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The influence of physicochemical characteristics and motility on bacterial transport in groundwater were examined in flow-through columns. Four strains of bacteria isolated from a crystalline rock groundwater system were investigated, with carboxylate-modified and amidine-modified latex microspheres and bromide as reference tracers. The bacterial isolates included a gram-positive rod (ML1), a gram-negative motile rod (ML2), a nonmotile mutant of ML2 (ML2m), and a gram-positive coccoid (ML3). Experiments were repeated at two flow velocities, in a glass column packed with glass beads, and in another packed with iron-oxyhydroxide coated glass beads. Bacteria breakthrough curves were interpreted using a transport equation that incorporates a sorption model from microscopic observation of bacterial deposition in flow-cell experiments. The model predicts that bacterial desorption rate will decrease exponentially with the amount of time the cell is attached to the solid surface. Desorption kinetics appeared to influence transport at the lower flow rate, but were not discernable at the higher flow rate. Iron-oxyhydroxide coatings had a lower-than-expected effect on bacterial breakthrough and no effect on the microsphere recovery in the column experiments. Cell wall type and shape also had minor effects on breakthrough. Motility tended to increase the adsorption rate, and decrease the desorption rate. The transport model predicts that at field scale, desorption rate kinetics may be important to the prediction of bacteria transport rates.  相似文献   

The impact of the meteorological situation and chemistry on dry deposition to the southern North Sea is investigated. The studies are performed using a high-resolution meteorology/chemistry model system of different complexity for a five-day period in June 1998. The simulations consider passive tracer transport (Case I), gas phase chemistry (Case II), gas phase plus simple aerosol chemistry (Case III), gas phase plus size dependent aerosol chemistry (Case IV). The results show a very good agreement of meteorology model results with measured data and a reasonable agreement for the concentrations. The dry deposition to the southern North Sea differs a factor of three to seven within the investigated five-day period. Differences are larger for a more complex chemistry. The average dry deposition increases by a factor of three when including gas phase reactions or adding a simple aerosol model and up to a factor of eleven when considering a sectional aerosol model. The input composition depends on the chemistry considered.  相似文献   

Recharge of waste water in an unconsolidated poorly sorted alluvial aquifer is a complex process, both physically and hydrochemically. The aim of this paper is to analyse and conceptualise vertical transport mechanisms taking place in an urban area of extensive wastewater infiltration by analysing and combining the water balance, the microbial (Escherichia coli) mass balance, and the mass balance for dissolved solutes. For this, data on sediment characteristics (grain size, organic carbon, reactive iron, and calcite), groundwater levels, and concentrations of E. coli in groundwater and waste water were collected. In the laboratory, data on E. coli decay rate coefficients, and on bacteria retention characteristics of the sediment were collected via column experiments. The results indicated that shallow groundwater, at depths of 50 m below the surface, was contaminated with E. coli concentrations as high as 10(6) CFU/100 mL. In general, E. coli concentrations decreased only 3 log units from the point of infiltration to shallow groundwater. Concentrations were lower at greater depths in the aquifer. In laboratory columns of disturbed sediments, bacteria removal was 2-5 log units/0.5 cm column sediment. Because of the relatively high E. coli concentrations in the shallow aquifer, transport had likely taken place via a connected network of pores with a diameter large enough to allow bacterial transport instead of via the sediment matrix, which was inaccessible for bacteria, as was clear from the column experiments. The decay rate coefficient was determined from laboratory microcosms to be 0.15 d(-1). Assuming that decay in the aquifer was similar to decay in the laboratory, then the pore water flow velocity between the point of infiltration and shallow groundwater, coinciding with a concentration decrease of 3 log units, was 0.38 m/d, and therefore, transport in this connected network of pores was fast. According to the water balance of the alluvial aquifer, determined from transient groundwater modelling, groundwater flow in the aquifer was mainly in vertical downward direction, and therefore, the mass balance for dissolved solutes was simulated using a 1D transport model of a 200 m column of the Quaternary Alluvium aquifer. The model, constructed with PHREEQC, included dual porosity, and was able to adequately simulate removal of E. coli, cation-exchange, and nitrification. The added value of the use of E. coli in this study was the recognition of relatively fast transport velocities occurring in the aquifer, and the necessity to use the dual porosity concept to investigate vertical transport mechanisms. Therefore, in general and if possible, microbial mass balances should be considered more systematically as an integral part of transport studies.  相似文献   

Understanding the fundamentals of arsenic adsorption and oxidation reactions is critical for predicting its transport dynamics in groundwater systems. We completed batch experiments to study the interactions of arsenic with a common MnO2(s) mineral, pyrolusite. The reaction kinetics and adsorption isotherm developed from the batch experiments were integrated into a scalable reactive transport model to facilitate column-scale transport predictions. We then completed a set of column experiments to test the predictive capability of the reactive transport model. Our batch results indicated that the commonly used pseudo-first order kinetics for As(III) oxidation reaction neglects the scaling effects with respect to the MnO2(s) concentration. A second order kinetic equation that explicitly includes MnO2(s) concentration dependence is a more appropriate kinetic model to describe arsenic oxidation by MnO2(s) minerals. The arsenic adsorption reaction follows the Langmuir isotherm with the adsorption capacity of 0.053micromol of As(V)/g of MnO2(s) at the tested conditions. The knowledge gained from the batch experiments was used to develop a conceptual model for describing arsenic reactive transport at a column scale. The proposed conceptual model was integrated within a reactive transport code that accurately predicted the breakthrough profiles observed in multiple column experiments. The kinetic and adsorption process details obtained from the batch experiments were valuable data for scaling to predict the column-scale reactive transport of arsenic in MnO2(s)-containing sand columns.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a method to study reactive microbial transport in saturated translucent porous media using the bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens 5RL genetically engineered to carry a plasmid with bioluminescence genes inducible by salicylate. Induced bacteria were injected into a cryolite grain filled chamber saturated with a sterile non-growth-promoting (phosphorus limited) chemical mixture containing salicylate as an aromatic hydrocarbon analogue. The amount of light produced by the bacteria serves as an estimator of the relative efficiency of aerobic biodegradation since bioluminescence is dependent on both salicylate and oxygen but only consumes oxygen. Bioluminescence was captured with a digital camera and analyzed to study the evolving spatial pattern of the bulk oxygen consuming reactions. As fluid flow transported the bacteria through the chamber, bioluminescence was observed to initially increase until an oxygen depletion zone developed behind the advective front. Bacterial transport was modeled with the advection dispersion equation and oxygen concentration was modeled assuming bacterial consumption via Monod kinetics with consideration of additional effects of rate-limited mass transfer from residual gas bubbles. Consistent with previous measurements, bioluminescence was considered proportional to oxygen consumed. Using the observed bioluminescence, model parameters were fit that were consistent with literature values and produced results in good agreement with the experimental data. These findings demonstrate potential for using this method to investigate the complex spatial and temporal dynamics of reactive microbial transport in saturated porous media.  相似文献   

A series of miscible-displacement column experiments were conducted under saturated flow conditions to systematically investigate the influence of physical and biological complexity on bacterial activity and fate in the presence and absence of a non-sorbing growth substrate, salicylate. Bacterial elution was monitored for three different systems; System I--a sterilized, inoculated, well-sorted sand, System II--a sterilized, inoculated, heterogeneous loamy sand (Hayhook), and System III--two different unsterilized loamy sands (Hayhook and Vinton) each with their associated indigenous microbial community. Results show that System I behaved ideally with respect to both cell and substrate transport, wherein: (1) growth occurred in response to substrate addition, (2) cell elution increased in response to the substrate pulse, and (3) breakthrough curves were reproducible for both substrate and cell elution. In contrast, System II showed ideal behavior with respect to substrate transport but showed variable behavior for cell transport. Further, there was no measurable growth in response to substrate addition and no increase in cell elution during the salicylate pulse. System III exhibited non-ideal behavior for both substrate and cell transport. Of particular interest is the fact that the indigenous communities of the two soils behaved differently. Specifically, for the Hayhook soil, an increased elution response was observed for the heterotrophic population while the salicylate-degrading community was preferentially retained in the column. In contrast for the Vinton soil, the substrate pulse did not elicit an elution response from either the heterotrophic or salicylate-degrading community from the culturable, indigenous Vinton microorganisms. For Systems II and III, the observed variability appears to be associated with the biological component of the system, since sterile controls were reproducible. This type of systematic study is critical for understanding cell and substrate transport behavior in complex, heterogeneous systems, and illustrates the potential uncertainty associated with measurements in such systems.  相似文献   

The humic colloid borne Am(III) transport was investigated in column experiments for Gorleben groundwater/sand systems. It was found that the interaction of Am with humic colloids is kinetically controlled, which strongly influences the migration behavior of Am(III). These kinetic effects have to be taken into account for transport/speciation modeling. The kinetically controlled availability model (KICAM) was developed to describe actinide sorption and transport in laboratory batch and column experiments. Application of the KICAM requires a chemical transport/speciation code, which simultaneously models both kinetically controlled processes and equilibrium reactions. Therefore, the code K1D was developed as a flexible research code that allows the inclusion of kinetic data in addition to transport features and chemical equilibrium. This paper presents the verification of K1D and its application to model column experiments investigating unimpeded humic colloid borne Am migration. Parmeters for reactive transport simulations were determined for a Gorleben groundwater system of high humic colloid concentration (GoHy 2227). A single set of parameters was used to model a series of column experiments. Model results correspond well to experimental data for the unretarded humic borne Am breakthrough.  相似文献   

This paper presents a reaction-based water quality transport model in subsurface flow systems. Transport of chemical species with a variety of chemical and physical processes is mathematically described by M partial differential equations (PDEs). Decomposition via Gauss-Jordan column reduction of the reaction network transforms M species reactive transport equations into two sets of equations: a set of thermodynamic equilibrium equations representing N(E) equilibrium reactions and a set of reactive transport equations of M-N(E) kinetic-variables involving no equilibrium reactions (a kinetic-variable is a linear combination of species). The elimination of equilibrium reactions from reactive transport equations allows robust and efficient numerical integration. The model solves the PDEs of kinetic-variables rather than individual chemical species, which reduces the number of reactive transport equations and simplifies the reaction terms in the equations. A variety of numerical methods are investigated for solving the coupled transport and reaction equations. Simulation comparisons with exact solutions were performed to verify numerical accuracy and assess the effectiveness of various numerical strategies to deal with different application circumstances. Two validation examples involving simulations of uranium transport in soil columns are presented to evaluate the ability of the model to simulate reactive transport with complex reaction networks involving both kinetic and equilibrium reactions.  相似文献   

A sand column leaching system with well-controlled suction and flow rate was built to investigate the effects on bacterial transport of air-water interface effects (AWI) correlated to water content, particle size, and column length. Adsorption of Escherichia coli strain D to silica sands was measured in batch tests. The average % adsorption for coarse and fine sands was 45.9+/-7.8% and 96.9+/-3.2%, respectively. However, results from static batch adsorption experiments have limited applicability to dynamic bacterial transport in columns. The early breakthrough of E. coli relative to bromide was clear for all columns, namely c. 0.15 to 0.3 pore volume earlier. Column length had no significant effects on the E. coli peak concentration or on total recovery in leachate, indicating retention in the top layer of sands. Tailing of breakthrough curves was more prominent for all fine sand columns than their coarse sand counterparts. Bacterial recovery in leachate from coarse and saturated sand columns was significantly higher than from fine and unsaturated columns. Observed data were fitted by the convection-dispersion model, amended for one-site and two-site adsorption to particles, and for air-water interface (AWI) adsorption. Among all models, the two-site+AWI model achieved consistently high model efficiency for all experiments. Thus it is evident from experimental and modeling results that AWI adsorption plays an important role in E. coli transport in sand columns.  相似文献   

Simulation of biodegradation reactions within a reactive transport framework requires information on mechanisms of terminal electron acceptor processes (TEAPs). In initial modeling efforts, TEAPs were approximated as occurring sequentially, with the highest energy-yielding electron acceptors (e.g. oxygen) consumed before those that yield less energy (e.g., sulfate). Within this framework in a steady state plume, sequential electron acceptor utilization would theoretically produce methane at an organic-rich source and Fe(II) further downgradient, resulting in a limited zone of Fe(II) and methane overlap. However, contaminant plumes often display much more extensive zones of overlapping Fe(II) and methane. The extensive overlap could be caused by several abiotic and biotic processes including vertical mixing of byproducts in long-screened monitoring wells, adsorption of Fe(II) onto aquifer solids, or microscale heterogeneity in Fe(III) concentrations. Alternatively, the overlap could be due to simultaneous utilization of terminal electron acceptors. Because biodegradation rates are controlled by TEAPs, evaluating the mechanisms of electron acceptor utilization is critical for improving prediction of contaminant mass losses due to biodegradation. Using BioRedox-MT3DMS, a three-dimensional, multi-species reactive transport code, we simulated the current configurations of a BTEX plume and TEAP zones at a petroleum-contaminated field site in Wisconsin. Simulation results suggest that BTEX mass loss due to biodegradation is greatest under oxygen-reducing conditions, with smaller but similar contributions to mass loss from biodegradation under Fe(III)-reducing, sulfate-reducing, and methanogenic conditions. Results of sensitivity calculations document that BTEX losses due to biodegradation are most sensitive to the age of the plume, while the shape of the BTEX plume is most sensitive to effective porosity and rate constants for biodegradation under Fe(III)-reducing and methanogenic conditions. Using this transport model, we had limited success in simulating overlap of redox products using reasonable ranges of parameters within a strictly sequential electron acceptor utilization framework. Simulation results indicate that overlap of redox products cannot be accurately simulated using the constructed model, suggesting either that Fe(III) reduction and methanogenesis are occurring simultaneously in the source area, or that heterogeneities in Fe(III) concentration and/or mineral type cause the observed overlap. Additional field, experimental, and modeling studies will be needed to address these questions.  相似文献   

Analytical models were developed that simulate stable isotope ratios of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) near a point source contamination in the unsaturated zone. The models describe diffusive transport of VOCs, biodegradation and source ageing. The mass transport is governed by Fick's law for diffusion. The equation for reactive transport of VOCs in the soil gas phase was solved for different source geometries and for different boundary conditions. Model results were compared to experimental data from a one-dimensional laboratory column and a radial-symmetric field experiment. The comparison yielded a satisfying agreement. The model results clearly illustrate the significant isotope fractionation by gas phase diffusion under transient state conditions. This leads to an initial depletion of heavy isotopes with increasing distance from the source. The isotope evolution of the source is governed by the combined effects of isotope fractionation due to vaporisation, diffusion and biodegradation. The net effect can lead to an enrichment or depletion of the heavy isotope in the remaining organic phase, depending on the compound and element considered. Finally, the isotope evolution of molecules migrating away from the source and undergoing degradation is governed by a combined degradation and diffusion isotope effect. This suggests that, in the unsaturated zone, the interpretation of biodegradation of VOC based on isotopic data must always be based on a model combining gas phase diffusion and degradation.  相似文献   

Many antibiotics regarded as emerging contaminants have been frequently detected in soils and groundwater; however, their transport behaviors in soils remain largely unknown. This study examined the transport of two antibiotics, sulfamethoxazole (SMZ) and ciprofloxacin (CIP), in saturated porous media. Laboratory columns packed with quartz sand was used to test the effects of solution pH and ionic strength (IS) on their retention and transport. The results showed that these two antibiotics behaved differently in the saturated sand columns. In general, SMZ manifested a much higher mobility than CIP for all experimental conditions tested. Almost all SMZ transported through the columns within one pore volume in deionized water (i.e., pH=5.6, IS=0), but no CIP was detected in the effluents under the same condition after extended column flushing. Perturbations in solution pH (5.6 and 9.5) and IS (0 and 0.1M) showed no effect on SMZ transport in the saturated columns. When pH increased to 9.5, however, ~93% of CIP was eluted from the sand columns. Increase of IS from 0 to 0.1M also slightly changed the distribution of adsorbed CIP within the sand column at pH 5.6, but still no CIP was detected in the effluents. A mathematical model based on advection-dispersion equation coupled with equilibrium and kinetic reactions successfully simulated the transport of the antibiotics in water-saturated porous media with R(2)=0.99.  相似文献   

The codisposal of toxic metals and radionuclides with organic chelating agents has been implicated in the facilitated transport of the inorganic contaminants away from primary waste disposal areas. We investigated the transport of Co(II)NTA through undisturbed cores of fractured shale saprolite. Experiments were conducted across the pH range 4 to 8 by collecting cores from different locations within the weathering profile. Aqueous complexation, adsorption, dissociation and oxidation reactions influenced Co(II)NTA transport. The suite of reaction products identified in column effluent varied with experimental pH. At low pH and in the presence of abundant exchangeable aluminum, Co transport occurred predominantly as the Co2+ ion. At higher pH, Co was transported primarily as Co(II)NTA and the Co(III) species Co(III)(HNTA)2 and Co(III)(IDA)2. The formation of the geochemical oxidation products (Co(III) species) has far reaching implications as these compounds are kinetically and thermodynamically stable, are transported more rapidly than Co(II)NTA, and are resistant to biodegradation. These results demonstrate that natural minerals, in the physical structure encountered naturally, can be more important in the formation of mobile, stable contaminant forms than they can be for the retardation and dissociation of the contaminants.  相似文献   

Bacterial transport through cores of intact, glacial-outwash aquifer sediment was investigated with the overall goal of better understanding bacterial transport and developing a predictive capability based on the sediment characteristics. Variability was great among the cores. Normalized maximum bacterial-effluent concentrations ranged from 5.4x10(-7) to 0.36 and effluent recovery ranged from 2.9x10(-4) to 59%. Bacterial breakthrough was generally rapid with a sharp peak occurring nearly twice as early as the bromide peak. Bacterial breakthrough exhibited a long tail of relatively constant concentration averaging three orders of magnitude less than the peak concentration for up to 32 pore volumes. The tails were consistent with non-equilibrium detachment, corroborated by the results of flow interruption experiments. Bacterial breakthrough was accurately simulated with a transport model incorporating advection, dispersion and first-order non-equilibrium attachment/detachment. Relationships among bacterial transport and sediment characteristics were explored with multiple regression analyses. These analyses indicated that for these cores and experimental conditions, easily-measurable sediment characteristics--median grain size, degree of sorting, organic-matter content and hydraulic conductivity--accounted for 66%, 61% and 89% of the core-to-core variability in the bacterial effective porosity, dispersivity and attachment-rate coefficient, respectively. In addition, the bacterial effective porosity, median grain size and organic-matter content accounted for 76% of the inter-core variability in the detachment-rate coefficient. The resulting regression equations allow prediction of bacterial transport based on sediment characteristics and are a possible alternative to using colloid-filtration theory. Colloid-filtration theory, used without the benefit of running bacterial transport experiments, did not as accurately replicate the observed variability in the attachment-rate coefficient.  相似文献   

One of the most common methods to dispose of domestic wastewater involves the release of septic effluent from drains located in the unsaturated zone. Nitrogen from such systems is currently of concern because of nitrate contamination of drinking water supplies and eutrophication of coastal waters. The objectives of this study are to develop and assess the performance of a mechanistic flow and reactive transport model which couples the most relevant physical, geochemical and biochemical processes involved in wastewater plume evolution in sandy aquifers. The numerical model solves for variably saturated groundwater flow and reactive transport of multiple carbon- and nitrogen-containing species in a three-dimensional porous medium. The reactive transport equations are solved using the Strang splitting method which is shown to be accurate for Monod and first- and second-order kinetic reactions, and two to four times more efficient than sequential iterative splitting. The reaction system is formulated as a fully kinetic chemistry problem, which allows for the use of several special-purpose ordinary differential equation (ODE) solvers. For reaction systems containing both fast and slow kinetic reactions, such as the combined nitrogen-carbon system, it is found that a specialized stiff explicit solver fails to obtain a solution. An implicit solver is more robust and its computational performance is improved by scaling of the fastest reaction rates. The model is used to simulate wastewater migration in a 1-m-long unsaturated column and the results show significant oxidation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), the generation of nitrate by nitrification, and a slight decrease in pH.  相似文献   

Rock column experiments were performed to examine the effects of matrix diffusion and hydrodynamic dispersion on the migration of radionuclides at the laboratory scale. Tritiated water and chloride transportation was studied in intact mica gneiss and in altered more porous tonalite columns with narrow flow channels. The column diffusion properties were estimated prior to water flow experiments using the gas diffusion method with helium as the tracer gas. The numerical compartment model for advection and dispersion, with and without matrix diffusion, was used to interpret the tracer transport in the columns. Matrix diffusion behavior was also distinguished from dominating hydrodynamic dispersion in rock column experiments at the slowest water flow rates.  相似文献   

Packed bed laboratory column experiments were performed to simulate the biogeochemical processes resulting from microbially catalyzed oxidation of organic matter. These included aerobic respiration, denitrification, and Mn(IV), Fe(III) and SO(4) reduction processes. The effects of these reactions on the aqueous- and solid-phase geochemistry of the aquifer material were closely examined. The data were used to model the development of alkalinity and pH along the column. To study the independent development of Fe(III)- and SO(4)-reducing environments, two columns were used. One of the columns (column 1) contained small enough concentrations of SO(4) in the influent to render the reduction of this species unimportant to the geochemical processes in the column.The rate of microbially catalyzed reduction of Mn(IV) changed with time as evidenced by the variations in the initial rate of Mn(II) production at the head of the column. The concentration of Mn in both columns was controlled by the solubility of rhodochrosite (MnCO(3(S))).In the column where significant SO(4) reduction took place (column 2), the concentration of dissolved Fe(II) was controlled by the solubility of FeS. In column 1, where SO(4) reduction was not important, maximum dissolved Fe(II) concentrations were controlled by the solubility of siderite (FeCO(3(S))). Comparison of solid-phase and aqueous-phase data suggests that nearly 20% of the produced Fe(II) precipitates as siderite in column 1. The solid-phase analysis also indicates that during the course of experiment, approximately 20% of the total Fe(III) hydroxides and more than 70% of the amorphous Fe(III) hydroxides were reduced by dissimilatory iron reduction.The most important sink for dissolved S(-II) produced by the enzymatic reduction of SO(4) was its direct reaction with solid-phase Fe(III) hydroxides leading initially to the formation of FeS. Compared to this pathway, precipitation as FeS did not constitute an important sink for S(-II) in column 2. In this column, the total reacted S(-II) estimated from the concentration of dissolved sulfur species was in good agreement with the produced Cr(II)-reducible sulfur in the solid phase. Solid-phase analysis of the sulfur species indicated that up to half of the originally produced FeS may have possibly transformed to FeS(2).  相似文献   

A multi-dimensional and multi-species reactive transport model was developed to aid in the analysis of natural attenuation design at chlorinated solvent sites. The model can simulate several simultaneously occurring attenuation processes including aerobic and anaerobic biological degradation processes. The developed model was applied to analyze field-scale transport and biodegradation processes occurring at the Area-6 site in Dover Air Force Base, Delaware. The model was calibrated to field data collected at this site. The calibrated model reproduced the general groundwater flow patterns, and also, it successfully recreated the observed distribution of tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), dichloroethylene (DCE), vinyl chloride (VC) and chloride plumes. Field-scale decay rates of these contaminant plumes were also estimated. The decay rates are within the range of values that were previously estimated based on lab-scale microcosm and field-scale transect analyses. Model simulation results indicated that the anaerobic degradation rate of TCE, source loading rate, and groundwater transport rate are the important model parameters. Sensitivity analysis of the model indicated that the shape and extent of the predicted TCE plume is most sensitive to transmissivity values. The total mass of the predicted TCE plume is most sensitive to TCE anaerobic degradation rates. The numerical model developed in this study is a useful engineering tool for integrating field-scale natural attenuation data within a rational modeling framework. The model results can be used for quantifying the relative importance of various simultaneously occurring natural attenuation processes.  相似文献   

Rate limited processes including kinetic adsorption-desorption can greatly impact the fate and behavior of toxic arsenic compounds in heterogeneous soils. In this study, miscible displacement column experiments were carried out to investigate the extent of reactivity during transport of arsenite in soils. Arsenite breakthrough curves (BTCs) of Olivier and Windsor soils exhibited strong retardation with diffusive effluent fronts followed by slow release or tailing during leaching. Such behavior is indicative of the dominance of kinetic retention reactions for arsenite transport in the soil columns. Sharp decrease or increase in arsenite concentration in response to flow interruptions (stop-flow) further verified that non-equilibrium conditions are dominant. After some 40-60 pore volumes of continued leaching, 30-70% of the applied arsenite was retained by the soil in the columns. Furthermore, continued arsenite slow release for months was evident by the high levels of residual arsenite concentrations observed during leaching. In contrast, arsenite transport in a reference sand material exhibited no retention where complete mass recovery in the effluent solution was attained. A second-order model (SOM) which accounts for equilibrium, reversible, and irreversible retention mechanisms was utilized to describe arsenite transport results from the soil columns. Based on inverse and predictive modeling results, the SOM model successfully depicted arsenite BTCs from several soil columns. Based on inverse and predictive modeling results, a second-order model which accounts for kinetic reversible and irreversible reactions is recommended for describing arsenite transport in soils.  相似文献   

Miscible-displacement experiments were conducted to examine the impact of microbial lag and bacterial cell growth on the transport of salicylate, a model hydrocarbon compound. The impacts of these processes were examined separately, as well as jointly, to determine their relative effects on biodegradation dynamics. For each experiment, a column was packed with porous medium that was first inoculated with bacteria that contained the NAH plasmid encoding genes for the degradation of naphthalene and salicylate, and then subjected to a step input of salicylate solution. The transport behavior of salicylate was non-steady for all cases examined, and was clearly influenced by a delay (lag) in the onset of biodegradation. This microbial lag, which was consistent with the results of batch experiments, is attributed to the induction and synthesis of the enzymes required for biodegradation of salicylate. The effect of microbial lag on salicylate transport was eliminated by exposing the column to two successive pulses of salicylate, thereby allowing the cells to acclimate to the carbon source during the first pulse. Elimination of microbial lag effects allowed the impact of bacterial growth on salicylate transport to be quantified, which was accomplished by determining a cell mass balance. Conversely, the impact of microbial lag was further investigated by performing a similar double-pulse experiment under no-growth conditions. Significant cell elution was observed and quantified for all conditions/systems. The results of these experiments allowed us to differentiate the effects associated with microbial lag and growth, two coupled processes whose impacts on the biodegradation and transport of contaminants can be difficult to distinguish.  相似文献   

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