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The retention and behavior of two herbicides, metribuzin [4-amino-6-tert-butyl-4, 5-dihydro-3-methylthio-1, 2, 4-triazin-5-one] and DCPA [1, 4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, 2, 3, 5, 6-tetrachloro-, dimethyl] ester, in runoff and seepage water from agricultural fields were investigated. The objectives of this investigation were to: (i) determine the dissipation and half-life (T 1/2) of metribuzin and DCPA herbicides in soil under three management practices: chicken manure (CM), sewage sludge (SS), and no-mulch native soil (NM); (ii) monitor herbicides residues in runoff and infiltration water following addition of soil amendments; and (iii) determine the impact of soil amendments on the transport of NO3, NH4, and PO4 from soil into surface and subsurface water. Half-life (T 1/2) values of metribuzin were 24, 18, and 12 d in CM, SS, and NM treatments, respectively. Similarly, T 1/2 values of DCPA were greater in CM and SS incorporated soil (45.8 and 52.2 d, respectively) compared to NM native soil (26.2 d). Addition of CM and SS to native agricultural soil increased water infiltration, lowering runoff water volume and herbicide residues in runoff following natural rainfall events. We concluded that soil amendments could be used to intercept pesticide-contaminated runoff from agricultural fields. This practice might provide a potential solution to pesticide contamination of surface and seepage water from farmlands.  相似文献   

This investigation was undertaken to determine the effect of two different fly ashes [Kota and Inderprastha (IP)] amendment on the sorption behavior of metribuzin in three Indian soil types. The IP fly ash was very effective in increasing the metribuzin sorption in the soils. The sorption with IP amendment was increased by 15–92%, whereas with the Kota fly ash an increase in sorption by 13–38% was noted. The adsorption isotherms fitted very well to the Freundlich adsorption equation and, in general, slope (1/n) values less then unity were observed. Although both the fly ashes significantly decreased metribuzin desorption, the IP fly ash was comparatively more effective in retaining metribuzin in the soils. Metribuzin sorption in the IP fly ash-amended soils showed strong correlation with the fly ash content and compared to Kf/Kd values, KFA values (sorption normalized to fly ash content) showed less variation. Metribuzin sorption-desorption did not correlate to the organic carbon content of the soil-fly ash mixture. The study demonstrates that all coal fly ashes may not be effective in enhancing the sorption of metribuzin in soils to the same extent. However, among the fly ashes used in this study, the IP fly ash was observed to be significantly effective in enhancing the sorption of metribuzin in soils. This may play an important role in reducing the run off and leaching losses of the herbicide by retaining it in the soil.  相似文献   

This investigation was undertaken to determine the effect of two different fly ashes [Kota and Inderprastha (IP)] amendment on the sorption behavior of metribuzin in three Indian soil types. The IP fly ash was very effective in increasing the metribuzin sorption in the soils. The sorption with IP amendment was increased by 15-92%, whereas with the Kota fly ash an increase in sorption by 13-38% was noted. The adsorption isotherms fitted very well to the Freundlich adsorption equation and, in general, slope (1/n) values less then unity were observed. Although both the fly ashes significantly decreased metribuzin desorption, the IP fly ash was comparatively more effective in retaining metribuzin in the soils. Metribuzin sorption in the IP fly ash-amended soils showed strong correlation with the fly ash content and compared to K(f)/K(d) values, K(FA) values (sorption normalized to fly ash content) showed less variation. Metribuzin sorption-desorption did not correlate to the organic carbon content of the soil-fly ash mixture. The study demonstrates that all coal fly ashes may not be effective in enhancing the sorption of metribuzin in soils to the same extent. However, among the fly ashes used in this study, the IP fly ash was observed to be significantly effective in enhancing the sorption of metribuzin in soils. This may play an important role in reducing the run off and leaching losses of the herbicide by retaining it in the soil.  相似文献   

Metribuzin, a triazine herbicide, is poorly sorbed in the soils, therefore leaches to lower soil profile. Fly ash amendment, which enhanced metribuzin sorption in soils, may play a significant role in reducing the downward mobility of herbicide. Therefore, the present study reports the effect of Inderprastha fly ash amendment on metribuzin leaching in three soil types. Fly ash was amended at 1, 2 and 5% levels in the upper 15 cm of 30 cm long packed soil columns. Results suggested a significant reduction in the leaching losses of metribuzin in fly ash-amended columns of all the three soil types and effect increased with increase in the level of fly ash. Even after percolating water equivalent to 362 mm rainfall no metribuzin was recovered in the leachate of 5% fly ash-amended columns. Fly ash application affected both metribuzin breakthrough time and its maximum concentration in the leachate. Further, it resulted in greater retention of metribuzin in the application zone and better effect was observed in the organic carbon poor soils.  相似文献   

The Gharb region in Morocco is an important agricultural zone where soils receive pesticide treatments and organic amendments to increase yields. The groundwater aquifer in the Gharb region is relatively shallow and thus vulnerable. The objective of this work was to study the influence of organic amendments on diuron, cyhalofop-butyl and procymidone leaching through undisturbed soil columns. Two soils were sampled from the Gharb region, a Dehs (sandy soil) and a R'mel (loamy clay soil). Following elution (124.5 mm), the amount of pesticide residues in the leachates of the sandy soil (0.06-0.21 %) was lower than in those of the loamy clay soil (0.20-0.36 %), which was probably due to preferential flow through the loamy clay soil. The amount of procymidone leached through the amended soil columns was greater than the control for the sandy soil only. The organic amendments did not significantly influence diuron and cyhalofop-butyl leaching in either of the soils. The application of organic amendments affected the amounts of dissolved organic matter (DOM) eluted and thus pesticide leaching as a function of soil-type. Nevertheless, in some case, the formation of pesticide-DOM complexes appeared to promote pesticide leaching, thus increasing groundwater contamination risks.  相似文献   

The Gharb region in Morocco is an important agricultural zone where soils receive pesticide treatments and organic amendments to increase yields. The groundwater aquifer in the Gharb region is relatively shallow and thus vulnerable. The objective of this work was to study the influence of organic amendments on diuron, cyhalofop-butyl and procymidone leaching through undisturbed soil columns. Two soils were sampled from the Gharb region, a Dehs (sandy soil) and a R’mel (loamy clay soil). Following elution (124.5 mm), the amount of pesticide residues in the leachates of the sandy soil (0.06–0.21 %) was lower than in those of the loamy clay soil (0.20–0.36 %), which was probably due to preferential flow through the loamy clay soil. The amount of procymidone leached through the amended soil columns was greater than the control for the sandy soil only. The organic amendments did not significantly influence diuron and cyhalofop-butyl leaching in either of the soils. The application of organic amendments affected the amounts of dissolved organic matter (DOM) eluted and thus pesticide leaching as a function of soil-type. Nevertheless, in some case, the formation of pesticide-DOM complexes appeared to promote pesticide leaching, thus increasing groundwater contamination risks.  相似文献   

The mobility of antimony (Sb) in Japanese agricultural soils was studied by radiotracer experiments using 124Sb tracer. The soil-solution distribution coefficients (Kd) of Sb were measured for 110 soil samples. These Kds ranged from 1 to 2065 L kg(-1); the geometric mean was 62 L kg(-1) excluding one extremely high value, 2065 L kg(-1). Experimental measurement of Kd showed a decrease with both increasing pH and increasing phosphate concentration. The latter suggested that one aspect of the Sb sorption phenomena in Japanese soil was influenced by specific adsorption of anions such as phosphate. However, other aspects could not be explained by this specific adsorption mechanism, because only 20-40% of soil-sorbed Sb could be extracted by phosphate solution.  相似文献   

改良剂对土壤中Cu形态变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用恒温连续培养的方法,以褐煤、腐殖酸、鸡粪为改良剂,探讨其对土壤中Cu形态变化的影响。结果表明,改良剂的加入均不同程度地改变了土壤pH值及有机质的含量。添加改良剂后土壤中Cu-WAE的含量降低,Cu-RES的含量升高,且Cu各种形态的分配比例发生了变化。相关性分析表明,各种Cu形态之间存在一定的相互关系,土壤中Cu-RED、Cu-RES受pH值影响较大,Cu-WAE、Cu-OXI受有机质影响较大。由再分配系数U可知,经褐煤、鸡粪处理后土壤中各种形态的Cu之间相互稳定,而经腐殖酸处理后各种形态的Cu之间不稳定,将会有较多的Cu-WAE进入到更稳定的形态中。添加改良剂的土壤中Cu的IR值大于CK中Cu的IR值,表明经过改良剂处理后的土壤中有较大比例的Cu结合在较稳定的形态中。3种改良剂对土壤都有较好的改良效果,有利于Cu的固定,降低了Cu的生物毒性。  相似文献   

This investigation was undertaken to determine the effect of amendment of two fly ashes [Kota and Inderprastha (IP)] on sorption behavior of metsulfuron-methyl in three Indian soil types. Kota fly ash (5%) did not show any effect on herbicide sorption while IP fly ash significantly enhanced the sorption. Further studies on metsulfuron-methyl sorption-desorption behavior in 0.5, 1, 2, and 5% IP fly ash-amended soils suggested that effect of fly ash varied with soil type and better effect was observed in low organic carbon content soils. The sorption-desorption isotherms fitted very well to the Freundlich sorption equation and, in general, slope (1/n) values less than unity were observed. Metsulfuron-methyl sorption in the IP fly ash-amended soils showed strong correlation with the fly ash content and compared to the Freundlich sorption constant (K f), K FA values (sorption normalized to fly ash content) showed less variation. Metsulfuron-methyl leaching studies suggested greater retention of herbicide in the application zone in IP fly ash-amended soils, but effect varied with soil type and no herbicide leaching was observed in 5% fly ash-amended soils. The study suggested that all coal fly ashes are not effective in enhancing the sorption of metsulfuron-methyl in soils. However, one which enhanced herbicide sorption, could play an important role in reducing its leaching losses.  相似文献   

Two heavy metal contaminated calcareous soils from the Mediterranean region of Spain were studied. One soil, from the province of Murcia, was characterised by very high total levels of Pb (1572 mg kg(-1)) and Zn (2602 mg kg(-1)), whilst the second, from Valencia, had elevated concentrations of Cu (72 mg kg(-1)) and Pb (190 mg kg(-1)). The effects of two contrasting organic amendments (fresh manure and mature compost) and the chelate ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) on soil fractionation of Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn, their uptake by plants and plant growth were determined. For Murcia soil, Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. was grown first, followed by radish (Raphanus sativus L.). For Valencia soil, Beta maritima L. was followed by radish. Bioavailability of metals was expressed in terms of concentrations extractable with 0.1 M CaCl2 or diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA). In the Murcia soil, heavy metal bioavailability was decreased more greatly by manure than by the highly-humified compost. EDTA (2 mmol kg(-1) soil) had only a limited effect on metal uptake by plants. The metal-solubilising effect of EDTA was shorter-lived in the less contaminated, more highly calcareous Valencia soil. When correlation coefficients were calculated for plant tissue and bioavailable metals, the clearest relationships were for Beta maritima and radish.  相似文献   

Methyl bromide (CH3Br) is currently the most widely used soil fumigant, and its emission into the atmosphere after application reportedly contributes to ozone depletion in the stratosphere. Irreversible degradation and partially reversible sorption reactions affect the quantity of this furnigant reaching the soil surface and escaping into the atmosphere. Incubation studies in closed headspace vials under controlled conditions showed that degradation of CH3Br was highly dependent on soil organic matter content, and to a lesser extent, on the moisture level in the soil. Methylation of CH3Br on organic matter was suggested to be the major reaction that CH3Br undergoes in the soil environment. Other soil constituents such as clay did not contribute to the degradation under moist or air-dried conditions, though enhanced degradation was observed on oven-dried montmorillonite and kaolinite clays. Within soil profiles, degradation of CH3Br decreased with soil depth mainly due to the reduction of soil organic matter content with depth. In both Greenfield and Wasco sandy loams, the degradation rate of CH3Br in soil layers from 0 to 270 cm could be estimated from soil organic matter content. Sorption of CH3Br on moist soils was generally limited, and varied with soil depth. The degree of sorption could be predicted from soil moisture alone or soil moisture and organic matter content.  相似文献   

The study aims to prepare the organoclay complexes of metolachlor and metribuzin so as to reduce their downward mobility in soil profile. The organoclays were preadsorbed with phenyltrimethylammonium (PTMA) (50% of cation exchange capacity [CEC]) and hexadecyltrimethylammonium (HDTMA) (100% of CEC). Four metolachlor formulations, two for each organoclay, were prepared having 1% and 2% load of herbicide and were called PTMA-Metol-1%, PTMA-Metol-2%, HDTMA-Metol-1% and HDTMA-Metol-2%. Two metribuzin formulations were prepared and were called PTMA-Metri-1% and HDTMA-Metri-1%. Soil column leaching experiment showed that compared to their commercially available formulations, organoclay complexes were effective in reducing the downward mobility of both herbicides. Organoclay complexes of metolachlor and metribuzin prepared using PTMA-Montmorillonite performed better than the HDTMA-Montmorillonite complexes.  相似文献   

改良剂对重金属复合污染土壤的修复效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为揭示不同改良剂及其联合施用对重金属复合污染土壤的修复效果,采用室内土壤培养实验和室外盆栽实验相结合,研究不同施用量(10和20 g·kg-1)的蛭石(A)、泥炭(B)和骨粉(C)以及两两组合施用下,改良剂对土壤重金属DTPA有效态、植物(以空心菜为例)生物量、株高以及植物可食部重金属含量的影响。结果表明:不同处理条件下的土壤pH值的提升与空白对照相比变化不显著;单施2%泥炭对土壤重金属Cu、Zn的钝化效果优于其他处理组,相对空白对照组,在第42天2种金属有效态含量分别降低了57.65%和65.55%,而1%蛭石和1%骨粉的混合添加能有效降低土壤中有效态Cd含量,相对空白对照组在第42天有效态Cd含量降低了40.52%;3种改良剂单施和混施对空心菜均具有增产增收的显著效果,且混施改良剂对空心菜增产效果较好;各处理组中空心菜体内Cu、Zn和Cd含量均有显著的降低,其中2%泥炭、1%蛭石+1%泥炭和1%蛭石+1%骨粉处理组分别对空心菜体内Cu、Zn和Cd含量降低效果最好,相对空白对照组分别降低了75.39%、70.75%和75.42%。因此,在该污染类型土壤泥炭、蛭石+泥炭和蛭石+骨粉分别对空心菜吸收土壤中的Cu、Zn和Cd具有较好的阻控效果。  相似文献   

Lee TM  Lai HY  Chen ZS 《Chemosphere》2004,57(10):1459-1471
The availability of metal in contaminated soil can be reduced by the addition of soil amendments. The objectives of this study are to study the effects of applying different soil amendments on the concentration of Cd and Pb in soil solution, DTPA or EDTA extractable Cd and Pb, and the uptake of Cd and Pb by wheat (Triticum vulgare) when growing in long-term Cd and Pb-contaminated soils, more than 20 years. The soil amendments, including check, compost, zinc oxide, calcium carbonate, calcium carbonate mixed with zinc oxide, and calcium carbonate mixed with compost, were conducted in a four replicates pot cultural study. The amended soils were incubated for six months under 60% of water holding capacity. Following incubation, wheat was grown for four months in greenhouse. Analyses of Cd concentration demonstrated a significant decrease in soil solution concentration and DTPA or EDTA extractable in soils amended with calcium carbonate or calcium carbonate mixed with ZnO (or compost) (p<0.01). These amendments can significantly reduce the Cd concentration in the grain, leaf and stem, or reduce the total Cd uptake in all parts of wheat species grown in highly contaminated soil amended with calcium carbonate or calcium carbonate mixed with ZnO (or compost) (p<0.01). The concentration of Cd in soil solution and extracted with DTPA or EDTA can predict the Cd concentration in wheat, especially for soil solution.  相似文献   

LAS对土壤中多环芳烃吸附行为的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了阴离子表面活性剂十二烷基苯磺酸钠(LAS)对PAHs在士壤中吸附行为的影响。结果表明,LAS改变了PAHs在土水体系中的吸附/解吸平衡,吸附态LAS可提高土壤对PAHs的吸附,而溶解态LAS则增加了PAHs的表观溶解度,这2种作用的综合结果改变了PAHs在土水体系中的吸附系数。凶此,文中用表观吸附系数来描述PAHs在土壤-水-LAS体系中的综合吸附行为。  相似文献   

Chinese brake fern (Pteris vittata L.), an arsenic (As) hyperaccumulator, has shown the potential to remediate As-contaminated soils. This study investigated the effects of soil amendments on the leachability of As from soils and As uptake by Chinese brake fern. The ferns were grown for 12 weeks in a chromated-copper-arsenate (CCA) contaminated soil or in As spiked contaminated (ASC) soil. Soils were treated with phosphate rock, municipal solid waste, or biosolid compost. Phosphate amendments significantly enhanced plant As uptake from the two tested soils with frond As concentrations increasing up to 265% relative to the control. After 12 weeks, plants grown in phosphate-amended soil removed >8% of soil As. Replacement of As by P from the soil binding sites was responsible for the enhanced mobility of As and subsequent increased plant uptake. Compost additions facilitated As uptake from the CCA soil, but decreased As uptake from the ASC soil. Elevated As uptake in the compost-treated CCA soil was related to the increase of soil water-soluble As and As(V) transformation into As(III). Reduced As uptake in the ASC soil may be attributed to As adsorption to the compost. Chinese brake fern took up As mainly from the iron-bound fraction in the CCA soil and from the water-soluble/exchangeable As in the ASC soil. Without ferns for As adsorption, compost and phosphate amendments increased As leaching from the CCA soil, but had decreased leaching with ferns when compared to the control. For the ASC soil, treatments reduced As leaching regardless of fern presence. This study suggest that growing Chinese brake fern in conjunction with phosphate amendments increases the effectiveness of remediating As-contaminated soils, by increasing As uptake and decreasing As leaching.  相似文献   

LAS对土壤中多环芳烃吸附行为的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了阴离子表面活性剂十二烷基苯磺酸钠(LAS)对PAHs在土壤中吸附行为的影响.结果表明,LAS改变了PAHs在土水体系中的吸附/解吸平衡,吸附态LAS可提高土壤对PAHs的吸附,而溶解态LAS则增加了PAHs的表观溶解度,这2种作用的综合结果改变了PAHs在土水体系中的吸附系数.因此,文中用表观吸附系数来描述PAHs在土壤-水-LAS体系中的综合吸附行为.  相似文献   


In this study, we used two biochars (BC) produced from grapevine pruning residues (BCgv) and red spruce wood (BCrs), two hydrochars (HC) from urban pruning residues (HCup) and the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (HCuw), and two vermicomposts (VC) obtained vermicomposting digestates from buffalo manure (VCbm) and mixed feedstock (VCmf). Adsorption kinetics and isotherms of metribuzin onto these materials were performed. Sorption kinetics followed preferentially a pseudo-second-order model, thus indicating the occurrence of chemical interactions between the sorbate and the adsorbents. Adsorption constants were calculated using the Freundlich and Langmuir models. Metribuzin sorption data on BCgv and both HC fitted preferentially the Freundlich equation, whereas on the other materials data fitted both isotherms well (r?>?0.95). Metribuzin sorption capacity of the materials followed the trend BC?>?HC?>?VC. Sorption constants of metribuzin normalised per organic carbon content (KOC) on BCgv, BCrs, HCup, HCuw, VCbm and VCmf were 561, 383, 251, 214, 102 and 84?L kg?1, respectively. A significant positive correlation (P?=?0.016) was calculated between distribution coefficients (Kd) of all materials and the corresponding organic carbon contents, thus indicating a prominent role of the organic fraction of these materials in the adsorption of metribuzin.  相似文献   

This research evaluated the effects of the new sugarcane harvesting system (without straw burning) and soil attributes on the organic carbon (OC) accumulation and sorption of alachlor (2-chloro-N-(2,6-diethylphenyl)-N-(methoxymethyl)acetamide) and diuron (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) in highly weathered Brazilian soils. Alachlor was more likely to leach (K d,app = 1.0–7.0 L kg?1 and mean K oc,app = 174 L kg?1) than diuron (K d,app = 6.2–116.3 L kg?1 and mean K oc,app = 1789 L kg?1). The sorption coefficient (K d,app) values correlated better with soil OC contents, but the Fe-oxides also played an important role in these highly weathered soils. Sorption was enhanced in the areas without straw burning mostly due to OC accumulation that was higher in the clayey soils, but it was not enough to change their mobility classification.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope  Herbicide fate and its transport in soils and sediments greatly depend upon sorption–desorption processes. Quantitative determination of herbicide sorption–desorption is therefore essential for both the understanding of transport and the sorption equilibrium in the soil/sediment–water system; and it is also an important parameter for predicting herbicide fate using mathematical simulation models. The total soil/sediment organic carbon content and its qualitative characteristics are the most important factors affecting sorption–desorption of herbicides in soil or sediment. Since the acetochlor is one of the most frequently used herbicides in Slovakia to control annual grasses and certain annual broad-leaved weeds in maize and potatoes, and posses various negative health effects on human beings, our aim in this study was to investigate acetochlor sorption and desorption in various soil/sediment samples from Slovakia. The main soil/sediment characteristics governing acetochlor sorption–desorption were also identified. Materials and methods  The sorption–desorption of acetochlor, using the batch equilibration method, was studied on eight surface soils, one subsurface soil and five sediments collected from the Laborec River and three water reservoirs. Soils and sediments were characterized by commonly used methods for their total organic carbon content, distribution of humus components, pH, grain-size distribution, and smectite content, and for calcium carbonate content. The effect of soil/sediment characteristics on acetochlor sorption–desorption was examined by simple correlation analysis. Results  Sorption of acetochlor was expressed as the distribution coefficient (K d). K d values slightly decreased as the initial acetochlor concentration increased. These values indicated that acetochlor was moderately sorbed by soils and sediments. Highly significant correlations between the K d values and the organic carbon content were observed at both initial concentrations. However, sorption of acetochlor was most closely correlated to the humic acid carbon, and less to the fulvic acid carbon. The total organic carbon content was found to also significantly influence acetochlor desorption. Discussion  Since the strong linear relationship between the K d values of acetochlor and the organic carbon content was already released, the corresponding K oc values were calculated. Considerable variation in the K oc values suggested that other soil/sediment parameters besides the total soil organic carbon content could be involved in acetochlor sorption. This was revealed by a significant correlation between the K oc values and the ratio of humic acid carbon to fulvic acid carbon (CHA/CFA). Conclusions  When comparing acetochlor sorption in a range of soils and sediments, different K d values which are strongly correlated to the total organic carbon content were found. Concerning the humus fractions, the humic acid carbon content was strongly correlated to the K d values, and it is therefore a better predictor of the acetochlor sorption than the total organic carbon content. Variation in the K oc values was attributed to the differences in distribution of humus components between soils and sediments. Desorption of acetochlor was significantly influenced by total organic carbon content, with a greater organic carbon content reducing desorption. Recommendations and perspectives  This study examined the sorption–desorption processes of acetochlor in soils and sediments. The obtained sorption data are important for qualitative assessment of acetochlor mobility in natural solids, but further studies must be carried out to understand its environmental fate and transport more thoroughly. Although, the total organic carbon content, the humus fractions of the organic matter and the CHA/CFA ratio were sufficient predictors of the acetochlor sorption–desorption. Further investigations of the structural and chemical characteristics of humic substances derived from different origins are necessary to more preciously explain differences in acetochlor sorption in the soils and sediments observed in this study.  相似文献   

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