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为探究和定量分析疲劳驾驶交通事故严重程度的影响因素,以广东省1 370条疲劳驾驶事故数据为基础,对比分析不同年份、时间段以及年龄段的疲劳驾驶交通事故特征;以交通事故严重程度为因变量,将其分为严重事故和非严重事故,从驾驶员年龄、驾龄、车辆类型等17个初步选择的自变量中筛选对疲劳驾驶交通事故严重程度具有显著影响的因素;采用二元Logistic回归模型分别对全体数据和不同道路类型下的数据建立疲劳驾驶交通事故严重程度预测模型,并对模型进行参数估计和检验。研究结果表明:模型拟合度良好,准确性高;对疲劳驾驶交通事故严重程度具有显著影响的因素有年龄、人员类型、车辆类型、道路类型、道路线形和能见度;车辆类型和道路线形是影响城市道路交通事故严重程度的重要因素,能见度是影响1,2级及其他更低级道路交通事故严重程度的重要因素。  相似文献   

IntroductionThis study sets out to investigate the interactive effect on injury severity of driver-vehicle units in two-vehicle crashes.MethodA Bayesian hierarchical ordered logit model is proposed to relate the variation and correlation of injury severity of drivers involved in two-vehicle crashes to the factors of both driver-vehicle units and the crash configurations. A total of 6417 crash records with 12,834 vehicles involved in Florida are used for model calibration.ResultsThe results show that older, female and not-at-fault drivers and those without use of safety equipment are more likely to be injured but less likely to injure the drivers in the other vehicles. New vehicles and lower speed ratios are associated with lower injury degree of both drivers involved. Compared with automobiles, vans, pick-ups, light trucks, median trucks, and heavy trucks possess better self-protection and stronger aggressivity. The points of impact closer to the driver's seat in general indicate a higher risk to the own drivers while engine cover and vehicle rear are the least hazardous to other drivers. Head-on crashes are significantly more severe than angle and rear-end crashes. We found that more severe crashes occurred on roadways than on shoulders or safety zones.ConclusionsBased on these results, some suggestions for traffic safety education, enforcement and engineering are made. Moreover, significant within-crash correlation is found in the crash data, which demonstrates the applicability of the proposed model.  相似文献   

IntroductionMany studies have examined different factors contributing to the injury severity of crashes; however, relatively few studies have focused on the crashes by considering the specific effects of lighting conditions. This research investigates lighting condition differences in the injury severity of crashes using 3-year (2009–2011) crash data of two-lane rural roads of the state of Washington.MethodSeparate ordered-probit models were developed to predict the effects of a set of factors expected to influence injury severity in three lighting conditions; daylight, dark, and dark with street lights. A series of likelihood ratio tests were conducted to determine if these lighting condition models were justified.ResultsThe modeling results suggest that injury severity in specific lighting conditions are associated with contributing factors in different ways, and that such differences cannot be uncovered by focusing merely on one aggregate model. Key differences include crash location, speed limit, shoulder width, driver action, and three collision types (head-on, rear-end, and right-side impact collisions).Practical ApplicationsThis paper highlights the importance of deploying street lights at and near intersections (or access points) on two-lane rural roads because injury severity highly increases when crashes occur at these points in dark conditions.  相似文献   

为建立1种相对科学的沿空掘巷煤柱尺寸设计方法,采用理论与数值试验研究、现场试验等手段,基于采空区压实效应,分析各尺寸煤柱沿空掘巷掘采全过程围岩应力分布与变形。研究结果表明:采空区压实效应模拟研究方法能够模拟采空区应力恢复;掘巷过程中,煤柱内应力由小到大依次为:工作面倾向水平应力、工作面推进方向水平应力、垂直应力,在小尺寸煤柱内呈偏向采空区一侧的单峰分布,小尺寸煤柱逐渐向大尺寸煤柱过渡期间,内部应力量值开始比原岩应力小,随后逐渐增加至出现一定的应力集中,而实体煤帮中峰值应力不断降低,位置逐步向巷帮转移;受超前采动作用后,更大面积的煤柱会受高应力作用,大尺寸煤柱内垂直及水平应力集中系数逐步提高,工作面倾向的高应力区范围更广,当煤柱宽度不超过一定数值时,内部应力大小均低于掘巷过程中相应数值,大煤柱则具有相反的规律,实体煤帮中应力集中系数与掘巷时相比更大,峰值点向围岩深处进一步转移;研究结果通过工程实践检验,可为合理煤柱尺寸设计提供1种新的方法。  相似文献   

IntroductionBased on the Federal Railway Administration (FRA) database, there were 25,945 highway-rail crossing accidents in the United States between 2002 and 2011. With an extensive database of highway-rail grade crossing accidents in the United States from 2002 to 2011, estimation results showed that there were substantial differences across age/gender groups for driver's injury severity.MethodThe study applied an ordered probit model to explore the determinants of driver injury severity for motor vehicle drivers at highway-rail grade crossings.ResultsThe analysis found that there are important behavioral and physical differences between male and female drivers given a highway-rail grade crossing accident happened.Practical applicationsOlder drivers have higher fatality probabilities when driving in open space under passive control especially during bad weather condition. Younger male drivers are found to be more likely to have severe injuries at rush hour with high vehicle speed passing unpaved highway-rail grade crossings under passive control. Synthesizing these results led to the conclusion that the primary problem with young is risk-taking and lack of vehicle handling skills. The strength of older drivers lies in their aversion to risk, but physical degradation issues which result in longer reaction/perception times and degradation in vision and hearing often counterbalance this attribute.  相似文献   

为量化不同驾驶方式下车辆与航空器行驶风险,提出车辆与航空器交叉运行冲突评估模型,该模型将特种车辆驾驶方式分为激进、稳定、保守3类,综合驾驶特性和管制规则定义车辆速度演化规律,结合运行场景、间隔配备等要素确定冲突条件,并基于航空器与车辆实时速度、位置变化构造冲突评估模型。研究结果表明:冲突评估模型能够计算车辆与航空器在十型交叉口的冲突概率;激进方式下车辆先于航空器通过交叉口,风险概率均值相对最大,为0.679;保守方式下航空器先于车辆通过交叉口,最大间隔是安全间隔的4.7倍;稳定驾驶方式可兼顾安全和效率。本文模型能再现十型道口车辆与航空器交叉运行冲突产生、发展及解脱过程,计算结果可用于场面实时冲突识别和预警,能够为机场危险源识别和风险管控提供依据。  相似文献   

研究驾驶过程中随着疲劳的产生驾驶员生理信号的变化规律,提取反映驾驶疲劳程度的综合指标。采用驾驶模拟器对20名被试进行驾驶模拟试验,用MP150多导生理仪实时采集并记录驾驶员在60 min驾驶任务过程中的心电信号、脑电信号、肌肉电阻信号、皮肤温度信号和呼吸频率信号。运用R软件对数据进行线性回归分析,对比一般回归分析,逐步线性回归分析克服了一般回归分析许多变量不显著的缺点,得到了最优的驾驶综合指标方程,确定了与各项指标相关的驾驶疲劳评价综合指标,并通过3名被试模拟驾驶试验验证了综合指标作为评价驾驶疲劳的有效性。  相似文献   

针对现有疲劳驾驶预警和干预技术研究鲜有对生理疲劳和心理疲劳进行区分考虑的问题,为对比这两类典型疲劳态对驾驶员车辆驾驶过程的事故倾向影响,分别从性别、年龄和驾龄的角度分3批次共招募90位驾驶员进行状态诱发和驾驶实验。结果表明:尽管生理疲劳和心理疲劳都会如传统研究所述导致各驾驶员的驾驶违规倾向增加和驾驶能力降低,但是二者对于各类别驾驶员的驾驶影响程度和规律存在差异甚至迥异。研究疲劳驾驶相关问题时有必要首先判断驾驶员是生理疲劳还是心理疲劳,这是一个被普遍忽视而又可能影响研究结论准确性和有效性的重要因素。  相似文献   

IntroductionThe focus of this paper is on illustrating the feasibility of aggregating data from disparate sources to investigate the relationship between single-vehicle truck crash injury severity and detailed weather conditions. Specifically, this paper presents: (a) a methodology that combines detailed 15-min weather station data with crash and roadway data, and (b) an empirical investigation of the effects of weather on crash-related injury severities of single-vehicle truck crashes.MethodRandom parameters ordinal and multinomial regression models were used to investigate crash injury severity under different weather conditions, taking into account the individual unobserved heterogeneity. The adopted methodology allowed consideration of environmental, roadway, and climate-related variables in single-vehicle truck crash injury severity.Results and conclusionsResults showed that wind speed, rain, humidity, and air temperature were linked with single-vehicle truck crash injury severity. Greater recorded wind speed added to the severity of injuries in single-vehicle truck crashes in general. Rain and warmer air temperatures were linked to more severe crash injuries in single-vehicle truck crashes while higher levels of humidity were linked to less severe injuries. Random parameters ordered logit and multinomial logit, respectively, revealed some individual heterogeneity in the data and showed that integrating comprehensive weather data with crash data provided useful insights into factors associated with single-vehicle truck crash injury severity.Practical applicationsThe research provided a practical method that combined comprehensive 15-min weather station data with crash and roadway data, thereby providing useful insights into crash injury severity of single-vehicle trucks. Those insights are useful for future truck driver educational programs and for truck safety in different weather conditions.  相似文献   

防止疲劳驾驶以主观监测和客观检测为主,但其在可靠性、成本、检测方法上存在不足,为此,设计了一套基于DSP虹膜识别防止疲劳驾驶报警系统。借鉴国内外学者的研究,遵循实时性、准确性、简洁性及经济性的设计原则,以虹膜识别算法为依据,DSP微处理器控制技术为基础进行了开发,该报警系统可在不干扰驾驶员的情况下,识别驾驶员身份,记录驾驶时间,识别疲劳驾驶并报警。测试结果表明:系统结构简单,实现了模块化。虹膜识别模块、计时模块基本满足了准确性和实时性的要求。  相似文献   

疲劳驾驶交通事故的特点分析与预防   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
疲劳驾驶引发的道路交通事故导致了严重的人身伤亡和财产损失.本文从心理和生理两方面分析了疲劳形成机理,对我国2006年因疲劳驾驶导致的交通事故进行了疲劳事故特点分析,并根据统计分析结果制定针对性的预防措施,从而减少疲劳驾驶交通事故的发生率.  相似文献   

疲劳驾驶引发的道路交通事故导致了严重的人身伤亡和财产损失。本文从心理和生理两方面分析了疲劳形成机理,对我国2006年因疲劳驾驶导致的交通事故进行了疲劳事故特点分析,并根据统计分析结果制定针对性的预防措施,从而减少疲劳驾驶交通事故的发生率。  相似文献   

Introduction: The main objective of this research is to investigate the effect of traffic barrier geometric characteristics on crashes that occurred on non-interstate roads. Method: For this purpose, height, side-slope rate, post-spacing, and lateral offset of about 137 miles of traffic barriers were collected on non-interstate (state, federal aid primary, federal aid secondary, and federal aid urban) highways in Wyoming. In addition, crash reports recorded between 2008 and 2017 were added to the traffic barrier dataset. The safety performance of traffic barriers with regards to their geometric features was analyzed in terms of crash frequency and crash severity using random-parameters negative binomial, and random-parameters ordered logit models, respectively. Results: From the results, box beam barriers with a height of 27–29 inches were less likely to be associated with injury and fatal injury crashes compared to other barrier types. On the other hand, the likelihood of a severe injury crash was found to be higher for box beam barriers with a height taller than 31 inches. Both W-beam and box beam barriers with a post-spacing between 6.1 and 6.3 inches reduced the probability of severe injury crashes. In terms of the crash frequency, flare traffic barriers had a lower crash frequency compared to parallel traffic barriers. Non-interstate roads without longitudinal rumble strips were associated with a higher rate of traffic barrier crashes.  相似文献   

The effect of organismic variable age on human cognitive performance was studied under the impact of vibration in different automobile driving environments, namely city streets, rural roads and highways. Reaction time was measured in milliseconds through a human response measurement system specifically designed for the purpose. Results of the study showed that age had a significant effect in city street and rural road conditions. It was also found that the level of equivalent acceleration of vibration and a difficulty index significantly affected cognitive performance in all driving conditions. The organismic variable age observed to have a significant effect on task performance implied that youngsters and older people are stressed differently in specific environments of driving so proper stress management strategies should be evolved for them in order to minimize the number of accidents.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The current study aims to evaluate the influence of age-related stature on the frequency of body region injury and overall injury severity in children involved in pedestrian versus motor vehicle collisions (PMVCs). METHODS: A trauma registry including the coded injuries sustained by 1,590 1- to 15-year-old pedestrian casualties treated at a level-one trauma center was categorized by stature-related age (1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, and 13-15 years) and body region (head and face, neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvic content, thoracic and lumbar spine, upper extremities, pelvis, and lower extremities). The lower extremity category was further divided into three sub-structures (thigh, leg, and knee). For each age group and body region/sub-structure the proportion of casualties with at least one injury was then determined at given Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) severity levels. In addition, the average and distribution of the Maximum Abbreviated Injury Score (MAIS) and the average Injury Severity Score (ISS) were determined for each age group. The calculated proportions, averages, and distributions were then compared between age groups using appropriate significance tests. RESULTS: The overall outcome showed relatively minor variation between age groups, with the average +/- SD MAIS and ISS ranging from 2.3 +/- 0.9 to 2.5 +/- 1.0 and 8.2 +/- 7.2 to 9.4 +/- 8.9, respectively. The subjects in the 1- to 3-year-old age group were more likely to sustain injury to the head, face, and torso regions than the older subjects. The frequency of AIS 2+ lower extremity injury was approximately 20% in the 1- to 3-year-old group, but was twice as high in the 4- to 12-years age range and 2.5 times as high in the oldest age group. The frequency of femur fracture increased from 10% in the youngest group to 26% in the 4- to 6-year-old group and then declined to 14% in the 10- to 15-years age range. The frequency of tibia/fibula fracture increased monotonically with group age from 8% in the 1- to 3-year-old group to 31% in the 13- to 15-year-old group. CONCLUSIONS: While the overall outcome of child pedestrian casualties appears to be relatively constant across the pediatric stature range considered ( approximately 74-170 cm), subject height seems to affect the frequency of injury to individual body regions, including the thorax and lower extremities. This suggests that vehicle safety designers need not only account for the difference in injury patterns between adult and pediatric pedestrian casualties, but also for the variation within the pediatric group.  相似文献   

Objective: Traffic crashes result in a loss of life but also impact the quality of life and productivity of crash survivors. Given the importance of traffic crash outcomes, the issue has received attention from researchers and practitioners as well as government institutions, such as the European Commission (EC). Thus, to obtain detailed information on the injury type and severity of crash victims, hospital data have been proposed for use alongside police crash records. A new injury severity classification based on hospital data, called the maximum abbreviated injury scale (MAIS), was developed and recently adopted by the EC. This study provides an in-depth analysis of the factors that affect injury severity as classified by the MAIS score.

Method: In this study, the MAIS score was derived from the International Classification of Diseases. The European Union adopted an MAIS score equal to or greater than 3 as the definition for a serious traffic crash injury. Gains are expected from using both police and hospital data because the injury severities of the victims are detailed by medical staff and the characteristics of the crash and the site of its occurrence are also provided. The data were obtained by linking police and hospital data sets from the Porto metropolitan area of Portugal over a 6-year period (2006–2011). A mixed logit model was used to understand the factors that contribute to the injury severity of traffic victims and to explore the impact of these factors on injury severity. A random parameter approach offers methodological flexibility to capture individual-specific heterogeneity. Additionally, to understand the importance of using a reliable injury severity scale, we compared MAIS with length of hospital stay (LHS), a classification used by several countries, including Portugal, to officially report injury severity. To do so, the same statistical technique was applied using the same variables to analyze their impact on the injury severity classified according to LHS.

Results: This study showed the impact of variables, such as the presence of blood alcohol, the use of protection devices, the type of crash, and the site characteristics, on the injury severity classified according to the MAIS score. Additionally, the sex and age of the victims were analyzed as risk factors, showing that elderly and male road users are highly associated with MAIS 3+ injuries. The comparison between the marginal effects of the variables estimated by the MAIS and LHS models showed significant differences. In addition to the differences in the magnitude of impact of each variable, we found that the impact of the road environment variable was dependent on the injury severity classification.

Conclusions: The differences in the effects of risk factors between the classifications highlight the importance of using a reliable classification of injury severity. Additionally, the relationship between LHS and MAIS levels is quite different among countries, supporting the previous conclusion that bias is expected in the assessment of risk factors if an injury severity classification other than MAIS is used.  相似文献   

ProblemGender differences of young drivers involved in crashes and the associated differences in risk factors have not been fully explored in the United States (U.S.). Accordingly, this study investigated the topic, where the odds ratios (ORs) were used to identify differences in crash involvements between male and female young drivers.MethodLogistic regression models for injury severity of young male drivers and young female drivers were developed. Different driver, environmental, vehicle, and road related factors that have affected young female drivers' and young male drivers' crash involvements were identified using the models.ResultsResults indicated that some variables are significantly related to female drivers' injury risk but not male drivers' injury risk and vice versa. Variables such as driving with valid licenses, driving on weekends, avoidance or slow maneuvers at time of crash, non-collision and overturn crashes, and collision with a pedestrian were significant variables in female driver injury severity model but not in young male driver severity model. Travel on graded roadways, concrete surfaces, and wet road surfaces, collision with another vehicle, and rear-end collisions were variables that were significant in male-driver severity model but not in female-driver severity model.SummaryFactors which increase young female drivers' injury severity and young male drivers' injury severity were identified. This study adds detailed information about gender differences and similarities in injury severity risk of young drivers.Practical applicationsIt is important to note that the findings of this study show that gender differences do exists among young drivers. This sends a message to the industry that the transportation professionals and researchers, who are developing countermeasures to increase the traffic safety, may need to pay attention to the differences. This might be particularly true when developing education materials for driver training for young/inexperienced drivers.  相似文献   

ObjectiveCrash injury results from complex interaction among factors related to at-fault driver's behavior, vehicle characteristics, and road conditions. Identifying the significance of these factors which affect crash injury severity is critical for improving traffic safety. A method was developed to explore the relationship based on crash data collected on rural two-lane highways in China.MethodsThere were 673 crash records collected on rural two-lane highways in China. A partial proportional odds model was developed to examine factors influencing crash injury severity owing to its high ability to accommodate the ordered response nature of injury severity. An elasticity analysis was conducted to quantify the marginal effects of each contributing factor.ResultsThe results show that nine explanatory variables, including at-fault driver's age, at-fault driver having a license or not, alcohol usage, speeding, pedestrian involved, type of area, weather condition, pavement type, and collision type, significantly affect injury severity. In addition to alcohol usage and pedestrian involved, others violate the proportional odds assumption. At-fault driver's age of 25–39 years, alcohol usage, speeding, pedestrian involved, pavement type of asphalt, and collision type of angle are found to be increased crash injury severity.Practical ApplicationsThe developed logit model has demonstrated itself efficient in identifying the effect of contributing factors on the crash injury severity.  相似文献   

Introduction: Highway expansions and upgrades are often required to increase road network capacity. The widening of one side of a highway, referred to as ‘one-side widening,’ is sometimes implemented in these highway expansion projects. During one-side widening, to save costs, openings can be configured on existing medians (as opposed to removing the existing medians altogether). The median openings allow vehicles in the outer lanes to enter the inner lanes, but they also raise safety concerns and may require alternate open-median management strategies for traffic authorities. There is little existing research that has evaluated the safety effect of these open-median management strategies. Method: To bridge this gap, this study proposes a procedure that evaluates the safety of open-median management strategies for one-side widened highways. The proposed procedure was implemented through driving simulation experiments on a section of Binlai Freeway in Shandong, China. First, the minimum location requirements for median openings were determined by calculating the short length of the weaving segment. Then, simulation tests were carried out to observe driving performance and workload measures. Results: The results indicate that the procedure successfully evaluates the safety effect of open-median management strategies for one-side widened freeways. It was also found that driving performance and workload are sensitive to the opening length and traffic flow. Conclusions: Therefore, median opening placement should be carefully selected in consideration of not only driving performance and workload but also traffic volume predictions. Practical Applications: The findings in this study can guide open-median management strategies for traffic safety one-side widened highways.  相似文献   

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