long history, and several methods have been developed worldwide. In this study, we used these three communities to assess the ecological status of five natural lakes located in the Aquitaine region (southwest France). Several biological indices used in lakes from other European countries or in French rivers were employed and compared among the three communities. Each primary producer provided complementary information about the ecological status of the lakes, including the invasiveness of exotic taxa. Regardless of the producer community used, the response to the environment, as reflected by the indices (adequate for each community), was similar: Lakes Cazaux, Lacanau and Hourtin showed the best ecological status and Parentis and Soustons the worst. Phytoplankton diagnosis reflected and integrated unambiguously the water quality of the lakes, as demonstrated by the strong relationships between the phytoplankton index and the trophic status criteria. This community appeared as the best indicator, especially when macrophytes were absent. The methods applied here represent a potential tool for the assessment of the ecological status in the context of WFD, but they need to be refined. We propose modifications for phytobenthos index initially tailored for running waters for adequate use in lentic ecosystems. Indices for the three primary producers should be modified to incorporate exotic species which may provide information on potential biodiversity losses.  相似文献   

Sediment toxicity was investigated at 222 stations in the Southern California Bight (SCB) during 2008. This represented the first time that assessment methods established by California's new Sediment Quality Objectives program were employed in a survey of this scale. The goal was to determine the extent and magnitude of sediment toxicity in the SCB, how toxicity compared among specific environments, and whether toxicity has changed over the last decade. Two toxicity tests were used: the 10-day amphipod whole sediment survival test with Eohaustorius estuarius and a 48-h embryo development test with the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis exposed at the sediment–water interface. Less than 1 % of the area of the SCB was found to be toxic to the amphipod test. No toxicity was found in offshore stations, but 14 % of embayment areas were toxic to the amphipods. The mussel test identified 13 % of the embayment areas to be toxic. Estuary and marina locations had the greatest areal extent of toxicity for both tests. The two toxicity methods agreed that sediments were not toxic at over half of the stations tested. The mussel test showed a greater magnitude of response than the amphipod. Sediment toxicity was shown to have declined in both extent and magnitude from levels measured in 1998 and 2003.  相似文献   

Fractionation of metals in natural sediment and suspended particulate matter (SPM) of Tadjan River is investigated. Competitive sorption, sorption capacities of sediment and SPM as well as fractionation of metal-loaded sediment and SPM are also examined. A risk assessment code (RAC) is applied to estimate the risk of heavy metals release into the environment during the sorption process. Results revealed that sediments and SPM containing more than 25 % of clay minerals and higher amounts of calcite have great capacity of metal sorption, particularly for Cu, Ni, and Mn. Assessing the risk of metals release prior to and following sorption tests indicates that RAC of metals would significantly increase from the level of no or low risk in natural sediment and SPM to high or very high risk after sorption. The Langmuir model reveals that the highest affinity for Cu, Mn, and Ni in sediment is the organic fraction. The classic isotherm models of Freundlich and Langmuir can fit the data from chemical extraction studies of adsorbed metals, indicating that although sorption was apparently a physical and chemical process in the river, isotherm models can be used to simulate the sorption and accumulation in different geochemical phases within the particulate matter.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess soil quality by chemical and ecotoxicological investigations and to check the correspondence between soil metal concentrations and ecotoxicity. For these purposes, surface soils collected at four adjacent roadside urban parks and at a former industrial area were characterized for C/N, organic matter content, texture, and pH. Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb, chosen among the most representative soil metal contaminants, were measured as total content and as available and water soluble fractions. In addition, the total concentrations of the investigated metals were used to calculate two chemical indices: the contamination and the potential ecological risk factors. The toxicity of the investigated soils was evaluated by an ecotoxicity test battery carried out on both soil samples (Vibrio fischeri, Heterocypris incongruens and Sinapis alba) and elutriates (Vibrio fischeri, Daphnia magna and Selenastrum capricornutum). The findings, both by the chemical and ecotoxicological approaches, would suggest that the soils with high metal contamination pose ecological risks. On the other hand, moderately metal contaminated soils did not exclude soil ecotoxicity. In fact, toxic effects were also highlighted in soils with low metal content, toxicity being affected by metal availability and soil characteristics. Moreover, the results suggest the importance of using a battery of tests to assess soil ecotoxicity.  相似文献   

Harbours of La Goulette, Rades and Sidi Bou Said are considered as the principal largest and most important port in the Gulf of Tunis characterised by a direct influence of different activities (sailing, industry and fishing) to the Mediterranean Sea. Due to their social and economic impact, a comprehensive assessment of the spatial distribution and partitioning of 24 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and 18 aliphatic hydrocarbons (AHs) in summer and in winter among overlying water, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and surface sediments is essential. Distribution of hydrophobic organic contaminants in abiotic compartments is important for describing their transfer and fate in aquatic ecosystems and to identify the potential danger due to mobilization of contaminants produced by managing of the same sediments. Total organic carbon (TOC) contents range between 4.3% and 6.5%, with an average value of 5.9% in summer, and between 2.3% and 9.6%, with an average value of 6.1% in winter. The average concentrations of ΣPAH in winter and in summer were respectively 703.1 ng L?1 and 378.4 ng L?1 in seawater, 4599.1 ng g?1 and 3114 ng g?1 in SPM, and 1507.6 ng g?1 dw (dry weight) and 1294.6 ng g?1 dw in surface sediment. For ΣAH the average concentrations in winter and in summer were respectively 701 ng L?1 and 741.7 ng L?1 in seawater, 6743.5 ng g?1 and 6282.9 ng g?1 in SPM, and 4971.3 ng g?1 and 4588.1 ng g?1 in surface sediment. Higher PAH and AH concentrations were observed in SPM than in surface sediment. SPM and water were dominated by PAH with low molecular weight, while for sediment low and high molecular weight PAHs were present. PAH and AH fingerprint ratios, such as pristane to phytane (Pr/Ph), phenanthrene to anthracene (Phe/An) and fluoranthene to pyrene (Fl/Py), suggest that hydrocarbons in all harbours may originate from both pyrolytic and petrogenic sources derived from discharge of untreated sewage and wastewater or from direct input by ship traffic in the area. The results showed significant difference (ANOVA, p < 0.05) for hydrocarbon mean concentrations between all harbours studied and between different matrixes.  相似文献   

To examine the state of pollution of Bizerte Lagoon which is exposed to intense anthropogenic pressure, two sediment cores were taken at two sites, one undergoes the dual effects of both marine waters arriving from the Mediterranean Sea through the Channel, and also of freshwater from the Tinja River; the other core is located at the center of the lagoon where water depth is maximal (12 m). Heavy metal concentrations in the two cores were assessed, with calculated enrichment factors and geo-accumulation indexes. Core sediments were also studied for chemical speciation and their monosulfide contents were measured. Results from enrichment factors and geo-accumulation indexes show an accumulation of Cd, Zn, Cr, and Pb, while chemical speciation revealed a risk only from Cd and Mn. Comparison of sequential extraction values with those of acid volatile sulfides revealed that non-toxic effects may be caused by any of the studied metals in the sediment.  相似文献   

The growing use of pharmaceutical drug is mainly due to several diseases in human and in animal husbandry. As these drugs are discharged into waterways via wastewater, they cause a major impact on the environment. Many of these drugs are hormones; in which even at low concentrations can alter metabolic and physiological functions in many organisms. Hormones were found in surface water, groundwater, soil, and sediment at concentrations from nanograms to milligrams per liter of volume—quantities known to cause changes in the endocrine system of aquatic organisms. This study aimed to develop a methodology for hormone detection (estriol, estrone, 17β-estradiol, 17α-ethinylestradiol, progesterone, and testosterone) on surface and treated water samples. Sample toxicity was assessed by ecotoxicology tests using Daphnia magna. A liquid chromatograph coupled to a mass spectrometer with an electrospray ionization source (LC-ESI-MS/MS) was used for the analysis. The results showed that samples were contaminated by the hormones estriol, estrone, progesterone, 17β-estradiol, and 17α-ethinylestradiol during the sampling period, and the highest concentrations measured were 90, 28, 26, 137, and 194 ng·L?1, respectively. This indicates the inflow of sewage containing these hormones at some points in the Piracicaba River in the State of Sao Paulo—Brazil. Results indicated little toxicity of the hormone estriol in D. magna, indicating that chronic studies with this microcrustacean are necessary.  相似文献   

The Second Songhua River was subjected to a large amount of raw or primary effluent from chemical industries in Jilin city in 1960s to 1970s, resulting in serious mercury pollution. However, an understanding of other trace metal pollution has remained unclear. The objective of this study was to investigate trace metal contamination in the sediment of the river. Bottom sediment samples were taken in the river between Jilin city and Haerbin city in 2005. An uncontaminated sediment profile was taken in the Nen River at the same time. Total concentrations of Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, K, Na, Ti, Mn, V, Sc, Co, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn in the sediment samples were measured by ICP-MS or ICP-OES, following digestion with various acids. Concentrations of Co, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn in the surface sediments were 5.1–14.7, 18.5–78.9, 2.4–75.4, 7.2–29.0, 13.5–124.4, and 21.8–403.1 mg/kg, respectively, generally decreasing along the course of the river from Jilin city to Haerbin city. Background concentrations of trace metals were reconstructed by geochemical normalization to a conservative element scandium. Results showed that concentrations of Co, Cr, and Ni in the sediment were generally only slightly higher than or equal to their background values, while concentrations of Cu, Pb, and Zn in the some sediment samples were significantly higher than their background values. In detail, the sediment at Jilin city was moderately contaminated by Cu, and the sediment of the Second Songhua River was moderately contaminated by Pb and Zn. The top layer (0–10 cm depth) and bottom layers (30–46 cm depth) of one sediment profile at Wukeshu town were generally moderately polluted by Pb and Zn. Synthetically, the surface sediment in the studied river section was classified as natural sediment without ecological risk by the sediment pollution index (SPI) of Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn. Only the 30–45 cm depth of the sediment profile at Wukeshu town was classified as low polluted sediment by the SPI of these metals, recording a historical contamination of the river in the 1960s to 1970s. This buried contamination of trace metals might pose a potential risk to water column under disturbance of sediment. Foundation item: The National Basic Research Priorities Program of China (2004CB418502)  相似文献   

The distribution of trace metals (spatial and temporal) and sedimentary fractions were investigated to identify the concentrations and sources of trace metals within Kogarah Bay, NSW, Australia. A total of 59 surface sediments and six subsurface samples from core of the sediment were collected. The contamination factor and pollution load index indices used to evaluate environmental effects of trace metals. The study area was found to be uncontaminated with Cr and Ni, moderately contaminated with As and considerably contaminated with Cu, Zn and Pb. The concentrations of Cr and Ni were below both effect range low and effect range median, while As, Cu, Zn and Pb were slightly above effect range low. The highest concentrations of these trace metals such as Cu, Zn and Pb were found in the north, northwest and southeast of the bay, close to discharge points, stormwater outlets and around boatyards and watercrafts. The spatial distributions of metals were strongly related to muddy particles and organic matter. The temporal sediments of metals declined with increased sediment depth, which reflects accumulation of trace metals since European settlement in this area. Furthermore, the source of the trace metals was found to be stormwater outlets, gasoline fumes, boatyards and other human activities.  相似文献   

To date, the majority of empirical approaches used to derive sediment quality values (SQVs) have focused on metal concentrations in sediment associated with adverse effects on benthic invertebrate communities. Here, we propose the no-effect (NE) approach. This SQV derivation methodology uses metal concentrations in sediment associated with unaffected benthic communities (i.e., from reference sites and lightly contaminated no-effect sites) and accounts for local benthic invertebrate tolerance and potential chemical interactions at no-effect exposure sites. This NE approach was used to propose alternative regional SQVs for uranium operations in northern Saskatchewan. Three different sets of NE values were derived using different combinations of benthic invertebrate community effects criteria (abundance, richness, evenness, Bray–Curtis index). Additionally, reference values were derived based solely on sediment metal concentrations from reference sites. In general, NE values derived using abundance, richness, and evenness (NE1 and NE2 values) were found to be higher than the NE values derived using all four metrics (NE3 values). Derived NE values for Cr, Cu, Pb, and V did not change with the incorporation of additional effects criteria due to a lack of influence from the uranium operations on the concentrations of these metals in sediment. However, a gradient of exposure concentrations was apparent for As, Mo, Ni, Se, and U in sediment which allowed for tolerable exposure levels of these metals in sediment to be defined. The findings from this assessment have suggested a range of new, alternate metal SQVs for use at uranium operations in northern Saskatchewan.  相似文献   

Grapevines grown on acid soils with low fertility in southern Brazil are treated with intense foliar applications of copper (Cu) fungicides, resulting in an increased level of Cu in the soil and increased toxicity. The present study evaluated the accumulation and bioavailability of Cu, and soils with varying levels of Cu from the main producing regions of southern Brazil were collected. The forms of Cu present in the soil were assessed using chemical extractants; additionally, oat cultivation was performed, reflecting the use of the plant as an indicator of Cu bioavailability. Cu accumulated in the topsoil, mainly in bioavailable forms, and there was also an increase of Cu up to a depth of 0.4 m. Cu was primarily found in the mineral fraction, with apparent saturation of the soil organic matter functional groups. Inceptisol and Alfisol soils with a long history of cupric fungicide application were found to have levels of Cu toxic to oat plants. Furthermore, accumulated copper in Alfisol soil from the Campanha Gaúcha region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul had higher bioavailability compared to Cu accumulated in Inceptisol soil from the Serra Gaúcha region. In addition, the copper concentration in roots was found to serve as an indicator of Cu bioavailability in soil, but not of copper phytotoxicity in plants.  相似文献   

The vertical profiles, contamination levels, and potential ecological risks of mercury and arsenic were studied from the sediment cores of seven typical intertidal zones, including the Liaohe River Estuary, the Jianhe River Estuary, the Dagu River Estuary, Yancheng Shoal, the Dongtan Yangtze River Estuary, Hangzhou Bay, and the Pearl River Estuary. Marine sediment quality standards, the threshold effect level (TEL), and the probable effect level (PEL) were used as guidelines to evaluate sediment quality. In addition, the geo-accumulation index (Igeo) and potential ecological risk index (\( {E}_r^i \)) were used to assess contamination and potential ecological risks from mercury and arsenic. The results showed that the Pearl River Estuary was moderately polluted by mercury and represented a high potential ecological risk, while other areas were uncontaminated or mildly contaminated with low or moderate potential ecological risks. The Pearl River Estuary was mildly polluted by arsenic and represented a mild potential ecological risk, while other areas were unpolluted and also posed a mild potential ecological risk.  相似文献   

The geochemical distribution and enrichment of ten heavy metals in the surface sediments of Vembanad Lake, southwest coast of India was evaluated. Sediment samples from 47 stations in the Lake were collected during dry and wet seasons in 2008 and examined for heavy metal content (Al, Fe, Mn, Cr, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cu, Co, Cd), organic carbon, and sediment texture. Statistically significant spatial variation was observed among all sediment variables, but negligible significant seasonal variation was observed. Correlation analysis showed that the metal content of sediments was mainly regulated by organic carbon, Fe oxy-hydroxides, and grain size. Principal component analysis was used to reduce the 14 sediment variables into three factors that reveal distinct origins or accumulation mechanisms controlling the chemical composition in the study area. Pollution intensity of the Vembanad Lake was measured using the enrichment factor and the pollution load index. Severe and moderately severe enrichment of Cd and Zn in the north estuary with minor enrichment of Pb and Cr were observed, which reflects the intensity of the anthropogenic inputs related to industrial discharge into this system. The results of pollution load index reveal that the sediment was heavily polluted in northern arm and moderately polluted in the extreme end and port region of the southern arm of the lake. A comparison with sediment quality guideline quotient was also made, indicating that there may be some ecotoxicological risk to benthic organisms in these sediments.  相似文献   

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