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基于2013年《中国对外直接投资统计公报》、美国荣鼎集团(Rhodium Group)中国投资监测网2000—2014年第三季度中国企业在美国投资的统计数据,运用区位商、地理集中指数等产业空间集聚测度方法对中国企业在美国投资的产业空间特征和空间规律进行了分析。结果表明,中国对美国直接投资的产业以州为单元形成点集聚;不同产业的地理集中程度有较大差异。该研究以期为中国企业对美投资时提供参考,实现合理投资。  相似文献   

基于邓宁的国际生产折衷理论,对比了中美两国投资规模、空间分布和发展阶段,利用灰色关联分析法比较了影响两国投资区位的因子.结果表明,影响美国对外投资的主要因子是人均GNP、CH和CO2的排放量,影响中国的主要因子是直接投资净流入量、航空运输量和CPI;美国对外直接投资属于市场导向型,而中国尚处于转型期,为对外投资第三阶段.  相似文献   

利用中国商务部对外投资合作司的相关数据,对中国大型国有企业对美国绿地投资进行了分阶段总体评价;运用国际生产折中理论和综合动因理论中有关东道国和投资国的区位因素论对中国大型国有企业对美国绿地投资进行了总体分析,得出中国大型国有企业对美绿地投资在数量上与其百分比呈倒挂趋势;行业上覆盖面广,新兴行业异军突起;空间上呈边沿化环状分布,内陆点状穿插的结论.在此基础上,对中国国有企业对美国投资的趋势进行了预测.  相似文献   

苗红娟  陈瑛 《资源开发与保护》2012,(1):66-67,79,F0003
世界铁矿资源分布不均匀,导致世界各国对铁矿资源的争夺非常激烈。在资源所在国直接投资是获取铁矿资源的主要方式之一,而投资区位选择又直接关系到铁矿企业与企业所在国对外直接投资的成败。分析了我国铁矿企业对外直接投资现状,指出了其存在的问题,探讨了铁矿资源丰富国家的投资环境,对我国铁矿企业对外直接投资风险的影响,并对我国铁矿企业的对外投资区位选择提出了建议。  相似文献   

通过空间自相关度量检验与空间关联局域LISA分析,对我国2009年省域寿险、财险、健康险、意外险投保行为的空间分布进行空间统计研究,并对我国1999-2009年10年间的人身保险、财产保险的购买行为进行空间演变研究.研究认为,2009年我国投保行为在空间上分布呈不均衡特征;2009年寿险与财险的投保行为空间集聚程度比健康险与意外险的集聚程度高;1999-2009年,我国省域投保行为在我国版图空间分布上呈强弱分化现象,趋势明显.该研究价值在于通过空间统计分析,了解我国省域居民投保行为在空间上的分布特征,从而为保险企业制定宏观经营战略,为国家保险监管部门提供可视化的数据.  相似文献   

运用空间相关性检验的莫兰指数分析讨论了中国城市投资的空间分布特征,并进一步在市域水平对投资进行了空间计量分析.结果表明:①GDP、财政支出、金融资本、人力资本均与投资的正空间相关性显著,即某区域相邻区域这些变量的集聚可带动该区域投资增加.②对全国城市分析的结果发现,除了GDP、财政支出、金融资本以外,空间滞后模型的空间相关系数估计显著,说明空间相关性也是影响投资的重要因素,而人力资本对投资规模的影响不显著.③投资在东、中、西部城市的影响因素具有明显差异.影响投资的主要因素东部是GDP,中部是GDP、财政支出、金融资本,西部则是GDP、财政支出.  相似文献   

自贸区是我国深化改革背景下对外开放的重大举措,目前我国已批准了上海、广东、天津、福建四个自贸区,自贸区体系正逐步形成,研究自贸区空间布局对我国自贸区未来发展意义重大。美国自贸区发展时间久、数量多,其空间布局特征对我国进一步完善自贸区设置具有重要的借鉴意义。通过对截至2014年9月270个美国自贸区的空间分析,发现美国自贸区呈沿海、沿河、沿边境、沿国界分布等特征,商贸型自贸区主要分布在东部,制造型自贸区主要分布在墨西哥湾,并具有带状或圈层状分布特点。分析美国自贸区的阶段演进发现,其发展大致经历初始形成期、局部发展期、快速扩张期和平稳增长期等四个时期,具有"从海洋到内河、从内河到内陆、再从内陆到内河"的特点。在此基础上,进一步提出我国自贸区发展的可能趋向。  相似文献   

基于GIS的空间分析功能,运用最邻近比率、地理集中指数、核密度、可达性、缓冲区分析等方法,对湖南省的森林公园空间分布特征及其影响因素进行分析。结果表明:湖南省森林公园的空间分布类型为集聚型,在空间分布上具有不均衡性特点;空间分布密度呈"点状集中,点带状分布"特点;空间可达性具有明显的交通指向性特点;空间分布数量随着与市中心距离的增加呈先增后减态势。主要影响因素包括植被覆盖、河流、湖泊等自然因素和人口数量、交通条件等社会经济因素。  相似文献   

针对2003—2012年我国各地区用水与经济现状数据,运用区位熵和基尼系数对我国用水结构和生产率的变化特点及空间分布情况进行了定量分析和探讨,为用水公平和效率研究提供了新视角。结果表明,中国用水结构和生产率的区位熵存在明显的地区差异,经济发达地区用水结构相对较优,总用水效率相对较高。除少数地区在农业、工业用水结构和生产率区位熵均有较好表现之外,大多数地区在农业、工业用水结构和生产率区位熵表现上各有不同。基于区位熵的用水结构和生产率空间均衡分布的基尼系数表明,我国用水结构和用水生产率空间分布总体态势良好,但亟待进一步优化。  相似文献   

以2001—2016年我国企业在东盟国家实施的152起并购事件为研究对象,在对我国企业在东盟进行并购的国别、行业进行描述性分析的基础上,选用条件Logit模型进行实证分析,考察了我国企业对东盟跨国并购区位选择决策的影响因素。描述性分析结果显示,我国企业在东盟并购的区位分布极不平衡,多集中于东盟中高收入国家;比较我国企业对东盟并购的区位分布与我国对东盟10国直接投资存量情况,发现两者之间存在明显差异。结果表明:我国企业倾向于在市场规模大、经贸联系紧密、宏观经济稳定、政治制度和法律制度环境较健全的东盟国家进行并购投资。  相似文献   

The 1990s have seen a dramatic shift in capital flows into the developing world. Despite pledges made at the 1992 UNCED Conference in Rio de Janeiro, official development aid has declined in real terms. At the same time, private direct investment and lending to developing countries has risen from $44 billion at the beginning of this decade to $256 billion in 1997, supporting a record economic boom in the developing world. Developing countries have become significant sources of capital, as well as hosts to transnational corporations.
Cases illustrating the negative impacts of large investments under environmentally lax conditions are contrasted with the rise of environmental screening of funds by commercial entities, such as banks, insurance companies and investors. Although the new inflows of foreign capital may have brought the spread of Western consumerism, this new economic potential has also contributed cutting-edge environmental technologies, that may assist developing countries leapfrog over the most damaging phases of industrialization.
The article discusses the role of public lending agencies, international organizations and NGOs in setting the investment climate that determines the effects of foreign capital on the natural resources base, communities and the environment. Various mechanisms for defining environmental standards are discussed, and a more active role for governments and the United Nations is advocated.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Two types of organizational systems provide most of the water service in the United States. The investor-owned firm operates on a profit basis generally subject to state commission regulation. The government-owned firm is generally confronted by local control. The comparative efficiency of private versus government firm provision of water services is essentially an empirical issue. Unit costs and other operating statistics are examined for water firms of each ownership form. The analysis shows that private firms tend to have higher operation costs than do government firms, possibly attributable to wage-salary differentials. The analysis also indicates that capital investment in large government firms may result in diseconomies. The analysis creates serious doubt as to whether efficient provision of water services can be better facilitated by large mergers of either ownership form.  相似文献   

Land-cover change has significant influence on carbon storage and fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems. The southern United States is thought to be the largest carbon sink across the conterminous United States. However, the spatial and temporary variability of carbon storage and fluxes due to land-cover change in the southern United States remains unclear. In this study, we first reconstructed the annual data set of land-cover of the southern United States from 1860 to 2003 with a spatial resolution of 8 km. Then we used a spatially explicit process-based biogeochemical model (Terrestrial Ecosystem Model [TEM] 4.3) to simulate the effects of cropland expansion and forest regrowth on the carbon dynamics in this region. The pattern of land-cover change in the southern United States was primarily driven by the change of cropland, including cropland expansion and forest regrowth on abandoned cropland. The TEM simulation estimated that total carbon storage in the southern United States in 1860 was 36.8 Pg C, which likely was overestimated, including 10.8 Pg C in the southeast and 26 Pg C in the south-central. During 1860-2003, a total of 9.4 Pg C, including 6.5 Pg C of vegetation and 2.9 Pg C of soil C pool, was released to the atmosphere in the southern United States. The net carbon flux due to cropland expansion and forest regrowth on abandoned cropland was approximately zero in the entire southern region between 1980 and 2003. The temporal and spatial variability of regional net carbon exchange was influenced by land-cover pattern, especially the distribution of cropland. The land-use analysis in this study is incomplete and preliminary. Finally, the limitations, improvements, and future research needs of this study were discussed.  相似文献   

Coal mine reclamation projects are very expensive and require coordination of local and federal agencies to identify resources for the most economic way of reclaiming mined land. Location of resources for mine reclamation is a spatial problem. This article presents a methodology that allows the combination of spatial data on resources for the coal mine reclamation and uses GIS analysis to develop a priority list of potential mine reclamation sites within contiguous United States using the method of extrapolation. The extrapolation method in this study was based on the Bark Camp reclamation project. The mine reclamation project at Bark Camp, Pennsylvania, USA, provided an example of the beneficial use of fly ash and dredged material to reclaim 402,600 sq mi of a mine abandoned in the 1980s. Railroads provided transportation of dredged material and fly ash to the site. Therefore, four spatial elements contributed to the reclamation project at Bark Camp: dredged material, abandoned mines, fly ash sources, and railroads. Using spatial distribution of these data in the contiguous United States, it was possible to utilize GIS analysis to prioritize areas where reclamation projects similar to Bark Camp are feasible. GIS analysis identified unique occurrences of all four spatial elements used in the Bark Camp case for each 1 km of the United States territory within 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 km radii from abandoned mines. The results showed the number of abandoned mines for each state and identified their locations. The federal or state governments can use these results in mine reclamation planning.  相似文献   

运用2007—2010年江西省11个设区市的面板数据,分析外商直接投资对地区工业能源强度的影响。根据来源地不同,将直接投资分为港澳台直接投资和其他外商直接投资两类。研究表明,港澳台直接投资和其他外商直接投资对地区工业能源强度有显著的正影响;与港澳台投资相比,其他外商投资对地区工业能源强度的影响更大。  相似文献   

Across sub-Saharan Africa, the presence of foreign large-scale mining companies is increasing. This is in part a result of depleting resources in countries such as Canada, United States and Australia, and in part from a more favorable national mine investment climate in several mineral-rich African countries. Their increased presence raises important questions around the potential role and function of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the sector. In post-conflict and/or fragile states, CSR has further implications for conflict and risk mitigation strategies to ensure the protection of human rights. One CSR approach increasingly being considered is the public–private partnership, whereby companies, public donors, and development agencies leverage their relationships for mutual benefit. There is merit in exploring its function in post-conflict fragile states, where socio-economic needs are high and the capacity of the state to respond to a variety of mine governance challenges is limited. Two case studies from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are presented, and their policy implications, discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Having determined various statistical parameters for five mean monthly hydrometeorological time series of the United States, directional variation of the autocorrelation numbers, their spatial distribution over the United States and statistical significances are presented in this paper. Two conceptually different approaches (one using directional strips of large combined watersheds and the other with analysis of variances) are employed to explore the geographic variation of the statistical parameters (autocorrelations and explained variances) in question. Results adequately indicate the correspondence between these variations and the observed topographic, climatologic and hydrologic characteristics over the United States.  相似文献   

Vlado Vivoda   《Resources Policy》2011,36(1):49-59
The aim of this paper is to assess the conditions that influence foreign direct investment in the mineral industries of China and India. The paper first surveys literature on the determinants of foreign direct investment to identify key conditions, under which host countries attract mining FDI. It then builds an evaluative framework which allows for comparative analysis. The paper then comparatively evaluates the performance of foreign investment regimes that govern mineral industries in China and India. Its findings show that the overall conditions for foreign mining investment in China and India are not favourable and that substantial policy, regulatory and other changes in both countries need to be made if more investment is to flow.  相似文献   

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