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苏联的年降水深约531毫米,年降水量为11700公里~3,占全球陆地降水量的10%,仅次于巴西,列世界第二位。但是苏联76%的淡水分布在人烟稀少、工业不发达的东部和北部;而工业发达的人口占80%、工业产量占80%、宜耕地占90%左右的苏联欧洲部分南部和中亚等地区只拥有24%的淡水资源,给经济发展带来很大困难。由于工农业大量用水,使河流入湖及入海水量不断减少,引起湖泊和内海水位不断下降,水质日趋恶化;另外,其废污水的大量排放,使水体普遍遭到污染。这一切势必超出其环境容量的范围。一、加强水资源管理体制和手段的建设从70年代开始,根据《苏联及加盟共和国水法》的规定,苏联水资源利用和保护的管理体系分为总体和专业两个渠道,实行双重领导制。总体管  相似文献   

有些人说耶路撒冷现在所面临的主要问题是宗教冲突,但有些人却认为是水,耶路撒冷为获得宝贵的水源而斗争的历史与其宗教冲突的历史一样久远。早在三千年以前,大卫王占据了耶路撒冷,打败了迦南人并且控制了城市的唯一水源—Gihon泉。当时控制了这个泉水就等于控制了整个城市。随着耶路撒冷人口的增长,Gihon泉已经远远不能满足整个城市的需要,现在,Gihon泉只能为住在附近的阿拉伯人社区提供少量的水。耶路撒冷位于约旦沙漠的边缘地带,远离水域。不利的地理位置造成了  相似文献   

论水资源产业管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了我国水资源现状和产生的原因,阐述了对水资源实行产业管理的重要意义,并对如何进行水资源产业管理提出了有关对策和建议。  相似文献   

中国水资源环境问题及可持续发展管理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以可持续发展的观点为指导思想,深入剖析了由于人类对水资源的不合理开发利用而诱发的主要环境问题,并探讨了中国现阶段水资源管理中存在的主要问题,提出了可持续发展的管理对策。  相似文献   

水环境保护属于水资源管理的范畴,本文把二者并列起来,是因为过去对水环境保护在我国并不显得很突出,而现在确属一个突出问题,仅仅是环保部门的努力是不够的,需要引起社会各方面的重视,特别是水资源管理部门的重视,本文就此谈谈个人的浅见。  相似文献   

本文分析了我国水资源现状和产生的原因,阐述了对水资源实行产业管理的重要意义,并对如何进行水资源产业管理提出了有关对策和建议。  相似文献   

于宏源  王文涛 《绿叶》2013,(8):58-64
水资源直接影响到能源和粮食安全,是影响全球资源安全的核心要素。本文认为水、能源和粮食三者之间形成了一种彼此影响、彼此制约并极具敏感性的资源联系,这对中国与周边国家特别是东南亚地区的影响尤为明显。因此中国不仅要从战略上认识到水资源和其他领域的共生共存的特性,还应该采取系统合作方式解决它们之间相互作用所产生的全球资源态势恶化问题。  相似文献   

水资源的行政分割管理在目标、执行等层次存在冲突,阻碍了水资源价值的最优实现。设置流域管理机构作为唯一对策,强化流域管理机构协调功能,行政协调制度化,以行政契约等法律手段保障,实施水资源集成化管理,有利于达成水资源保护最优化的总体目标。  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper evaluates alternative approaches to management of interstate water resources in the United States (U.S.), including interstate compacts, interstate associations, federal‐state partnerships, and federal‐interstate compacts. These governance structures provide alternatives to traditional federalism or U.S. Supreme Court litigation for addressing problems that transcend political boundaries and functional responsibilities. Interstate compacts can provide a forum for ongoing collaboration and are popular mechanisms for allocating water rights among the states. Federal‐interstate compacts, such as the Delaware River Basin Compact and federal‐state partnerships, such as the National Estuary Program, are also effective and complementary approaches to managing water resources. However, all of these approaches can only make modest improvements in managing water resources given the complicated and fragmented nature of our federalist system of government.  相似文献   

我国水资源可持续利用对策   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
根据可持续发展思想,本文剖析了我国水资源的特点和面临的问题,提出了实现我国水资源可持续利用的对策  相似文献   

张仕廉 《四川环境》1997,16(1):56-57
我国是一个水资源十分短缺的国家,加强水资源管理刻不容缓。为此,本文结合我国水资源管理的实际状况,从思想、组织、方法、手段等方面分别论述了加强水资源系统管理的必要性和可能性。  相似文献   

王建信  李义久  倪亚明 《四川环境》2003,22(3):42-44,56
介绍了可持续水资源管理的概念,阐述了实施可持续水资源管理的必要性。介绍了废水资源化的概念、意义及其发展历史与现状,论述了废水资源化是可持续水资源管理的必然要求。认为废水资源化管理必须充分考虑到其自身的特点。比较了废水资源化管理与普通的水资源管理的异同。  相似文献   

Abstract: A decision support system for sustainable water resources management in a water conflict resolution framework is developed to identify and evaluate a range of acceptable alternatives for the Geum River Basin in Korea and to facilitate strategies that will result in sustainable water resource management. Working with stakeholders in a “shared vision modeling” framework, sustainable management strategies are created to illustrate system tradeoffs as well as long‐term system planning. A multi‐criterion decision‐making (MCDM) approach using subjective scales is utilized to evaluate the complex water resource allocation and management tradeoffs between stakeholders and system objectives. The procedures used in this study include the development of a “shared vision model,” a simulated decision‐making support system (as a tool for sustainable water management strategies associated with water conflicts, management options, and planning criteria), and the application of MCDM techniques for evaluating alternatives provided by the model. The research results demonstrate the utility of the sustainable water resource management model in aid of MCDM techniques in facilitating flexibility during initial stages of alternative identification and evaluation in a basin suffering from severe water conflicts.  相似文献   

安徽省黄山市有野生兰科植物24属36种,是安徽省兰科植物的集中分布区,且多数种类都具有观赏和药用价值。分析了开发利用中存在的问题,并就其永续利用提出了建议。  相似文献   

Abstract: Water supply uncertainty continues to threaten the reliability of regional water resources in the western United States. Climate variability and water dispute potentials induce water managers to develop proactive adaptive management strategies to mitigate future hydroclimate impacts. The Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer in the state of Idaho is also facing these challenges in the sense that population growth and economic development strongly depend on reliable water resources from underground storage. Drought and subsequent water conflict often drive scientific research and political agendas because water resources availability and aquifer management for a sustainable rural economy are of great interest. In this study, a system dynamics approach is applied to address dynamically complex problems with management of the aquifer and associated surface‐water and groundwater interactions. Recharge and discharge dynamics within the aquifer system are coded in an environmental modeling framework to identify long‐term behavior of aquifer responses to uncertain future hydrological variability. The research shows that the system dynamics approach is a promising modeling tool to develop sustainable water resources planning and management in a collaborative decision‐making framework and also to provide useful insights and alternative opportunities for operational management, policy support, and participatory strategic planning to mitigate future hydroclimate impacts in human dimensions.  相似文献   

The Pacific Northwest is expected to witness changes in temperature and precipitation due to climate change. In this study, we enhance the Snake River Planning Model (SRPM) by modeling the feedback loop between incidental recharge and surface water supply resulting from surface water and groundwater extraction for irrigation and provide a case study involving climate change impacts and management scenarios. The new System Dynamics‐Snake River Planning Model (SD‐SRPM) is calibrated to flow at Box Canyon Springs located along a major outlet of the East Snake Plain Aquifer. A calibration of the model to flow at Box Canyon Springs, based on historic diversions (1950‐1995) resulted in an r2 value of 0.74 and a validation (1996‐2005) r2 value of 0.60. After adding irrigation entities to the model an r2 value of 0.91, 0.88, and 0.87 were maintained for modeled vs. observed (1991‐2005) end‐of‐month reservoir content in Jackson Lake, Palisades, and American Falls, the three largest irrigation reservoirs in the system. The scenarios that compared the impacts of climate change were based on ensemble mean precipitation change scenarios and estimated changes to crop evapotranspiration (ET). Increased ET, despite increased precipitation, generally increased surface water shortages and discharge of springs. This study highlights the need to develop and implement models that integrate the human‐natural system to understand the impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

本文在对完善我国水资源可持续利用中的经济刺激制度的必要性进行分析的基础上,从建立明确、可交易的水权和水市场制度,制定合理的水资源价格税费制度以及建立水资源可持续利用责任保险制度等几方面提出完善我国水资源可持续利用中的经济刺激法律制度的具体措施,为我国水资源法制建设进行了有益探索。  相似文献   

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