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Gannet (Morus bassanus) eggs from Bass Rock (North Sea) and Ailsa Craig (eastern Atlantic) were monitored for PCB congeners (1990-2004) and total mercury (1974-2004). Congener profiles for both colonies were dominated by PCBs 153, 138, 180, 118 and 170. All declined in concentration at Ailsa Craig but some (153, 170, 180) remained stable or increased slightly at Bass Rock. Egg congener concentrations at Bass Rock were typically 10-fold higher than at Ailsa Craig by 2002, and Principal Component Analysis indicated that colony differences were driven by the dominant congeners. Egg mercury concentrations were significantly lower at Bass Rock than at Ailsa Craig and temporal trends differed, there being a significant decline at Ailsa Craig but a marginal increase at Bass Rock. Our results suggest there may be differences in contamination between the eastern Atlantic and North Sea and/or there are colony differences in prey selection and associated contaminant loads.  相似文献   

Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) is a high production volume brominated flame retardant that has been detected in the environment and wildlife at increasing concentrations. This study was designed to determine potential effects of dietary exposure to environmentally relevant levels of HBCD on behavior during reproduction in captive American kestrels. Twenty kestrel pairs were exposed to 0.51 μg technical HBCD g−1 kestrel d−1 from 4 weeks prior to pairing until chicks hatched (∼75 d). Ten pairs of controls received the safflower oil vehicle only and were used for comparison. During the courtship period the chitter-calls were reduced in both sexes (p = 0.038) and females performed fewer bonding displays (p = 0.053). Both sexes showed a propensity to be less active than controls during courtship. The reduction in male courtship behavior was correlated with reduced courtship behaviors of females (p ? 0.008) as well as reduced egg mass (p = 0.019). During incubation, nest temperatures of treatment pairs were lower at mid-incubation (p = 0.038). HBCD-exposed males performed fewer key parental behaviors when rearing nestlings, including entering the nest-box, pair-bonding displays and food-retrievals. HBCD-exposed females appeared to compensate for the reduced parental behavior of their mates by performing these same behaviors more frequently than controls (p = 0.004, p = 0.027, p = 0.025, respectively). This study demonstrates that HBCD affects breeding behavior in American kestrels throughout the reproductive season and behavioral alterations were linked to reproductive changes (egg size). This is the first study to report HBCD effects on reproductive behavior in any animal model.  相似文献   

Fish-eating birds are particularly subject to accumulation of persistent organic pollutants, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been shown to constitute a major hazard for this group of birds. Grey heron (Ardea cinerea) hatchlings from two rookeries were applied as sentinel species to study PCB burdens in coastal ecosystems in mid Norway and north Norway, and plasma retinol and dioxin-equivalencies (sigmaTEQ) were applied to assess toxic effects of the PCB-burdens. The results show that grey herons appear to be amongst the fish-eating birds in Norway that are accumulating PCBs to the largest extent. There were no differences in sigmaPCB or sigmaTEQ in the yolk of grey heron hatchlings from the two rookeries and, accordingly, none in plasma retinol concentrations either. Furthermore, plasma retinol concentrations could not be related to sigmaPCB or sigmaTEQ. Thus, it seems that exposure levels are below the threshold for gross retinoid-related effects in grey heron hatchlings. There are also indications that the grey heron could be relatively insensitive to retinoid-related effects of PCBs. In the hatchlings with the highest pollutant levels, sigmaTEQs were in the lower range of levels that have been associated with reduced hatching success in other fish-eating bird species.  相似文献   

The effects of various factors including turbidity, pH, DOC, temperature, and solar radiation on the concentrations of total mercury (TM) and dissolved gaseous mercury (DGM) were investigated in an artificial reservoir in Korea. Episodic total mercury accumulation events occurred during the rainy season as turbidity increased, indicating that the TM concentration was not controlled by direct atmospheric deposition. The DGM concentration in surface water ranged from 3.6 to 160 pg/L, having a maximum in summer and minimum in winter. While in most previous studies DGM was controlled primarily by a photo-reduction process, DGM concentrations tracked the amount of solar radiation only in winter when the water temperature was fairly low in this study. During the other seasons microbial transformation seemed to play an important role in reducing Hg(II) to Hg(0). DGM increased as dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration increased (p-value < 0.01) while it increased with a decrease of pH (p-value < 0.01).  相似文献   

We studied pregnancy-related changes in serum concentrations of five polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs, CB 118, CB 138, CB 153, CB 156, CB 180), three hydroxylated PCB metabolites (4-OH-CB107, 4-OH-CB146, 4-OH-CB187), and pentachlorophenol (PCP). Median serum lipid content increased 2-fold between early (weeks 9-13) and late pregnancy (weeks 35-36) (N = 10), whereas median PCB levels in serum lipids decreased 20-46%, suggesting a dilution of PCB concentrations in serum lipids. Nevertheless, strong positive intra-individual correlations (Spearman’s r = 0.61-0.99) were seen for PCBs during the whole study period. Thus, if samples have been collected within the same relative narrow time window during pregnancy, PCB results from one single sampling occasion can be used in assessment of relative differences in body burdens during the whole pregnancy period. Concentrations of OH-PCBs in blood serum tended to decline as pregnancy progressed, although among some women the concentrations increased at the end of pregnancy. Positive intra-individual correlations (r = 0.66-0.99) between OH-PCB concentrations were observed during the first and second trimester, whereas correlations with third trimester concentrations were more diverging (r = −0.70-0.85). No decline in PCP concentrations was observed during pregnancy and no significant correlations were found between concentrations at different sampling periods. Our results suggest that for both OH-PCBs and PCP, sampling has to be more specifically timed depending on the time period during pregnancy that is of interest. The differences in patterns of intra- and inter-individual variability of the studied compounds may be due to a combination of factors, including lipid solubility, persistence of the compounds, distribution in blood, metabolic formation, and pregnancy-related changes in body composition and physiological processes.  相似文献   

Chicken eggs from five different production types (conventional, omega-3 enriched, free range, organic and free run) were collected, when available, from three regions (west, central and east) of Canada to determine persistent organic pollutant (POP) concentrations. Total polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations (∑37 congeners) in yolks from the eggs ranged from 0.162 ng g−1 lipid to 24.8 ng g−1 lipid (median 1.25 ng g−1 lipid) while the concentration of the sum of the 6 indicator PCBs ranged from 0.100 ng g−1 lipid to 9.33 ng g−1 lipid (median 0.495 ng g−1 lipid). Total polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin/dibenzofuran (PCDD/F) concentrations ranged from 2.37 pg g−1 lipid to 382 pg g−1 lipid (median 9.53 pg g−1 lipid). The 2005 WHO toxic equivalency (TEQ) ranged from 0.089 pg TEQPCDD/F+dioxin-like[DL]-PCB g−1 lipid to 12.8 pg TEQPCDD/F+DL-PCB g−1 lipid (median 0.342 pg TEQPCDD/F+DL-PCB g−1 lipid). PCB and PCDD/F concentrations were significantly different (p < 0.001) in egg yolks from different regions of collection. In contrast to observations in Europe, PCB and PCDD/F concentrations in Canadian egg yolks were not impacted solely by the production type (e.g., conventional, free range, organic, etc.) used to maintain the laying chickens. Additionally, only one Canadian free range yolk from western Canada (12.8 pg TEQPCDD/F+DL-PCB g−1 lipid) exceeded the European toxic equivalent concentration limits for eggs (5 pg TEQPCDD/F+DL-PCB g−1 lipid). This differs from observations in Europe where free range/home produced eggs frequently have higher POP concentrations than eggs from other production types. Median PCB dietary intake estimates based on consumption of eggs were less than 10 ng d−1 while median PCDD/F intakes were less than 45 pg d−1.  相似文献   

Airborne particle and gas samples were collected approx every 12 days from April 2002 to June 2006 at the Sterling Nature Center located near the southeast corner of Lake Ontario. These samples were analyzed for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDE). Clausius-Clapeyron (C–C) regression analyses of PCBs and DDE yielded moderate correlations (r2 = 0.54, p < 0.001; r2 = 0.74, p < 0.001, respectively) indicating that much of the variations in concentrations can be explained by temperature. Back trajectory analysis indicated that the most important factors driving unusually high PCB partial pressures relative to those predicted by the C–C regression were slow wind speeds and winds generally from the southwest. This combination, which occurred frequently in 2004, increased contact of the air with contaminated upwind surfaces with minimum dilution. Hybrid receptor modeling (Potential Source Contribution Function (PSCF)) results for the total PCBs identified the midwestern US region that contains the urban areas of southern Indiana (IN), southwestern Ohio (OH), and northern Kentucky (KY) having the highest PSCF values. In general urban areas like Chicago (IL), Detroit (MI), Cleveland (OH), St. Louis (MO), and Nashville (TN) also had significant possibilities. In contrast, the PSCF modeling for DDE identified northern Alabama as the area with the highest probability where DDT was applied to cotton fields.  相似文献   

Bioavailable water concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were assessed at several freshwater sites in and around the city of Amsterdam. Carp (Cyprinus carpio) were caged for 4 weeks at 10 sites, together with semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs). In addition, sediment samples were taken at each site. SPMDs and sediments were analysed for PAHs, PCBs and OCPs. Carp muscle tissues were analysed for PCBs and OCP, while PAH metabolites were assessed in fish bile. Contaminant concentrations in the water phase were estimated using three different methods: 1. Using fish tissue concentrations and literature bioconcentration factors (BCFs), 2. Using SPMD levels and a kinetic SPMD uptake model, and 3. Using sediment levels and literature sorption coefficients (Kocs). Since PAH accumulation in fish is not considered an accurate indicator of PAH exposure, calculated aqueous PAH concentrations from SPMD data were compared with semiquantitatively determined biliary PAH metabolite levels. Contaminant concentrations in the water phase estimated with fish data (Cwfish) and SPMD data (Cwspmd) were more in line for compounds with lower Kow than for compounds with higher Kow values. This indicates that the assumption of fish–water sorption equilibrium was not valid. At most sites, sediment-based water levels (Cwsed) were comparable with the Cwspmd, although large differences were observed at certain sites. A significant correlation was observed between biliary PAH metabolite levels in fish and aqueous PAH concentrations estimated with SPMD data, suggesting that both methods may be accurate indicators of PAH exposure in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

A cod liver oil reference material, Standard Reference Material (SRM) 1588, which was issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 1989, has certified concentrations for five polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners and ten chlorinated pesticides. Recently, this SRM has been extensively characterized by additional analyses at NIST and by analyses at the Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) where the SRM was used as a control sample during routine analyses of wildlife tissue specimens. In this paper the results from NIST and CWS are compared and the concentrations for over 40 PCB congeners and 20 chlorinated hydrocarbons are reported.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) has been suggested as the major cause of the European otter (Lutra lutra) population decline. This study investigates temporal and geographical changes in otter numbers as well as total PCB and sigma DDT concentrations in otters and their food in different parts of Sweden with various pollution impacts during three decades. In Sweden, rare species belong to the State and carcasses of such specimens are sent to the authorities. Two-hundred and eight specimens have been used to investigate temporal and spatial variation in the otter populations during 1968 and 1999. One-hundred and twenty-five of them have been chemically analysed. The population trends in northern Sweden coincide with the temporal trends of the contaminants. When concentrations of PCBs decrease in the environment, otter population increases. Neither aldrin/dieldrin nor mercury pollution seem to explain why the Swedish otter populations decreased dramatically during the 1960s-1980s. In southern Sweden total PCB concentrations are still high and the indications of improvement of the population are weak.  相似文献   

This work presents the concentrations of twenty PCB congeners, p,p'-DDT, and its two main metabolites, p,p'-DDE, p,p'-TDE, As, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn found in common chameleon eggs from nine different nests located in Southwest Spain. Of the heavy metals and arsenic, Zn and Cu exhibited the highest concentrations in egg contents (ranging from 10100 to 12950 and from 567 to 706 ng g(-1) wet weight basis [w.w.], respectively) and eggshells (ranging from 5605 to 13290 ng g(-1)w.w. for Zn and from 1487 to 4361 ng g(-1)w.w. for Cu). Total PCB concentrations in egg contents ranged from 32 to 52 ng g(-1)w.w. and were higher than total dichlorodiphenylethanes concentrations (ranging from 0.67 to 1.9 ng g(-1)w.w., calculated as the sum of p,p'-DDT plus p,p'-DDE and p,p'-TDE). Comparison of the data from the present study with the data from a study conducted in 1997 revealed a large decrease in Pb concentration and a twofold increase in PCB concentrations. Taking into account all the pollutants investigated, the contamination level found in common chameleon eggs from Southwest Spain was generally lower than has been reported in the literature for eggs of different reptile species. However, it should be borne in mind that most of the data found in the literature refer to highly polluted areas.  相似文献   


Composite samples of unhatched and physically unaltered loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta, eggs collected from 20 nests along northwest Florida were analyzed for organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and metals. Chemical analyses revealed that turtle eggs contained detectable amounts of metals, PAHs, and PCBs. Only one OCP, p, p'‐DDD, was detected, and its presence was restricted to eggs from two nesting sites. None of the PCB concentrations exceeded the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) action limit. Concentrations of dioxin‐like PCB congeners, 105, 118, and 126, and total PCBs were also detected and are contributors to the toxic burden of loggerhead sea turtle eggs. Concentrations of PAHs, 1,2,5,6‐dibenzanthracene, 1‐methyl naphthalene, Cl‐naphthalene and naphthalene were variable at nesting sites. Comparison of mean metal burdens in eggs from different beaches suggested that no uniform geographic gradients exist. Presence of OCPs, PCBs, PAHs and metals and their additive or synergistic toxicity is a concern to loggerhead sea turtle eggs; however, additive or synergistic impacts for loggerhead sea turtles are largely undocumented.  相似文献   

Ambient concentrations, congener patterns and multi-media distribution of PCDD/Fs and PCBs were determined in air, water, sediment and mussels in a semi-enclosed marine ecosystem (Thau lagoon, France). summation operator2,3,7,8-PCDD/F and summation operator7ICES PCB air concentrations (0.2-1.4 and 31-57pg m(-3), respectively) were typical of rural areas. Concentrations in the water column were very low for PCDD/Fs (163-476fg L(-1)) and low for PCBs (138-708pg L(-1)). PCDD/F and PCB concentrations found in surface sediment (0.15-1.6 and 2.5-33ng g(-1) d.w., respectively) and mussel (13-21pg g(-1) d.w. and 10-39ng g(-1) d.w., respectively) were medium levels. PCDD/F congener patterns observed in air, water particulate phase and sediments were similar suggesting direct coupling among these compartments and atmospheric inputs of PCDD/Fs into the lagoon. Conversely, for the same set of samples, similar patterns were not observed for PCBs in the mentioned compartments.  相似文献   

Composite samples of unhatched and physically unaltered loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta, eggs collected from 20 nests along northwest Florida were analyzed for organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and metals. Chemical analyses revealed that turtle eggs contained detectable amounts of metals, PAHs, and PCBs. Only one OCP, p,p'-DDD, was detected, and its presence was restricted to eggs from two nesting sites. None of the PCB concentrations exceeded the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) action limit. Concentrations of dioxin-like PCB congeners, 105, 118, and 126, and total PCBs were also detected and are contributors to the toxic burden of loggerhead sea turtle eggs. Concentrations of PAHs, 1,2,5,6-dibenzanthracene, 1-methyl naphthalene, C1-naphthalene and naphthalene were variable at nesting sites. Comparison of mean metal burdens in eggs from different beaches suggested that no uniform geographic gradients exist. Presence of OCPs, PCBs, PAHs and metals and their additive or synergistic toxicity is a concern to loggerhead sea turtle eggs; however, additive or synergistic impacts for loggerhead sea turtles are largely undocumented.  相似文献   

The Rybinsk Reservoir (Russia) is the largest artificial waterbody in Europe (4550 km2) and provides drinking water for population of the cities located along the coast line. Industrialization in Cherepovets at the northeastern portion of the reservoir, including one of the largest metallurgical facilities in Europe, has resulted in chemical contamination of the reservoir. The extent of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) contamination in bream liver, a common fish species, taken from six locations in the Rybinsk Reservoir and Volga River, and biochemical and morphometric biomarkers of fish health were investigated. Liver PCB concentrations ranged from non-detected to 3.4 microg/g wet wt of liver, with the greatest concentrations found in fish taken near the industrialized area in Sheksna Reach of Rybinsk Reservoir. The source of the bream contamination is the PCB pollution of bottom organisms and sediments conditioned with industrialization facilities of Cherepovets. The patterns of the PCB congeners in the livers of bream taken near Cherepovets were similar at all of the stations that were sampled around the reservoir and Volga River. Among the common fish health biomarkers used only liver total ChE activity and liver-somatic index in bream near Cherepovets can reflect environmental pollution. Other morphometric (FCF, Clark's condition factors, and spleen-somatic index) and biochemical (protein content and acetylcholinesterase activity in the brain) biomarkers related with fish health varied among locations, but were not correlated to the concentrations of PCBs in the bream livers.  相似文献   

Concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) were determined in 23 soil samples collected at reference sites of the Swiss national soil monitoring network (NABO). Total PCDD/F and PCB concentrations are well correlated and proportional (R2=0.720). The total PCDD/F levels were between 72 and 703 ng/kg corresponding to 1.1-11 ng I-TEQ/kg, total PCB concentrations (sum of seven congeners IUPAC no. 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, and 180) were from 1.1 to 12 microg/kg. In all samples, the PCDD/F and PCB concentrations were in the range of background levels for these contaminants in Central Europe. Ninteen samples revealed PCDD/F levels below the guide value of 5 ng I-TEQ/kg set by the Swiss ordinance relating to impacts on the soil (OIS); concentrations for the remaining four samples were below the trigger value (20 ng I-TEQ/kg). All PCB concentrations were below the guide value of 100 microg/kg. The elevated PCDD/F and PCB levels in some of the samples originating from forested sites could be attributed to the scavenging effect of forest canopies for semivolatile organic compounds. This interpretation could be substantiated by the observed distortion of the congener and homolog patterns of PCDD/F and PCB which is characteristic for forested sites.  相似文献   

The transfer of radioactive caesium from soils to plants has been well researched. In contrast there is limited knowledge on natural stable 133Cs and its potential role as a predictor for radiocaesium behaviour. In a pot experiment with Agrostis capillaris close correlations were found between plant 137Cs and plant 133Cs concentrations (R2 90-96%). Season and leaf age had significant effects with concentrations increasing 10-30-fold between June and December. Simultaneously the plant concentrations of K, the nutrient analogue of Cs, decreased to around one third. In the soil the exchangeable fractions of K and 137Cs declined. No clear relationships were found between 137+133Cs in the plant and exchangeable K in the soil. However, at the end of the experiment the K content of the above-ground biomass was higher than the exchangeable pool in the soil, suggesting that depletion of soil K could be a key factor in the observed increase of plant 137+133Cs over time.  相似文献   

The hexachlorocyclohexane-isomers (HCH), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (4,4′-DDT) and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethene (4,4′-DDE) have been measured in urban and rural air around the city of Ulm (F. R. G., 48.4° N, 10.0° E). The sampling stations are typical for continental air in the westerlies of the northern hemisphere including local and regional influences. The analytical method consists of adsorptive sampling of large volumes (1000 m3) of air on silica gel, solvent desorption with CH2Cl2, preseparation of the collected chlorinated C6/C14 hydrocarbons by liquid adsorption chromatography on silica gel, and high resolution capillary gas chromatography with electron capture-(HRGC/ECD) or mass-selective detection (HRGC/MSD). The concentrations found in the lower troposphere under different meteorological conditions reflect regional input and long range transport. The levels found range from 1 pg/m3 for 4,4′-DDT to 10 ng/m3 for gamma HCH.  相似文献   

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