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大冶龙角山矿区几种植物的重金属吸收特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过调查采样和化学测试,对大冶龙角山矿区小麦、油菜、莴苣、白菜苔、豌豆等几种主要农作物中的重金属Cu、Pb、Cd及类金属As的质量分数进行分析。结果表明,供试农作物中,莴苣的重金属(包括As)质量分数显著高于其它作物的,其中以Cd质量分数最高,而豌豆的重金属质量分数最低,其它作物重金属质量分数由高到低的顺序为油菜、腌菜、白菜苔、小麦;小麦中的重金属质量分数依次是w(Cd) > w(As) > w(Pb) > w(Cu) > w(Cr),油菜中为w(Cd) > w(As) > w(Pb) > w(Cr) > w(Cu),莴苣中为w(Cd) > w(Cu) > w(Pb) > w(As)> w(Cr);随河流向下,作物中重金属含量变化规律与相应土壤中重金属累积量基本一致,如油菜含铜量在上游为0.61 g/g,在下游为0.37 g/g。  相似文献   

上虞某铅锌矿区周边土壤植物重金属含量及其污染评价   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
王莹  赵全利  胡莹  杜心  葛伟  刘文菊 《环境化学》2011,30(7):1354-1360
以浙江上虞某废弃铅锌尾矿山为中心点,调查分析了其周边不同采样点(抛荒稻田,污染稻田,林地及普通稻田)土壤和植物中重金属含量及污染状况,结果表明,尾矿山周边各采样点土壤As、Zn、Pb和Cu平均含量为328 m.gkg-1、1760 m.gkg-1、2708 m.gkg-1和287 m.gkg-1,以国家土壤环境质量三级...  相似文献   

微波消解ICP-AES法测定土壤及植物中的重金属   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
建立了微波消解、电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)同时测定赣南钨矿区尾砂库的土壤和植物中重金属的测试方法.结果表明:土壤和植物分别经HNO3-HF-HClO4(4∶ 5∶ 2)和HNO3-HClO4(8∶ 2)消解后完全分解,适当增加RF功率和雾化速率有利于提高重金属的信噪比,采用内标法有效地改善了检测结果的准确度和精密度.土壤和植物分析方法的加标回收率分别为96.0%-113.6%和97.2%-107.0%,RSD分别为1.31%-4.16%和1.59%-4.17%.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展,土壤重金属污染问题也愈加严重.植物修复技术对环境扰动小,修复成本低,是目前土壤修复领域的研究热点之一.竹类植物对重金属有良好的耐受能力和富集能力,且具有生物量大、栽培简单和经济效益高等特点,在修复重金属污染土壤方面有很高的应用潜力和开发价值.结合竹类植物修复重金属污染土壤的研究现状,系统阐述了竹...  相似文献   

丛枝菌根-植物修复重金属污染土壤研究中的热点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王发园  林先贵 《生态环境》2006,15(5):1086-1090
随着菌根研究和植物修复技术的发展,利用丛枝菌根强化重金属污染土壤的植物修复逐渐受到人们的重视。本文系统综述了当前的几个研究热点:(1)菌根植物吸收和转运重金属的分子机制;(2)AM真菌对超富集植物重金属吸收的影响及其机制;(3)AM真菌对转基因植物重金属吸收的影响及其机制;(4)AM真菌与其他土壤生物在植物修复中的复合作用;(5)丛枝菌根与化学螯合剂在植物修复中的复合作用;(6)重金属复合污染土壤的丛枝菌根-植物修复;(7)放射性污染土壤的枝菌根-植物修复;(8)丛枝菌根-植物修复的田间试验研究。在未来的丛枝菌根-植物修复研究中,要筛选优良的宿主植物和与之高效共生的AM真菌,加强相关理论和应用基础研究,并构建高效基因工程菌。  相似文献   

用幼苗法指示污泥和土壤中重金属的植物有效性   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用小麦幼苗与黑麦幼苗研究了污泥和土壤中重金属的植物有效性,并对二者进行了比较。结果表明, 在两种污灌区土壤、四种污泥以及一种污泥施用于两种清洁土壤中,黑麦和小麦测定的Cd,Pb,Cu,Zn,Ni五种重金属有效性的顺序,以及有效性大小的数量级上是一致的;除了在污泥中,二者的茎Pb,Ni及根Zn相关不显著,以及在Lou土中施用污泥后,两种植物各部位相关不好外,在污泥及污泥施于赤红壤各处理中黑麦与小麦相关均匀为极显著。上述结果表明,应用小麦幼苗可以替代黑麦幼苗指标土壤中重金属的植物有效性,但同时也应考虑不同植物间的差异。  相似文献   

对华东某微小型铅锌矿点周边农田土壤和植物进行采样调查,结合不同土壤剖面土壤样品,分析、评价其土壤和植物中重金属的污染特征,并探讨蔬菜中重金属对当地居民的潜在健康风险.结果表明,矿点周边土壤受到不同程度的重金属污染,单因子污染指数法评价结果显示镉的污染程度最严重,所采集的11个土壤样品中有1个样点属中度污染,其余均属重度污染.对污染程度最低的剖面土壤进行分析后发现,研究区内较高的土壤重金属含量主要与采矿活动有关,同时也受到土壤母质的影响.研究区内农作物均受到不同程度的镉和铅污染,长期食用当地生产的蔬菜可引起潜在的人体健康风险,种植桑树(Morus alba)是当地污染农田的合理利用模式之一.  相似文献   

土壤重金属污染的植物修复中转基因技术的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
重金属污染的植物修复技术以其费用低廉、不污染环境等优点一度成为环境科学界研究的热点。为了克服植物修复技术中超积累植物生长缓慢和地上部生物量小等带来的限制,近年来研究者通过大量试验研究发展,外源基因在植物体内的高效表达可以提高植物吸收、运输、降解污染物的能力和修复的效率。本文首先对目前国内外重金属污染土壤植物修复的研究动态进行综述,重点论述了PCs、MTs、MerA、MerB、ArsC、γ-ECS等转基因在土壤重金属污染植物修复中的应用,最后指出在充分考虑到转基因植物给生态环境带来潜在威胁的前提下,转基因技术的研究与开发不仅可以促进多学科的交叉研究和丰富环境科学的研究领域,更重要的是在很大程度上有效地克服了目前土壤重金属污染植物修复中存在并急需解决的棘手问题,为土壤重金属污染的植物修复提供了更加广阔的应用和发展前景。  相似文献   

大邑铅锌矿区土壤和蔬菜重金属污染现状及评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了四川省大邑县铅锌矿区附近土壤和蔬菜中Pb、Zn、Cr和Cd含量,采用单因子污染指数法和综合污染指数法评价铅锌矿区附近土壤重金属污染状况。结果表明,铅锌矿矿口以及选矿厂周边土壤重金属富集因子均超过1,距选矿厂距离≤20 m的3个土壤样点Pb、Zn和Cd的单因子污染指数和综合污染指数较高,土壤污染程度为重污染,选矿厂周边土壤重金属污染在水平层次的空间分布上表现出异质性。选矿厂周边蔬菜地下部分重金属含量普遍高于地上部分,不同重金属在蔬菜可食用部分的转移因子总体由大到小依次为Cd、Zn、Pb和Cr。选矿厂周边蔬菜地土壤与蔬菜中Pb、Zn、Cd和Cr含量之间无显著相关性,但土壤中Pb、Zn和Cd含量3者之间在α=0.01水平上显著相关。  相似文献   

重金属污染土壤植物修复研究进展   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
土壤重金属污染是当今世界面临的主要环境问题之一.植物修复定义为利用绿色植物去除环境中的污染物或使其无害化的生物技术.与传统环境修复技术相比,植物修复技术具有治理成本的低廉性,环境美学的兼容性,治理过程的原位性.本文主要对超富集植物的概念和特征、土壤重金属污染植物修复的方法和原理以及土壤重金属植物修复技术的强化措施进行了综述,并对植物修复的近期研究工作进行了展望.  相似文献   

This study assessed the distribution of heavy metals in soil and their subsequent accumulation in plants at a site at Umudike, Nigeria, that had been contaminated by agrochemicals. Soil and plant samples were analysed for zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr) and cadmium (Cd). The highest concentrations of Zn (251.50 mg/kg) and Cd (61.33 mg/kg) were obtained at a soil depth of 0–10 cm. The highest concentrations of Zn (16.52 mg/kg), Cd (27.12 mg/kg) and Cr (164.07 mg/kg) were accumulated by Baphia nitida. The levels of Cd, Cr and Zn in soil were 27.97–61.33, 24.97–45.43 and 148.57–251.50 mg/kg, and their concentrations in B. nitida were 16.18–27.13, 97.99–164.07 and 0.10–16.52 mg/kg, respectively. There were significant correlations between Cd and Cr and Cd and Zn in soil, as well as between Cd and Cr in plants. The concentration of Cd in soil reflected a state of pollution relative to Dutch criteria for soil and the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission.  相似文献   

A Geochemical Survey of Topsoil in the City of Oslo, Norway   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The city of Oslo is situated centrally in the Oslo-graben, which is a Permian rift basin consisting of different kinds of volcanic and sedimentary rocks. In the summer of 1998, approximately 300 samples of surface soil (2–3cm) were taken systematically, 1km–2. The investigated area covers about 500km2. Samples were dissolved in 7M HNO3 and analysed for 29 elements with ICP-AES, mercury with cold-vapour technique (CV-AAS) and arsenic and cadmium with a graphite furnace (GF-AAS). A factor analysis is frequently used to identify relationships among sets of interrelated variables. To describe the covariant relationships among the elements, a factor analysis has been completed. The first factor contains the elements Sc, Fe, Li, Co, Al, Cr, Be, K, Ni, V, Mg, Y, Ba, Zr, Mn and As (listed with decreasing communality). These elements are typical for the minerals in the area and most of these elements have a near normal distribution. Sources for this factor are probably geological. The second factor contains Cd, Hg, P, Zn, Cu, Ba and Pb. They have a log-normal distribution. Road traffic is probably one of the sources contributing to this factor. In Norway studded tyres are used frequently in the winter season which results in large amounts of road dust. Leaded petrol has been a major source for Pb but is not in use any more. Wear and tear of tyres and brakes contribute also to this factor. Other sources contributing to this factor are probably industry, rubbish incineration, crematoria and release of some of these elements from structural material by fire. Factors 3, 4 and 6 with elements such as Ca, Na, La, Ti and Sr probably have geological sources. They are associated with minerals like amphiboles, pyroxenes and feldspars and some of the elements are from sea aerosols. Factor 5 contains Mn, Cd, Zn, As and Pb. Manganese may be derived from many different sources such as rock weathering, windblown dust, agriculture and traffic. Since As and Mn are placed in both factor 1 and 5 they probably have both geological and anthropogenic sources. Concentrations of the elements in the second factor are much higher in the central parts of Oslo, than in the rest of Oslo. The median value of Hg in the centre is 0.48mgkg–1, which is 8 times higher than that in the rest of the city. Also, the other elements have much higher levels in the centre. The industrial district north-east of the centre also has high values. The distribution of arsenic is regular throughout the whole city, but has a slightly higher level in the centre. Norm values for contaminated land used by the Norwegian authorities are 2mg As kg–1 and 25mg Cr kg–1. Of 297 samples, 61% contain more than 25mg Cr kg–1 and 79% more than 3mg As kg–1, which is the detection limit of the analysis. These samples will therefore be regarded as contaminated. Factor analysis places these elements in the geological factor. The Norm value of zinc is 150mgkg–1, and 40% of the samples contain more than this. The Norm value of lead is 150mgkg–1, and 35% of the samples contain. Road traffic is probably the major source for these elements.  相似文献   

Fifty-two samples of surface soils were taken in the urban area of Seville, to assess the possible influence of different land uses on their metal contents and their relationship with several soil properties. The samples corresponded to five categories or land uses: agricultural, parks, ornamental gardens, riverbanks, and roadsides. Sequential extraction of metal according to the procedure proposed by the former Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) was carried out, and pseudo-total (aqua regia soluble) metal contents were determined. Lower organic C, total N and available P and K contents were found in riverbank samples, probably due to the lack of manuring of those sites, left in a natural status. In contrast, significantly higher electrical conductivity was found in those sites, due to the tidal influence of the nearby Atlantic Ocean. Other land uses did not show significant differences in the general properties. Concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn, both aqua-regia soluble and sequentially extracted, were clearly higher in soils from ornamental gardens, whereas the concentrations in the riverbank samples were slightly lower than the other categories. In contrast, other metals (Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni) were uniformly distributed throughout all land uses. A strong statistical association is found among the concentrations of Cu, Pb, Zn and organic C, suggesting that the larger contents of these metals in ornamental gardens are partly due to organic amendments added to those sites more frequently than to other kinds of sites. Considering the conclusions of previous studies, heavy traffic can also contribute to those `urban’ metals in urban soils. Periodic monitoring of the concentrations of urban metals in busy city centres and of the quality of amendments added to soils of recreational areas are recommended.  相似文献   

This study determined the concentration of three heavy metals zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), and cadmium (Cd) in soil and in a woody plant species, Milicia excelsa, at Ishiagu quarry, Nigeria. The highest soil concentrations of Zn, Pb, and Cd in soil were obtained at 1?m from the quarry site. In M. excelsa, the highest concentrations of Zn, Pb, and Cd were 3.12–9.1, 3.9–6.01, and 0.51–1.12?mg?kg?1, respectively. There were significant positive correlations between Cd and Zn (r?=?0.963) and Cd and Pb (r?=?0.974) in plants as well as between Cd and Pb (r?=?9.84) in soil. The level of Cd in soil reflected significant pollution compared to average global concentrations in soils.  相似文献   

矿区周围土壤中重金属危害性评估研究   总被引:56,自引:3,他引:56  
分别用总量法和连续萃取法对广东大宝山矿周围土壤、植物和沉积物中重金属的总量和化学形态进行了详细分析。结果发现,矿山废水流入的横石河沉积物中Pb、Zn、Cu和Cd的质量分数分别为1841.02、2326.28、1522.61和10.33mg/kg;经此河水灌溉的稻田中重金属(Cu、Cd、Pb和Zn)的质量分数也远远超出了土壤环境二级标准值,其中Cu、Cd超标倍数分别为14.01和4.17倍。结果还表明,生长在矿区周围的植物也受到不同程度重金属的污染且不同植物吸收和积累重金属的能力相差很大。用Tessier连续法对土壤中重金属进行萃取发现,虽然重金属主要存在于残余态中,但在Fe-Mn氧化态、有机结合态中的质量分数也很高.说明这些土壤确实受到了有毒有害重金属元素的严重污染。  相似文献   

几种沼渣中Cu和Zn的含量及其形态分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈苗  白帆  崔岩山 《环境化学》2012,31(2):175-181
通过CaCl2、EDTA、HOAc一步提取法和改进的BCR三步法对6种沼渣中的重金属Cu和Zn的形态进行了研究.结果表明,沼渣中重金属的形态组成与重金属的种类和沼渣的类型有关;单一提取剂对沼渣中Cu、Zn的提取效率顺序为:EDTA〉HOAc〉CaCl2,其中EDTA的提取效率可达70%以上,HOAc提取效率在11%和62%之间,中性盐CaCl2的提取效果最差,其提取效果最高不到0.6%;沼渣中Zn的可移动性大于Cu的可移动性,若原沼渣中含有高浓度的Zn,施入土壤中可能使得植物吸收过多的Zn,从而产生农用风险.  相似文献   

修复植物热解过程中重金属元素迁移行为研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在管式炉反应器中研究了重金属土壤修复植物长香谷稻秆中Cd、Pb、Mn、Cu和Zn在不同温度、停留时间和反应气氛下的迁移行为,结果表明:在低于元素挥发的温度热解时,固体残渣中重金属元素的富集倍数随温度的升高而增加;在元素挥发的温度热解时,该元素在固体残渣中的富集倍数随着停留时间的延长而减少;800℃以上CO2气氛比N2气氛更有利于Mn、Cu和Zn在热解残渣中富集。选择合适的热解条件能够达到将原料减容减重并富集其中特定重金属元素的目的。  相似文献   

An undisturbed natural reserve area iocated in a tropical montane rain forest at about 1800 m altitude in Sri Lanka served as a study site to investigate and assess the natural background concentration levels of As, Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in plants representing different taxonomic groups (divisions) in the plant kingdom. The plants selected were: the lichen,Usnea barbata (old man's beard);Pogonatum sp. (a moss);Lycopodium selago (epiphytic lycopod);Polypodium lanceolatum (epiphytic fern);Bulbophyllum elliae (epiphytic orchid) andActinodaphne ambigua (dicotyledonous large tree). Degree of homogeneity with respect to Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in homogenised materials of all samples were within acceptable limits, whereasPogonatum sp. showed the highest degree of homogeneity for Pb. In addition to confirming extremely low levels of heavy metals in all plant species, the survey also found that generally the primitive plants,Usnea andPogonatum appear to have a greater tendency to accumulate As, Cd, Co and Pb; in particular,U. barbata appears to be an efficient accumulator for those heavy metals, suggesting its potential use in environmental studies.Actinodaphne ambigua was found to have a specific accumulating ability for nickel. Surface cleaning of theA. ambigua leaves resulted in a substantial decrease in the foliar contents of Cd, Ni, Pb and Zn. Variations in heavy metal contents observed in different plant genera are discussed in terms of their habits and place of growth in the forest. It is anticipated that the background levels presented in this paper from a remote, unpolluted tropical ecosystem will provide useful reference data for comparative environmental studies.  相似文献   

Heavy metals in soils and crops in Southeast Asia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In a reconnaissance soil geochemical and plant survey undertaken to study the heavy metal uptake by major food crops in Malaysia, 241 soils were analysed for cation exchange capacity (CEC), organic carbon (C), pH, electrical conductivity (EC) and available phosphorus (P) using appropriate procedures. These soils were also analysed for arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) using aqua regia digestion, together with 180 plant samples using nitric acid digestion. Regression analysis between the edible plant part and aqua regia soluble soil As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn concentrations sampled throughout Peninsular Malaysia, indicated a positive relationship for Pb in all the plants sampled in the survey (R 2 = 0.195, p < 0.001), for Ni in corn (R 2 = 0.649, p < 0.005), for Cu in chilli (R 2 = 0.344, p < 0.010) and for Zn in chilli (R 2 = 0.501, p < 0.001). Principal component analysis of the soil data suggested that concentrations of Co, Ni, Pb and Zn were strongly correlated with concentrations of Al and Fe, which is suggestive of evidence of background variations due to changes in soil mineralogy. Thus the evidence for widespread contamination of soils by these elements through agricultural activities is not strong. Chromium was correlated with soil pH and EC, Na, S, and Ca while Hg was not correlated with any of these components, suggesting diffuse pollution by aerial deposition. However As, Cd, Cu were strongly associated with organic matter and available and aqua regia soluble soil P, which we attribute to inputs in agricultural fertilisers and soil organic amendments (e.g. manures, composts).  相似文献   

Three different methods for the sequential extraction of heavy metals from soil (viz those of Tessier et al. (A. Tessier, P.G. Campbell and N. Bisson (1979). Anal. Chem., 51, 844.), Sposito et al. (G. Sposito, L.J. Lund and A.C. Chang (1989). Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J., 46, 260.) and Mann and Ritchie (S.S. Mann and G.S.P. Ritchie (1993). Aust. J. Soil Res., 31, 255.)) were examined in terms of the distribution of Cu, Zn and Pb in the soil phases and the bioavailability of these elements in soil. To this end, several samples of soils polluted with metals from a copper mine were fractionated by using the three studied methods and analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry. The results revealed differences in extraction efficiency among the methods due to the extractant used, or its concentration, and to the soil/solution ratio. The three methods were found to provide accurate heavy metal background contents. However, the method of Tessier et al. is to be preferred for quantifying increased levels of heavy metals on account of its high extraction power.  相似文献   

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