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汤旺河是贯穿伊春市的主要河流,由北而南流经鸟伊岭、汤旺河、新青、红星、五营、上甘岭、友好、伊春、美溪、西林、金山屯、南岔、浩良河等区镇至汤原县新发春北2公里处汇入松花江,在伊春境内流长443公里,流域总面积20838平方公里,是伊春市的母亲河,汤旺河水质的好坏直接影响到伊春人民生产、生活及国民经济的发展,因此,保护汤旺河对伊春乃至全省的生态环境和经济的可持续发展具有重大意义.  相似文献   

林林总总话生物 每天清晨,当我们走出家门时,立刻就会看到花草、树木、飞禽、走兽等大的、小的,高的、矮的,白的、黑的、绿的、黄的等形态各异、千奇百怪、五花八门的生物。当然,在我们的周围还生存着不计其数的、地球人几乎看不见的各类微生物。不过,这些生物不仅仅生存于我们的周围,而且在很少有人出没的南极、北极、高山、峡谷等地也有这样那样的生物。  相似文献   

以昆山为例,实验室信息管理系统(LIMS)应用于环境监测实验室,是针对环境监测的流程化设计,应用移动互联网技术、物联网技术、大数据等技术,将环境监测实验室的人员、环境、流程、质量控制、仪器设备、标物标液、化学试剂、标准方法、分析报告、数据查询分析、图书资料、文件记录、移动监测、电子签章、数据采集等要素有机结合起来,形成一个科学、全面、开放、规范的综合管理体系,大幅提升环境管理业务水平和工作效率。  相似文献   

重金属是指密度大于5克每立方厘米的金属,如金、银、铜、铅、锌、镍、镉、铬、汞、锰等大约45种,其中有一些是人体必须的微量元素,对人体起着主要作用,这些属于重金属的微量元素有:Fe、Cu、Zn、Cr、Co、Mn、Sn、Mo、V等。环境中所指的重金属有:总汞、烷基汞、总镉、总铬、总铅、总镍等,并将他们列入一类污染物。通过本次突发性事故的回顾,感觉以下六字诀对本案的有效处置起到了关键作用:快、准、拦、堵、截、引。  相似文献   

在人民大会堂、全国政协礼堂、毛泽东纪念馆、全国妇联、北京奥运、雷锋纪念馆甚至驻美国、英国使馆的收藏展厅内,署名唐华育的国画《牡丹》以其飘逸洒脱的气势、浓淡相宜的泼墨、立意深远的构图,令不少中外游客驻足不前,赞声不绝,但是,谁能相信如此深厚的功力,如此精湛的画艺竟然出自一的洛阳小伙之手……  相似文献   

蒋克彬  张小海 《环境科技》2007,20(Z2):54-56
国内缫丝企业以民营企业居多,具有分布零散、生产规模小、设备陈旧、工艺与技术水平差、管理水平较低的特点,导致了缫丝企业的成本高、污染大.因此,缫丝行业又有巨大的清洁生产潜力,可从国家的缫丝行业清洁生产标准制定,合理规划布局缫丝企业,改进和创新缫丝的工艺和设备、管理等方面进行清洁生产,使企业达到降低能耗、降低成本、减污、提高产品质量、提高竞争力的目的.  相似文献   

徐家良 《环境保护》2011,(18):30-31
黄河发源于青海省巴颜喀拉山,横跨中国北部,流经青海、四川、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、陕西、山西、河南、山东9个省区。新中国成立后,我国就着手对黄河进行一系列的管理与持续的开发,不仅在发电和灌溉上取得了可喜成绩,兴建3000多座水电站,如刘家峡、三门峡、龙羊峡等,而且广泛开展水土保持,造林、种草等,避免了黄河上中下游地区洪涝灾害的出现。不容否认的是,黄河的治理也存在  相似文献   

2007年中国大陆地区生物质燃烧排放污染物清单   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38       下载免费PDF全文
采用排放因子法计算了中国2007年间CH4、SO2、NOx、NH3、EC、OC、NMVOC、CO、CO2、TSP、PM10、PM2.5的排放总量,建立了生物质燃烧污染物排放清单,计算了各污染物总排放量的空间分布及不同生物质燃烧类型对各污染物总排放量的贡献率,重点完善了各省市生物质燃烧排放不同粒径颗粒物清单.结果显示,2007年我国大陆生物质燃烧排放CH4、SO2、NOx、NH3、OC、EC、NMVOC、CO、CO2、TSP、PM10、PM2.5排放总量分别分为3332.7, 335.3, 951.3, 7754.9, 783.7, 267.7, 6049.6, 76579.6, 743743.7, 7677.8, 6668.9, 4043.7kt.四川、安徽、广西、山东、河南、江苏等地区生物质燃烧各污染物排放量较高,北京、天津、海南、宁夏、青海和西藏等省区各污染物排放量较少.不同地区排放污染物的主要生物质类型存在较大的差异,单位面积排放强度和人均排放量区域间差异显著.人类活动是生物质燃烧排放污染物的主要影响因素,秸秆和薪柴燃烧是污染物排放量最大的2种生物质,其对各种污染物的贡献率为93.8%~98.7%.  相似文献   

中国城市污泥重金属和养分的区域特性及变化   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
通过对我国111个城市共193个污水处理厂污泥的重金属及有机质和氮磷钾含量进行了分析和统计,并与2003年的数据进行了对比,同时也按照南北和东中西的区域划分进行了区域统计.结果表明,相对于2003年,Zn、Pb的平均含量有所降低,而Cu、Cr、Ni、As、Hg的平均含量则有所增加,Cd的含量大幅增加;有机质、氮、磷含量均略有增加,钾的含量变化不大.北方污泥中Zn、Cu、Cd、Cr、Ni的含量要低于南方污泥,Pb、As和Hg的含量则远大于南方污泥.Zn、Cu、Cd、Pb、Hg、Ni的含量由东向西逐渐降低; Cr的含量则为中部最高; As的含量由东向西逐渐升高.北方污泥的有机质、钾含量都要大于南方污泥,而氮、磷含量则小于南方污泥.污泥的有机质、氮由东向西逐渐升高,磷的含量则逐渐降低,中西部污泥的钾含量大于东部污泥.  相似文献   

对中山大学滨海水循环综合试验基地的河道水和地下水进行采样,运用16S rRNA基因分析方法,研究微生物的群落组成、结构,同时,通过Mothur软件分析不同采样点的系统发育多样性和文库稀释曲线.结果表明,上下游河道水和地下水均以变形菌(Proteobacteria),厚壁菌(Firmicutes),古菌(Archaea)为优势种群,变形菌在上游堰、下游堰、R1、R2、R3分别占各自总数的29.7%、30.3%、28.1%、20.9%、14.2%;厚壁菌在上游堰、下游堰、R1、R2、R3分别占各自总数的9.7%、20.3%、19.8%、8.6%、39.6%;古菌(不可培养的泉古菌和广古菌)在上游堰、下游堰、R1、R2、R3分别占各自总数的14.2%、12.3%、11.7%、12.1%、3.5%.表明地下水、地表水微生物组成结构有一定的趋同性.另一方面,酸杆菌(Acidobacteria)、硝化螺旋菌(Nitrospira)、拟杆菌(Bacteroidetes) 和Candidate division OPx等在不同采样点的丰度各异,不同埋藏条件下的地下水和地表水多样性指数与稀释曲线有所不同,揭示小流域的微生物组成、结构具有空间差异.研究显示,受周围水文地质条件、补给差异等影响,微生物种群随之演化,微生物特征与水文地质、化学离子密切相关.  相似文献   

肼与苯肼对斑马鱼胚胎和仔鱼的毒性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用国际新推出的鱼类长效应测定技术对水中肼与苯肼的毒性进行了测定。结果表明,胼对鱼类具有很大毒性,对斑马鱼胚胎发育有影响,最低影响浓度(LOEC)为0.049mg/L,无影响浓度(NOEC)为0.0245mg/L,对仔鱼存活的最低影响浓度为0.0035mg/L,无影响浓度为0.00175mg/L。苯肼的毒性比肼大,对斑马鱼鱼卵孵化的LOEC为0.0078mg/L,NOEC为0.0039mg/L,对仔鱼生存的LOEC为0.00098mg/L,NOEC为0.00049mg/L.结果表明,仔鱼比鱼卵对肼及苯肼的毒性更敏感.笔者认为斑马鱼胚胎和仔鱼毒性实验方法是一个能反映毒物对鱼类长期毒性效应的快速实验技术值得推广使用。  相似文献   

The focus of the present study was to assess the ozone levels in a typical area of the Mediterranean basin, viz. Tuscany (central Italy). Eighty-thousand hourly mean ozone concentrations were recorded by 10 automatic analysers in the districts of Florence, Pisa, Lucca and Prato, from May to September 1995 to 1997. The highest daily mean concentrations were reached in Florence, with a maximum hourly average of 197 ppb. In Lucca and Pisa, the peaks were close to 100 ppb. Data from Prato were much lower. Long-term critical levels for vegetation, as set by United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), were constantly exceeded in Florence and Pisa, occasionally in Lucca, never in Prato. The results were used to fit exposure/yield response relationships proposed by UNECE and US National Crop Loss Assessment Network for some important crops. The estimated yield losses varied in Florence from 8% for corn and alfalfa to 27% for soybean, in Pisa from 5% for corn to 24% for soybean, in Lucca from 3% for corn to 17% for soybean. A preliminary economic estimate for corn, wheat, barley, soybean, tomato and alfalfa, calculated annual damage to be 4.6 M Euro in Florence, 0.5 M Euro in Lucca and 3 M Euro in Pisa. The picture must be regarded as only partial, as exposure/yield response relationships for important Italian crops (such as grapevine and vegetables) are not available.  相似文献   

广州市现使用的李坑、大田山垃圾埋场将于2000年前后满容,拟选垃圾填埋场有黄陂、金坑、兴丰、荔枝山四处,经过地质钻探、可行性研究与环境影响评价,最后确定兴上增圾填埋场。本文通过对四场址的比较研究,提出了7个选址条件,包括符合城市总体规划;不违背当地环境功能区的要求;相应的盆谷位置,地形与合适的地质基础;具有社会、经济、环境效益,不会引起不良的社会反映,便于垦复和复貌条件。  相似文献   

社区是再生资源回收企业开展回收业务的重要场所,回收企业在社区的宣传推广对于提升企业知名度、树立企业品牌、提高业务量具有重要作用。对再生资源回收企业在社区进行营销宣传的必要性进行了分析,提出了几种适于回收企业执行的营销策略,以期对再生资源回收企业有所帮助。  相似文献   

环境本身损害的责任缺失是我国环境污染管理中亟待解决的突出问题。文章从社会经济系统与其支撑环境间作用关系过程链的三个响应环节出发,分析了建立环境本身损害责任机制的作用、意义及环境本身损害赔偿的内涵与构成。提出了围绕突发性污染排放问题,以恢复环境为目标,衔接我国环境应急管理系统实施环境本身损害责任的构架。结合突发性污染排放建立环境损害的恢复责任,对推进环境污染损害管理和深化污染事故应急处置具有重要支持作用。  相似文献   

Wastewater stabilization ponds generate low cost by-products that are useful for agriculture. The utilization of these by-products for soil amendment and as a source of nutrients for plants requires a high level of sanitation and stabilization of the organic matter, to maintain acceptable levels of soil, water and air quality. In this study, two aquaculture wastewater treatment systems; recirculating system and a floating plant bed system were designed to improve the quality of irrigation water in local communities with low income. In both systems the grass species Lolium perenne Lam was used as a plant biofilter while vegetable specie Amaranthus viridis was used to evaluate the performance of the system and the suitability of the phyto-treated water for irrigation. It was found that the harmful material removal rate for recirculating system was 88.9% for TAN (total ammonia nitrogen), 90% for NO2--N, 64.8% for NO3--N while for floating plant bed system 82.7% for TAN, 82% for NO2--N and 60.5% for NO3--N. Comparative analysis of the efficiency of waste element removal between the two systems revealed that both systems performed well, however, plant growth was not robust for floating plant bed system while recirculating system is energy consuming. Although both systems did not attain sufficient levels of TN (total nitrogen) and TP (total phosphorus) load reduction, the treatment with L. perenne remarkably improved the irrigation water quality. A. viridis plants irrigated with the phyto-treated discharge water had lesser concentrations of heavy metals in their tissues compared to those irrigated with untreated discharge. The control plants irrigated with untreated discharge were also found to be highly lignified with few stems and small leaves.  相似文献   

黄勇华  潘伟斌 《环境科技》2007,20(A01):53-55
随着沿海地区乡镇经济的迅猛发展,开展乡镇的环境规划具有十分重要的意义。文章重点对中山市乡镇在发展过程中产生的环境污染问题进行分析,强调对乡镇进行环境规划的重要性,并对中山市开展乡镇环境规划的意义、内容和注意事项进行了深入的研究,并建议在开展乡镇环境规划中应避免盲目套用城市环境规划的方法,应根据乡镇发展的特殊情况,研究适合的环境规划方案。  相似文献   

Climate change, water availability and future cereal production in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Climate scenarios from a regional climate model are used to drive crop and water simulation models underpinned by the IPCC A2 and B2 socio-economic development pathways to explore water availability for agriculture in China in the 2020s and 2040s. Various measures of water availability are examined at river basin and provincial scale in relation to agricultural and non-agricultural water demand and current and planned expansions to the area under irrigation. The objectives are to understand the influences of different drivers on future water availability to support China's food production. Hydrological simulations produce moderate to large increases in total water availability in response to increases in future precipitation. Total water demand increases nationally and in most basins, but with a decreasing share for agriculture due primarily to competition from industrial, domestic and municipal sectors. Crop simulations exhibit moderate to large increases in irrigation water demand which is found to be highly sensitive to the characteristics of daily precipitation in the climate scenarios. The impacts of climate change on water availability for agriculture are small compared to the role of socio-economic development.The study identifies significant spatial differences in impacts at the river basin and provincial level. In broad terms water availability for agriculture declines in southern China and remains stable in northern China. The combined impacts of climate change and socio-economic development produce decreases in future irrigation areas, especially the area of irrigated paddy rice. Overall, the results suggest that there will be insufficient water for agriculture in China in the coming decades, due primarily to increases in water demand for non-agricultural uses, which will have significant implications for adaptation strategies and policies for agricultural production and water management.  相似文献   

The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the Center for Sustainable Development in the Americas (CSDA) conducted technical studies and organized two training workshops to develop capacity in Central America for the evaluation of climate change projects. This paper describes the results of two baseline case studies conducted for these workshops, one for the power sector and one for the cement industry, that were devised to illustrate certain approaches to baseline setting. Multiproject baseline emission rates (BERs) for the main Guatemalan electricity grid were calculated from 2001 data. In recent years, the Guatemalan power sector has experienced rapid growth; thus, a sufficient number of new plants have been built to estimate viable BERs. We found that BERs for baseload plants offsetting additional baseload capacity ranged from 0.702 kgCO2/kWh (using a weighted average stringency) to 0.507 kgCO2/kWh (using a 10th percentile stringency), while the baseline for plants offsetting load-following capacity is lower at 0.567 kgCO2/kWh. For power displaced from existing load-following plants, the rate is higher, 0.735 kgCO2/kWh, as a result of the age of some plants used for meeting peak loads and the infrequency of their use. The approved consolidated methodology for the Clean Development Mechanism yields a single rate of 0.753 kgCO2/kWh. Due to the relatively small number of cement plants in the region and the regional nature of the cement market, all of Central America was chosen as the geographic boundary for setting cement industry BERs. Unfortunately, actual operations and output data were unobtainable for most of the plants in the region, and many data were estimated. Cement industry BERs ranged from 205 kgCO2 to 225 kgCO2 per metric ton of cement.  相似文献   

中国土地可持续利用指标体系的理论与方法   总被引:157,自引:7,他引:157  
制定土地资源可持续性指标体系是《21世纪议程》中对各国提出的科学技术优先研究领域 ,国土资源部已开始了该研究项目。论文就此对中国土地资源可持续利用指标体系的理论与方法从整体上进行了探讨。首先回顾了国内外土地可持续利用研究的进展 ,分析归纳了国外可持续发展指标体系研究状况及可借鉴之处 ;指出在土地可持续利用指标与评价的研究中 ,必须从3个方面开展深入探讨。第一是土地利用分区及制定区域性土地可持续利用指标体系 ;第二是研究制定主要土地利用系统可持续利用指标体系及其阈值 ;第三是研究制定典型区域(以县域为单位)土地可持续利用指标体系及其阈值。只有把3个方面的研究有机融合起来 ,互相反馈 ,互为依存 ,才能保证土地可持续利用指标体系的科学性、系统性和实用性。  相似文献   

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