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Much research has focused on changes in solubility and mobility of trace metals in soils under incubation. In this experiment, changes in solubility and mobility of trace metals (Pb, Cu and As) and Fe in two contaminated soils from Tampa, Florida and Montreal, Canada were examined. Soils of 30 g were packed in columns and were incubated for 3-80 days under water-flooding incubation. Following incubation, metal concentrations in pore water (water soluble) and in 0.01 M CaCl2 leachates (exchangeable+water soluble) were determined. While both soils were contaminated with Pb (1600-2500 mg kg(-1)), Tampa soil was also contaminated with As (230 mg kg(-1)). Contrast to the low pH (3.8) of Tampa soil, Montreal soil had an alkaline pH of 7.7 and high Ca of 1.6%. Concentrations of Fe(II) increased with incubation time in the Tampa soil mainly due to reductive Fe dissolution, but decreased in the Montreal soil possibly due to formation of FeCO3. The inverse relationship between concentrations of Pb and Fe(II) in pore water coupled with the fact that Fe(II) concentrations were much greater than those of Pb in pore water may suggest the importance of Fe(II) in controlling Pb solubility in soils. However, changes in concentrations of Fe(II), Pb, Cu and As in pore water with incubation time were similar to those in leachate, i.e. water soluble metals were positively related to exchangeable metals in the two contaminated soils. This research suggests the importance of Fe in controlling metal solubility and mobility in soils under water-flooded incubation.  相似文献   

The common practice of remediating metal contaminated mine soils with compost can reduce metal mobility and promote revegetation, but the effect of introduced or colonising earthworms on metal solubility is largely unknown. We amended soils from an As/Cu (1150 mgAs kg−1 and 362 mgCu kg−1) and Pb/Zn mine (4550 mgPb kg−1 and 908 mgZn kg−1) with 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% compost and then introduced Lumbricus terrestris. Porewater was sampled and soil extracted with water to determine trace element solubility, pH and soluble organic carbon. Compost reduced Cu, Pb and Zn, but increased As solubility. Earthworms decreased water soluble Cu and As but increased Pb and Zn in porewater. The effect of the earthworms decreased with increasing compost amendment. The impact of the compost and the earthworms on metal solubility is explained by their effect on pH and soluble organic carbon and the environmental chemistry of each element.  相似文献   

We investigated the efficiency of various by-products (sugarbeet lime, biosolid compost and leonardite), based on single or repeated applications to field plots, on the establishment of a vegetation cover compatible with a stabilization strategy on a multi-element (As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) contaminated soil 4-6 years after initial amendment applications. Results indicate that the need for re-treatment is amendment- and element-dependent; in some cases, a single application may reduce trace element concentrations in above-ground biomass and enhance the establishment of a healthy vegetation cover. Amendment performance as evaluated by % cover, biomass and number of colonizing taxa differs; however, changes in plant community composition are not necessarily amendment-specific. Although the translocation of trace elements to the plant biotic compartment is greater in re-vegetated areas, overall loss of trace elements due to soil erosion and plant uptake is usually smaller compared to that in bare soil.  相似文献   

The growth and metal uptake of two willow clones (Salix fragilis 'Belgisch Rood' and Salix viminalis 'Aage') was evaluated in a greenhouse pot experiment with six sediment-derived soils with increasing field Cd levels (0.9-41.4 mg kg-1). Metal concentrations of eight elements were measured in roots, stems and leaves and correlated to total and soil water metal concentrations. Dry weight root biomass, number of leaves and shoot length were measured to identify eventual negative responses of the trees. No growth inhibition was observed for both clones for any of the treatments (max. 41.4 mg kg-1 Cd, 1914 mg kg-1 Cr, 2422 mg kg-1 Zn, 655 mg kg-1 Pb), allowing their use for phytoextraction on a broad range of contaminated sediments. However, dry weight root biomass and total shoot length were significantly lower for S. viminalis compared to S. fragilis for all treatments. Willow foliar Cd concentrations were strongly correlated with soil and soil water Cd concentrations. Both clones exhibited high accumulation levels of Cd and Zn in aboveground plant parts, making them suitable subjects for phytoextraction research. Cu, Cr, Pb, Fe, Mn and Ni were found mainly in the roots. Bioconcentration factors of Cd and Zn in the leaves were highest for the treatments with the lowest soil Cd and Zn concentration.  相似文献   

Fungi can effectively accumulate various metallic elements, metalloids and non-metals in fruiting bodies. This study provides information on the accumulation of Ag, As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cs, Cu, Cr, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr, V, Tl, U and Zn in the edible mushroom Sarcodon imbricatus (L.) P. Karst. using the technique of inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry with a dynamic reaction cell mode. Mushrooms were foraged from four regions in Poland. Baseline concentrations of minerals, expressed in mg kg?1 dry biomass (db), were in the composite samples of caps in the range: for Ag (0.27–0.29), As (1.0–1.9), Ba (0.31–0.45), Cd (4.5–6.3), Co (0.23–1.9), Cu (28–35), Cr (0.19–0.29), Cs (20–38), Li (0.013–0.020), Mn (5.9–8.8), Ni (0.81–1.4), Pb (0.94–1.6), Rb (490–700), Sr (0.14–0.19), Tl (0.058–0.11), U (0.002–0.002), V (0.044–0.054) and Zn (140–160). Concentration levels of Ag, As, Cd, Cs, Pb and Zn were higher in caps than in stipes of S. imbricatus, whereas for other elements the distribution between caps and stipes was nearly equal or for some differed depending on the location. Certainly, the content of toxic Cd in S. imbricatus was elevated (0.45–0.63 mg kg?1 in fresh caps) and therefore eating this mushroom could increase exposure to Cd. In addition, the content of toxic As in S. imbricatus was elevated.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Materials held within mine tailings pose a serious risk to the environment in cases of tailings dam failure. Collapse of the tailing dam at the...  相似文献   

Some plants growing on serpentine (ultramafic) soils are able to hyperaccumulate nickel in their above-ground parts. The genus Alyssum L. contains the greatest number of Ni-hyperaccumulator plants so far reported. There are substantial areas of serpentine soils at many locations in Iran. This paper presents the analyses for Ni, Cr, Mn, Fe, Mg and Ca in soils and Alyssum species from the ultramafics of west and northwest Iran. Soil analysis for total elements in these areas indicates that typical concentrations of Ni, Cr, Mn, Fe, Mg and Ca are up to about 1240, 365, 800, 51,150, 152,390 and 11,790 microg g(-1), respectively. During this study, seven Alyssum species were collected. Analysis of leaf dry matter shows that Alyssum bracteatum can contain up to 2300 microg Nig(-1), while the other species contain much lower concentrations of Ni and other elements. A. bracteatum is endemic to Iran and the first Ni hyperaccumulator reported from this species.  相似文献   

High total soil fluoride (10 000 microg g(-1)) in the metalliferous fluorspar tailings was reflected by elevated concentrations in standing live vegetation (300-1000 microg g(-1)); plant roots (c. 6000 microg g(-1)); plant litter (c. 4000 microg g(-1)); total body concentrations of invertebrates (400-4000 microg g(-1)) and the small mammals Microtus agrestis (120-360 microg g(-1)) and Sorex araneus (140-250 microg g(-1)). Seasonal changes in the standing live vegetation and the availability of soil fluoride to plants are discussed. Seasonal changes in total body concentrations of the small mammals were related to the age structure of the populations as well as dietary levels. In the small mammals, the concentration ratios were < 0.5 at the tailings dam and > 1.1 at the control site, indicating that both species were able to regulate fluoride accumulation at the higher levels of intake. Soft tissue concentrations were, as expected, very low compared to the hard tissues but, still, were generally significantly higher at the tailings dam compared to the control site. Evidence of dental fluorosis was found in Microtus agrestis, but not Sorex araneus.  相似文献   

Wang Z  Shan XQ  Zhang S 《Chemosphere》2002,46(8):1163-1171
Rhizosphere is a microbiosphere and has quite different chemical, physical and biological properties from bulk soils. A greenhouse experiment was performed to compare the difference of fractionation and bioavailability of trace elements Cr, Ni, Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd between rhizosphere soil and bulk soil. In the meantime, the influence of air-drying on the fractionation and bioavailability was also investigated by using wet soil sample as a control. Soils in a homemade rhizobox were divided into four zones: rhizosphere, near rhizosphere, near bulk soil and bulk soil zones, which was designated as S1, S2, S3 and S4. Elemental speciations were fractionated to water soluble, exchangeable and carbonate bound (B1), Fe-Mn oxide bound (B2), and organic and sulfide bound (B3) by a sequential extraction procedure. Speciation differences were observed for elements Cr, Ni, Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd between the rhizosphere and bulk soils, and between the air-dried and wet soils as well. The concentrations of all six heavy metals in fraction B1 followed the order of S2 > S3 > S1 > S4 and for B2, the order was S2 > S3 S4 > S1. For B3, the order was S1 > S3 S4 > S2, while for Cd the order was S2 > S3 approximately/= S4 > S1. The air-drying increased elemental concentration in fractions B1 and B2 by 20-50% and decreased in fraction B3 by about 20-100%. Correlation analysis also indicated that the bioavailability correlation coefficient of fraction B1 in rhizosphere wet soil to plants was better than that between either air-dried or nonrhizosphere soils. Therefore, application of rhizosphere wet soils should be recommended in the future study on the speciation analysis of trace elements in soils and bioavailability.  相似文献   

Wei CY  Chen TB 《Chemosphere》2006,63(6):1048-1053
In an area near an arsenic mine in Hunan Province of south China, soils were often found with elevated arsenic levels. A field survey was conducted to determine arsenic accumulation in 8 Cretan brake ferns (Pteris cretica) and 16 Chinese brake ferns (Pteris vittata) growing on these soils. Three factors were evaluated: arsenic concentration in above ground parts (fronds), arsenic bioaccumulation factor (BF; ratio of arsenic in fronds to soil) and arsenic translocation factor (TF; ratio of arsenic in fronds to roots). Arsenic concentrations in the fronds of Chinese brake fern were 3-704 mg kg-1, the BFs were 0.06-7.43 and the TFs were 0.17-3.98, while those in Cretan brake fern were 149-694 mg kg-1, 1.34-6.62 and 1.00-2.61, respectively. Our survey showed that both ferns were capable of arsenic accumulation under field conditions. With most of the arsenic being accumulated in the fronds, these ferns have potential for use in phytoremediation of arsenic contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Concentrations of zinc in vegetation, invertebrates and small mammals in a grassland ecosystem derived from a mine waste vegetation scheme indicated the high concentration of zinc in the original tailings. However, the considerable differences in soil and vegetation zinc concentrations between the tailings and an uncontaminated site were not reflected in the invertebrate and small mammal communities. Invertebrate zinc levels and total body concentrations in Microtus agrestis L. (field vole) and Sorex araneus L. (common shrew) suggested a notable buffering of zinc absorption and tissue accumulation in the presence of substantially elevated dietary zinc. In the small mammals the skeleton appeared to function as the major storage site for zinc, possibly contributing to homeostasis in the soft tissues.  相似文献   

Yang B  Shu WS  Ye ZH  Lan CY  Wong MH 《Chemosphere》2003,52(9):1593-1600
The lead (Pb)/zinc (Zn) tailings contained high concentrations of heavy metals (total Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd concentrations 4164, 4377, 35 and 32 mg kg(-1), respectively), and low contents of major nutrient elements (N, P, and K) and organic matter. A field trial was conducted to compare growth performance, metal accumulation of Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides) and two legume species (Sesbania rostrata and Sesbania sesban) grown on the tailings amended with domestic refuse and/or fertilizer. It was revealed that domestic refuse alone and the combination of domestic refuse and artificial fertilizer significantly improved the survival rates and growth of V. zizanioides and two Sesbania species, especially the combination. However, artificial fertilizer alone did not improve both the survival rate and growth performance of the plants grown on tailings. Roots of these species accumulated similar levels of heavy metals, but the shoots of two Sesbania species accumulated higher (3-4 folds) concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd than shoots of V. zizanioides. Most of the heavy metals in V. zizanioides were accumulated in roots, and the translocation of metals from roots to shoots was restricted. Intercropping of V. zizanioides and S. rostrata did not show any beneficial effect on individual plant species, in terms of height, biomass, survival rate, and metal accumulation, possibly due to the rather short experimental period of 5 months.  相似文献   

Tao Y  Zhang S  Jian W  Yuan C  Shan XQ 《Chemosphere》2006,65(8):1281-1287
Oxalate is exuded by plants in the rhizosphere and plays an important role in the soil/root interactions. Phosphate fertilizer is widely used all over the world and may influence the behavior of arsenic (As) in soils. In this study oxalate and phosphate were used as extractants to investigate their effects on the release of As from three As-contaminated soils and the chemical speciation of As. Concentrations of arsenite (As(III)) and arsenate (As(V)) released progressively increased by increasing the concentrations of oxalate or phosphate. The released As(V) content was higher than that of As(III) and the differences between As(V) and As(III) released by oxalate was more obvious than by phosphate. Greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of oxalate and phosphate on As uptake by wheat (Triticum vulgare L.). Addition of oxalate or phosphate resulted in the increase of As accumulation in both wheat root and shoot and the effect of phosphate was more obvious than that of oxalate.  相似文献   

Two heavy metal contaminated calcareous soils from the Mediterranean region of Spain were studied. One soil, from the province of Murcia, was characterised by very high total levels of Pb (1572 mg kg(-1)) and Zn (2602 mg kg(-1)), whilst the second, from Valencia, had elevated concentrations of Cu (72 mg kg(-1)) and Pb (190 mg kg(-1)). The effects of two contrasting organic amendments (fresh manure and mature compost) and the chelate ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) on soil fractionation of Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn, their uptake by plants and plant growth were determined. For Murcia soil, Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. was grown first, followed by radish (Raphanus sativus L.). For Valencia soil, Beta maritima L. was followed by radish. Bioavailability of metals was expressed in terms of concentrations extractable with 0.1 M CaCl2 or diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA). In the Murcia soil, heavy metal bioavailability was decreased more greatly by manure than by the highly-humified compost. EDTA (2 mmol kg(-1) soil) had only a limited effect on metal uptake by plants. The metal-solubilising effect of EDTA was shorter-lived in the less contaminated, more highly calcareous Valencia soil. When correlation coefficients were calculated for plant tissue and bioavailable metals, the clearest relationships were for Beta maritima and radish.  相似文献   

Arsenic and other trace element concentrations were determined for tube-well water collected in the Lao PDR provinces of Attapeu, Bolikhamxai, Champasak, Savannakhet, Saravane, and Vientiane. Water samples, especially from floodplain areas of central and southern Laos, were significantly contaminated not only with As, but with B, Ba, Mn, U, and Fe as well. Total As concentrations ranged from <0.5 μg L−1 to 278 μg L−1, with over half exceeding the WHO guideline of 10 μg L−1. 46% of samples, notably, were dominated by As(III). Samples from Vientiane, further north, were all acceptable except on pH, which was below drinking water limits. A principal component analysis found associations between general water characteristics, As, and other trace elements. Causes of elevated As concentrations in Lao tube wells were considered similar to those in other Mekong River countries, particularly Cambodia and Vietnam, where young alluvial aquifers give rise to reducing conditions.  相似文献   

Tradescantia pallida cv. purpurea, a plant species widely employed for ornamentation in Brazil, has been successfully used for monitoring the genotoxicity of various agents by the micronucleus assay. To amplify knowledge about its suitability as a bioindicator species, its capacity for accumulating trace elements from urban air pollution was evaluated. T. pallida was rooted using standardized soil, and the vases were distributed in two highly polluted sites of the urban area of S?o Paulo, Brazil (Cerqueira Cesar and Congonhas districts), and in one unpolluted control site situated approximately 50 km from downtown S?o Paulo (in Caucaia do Alto). Approximately six months after exposure to pollutants, adult leaves of this plant were collected monthly for 12 months. The leaves were washed with deionized water, dried, and ground for analyses. Characterization of element levels was carried out by neutron activation analysis. Powdered samples and standards were irradiated at the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor for short and long periods, and concentrations of As, Ba, Br, Ca, Ce, Cl, Cr, Co, Fe, K, La, Mn, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sr, Th, and Zn were determined. Analysis of variance applied to the results indicated that samples from polluted sites present the highest concentrations of Ba, Ce, Cr, Co, Fe, La, Sb, and Sc (p < 0.05). Discriminant analysis revealed that it was possible to distinguish the two polluted areas with a precision of 97.5%, based on the amount of pollutant elements measured in the plants at each site. The results indicated the potential use of T. pallida as an accumulator plant for air pollution biomonitoring.  相似文献   

The role of metals in the behaviour of soil organic matter (SOM) is not well documented. Therefore, we investigated the influence of metals (Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd) on the dynamic of SOM in contaminated soils where maize (C4 plant) replaced C3 cultures. Three pseudogley brown leached soil profiles under maize with a decreasing gradient in metals concentrations were sampled. On size fractions, stable carbon isotopic ratio (delta13C), metals, organic carbon and nitrogen concentrations were measured in function of depth. The determined sequence for the amount of C4 organic matter in the bulk fractions: M3 (0.9)>M2 (0.4)>M1 (0.3) is in agreement with a significant influence of metals on the SOM turnover. New C4 SOM, mainly present in the labile coarser fractions and less contaminated by metals than the stabilised C3 SOM of the clay fraction, is more easily degraded by microorganisms.  相似文献   

Distribution of Pb, Cd and Ba in soils and plants of two contaminated sites   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Evaluation of metal accumulation in soils and plants is of environmental importance due to their health effects on humans and other biota. Soil material and plant tissue were collected along transects in two heavily contaminated facilities, a Superfund site and a lead-acid battery dump, and analyzed for metal content. Soil lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and barium (Ba) concentrations for the Superfund site averaged 55,480, 8.5 and 132.3 mg/kg, respectively. Soil Pb occurred primarily in the carbonate, sulfide/residual and organic chemical fractions (41.6, 28.6 and 16.7%, respectively). Soil Pb, Cd and Ba concentrations for the dump site averaged 29,400, 3.9 and 1130 mg/kg, respectively. Soil Pb occurred mostly in the organic and carbonate fractions as 48.5 and 42.5%, respectively. Pb uptake in the two sites ranged from non-detectable (Agrostemma githago, Plantago rugelii, Alliaria officinalis shoots), to 1800 mg/kg (Agrostemma githago root). Cd uptake was maximal in Taraxacum officinale at 15.4 mg/kg (Superfund site). In the majority > or =65%) of the plants studied, root Pb and Cd content was higher than that for the shoots. Tissue Pb correlated slightly with exchangeable and soluble soil Pb; however, tissue Cd was poorly correlated with soil Cd species. None of the sampled plants accumulated measurable amounts of Ba. Those plants that removed most Pb and Cd were predominantly herbaceous species, some of which produce sufficient biomass to be practical for phytoremediation technologies. Growth chamber studies demonstrated the ability of T. officinale and Ambrosia artemisiifolia to successfully remove soil Pb and Cd during repeated croppings. Tissue Pb was correlated with exchangeable soil Pb at r(2)=0.68 in Ambrosia artemisiifolia.  相似文献   

Zn accumulation in Solanum nigrum grown in naturally contaminated soil in the presence of different types of organic amendments was assessed. Under the same conditions, the response of the plant to inoculation with two different isolates of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) (Glomus claroideum and Glomus intraradices) was also evaluated. S. nigrum grown in the non-amended soil always presented higher Zn accumulation in the tissues, with the addition of amendments inducing reductions of up to 80 and 40%, for manure and compost, respectively, and enhancing plant biomass yields. The establishment of S. nigrum in the Zn contaminated soil combined with the application of amendments led to a 70-80% reduction in the amount of Zn leached through the soil. The use of S. nigrum in combination with manure appeared as an effective method for reducing the effects of soil contamination, diminishing Zn transfer to other environmental compartments via percolation.  相似文献   

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