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This paper argues that stakeholder capitalism is more appropriate to natural resource management and rural development in Africa than other varieties of capitalism. It examines different management arrangements in Kenyan Lake Victoria fisheries resources to argue that whilst stakeholder capitalism is still far from being the mainstream model of capitalism in Kenya, theoretically and empirically, it is more appropriate to sustainable development than the Anglo‐Saxon variety of capitalism that the country inherited from its British colonizers. The paper demonstrates that the concepts of ownership and management rights are social, economic and political constructs that are continuously contested, with huge implications for sustainable development and natural resource management.  相似文献   

This article examines the environment and habitat management experiences of Ethiopia and Ghana in the postindependence period (1960–2000). Based on extensive archival research, semistructured focused interviews of environment and habitat officers of the World Bank, the United Nations System and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and personal professional field experiences, the paper argues that the uncritical adoption of externally generated discourses, narratives, policy guidelines, and strategies of environmental and habitat management has structured thought and action in both countries. The experience of both countries in defining and responding to environmental and human settlement management is explored from a political ecology perspective. The analysis indicates that both countries have essentially adopted a technocratic, state-centered, and unsustainable management strategy framework based on population control, poverty reduction, sustainable development, and capacity-building. It also suggests that international organizations such as the World Bank, INCN, and the United Nations system have been important sources of thought and action in both countries. Conversely, regional international organizations such as the Economic Commission for Africa, the Organization of African Unity and the African Development Bank have largely served as conduits for the diffusion of global discourses, narratives, policies and strategies. The need for adopting management policies and strategies that are based on principles of multiple engagement, decentralization, incentives, public education, and participation is underscored.  相似文献   

A simulation model was developed to describe linkages among fish food web, nutrient cycling, and contaminant processes in the southern basin of Lake Michigan. The model was used to examine possible effects of management actions and an exotic zooplankter (Bythotrephes) on Lake Michigan food web and contaminant dynamics. The model predicts that contaminant concentrations in salmonines will decrease by nearly 20% ifBythotrephes successfully establishes itself in the lake. The model suggests that this decrease will result from lowered transfer efficiencies within the food web and increased flux of contaminants to the hypolimnion. The model also indicates that phosphorus management will have little effect on contaminant concentrations in salmonines. The modeling exercise helped identify weaknesses in the data base (e.g., incomplete information on contaminant loadings and on the biomass, production, and ecological efficiencies of dominant organisms) that should be corrected in order to make reliable management decisions.  相似文献   

The status of fisheries in Chilika lake on the east coast of India is in a critical state. Local fishing communities feel that catches have reduced significantly and they face more hardships now to sustain their livelihoods. The study presents findings from field research and argues that notions of access are linked to community perceptions of the resource, the extent of authority they have to make decisions related to access and use rights and the traditional management strategies. State interventions through mechanization and new regulations have undermined the traditional management strategies leading to conflicts between different stakeholders and decline in traditional fisheries. There is a growing realization that without traditional fishing community's participation it is not possible to ensure sustainable use of the lake resources. Legitimizing community access and use rights is one of the key factors for successful management of fisheries.  相似文献   


During the last decade waste management has become one of the most problematic and demanding issues to be addressed in Ireland. Increasing waste production and landfills reaching their capacity are placing unprecedented pressure on the land, and are unsustainable in the long term. However, while surveys of public opinion present a picture of a population increasingly concerned about the quality of the environment and the problem of waste management, there has been an increase in amounts of municipal waste being sent to landfill. Although not unique to Ireland, this gap between values and actions is one that deserves further critical consideration if positive sustainable waste management strategies are to be developed. This paper, based on research being conducted in two case study locations in the west of Ireland, engages with value–action gaps in terms of waste management strategies in Ireland. Based on empirical evidence the paper examines the public's self-reported barriers to more sustainable waste management. The paper argues that some of the greatest barriers to improved waste management are cultural, social and political and that contextual variables such as notions of responsibility and lack of trust in waste regulators contribute greatly to the gap between citizens' attitudes and actions towards waste management.  相似文献   

India's coastal resource complexes were traditionally characterized by a continuum of 'common property resources' or 'commons' that stretched from the shores to the seas. The continuum aided the existence of sustainable livelihood systems for local communities. Today, fragmented policy approaches and economic welfare schemes have caused the disintegration of community control over the continuum. As a consequence, livelihood systems of local communities have declined. The introduction of coastal management guidelines in the 1990s has exacerbated the situation. With reference to a coastal village located in the State of Kerala in South West India, the paper describes the trajectory of unsustainable change that has taken place in the coastal area resource complexes of the country. The paper argues for restoring the continuum of commons in the study area through community driven systems of natural resource management that are based on networks of nested institutions.  相似文献   

Societal and technological development during the last century has enabled Western economies to achieve a high standard of living. Yet this profusion of wealth has led to several outcomes that are undesirable and/or unsustainable. There is thus an imperative need for a fundamental and rapid transition towards more sustainable practices. While broad conceptual frameworks for managing sustainability transitions have been suggested in prior literature, these need to be further developed to suit contexts in which the overall vision is arguably clear, such as in the case of consuming animal-originated foodstuffs. In this article we introduce a novel transition management framework that is based upon the dimensions of sustainability. The suggested transition management process includes the identification of objectives and obstacles, the listing of options and their opportunities and threats as well as the evaluation of the outcomes (the Five O’s). We argue that sustainability transition management should be a process in which the identification of the relevant dimensions of sustainability and related objectives forms the foundation for strategic, tactical and operational governance activities. We illustrate the practical applicability of the framework in the case of transition towards plant-based diets.  相似文献   

Lake Chad is a vitally important wetland in the semi-arid Sahel corridor. It provides the basis of many thousands of livelihoods which depend on its seasonal fluctuations to renew fish stocks, farmland and rangeland. This paper describes how access to farmland and fishing rights has evolved on the Nigerian shore of the lake. The paper aims to assess the applicability of different institutional approaches to natural resource management on the lake shore. Although many recent approaches to natural resource management have reflected a 'Tragedy of the Commons' approach, a growing literature both in support and critical of Hardin's (1968) thesis has followed. Four distinct approaches are considered: (1) institutional intervention to prevent 'tragedy'; (2) institution erosion brought about by such interventions; (3) models of institutional adaptation to resource scarcity; and (4) approaches which perceive institutions as a crucial determinant of social and economic development. In examining which institutional approaches may be relevant at Lake Chad, it is anticipated that this paper will provide insights which will be relevant to policy-makers, resource managers and students working in environments where resource fluctuation inhibits stable property rights and state resource management has proved neither feasible nor successful. The western shore of Lake Chad has been under the jurisdiction of Borno State in its various guises since the end of the fourteenth century and is currently one of 36 states in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Although the administrative status of Borno itself has varied, it has been dominated by a Kanuri aristocracy for most of its existence. The Kanuri administration has continued to operate in a remarkably similar way over the past 150 years. Traditionally, it has played a crucial role in allocating access to farm land. In recent years, the 'Kanuri administration' has not only maintained its pre-colonial authority over farming on the lake shore, but has expanded it to cover new areas of the lake floor and the increasingly lucrative fishing opportunities which federal government has been unable to regulate. This success suggests that collaboration with the organisations which operate such institutions could be beneficial, if not essential, to the success of natural resource management.  相似文献   

During the last decade waste management has become one of the most problematic and demanding issues to be addressed in Ireland. Increasing waste production and landfills reaching their capacity are placing unprecedented pressure on the land, and are unsustainable in the long term. However, while surveys of public opinion present a picture of a population increasingly concerned about the quality of the environment and the problem of waste management, there has been an increase in amounts of municipal waste being sent to landfill. Although not unique to Ireland, this gap between values and actions is one that deserves further critical consideration if positive sustainable waste management strategies are to be developed. This paper, based on research being conducted in two case study locations in the west of Ireland, engages with value-action gaps in terms of waste management strategies in Ireland. Based on empirical evidence the paper examines the public's self-reported barriers to more sustainable waste management. The paper argues that some of the greatest barriers to improved waste management are cultural, social and political and that contextual variables such as notions of responsibility and lack of trust in waste regulators contribute greatly to the gap between citizens' attitudes and actions towards waste management.  相似文献   

In this paper, we divide the communities in Central China into four groups, namely ecological high-poverty communities, non-ecological high-poverty communities, sustainable communities and non-ecological low-poverty communities. We use 2000 and 2006 data for 498 counties to conduct analysis and comparison between sustainable and unsustainable communities in order to define determinants of the development pathways to sustainable communities. The comparison of the variable means between the groups of ecological high-poverty communities and non-ecological high-poverty communities in 2006 indicates that there is no significant difference in the dimensions related to economy, society and environment, with the exception of average output value per industrial enterprise.

The non-ecological low-poverty communities are more likely to have a higher proportion of secondary industry, higher total industrial output value, higher average output value per industrial enterprise and higher intensity of infrastructure construction, compared to the sustainable communities. The factors that determine whether the communities will choose the pathway to sustainable communities are found to be landscape, social conditions of secondary industry and agriculture and economic development level. Hence, the policies that aim at promoting sustainability for the unsustainable communities will have to focus on different strategies and actions for non-ecological high-poverty and non-ecological low-poverty communities.  相似文献   

The widespread recognition of lake degradation as a major environmental concern has led to accelerated efforts to better protect and manage lake resources. Where it is too late for avoidance strategies, lake rehabilitation is receiving increasing attention as a natural resources management option. In recent years, a significant number of lake rehabilitation experiences has been documented throughout the world, and many nations and states have embarked upon major lake rehabilitation programsLake rehabilitation is not a ready-to-go technology at this time and still must be regarded as partly experimental. Nevertheless, there have been a number of notably successful lake rehabilitation experiences. Reducing or halting the influx of undesirable materials is the sine qua non for lake rehabilitation. In most successful experiences to date, this has been accomplished by diversion and/or wastewater treatment. A number of in-lake strategies have also been employed to rehabilitate degraded lakes, often as part of an overall restoration plan. Techniques that appear to be most useful include dredging and nutrient inactivation. Several examples of successful applications are noted.Although efforts to rehabilitate lakes have produced a mixed record, there are encouraging results that suggest the viability of this approach. Lake rehabilitation, however, is no substitute for environmental management strategies that provide for protection of lake ecosystems in the first place.  相似文献   

新疆准噶尔盆地艾比湖流域属典型的风沙地貌聚集区,近50年来由于湖域面积不断减少,植被逐渐衰亡,在阿拉山口大风的作用下,艾比湖流域已经成为新疆沙尘暴的策源地之一,综合治理刻不容缓。流域水量逐年减少、植被大面积衰亡和阿拉山口的大风是导致艾比湖流域环境恶化的主要原因。利用风力布水,辅以植物纤维网覆盖为核心的生物综合治理方案,其可行性分析表明:该方法对逐步恢复艾比湖流域的生态有较好的应用价值,同时该技术还可以推广至湿地恢复和沙漠化治理当中。  相似文献   

Lake Taihu is the third largest freshwater lake in China. It serves many social, economic, and ecological purposes in the drainage basin. Unfortunately, the water has been heavily polluted due to rapid industrialization and urbanization during the last two decades. Notwithstanding great efforts made so far to improve the water quality, the environmental situation is still far from being optimistic. The basin and the lake are facing a range of severe environmental challenges: rapid socio-economic development continues to place great pressures on the environment, current pollution control projects have many problems from the viewpoint of effectiveness and efficiency of their implementations, and the non-point sources of pollution such as agricultural fields, for which control is more difficult than for industrial point sources, have become the main contributors to serious eutrophication of the lake. Considering the characteristics of the environmental challenges and problems confronting the basin and the lake, we focus on integrated environmental management (IEM) as a promising and effective approach to overcome these predicaments. Current practices and problems of environmental management in the basin are examined, and potential future developments are discussed. Three aspects of the IEM are emphasized: institutional cooperation, public participation, and internalization of environmental externalities. We think these are the most critical for not only the basin but also for the whole of China to achieve a sustainable society.  相似文献   

Johnson Sauk Trail Lake remains highly eutrophic, even though the watershed has long been returned to an undisturbed condition with permanent vegetative cover and with little or no land disturbance in the watershed. Internal regeneration of nutrients has been identified as the major source of nutrients to the lake. Lake destratification, selective harvesting and removal of weeds, and control of algal blooms using chelated copper sulfate application followed by potassium permanganate application have all been chosen as management techniques for improving water quality conditions in the lake. These in-lake techniques are considered not as palliative measures, but as necessary tools in enhancing the lake's water quality characteristics.  相似文献   

Accurate and reliable forecasting is important for the sustainable management of ecosystems. Chlorophyll a (Chl a) simulation and forecasting can provide early warning information and enable managers to make appropriate decisions for protecting lake ecosystems. In this study, we proposed a method for Chl a simulation in a lake that coupled the wavelet analysis and the artificial neural networks (WA–ANN). The proposed method had the advantage of data preprocessing, which reduced noise and managed nonstationary data. Fourteen variables were included in the developed and validated model, relating to hydrologic, ecological and meteorologic time series data from January 2000 to December 2009 at the Lake Baiyangdian study area, North China. The performance of the proposed WA–ANN model for monthly Chl a simulation in the lake ecosystem was compared with a multiple stepwise linear regression (MSLR) model, an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model and a regular ANN model. The results showed that the WA-ANN model was suitable for Chl a simulation providing a more accurate performance than the MSLR, ARIMA, and ANN models. We recommend that the proposed method be widely applied to further facilitate the development and implementation of lake ecosystem management.  相似文献   

Eutrophication of Lake Waters in China: Cost, Causes, and Control   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Lake water eutrophication has become one of the most important factors impeding sustainable economic development in China. Knowledge of the current status of lake water eutrophicatoin and determination of its mechanism are prerequisites to devising a sound solution to the problem. Based on reviewing the literature, this paper elaborates on the evolutional process and current state of shallow inland lake water eutrophication in China. The mechanism of lake water eutrophication is explored from nutrient sources. In light of the identified mechanism strategies are proposed to control and tackle lake water eutrophication. This review reveals that water eutrophication in most lakes was initiated in the 1980s when the national economy underwent rapid development. At present, the problem of water eutrophication is still serious, with frequent occurrence of damaging algal blooms, which have disrupted the normal supply of drinking water in shore cities. Each destructive bloom caused a direct economic loss valued at billions of yuan. Nonpoint pollution sources, namely, waste discharge from agricultural fields and nutrients released from floor deposits, are identified as the two major sources of nitrogen and phosphorus. Therefore, all control and rehabilitation measures of lake water eutrophication should target these nutrient sources. Biological measures are recommended to rehabilitate eutrophied lake waters and restore the lake ecosystem in order to bring the problem under control.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The degradation of many lakes is the result of aging processes which have been accelerated by the activities of man. Where it is too late to prevent sedimentation and eutrophication problems, lake rehabilitation and protection comprise a resource management option warranting serious consideration. A Wisconsin Lake Renewal Demonstration Project has been evaluating several rehabilitation schemes for the past five years. A selected summary of Project lake rehabilitation activities, including nutrient inactivation, dilution, aeration, and several types of aquatic plant management, suggests the present status of lake rehabilitation.  相似文献   

This article shows how social capital impacts fisheries management at the local level in Chilika Lake, located in the state of Orissa in India. In Chilika, the different fishing groups established norms and “rules of the game” including, but not limited to, spatial limits that determine who can fish and in what areas, temporal restrictions about when and for how long people may fish, gear constraints about what harvesting gear may be used by each group, and physical controls on size and other characteristics of fish that may be harvested. A survey of the members of fishing groups has shown that the bonding social capital is strong within the Chilika fishing groups. Bonding and bridging social capital keeps the fishers together in times of resource scarcity, checks violations of community rules and sanctions, and strengthens the community fisheries management. In contrast, linking social capital in Chilika appears to be weak, as is evident from the lack of trust in external agencies, seeking the help of formal institutions for legal support, and increasing conflicts. Trust and cooperation among fishers is crucial in helping to build the social capital. A social capital perspective on fisheries governance suggests that there should be a rethinking of priorities and funding mechanisms, from “top-down” fisheries management towards “co-management” with a focus on engendering rights and responsibilities for fishers and their communities.  相似文献   

近40a来,随着人类社会经济活动强度的不断加大,大量的工农业废水排入博斯腾湖,导致博斯腾湖水体咸化、水质变坏,湖区水生生物以及湿地受到严重影响。为了减轻或避免博斯腾湖流域的生态环境继续遭受破坏,充分地实现博斯腾湖生态、经济及社会功能,必须加强博斯腾湖流域生态环境的监督与管理,采取有效的生态管理与监督措施,协调人与自然的关系。  相似文献   

Wetlands are an environmental feature which deliver a variety of market and non-market goods and services. Established environmental economic theory separates the value of these goods and services into direct-use values, indirect-use values and non-use values. Given appreciation of all three, measurements can be derived to demonstrate the amount of public money that it may be feasible to allocate to the sustainable management of wetlands. However, in many cases, non-use values are ignored and the total economic value of wetlands can be severely undervalued. As a result, inadequate resources are fed into their management and environmental degradation occurs due to inappropriate commercial exploitation of the natural resource. Lake Kerkini, in northern Greece, is one such wetland area threatened by undervaluation and overexploitation for commercial purposes, and a resource whose management would benefit from the realization of non-use values. This study therefore uses the contingent valuation method to place a value on the non-use attributes of Lake Kerkini. It also examines the relationship between the revealed non-use values and the distance people live from the lake, highlights the personal characteristics which appear important in determining total willingness to pay and breaks total non-use value down into its component parts to suggest the most important non-use elements. The paper concludes that sustainable management of the lake is justified and provides evidence that substantial public monies are potentially available to protect and enhance the environmental value of the resource.  相似文献   

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