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One of the most important sources of CO2 emissions are the fossil-fuel fired plants for production of electricity. Removal of CO2 from flue gas streams for further sequestration has been proposed by the International Panel on Climate Change experts as one of the most reliable solutions to mitigate anthropogenic greenhouse emissions. When natural gas is employed as fuel, the molar fraction of CO2 in the flue gas is lower than 5% causing serious problems for capture. The purpose of this work is to present experimental validation of an Electric Swing Adsorption (ESA) technology that may be employed for carbon capture for low molar fractions of CO2 in the flue gas streams. To improve energy utilization, an activated carbon honeycomb monolith with low electrical resistivity was employed as selective adsorbent. A mathematical model for this honeycomb is proposed as well as different ESA cycles for CO2 capture.  相似文献   

Lime is considered a feasible sorbent for the capture of CO2 from large stationary sources. The positive attributes of a natural source material, low cost and lack of harmful by-products are offset by rapid deterioration in performance and high regeneration temperature. Performance can be improved by hydrating the lime using steam. We investigate a steam hydration process wherein lime is hydrated for 5 min at 300 °C and atmospheric pressure in a mixture of steam and CO2. The experiments consisted of 10 capture cycles with 60% of the lime active at the end. Extrapolation using a decay model suggests a residual carbonation level of 48%, significantly higher than the 8% achieved by dry lime cycles. The cost of replacement sorbent under these conditions is less than $1/t of CO2 captured. The hydrated lime process also reduces the thermal load, for heating and cooling, by half as well as the inventory, and therefore solids handling, by a factor 5 over dry lime. The introduction of the hydration reaction provides another exothermic reaction for heat management.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) involves the capture of CO2 at a large industrial facility, such as a power plant, and its transport to a geological (or other) storage site where CO2 is sequestered. Previous work has identified pipeline transport of liquid CO2 as the most economical method of transport for large volumes of CO2. However, there is little published work on the economics of CO2 pipeline transport. The objective of this paper is to estimate total cost and the cost per tonne of transporting varying amounts of CO2 over a range of distances for different regions of the continental United States. An engineering-economic model of pipeline CO2 transport is developed for this purpose. The model incorporates a probabilistic analysis capability that can be used to quantify the sensitivity of transport cost to variability and uncertainty in the model input parameters. The results of a case study show a pipeline cost of US$ 1.16 per tonne of CO2 transported for a 100 km pipeline constructed in the Midwest handling 5 million tonnes of CO2 per year (the approximate output of an 800 MW coal-fired power plant with carbon capture). For the same set of assumptions, the cost of transport is US$ 0.39 per tonne lower in the Central US and US$ 0.20 per tonne higher in the Northeast US. Costs are sensitive to the design capacity of the pipeline and the pipeline length. For example, decreasing the design capacity of the Midwest US pipeline to 2 million tonnes per year increases the cost to US$ 2.23 per tonne of CO2 for a 100 km pipeline, and US$ 4.06 per tonne CO2 for a 200 km pipeline. An illustrative probabilistic analysis assigns uncertainty distributions to the pipeline capacity factor, pipeline inlet pressure, capital recovery factor, annual O&M cost, and escalation factors for capital cost components. The result indicates a 90% probability that the cost per tonne of CO2 is between US$ 1.03 and US$ 2.63 per tonne of CO2 transported in the Midwest US. In this case, the transport cost is shown to be most sensitive to the pipeline capacity factor and the capital recovery factor. The analytical model elaborated in this paper can be used to estimate pipeline costs for a broad range of potential CCS projects. It can also be used in conjunction with models producing more detailed estimates for specific projects, which requires substantially more information on site-specific factors affecting pipeline routing.  相似文献   

CO2捕集是温室气体减排与利用的重要技术步骤之一。文章介绍了CO2捕集的气源及特点、捕集溶剂与填料的研究进展、能量集成和工艺优化以及化工流程模拟研究,提出该技术研究的重点与方向。  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to find methodologies for removing a selection of impurities (H2O, O2, Ar, N2, SOx and NOx) from CO2 present in the flue gas of two oxy-combustion power plants fired with either natural gas (467 MW) or pulverized fuel (596 MW). The resulting purified stream, containing mainly CO2, is assumed to be stored in an aquifer or utilized for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) purposes. Focus has been given to power cycle efficiency i.e.: work and heat requirements for the purification process, CO2 purity and recovery factor (kg of CO2 that is sent to storage per kg of CO2 in the flue gas). Two different methodologies (here called Case I and Case II) for flue gas purification have been developed, both based on phase separation using simple flash units (Case I) or a distillation column (Case II). In both cases purified flue gas is liquefied and its pressure brought to 110 atm prior to storage.Case I: A simple flue gas separation takes place by means of two flash units integrated in the CO2 compression process. Heat in the process is removed by evaporating the purified liquid CO2 streams coming out from both flashes. Case I shows a good performance when dealing with flue gases with low concentration of impurities. CO2 fraction after purification is over 96% with a CO2 recovery factor of 96.2% for the NG-fired flue gas and 88.1% for the PF-fired flue gas. Impurities removal together with flue gas compression and liquefaction reduces power plant output of 4.8% for the NG-fired flue gas and 11.6% for the PF-fired flue gas. The total amount of work requirement per kg stored CO2 is 453 kJ for the NG-fired flue gas and 586 kJ for the PF-fired flue gas.Case II: Impurities are removed from the flue gas in a distillation column. Two refrigeration loops (ethane and propane) have been used in order to partially liquefy the flue gas and for heat removal from a partial condenser. Case II can remove higher amounts of impurities than Case I. CO2 purity prior to storage is over 99%; CO2 recovery factor is somewhat lower than in Case I: 95.4% for the NG-fired flue gas and 86.9% for the PF-fired flue gas, reduction in the power plant output is similar to Case I.Due to the lower CO2 recovery factor the total amount of work per kg stored CO2 is somewhat higher for Case II: 457 kJ for the NG-fired flue gas and 603 kJ for the PF-fired flue gas.  相似文献   

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) may play a central role in managing carbon emissions from the power sector and industry, but public support for the technology is unclear. To address this knowledge gap, and to test the use of discrete choice analysis for determining public attitudes, two focus groups and a national survey were conducted in Canada to investigate the public's perceptions of the benefits and risks of CCS, the likely determinants of public opinion, and overall support for the use of CCS.The results showed slight support for CCS development in Canada, and a belief that CCS is less risky than normal oil and gas industry operations, nuclear power, or coal-burning power plants. A majority of respondents indicate that they would support the use of CCS as part of a greenhouse gas reduction strategy, although it would likely have to be used in combination with energy efficiency and alternative energy technologies in order to retain public support.  相似文献   

We performed a detailed analysis of the potential future costs and performance of post-combustion CO2 absorption in combination with a natural gas combined cycle (NGCC). After researching state-of-the-art technology, an Excel model was created to analyze possible developments in the performance of energy conversion, CO2 capture, and CO2 compression. The input variables for the three time frames we used were based on literature data, product information, expert opinions, and our own analysis. Using a natural gas price of 4.7 €/GJ, we calculated a potential decrease in the costs of electricity from 5.6 €ct/kWh in the short term to 4.8 €ct/kWh in the medium term and 4.5 €ct/kWh in the long term. The efficiency penalty is calculated to decline from 7.9%-points LHV in the short term to 4.9%-points and 3.7%-points in the medium and long terms, respectively. In combination with NGCC improvements, this may cause an improvement in the net efficiency, including CO2 capture, from 49% in the short term to 55% and 58% in the medium and long terms, respectively. The total capital costs including capital costs of the NGCC ware calculated to decline from 880 in the short term to 750 and 690 €/kW in the medium and long terms, respectively, with a decline in the incremental capital costs due to capture from 350 in the short term to 270 and 240 €/kW in the medium and long terms, respectively. Finally, the avoidance costs may decline from 45 €/tCO2 in the short term to 33 €/tCO2 in the medium term and 28 €/tCO2 in the long term.  相似文献   

通过对环境空气中可吸入颗粒物浓度监测数据在一次高炉煤气燃烧放散过程中变化情况的分析,得出特殊的局地地形条件和局部地面气象条件可能造成污染物汇集和积累的结论,并就此提出高炉煤气燃烧放散时污染控制的建议。  相似文献   

Global warming is a result of increasing anthropogenic CO2 emissions, and the consequences will be dramatic climate changes if no action is taken. One of the main global challenges in the years to come is therefore to reduce the CO2 emissions.Increasing energy efficiency and a transition to renewable energy as the major energy source can reduce CO2 emissions, but such measures can only lead to significant emission reductions in the long-term. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a promising technological option for reducing CO2 emissions on a shorter time scale.A model to calculate the CO2 capture potential has been developed, and it is estimated that 25 billion tonnes CO2 can be captured and stored within the EU by 2050. Globally, 236 billion tonnes CO2 can be captured and stored by 2050. The calculations indicate that wide implementation of CCS can reduce CO2 emissions by 54% in the EU and 33% globally in 2050 compared to emission levels today.Such a reduction in emissions is not sufficient to stabilize the climate. Therefore, the strategy to achieve the necessary CO2 emissions reductions must be a combination of (1) increasing energy efficiency, (2) switching from fossil fuel to renewable energy sources, and (3) wide implementation of CCS.  相似文献   

Biomass energy and carbon capture and storage (BECCS) can lead to a net removal of atmospheric CO2. This paper investigates environmental and economic performances of CCS retrofit applied to two mid-sized refineries producing ethanol from sugar beets. Located in the Region Centre France, each refinery has two major CO2 sources: fermentation and cogeneration units. “carbon and energy footprint” (CEF) and “discounted cash flow” (DCF) analyses show that such a project could be a good opportunity for CCS early deployment. CCS retrofit on fermentation only with natural gas fired cogeneration improves CEF of ethanol production and consumption by 60% without increasing much the non renewable energy consumption. CCS retrofit on fermentation and natural gas fired cogeneration is even more appealing by decreasing of 115% CO2 emissions, while increasing non renewable energy consumption by 40%. DCF shows that significant project rates of return can be achieved for such small sources if both a stringent carbon policy and direct subsidies corresponding to 25% of necessary investment are assumed. We also underlined that transport and storage cost dilution can be realistically achieved by clustering emissions from various plants located in the same area. On a single plant basis, increasing ethanol production can also produce strong economies of scale.  相似文献   

DFT calculations in gas and aqueous solution phases have been performed to study the mechanism of carbamate formation by the absorption of CO2 in 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP). The results reveal the importance of considering the effect of water as solvent for the reaction to proceed. Furthermore water molecules play an important role as a basic reactant leading to stable intermediates formation. These results point at a single-step, third order reaction as the most probable mechanism for the formation of carbamate by the absorption process.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies and a number of field pilots have demonstrated that CO2 injection into coal seams has the potential to enhance coalbed methane (CBM) recovery with the added advantage that most of the injected CO2 can be stored permanently in coal. The concept of storing CO2 in geologic formations as a safe and effective greenhouse gas mitigation option requires public and regulatory acceptance. In this context it is important to develop a good understanding of the reservoir performance, uncertainties and the risks that are associated with geological storage. The paper presented refers to the sources of uncertainty involved in CO2 storage performance assessment in coalbed methane reservoirs and demonstrates their significance using extensive digital well log data representing the Manville coals in Alberta, Canada. The spatial variability of the reservoir properties was captured through geostatistical analysis, and sequential Gaussian simulations of these provided multiple realisations for the reservoir simulator inputs. A number of CO2 injection scenarios with variable matrix swelling coefficients were evaluated using a 2D reservoir model and spatially distributed realisations of total net thickness and permeability.  相似文献   

Mesoporous MCM-48 silica was synthesized using a cationic-neutral surfactant mixture as the structure-directing template and rice husk ash (RHA) as the silica source. The MCM-48 samples were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), N2 physisorption and SEM. X-ray diffraction pattern of the resulting MCM-48 revealed typical pattern of cubic Ia3d mesophase. BET results showed the MCM-48 to have a surface area of 1024 m2/g and FT-IR revealed a silanol functional group at about 3460 cm−1. Breakthrough experiments in the presence of MCM-48 were also carried out to test the material's CO2 adsorption capacity. The breakthrough time for CO2 was found to decrease as the temperature increased from 298 K to 348 K. The steep slopes observed shows the CO2 adsorption occurred very quickly, with only a minimal mass transfer effect and very fast kinetics. In addition, amine grafted MCM-48, APTS-MCM-48 (RHA), was prepared with the 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTS) to investigate the effect of amine functional group in CO2 separation. An order of magnitude higher CO2 adsorption capacity was obtained in the presence of APTS-MCM-48 (RHA) compared to that with MCM-48 (RHA). These results suggest that MCM-48 synthesized from rice husk ash could be usefully applied for CO2 removal.  相似文献   

A novel process for carbon dioxide (CO2) separation, which was named a membrane flash process, was developed to realize an energy-saving technology and to substitute it for a conventional regenerator. The electric energy for CO2 recovery in a membrane flash process using aluminum oxide and diethanolamine was lower than the thermal energy of the conventional chemical absorption process. Flashing at elevated temperature by the low temperature energy significantly reduced the electric energy and required much less membrane area. This process has potentiality of low cost capture of CO2 when the low temperature energy, which is not available for other purposes, can be utilized to elevate flashing temperature.  相似文献   

The paper presents a methodology for CO2 chain analysis with particular focus on the impact of technology development on the total system economy. The methodology includes the whole CO2 chain; CO2 source, CO2 capture, transport and storage in aquifers or in oil reservoirs for enhanced oil recovery. It aims at supporting the identification of feasible solutions and assisting the selection of the most cost-effective options for carbon capture and storage. To demonstrate the applicability of the methodology a case study has been carried out to illustrate the possible impact of technology improvements and market development. The case study confirms that the CO2-quota price to a large extent influence the project economy and dominates over potential technology improvements. To be economic feasible, the studied chains injecting the CO2 in oil reservoirs for increased oil production require a CO2-quota price in the range of 20–27 €/tonne CO2, depending on the technology breakthrough. For the chains based on CO2 storage in saline aquifers, the corresponding CO2-quota price varies up to about 40 €/tonne CO2.  相似文献   

This work reveals levels of corrosion rate and polarization behavior of carbon steel immersed in aqueous solutions of monoethanolamine (MEA) used in the absorption-based carbon dioxide (CO2) capture process for greenhouse gas reduction from industrial flue gas streams. Such information was obtained from electrochemical-based corrosion experiments under a wide range of the CO2 capture process conditions. The corrosion of carbon steel was evaluated in respect to process parameters including partial pressure of oxygen (O2), CO2 loading in solution, solution velocity, solution temperature, MEA concentration and metal surface condition. Results show that the aqueous MEA solution containing CO2 provides a favorable condition for the corrosion of carbon steel to proceed. Corrosion rate is increased by all tested process parameters. These parametric effects were explained by the electrochemical kinetic data obtained from polarization curves and by the thermodynamic data obtained from Pourbaix diagram.  相似文献   

Large-scale injections of CO2 into subsurface saline aquifers have been proposed to remediate climate change related to buildup of green house gases in the atmosphere. The pressure buildup caused by such injections may impact a volume of the basin significantly larger than the CO2 plume itself. In areas with hydrological settings similar to the Gulf Coast Basin, the perturbation of the flow-field in deep parts of the basin could result in brines or brackish water being pushed up-dip into unconfined sections of the same formations or into the capture zone of fresh-water wells. The premise of the current study is that the details of multiple-phase flow processes necessary to model the near field evolution of the CO2 plume are not necessary to describe the impact of the pressure anomaly on up-dip aquifers. This paper quantitatively explores conditions under which shallow groundwater would be impacted by up-dip displacement of brines, utilizing an existing carefully calibrated flow model. Modeling an injection of water, arguably equivalent to 50 million tons of CO2/year for 50 years resulted in an average water-table rise of 1 m, with minor increase in stream baseflow and larger increase in ground water evapotranspiration, but no significant change in salinity.  相似文献   

Totally dry cleaning has become a common technology for top gas cleaning in blast furnaces in recent years. A significant advantage of totally dry gas cleaning is that the dust collected is obtained as dry powder, thus simplifying the recycling of the dust in the sinter plant and avoiding aqueous emissions. The concentration of some heavy metals, especially zinc, in the collected dust is usually higher than the maximum tolerable concentration for recycling to the sinter process. Therefore, a process for separation of dust with a low level of contamination from the rest is necessary to make partial recycling possible. This is possible because the limited components are more volatile and accumulate in the finer dust fraction. In wet blast furnace top gas cleaning, hydrocyclones are well established for this separation. For the separation of dry powder from the dry dedusting process air classification can be used. Dust from the top gas of a blast furnace with a fabric filter for dry top gas cleaning was split into several size fractions using a laboratory air classifier. The concentration of Ca, Cd, Cl, Cu, Fe, K, Na, Pb and Zn was analysed for each particle class and the loss on ignition was determined. A strong dependence of the concentration on the particle size was found for the more volatile metals, whereas the Fe and Ca concentration and the loss on ignition were quite evenly distributed. With the calculated recovery–removal-functions the possible recycling rate can be estimated for a given removal rate for the limited components.  相似文献   

In this study the methodology of life cycle assessment has been used to assess the environmental impacts of three pulverized coal fired electricity supply chains with and without carbon capture and storage (CCS) on a cradle to grave basis. The chain with CCS comprises post-combustion CO2 capture with monoethanolamine, compression, transport by pipeline and storage in a geological reservoir. The two reference chains represent sub-critical and state-of-the-art ultra supercritical pulverized coal fired electricity generation. For the three chains we have constructed a detailed greenhouse gas (GHG) balance, and disclosed environmental trade-offs and co-benefits due to CO2 capture, transport and storage. Results show that, due to CCS, the GHG emissions per kWh are reduced substantially to 243 g/kWh. This is a reduction of 78 and 71% compared to the sub-critical and state-of-the-art power plant, respectively. The removal of CO2 is partially offset by increased GHG emissions in up- and downstream processes, to a small extent (0.7 g/kWh) caused by the CCS infrastructure. An environmental co-benefit is expected following from the deeper reduction of hydrogen fluoride and hydrogen chloride emissions. Most notable environmental trade-offs are the increase in human toxicity, ozone layer depletion and fresh water ecotoxicity potential for which the CCS chain is outperformed by both other chains. The state-of-the-art power plant without CCS also shows a better score for the eutrophication, acidification and photochemical oxidation potential despite the deeper reduction of SOx and NOx in the CCS power plant. These reductions are offset by increased emissions in the life cycle due to the energy penalty and a factor five increase in NH3 emissions.  相似文献   

The emission of fossil fuel carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere is implicated as the predominant cause of global climate change; therefore, advanced CO2 capture technologies are of the utmost importance. In this study, innovative amine-multilayered sorbents were fabricated using layer-by-layer (LbL) nanoassembly technology via alternate deposition of a CO2-adsorbing amine polymer (e.g. polyethylenimine or PEI) and an oppositely-charged polymer (e.g. polystyrene sulfonate or PSS). We found that the developed sorbents could be used for CO2 capture and that LbL nanoassembly allows us to engineer their CO2 capture performance through the fabrication variables (e.g. deposition polymers, deposition media, and number of bilayers). PEI/PSS was found to be the best polymer combination for developing sorbents with relatively high CO2 capture capacity. The amine-multilayered solid sorbents possessed fine microstructures and may have similar polymer deposition within and on the surface of solid sorbents. These amine-multilayered sorbents had much faster CO2 desorption rates compared to sorbents prepared using the current PEI-impregnation approach. Such fast CO2 desorption could make sorbents a good option for CO2 removal from power plants and even the atmosphere.  相似文献   

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