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Accumulation and clearance of 134Cs and 60Co by the Baltic bivalve Macoma baltica were experimentally investigated in a laboratory microcosmos. The nuclides were added to the water and the activities in bivalve flesh, shell, feces and sediment were determined at regular intervals. The uptake was quite rapid, 40% (Cs) and 55% (Co) of the final steady state values being attained after 24 h. The subsequent releases were also rapid, 50% (Cs) and 40% (Co), of the accumulated activity being lost within 6 days. The experiments demonstrated that the major intake route following short-term releases of activity will be from the water column and that the close relationship between activity in water and organism can thus be used for predictive purposes without the complication of radionuclide uptake from contaminated sediments. However, for longer periods, the subsequent intake of sediments will generate a significant exposure pathway for this deposit-feeding bivalve.  相似文献   

The occurrence of 60Co in the Danish Straits is investigated by applying the seaweed Fucus vesiculosus as a bioindicator. In order to describe different dispersion situations, three areas have been studied separately: the North Sea, where it is possible to measure 60Co from sources in France and/or the UK; the Kattegat, where the sources are the Swedish nuclear power plants Ringhals and Barsebäck; and the Sound, where the initial mixing of the release from Barsebäck takes place. A power function can be estimated for the Kattegat and the Sound describing the content of 60Co in Fucus as a function of distance from Barsebäck. Problems of uncertainty related to differences in environmental parameters are discussed and new investigations to improve the use of Fucus as a bioindicator are suggested.  相似文献   

The uptake and loss kinetics of 95mTc in seawater have been investigated in the crab Pachygrapsus marmoratus. Both the uptake and loss kinetics can be represented as the sum of two exponential functions, one short-term (tb12 = 16 d) and one long-term (tb12 = 63 d), tb12 being the biological half-time. The predicted steady state concentration factor was estimated to be about 18.No significant linear correlation between Tc uptake rate and animal weight was found during the accumulation phase. At the end of this phase, 77% of the Tc was found to be distributed in the digestive system and particularly in the hepatopancreas (56%); this organ also appeared to lose the radionuclide most quickly. During the loss phase, 90% of the incorporated radioactivity was eliminated in about three months. Therefore P. marmoratus does not appear to be a good bioindicator of Tc in the marine environment nor an important pathway for Tc contamination along marine food chains.  相似文献   

Four artificially produced radionuclides (99Tc, t12 = 2·15 × 105 y; 63Ni, t12 = 93 y and 121m+126Sn, t12 = 55·5 y) have been analyzed in sediments and organisms from the marine environment. The samples were obtained from the vicinities of nuclear energy facilities, at sites of nuclear weapon tests and at sites remote from both of these locales. The activities of these nuclides per unit dry weight are remarkably similar at the first two of the above areas but are usually detectable only with difficulty, if at all, in the third area. Techniques for sample treatment and measurement are given.  相似文献   

A specimen of Araucaria angustifolia from the south of Brazil was analyzed for 13C/12C variations in the cellulose of the tree rings. Those data, when compared with the growth pattern of the tree, showed a good correlation (r = ? 0.72) over a period of 200 years. A collection of six European trees was analyzed for the same effect and, although the expected inverse relation is evident from the graphical representation, the correlation coefficients are small. This is certainly due to the large scatter of δ13C data from those trees.  相似文献   

Scavenging by the seabed and by sedimentary particles in the deep ocean may have a significant effect on the removal of artificial radionuclides released to the water column as a result of radioactive waste disposal operations. Biological activity in the upper layers of the sediment column will enhance the rate of removal for those particle-reactive radionuclides with a short half-life relative to the turnover time of the upper mixed layer. For longer-lived radionuclides the rate of sediment accumulation will determine the ultimate rate of removal.The rate of sediment accumulation and extent of biological mixing of deep-sea sediment from three areas of the NE Atlantic Ocean have been investigated using 14C and 210Pb data. Treatment of the radiocarbon with a simple box model provided estimates of sedimentation rate (ω), mixed layer depth (L), mixed layer age (TML) and the age of material arriving at the surface (T0), which were broadly similar to previously published values from other ocean basins. Box cores from the Iberia Abyssal Plain, Madeira Abyssal Plain and from the NEA low-level radioactive waste dumpsite yielded sedimentation rates in the range 0.8 to 2.2 cm ky?1 over the upper 16–25 cm. Continuous particle mixing appears to be taking place to a depth of 4 to 6 cm below the present sediment-water interface. Closely spaced vertical sampling of core 161-2 for 210Pb allowed a biodiffusion coefficient (DB) to be calculated (4 × 10?9cm2s?1), treating bioturbations as a diffusive term and sedimentations as an advective term in a simple mathematical model. In general, values of DB in deep ocean sediments fall within the range 1–10 × 10?9cm2s?1, two orders of magnitude lower than nearshore values. From a review of published data it is concluded that biological mixing takes place extensively in the deep ocean; it appears to be fairly constant on a basin-wide scale and amenable to incorporation in mathematical models of radionuclide behaviour in the water column.  相似文献   

The amounts of cobalt-60 and caesium-137 bound in the sediment in a bay off the Studsvik research station were determined. Of the cumulative released activity during 22 years, 19% of 60Co and 1.8% of 137Cs were found in the sediments within an area of 23 km2. The rate of input through sedimentation and the loss rate through physical decay were of the same order in 1981 and were close to steady state for 60Co while for 137Cs they had only reached 30% of that level. The sedimentation coefficients calculated for the bay were 6·5 year−1 for 60Co and 0·49 year−1 for 137Cs, higher values than many published previously. Cobalt-60 seemed to precipitate close to the outlet and to migrate near the bottom as bed-load.  相似文献   

The herbicide diquat (1,1′-ethylene-2,2′-bipyridylium ion) is toxic and lytic to Nostoc muscorum. A reverse mutation (from het?nif? auxotrophy to het+nif+ prototrophy), a forward mutation (for streptomycin [St]-resistance), and an auxotrophic mutation (carbon-auxotrophy through methylamine [MA]-resistance) have been obtained with a dose of diquat permitting about 20% or 50% survival. Similar mutation frequencies were obtained through induction with MNGG (N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine).  相似文献   

Natural fallout 210Pb may be extracted from soils with hot, dilute nitric acid without extracting significant quantities of 210Pb produced by decay of radon in the soil. This method was used to determine the distribution of fallout 210Pb in the profiles of nine New Zealand soils. The measured levels were similar to equilibrium cumulative depositions calculated from deposition records. The results indicate that these soils have quantitatively retained fallout 210Pb, with 75–100% of it being concentrated in the top 10 cm of soil. This permanent retention of fallout lead by soils suggests that accumulation of lead in the upper soil layer is likely in areas of aerosol lead pollution.  相似文献   

The total amounts of 137Cs and 90Sr transported from Finland by rivers into the Gulf of Finland, Gulf of Bothnia and Archipelago Sea since 1986 were estimated. The estimates were based on long-term monitoring of 137Cs and 90Sr in river and other surface waters and on the statistics of water discharges from Finnish rivers to the above sub-areas of the Baltic Sea. The total amounts of 137Cs and 90Sr removed from Finland into the Baltic Sea during 1986-1996 were estimated to be 65 and 10 TBq, respectively. The results show that, although the deposition of 137Cs was much higher than that of 90Sr after the Chernobyl accident, the amount of 137Cs removed from Finland is only six times as high as that of 90Sr. This emphasizes the importance of 90Sr while considering radiation doses from surface waters and 137Cs while estimating doses via pathways from catchment soil, lake sediments and biota after a fallout situation.  相似文献   

Dead leaves were exposed to deuterated water vapor (D(2)O) as a substitute of tritiated water (HTO) in a greenhouse at daytime and nighttime to examine uptake and release of tritium by dead leaves because they cover a wide area of the forest floor and are therefore a major target material to be exposed when HTO is atmospherically derived to the forest. The dead cedar needles showed faster uptake and faster release rates during and after the exposure than the fresh ones, and the equilibrium concentration of the dead cedar needles was about two times higher than the fresh ones, indicating a quick response and a high buffering potential of dead leaves. The relation between uptake of D(2)O and number of stoma was examined for dead deciduous leaves; the species with larger number of stoma accumulated more D(2)O at the daytime and nighttime exposures. However, drying of the dead leaves suppressed D(2)O uptake greatly at daytime, suggesting stomata's opening and closing controls the D(2)O uptake of dead leaves.  相似文献   

The Poços de Caldas Plateau is a deeply weathered alkaline igneous intrusion of about 35 km diameter, in which several radioactive anomalies exist. The first Brazilian uranium mine and mill are located in this region. A study is in progress to assess the edible vegetable uptake of the most abundant natural radionuclides in the local environment and this paper reports the results for 226Ra and 210Pb. In farm soils, both nuclides have similar concentrations. The minimum values are comparable to those found in areas of normal radioactivity but the maximum concentrations are ten-fold higher. ‘Exchangeable’ radium in soils ranges from 2·3% to 34·5% of the total. No statistical correlation was found between the ‘exchangeable’ 226Ra and several physico-chemical soil parameters. In the vegetables analyzed, 226Ra concentrations are slightly higher than those of 210Pb and the maximum values are also one order of magnitude greater than in normal regions. For both radionuclides, the average soil-to-plant concentration factors are of the order of 10−3 and 10−2, when related to total and to ‘exchangeable’ contents in soils, respectively. For each vegetable, no statistical correlation was observed between the 226Ra or 210Pb concentrations in the plant (fresh weight) and concentrations in the soil, either total or ‘exchangeable’. The ‘exchangeable’ Ca in soils does not seem to influence radium uptake by plants in a defined way.  相似文献   

This paper examines the viability of using Canoparmelia texana lichen species as a bioindicator of air pollution by radionuclides and rare earth elements (REEs) in the vicinity of a tin and lead industry. The lichen and soil samples were analyzed for uranium, thorium and REEs by instrumental neutron activation analysis. The radionuclides 226Ra, 228Ra and 210Pb were determined either by Gamma-ray spectrometry (GRS) (soils) or by radiochemical separation followed by gross alpha and beta counting using a gas flow proportional counter (lichens). The lichens samples concentrate radionuclides (on the average 25-fold higher than the background for this species) and REEs (on the average 10-fold higher), therefore they can be used as a fingerprint of contamination by the operation of the tin industry.  相似文献   

When accounting the CO2 emissions responsibility of the electricity sector at the provincial level in China,it is of great significance to consider the scope of both producers’ and the consumers’ responsibility,since this will promote fairness in defining emission responsibility and enhance cooperation in emission reduction among provinces.This paper proposes a new method for calculating carbon emissions from the power sector at the provincial level based on the shared responsibility principle and taking into account interregional power exchange.This method can not only be used to account the emission responsibility shared by both the electricity production side and the consumption side,but it is also applicable for calculating the corresponding emission responsibility undertaken by those provinces with net electricity outflow and inflow.This method has been used to account for the carbon emissions responsibilities of the power sector at the provincial level in China since 2011.The empirical results indicate that compared with the production-based accounting method,the carbon emissions of major power-generation provinces in China calculated by the shared responsibility accounting method are reduced by at least 10%,but those of other power-consumption provinces are increased by 20% or more.Secondly,based on the principle of shared responsibility accounting,Inner Mongolia has the highest carbon emissions from the power sector while Hainan has the lowest.Thirdly,four provinces,including Inner Mongolia,Shanxi,Hubei and Anhui,have the highest carbon emissions from net electricity outflow- 14 million t in 2011,accounting for 74.42% of total carbon emissions from net electricity outflow in China.Six provinces,including Hebei,Beijing,Guangdong,Liaoning,Shandong,and Jiangsu,have the highest carbon emissions from net electricity inflow- 11 million t in 2011,accounting for 71.44% of total carbon emissions from net electricity inflow in China.Lastly,this paper has estimated the emission factors of electricity consumption at the provincial level,which can avoid repeated calculations when accounting the emission responsibility of power consumption terminals(e.g.construction,automobile manufacturing and other industries).In addition,these emission factors can also be used to account the emission responsibilities of provincial power grids.  相似文献   

This research was designed to address the potential for germination and growth effects in bush beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. Bush Blue Lake) from hexavalent chromium in Orocol TL, a proprietary chromated, zinc-phosphate compound added to DOE cooling water systems for corrosion inhibition. Studies were conducted at low and high Orocol TL concentrations in the soil by adjusting soil pH and the percent of organic matter. Germination effects were determined for seeds germinated in soils adjusted to differing pH ranges (4–4.5, 5–5.5, and 6.5–7), levels of organic matter (1.8%, 3%, and 5%), and Orocol TL amendments (control of 0, 10, and 500 μg/g chromium). Growth responses (effects) were determined from plants cultured in the same soil treatment combinations as described for the germination study. High levels (500 μg/g) of hexavalent chromium in soil (as Orocol TL) affected germination and growth, while a high level of organic matter significantly reduced chromium toxicity on germination. At lower chromium concentrations there was significant uptake by all plant parts, with a corresponding reduction in biomass of leaves. Consequently, adjustments of soil pH from 4.0 to 7.0 appear to have no significant effect on chromium uptake in plants. Increasing the organic matter level to 5%, while decreasing the toxicity of high chromium levels to germinating seed, did not affect chromium uptake.  相似文献   

The Almaraz nuclear power plant (Spain) uses the water of Arrocampo reservoir for cooling, and consequently raises the radioactive levels of the aquatic ecosystem of this reservoir. From July 2002 to June 2005, monthly samples of surface water, bulrushes (Typha latifolia) and carp (Cyprinus carpio) were collected from this reservoir. They were analyzed to determine the temporal evolution of the levels of 3H in surface water and of its transfer from the surface water to free-water in the tissues (TFWT) of the aforementioned two organisms. The tritium levels in the surface water oscillate with a biannual period, with their values in the study period ranging between 53 and 433 Bq/L. The incorporation of tritium to bulrushes and carp was fairly similar, the respective mean concentration factors being 0.74 and 0.8 (unitless, as Bq/L tissue water per Bq/L reservoir water). The temporal evolution of the levels fairly closely followed that observed for the surface water tritium, although detailed analysis showed the dominant periodicity for the bulrushes to be annual. This difference reflects the influence on the incorporation of tritium to bulrushes of diverse environmental and metabolic factors, especially evapotranspiration and the seasonal growth of this plant.  相似文献   

Regional Environmental Change - Forests and grasslands have changed during the past 200 years in the eastern USA, and it is now possible to quantify loss and conversion of vegetation cover...  相似文献   

The main effluent from oil and gas production, produced water, from some platforms in the North Sea contains elevated concentrations of 226Ra. The aim of this study was to investigate whether 226Ra in sediment would accumulate in and affect sediment-dwelling organisms. In addition, we wanted to determine if the bioavailability would be modulated by the presence of a scale inhibitor which is used during oil and gas production. Hediste diversicolor was therefore exposed to different levels of 226Ra (30–6600 Bq kg−1) in combination with scale inhibitor in the sediments in a flow through system. The levels of radioactivity in the exposures were close to levels that can be measured in proximity to oil/gas production facilities. 226Ra spiked to natural sediment partitioned into pore water and accumulated in the sediment-dwelling polychaete following a four-week exposure period. The results suggest that 226Ra did not bind strongly to sediment (low sediment:water partitioning coefficient), but it was not shown to bioaccumulate in any great extent (bioaccumulation factors of 0.019–0.022). Exposure of H. diversicolor in sediments with up to 6600 Bq kg−1226Ra had no measurable effect on the total oxyradical scavenging capacity of the organisms compared to control. So although they accumulated the alpha-emitter, the treatments did not appear to cause oxidative stress in polychaete tissues.  相似文献   

A sample of contaminated groundwater was analyzed using a combination of wet techniques to obtain geochemical information on the mobile species of 60Co, 125Sb, 137Cs and 241Am. The techniques were combined in a scheme to determine the predominant character of the radionuclides in negative or positive fractions, size separation by ultrafiltration, and their association with natural organic matter (NOM). The analyses indicated that the radionuclides of interest were predominantly in the negative fraction. Most of the 60Co and 125Sb were in the small size fraction (<5000 Da), and 137Cs and 241Am were found with the larger, colloidal-sized material. Antimony-125 and 60Co were predominantly in the hydrophilic fraction, while 137Cs and 241Am were found in hydrophobic fractions. Our analysis indicated that 137Cs is found in the same fraction as the large-sized colloidal (hydrophobic) material, suggesting an association with NOM. The results suggested that 60Co and 241Am were associated with NOM, in different size fractions, suggesting that these two nuclides are bound to different sites. Finally, the 125Sb results were inconclusive, whether this nuclide is associated with NOM, or it is inorganic.  相似文献   

Three rates of Ca(OH)2 were applied to an acid soil and the 134Cs uptake by radish, cucumber, soybean and sunflower plants was studied. The 134Cs concentration in all plant species was reduced from 1.6-fold in the sunflower seeds to 6-fold in the soybean vegetative parts at the higher Ca(OH)2 rate. Potassium (K) concentration in plants was also reduced, but less effectively. The significantly decreased 134Cs-K soil to plant distribution factors (D.F.) clearly suggest a stronger effect of soil liming on 134Cs than on K plant uptake. This observation was discussed in terms of ionic interactions in the soil matrix and within the plants. The results also indicated that the increased Ca2+ concentration in the exchange phase and in the soil solution along with the improved root activity, due to the soil liming, enhanced the immobilization of 134Cs in the soil matrix and consequently lowered the 134Cs availability for plant uptake.  相似文献   

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